Category Archives: Vatican / Luciferianism

Black Pope Resigning

Due to persistence of action, ITCCS is succeeding in its drive for the removal of the Cabalists, one by one, from the Pulpit of Deception.

ITCCS Breaking News – May 25, 2014 : Accused Child Killer resigns from top Vatican office: Jesuit head Adolfo Pachon makes startling announcement as he stands trial in absentia for Crimes against Humanity

Posted on May 25, 2014
Continue reading Black Pope Resigning

Pope's Health: A Distraction [ITCCS]

The purported ill health of the Pope is only a distraction to the global attention of the Papal Crimes and that of the 9th Circle in general…

Exclusive interview with Kevin Annett: Vatican floats rumours of Pope’s “ill health” to distract from new evidence indicting Jorge Bergoglio for child murder – Common Law Sheriffs to take action

Posted on May 24, 2014
Continue reading Pope's Health: A Distraction [ITCCS]

House of Rothschild is Burning

The funny money game is overheating for the last three years and its about to burn into flames for good.
Even those within the corporate system are beginning to realize the faults and weakness of the institutions they themselves invested their lifetime on.
Continue reading House of Rothschild is Burning

Take Your Garbage Home, Canada!

We are very grateful to all those who have helped us raise the public’s awareness about Corporate Canada’s blatant disregard of all established international decorum and its continued lack of decency to pull out the stinking garbage from the Port of Manila.
While this mess may have been facilitated by private entities of both countries, still the culpability lies from the port of origin, i.e. how on Earth did the port customs personnel of Canada find it appropriate to approve the boarding of these 50 mammoth vans of hazardous wastes?
Continue reading Take Your Garbage Home, Canada!

Bundy, Ukraine, Bankers' Death, Swissindo [KEENAN]

Here’s Keenan Group’s take on recent events…

Neil Keenan Update | Our Cattleman Bundy, US Blunders in Ukraine, Suicided Banksters, & Swissindo Shenanigans

1.  Cattle Rancher Bundy Knows How To Treat FED Over-Reaching

After the FEDs arrested one of his sons, literally grinding his face into gravel with their boots on his neck and head, they threw down Bundy’s 57 year old cancer-survivor sister who was peacefully protesting these FED goons, ruffing up her knees and hands.  These FED thugs repeatedly tasered his other unarmed son, who just ripped off the wires  and stood his ground in true American cowboy fashion.
Continue reading Bundy, Ukraine, Bankers' Death, Swissindo [KEENAN]

Bundy Ranch: China-Obama Admin Land Swap Exposed

We continue to monitor what’s happening in Bundy Ranch, Nevada…
15th April:

China-Obama Admin Land Swap Exposed

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Description: Has the Bundy Ranch blown open the China Land swap deals being orchestrated by the Obama Administration and Harry Reid? New York Times best selling author and World Net Daily Senior Writer Jerome Corsi joins Gary Franchi to provide deep analysis of the web of connections between Washington legislators and the Debt Exchange to give US land to China.
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CIA’s FACEBOOK is Blocking Bundy Videos


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Posted yesterday, the video already has 105k hits. For all intents and purposes, the video has gone viral. However, some are saying that Facebook is doing its best to stand in the way of people seeing it. Reports started flooding the internet claiming that Facebook was blocking the video from being posted directly to their walls.
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Exclusive: Sources Inside The BLM and Las Vegas Metro Say Feds Are Planning A Raid On Bundy Home


Bunkerville, NEVADA, April 14, 2014– As reported yesterday, hundreds of federal agents are still at the Bundy Ranch and the area continues its status as a no-fly zone. Despite major media reports that the Nevada Bureau of Land Management is retreating, the remaining activity that still surrounds the ranch illustrates a different scenario.

Not only is the BLM not actually backing off of Cliven Bundy, Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association has revealed stunning information: on Ben Swann’s radio program, Mack said that he has received intelligence from multiple, credible sources inside the BLM and the Las Vegas Metro that there is “no question” that the federal government is planning a raid on the Bundy home and the homes of their children who live on the property.

According to Mack, the so-called retreat was nothing more than theatrics. “It was a ploy to get people to back off, to get people out of the way. They weren’t expecting us to get this amount of people here. They were surprised by the numbers and so they wanted a way to get us out of here. This was a ploy to get us out of here and then they’re going after the Bundys.”  Mack said that when he was at the Bundy ranch on Saturday there were an estimated 600 to 800 protesters present when federal agents were releasing the cattle.

“If they do that kind of raid, I don’t believe there’s any way that could happen without bloodshed,” Mack told Swann.

Mack spoke about the tactic that protesters used by putting women at the front of the line facing the federal agents to make them think carefully before opening fire.

“I would’ve gone next. I would’ve been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here,” said Mack.

Mack said that he had been told by Bundy that the federal government is actively shutting down the ranching industry, specifically in Clark County. He also revealed that there used to be 53 ranches in Clark County. All of those ranchers have been put out of business, except for Bundy who is still trying to hold on. “Every American should be outraged by it,”  said Mack. The ranch has been in Bundy’s family since 1877.

Mack decried Nevada governor Brian Sandoval for declaring this situation unconstutional while doing nothing to stop it. “He could have called in the state’s national guard, could have called in the sheriff’s office, could have called in highway patrol, and he’s done nothing except assail what’s going on. That’s easy, that’s cowardly.”

Sheriff Mack also called out media including radio host Glenn Beck who he says is siding with the BLM on this issue.

“I can’t believe that there are some Americans, and some media like Glenn Beck, that are supporting the BLM in this and it’s absolutely disgraceful.”

You can listen to the full interview, including Sheriff Mack’s stunning statement, above.

Read more:

14th April:

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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid congratulates the sheriff!

reid and gillespie
Today, LVMPD Sheriff Douglas Gillespie had the honor of being invited to the Las Vegas office of Senator Reid to receive an official proclamation congratulating the sheriff for being named “Sheriff of the Year” by the National Sheriffs’ Association.
The statement entered into the Congressional Record reads as follows:

Mr. President, I rise to honor Sheriff Doug Gillespie, of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, who was recently named the National Sheriffs’ Association’s 2014 Sheriff of the Year.
The Ferris E. Lucas Award for Sheriff of the Year is awarded to recognize an outstanding sheriff for contributions made to improve the office of sheriff at the local, State, and national levels, and for involvement in the community above and beyond the responsibilities required. By this measure, I can think of no one more deserving than Sheriff Gillespie. His tireless service as sheriff has made the Las Vegas metropolitan area a safer and better place to live, work, and raise a family.
Sheriff Gillespie has diligently served the Las Vegas community for 33 years as a metropolitan police officer, the last 7 as sheriff. Under Sheriff Gillespie’s leadership, metro has become one of only 72 intelligence-gathering fusion centers in the country. It has won the Webber Seavey Award, given for quality in law enforcement by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, for an outreach effort to strengthen police relations in the Las Vegas area. Metro is also one of only 32 departments to achieve the highest standard of accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
In addition to his position as sheriff, he has served in many leadership roles in other law enforcement organizations, such as board director of the National Sheriff’s Association Executive Committee, chair of the Homeland Security Committee for the Major City Chiefs Association, vice chair of the Nevada High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force, finance committee chair for the Nevada Commission for Homeland Security, and president of the Major County Sheriff’s Association.
On behalf of the U.S. Senate, I congratulate Sheriff Doug Gillespie on receiving the Ferris E. Lucas Award for Sheriff of the Year and look forward to the continuation of a career that has already made Nevada very proud.

13th April:

Bundy Ranch Standoff is over…. for now.
What is important though is that once again a simple truth has been proven, that when people stand up for their inherent rights, the Usurper can take a back seat.
So, why not eliminate the problem for good so it won’t come back?

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As of April 11, the FAA imposed a no fly zone at the area…
Bundy Ranch Area on Temporary Flight Restriction
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5 billion solar panel plant nevada

The son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Rory Reid, is the primary representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese energy company seeking to build a $5 billion solar panel plant on a 9,000-acre Clark County desert plot in Laughlin, Nevada.

continue reading »

BLM sells 29 oil, gas leases in northeast Nevada


Posted: Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:38 am

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Buyers snapped up 29 federal land leases totaling more than 56 square miles in a northeastern Nevada area.
This could become the state’s first oil shale fracking site.
U.S. Bureau of Land Management geologist Lorenzo Trimble tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal the Elko County oil and gas leases sold Tuesday for $1.27 million to six different companies.
The auction took place in Reno. The leases are near where Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. wants to drill for oil and natural gas on 40,000 acres of public and private land near the town of Wells.
The Review-Journal reports the project would be the first in Nevada to use hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil and gas from shale deposits.
The BLM is conducting an environmental review of Noble’s proposal.

© 2014 Shale Reporter . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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“The battle’s been going on for 20 years,” Cliven Bundy said. “What’s happened the last two weeks, the United States government, the bureaus are getting this army together and they’re going to get their job done and they’re going to prove two things. They’re going to prove they can do it, and they’re gonna prove that they have unlimited power, and that they control the policing power over this public land. That’s what they’re trying to prove.”

The Bundys said their appeals to local and state law enforcement and other authorities have proved futile. “This is just about power of the government,” Carol said.

“Our sheriff says he just doesn’t have authority, our governor says he doesn’t have authority, and we’re saying, why are we a state?” asked Carol.

continue reading »

Family, Ranch, Freedom & Future is What I’m Fighting For

The Bundys are blogging on their ongoing experience right here.

Whether this becomes the rallying point for US Militia nationwide to take collective action is still too early to tell.
What we do hope is that all Principled Men would dare to stand up for their own dignity, and begin to stop the intrusion thereof by their own fascist state.
Freedom can only be had if you start behaving like you already have it.

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The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
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Judgment Day for Vatican

The laudable work that the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] continues to do  against the unsuitably venerated Church of Satan, known as the Vatican Church, may not be enforceable for now, but the steadfast presentation of damning evidence against the Harlot of Darkness in Common Law Court trials may soon create an impetus for worldwide condemnation as more and more Sheeples become aware of its true nature.
Continue reading Judgment Day for Vatican


Here’s an alarming reality, but still a good read…

The Financial Elite and the Global Land Grab

43543The global financial crisis, which began in 2008, has significantly altered the way many speculators and financial institutions invest. Rather than taking huge risks with dodgy derivatives like credit default swaps and mortgage-backed securities, both of which have proven to be particularly volatile, many speculators have instead begun to invest in the most tangible asset of all: land. By doing so, financial institutions, and many governments, have engaged in “land grabbing” – a process by which large amounts of capital are invested in the purchase of land for large-scale agricultural production, while the farmers who have worked the land for generations are displaced and/or become renters on land that was once their own.

Continue reading THE GLOBAL LAND GRAB

Manufacturing Dissent

Pressure valves — that’s how I classify these street demonstrators, multimedia pundits and political oppositions. Pressure valves are very useful in avoiding catastrophic system failure by opening up a venue to which excessive pressure can be released.
By broadcasting a street demonstration, one would assume that somebody is fighting for his rights, and for his future. In short, he doesn’t have to do anything to express his anger. Somebody else is doing it for him. And even if he decides to join this mass expression of dissent, he doesn’t have that power to sway the whole direction in his own way. Somebody else is managing the whole action through the same channel by which the subject of resistance has the advantage of.
But we have lived long enough to know that the situation is still not getting any better. Although, we’d like to believe that it is. We are encouraged to believe that it is as the Law of Attraction requires.
The most obvious is probably Greenpeace. For years, this group has been climbing oil rigs, racing with whale shark hunters, but they are yet to mention the phrase “free energy” or mention the Hutchinson electromagnetic wand for cleaning the ocean from oil slick.
Same with so called anti-imperialist groups in my country who are content with rotten egg throwing at the gates of the US embassy.
We trust too much to these middlemen who claim that they can bring us to a saner future. We comfort ourselves with weekly Fulford updates, or seek amusement with Keenan’s seemingly infinite jabbing at the enemy.
But the hope is that each and every one will finally see the future that he deserves through his own effort.

