All posts by Geopolitics101

Fiat Financial System's Assured Collapse Sans Greek Contagion

This is a pretty concise and truthful take on the current mufti-layered financial-geopolitical drama centered on the Atlantic economies, and is a very useful addition to what we already know to date.
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Tsipras Gov't Submits EU Bailout "Blackmail" to Nat'l Referendum; Greeks Still Lining Up in ATMs @ 2AM

Greek PM Tsipras just submitted the IMF/ECB/EU’s “humiliating and blackmail” bailout proposal that requires the Greek government to impose VAT as high as 45%, and massive pension cuts that have resulted to the widespread “misery and pillaging” of the country since its debt crisis exploded five years ago, to a national referendum.
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Is China Building an Empire?

When the British were expanding its empire throughout Asia and the Pacific in the 18th-19th century, it did start the modernization of some of those territories, e.g. Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.
But whether these nations benefited from such a dramatic change, or more for the British, is a matter of debate because there’s that primordial question of whether the people in these lands wanted those changes, to begin with.
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Netherlands Requests Int’l Tribunal before Naming Flight MH17 Suspects

Factual and circumstantial evidence as well as direct testimonies of eyewitnesses gathered in and around the crash site are overwhelmingly pointing to the Kiev government forces having culpability in the deliberate shooting down of Malaysian Flight MH17 last July 2014.
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Russia Studying How to Effectively Neutralize Color Revolutions

There is a science behind every human activity and the Illuminati have conscripted the best minds in the industry of psychological warfare to further its own agenda of total world domination.
The study of human behavior has led these mind control masters to a set of very well-defined steps that enable them to control, dictate and influence future geopolitical events.
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NSA Spying on "Allied" Leaders; Google is Spying on You

To all the Sheeples and government trolls out there, these conspiracy theories have been confirmed so many times over. Even a portion of the mainstream media can’t hold their punches anymore.
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China Creates "EU Fund" as the Global Reset Continues Without MSM Coverage

From China’s perspective, the Eurozone economy has collapsed simultaneously with the United States back in late 2008.
Since then, both sides of the Atlantic just kept kicking the can by cooking the books, fantastic economic speeches and by persistently banging the drums of war for increasing military budget to continue feeding the military industrial complex.
Continue reading China Creates "EU Fund" as the Global Reset Continues Without MSM Coverage

Greek PM Tsipras Capitulates to Fiat Troika Vultures

After five months of melodramatic debt negotiations, it turns the Troika fiat money lenders are better poker players than the current Syriza government in Greece. It decided to bite the bullet, i.e. a six month supply of paper money in exchange of a sizable pension funds and an increase in VAT collections.
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Bush, Rothschild prosecutions, new disclosures, Greece, all signs of accelerating cabal take down

by benjamin, June 22, 2015
There are rapidly accelerating indications the Khazarian crime syndicate that illegally seized power in the United States and many European countries is being systematically dismantled.
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Former Advisor to Ukraine’s Defense Minister Defects to Donbass

“I am Alexander Kolomiyets, a Major-General of the Ukrainian armed forces… My latest position was that of an advisor to the Ukrainian Defense Minister and a senior defense analyst,”

.. the General said during a news conference at the Donetsk News Agency headquarters on Monday.

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It's Time for A Resource-Based Economy

Zeitgeist founder, Peter Joseph, joins Jesse Ventura to discuss the concept of a resource-based economy. With all of Earth’s resources in decline, it is time to scientifically manage the ones we have left. In this brand new episode of Off the Grid, Peter Joseph talks about the benefits of moving away from a market economy toward one that is based on resource management. According to his model, crime rates would go down across the globe while personal happiness would go up. Do you think Peter is on to something?

Ex-US Atty Gen Ramsey Clark Joins Lawsuit Against Bush, Cheney, et. al. for Illegal Iraq War

A lawsuit against members of the Bush administration for their role in the invasion of Iraq recently received noteworthy support from an internationally prominent group of lawyers—including a former U.S. attorney general. The group is asking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review the class action suit on grounds that the U.S.-led war was an illegal act of aggression in violation of international guidelines as defined by the Nuremberg Tribunal after World War II.
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Belgium & France Freezing Russian Assets

In an attempt to pressure Russia from taking any steps to help Greece with its negotiations with the EU Debt Collectors, an estimated $1.6 billion of Russian assets are being freezed out on court order.
The Russians are said to be much willing to play this game. We are, indeed, reaching the end game.
Continue reading Belgium & France Freezing Russian Assets

Greek Debt Committee Just Declared All Debts "Illegitimate, And Odious"

In a preliminary move to declaring default, the Greek Debt Committee concluded that all debts to the troika are odious and illegal.
When the default is declared officially it will be the beginning of the end to the single currency union that is the Eurozone.
A few more sleep, folks!
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Hillary Clinton to Stand Trial by January 2016

Hillary Clinton has been ordered to stand trial for racketeering. A great day for America.

Will it be chaos or controlled implosion as the Western bubble bursts?

