Category Archives: EU

Hypocrisy Exposed: EU’s Secret Russian LNG Deal Amidst Anti-Moscow Rhetoric!

The European Union is criticizing Moscow while simultaneously increasing its purchases of Russian LNG by 40% compared to prewar levels, benefiting from more affordable supplies than those from the United States.

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From Industrial Powerhouse to the Brink: The Shocking Factors Behind Germany’s Decline

Perhaps justifiable is the fact that Germany, which has significantly driven the EU’s eastward expansion and faithfully followed American neoconservatives in aggressively expanding NATO toward a retreating Russia, is currently facing its most severe economic crisis since World War II.

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The War in Ukraine to Maintain the European Union Under Tutelage

It is difficult to admit, but the Anglo-Saxons do not hide from it. To paraphrase a famous quote from the first Secretary General of the Alliance, Nato was designed to “keep Russia out, the Americans in and the European Union under trusteeship”. There is no other possible interpretation of the continuation of the useless “sanctions” against Moscow and the vain and deadly fighting in Ukraine.

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The European Political Community : A Sword Striking Water

Since the beginning of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, international relations are blocked. No position changes. President Macron thought he could change the rules of the game by reshuffling the cards on the occasion of a meeting of the European enemy brothers, the European Political Community. But President Putin took him by surprise by changing the borders and the game itself.

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Europe’s Reaction to the Energy Crisis is Turning Into A ‘Ponzi Scheme’

The leadership of the European Union has been hard at work these days, trying to find a lasting solution to an energy crisis that is worsening by the day. Yet the way they are approaching the solution is unlikely to produce any lasting results. And so far, it has been compared to a Ponzi scheme. 

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“Lehman Event” Looms For Europe As Energy Companies Face $1.5T In Margin Calls

European energy companies are facing margin calls of a total of $1.5 trillion in the derivatives market and many would need policy support to cover them amid wild swings and skyrocketing gas and power prices, an executive at Norway’s energy major Equinor told Bloomberg on Tuesday. According to Helge Haugane, Equinor’s senior vice president for gas and power, the $1.5-trillion estimate is even “conservative”. 

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European Commission Introduces EU-Wide COVID Passports

It’s very clear by now that the critical tools for implementing a global technocracy have been there for decades already, and now they are capitalizing on their initial success of the preplanned bioweapon emergency codenamed COVID19 for its full implementation. One proof is the document below showing extensive implementing guidelines and scope in the issuance of “vaccine passports.” – CG

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"Macron is just a little boy…"

France’s Emmanuel Macron is pursuing a policy against his pre-election promise, “en marche” movement. The French police is getting more brutal against Yellow Vests protestors by the day.
In the larger scheme of things, however, he is just “a little boy playing his own little game” in a fast changing geopolitical landscape under the influence of the real adults based on the other side of the continent.
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How Capitalist Central Banks Have Been Creating the Next Financial Crisis

As central bankers, finance ministers, and government policy makers head off to their annual gathering at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, this August, 24-26, 2017, the key topic is whether the leading central banks in North America and Europe will continue to raise interest rates this year. Continue reading How Capitalist Central Banks Have Been Creating the Next Financial Crisis

Another EU-US Financial Crash is Expected by Year End

There’s another round of economic recession in the West by year end, unless tangible and profound reforms are implemented. This is the grave warning that’s being repeated again by the Executive Intelligence Review. Continue reading Another EU-US Financial Crash is Expected by Year End

Brussels, NATO & The Globalists in Total Disarray

The EU, NATO, and the western alliance have utterly failed the people of eastern Europe. The unrequited love of former Soviet bloc nations is slowly turning to scorn. The Euromaidan and ensuing civil war have laid bare an ideological and cultural divide ages old. With Brussels and NATO reeling from recent events, the fear mongering used to leverage aligned nations is losing its effectiveness. Continue reading Brussels, NATO & The Globalists in Total Disarray

Duterte Tops Time Poll; EU Critics told ‘Stick to Child Porn’

The Duterte government, and 90% of the Philippine population at large, continue to mock Western institutions by playing smartly in the latter’s own game, and making fun of the inconvenient facts that are just beginning to hit the headlines in the West, e.g. PizzaGate and PedoGate scandals. Continue reading Duterte Tops Time Poll; EU Critics told ‘Stick to Child Porn’

Madame President Le Pen: Europe’s Next Political Earthquake

When Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, most observers can admit that the US electorate have chosen the “lesser evil,” having the foresight that had it been the latter clinching the presidency, the world can rest assured there will be more conflict zones on this planet.
A similar event occurred in France when Nicolas Sarkozy was defeated by Francois Fillon, so they are saying. But a far better scenario could be forthcoming.
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Brexit-Beleaguered Banksters Back to Begging for Bailouts!

Nothing is more shameless in a bedazzling sort of way than rich banksters standing on the public curb with their hands out. First, we had the admission this past week by a major French bank that Italian banks are so sick (and so too big to fail) they could cause systemic banking failure throughout Europe if not bailed out by over-taxed taxpayers. 
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Who Singlehandedly Created the European Refugee Crisis?

Headline grabbing events rarely articulate the involvement and culpability of the 1%ers of our society. They are off-limits to prying eyes, by default.
Even so, the top hierarchy of that 1%ers need to assign specific tasks of global import to a loyal and able lieutenant for purposes of interfacing with the pyramidal system of cartels that they themselves created for us.
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ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Most of those who were behind the creation of false pretexts to attack Iraq and Afghanistan have already admitted to have based their decisions on false intelligence about the existence of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.
Up to now, not one of them is held accountable to that decision which plunged the world into the War of Terror.
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Here's Why Britons Must Vote for "Leave EU" Today

The original plan for the establishment of the European Union is to destroy homogeneity of each member country to facilitate totalitarian control.

French President Threatens to Outlaw Protests Against Labor Reforms

Unlike America, the French government of Hollande is afraid of the people who are protesting against media and government for days now.

Le Monde Diplomatique’s Renaud Lambert says social movement and the government are locking horns, Prime Minister Manuel Valls and President François Hollande have both said that they will not budge.

UK Labour MP Jo Cox’s Murder: A Desperate Anti-Brexit Psyop

The Brexit Referendum will be held on June 23, and one British MP Jo Cox, a staunch anti-Brexit proponent, was shot and killed by a man with psychological issues [read: drugged] and who happened to shout “Britain First” just before the murder.
Yes, it’s not “Allahu Akbar”, this time around.
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