“Manufacturing Dissent”: The Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites

The People’s Movement has been Hijacked

Global Research, March 10, 2014
Global Research 20 September 2010
This article was first published in 2010. The author’s introductory quote was first formulated in 2001 in the context of the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City which was held a few months before 9/11
“Everything the [Ford] Foundation did could be regarded as “making the World safe for capitalism”, reducing social tensions by helping to comfort the afflicted, provide safety valves for the angry, and improve the functioning of government (McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson (1961-1966), President of the Ford Foundation, (1966-1979))
“By providing the funding and the policy framework to many concerned and dedicated people working within the non-profit sector, the ruling class is able to co-opt leadership from grassroots communities, … and is able to make the funding, accounting, and evaluation components of the work so time consuming and onerous that social justice work is virtually impossible under these conditions” (Paul Kivel, You Call this Democracy, Who Benefits, Who Pays and Who Really Decides, 2004, p. 122 )
“Under the New World Order, the ritual of inviting “civil society” leaders into the inner circles of power –while simultaneously repressing the rank and file– serves several important functions. First, it says to the World that the critics of globalization “must make concessions” to earn the right to mingle. Second, it conveys the illusion that while the global elites should –under what is euphemistically called democracy– be subject to criticism, they nonetheless rule legitimately. And third, it says “there is no alternative” to globalization: fundamental change is not possible and the most we can hope is to engage with these rulers in an ineffective “give and take”.

While the “Globalizers” may adopt a few progressive phrases to demonstrate they have good intentions, their fundamental goals are not challenged. And what this “civil society mingling” does is to reinforce the clutch of the corporate establishment while weakening and dividing the protest movement. An understanding of this process of co-optation is important, because tens of thousands of the most principled young people in Seattle, Prague and Quebec City [1999-2001] are involved in the anti-globalization protests because they reject the notion that money is everything, because they reject the impoverishment of millions and the destruction of fragile Earth so that a few may get richer.

This rank and file and some of their leaders as well, are to be applauded. But we need to go further. We need to challenge the right of the “Globalizers” to rule. This requires that we rethink the strategy of protest. Can we move to a higher plane, by launching mass movements in our respective countries, movements that bring the message of what globalization is doing, to ordinary people? For they are the force that must be mobilized to challenge those who plunder the Globe.” (Michel Chossudovsky,  The Quebec Wall, April  2001)

“Manufactured Consent” vs. “Manufactured Dissent”
The term “manufacturing consent” was initially coined by Edward S Herman and Noam Chomsky.
“Manufacturing consent” describes a propaganda model used by the corporate media to sway public opinion and “inculcate individuals with values and beliefs…”:

The mass media serve as a system for communicating messages and symbols to the general populace. It is their function to amuse, entertain, and inform, and to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior that will integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society. In a world of concentrated wealth and major conflicts of class interest, to fulfill this role requires systematic propaganda. (Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky)

“Manufacturing consent” implies manipulating and shaping public opinion. It establishes conformity and acceptance to authority and social hierarchy. It seeks compliance to an established social order. “Manufacturing consent” describes the submission of public opinion to the mainstream media narrative, to its lies and fabrications.
In this article, we focus on a related concept, namely the subtle process of “manufacturing dissent” (rather than “consent”), which plays a decisive role in serving the interests of the ruling class.

Under contemporary capitalism, the illusion of democracy must prevail. It is in the interest of the corporate elites to accept dissent and protest as a feature of the system inasmuch as they do not threaten the established social order. The purpose is not to repress dissent, but, on the contrary, to shape and mould the protest movement, to set the outer limits of dissent.
To maintain their legitimacy, the economic elites favor limited and controlled forms of opposition, with a view to preventing the development of radical forms of protest, which might shake the very foundations and institutions of global capitalism. In other words, “manufacturing dissent” acts as a “safety valve”, which protects and sustains the New World Order.
To be effective, however, the process of “manufacturing dissent” must be carefully regulated and monitored by those who are the object of the protest movement.
“Funding Dissent”
How is the process of manufacturing dissent achieved?
Essentially by “funding dissent”, namely by channeling financial resources from those who are the object of the protest movement to those who are involved in organizing the protest movement.
Co-optation is not limited to buying the favors of politicians. The economic elites –which control major foundations– also oversee the funding of numerous NGOs and civil society organizations, which historically have been involved in the protest movement against the established economic and social order. The programs of many NGOs and people’s movements rely heavily on funding from both public as well as private foundations including the Ford, Rockefeller, McCarthy foundations, among others.
The anti-globalization movement is opposed to Wall Street and the Texas oil giants controlled by Rockefeller, et al. Yet the foundations and charities of Rockefeller et al will generously fund progressive anti-capitalist networks as well as environmentalists (opposed to Big Oil) with a view to ultimately overseeing and shaping their various activities.
The mechanisms of “manufacturing dissent” require a manipulative environment, a process of arm-twisting and subtle cooptation of individuals within progressive organizations, including anti-war coalitions, environmentalists and the anti-globalization movement.
Whereas the mainstream media “manufactures consent”, the complex network of NGOs (including segments of the alternative media) are used by the corporate elites to mould and manipulate the protest movement.
Following the deregulation of the global financial system in the 1990s and the rapid enrichment of the financial establishment, funding through foundations and charities has skyrocketed.
In a bitter irony, part of the fraudulent financial gains on Wall Street in recent years have been recycled to the elites’ tax exempt foundations and charities. These windfall financial gains have not only been used to buy out politicians, they have also been channelled to NGOs, research institutes, community centres, church groups, environmentalists, alternative media, human rights groups, etc. “Manufactured dissent” also applies to the “corporate left” and “progressive” media, funded by NGOs or directly by the foundations.
The inner objective is to “manufacture dissent” and establish the boundaries of a “politically correct” opposition. In turn, many NGOs are infiltrated by  informants often acting on behalf of western intelligence agencies. Moreover, an increasingly large segment of the progressive alternative news media on the internet has become dependent on funding from corporate foundations and charities.
Piecemeal Activism
The objective of the corporate elites has been to fragment the people’s movement into a vast “do it yourself” mosaic. War and globalization are no longer in the forefront of civil society activism. Activism tends to be piecemeal. There is no integrated anti-globalization anti-war movement. The economic crisis is not seen as having a relationship to the US led war.
Dissent has been compartmentalized. Separate “issue oriented” protest movements (e.g. environment, anti-globalization, peace, women’s rights, climate change) are encouraged and generously funded as opposed to a cohesive mass movement. This mosaic was already prevalent in the counter G7 summits and People’s Summits of the 1990s.
The Anti-Globalization Movement
The Seattle 1999 counter-summit is invariably upheld as a triumph for the anti-globalization movement: “a historic coalition of activists shut down the World Trade Organization summit in Seattle, the spark that ignited a global anti-corporate movement.” (See Naomi Klein, Copenhagen: Seattle Grows Up, The Nation, November 13, 2009).
Seattle was an indeed an important crossroads in the history of the mass movement. Over 50,000 people from diverse backgrounds, civil society organizations, human rights, labor unions, environmentalists had come together in a common pursuit. Their goal was to forecefully dismantle the neoliberal agenda including its institutional base.
But Seattle also marked a major reversal. With mounting dissent from all sectors of society, the official WTO Summit desperately needed the token participation of civil society leaders “on the inside”, to give the appearance of being “democratic” “on the outside”.
While thousands of people had converged on Seattle, what occurred behind the scenes was a de facto victory for neoliberalism. A handful of civil society organizations, formally opposed to the WTO had contributed to legitimizing the WTO’s global trading architecture. Instead of challenging the WTO as an an illegal intergovernmental body, they agreed to a pre-summit dialogue with the WTO and Western governments. “Accredited NGO participants were invited to mingle in a friendly environment with ambassadors, trade ministers and Wall Street tycoons at several of the official events including the numerous cocktail parties and receptions.” (Michel Chossudovsky, Seattle and Beyond: Disarming the New World Order , Covert Action Quarterly, November 1999, See Ten Years Ago: “Manufacturing Dissent” in Seattle).
The hidden agenda was to weaken and divide the protest movement and orient the anti-globalization movement into areas that would not directly threaten the interests of the business establishment.
Funded by private foundations (including Ford, Rockefeller, Rockefeller Brothers, Charles Stewart Mott, The Foundation for Deep Ecology), these “accredited” civil society organizations had positioned themselves as lobby groups, acting formally on behalf of the people’s movement. Led by prominent and committed activists, their hands were tied. They ultimately contributed (unwittingly) to weakening the anti-globalization movement by accepting the legitimacy of what was essentially an illegal organization. (The 1994 Marrakech Summit agreement which led to the creation of the WTO on January 1, 1995). (Ibid)
The NGO leaders were fully aware as to where the money was coming from. Yet within the US and European NGO community, the foundations and charities are considered to be independent philanthropic bodies, separate from the corporations; namely the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, for instance, is considered to be separate and distinct from the Rockefeller family empire of banks and oil companies.
With salaries and operating expenses depending on private foundations, it became an accepted routine: In a twisted logic, the battle against corporate capitalism was to be fought using the funds from the tax exempt foundations owned by corporate capitalism.
The NGOs were caught in a straightjacket; their very existence depended on the foundations. Their activities were closely monitored. In a twisted logic, the very nature of anti-capitalist activism was indirectly controlled  by the capitalists through their independent foundations.
“Progressive Watchdogs”
In this evolving saga, the corporate elites –whose interests are duly served by the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO– will readily fund (through their various foundations and charities) organizations which are at the forefront of the protest movement against the WTO and the Washington based international financial institutions.
Supported by foundation money, various “watchdogs” were set up by the NGOs to monitor the implementation of neoliberal policies, without however raising the broader issue of how the Bretton Woods twins and the WTO, through their policies, had contributed to the impoverishment of millions of people.
The Structural Adjustment Participatory Review Network (SAPRIN) was established by Development Gap, a USAID and World Bank funded NGO based in Washington DC.
Amply documented, the imposition of the IMF-World Bank Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) on developing countries constitutes a blatant form of interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states on behalf of creditor institutions.
Instead of challenging the legitimacy of the IMF-World Bank’s “deadly economic medicine”, SAPRIN’s core organization sought to establish a participatory role for the NGOs, working hand in glove with USAID and the World Bank. The objective was to give a “human face” to the neoliberal policy agenda, rather than reject the IMF-World Bank policy framework outright:

“SAPRIN is the global civil-society network that took its name from the Structural Adjustment Participatory Review Initiative (SAPRI), which it launched with the World Bank and its president, Jim Wolfensohn, in 1997.
SAPRI is designed as a tripartite exercise to bring together organizations of civil society, their governments and the World Bank in a joint review of structural adjustment programs (SAPs) and an exploration of new policy options. It is legitimizing an active role for civil society in economic decision-making, as it is designed to indicate areas in which changes in economic policies and in the economic-policymaking process are required. (  SAPRIN website, emphasis added)

Similarly, The Trade Observatory (formerly WTO Watch), operating out of Geneva, is a project of the Minneapolis based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), which is generously funded by Ford, Rockefeller, Charles Stewart Mott among others. (see Table 1 below).
The Trade Observatory has a mandate to monitor the World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA and the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas  (FTAA). (IATP, About Trade Observatory, accessed September 2010).
The Trade Observatory is also to develop data and information as well as foster “governance” and “accountability”. Accountability to the victims of WTO policies or accountability to the protagonists of neoliberal reforms?
The Trade Observatory watchdog functions does not in any way threaten the WTO. Quite the opposite: the legitimacy of the trade organizations and agreements are never questioned.

