All posts by Geopolitics101

Greek Parliament Capitulates to Germany / EU Lenders

Approximately $50 billion of Greek assets are to be sold out to obtain fiat liquidity in return. This is on top of the massive increase in tax rates and further reduction on its pension fund.
Even if all preconditions are to be followed this bailout agreement will never free Greece from its debt for the next 100 years because it is not designed to be so. This is a blatant raid on a sovereign economy.
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Cancel the Bailout! – Greeks Hit the Streets of Athens Again

It was unexpected when after the Greeks loudly said OXI, Alexis Tsipras instead acted as if he heard NAI [although, “nai” does sound more like Trojan “no”].
Now, the confused Greeks are hitting the streets once again. A deputy finance minister has also tendered her resignation from the government.
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Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years!

The one-sided relationship between the Philippines and the United States dates back to 1902 when the last revolutionaries capitulated to the US military after fighting the Spanish 6 years before. The Spanish American War resulted in the transfer of control over this country from the Spaniards into the hands of the Americans.
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Full scale cyber war erupts in wake of Greek default, Pentagon takes on Khazarian mafia

by benjamin
July 13, 2015
The Greek default has triggered major cyber and information warfare that raged across the world last week. The warfare involved banks, defense firms, major stock markets, telecommunications firms and more. For example, the July 8th cyber-attack that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, United Airlines and several mobile phone companies was retaliation for an American attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, according to Chinese and Pentagon sources. “This was just a dry run,” the Pentagon sources said.
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Establishing A Parallel Economic System for Global Peace & Abundance

For every economic crisis any country is experiencing today there’s always a banker behind it. The bankers control which sector of the economy rises and which one needs to fall. They dictate the entire direction to which we, the people of the world, will march towards, every step of the way.
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America Running Out of Time; Oathkeepers Urge Preparation

While speaking at the New York Oath Keepers Awards Banquet, Founder and Director of Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes urges all Oath Keeper chapters across the country to hold an Emergency Summit by state, in order to prepare for an economic collapse.
‘Assume the worst’ and formulate support teams. Food storage the most crucial.
America running out of time.  Support teams urged.

Global Accounts Elders Prefer January 1st for Humanitarian Aid Release [Keenan]

Just like we’ve always warned about the attempt of the Jesuits, aka Khazarian Mafia, to hijack the upcoming massive release of humanitarian aid through the BRICS financial mechanisms, or otherwise, by proclaiming a “debt jubilee” and a partial controlled ET disclosure, the Keenan Group is advising everyone to stay away from any “Jubilee” sounding schemes.
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Ceasefire in Yemen After Russia Accommodates Saudi $10B Investment

We posted a while ago that Saudi Arabia may be foregoing its objective to oust Assad for its EU oil pipeline project in exchange for an opportunity to invest in the Russian market. Now, the House of Saud is also putting its one-sided war with the Houthis in Yemen on hold.
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"We're Training Our ISIL Forces" – Obama

The US Central Intelligence Agency is frustrated for being asked to train the ISIL terrorist group and at the very same time to combat it, a former CIA contractor says.
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Saudi Arabia Diversifies Portfolio with $10B Investment into Russia

Previously, it was the Vanguard Group seen diversifying its portfolio in China which might be the prime cause of the present Chinese stock turbulence. Now, the House of Saud is proving it can act on its own and seek geopolitical alliances with other players, i.e. BRICS through Russia.
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Human Trafficking Provided Slave Labor to Secret Space Programs

There’s now a growing body of circumstantial evidence and direct first hand testimonies that the massive human trafficking were not just used for feeding the insatiable appetite of high profile pedophiles and sex maniacal royalties but also to provide slave labor in secret off planet colonies run by private corporations under the umbrella of the black budgeted projects involving multiple corporate governments.
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Inflexible EU Creates Conditions for Russia and China to Act

There is a great probability that even with the resounding NO vote against austerity the EU Vultures will never give away their inflexible position and just let the Greek economy slide deeper into recession. This creates impetus for the BRICS Alliance to come in as it has been itching for the past few weeks before the successful Greferendum.
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Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

July 6, 2015

The Greek default and subsequent Greek “No” vote to payments of further blood money to bankers, has put a sense of urgency to ongoing negotiations for a new financial system, according to Western and Asian sources. At the same time, the Khazarian mob is resorting to increasingly futile threats and manufactured terror incidents in an attempt to stave off its inevitable ouster from control of banking.
Continue reading Top secret negotiations continue as Greek “No” vote pressures Western oligarchy to surrender

Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain thru Artificial Intelligence

When systems designer and software engineers discovered the thin red line between machines and humans, they have undoubtedly opened a Pandora ’s Box, just like when Nikola Tesla found out all the grave possibilities of using high-voltage, high frequency as well as ELF electromagnetic waves on the atmosphere, the human brain and on the fragile planet itself.
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$100B BRICS Monetary Fund to Be Operational in 30 Days

While the Atlantic nations and their allies are covertly negotiating on how to strengthen the Corporatocracy by passing secretive trade agreements that even the puppet lawmakers haven’t read yet or don’t really care to know what’s in them, the BRICS countries have been busy organizing multiple banks with committed funding of $100 billion each, to cater the needs of underdeveloped nations without the usual strings attached.
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Athenian Democracy vs. Neoliberal Gods

Tsipras is, of course, right; he had to call a referendum because the troika had delivered “an ultimatum towards Greek democracy and the Greek people.” Indeed, “an ultimatum at odds with the founding principles and values of Europe.”
Continue reading Athenian Democracy vs. Neoliberal Gods

The Troika Swindlers Are Just Stalling, The British Monarchy is Not

Most of us here have already understood that the whole financial system is rigged down to its core. We understand that the money they conveniently called liquidity are made out of thin air; the only stock in the market that is not subject to speculation is the human resource and the products they produced. The rest are mere pigments of their imagination and have nothing to do with the real economy.
Continue reading The Troika Swindlers Are Just Stalling, The British Monarchy is Not

Greek Default: What are the Options?

Do the Greeks deserve to be free from debt slavery?
As harsh as this simple question would be, this actually applies to everyone. The rulers of the world have their own doctrine, i.e. a presumption that people must be ruled before they kill themselves with their freedom.
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The Lies and Deception Known as the European Union

We’ve long known that trade pacts and organized economic blocks are not really instituted for our benefit but for facilitating totalitarian control in its grandest scale, and the recent leaking of the IMF document, emphasizing the futility for Greece to have accepted the Troika’s terms, only proves that sinister objective even more.
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Greece Intends to Become A BRICS Member

After the Greeks say a loud “OXI” come July 5th, Greece might consider Putin’s offer for her to become the newest BRICS member on July 9th as the organization holds its annual meeting in Russia. When that happens, it will be the biggest slap to the European Cabalists as the once beacon of democracy officially pivots to the East.
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Bill & Hillary’s Body Count Increases!

Covert crimes can only be sustained by committing more of it. This has always been the case with the Bush family, i.e. from aiding and abetting the rise of Hitler, to the murder of Nikola Tesla, and the 9/11 WTC controlled demolition leading to the murder of millions more in Iraq and Afghanistan…
… and so with the Clintons.
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Nazionist Banking Cabal May Inject Civil War in Greece

Update 6 July: Bloomberg just predicted that within 48 hours unrest will engulf Greece after its resounding “NO” vote against the Troika bailout program. Will the unrest be coming from the outside? Or, will they use embedded agents and NGOs like previous color revolutions?
48 hours away from greek unrest

What Happens Next?

Emergency negotiations start again this week. Euro-area leaders are set to meet Tuesday evening in Brussels, and things will get started Monday beginning with conference calls among the European players.
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was set to hold a conference call Monday morning with European Central Bank head Mario Draghi and Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who heads the Eurogroup of euro-area finance chiefs.
Djisselbloem noted the “very regrettable” Greek result in a statement released on Sunday night.

I take note of the outcome of the Greek referendum. This result is very regrettable for the future of Greece. For recovery of the Greek economy, difficult measures and reforms are inevitable. We will now wait for the initiatives of the Greek authorities. The Eurogroup will discuss the state of play on Tuesday 7 July.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet French President Francois Hollande in Paris on Monday evening.
The ECB Governing Council is also due to talk, with a decision pending on what to do about Greek banks given the increased risk of default. Euro-area finance ministers are slated to meet at 1 p.m. on Tuesday in Brussels.
On the Greek side, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will need to find a replacement for Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who resigned the morning after the referendum. He’ll also have to decide what to do about the banks, which were shut all last week.
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This one is somewhat extreme but still probable giving the propensity of the Banking Cabal for taking aggressive measures whenever their position is threatened like in the case in Greece right now.

