When Russia published its nuclear fusion-fission hybrid technology last October 2014 [here], it was meant to tell the world that they, together with China, are ready to move away from fossil fuel based energy source.
Continue reading Free Energy is Dawning: Oil Companies Moving Away from Fossil Fuels
Palmyra is liberated from Daesh
After almost a year under Daesh control, the City of Palmyra which hosted some ancient ruins of a civilization that the west wants to completely erase from map, is finally liberated by the Syrian Arab Army with the help from a Russian fighter jet, one of few jet fighters complementing the Russian S-400 missile shield that is still protecting Syria.
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Finally, Sanders & Trump in One Stage
Mainstream media is astoundingly good in only one thing.
But isn’t the whole political exercise just one big entertainment?
Possible Agenda of the Brussels Terror False Flag
The attack on the headquarter city of NATO is designed to inflict as much fear as can be imagined when “even the center of EU political and military power is not immune to terror attack.”
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1000's Documents Prove Turkey's Culpability re Daesh Islamic State Oil Smuggling
In another Russian media offensive, RT releases a damning documentary to inform the world that any terror attack on the West by the Islamic State enjoys the support of Turkey and NATO.
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When Idiots Control Technology, This is What Happens…
Here on this planet exists one giant multi-layered corporation comprising of thousands sub-corporations, with each layer promoting and protecting each own interests which when summed up lead only to one definite conclusion, i.e. self-destruction.
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Bringing Down Hillary 2.0
While the FBI’s granting of immunity from lawsuit to Clinton’s programmer could prove legally disastrous to the presidential aspirant, the recent release of 30 thousand highly celebrated Clinton emails by Wikileaks should certainly seal her fate.
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Will This Makes Donald Trump A NeoCon War Hawk?
Donald Trump, it seems, has no problem he can’t overcome to win the Republican nomination. In fact, everybody around the world are already anticipating a Trump presidency.
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Fake Freedom Moves Closer to Open Slavery
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is not just meant to isolate China from global trade but to weaken what’s left of the protective trade barriers that nations are struggling to sustain.
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Just Being Putin Being Just
Putin’s leadership is unequaled around the world. He deals in black and white whether in domestic front, as well as in international affairs.
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Bring Down Corporatocracy
On December 6th, 2011, Los Angeles became the first major U.S. city to call for an amendment reserving Constitutional rights solely for living human beings.
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Trump's 1st Salvo vs. Clinton Couldn't Be More Hilarious
‘Prime Minister’ Lula: The Brazilian Game-Changer
Compared to the political/economic rollercoaster in Brazil, House of Cards is kindergarten play.
Only three days after massive street demonstrations calling for the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, and less than two weeks after his legally dubious four-hour detention for questioning, former Brazilian President Lula is about to spectacularly re-enter the Brazilian government as a Minister, actually a Super-Minister.
Continue reading ‘Prime Minister’ Lula: The Brazilian Game-Changer
Russian Troops Leaving Syria After 9000 Sorties & 400 Towns Freed
In a show of magnanimity and tactical wisdom, Russian President Vladimir Putin orders Russian Forces in Syria to start returning home after delivering 9,000 air sorties which saw the devastation of Daesh positions, arms depots, miles long oil tanker convoys, and the freeing of at least 400 towns and cities.
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Ankara Explodes After Erdogan’s Sarin Gas Attack in Syria Re-Exposed
A car bomb went off in Ankara yesterday killing 37 and wounding more than a hundred. The attack came in 2 days after Erdogan’s involvement in the false flag sarin gas attack on Syrian civilians resurfaced.
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India Refuses to Join US Naval Patrol vs. China
The United States suffered a major blow in the South China Sea when India refused the US invitation to join its naval patrols in the area.
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Brazil & Philippine Parallelism: Victims of Western Economic Hitmen
Some Brazilians reacted negatively to our recent article on Brazil who are basically saying that Lula has been a corrupt leader and so his successor President Dilma Rousseff after him.
However, Pepe Escobar, who is currently based in Brazil, is saying that’s not the whole story.