Table 1 Minneapolis Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) largest donors
(for complete list click here)
Ford Foundation
1994 – 2006
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
1995 – 2005
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
1994 – 2005
McKnight Foundation
1995 – 2005
Joyce Foundation
1996 – 2004
Bush Foundation
2001 – 2006
Bauman Family Foundation
1994 – 2006
Great Lakes Protection Fund
1995 – 2000
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
1991 – 2003
John Merck Fund
1992 – 2003
Harold K. Hochschild Foundation
1997 – 2005
Foundation for Deep Ecology
1991 – 2001
Jennifer Altman Foundation
1992 – 2001
Rockefeller Foundation
2000 – 2004

The World Economic Forum. “All Roads Lead to Davos”
The people’s movement has been hijacked. Selected intellectuals, trade union executives, and the leaders of civil society organizations (including Oxfam, Amnesty International, Greenpeace) are routinely invited to the Davos World Economic Forum, where they mingle with the World’s most powerful economic and political actors. This mingling of the World’s corporate elites with hand-picked “progressives” is part of the ritual underlying the process of  “manufacturing dissent”.
The ploy is to selectively handpick civil society leaders “whom we can trust” and integrate them into a “dialogue”, cut them off from their rank and file, make them feel that they are “global citizens” acting on behalf of their fellow workers but make them act in a way which serves the interests of the corporate establishment:

“The participation of NGOs in the Annual Meeting in Davos is evidence of the fact that [we] purposely seek to integrate a broad spectrum of the major stakeholders in society in … defining and advancing the global agenda … We believe the [Davos] World Economic Forum provides the business community with the ideal framework for engaging in collaborative efforts with the other principal stakeholders [NGOs] of the global economy to “improve the state of the world,” which is the Forum’s mission. (World Economic Forum, Press Release 5 January 2001)

The WEF does not represent the broader business community. It is an elitist gathering: Its members are giant global corporations (with a minimum $5 billion annual turnover). The selected non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are viewed as partner “stakeholders” as well as a convenient “mouthpiece for the voiceless who are often left out of decision-making processes.” (World Economic Forum – Non-Governmental Organizations, 2010)

“They [the NGOs] play a variety of roles in partnering with the Forum to improve the state of the world, including serving as a bridge between business, government and civil society, connecting the policy makers to the grassroots, bringing practical solutions to the table…” (Ibid)

Civil society “partnering” with global corporations on behalf of “the voiceless”, who are “left out”?

Trade union executives are also co-opted to the detriment of workers’ rights.  The leaders of the International Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU), the AFL-CIO, the European Trade Union Confederation, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), among others, are routinely invited to attend both the annual WEF meetings in Davos, Switzerland as well as to the regional summits. They also participate in the WEF’s Labour Leaders Community which focuses on mutually acceptable patterns of behavior for the labor movement. The WEF “believes that the voice of Labour is important to dynamic dialogue on issues of globalisation, economic justice, transparency and accountability, and ensuring a healthy global financial system.”
“Ensuring a healthy global financial system” wrought by fraud and corruption? The issue of workers’ rights is not mentioned. (World Economic Forum – Labour Leaders, 2010).
The World Social Forum: “Another World Is Possible”
The 1999 Seattle counter-summit in many regards laid the foundations for the development of the World Social Forum.
The first gathering of the World Social Forum took place in January 2001, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. This international gathering involved the participation of  tens of thousands of activists from grass-roots organizations and NGOs.
The WSF  gathering of NGOs and progressive organizations is held simultaneously with the Davos World Economic Forum (WEF). It was intended to voice opposition and dissent to the World Economic Forum of corporate leaders and finance ministers.
The WSF at the outset was an initiative of France’s ATTAC and several Brazilian NGOs’:

“… In February 2000, Bernard Cassen, the head of a French NGO platform ATTAC, Oded Grajew, head of a Brazilian employers’ organisation, and Francisco Whitaker, head of an association of Brazilian NGOs, met to discuss a proposal for a “world civil society event”; by March 2000, they formally secured the support of the municipal government of Porto Alegre and the state government of Rio Grande do Sul, both controlled at the time by the Brazilian Workers’ Party (PT)…. A group of French NGOs, including ATTAC, Friends of L’Humanité, and Friends of Le Monde Diplomatique, sponsored an Alternative Social Forum in Paris titled “One Year after Seattle”, in order to prepare an agenda for the protests to be staged at the upcoming European Union summit at Nice. The speakers called for “reorienting certain international institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, WTO… so as to create a globalization from below” and “building an international citizens’ movement, not to destroy the IMF but to reorient its missions.” (Research Unit For Political Economy, The Economics and Politics of the World Social Forum, Global Research, January 20, 2004)

From the outset in 2001, the WSF was supported by core funding from the Ford Foundation, which is known to have ties to the CIA going back to the 1950s: “The CIA uses philanthropic foundations as the most effective conduit to channel large sums of money to Agency projects without alerting the recipients to their source.” (James Petras, The Ford Foundation and the CIA, Global Research, September 18, 2002) 
The same procedure of donor funded counter-summits or people’s summits which characterized the 1990s People’s Summits was embodied in the World Social Forum (WSF):

“… other WSF funders (or `partners’, as they are referred to in WSF terminology) included the Ford Foundation, — suffice it to say here that it has always operated in the closest collaboration with the US Central Intelligence Agency and US overall strategic interests; the Heinrich Boll Foundation, which is controlled by the German Greens party, a partner in the present [2003] German government and a supporter of the wars on Yugoslavia and Afghanistan (its leader Joschka Fischer is the [former] German foreign minister); and major funding agencies such as Oxfam (UK), Novib (Netherlands), ActionAid (UK), and so on.
Remarkably, an International Council member of the WSF reports that the “considerable funds” received from these agencies have “not hitherto awakened any significant debates [in the WSF bodies] on the possible relations of dependence it could generate.” Yet he admits that “in order to get funding from the Ford Foundation, the organisers had to convince the foundation that the Workers Party was not involved in the process.” Two points are worth noting here. First, this establishes that the funders were able to twist arms and determine the role of different forces in the WSF — they needed to be `convinced’ of the credentials of those who would be involved. Secondly, if the funders objected to the participation of the thoroughly domesticated Workers Party, they would all the more strenuously object to prominence being given to genuinely anti-imperialist forces. That they did so object will be become clear as we describe who was included and who excluded from the second and third meets of the WSF….
… The question of funding [of the WSF] does not even figure in the charter of principles of the WSF, adopted in June 2001. Marxists, being materialists, would point out that one should look at the material base of the forum to grasp its nature. (One indeed does not have to be a Marxist to understand that “he who pays the piper calls the tune”.) But the WSF does not agree. It can draw funds from imperialist institutions like Ford Foundation while fighting “domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism” (Research Unit For Political Economy, The Economics and Politics of the World Social Forum, Global Research, January 20, 2004)

The Ford Foundation provided core support to the WSF, with indirect contributions to participating “partner organizations” from the McArthur Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the W. Alton Jones Foundation,  the European Commission, several European governments (including the Labour government of Tony Blair), the Canadian government, as well as a number of UN bodies (including UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, ILO and the FAO) .(Ibid).
In addition to initial core support from the Ford Foundation, many of the participating civil society organizations receive funding from major foundations and charities. In turn, the US and European based NGOs often operate as secondary funding agencies channelling Ford and Rockefeller money towards partner organizations in developing countries, including grassroots peasant and human rights movements.
The International Council (IC) of the WSF is made up of representatives from NGOs, trade unions, alternative media organizations, research institutes, many of which are heavily funded by foundations as well as governments. (See  Fórum Social Mundial). The same trade unions, which are routinely invited to mingle with Wall Street CEOs at the Davos World Economic Forum (WSF) including the AFL-CIO, the European Trade Union Confederation and the  Canadian Labor Congress (CLC) also sit on the WSF’s International Council (IC). Among NGOs funded by major foundations sitting on the WSF’s IC is the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) (see our analysis above) which oversees the Geneva based Trade Observatory.
The Funders Network on Trade and Globalization (FTNG), which has observer status on the WSF International Council plays a key role. While channelling financial support to the WSF, it acts as a clearing house for major foundations. The FTNG describes itself as “an alliance of grant makers committed to building just and sustainable communities around the world”. Members of this alliance are Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers, Heinrich Boell, C. S. Mott, Merck Family Foundation, Open Society Institute, Tides, among others. (For a complete list of FTNG funding agencies see FNTG: Funders). FTNG acts as a fund raising entity on behalf of the WSF.
Western Governments Fund the Counter-Summits and Repress the Protest Movement
In a bitter irony, governments including the European Union grant money to fund progressive groups (including the WSF) involved in organizing protests against the very same governments which finance their activities:

“Governments, too, have been significant financiers of protest groups. The European Commission, for example, funded two groups who mobilised large numbers of people to protest at EU summits at Gothenburg and Nice. Britain’s national lottery, which is overseen by the government, helped fund a group at the heart of the British contingent at both protests.” (James Harding, Counter-capitalism,, October 15 2001)

We are dealing with a diabolical process: The host government finances the official summit as well as the NGOs actively involved in the Counter-Summit. It also funds the multimillion dollar anti-riot police operation which has a mandate to repress the grassroots participants of the Counter-Summit, including members of NGOs direcly funded by the government. .
The purpose of these combined operations, including violent actions of vandalism committed by undercover cops (Toronto G20, 2010) dressed up as activists, is to discredit the protest movement and intimidate its participants. The broader objective is to transform the counter-summit into a ritual of dissent, which serves to uphold the interests of the official summit and the host government. This logic has prevailed in numerous counter summits since the 1990s.
At the 2001 Summit of the Americas in Quebec City, funding from the Canadian federal government to mainstream NGOs and trade unions was granted under certain conditions. A large segment of the protest movement was de facto excluded from the People’s Summit. This in itself led to the formation of a second parallel People’s venue, which some observers described as a “a counter-People’s Summit. In turn, in an agreement with both the provincial and federal authorities, the organizers directed the protest march towards a remote location some 10 km out of town, rather than towards the historical downtown area were the official FTAA summit was being held behind a heavily guarded “security perimeter”.

“Rather than marching toward the perimeter fence and the Summit of the Americas meetings, march organizers chose a route that marched from the People’s Summit away from the fence, through largely empty residential areas to the parking lot of a stadium in a vacant area several miles away. Henri Masse, the president of the Federation des travailleurs et travailleuses du Quebec (FTQ), explained, “I deplore that we are so far from the center-city…. But it was a question of security.” One thousand marshals from the FTQ kept very tight control over the march. When the march came to the point where some activists planned to split off and go up the hill to the fence, FTQ marshals signalled the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) contingent walking behind CUPE to sit down and stop the march so that FTQ marshals could lock arms and prevent others from leaving the official march route.” (Katherine Dwyer,  Lessons of Quebec City, International Socialist Review, June/July 2001)

Quebec City 2001, Building the Security fence
Security Perimeter, Quebec City 2001
The Summit of the Americas was held inside a four kilometer  “bunker” made of concrete and galvanized steel fencing. The 10 feet high “Quebec Wall” encircled part of the historic city center including the parliamentary compound of the National Assembly, hotels and shopping areas.

