All posts by Geopolitics101

The Neil Keenan Timeline

“With the revelation of Neil Keenan assuming the position as M1/N1, once again we find ourselves answering unnecessary questions.  It is quite revealing that the loudest backlash to this news has been from those individuals who have not done one thing toward making the world better – not one overt action to improve humanity’s condition.
They look for a handout no matter from which direction it comes.”
Continue reading The Neil Keenan Timeline

Dempsey’s Pentagon Aided Assad with Military Intelligence – Hersh

In a 7,000 word London Review of Books article, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh unleashed another bombshell against Washington warmongers by claiming
that during Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey’s time, the Pentagon offered intelligence assistance to Syrian President Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Continue reading Dempsey’s Pentagon Aided Assad with Military Intelligence – Hersh

Bill Gates, Monsanto & Saudi Arabia are Raping Nigeria with Terror & GMO

There is now a two-sided Nazionist attack on the Nigerians by the House of Saud using government armed resources adn “white mercenaries”, and through the Bill Gates-Monsanto clique using its own terrorist group, Boko Haram and Blackwater/Academi Mercenaries.
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If the United States is Nazified, Eurozone is the New Soviet Union

When World War 2 ended everybody celebrated the fall of the Nazis only to find later on that their very country is occupied and ruled by Nazi agents, e.g. George HW Bush, George W. Bush, Jr., Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski,

This is now the case with the European Union that behaves more like the collapsed Soviet Union.
Continue reading If the United States is Nazified, Eurozone is the New Soviet Union

Alt+Media is Winning: 60% of Americans Distrust Mainstream Media

A continuing trend of distrust against mainstream media shows the effectiveness of the efforts of independent alternative media.
In 2009, only 45% fairly trusted the mainstream media, while 2 out of 10 have no confidence whatsoever. That trend continues today…
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Bombshell! Norway Confirms ISIS Oil Sold into Turkey at Low Prices

A Norwegian oil and gas consulting firm tapped by the Norway government has confirmed in its reports that most of the oil smuggled by Islamic State ended up into Turkey refineries at very low prices.
This independent official Norwegian government-sanctioned report is another bombshell revelation against the US denial of not knowing about ISIS and Turkey oil smuggling operations.
Continue reading Bombshell! Norway Confirms ISIS Oil Sold into Turkey at Low Prices

Pentagon Issued Another Stupid Disclaimers

In another show of Schizophrenic symptoms, the United States has issued multiple disclaimers as to its culpability in its attack on Syrian military positions killing 20+ soldiers and scores wounded, and its recent incursion into “Chinese airspace” in the South China Sea.
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Here’s why Nazionists Launched Multiple False Flag Operations this Year

We have been annoyed at the successive barrages of shooting drama in parallel with actual militarized police exercises showcasing lone nuts, Islamist characters, punctuated by mainstream media nutheads’ idiotic tampering of the “crime scene.”
Continue reading Here’s why Nazionists Launched Multiple False Flag Operations this Year

CISA Quietly Passed by Congress thru Sleight of Hand

Christmas season is that time of the year when so-called non-profit organizations intensify their fund raising campaigns capitalizing on the prevailing spirit of giving, and your own government silently passes unpopular legislations while you are too busy haggling for some knick-knacks just in time for the family’s gift-giving ceremony.
Continue reading CISA Quietly Passed by Congress thru Sleight of Hand

US Air Force Just Killed 20+ Iraqi Soldiers, Injured 30 for Islamic State

The United States military is known globally for its surgical airstrikes and, with their billion dollar stealth warplanes, they don’t missed their targets ever.
The 55th Iraqi Brigade were scoring high against the Islamic State inside Iraq and it is only prudent for the American forces to eliminate them on purpose. After all, that’s what the US Air Force is for, i.e. to protect and defend the terrorists on the ground securing their oily interests.
Continue reading US Air Force Just Killed 20+ Iraqi Soldiers, Injured 30 for Islamic State