Continue reading Brazil & Philippine Parallelism: Victims of Western Economic Hitmen
Presumptive Philippine Prez Rodrigo Duterte Refuses to Dance White House Tune
For the nth time the next president of the corporate Republic of the Philippines refuses to dance to the White House music in the South China Sea issue.
This latest reconfirmation of his readiness to talk to China bilaterally for the joint exploration of the Spratlys [known locally as Freedom Islands] which came after the US Embassy asked for his stand on the issue which the US itself has aggravated, reinforces the people’s desire for peace in the region.
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Khazarian Mafia Attempts to Bring Down Brazil to Weaken BRICS
While the US Navy is trying to antagonize China in the Spratlys under the banner of protecting Asians from themselves, another group of embedded hitmen are hard at work at destabilizing the political infrastructure within Brazil by prosecuting its former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva using flimsy accusations bloated by Western leaning mainstream media.
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Global Reset: When Past & Future Collide… Today
Some say that we are in constant exposure to a “divide and control” dialectic to limit the conversation into two, or more derivative narratives sowing disagreements and conflicts all the time while the controllers plot the real course for humanity, with their own interests properly served.
Continue reading Global Reset: When Past & Future Collide… Today
Broadcasted Death Threats vs. Trump Show Khazarians are in Panic
There is now a slew of assassination threats against Donald Trump delivered in the mainstream media, and although death threats are normal when one is going against the establishment, such threats against this fellow have never been so brazen.
It wouldn’t be too far fetched if one concludes that all of these death threats are not just directed to “outsider” Donald Trump, but to all outsiders in all of us.
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Western Society, A Victim of its Own Economic Hitmen, too!
It used to be that the so-called economic hitmen were only targeting other countries outside of the West, but as these usual targets are slowly waking up to the scheme and started resisting the machinations, not without risk of course, those same economic hitmen are now targeting their own countries, too.
Continue reading Western Society, A Victim of its Own Economic Hitmen, too!
Aggressive Foreign Policy in Asia Makes America the Perennial Villain
Over the weekend, a small armada led by US carrier John C. Stennis, two destroyers, two cruisers and 7th Fleet flagship have sailed into the West Philippine Sea, aka South China Sea, as a show of force against China’s supposed militarization in the area.
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Bringing Down Hillary
Multiple events are trying to grab our attention away from the ongoing NIRP, the deliberate bankers’ skimming on our deposit, and the parallel move towards a cashless society with upgraded mass surveillance.
Two days ago, the Bryan Pagliano accepted the FBI’s offer of immunity from lawsuit in exchange for the full testimony about the circumstances surrounding the establishment of a personal email server for Hillary Clinton, which as everybody now believes also involved exchanges involving classified information.
Continue reading Bringing Down Hillary
Here's a Message to Donald Trump from Nazionist Bush, Sr.
Lately, this short clip is making the rounds among the Republicans…
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Indonesia Hit with 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake for Resisting Khazarian Demands
There’s a lot going on in Indonesia recently in terms of covert geopolitics which could intensify in the next few days.
Continue reading Indonesia Hit with 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake for Resisting Khazarian DemandsDepopulation Agenda is the Only Explanation why Expensive Mainstream Medicine is Lethal
When anybody doing a research on the multiple attacks against the human body, be it through our drinking water, supposedly breathable air, or even within the pseudo healthcare medical industry itself, the answers would then lead us to our initial conclusion that this is only about economics, or capitalism in general, i.e.:
Continue reading Depopulation Agenda is the Only Explanation why Expensive Mainstream Medicine is Lethal
The Trump Factor: More obfuscation, this time by the alternative media | White Hats Report #51
We are not the only ones seeing Gordon Duff of Veteran’s Today twisting facts to suit his master’s agenda. These are the type of “experts” which could inflict grave damage to the freedom movement worldwide.