Quebec City, April 2001
NGO Leaders versus their Grassroots
The establishment of the World Social Forum (WSF) in 2001 was unquestionably a historical landmark, bringing together tens of thousands of committed activists. It was an important venue which allowed for the exchange of ideas and the establishment of ties of solidarity.
What is at stake is the ambivalent role of the leaders of progressive organizations. Their cozy and polite relationship to the inner circles of power, to corporate and government funding, aid agencies, the World Bank, etc, undermines their relationship and responsibilities to their rank and file. The objective of manufactured dissent is precisely that: to distance the leaders from their rank and file as a means to effectively silencing and weakening grassroots actions.
Funding dissent is also a means of infiltrating the NGOs as well as acquiring inside information on strategies of protest and resistance of grass-roots movements.
Most of the grassroots participating organizations in the World Social Forum including peasant, workers’ and student organizations, firmly committed to combating neoliberalism were unaware of the WSF International Council’s relationship to corporate funding, negotiated behind their backs by a handful of NGO leaders with ties to both official and private funding agencies.
Funding to progressive organizations is not unconditional. Its purpose is to “pacify” and manipulate the protest movement.  Precise conditionalities are set by the funding agencies. If they are not met, the disbursements are discontinued and the recipient NGO is driven into de facto bankruptcy due to lack of funds.
The WSF defines itself  as “an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and inter-linking for effective action, by groups and movements of civil society that are opposed to neo-liberalism and to domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism, and are committed to building a society centred on the human person”. (See Fórum Social Mundial, accessed 2010).
The WSF is a mosaic of individual initiatives which does not directly threaten or challenge the legitimacy of global capitalism and its institutions. It meets annually. It is characterised by a multitude of sessions and workshops. In this regard, one of the features of the WSF was to retain the “do-it-yourself” framework, characteristic of the donor funded counter G7 People’s Summits of the 1990s.
This apparent disorganized structure is deliberate. While favoring debate on a number of individual topics, the WSF framework is not conducive to the articulation of a cohesive common platform and plan of action directed against global capitalism. Moreover, the US led war in the Middle East and Central Asia, which broke out a few months after the inaugural WSF venue in Porto Alegre in January 2001, has not been a central issue in forum discussions.
What prevails is a vast and intricate network of organizations. The recipient grassroots organizations in developing countries are invariably unaware that their partner NGOs in the United States or the European Union, which are providing them with financial support, are themselves funded by major foundations. The money trickles down, setting constraints on grassroots actions. Many of these NGO leaders are committed and well meaning individuals acting within a framework which sets the boundaries of dissent. The leaders of these movements are often co-opted, without even realizing that as a result of corporate funding their hands are tied.
Global capitalism finances anti-capitalism: an absurd and contradictory relationship.
“Another World is Possible”, but it cannot be meaningfully achieved under the present arrangement.
A shake-up of the World Social Forum, of its organizational structure, its funding arrangements and leadership is required.
There can be no meaningful mass movement when dissent is generously funded by those same corporate interests which are the target of the protest movement. In the words of McGeorge Bundy, president of the Ford Foundation (1966-1979), Everything the [Ford] Foundation did could be regarded as ‘making the World safe for capitalism’”.
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The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
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UK is Governed by Criminals

Queen Elizabeth and UK Prime Minister David Cameron have been issued arrest warrants. The two were charged with sexual crimes against children as part of an international pedophile ring.

“We have enough evidence to prosecute and hold both the Prime Minister and Queen of England.”

… said ex-Royal Policeman Matt Taylor.
The present Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was alleged to be part of child trafficking in an international pedophile ring. Victims who were prostituted as children at the Vatican have come forward, along with survivors who alleged they were abused in international pedophile ring…
[Click on the image. When high resolution is loaded, click again on the image to zoom in…]
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Please support us by downloading our Towards Healthcare Emancipation – Second Edition, a fully illustrated eBook about how you can implement a low cost but extensive and decisively effective healthcare system in the comfort of your own home.
The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Court Summons issued to Pope Francis, Heads of Jesuits, Anglican

Posted on March 5, 2014
March 3, 2014
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Public Summons Issued to Pope Francis, Jesuits, Anglicans>
Formally charged with Crimes against Humanity, inciting Treason and abetting child trafficking, Pope Francis and the heads of the Jesuits and the Anglican Church have been issued a Public Summons. It compels them to appear before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels on March 31, 2014, to answer these charges and face prosecution. This broadcast constitutes their legal service and notification. See and .
The International Common Law Court of Justice
Criminal Trial Division, Brussels

In the Matter of The People v. Jorge Bergoglio, Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, Justin Welby and others
Case Docket No. 31032014-001
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A SUMMONS to appear before this Court is issued on this day, March 3, 2014, to the following persons:
Jorge Bergoglio, alias Pope Francis 1, Pontiff of the Church of Rome
Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, alias Superior General of the Jesuit Order
Justin Welby, alias Archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of England
Let these person,s their agents and the world be advised that they, the named parties as flesh and blood men, are hereby publicly charged by the Citizen Prosecutor’s Office of the Court with the following offences:
1. Organizing, aiding and abetting child rape, torture and trafficking within their bodies Corporate, and inciting and commanding their agents and followers to do the same;
2. Violating the Laws of Nations and compelling their agents and followers to commit Treason within their respective Nations;
3. Criminal complicity in the death, rape, torture and genocide of untold numbers of children, and
4. Criminally conspiring to commit and conceal these offences, and counselling others to do the same.
These accused persons, as flesh and blood men, are hereby summoned to appear as primary Defendants in a law suit addressing their responsibility for these crimes to be adjudicated by the Court, commencing at its opening Examination Hearing on Monday, March 31, 2014, in the City of Brussels.
These Defendants are advised that they or their legal representatives must appear at this Hearing, or give just cause in writing within ten (10) days of this date as to why they are unable or unwilling to attend.
The Defendants are further advised that their failure to respond to this Summons or to challenge these charges made against them will be interpreted by the Court as a tacit admission of guilt by them, and will constitute a plea of nolo contendere, or non-contested declaration, and will be entered into the Court record as such.
This PUBLIC SUMMONS is issued by the Office of the Presiding Magistrates of the Criminal Trial Division of the Court on the Third Day of March in the year 2014, in the City of Brussels.
The Defendants are hereby publicly served.
Head Magistrate (signed in the original)
Secretary of the Court (signed in the original)
The Official Seal of the Court in the original
The International Common Law Court of Justice
Case Docket No. 31032014-001 – Filed in the Court Registry in Brussels, Belgium – 03/03/2014




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Posted on March 1, 2014

Criminal Trial Division, Brussels
March 1, 2014
Announcement of Case Docket No. 31032014-001:

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In the Matter of The People v. Jorge Bergoglio, Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, Justin Welby and others, and their Bodies Corporate
A Pre-Trial Hearing will commence on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 9:00 am GMT in Brussels
Issued by the Office of the Presiding Magistrates
E. Cantillon, Secretary
LET IT BE KNOWN that, based on an application brought before it by the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor on February 10, 2014, the Court will in thirty days commence litigation proceedings against Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis 1″), Adolfo Nicolas Pachon (“Superior General of the Jesuit Order”), Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury”) and others involved in Crimes against Humanity.
These defendants will be charged with organizing and abetting child rape, torture and trafficking, and criminally conspiring to commit and conceal these offences.
The Court will convene its pre-trial Examination Hearing on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 9:00 GMT in the city of Brussels.
The Court is therefore issuing today a Public Summons to the named Defendants to be present at this Hearing, either in person or through their legal representatives.
Failure by any of the Defendants to appear may be interpreted by the Court as constituting a plea of nolo contendere, or non-contested, and will be entered into the Court record as such.
A copy of the Summons will be issued immediately to the named Defendants by Sheriffs appointed by the Court.
Anyone with evidence related to this matter is invited to submit it to the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor of the Court in the form of a legally sworn deposition and affidavit. For details, please contact the Office at




The ITCCS and its affiliates are calling for a Public Day of Silence to End Church Violence against Children, on the day before the opening of the Trial: Sunday, March 30, 2014. You are asked to refrain from all normal activity that day and join in prayer, fasting and reflection.
The Tribunal asks all people of conscience to remember and act not only for the children who are presently suffering and dying at the hands of church-protected child rapists and traffickers, but for the countless children who have died at the hands of these churches – children like:
Albert Hance, age 9, starved to death at the Anglican St. George’s school in Lytton, British Columbia;
Richard Thomas, age 15, beaten to death by Catholic priest Terrance MacNamara at the Kuper Island school, British Columbia;
Shirley Tatooche, age 10, raped to death by Catholic priests at the Fort Albany school in Ontario …and at least 50,000 more children in Canada alone. (
Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living – Jail the Child Killers and all those who protect them!
Updates to follow.
Issued by The Public Information Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division and by ITCCS Central
March 1, 2014




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In the early part of our uncivilization, there were only three estates, each with distinct political rights:

  1. Priests or spiritual lords
  2. Nobility or temporal lords
  3. Commoners or slaves

Soon, the fourth estate emerged from free thinkers, philosophers, poets and playwrights. Wired technologies facilitated a new vocation called journalism. Just like its predecessor, journalism has its own limits, one of which is the unidirectional flow of information.
Today, a more decentralized exercise of sharing information and views is helping shape public opinion, i.e. blogging.
While the Fourth Estate has gone bigger and better, the First and Second Estate have decided to join forces in order to have full control of the components of the Fourth Estate. This resulted to a profound subjugation of the Third Estate.
Collectively, this elite force dominating the planet right now is called the Deep State.
Thanks to Rick2012 for the article below…

The Dollar and the Deep State

If we consider the Fed’s policies (tapering, etc.) solely within the narrow confines of the corporatocracy or a strictly financial context, we are in effect touching the foot of the elephant and declaring the creature to be short and roundish.
I have been studying the Deep State for 40 years, before it had gained the nifty name “deep state.” What others describe as the Deep State I term the National Security State which enables the American Empire, a vast structure that incorporates hard and soft power–military, diplomatic, intelligence, finance, commercial, energy, media, higher education–in a system of global domination and influence.
Back in 2007 I drew a simplified chart of the Imperial structure, what I called the Elite Maintaining and Extending Global Dominance (EMEGD):

At a very superficial level, some pundits have sought a Master Control in the Trilateral Commission or similar elite gatherings. Such groups are certainly one cell within the Empire, but each is no more important than other parts, just as killer T-cells are just one of dozens of cell types in the immune system.
One key feature of the Deep State is that it makes decisions behind closed doors and the surface government simply ratifies or approves the decisions. A second key feature is that the Deep State decision-makers have access to an entire world of secret intelligence.
Here is an example from the late 1960s, when the mere existence of the National Security Agency (NSA) was a state secret. Though the Soviet Union made every effort to hide its failures in space, it was an ill-kept secret that a number of their manned flights failed in space and the astronauts died.
The NSA had tapped the main undersea cables, and may have already had other collection capabilities in place, for the U.S. intercepted a tearful phone call from Soviet Leader Brezhnev to the doomed astronauts, a call made once it had become clear there was no hope of their capsule returning to Earth.
Former congressional staff member Mike Lofgren described the Deep State in his recent essay Anatomy of the Deep State:

There is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power.The term “Deep State” was coined in Turkey and is said to be a system composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, military, security, judiciary and organized crime.
I use the term to mean a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process.