The Mood On The Ground In Greece: “Some Have Raised The Prospect Of Civil War”

Earlier today, John O’Connell, CEO of Davis Rea, spoke to Canada’s BNN from what may be Greece’s top tourist attraction, the island of Santorini, to give a sense of the “mood on the ground.” Not surprisingly, his feedback was that, at least as far as tourists are concerned, nobody is worried. After all, it is not their funds that are capital constrained plus should the Drachma return as the local currency, the purchasing power of foreigners will skyrocket.
What he did point out, however, that was quite notable is the diametrically opposing views between old and young Greeks when it comes to Grexit.
According to O’Connell, “the old people want to vote for Europe cause they have a lot to lose, they have their pensions, but the younger population – they are already poor, they are already unemployed – and they don’t have much to lose. Their attitude is it’s going to be tough, it’s already tough, and so why not just move on go back to the Drachma, and they’re ok with that.
Their attitude is in 5 to 10 years I’ll be better off. They believe there’s a lot of misinformation. They believe they’re being pressured by European countries particularly Germany that are holding them to very difficult terms.”
He continues: “whatever the polls may way, the young population is going to vote to leave the Euro and deal with the problems long-term.”
Finally, his take on capital controls and tourism: “You are going to see a big, big drop off in tourism because people are not going to want to come here. People are going to worry that if people do come here with a lot of Euro, are they going to be allowed to leave with those Euros.
It’s going to have a dramatic impact on the Greek economy at some point, a lot of the people that live here are underestimating how bad it could get in the short term.”
The punchline:
There have been some people that worry that the military may actually get involved. It wouldn’t surprise me – there are some people in Greece that have raised the whole prospect of potential civil war.
Who would benefit the most from a Greek civil war? Why the biggest exporter of weapons in the world, of course: the United States.
So dear Greeks: please avoid Kiev-style, CIA-inspired “Maidan type” provocations. The US military industrial complex is wealthy enough without your help.
Full video after the jump.
One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.
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LGBT Parade Has Provided Cover for "Fast Track" Signing

Obama government has just executed a slight of hand against the Sheeples by exploiting its counterpart’s action in the corporate hierarchy,  i.e. the Supreme Court’s favorable ruling on same sex marriage, by signing the fast track authority.
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FBI Insider Warns A False Flag on 4th of July

While mainstream media are trying to dampen concerns about the possible grave effects of a Greek default to the Western economy, American patriots are being forewarned about a possible false flag event that is expected to occur on the 4th of July American Independence celebrations, and is also the eve of the Greek bailout referendum.
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Greece Won't Pay IMF Dues Today, Declaring Default

This is of course logical since a NO vote is highly expected on the 5th of July, the day of the Greek Referendum on IMF bailout proposal. Besides, even if it wants to, the Greeks are just bleeding long enough it would be impossible for them to pay without collapsing their own economy permanently.
An official declaration of default to the fiat economic system will be announced later today.
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Greek Domino falls, China moves in to pick up the pieces

June 29, 2015

So, it has finally happened, Greece has shut down its banks and imposed capital controls. And so the dominoes start to fall. This is only the first act in a grand opera that will continue to unfold in the coming months. To try to guess what is in store for the European Union, it is good to take a look at how the fall of the Soviet Union took place.
Continue reading Greek Domino falls, China moves in to pick up the pieces

Greece Closes Banks 'til Referendum as ECB Flip-flops on ELA

Earlier, the ECB committed to not cutting the ELA funds to the Greek banks. But this has turned out to be a fluke as most of those in the Troika are hell bent on toppling the Tsipras government in much the same way as they imposed sanctions on Russia to topple Vladimir Putin.
Continue reading Greece Closes Banks 'til Referendum as ECB Flip-flops on ELA

Cabal Markets Plunge as Greeks Scream “We don’t owe, we won’t sell, we won’t pay.”

Stock markets worldwide are plunging just by the virtue of the Greeks’ unwillingness to bite the austerity bullet once more as imposed upon them by the Troika Vulture Funds.
Continue reading Cabal Markets Plunge as Greeks Scream “We don’t owe, we won’t sell, we won’t pay.”

What's Next for Greece?

Pain, heartbreak and then…. Recovery!
That’s from their own Thema news network, and that maybe is where the Greeks are headed after the majority in the Greek Parliament voted to have the Troika bailout terms be put to a national referendum.
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