Here’s the latest from the White Hats,
“As we gear up for resumption of operations, it has been brought to our attention that a website has cited Lord James’ historic speech of February 16, 2012 as source material for an article that is filled with inaccuracies. Before we get to that, it should be pointed out that this is the second time his speech has been cited in a disinformation piece, the first being penned by Gordon Duff of Veterans Today.”
continue reading
Erdogan Sends Daesh Militants to Bypass Putin's Nuclear Warning
Erdogan has found a workaround to Putin’s tactical nuke warning by sending more Daesh militants into Kurdish towns inside Syria instead of the regular Turkish government troops, as earlier planned together with Saudi Arabia.
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Russia Will Use Tactical Nukes if Turkey & Saudi Send Troops into Syria
Today is the first day of the Syrian ceasefire with legitimate oppositions only.
To make sure that the UN-endorsed cessation of hostilities be effective, a coordinating center is being established at the Hmeymim airbase where the Russians are launching their regular air sorties against ISIS.
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The ET Meet & Greet Will Be Delayed, Here’s why…
Inasmuch as this planet is not the only “intelligent populated” sphere of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and metal floating across the universe, among many universes, there’s a bigger body of politics out there, and in here, too, than terrestrial geopolitics.
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Truman Show America: When Paid Crowd Giving Thunderous Applause to Paid Politicians
This is the greatest show on Earth – paid crowd actors clapping their hands on cue for every populist motherhood statement paid politicians make, and broadcasted by paid for corporate mainstream media.
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Clinton Email Celebrates “Good News” for F15 Fighter Jets Sales to Saudi Arabia
As Nazionists are moving heaven and hell to sway the voters’ nod towards Hillary Clinton, using the full power of the mainstream media, and some undocumented coercions along the way, clued in only by undeniable list of murdered Clinton close aides,
… the White Hats are also doing their best to pin down the perennial warmonger corporate candidate by releasing another devastating email about the “Good News” celebration regarding the sales of more F15s to Saudi Arabia, now targeting Yemeni civilians, as pictured above.
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Russia & US Agree on Syrian Ceasefire with Legitimate Oppositions Only
The war with Daesh, Al-Nusrah and other terrorist organizations, as classified by the United nations, will continue unabated, and the Syrian legislative elections will push through as scheduled.
Indeed, these are all good news for the stability of the battle-scarred nation.
Continue reading Russia & US Agree on Syrian Ceasefire with Legitimate Oppositions Only
Eurex Exchange Halted Indefinitely, Feeds Rumor of WhiteHats Moving for Global Reset
The international derivatives exchange that is headquartered in Eschborn, Germany, Eurex Exchange, has been halted possibly to prevent downward trajectory as DOW, IPC, and S&P/TSX Composite had been hours ago.
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AP & NY Times Confirm ISIS Bankruptcy Due to “Coalition” Airstrikes
The Daesh ISIS terror enterprise is on the brink of bankruptcy, according to Associated Press though New York Times last February 16th.
According to these mainstream sources, the bankruptcy is brought about by “coalition airstrikes and other measures that have eroded millions from their finances since last fall.”
Continue reading AP & NY Times Confirm ISIS Bankruptcy Due to “Coalition” Airstrikes
Daesh Terrorists Sent Suicide Bombers to Damascus After Heavy Casualties
Over 80 were killed and almost 200 severely wounded when a car bomb exploded near a busy school street inside Syria during rush hour.
After the car bomb exploded, two men wearing explosive belts detonated themselves as crowds gathered after the first explosion.
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Democracy Hypocrites: US & UK Accused of Meddling on Iran Elections
The self-professed beacons of democracy are being accused of meddling into a sovereign electoral exercise by supporting a particular candidate in the Iranian regular elections.
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Turkey Troops Enter Syria, Expands Border with Wall Construction
Turkey is not hiding its being a Daesh ISIL cuddler anymore by entering Syria’s Aleppo province and has started constructing a border wall which effectively preserve some portion of the existing supply line for its terrorist friends.