I would say that only senior military or intelligence officers have any realistic grasp of the true scope, power and complexity of the Deep State and its Empire.Those with no grasp of military matters cannot possibly understand the Deep State. If you don’t have any real sense of the scope of the National Security State, you are in effect touching the foot of the elephant and declaring the creature is perhaps two feet tall.
The Deep State arose in World War II, as the mechanisms of electoral governance had failed to prepare the nation for global war. The goal of winning the war relegated the conventional electoral government to rubber-stamping Deep State decisions and policies.
After the war, the need to stabilize (if not “win”) the Cold War actually extended the Deep State. Now, the global war on terror (GWOT) is the justification.
One way to understand the Deep State is to trace the vectors of dependency. The Deep State needs the nation to survive, but the nation does not need the Deep State to survive (despite the groupthink within the Deep State that “we are the only thing keeping this thing together.”)
The nation would survive without the Federal Reserve, but the Federal Reserve would not survive without the Deep State. The Fed is not the Deep State; it is merely a tool of the Deep State.
This brings us to the U.S. dollar and the Deep State. The Deep State doesn’t really care about the signal noise of the economy–mortgage rates, minimum wages, unemployment, etc., any more that it cares about the political circus (“step right up to the Clinton sideshow, folks”) or the bickering over regulations by various camps.
What the Deep State cares about are the U.S. dollar, water, energy, minerals and access to those commodities (alliances, sea lanes, etc.). As I have mentioned before, consider the trade enabled by the reserve currency (the dollar): we print/create money out of thin air and exchange this for oil, commodities, electronics, etc.
If this isn’t the greatest trade on Earth–exchanging paper for real stuff– what is?While I am sympathetic to the strictly financial arguments that predict hyper-inflation and the destruction of the U.S. dollar, they are in effect touching the toe of the elephant.
The financial argument is this: we can print money but we can’t print more oil, coal, ground water, etc., and so eventually the claims on real wealth (i.e. dollars) will so far exceed the real wealth that the claims on wealth will collapse.
So far as this goes, it makes perfect sense. But let’s approach this from the geopolitical-strategic perspective of the Deep State: why would the Deep State allow policies that would bring about the destruction of its key global asset, the U.S. dollar?
There is simply no way the Deep State is going to support policies that would fatally weaken the dollar, or passively watch a subsidiary of the Deep State (the Fed) damage the Deep State itself.
The strictly financial arguments for hyper-inflation and the destruction of the U.S. dollar implicitly assume a system that operates like a line of dominoes: if the Fed prints money, that will inevitably start the dominoes falling, with the final domino being the reserve currency.
Setting aside the complexity of Triffin’s Paradox and other key dynamics within the reserve currency, we can safely predict that the Deep State will do whatever is necessary to maintain the dollar’s reserve status and purchasing power.
Understanding the “Exorbitant Privilege” of the U.S. Dollar (November 19, 2012)
What Will Benefit from Global Recession? The U.S. Dollar (October 9, 2012)
Recall Triffin’s primary point: countries like China that run trade surpluses cannot host reserve currencies, as that requires running large structural trade deficits.
In my view, the euro currency is a regional experiment in the “bancor” model,where a supra-national currency supposedly eliminates Triffin’s Paradox. It has failed, partly because supra-national currencies don’t resolve Triffin’s dilemma, they simply obfuscate it with sovereign credit imbalances that eventually moot the currency’s ability to function as intended.
Many people assume the corporatocracy rules the nation, but the corporatocracy is simply another tool of the Deep State. Many pundits declare that the Powers That Be want a weaker dollar to boost exports, but this sort of strictly financial concern is only of passing interest to the Deep State.
The corporatocracy (banking/financialization, etc.) has captured the machinery of regulation and governance, but these are surface effects of the electoral government that rubber-stamps policies set by the Deep State.
The corporatocracy is a useful global tool of the Deep State, but its lobbying of the visible government is mostly signal noise to the Deep State. The only sectors that matter are the defense, energy, agriculture and international financial sectors that supply the Imperial Project and project power.
What would best serve the Deep State is a dollar that increases in purchasing power and extends the Deep State’s power. It is widely assumed that the Fed creating a few trillion dollars has created a massive surplus of dollars that will guarantee a slide in the dollar’s purchasing power and its demise as the reserve currency.
Those who believe the Fed’s expansion of its balance sheet will weaken the dollar are forgetting that from the point of view of the outside world, the Fed’s actions are not so much expanding the supply of dollars as offsetting the contraction caused by deleveraging.
I would argue that the dollar will soon be scarce, and the simple but profound laws of supply and demand will push the dollar’s value not just higher but much higher. The problem going forward for exporting nations will be the scarcity of dollars.
If we consider the Fed’s policies (tapering, etc.) solely within the narrow confines of the corporatocracy or a strictly financial context, we are in effect touching the foot of the elephant and declaring the creature to be short and roundish. The elephant is the Deep State and its Imperial Project.
source »
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The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Update 19feb2014: WRONG BANKERS’ DEATH 2.0
Imagine yourself firing a nail gun into your head to escape from it all.
The first nail should be the easiest, right? Well, relatively, of course. But the second one is highly improbable. By that time, you will begin to question the wisdom of why you fired the first shot in the first place. In fact, you will begin to question the wisdom of the whole exercise. Continue reading WRONG BANKERS' DEATH

Argentine Official Testifies Pope Child Trafficking [UPDATED]

Latest updates from ITCCS by Kevin D. Annett…

Pope Francis is named by former Argentine junta insider as “prime mover” in child trafficking network. Francis concealed Vatican – Crown of England “Holyrood Agreement” authorizing joint coverup of child rape in Anglican and Catholic churches

ITCCS Breaking News Release: February 3, 2014 (GMT)

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Pope Francis named by eyewitness as child trafficker

Exclusive reports from Madrid and Rome:

A former civil servant in the Argentine military junta who is living in exile in Spain claims that Pope Francis engineered the kidnapping and trafficking of children of political prisoners during the Dirty War of the 1970′s.

The man bases his claim on his personal involvement in meetings between Bergoglio and senior junta members that secured the child trafficking networks using Catholic orphanages and religious bodies as covers.

A Spanish reporter who has interviewed the former civil servant states,

“This guy is genuine and has many names and dates, and notes from meetings. Apparently, Bergoglio was promised the top spot in the Argentine church if he cooperated with the junta. So it’s small wonder that as the Pope, he’s made it harder for honest catholics to report child abuse, considering his own complicity.”

In related news, a Vatican source claims that former Pope Benedict (Joseph Ratzinger) secured an agreement with Queen Elizabeth as head of the Church of England to conceal child rape in that body by adopting the provisions of the canon law “Crimen Sollicitationas”.

The agreement was made at Holyrood Castle in Edinburgh on September 16, 2010, during the Pope’s unprecedented visit to England that month, the first such visit in papal history.

The adoption of the notorious law by Queen Elizabeth was one of the conditions for the absorption of the Anglican church back into the Church of Rome. It compels all Anglican clergy to subvert the laws of their own countries by protecting child rapists in their ranks, silencing victims and not telling the police of the crime.

Pope Benedict resigned on February 11, 2013, followed in August by the equally unexpected resignation of Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who helped to broker the Holyrood Agreement.

The cancellation of Queen Elizabeth’s novel trip to the Vatican in March, 2013 soon after the appointment of Jorge Bergoglio as Pope Francis 1 was connected to the new Pope’s concerns that the Holyrood agreement might surface.

“Papa Francis was determined to keep the Holyrood deal secret at whatever cost because of his own ‘reform’ image and his plans to entrench Crimen even more completely in church law, which he did in his July 11 Apostolic Letter” states the Vatican source.

“One of his conditions for being made Pontiff was the dismissal of Bertone, who might link him to Holyrood. As a Jesuit, Il Papa knows you must feign one thing while doing another”.

In response to these latest revelations, the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels is actively proceeding with its next major case, in which its Prosecutors’ Office will seek the prosecution of Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, on a charge of criminal conspiracy and aiding and abetting human trafficking.

The Court will issue its first Statement of Claim and Summonses no later than March 30, 2014.

The same Court issued a Legal Declaration on August 4, 2013, naming the Crown of England and the Roman Catholic Church as Transnational Criminal bodies under international law.

Further consequences of these facts will be disclosed this Friday, February 7 at a special press conference convened by ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett, commencing at 11 am outside the Canadian consulate at 1251 Avenue of the Americas in New York City.

Sources: (archives) , (Crimen document, Appendix 9),
Issued by the Central Office, ITCCS

Monday, 3 February, 2014 (GMT)

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Pope Francis named by eyewitness as child trafficker

Former Argentine official to testify against Pope Bergoglio’s child trafficking under Junta in Argentina

Posted on January 16, 2014

VANCOUVER, BC – Kevin Annett, field secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS.ORG) revealed that a former Argentine government official is scheduled to testify against Pope Bergoglio (Francis I) as to his role in child trafficking during the Junta government and the dirty war in Argentina. The Argentine official’s testimony is scheduled to occur in common law court of justice proceedings against Pope Bergoglio slated to begin in Brussels early in 2014.

In his interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on ExopoliticsTV, Kevin Annett also discussed plans by a United Nations NGO to move for stripping the Vatican of its observor status at the UN on the grounds that it is a criminal organization. The Vatican is currently answering queries at the UN on child trafficking and child abuse.

Kevin Annett also discussed the U.K.’s use of unlawful psychiatric incarceration against a ITCCS member of a common law court in Coventry, UK. Attempted psychiatric incarceration or psychiatric commitment has occurred against other NGOs such as EUCACH.ORG’s Melanie Vritschan in Brussels. Kevin Annett commented on the possible use of attempted psychiatric commitment by the King’s prosecutor in Brussels as a means of attempting to stop the common law court of justice proceedings against Pope Bergoglio for child trafficking.

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Kevin Annett: Argentine official to testify against Pope Bergoglio’s child trafficking

Urgent Update – London UK: Persecuted ITCCS member David Compan’s wife arrested and held by police to force David to surrender.

Posted on January 14, 2014

David Compan, illegally targeted under England’s police-state “thought crime” laws for his public support of our campaign to expose high-level child trafficking, has eluded detention in Charing Cross mental hospital; but in response, Wembley police have today arrested and are holding David’s wife to force him to surrender.

Demand the release of Pritame Bal, Davids wife, from Wembley police station, and an end of the government’s campaign to silence ITCCS members.

Concerned people are urged to protest at the station:

Wembley Police Station, 603 Harrow Road
HA0 2HH Wembley
Phone: 020 87333189

Officers William number 117QK and Ross Benson number 96304

David’s incarceration as an undiagnosed “mental patient” is being orchestrated by social worker Elizabeth Scully of the “Mental health assessment team” at The Claybrook centre, 37 claybrook Rd., Hammersmith, London W6 8LN – phone -020 7386 1271, fax 020 7386 1267.

These attacks will be discussed in an exclsuive interview with Kevin Annett and Coventry ITCCS members on Peoples’ Voice TV in England on Wednesday at 5 pm and 6 pm GMT (London), or 12 noon EST. Tune in to

Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels
14 January 2014

Pre-Revolutionary Mode

There’s a coup looming in the Philippines. There is a growing militia networks in America. There is a fire in every heart and mind of people around the world.

There is a Global Consensus that something is dead wrong with the whole system.

We are in a Pre-Revolutionary Mode.

Historical Powder Keg: Is 2014 going to be a 1914 Redux for Europe and the World?

Global Research, January 10, 2014

International columnists are predicting that quesstential “ Sarajevo moment” this year. A spark which would ignite an international conflagration, like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo did almost a century ago. A radical nationalist shooting the successor to an imperial throne, is unlikely to replicate itself this year. But there is potential for serious upheaval throughout Europe and elsewhere today.

Let’s take a look. Germany the “economic powerhouse” of the EU seems to be entering a new period of uncertainty as it did just before the “great war” broke out. As the New Year begins, the sudden fall (perhaps presaging Euro zone’s break up?) of the German chancellor is an ominous occurrence.  Looking like a weakened political figure (symbolised by the chancellor’s first public appearance in 2014, using crutches), Ms. Merkel has finally managed to cobble together a “grand collation”. Its life span is in doubt.  Growing social and income inequities in the country have worsened during Merkel’s reign. But even before the sporting mishap, the chancellor was unwilling to take any chances (in the best authoritarian or Wilhelminian tradition) and had already appointed an “heir” to succeed her (1); as if to ensure stability and continuity, even in the post-Merkel period.  In other words, neo-liberal economic policies will likely be applied at home and around the EU for some time to come.

2014 mirrors 1914: A would be Imperial Germany in the XXI century; Spain ’s decaying monarchy and the decrepit Italian republic….

With an ‘iron will” in her third term (2), the chancellor seems determined to pursue the draconian policies of austerity (further destroying economic growth and spurring unemployment). This means more pain and little gain, for millions on the receiving side of such policies such as Spaniards. Unlike the relatively calm of Berlin , the Spanish capital bears witness to on-going popular protests. Meanwhile, an ageing monarch (also hobbled due to a nasty fall, and forced to use crutches to get around) is facing a “crisis of confidence”. King Juan Carlos of Spain , who once popularly symbolised the return of democracy after decades of Franco’s fascist rule, is seeing his kingdom buffeted by growing popular protests. The growing rebelliousness among the populace is fuelled by never ending corruption scandals. His daughter is now implicated in a money laundering-embezzlement scam (3). And then there’s the prospect of evermore economic blight to throw into the mix. Spain managed to remain neutral when WW1 broke out. Yet, in 2014, the country is on the front lines of the struggle against austerity in Europe . Moreover the future of the monarchy looks unclear.

Across the Mediterranean, or in Italy (a decrepit republic if there ever was one) ended a tumultuous 2013 with “pitchfork protests” in the streets of its cities. Again as in Spain , Italy is plagued by incessant corruption, social unrest, and is seeing it institutions systematically undermined (due to criminal syndicates) at the expense of the democratic process. Witness the rise in Italy of demagogues, or clownish populists and rising xenophobia. Anti –politicians over there, are taking advantage of the rage against Rome and Brussels (the imperial HQ of the EU).  .