Immortalizing Putin

For the first time in our recent history, somebody is standing up against the exceptionalist norms and, unlike JFK, is getting away with it.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is truly making his country proud and as expected the nationalist fervor enabled the country to survive all economic and geopolitical sanctions unleashed upon by its enemies, which ironically Putin endearingly calls their “partners”.
Continue reading Immortalizing Putin

RIP-OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE: Charges of Multi-Trillion Fraud Filed vs. Bankers

“The economic scheme in the U.S. of creating fiat book-entry money via T-securities in the amount of the principal of the security with a promise to repay the principal PLUS the interest (i.e., deficit spending) is impossible. The interest is never created.
The debt must continually be increased to pay interest on earlier securities or the scheme will collapse.”
Continue reading RIP-OFF BY THE FEDERAL RESERVE: Charges of Multi-Trillion Fraud Filed vs. Bankers

Erdogan Charges Sarin Gas Smuggling Whistle-blower MP with Treason

Remember the false flag sarin gas attack falsely attributed to the Syrian government against the Syrians in Allepo and elsewhere, which event served as the pretext for Western “humanitarian” intervention in Syria by supporting and arming of “moderate rebels”?
The sarin gas being used to kill hundreds of Syrians turned out to be smuggled through Turkey from Europe.
Continue reading Erdogan Charges Sarin Gas Smuggling Whistle-blower MP with Treason

Syrian Army Just 7 Km from Sealing Off ISIS Lattakia Oil Route

The Syrian Army has made great strides in recovering the highway being used by ISIS oil tanker trucks at the Turkey-Lattakia border.
syrian army 7km away from turkish border map
isis oil smugling route
These critical advances will facilitate the supply of more materiel for the final push to recover the entire Lattakia province from the enemy and seal off that part of the Syrian border with Turkey.
Continue reading Syrian Army Just 7 Km from Sealing Off ISIS Lattakia Oil Route

Aside from Vanguard, Nazionists also have Genie Energy [GNE]

The Nazionists Khazarian Mafia are not on the exit door just yet. In fact, they are embedding themselves into some shell corporations owned by their Rothschild godfather so that when the fiat dollar is finally put out of circulation, they could still feed themselves generously.
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Costly Paris Climate Conference Adopts Old Methods to Curb "Global Warming"

Nothing has changed from all past advertised “global warming” mitigation measures. The Paris Climate Change fanatics adopt, after “intense negotiations,” a partly legally binding and partly voluntary agreement which, when ratified by all parties, will require the reduction of carbon emissions such that only a maximum of “below 2 degree Celsius” of global warming will be allowed.
Continue reading Costly Paris Climate Conference Adopts Old Methods to Curb "Global Warming"

Caught with Pants Down, White House Invokes Right to Play Dumb & Stupid

Just over a week ago, PBS aired a Pentagon narrative claiming they’re now bombing targets that they were ignoring before to avoid civilian casualties, i.e. ISIS lifeline including oil trucks and refineries. The problem was that, in order to support the inherently fabricated narrative with facts, the newscast used the footage of ISIS controlled refineries being bombed by the Russians.
Continue reading Caught with Pants Down, White House Invokes Right to Play Dumb & Stupid

Ukraine Receives Old Humvees & Recycled Vests for $250 Million US Aid

In the same tradition as the “five armed and trained moderate rebels” in Syria for a meager $500 million US taxpayers’ money, war salesmen raked another huge profits from $250 million supposed military aid to Ukraine for new military materiel, yet the only equipment that the close friend Nazi Poroshenko receives are old Humvees and recycled bulletproof vests.
Continue reading Ukraine Receives Old Humvees & Recycled Vests for $250 Million US Aid

IMF Backstabs Russia by Lifting Loan Ban vs. Debt-dodging Ukraine

States with standing, overdue loans do not qualify for a new IMF loan. IMF, in violation of its own rules, just lifted the ban on loan to states with overdue accounts, particularly Ukraine .
The Fund is said to be giving Ukraine a new loan tranche which includes condition of Kiev not to pay Russia.
Continue reading IMF Backstabs Russia by Lifting Loan Ban vs. Debt-dodging Ukraine