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Italy Exerts Pressure on Turkey Strongman, Investigates Bilal Erdogan for Money Laundering
The incumbent Turkish government of Hitler fanatic Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been proven several times for being the primary cuddler of the Daesh Islamic State terrorist, benefiting largely from smuggling Syrian and Iraqi oil through its borders and oil refineries, and from the sale of historical treasures from those same battered countries.
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1st Silk Road Train Arrives in Iran, West Sociopaths Trashing $100 & €500 Bills Out
Some very striking developments between East and the West in the realm of economics are happening very recently. What we thought would take more years to start is already here.
The Silk Road is well on course and the first train of goodies from China has arrived in Iranian railway terminals to inaugurate post-sanction Iran.
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Daesh Terrorists Continue to Suffer Huge Loses in Syria, Execute Own Commanders
Yesterday was a very bad day for Daesh terrorists in Syria as the Syrian Army continues to recover more villages in Aleppo and Lattakia provinces from Daesh terrorists. In one account, at least 300 terrorists were decimated near the border with Turkey.
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Russia to Launch Airstrikes on Turkish, Saudi Troops in Syria
There was no warning when Turkey shot down Russian Su-24 war plane in Syria, late last year. But Russia is giving both countries the chivalric courtesy just the same.
The geopolitical chessboard has never been as dramatic and intense as this one.
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Khazarians Aim for A Chilling Effect on Judge Scalia’s Murder
Judge Scalia’s murder is not just to silence a dissenting jurist but to warn all those who are moving to reinstitute the constitutional republic of the united States of America.
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US Caught Evacuating ISIS Leaders in Iraq
Previously, it was the Iranians who have intercepted 10 US frogmen while transporting “a top level ISIS commander into Syria from Saudi Arabia in order to replace the toppled terrorist leader Zahran Alloush.”
This time, the Iraqis have gathered evidence of another CIA covet operation to rescue ISIS leadership from Syria though Iraq’s Ramadi escape route into Fallujah City.
Syrian Kurds Blitzkrieg Towards Aleppo City from NorthWest
Two days ago, the Syrian Kurdish fighters recovered the town of Azaz from Daesh terrorists which angered Erdogan who subsequently ordered the heavy shillings into the Syrian town, especially at the recovered airport.
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The Race for Islamic State’s Administrative Stronghold City of Raqqa is On
The Syrian forces, backed by Russian Aviation forces and other allies, are now moving closer from at least 3 different directions into Daesh Islamic State advertised capital city of Raqqa.
This development is an emergency situation for the terrorists’ sponsors, e.g. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the rogue elements in the United States government.
Continue reading The Race for Islamic State’s Administrative Stronghold City of Raqqa is On
Philippine Decision 2016
Just like in the United States and other countries, people in the Philippines will also be choosing who will occupy the highest office this year, specifically for this country, on May 9, 2016.
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Do you really think you can quickly win it? | Medvedev Warns Saudi & US
Back in December, the most advanced Russian T90As fully armored tanks are reportedly enjoying its baptism of fire in Syria, following the installation of the superior S-400 missile shield system. This is after Turkey shot down one Su-24 and its pilot inside Syrian territory, and should be understood as a very strong message to the world that the Russians mean business.
The other side seems not getting the message clear enough.
Continue reading Do you really think you can quickly win it? | Medvedev Warns Saudi & US
2 US Air Force A-10 Bombed 9 Targets in Aleppo to Sabotage Russian Efforts
Previously, NATO propaganda machinery were using Russian air sorties videos while claiming advances in Syria. Now, they are actually launching some actual strikes of their own using old attack planes targeting civilians trapped inside Aleppo and then blame Russia for the incident.
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French Media Aired Russian Airstrike Video for NATO Propaganda
In another sign of exceptionalism, nay desperation, a TV station in France broadcasted a ridiculous “US airstrikes against ISIS” story supported with actual Russian airstrike footage against ISIS in Syria.
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Baltic Dry Index Continues to Slide, Down 22% from Last Month
The Baltic Dry Index [BDI] continues to slide down from 369 last month to 291 today. An indication that the financial war, and the Covert WW3 at large, are now reaching dangerous heights.
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