Europe’s historical powder keg, the Balkans is ready to re-ignite

Assassinations are not perhaps on the agenda this coming year in the Balkans, but political upheaval sure is on the menu for 2014. Mass strikes and protest movements which began violently in Greece back in 2008, have now spread through the southern Balkan states. The mass demonstrations against usurious price hikes (in the wake of en masse privatisation) in energy costs imposed on local consumers, have nearly toppled the government in Bulgaria (4). Next door in Romania , rampant corrupting and an epic struggle between a civil society movement and a Canadian mining company, has nearly shaken the foundation of the Romanian government (5). Despite these explosive events, Brussels adamantly refuses to do away with restrictions related to the freedom of movement, imposed on these two states’ citizens. Their entry date into the “Schengen zone” is still pending or sine die.  In 2014, this containment policy is a dangerous one, indeed.

Is Turkey once again the “Sick man of Europe ”?

Beyond the borders on the southern flank of the EU, there is also great instability in 2014, which eerily recalls 1914 tensions on the eve of war. The benign promise of an “Arab Spring” has turned into a horrific nightmare. Situations resembling a civil war like conflict have developed in Egypt , Libya , and Tunisia , Yemen and more recently Lebanon . In the case of Syria , the resemblance is simply a tragic reality. This regional instability risks spilling over into Turkey (the US ’s closes regional ally). Of course, back then, Turkey was the lynchpin of an Ottoman Empire which ruled over most of the Middle East . A hundred years ago, and in its death throes, it haplessly entered the “great war”. This precipitated its collapse and then led to the Armenian genocide of 1915.  How long will Ankara sit on the sidelines before it’s dragged into a wider war in its neighbourhood this time? 2014 will likely determine the course of action it will take.

On the domestic side, Turkey is rife with internal dissent and rocked by ongoing protest which began last June. Popular discontent with the Sultan like authoritarian rule of PM Erdogan has not subsided. The ongoing struggle between secularist (Kemalists) and neo-Islamists (and within factions of the AKP party itself), risks fracturing the Turkish state in 2014, in ways the Ottoman Empire experienced a century ago.

Furthermore, the government’s hold on power has been recently further weakened due to corruption scandals at the highest leadership levels (6). Subsequent purges within the police and security apparatus have further envenomed the situation. The truce with the rebellious Kurds in the eastern part of the country remains a tenuous one. Finally, Turkey ’s decades old bid to become an EU member state is essentially “on ice” due to repressive actions taken against activists and journalists there. Hence, as in 1914, the country is a boiling cauldron floating on a sea of regional instability.

Echoes in Asia of the Mexican revolution

Shifting to Asia in Thailand , Cambodia , and Bangladesh there seems to be growing popular movements or revolts against an entrenched and corrupt oligarchy underway. So far these uprising have been brutally repressed with military force. Do today’s events in these places risk sparking a 1914 like conflaguaration? Probably they don’t. However these developing countries seem to be in what I like to refer to as being in a “pre-revolutionary mode”. What we see happening in these parts of the world in 2014, bears striking similarity to the Mexican revolution (1910-20) which saw a decade long struggle to rid the country of a corrupt regime known as the “Porfiriato”. Add to all this the risk of a military confrontation between rising and falling “great powers” as was the caseback in 1914 (witness today’s sabre rattling over the disputed Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai in the far east), then one really  gets the sense history is repeating itself once again.








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Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Keenan Group Strikes Back

Here’s the latest from Neil Keenan…

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE – 2014 – The NK Group Strikes Back!

Posted on January 3, 2014 by

From the intimate setting of his living room, Neil Keenan invites and informs us about the higher level movements and machinations of the Cabal. Updates and deeper explanations of their inner workings and initiatives taken on by Group K to stop them are included in this heartfelt New Year’s message from NFK.

Additionally, he includes a formal, diplomatic letter sent to Chancellor Merkel of Germany. The current Government of Germany is the first domino in taking down the cabal. As it falls, so will the City of London, the European Union, NATO, and the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Germany stole well over 17,000 tonnes of American gold in the 1930s, and now has the gall to demand an additional 300 tonnes today. Neil stands up to say,”Enough!”

This letter is a formal, legal communication, and therefore must be appreciated in that context. Only the most diplomatic and pertinent legal language is appropriately relevant in this type of communication. Suffice it to say that the moral and/or ethical aspects of the misappropriation and the circumvention of the American public are well understood and known by Neil and the NFK Team.

There may be questions from you pertaining to terminology and content in this diplomatic/legal document, but you can rest assured that all such questions have been carefully weighed.

Please enjoy this post, and we welcome your responses.


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Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


We have seen the greatest collateral damage my country has to endure in 2013, which is always under-reported in mainstream media. Both the 7+ magnitude Bohol earthquake and the Cat 5 typhoon Hainan, during the last quarter alone, have brought so much misery and pain.

The loss of loved ones, friends and neighbors were so hard to bear. The impact was so great especially during the holiday seasons when everybody should have been home. For many of us, these words have lost their meanings. There’s nobody there to celebrate with and no home to be there anymore.

This is on top of the already dire economic conditions that the mortals who consider themselves godly had imposed upon us.

We have learned how to live with it for the last four centuries of their domination. We have adapted ourselves to the manipulated realities that they who have appointed themselves as the “Chosen Few” have imposed upon us.

Still, they have not been able to break the human spirit. They will never be.

Bangon Leyte

“Rise up, Leyte” is the rock concert we have organized together with local bands facing the Pacific who volunteered their time and talent, giving their best to the people, who survived the worst typhoon in history, something to celebrate on.

bangon leyte 2
That’s me on the 6-string acoustic. Haven’t touch that thing in 15 years. It’s karaoke’s fault 😉
bangon leyte
Everyone’s havin’ a good time last night. They can’t break us down. It’s high time now that they should realize that. ..    ..about time.

This is our way of telling them that they are not alone.

Together with the rest of the world, we welcome this New Year with great hope and pride. The battle is about to be won.

Happy New Year, Everyone. Thanks for all the support through all these years. We’ve never have survived without it.



This will jive perfectly on what The Keenan Group has been working on, but we are not sure if this is really the Event we are expecting to happen. In fact, this could also be an elaborate attempt to hijack Keenan’s effort.

Also, the Federal Reserve Act had already expired on December 23rd this year.

Withholding any attempt of celebrating is politely advised 😉

by Hazel Manuras as posted at Cosmic Voice [audio source]


Thomas has said this is not an endorsement but it is interesting. I have listened this morning and decided to make notes so we could consider some key points [in the order they were presented and not necessarily logical] – and for those who can’t listen for 1hr 40mins. Please don’t shoot the messenger as I don’t have 2nd amendment rights LOL…and I have tried my best to record the names of your legislation and acts ….seem to be learning more about US law the UK ……Took 3 hrs!

• There are currently Russian, Chinese and German troops in the US, to go to DC to make arrests and prevent WWIII

• There is a 4th player who is unseen and very powerful – quote ‘and I think we know who this is but most people refuse to accept it’….[my question are they referring to ET?]

• Nuclear arsenals in the Middle East are not working – no access codes are working or targeting facilities

• Prosperity Packages (PP’s) are ‘in the hat’ – and have been reassigned to the Provost Marshall of the US military in Virginia – so unusual move that the military are now in control of the PP situation

• Sudan: US troops there [because?] bankers are trying to start WWIII – which will not be allowed to happen. They planned to use any or a combination of Chemical/Bio/Nukes and other countries said not acceptable.

• Federal Reserve – as of midnight all $ notes became counterfeit – really not a rumour true. No need to panic the US economy is still accepting them and they will be taken in and exchanged when the new currency is put into the banks. The only thing that would create a problem is if someone turned up at a bank with huge amounts of cash not commensurate with their standing and income otherwise ok to exchange for new currency when arrives.

• The ‘big boys’ – trillion dollar people (Bankers and Congress]– cashed out large quantities of Dinars

• NESARA – he has been hearing that they are trying to bring this on-line if not directly ..but quietly There has been high level meetings in the Indian Ocean (British Indian territory) at a tiny atoll named Diego Garcia – nothing there only a landing strip. O’B has been holidaying a lot for extended vacations to Hawaii…said to have been going to Diego Garcia as first priority before vacations.

• Nov 2009(?) O’B passed an executive order for every alphabet agency (?) except NDAA and US DOD issuing orders to regulate the banking system. People have been mad at the NSA – but in actual fact the surveillance has not been to deal with the ordinary people but to get the Bankers. Not just the CIA, FBI, Dept of the Feds, Navy intel. but everybody involved to nail the bankers.

• O’B has been passing executive orders and putting Czars in place – he is not a dictator but has been strategically moving people around to clean up the system. In 1991 George Bush sold the infrastructure of the USA under executive order and O’B has passed an order to re-nationalise the infrastructure. The NDDA is to deal with those in power under Section 802. ‘those that intimate and cohort with Judges and prosecution’… etc. of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and Prosecution – who have been lazy and behaving unethically. The latter have been trying to minimise events in case they are charged with aiding and abetting. So trying to protect themselves. There has been 10 million records seized covering every judge in the state of California.

• The Pope’s decree has eliminated immunity so that now we can go retro-actively and deal with them.

• There exists online an abridged copy of the Patriot Act – everyone needs to read this to see there is nothing in there to do with the American people but to deal with money laundering, RICO and depopulation programmes.

• We can now go to foreign countries and ask them to hand over illicit money or be dubbed terrorists and receive a military response. Switzerland, Cayman Isles, Jamaica, Bahamas and the Caribbean banking havens have been forced by a military presence around the shorelines. The Cayman Isles were entered and they couldn’t explain account holders…found to be belong to dead people and even in dog’s names. Lots of bank accounts were cleaned out – 10’s of 1000’s – and bankers in Switzerland committed suicide.

• A report last week from Bloomberg detailed that pressure was being put on Swiss Bankers who had been put on notice by the IRS and the Govt. to turn over all questionable US citizens’ bank accounts. Other banks (Rothschilds) had assigned 450 lawyers to fight the request. The Rothschilds were told if there are irregularities and hidden money from the US Govt. They must hand over or else they would be penalised with fines and jail sentences. The Swiss bankers are still debating the choice but they have little time left now to decide.

• It must have been something huge because the Rothschilds answer to no one and don’t usually respond to Govts. This Govt. Has 12 of the 22 aircraft carriers that exist worldwide and sail the oceans. The smallest is twice the size of anyone else’s. So if the Rothschilds don’t comply they will be responded to as terrorists under the Patriot Act – the military can go in and there will be backs against the wall. Bankers have been dealt with in China and Vietnam but the details differ (1 executed and 3 in prison in China and 2 shot in Vietnam…or alternatively all executed).

• Karen Hudes had stated that there were underground banks in Hawaii with 70,000 tons of gold to back the new $, and at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs – Russian troops were guarding another gold deposit. Fort Knox – has seen large troop movement during the last 12 months. So there is gold in 3 locations in large amounts to back the new $ so don’t worry about money. This has been a grand 5 years plan in the making [circa 2008 collapse?]

• The Federal Reserve cessation is not in writing yet it is taking place as we speak so you will not find evidence of it until it gets on TV or in Wall St Journal. It’s breaking news. All the new money will not be on the street at the same time but the 12 central banks are full of money.

• Under the ‘Trading with the Enemy’ Act Section 6 – O’B could deal with all the ‘big boys’ who have cashed in the Dinars. There is a chance he could seize this money under the Act. These people have been running amok and have become the enemy of the country. The US has been under a state of emergency since 1933 so he can do that. This would solve the US’s financial problems right now. Apparently there is a cap in place for the elite of $1 trillion.

• Caller comment: Troops are landing in the USA ‘armed and ready for bear’ – is this indicating martial law? Answer: Firstly, the US has been under Martial Law since 1877 with the Reconstruction Act and a state of emergency. Secondly in 1933, the bankruptcy situation invoked a second state of emergency and the US has been under martial law since that.

• The influx of foreign military are from friendly military governments and the troops are out in the community enjoying football and watching baseball. They are guarding the Colorado Springs gold reserves. There is a need to take people down because of DC passing Posse Comitatus. It was passed to allow the military to enforce law but the 1902 Dicat and the constitution gives the authority to call up the military. So Putin etc. can be used to solve problems by using overseas troops to deal with areas that are owned.