ISIS-Turkish Heroin Smuggling Foiled Over Serbian Border

One of Khazarian Mafia’s main sources of funds is the illegal drug trade that is run by its errand paramilitary and terror groups.
The heroin business is also the favorite enterprise of empires seeking to destroy and profit from targeted countries as a means of conquest.
Continue reading ISIS-Turkish Heroin Smuggling Foiled Over Serbian Border

China’s Projected $1.2 Trillion 10-year Off-Shore Investments Nearly Reached in 2015

Back in late 2014, China projected that its off-shore direct investments will reach $1.2 trillion, Financial Times reported. Today, China’s outbound direct investments has been projected to reach $1 trillion by the end of the 2015.
This is real positive action at work instead of microphone diplomacy and doublespeak.
Continue reading China’s Projected $1.2 Trillion 10-year Off-Shore Investments Nearly Reached in 2015

US Military Continues to Protect Islamic State, Bombs Syrian Army Camp

Once again, the United States hypocrisy is being manifested in Syria as one of its fighter bombers hit a Syrian position protecting civilians in Syrian province of Deir Ezzor, killing 1 soldier and critically wounding half dozen others on Sunday evening.
Continue reading US Military Continues to Protect Islamic State, Bombs Syrian Army Camp

Thousands of Takfiri Terrorists Lay Down Arms in Syria

For the last 24 hours alone over 180 wanted militants turned themselves in to the Syrian authorities in Dara’a.
The Syrian government has implemented an armistice program to lure the rebels and Takfiri terrorists back into civilian lives, as military efforts alone cannot guarantee the end of terrorism everywhere.
Continue reading Thousands of Takfiri Terrorists Lay Down Arms in Syria

San Bernardino “Mass Shooting” Unleashed to Silence Russian Bombshell re ISIS-NATO Oil Weapons Swaps

Mainstream media are on a defensive after Russian ISIS-Turkey complicity bombshell, they must have other newsworthy subjects to air on.
For the last 2 days, world media are forced to discuss the official pronouncements of the Russian MoD detailing at least 3 routes of “living pipelines”, all terminating inside Turkey.
Continue reading San Bernardino “Mass Shooting” Unleashed to Silence Russian Bombshell re ISIS-NATO Oil Weapons Swaps

Neil Keenan Nominated for N1 with Full Authority to Disburse GCA for Free Energy & Other Humanitarian Projects

This is a very positive development towards the actual release of humanitarian funds slated early next year.
The Keenan Group has been telegraphing over many moons ago that the Asian Elders, the guardians of historical treasures, preferred to release massive humanitarian assistance by the first month of 2016.
Continue reading Neil Keenan Nominated for N1 with Full Authority to Disburse GCA for Free Energy & Other Humanitarian Projects

Russia has officially identified 3 routes of Illegal ISIS Oil to Erdogan’s Government

As expected, Vladimir Putin’s retaliation against Erdogan’s folly is “swift, cold and unexpected”.
“Turkey’s leadership, including President Erdogan and his family, is involved in illegal oil trade with Islamic State militants, says the Russian Defense Ministry, stressing that Turkey is the final destination for oil smuggled from Syria and Iraq.
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Erdogan Demands Evidence of ISIS Oil Purchases, Free Syrian Army Obliges

Breaking: Russia has officially identified 3 routes of Illegal ISIS Oil to Erdogan’s Government
After Vladimir Putin accused Erdogan’s government of backstabbing and one of 40 ISIS financiers, it demanded more evidence aside from those that have been already blown to smithereens by Russian warplanes.
Erdogan offered to resign if such evidence directly linking him to ISIS oil smuggling exists.
Continue reading Erdogan Demands Evidence of ISIS Oil Purchases, Free Syrian Army Obliges

Chinese Yuan is now a Reserve Currency & Will Be Gold Backed

The International Monetary Fund has just included the Chinese Yuan in its SDR basket of currencies paving the way for it to become a currency of choice starting October 2016. This Yuan SDR inclusion will further shutdown the dominance of the dollar as the preferred currency for global exchange.
Continue reading Chinese Yuan is now a Reserve Currency & Will Be Gold Backed