June 15, 2015

The signs are undeniable that some sort of historic event is imminent. The latest economic news makes it certain that the Western financial system as we know it is about to end. The question is, will there be a controlled implosion followed by a phoenix like revival or, will there be revolution, chaos, anarchy, bloodshed and misery. The answer now lies in the hands of the military forces of the West because the political world, especially in the United States, is dysfunctional.
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Texas Takes 1st Step to Secession by Repatriating $1Billion Gold from Federal Reserve

In our previous post, When Empires Fall, a Brazilian journalist arrives at a a bold but not entirely baseless conclusion about how the United States may follow the template of the Soviet collapse in the early 1990s where individual states within the communist union decided to break away from Mother Russia.
The problem for the Americans, and the world at large, is…
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Do People in the Philippines Appreciate What the U.S. Does to Them?

Having been colonized by Spain for 300 years, by the US for more than 40 years and occupied by Japan during WWII, the Filipino people have a long history of struggle for peace that is inextricably linked to the struggle for national sovereignty, social justice and genuine freedom.  The Filipino women were at the forefront of these struggles and played important and leading roles.
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Why Mainstream Media Bitter About Putin & Pope Bergoglio Meeting

Prior to the meeting between the de facto leader of the Reformist BRICS and the Illuminati figurehead Pope Francis Bergoglio, Cabalists telegraphed their instructions to the Pope to pressure Putin about the Ukrainian and Crimean issues, to which the Pope obliged, although not in the exact nature of the instructions.
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Power of Gold

We were all expecting a grand global announcement of a shift from fiat dollar to gold standard, actually a basket of sovereign currencies backed up by hard assets, e.g. oil, natural gas, copper, silver and gold, and yet, it is turning out not to be the case.
What we are seeing right now is a gradual implementation of that shift.
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Canada’s Supreme Court Rules Medical Marijuana Legal in All Forms

This is an interesting gamble for the corporate government of Canada. While they are allowing the medical use of cannabis and sacrifice some of Big Pharma’s profit, they are also getting in return “high and happy” and, therefore, more manageable citizenry later on.
Continue reading Canada’s Supreme Court Rules Medical Marijuana Legal in All Forms

Shadow NSA: Private Intelligence Contractors & NSAC

The sunsetting of the US Patriot Act was deliberate and was meant to render all contravening articles on the Net moot and academic. In its stead is the new USA Freedom Act that is advertised to reduce invasive surveillance of the state, and yet the actual gathering of metadata has not been curtailed, nor will it be even if we close down the NSA today. Continue reading Shadow NSA: Private Intelligence Contractors & NSAC

China Forbids Its Workers from Building Israel Settlements

While the United Nations could not stop Israel’s illegal incursion to Palestinian lands because its only function is to implement globalist policies of the bankers, China and other nations have boycotted Israel in real terms.
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G7 helpless in the face of mathematically certain bankruptcy

The leaders of the Group of Seven Industrialized Nations or G7 are holding an emergency meeting in Germany in a futile attempt to avoid their inevitable bankruptcy. The leaders talk about Greece, the Ukraine, China, the Middle East and other matters as if somehow they are still in control. The leaders need to understand that there is a thing out there called reality and, no matter how long you try to avoid it, it has a way of catching up to you. The fact is that, with the exceptions of Canada, Japan and Germany, the G7 nations and their allied Western states have been running a deficit with the rest of the world for the past 40 years. The elephant in the room that nobody talks about is the fact the biggest debtor of all is the Corporate United States.
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The G7 Summit & Their Global Warfare

The G7 countries are notorious for saying one thing and doing another. So, while they are saying Russia should be joining them in their yearly get together, they are in fact concocting plans to avert the successful implementation of the BRICS anti-imperialist reforms.
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Forget Sports: Geopolitics is Behind the FIFA Scandal

Sour losers, that’s what they are. Whether in military, economics or even in broadcast propaganda, the West is losing over to the Russians.
Let’s face it: Russian propaganda is more palatable than the West’s due to the verifiable facts that the Russian media have always presented.
Now, there’s only one area that’s left to mess around.
Continue reading Forget Sports: Geopolitics is Behind the FIFA Scandal

Will Europe Survive the Collapse of the Euro System?

Now that the Greeks have shown their resolve not to accept more austerity dictates from the Troika, suddenly, no less than the head of the European Parliament is expressing readiness to “meet Greece halfway” to finally end the the four month long impasse in the Greek-Troika Debt negotiation.
Continue reading Will Europe Survive the Collapse of the Euro System?

US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather

The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have stopped using HAARP in Alaska for research and experiment. Even then, we all know that there are other HAARP systems out there in the form of radar communication and surveillance systems that are rigged on top of mobile platforms that are deployable in any international waters around the world.

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Greek Banks On Verge Of Total Collapse

The collapse of the Greek economy is fast approaching.
There’s a very high probability that it won’t be able to pay $1.8 billion owed to the IMF this month.
Both Tsipras and Putin are said to be talking about the options in dealing with inevitable possibility of a “Grexit”.
The local banking industry is already heating up from massive withdrawals.
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Confirmed: Philippine President BS Aquino is Stupid!

We and the Americans have so many things in common. While they have allowed the Nazis to live inside their country, even elected some into the highest office of the land, the current president of the Philippines is now inviting Japanese troops to visit their once occupied territory.
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