• FEMA Camps or military detention facilities. Originally was said these would be used against the US people – look online there are 800 pages in the Army Field Manual – ‘Capturing and Detaining of People’ and the use of multiple theatres of operation. Multiple meaning multiple countries. The manual tells how to identify ID badges, the country the person is captured in and location. It is not for citizens but to deal with the corrupt. The UN have stood up to these people (he can’t disclose how he knows). Interpol have been fighting in Europe for decades and getting their butts kicked. So O’B asked the UN the help as allies (including Russia and China) in order to prevent WWIII. After all a war of this magnitude would be bad for world health and business.

• Camps have 3 facility types: 1 for criminals and having a court inside – Bankers and the like. 1 as a temporary holding facility to calm people down but not to hurt them just contain them and lastly 1 as a refugee camp for the families of the people that get arrested…when this blows up and soon..the families will be in danger of being lynched and will need to be kept safe.

• Some people from foreign countries including the US, bankers etc. have already been arrested by Interpol and are in camps. The police work for private corporations so they cannot be relied upon or trusted – there was a need to bring someone else in.

• O’B passed an order to create a civilian army (that was propagandised) and this got blocked so had to look to the alternative.

• DC doesn’t care if you have a gun – it is the states that are in rebellion against Congress and their oath against the constitution. He could come and arrest every governor and local cop on the street for treason and espionage, rebellion and insurrection under the Patriot Act and pick them all up.

• No normal people going to camps. The military have said no….otherwise the ‘tanks will be rolling’ and if 50,000 tanks start coming at you let’s see what happens’.

• They have recalled a bunch of people in the military generals etc. and this started around 2 years ago roughly. It has been noticed that there is no-one on the golf courses and O’B is weeding out the ones that won’t stay on message. He is taking others and placing them where he can use them. Apparently a group of military have just been on 2 weeks’ training (rumour not confirmed) these being the US Army Rangers, Green Berets and Reconnaissance Marines who came back with Uniforms for the Dept. Of Justice US Marshalls.

• When this goes down there will be a need for people to step in where state governors are removed and an Agitant General Command Grade Officer might be put in place.

• The Rumours of Nukes being moved are false – the protocol for nukes to be moved around is too tight without major paperwork.

• Caller Question: I have sons and daughters in the military who were told at a big meeting that they would be getting rid of [black?] military officers so it has to be true?…another caller answered and said I am from a black family and I don’t think it’s true. [I didn’t understand this reference and the sound quality wasn’t good]

• There is a major international incident going on now in the US – people have volunteered to assist from overseas. We cannot go on much longer with bankers actively trying to start WWIII and they must be stopped and this will need Russian and other troops to do so.

• Caller Question: If O’B is so the good guy and a white hat or something, we need to judge a fruit by its tree… Why did he pass the NDAA to make people disappear and has offered no transparency that he had promised? Second question what if the troops are here to take over the US. Answer: O’B made a statement in a video where he said ‘there are terrorists out there that cannot be tried because their crimes are beyond comprehension’ and that there is no way to try such as Rockefellers, JP Morgan, Rothschilds et al. as no one will testify against them. So he enacted the NDAA to give authority to do so. Another thing; there is a military base in Cyprus that can be used. [My comment: if he means North Cyprus that would be because they are not recognised as a country after the ‘military coup in 1974 in the north of the island by Turkey. The south remains Greek and is recognised internationally and by the EU – the north is not].

• There are people that he knows have trained with the International troops, if they were coming after the US as a country, the International troops do not have enough force, e.g. 65,000 Russian troops would mean 1,000 per state and that wouldn’t go very far. The speaker lives in a city with 21,000 people for example. There has been propaganda to scare people that O’B is coming after you and the biggest weapon against the people has been the fear mongering.

• In 2011 the US sold near on 49.5 million hunting licences, along with 38 million guns too and that’s just registered. Foreign troops would have no chance against the people…In 1941 it was said ‘there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass’…so think of the scale now.

• Suggest that people go and read O’B’s executive orders and see what he is intending as a military operation to secure infrastructure. When the event goes down the US will shift from a democracy to a republic and it will take about a week for people to really know what happened. The Plan started back in the 1970’s.

• There is reason to believe that the COG (Continuity of Government) has been activated by O’B. He cannot ascertain but believes it is in place. So that if anything goes down the people (levels of military) that have been on long term vacation for over a year at times, can be reactivated and brought back out.

• One of radio people’s comments: the HJR 192 (House Joint Resolution) will keep currency safe. The real money is starting to come out. There was a big shipment 7-8 months ago. Cyprus especially and others have been putting in the prosperity packages in position to complete around March/April 2014. Generals and Sergeants and soldiers are ready to go on Supreme Court panels to sort things out. The Basel plan (finance) is coming into place. Last night a news article said that a plane had been grounded full of gold and the people on board arrested. There was a picture of them standing naked(?) in front of gold bars. The price will go down tremendously. Snowden has been key to the exposure.

• There is a website named ‘1461 days’ showing all the Executive Orders to comply with the 802 Patriot Act from past presidents to present.

• Caller Question: What about the 2nd amendment, Benghazi and IRS abuse – why hasn’t O’B dealt with this? Answer: Blanket arrests have not happened because the Govt. Has been taken over. We are getting ready to clean house. Have you thought about the amount of $ it takes to run the propaganda machine to go against O’B on TV, right wing radio, internet and websites? The people manipulating us with this propaganda are the same ones who would have you enslaved.

Closing Statement: Executive Orders do not apply to the American people they are only of the administration. O’B is the CEO and executive of the corporation. The Vice President is President of Congress and the Senate. The new $100 bill was printed in 2009 and is still a reserve note so as worthless as toilet paper. No-one will be taking the guns – the military wouldn’t even consider it.

Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Federal Reserve Act Expires

by 14300
Sep 2

Charter of the Federal Reserve Act expires in 2013
Oh how history repeats itself!

While America Sleeps…

December 23, 1913, while most of Congress was on Christmas break a few that stayed in Washington sneaked the Federal Reserve Act by, and it was quickly signed into law before the other members of Congress could get back to Washington to do anything about it.

This Federal Reserve Act is expiring NOW – THIS YEAR 2013 in DECEMBER. 

Will the Congress sell the nation back into slavery and into the hands of the criminal banking system again?

I think we all know the answer to that one!

100 more years of slavery…

The Federal Reserve Act was enacted on the 23rd of December in the year 1913

The Federal Reserve System, a Christmas Gift that Keeps on Taking

by Szandor Blestman

Ninety nine years ago this month, the law that brought the Federal Reserve System into existence was passed. It did so at the behest of some very wealthy and very greedy men who wanted nothing less than total control of as much of the world’s total wealth that they could possibly get their hands on. These men with names like Aldrich, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Vanderlip, Kuhn, Loeb, Warburg, Morgan, Schiff, et al. wanted nothing less than total control of finances, currencies and economies worldwide. They wanted it so badly that they cared not what the majority might think, and they certainly didn’t care what the common folk at the time might think. These were the robber barons of finance in their day, and they knew the general public wouldn’t trust them or their banking schemes. It was for this reason they had to remain secretive in their plans and use every deception and political dirty trick in their arsenal to achieve their goals.

It took three years to set things up, but just before Christmas, on the 23rd of December in the year 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was enacted. It was sold to the American people as a sort of present to them, a way to stabilize the economy and prevent boom and bust cycles. What it was in actuality was a present to the wealthiest amongst us, the central bankers, and a way for them to gain control of our economy for their own benefit and to secure their power. It was a way for them to steal the real wealth of the common folk in such a way that most would never know or understand how their prosperity was being stolen.

Think about the date it was passed just for a second. It was just two days before Christmas. It was during the time when fully a third of the legislators had already gone back to their home states to spend time with their families.

I’m not completely certain about how things were back then, but in today’s world this is a time when most people are not paying attention to politics. I imagine it was the same even back then. Who wants to think about what politicians and lawmakers are doing when there are plans to be made for the big holiday?

Any law that is passed at this time of year should be suspect. Any law that is passed after elections have taken place and before the new congress critters have taken their oath of office leaves too many of the political class completely unaccountable.

As many of you may know I am not a big fan of laws and regulations. The more laws we have, the more tyranny we have, the fewer laws we have, the more freedom we have. The law should be simple, if you do harm to an individual or you damage or steal his hard earned property, you should be held accountable. If there is no victim, there is no crime. If there are to be laws and regulations to make sure that no thought crimes are committed, however, than those laws and regulations should be restricting the political class and punishing them for breeching the laws.

I think a good law would be that no legislation is to be passed during the period of time between an election and the swearing in of the new congress. That seems to be the time when the most constitution shredding, tyrannical, and controversial legislation seems to be passed.

But of course the political class and the power elite who control them don’t want to create anything that limits their power, they want to limit what the common folk can do. They want to make certain their power base is maintained and grown. They want more power, not less, and so they are going to create laws and institutions that help them to gain it. They do this by removing or hiding what little control the common folk may have over the systems and institutions where the government claims to have a monopoly and consolidating that power as much as they possibly can. They consolidate their monopoly power on the use of “legitimate” force by bypassing congressional oversight in war matters and creating laws such as The Patriot Act, The Military Commissions Act, and the most recent NDAA to set up a police state. They consolidate their monopoly on the justice system and put power in the hands of their judges by constantly harping on finding people either “guilty” or “not guilty” of crimes and refusing to inform juries of their right and duty to judge the law. And so it was that they consolidated their monopoly on currency creation and removed power from the hands of the common folks back in 1913 by passing The Federal Reserve Act.

Before the creation of the quasi private, quasi public Federal Reserve the power to coin money was solely vested in the US House of Representatives and money was based on silver and gold. It took the promise of the gift of stable prices and maximum employment through “elastic” currency to “sell” the American people on this central banking scheme. These promises, of course, have been broken time and again, and we are currently experiencing the latest downturn in the economy and the most massive unemployment in decades as a result of this ill conceived creation of the powerful financial interests. As history has shown, this institution does not give anything to the common folk, it takes everything from them.

It takes wealth. It does so by creating debt in the form of “easy” credit. This credit comes in the form of fractional reserves which more or less guarantees that there will never be enough currency to pay back everything that is owed. In this way, the banks are set up to own anything real that a borrower possesses for a little bit of paper, or in modern days some ones and zeroes in some digital data bank somewhere. The central banks and their financial sector partners have a tendency to horde commodities of real value such as precious metals, land, etc. while issuing their debt paper to an unsuspecting public.

It takes lives. One of the first things that happened after the creation of the Federal Reserve was World War I. There is a school of thought out there that this would not have happened had the Federal Reserve not been created, or at least America would not have become involved. The “elastic” nature of the new American currency made it possible to pay for the war on the backs of future generations, otherwise the rise in taxes would have created political pressure to avoid war.

World War I was supposed to be the war to end all wars. Instead most of the wars fought in the 20th century stem from World War I. Who is it that constantly benefits from such destruction? Who is it that profits from such suffering? The military industrial complex that we were warned about, and those that finance them even more so.

The Federal Reserve takes away value. It keeps pumping more and more money into the system, creating it like the money itself is the wealth and not just a token of exchange. The more money that is available, the greater the supply, the less it is worth. Those at the top, the power elite, can spend it while its buying power is still high, but those at the bottom, the common folk, receive the money after its value has decreased. That is what inflation is really about. That is why the costs of necessities are rising. And now your federal government needs to tax you even more so that they too can maintain their spending addictions.

The Federal Reserve System takes our freedom. It takes away our independence. It profits off debt. For every dollar it loans out it expects to take back ten. It creates a debtor nation and then makes the citizenry beholden to it for economic survival. It makes the nation dependent on its currency and credit like a junkie is dependent on a drug. It takes away the political will of the people by creating the fear that we will not be able to get our fix should the currency supplier be held accountable.

The cycle can be broken. First, more people need to be educated as to the origin of the Federal Reserve as well as how other central banks operate. A full audit of the Federal Reserve needs to take place and all moneys accounted for. Secrecy must be stopped and transparency demanded. The people of the United States deserve to know where all their money, all their wealth is being spent, and why more of it isn’t being saved to ensure prosperity for future generations. Finally, a way needs to be found to make the system accountable. No one should have such awesome power as a monopoly on currency creation enables. Strike at the source of the corruption, and we will begin to create a more honest and principled world for all to live in.

Nearly a hundred years ago, the Wilsonian progressives helped the moneyed elite sell the American public on a gift that to this day continues to keep on taking. Even Wilson himself realized he made a mistake when in later years he wrote: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

Today the so called progressives want to continue to raise taxes. They want to keep the burden on the common folk. They want to treat symptoms rather than remove the cancer and cure the disease. They talk about those making over $250,000 a year as if they are the wealthy while bailing out those worth $250 billion. They want to steal from those who have become successful through industrious hard work while ignoring those who have made trillions through fraudulent and questionable means. That is not progress, it is tyranny against those who should be lauded for their hard work and successful endeavors. If you want progress, start by tearing down the stale old institutions that have been proven failures. Such an institution is the Federal Reserve. We have already given it too much and still it wants to take more.

If you enjoy my writings, please visit to make a donation. I have recently collected all my Ron Paul opinion editorials and put them in an ebook entitled, “Ron Paul’s Wisdom, A Layman’s Perspective” available at and other fine ebook outlets.

Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE COME TO OUR AID in the aftermath of the worst typhoon in history, i.e. Typhoon Hainan that ravaged Tacloban and neighboring towns very recently…

… here’s a treat for you…. enjoy 😉

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The band is from Tacloban City.


Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Watching the images of floating bodies of the victims of HAARP-induced Hainan, and knowing who perpetrated it makes one cry and seek justice at its fullest. But in this world that they, the perpetrators, built such a thing wouldn’t be handed down, but can only be extracted.

We can end the sufferings of the present, and avoid the same in the future if we join those who have started to act for the complete banishment of the Jesuits and its collaborators from this planet.

Apathy and massive ignorance, they are dangerous. But awareness can be contagious. Knowledge can spread like wildfire if the awake and aware would begin taking action in that direction. A grassroots movement to inform and organize anti-Jesuit groups is more than a necessity if humanity is to survive.


This is one of the guiding principles of the Society of Jesus and all organizations, i.e. corporations under its umbrella. That’s why we have the likes of Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Cobra, Ben Fulford, Vladimir Putin, etc.

putin meets bergoglio

Genuine oppositions are now dead: Dr. Eugene Mallove, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Bill Hicks, Bill Cooper, Aaron Swartz, etc.

At this point, we can assume that the Keenan Group, and the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] are still with us.

Those people pretending to be the Reformists are stirring the freedom movement into a predetermined direction that the Jesuits want us to proceed. And that direction is where they still continue to wield so much influence under the cloak of global reformation.

It is easy to verify this sinister plan by looking at the continued gas exploration and pipe laying across Europe and Asia instead of gradually introducing more fuel efficient systems, and free energy. They are also presenting an alternative global development bank that uses the same fundamental methods as the old World Bank, but promises to eliminate corruption. That’s what politicians are good at, i.e. making promises.

The economic system based on any currency is not compatible with a society that possesses Type 1 Civilization technologies.

The Controlled Oppositions are taking their cue from the Vatican, Inc. itself: Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the first Jesuit White Pope, is wearing a Reformist image and speak only those words that the people want to hear, very similar to Obama.

With Obama and Bergoglio heading the two of the greatest corporations on Earth, we are indeed in perilous times. But they can only succeed when we stop doing what we must be doing – counter-brainwashing the masses.

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ARVE Error: need id and provider
ARVE Error: need id and provider

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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I saw Ratzinger murder a little girl

Here’s an explosive update from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS]:

A Global Media Advisory from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and its Central Directorate, Brussels

“I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl”:
Eyewitness to a 1987 ritual sacrifice confirms account of Toos Nijenhuis of Holland

New Evidence of Vatican’s guilt prompts Italian politicians to confront Pope Francis as next Common Law court case is announced – The Papacy retaliates with global “black ops” attacks against ITCCS

A Breaking News Summary and Update from ITCCS Central, Brussels

Monday, October 28, 2013

The criminal prosecution of yet another Pope came closer to reality this month as Italian politicians agreed to work with the ITCCS in a common law court action against the papacy for its haboring of a wanted fugitive from justice: deposed Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger.

The agreement came after a new eyewitness confirmed the involvement of Ratzinger in a ritual child sacrifice in Holland in August of 1987.

“I saw Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl at a French chateau in the fall of 1987″ stated the witness, who was a regular participant in the cult ritual torture and killing of children.

“It was ugly and horrible, and it didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger often took part. He and (Dutch Catholic Cardinal) Alfrink and (Bilderberger founder) Prince Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

This new witness confirms the account of Toos Nijenhuis, a Dutch woman who went public on May 8 with her eyewitness account of similar crimes involving Ratzinger, Alfrink and Bernhard. (see:

Soon after his historic resignation from office last February 11, Joseph Ratzinger was convicted of Crimes against Humanity on February 25, 2013 by the Brussels-based International Common Law Court of Justice, and a global citizens arrest warrant was issued against him. Since then, he has evaded arrest within Vatican City under a decree of the present Pope Francis.

The surfacing of this new evidence of Vatican complicity in child murder has prompted a group of Italian politicians to agree to work with the ITCCS in confronting the papacy with a common law court case against the present Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, for his sheltering of Ratzinger and his own complicity in war crimes. The politicians had been in closed negotiations with ITCCS representatives since September 22.

“We are looking at revising if not abolishing our country’s Lateran Treaty with the Vatican, whose actions in harboring child rapists certainly meet the definition of a Transnational Criminal Organization under international law” stated a spokesman for one of the politicians.

In response, during the same week of October 7 when these new allegations surfaced, the Vatican commenced a series of attacks against ITCCS groups in Europe involved in documenting the church’s involvement in cult ritual murder.

Paid operatives sabotaged ITCCS work in Holland and Ireland during that week, and on October 14, the main ITCCS website was destroyed by the same saboteurs.

Political sources in Rome have revealed that these attacks were paid for and coordinated through the Office of the Vatican espionage agency known as the “Holy Alliance” or The Entity, and its affiliated “dirty ops” bureau, the Sodalitium Pianum, established in Rome in 1913. They also involved the agents of the Papal Nuncio to Holland, Archbishop Andre Dupuy, who made direct contact with two of the saboteurs, “Mel and Richard Ve”, and with the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, who likewise paid bribes to disrupt ITCCS work in Ireland.

“Obviously the Vatican is panicking. This is a good sign” commented ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett today from New York City.

“The political tide has shifted against the church, and it’s no longer possible for child killers in robes to hide behind the Lateran Treaty. And in its death throes, the church hierarchy is using its usual methods of lies and misinformation to shift the focus off its own criminal guilt.”

In response to this breakthrough and to the renewed attacks on its work, the ITCCS Central Directorate in Brussels has today made the following announcement to the world media and to its affiliates in twenty six countries:

1. During November, our network will convene a global press conference in Rome with Italian politicians to announce a new phase of our campaign to disestablish the secular power of the Vatican. This campaign will include the launching of a new common law court action against the present Pope Francis and his agents for complicity in Crimes against Humanity and cult ritual murder.

2. To safeguard these efforts, our main website at has been restored and protected with new security features. In addition, henceforth, all ITCCS sections will operate under an official Charter which all members must sign and swear to. A copy of this Charter will be posted at and circulated to all our sections.

3. For information purposes, our former television site at has been compromised and seized by the paid operatives known by the aliases “Mel and Richard Ve”, who are acting in deliberate opposition to the ITCCS to blacken our work and the good name of Kevin Annett, our Field Secretary. Neither “Mel and Richard Ve” nor the site are affiliated with nor in any way represent the ITCCS.

4. Jorge Bergoglio (alias Pope Francis) and other officials of the Vatican are now under criminal investigation for heinous offences involving the trafficking, torture and killing of children. We advise all persons to refrain from assisting Bergoglio and his agents under pain of summary conviction for participating in a proven criminal conspiracy emanating from the Curia and the Office of the Roman Pontiff.

Please stay alert for further announcements and actions.

This Statement has been issued on October 28, 2013 by the Central Directorate of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State in Brussels, Belgium.





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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Nuke False Flag Averted by 4 US Generals

As some of you may have known we’ve been attacked with an earthquake machine once again where we are still counting the dead up to this point.

Then this update from Keenan came in 2 days ago, about the four generals who stood their ground to avert a nuclear false flag.

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ARVE Error: need id and provider

The situation is so tense at this point but it is undeniable that the good guys are winning. We just need for people who are lurking to hijack the gains of the revolution.

Take care everyone.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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London & Beijing Agree to Avoid Dollar

After the successful entry of the yuan into the ECB, the financial center of the planet has opened its doors to the Chinese currency, further eroding the integrity of the “valueless” US dollar.

The UK government has agreed to China’s banking expansion into their territory. Initially, London-based investors are given the opportunity to buy up to 80 Billion Yuan worth of Chinese stocks, bonds and other financial instruments.

Both sides have agreed to trade only in yuan effectively avoiding the US dollar.

There’s a healthy debate going on whether this is good for the US or not.

If China Moves Away from Holding Dollars Then It Will be Doing What Bush-Obama Requested

Tuesday, 15 October 2013 05:03

“The Washington Post had an article reporting on a commentary from a Chinese government owned news outlet that implied the country might move away from holding dollars. The article should have pointed out that such a move would be consistent with the publicly stated demand of both the Bush and Obama administrations that China stop “manipulating” its currency.

The way that China would “manipulate” its currency (keep its price down against the dollar) is by buying up huge amounts of dollars. If it sold dollars then its currency would rise against the dollar. That would make Chinese imports more expensive for people living in the United States, causing us to buy less of them. It would make U.S. exports cheaper for people living in China, leading them to buy more U.S. exports.

This change could go far toward reducing the U.S. trade deficit, especially if other developing countries follow China’s lead as they have in the past. The result would be millions of new jobs and also an important boost to wages. In other words, if China follows through on the path suggested in this article it would be good news for most of the country. Importers like Walmart and companies that have established production facilities in China, like General Electric, might be less pleased.”

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London to become Chinese offshore banking centre


Britain has relaxed stringent rules for Chinese banks willing to set up in London. Beijing in turn opened up its markets to British-based investors, marking the latest move to establish the yuan as one of the world’s key currencies.

“A great nation like China should have a global currency,” said UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, during his official five day visit to China. And the UK is gladly willing to contribute “through the international center of finance: London”.

Under the agreed pilot program, China sanctioned London-based investors to buy up to 80 billion yuan ($13.1 billion) of stocks, bonds and money market instruments directly, avoiding Hong Kong transactions, Reuters reports.

Meanwhile, Britain will let Chinese banks set up wholesale branches in London, easing regulations the country had imposed after the financial crisis broke out. Since 2008, Britain has insisted that most foreign lenders should set up their UK operations as “subsidiaries” rather than branches, which provides greater protection for depositors and taxpayers. Less regulation will be welcomed by Chinese lenders who have always complained the rules made it hard to operate in Britain, prompting them to move much of their business to Luxembourg.

On top of that, London and Beijing will trade the yuan against the dollar directly, avoiding the dollar.

“The Chinese currency, the renminbi, is not terribly well known in Britain at the moment. But over my lifetime I think it’s going to become almost as familiar as the dollar, and I want British businesses involved in trading it, investing in it,” Osborne told BBC television in China.

Currently London accounts for 62 percent of yuan trades outside China and Hong Kong, according to data from financial services provider SWIFT. The latest move will give the renminbi a firmer footprint in Europe and strengthen London’s platform to develop the offshore RM (renminbi) bond market.

According to an HSBC forecast, within 5 years a third of China’s total trade will be in yuan, which will make it fully convertible and elevate it into the top 3 exchange currencies. According to data compiled by Bloomberg, the yuan has already strengthened 36 percent against the dollar and 47 percent versus the pound since 2005.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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