All posts by Geopolitics101

Bomb Blast In Bangkok Kills 'At Least 27'

After the Tianjin China Blast which killed a hundred and still counting,  a bomb exploded in Bangkok Thailand’s busiest central district. Scores dead.
Some of the planned attacks were previously thwarted, but certainly this week’s Cabalist offensives were not.
We are entering a new phase of the endgame. Asia is now under an open war with Nazionists.
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Nuclear Escalation: The Only Desperate Option for Desperate Nazionists

The Rothschild banking dynasty just lost its dominance in the business. Those who are deeply involved in the withdrawal of Asian assets are confirming to have recovered as much as 70% of the Collateral Accounts from the Rothschild dominated financial system, which should explain why…
… as early as 2012, thousands of banking CEOs from all over the globe decided to abandon ship. Some of those who stayed were seen jumping off the rooftops of the regional headquarters of these affected banks.
Continue reading Nuclear Escalation: The Only Desperate Option for Desperate Nazionists

China Hesitant to Admit it's been Nuked [Updated]

Update 27 August 2015:  Experts confirmed that the Tianjin Blast is nuclear in nature.
Update 18 August 2015:  A bomb exploded in central Bangkok Thailand just 2 hours ago. Scores dead including tourists.

Update 15 August 2015: One source is now saying that the Tianjin Blast was caused by some kind of “special weapons device” that’s been dropped from a US X-37B spacecraft that’s still on orbit since May 20th of this year.
Continue reading China Hesitant to Admit it's been Nuked [Updated]

The Reign of Western Oligarchy is Finally Over

Just recently China devalues its Yuan from the dollar to benefit its exporters while making US products more expensive to import, in addition to the massive unloading of US dollars and US treasury bonds in exchange for gold bars. These actions coupled with that of the Saudis may further weaken the influence of the fiat US dollar worldwide and indeed that’s the whole idea.
Contrary to most expert assessments, China does have the capacity to play with its own currency and in fact, with the whole economy because it can survive by itself without being too dependent on Western markets, but with just a little help from friends in the BRICS Alliance.
Continue reading The Reign of Western Oligarchy is Finally Over

The Game is Over [Keenan]

Just in case you’re  wondering why the few updates, well, we don’t have to. We can already feel the Cabalist world is fast crumbling and you should be seeing how they are so disorganized and stunned with the multitudes of attacks from all directions that they have to deal with.
They may be too powerful but once a critical mass of people are made aware of what they’ve  been doing with their enormous power, all of that will disappear like a puff of smoke.
The global enemy is in its death throes, and this latest Keenan report will underscore that.
Continue reading The Game is Over [Keenan]

Germany Made 100 Billion Euros from Greek Crisis

Here’s one more proof that the whole financial system is one big swindle.
The paper-based monetary system started with nothing, literally. It came into life just by virtue of an imposed agreement. Played with rosy promises, the whole system was put into action  with deliberately complex layers of paper shuffling and mind-numbing plethora of financial gobbledygook to cover its empty, shallow foundation.
Continue reading Germany Made 100 Billion Euros from Greek Crisis

UK Monarchy Financed WTC 911 False Flag through Saudi & Mossad

The conspiracy behind the turn-of-the-century false flag psychological operation against the Americans and subsequently, against the people of the world through the “war on terror” is now being traced up to the royal household of the British Monarchy.
Continue reading UK Monarchy Financed WTC 911 False Flag through Saudi & Mossad

Khazarian terror plots thwarted, rumours of August 8th arrests run rampant

by benjamin, August 4, 2015
An Iranian nuclear scientist called a White Dragon Society representative, as well as many government agencies, on the day of the July 31 blue moon to warn of an imminent Khazarian plot to attack multiple Iranian nuclear sites with nuclear armed hijacked civilian airplanes. The scientist said he had been warned a flight from Dubai to Tehran on a Boeing 777-300ER plane he was due to fly in on August 1st was one of the planes that was going to be used in the attack.
Continue reading Khazarian terror plots thwarted, rumours of August 8th arrests run rampant

"Yes, We're Corrupt" – Politicians Admit Money Controls Politics

It’s already election season in the United States and the circus caravan is already smoking along its tracks.
Interestingly, politicians have been very candid about the significant influence of the moneyed class in the political direction of our society. Except for Hillary, these politicians are happy to admit they are already bought even before they’ve joined one of the greatest shows on Earth.
Continue reading "Yes, We're Corrupt" – Politicians Admit Money Controls Politics

Putin & Obama Responded to Keshe Peace Roadmap Challenge

For at least four years, the Keshe Foundation has been calling on all governments around the globe to come to a mutual agreement of ending all wars of aggressions and give peace a chance through the responsible utilization of the foundation’s own plasma technologies.
We published The Keshe Peace Roadmap in our article, Forcing the Peace and Prosperity Agenda, just in case you missed it.
Continue reading Putin & Obama Responded to Keshe Peace Roadmap Challenge

Wall Street's Citigroup & US Military's Imperial History in Haiti

Haiti gained so much attention when it was hit by a massive earthquake in 2010, but it wasn’t just a natural disaster.
The action of the US military to control inbound flights including those carrying disaster relief materials and personnel raised some hard questions.
Continue reading Wall Street's Citigroup & US Military's Imperial History in Haiti

Obama’s Africa Hypocrisy

When BRICS leaders move around the planet, they are bringing with them more than just expressions of goodwill but real economic cooperation and investments.
In deep contrast, US leadership ventures into continental hopping with nothing beyond mere lip service. Worse, the hosts are subjected to cultural lectures as if the visitor has the moral leg to stand on.
Continue reading Obama’s Africa Hypocrisy

Gold Manipulation: It’s Much Bigger Than You Think

The gold price manipulation scheme will go down as the biggest financial market scandal in US history for numerous reasons. They include the destruction of the free market system in the United States. The manipulation of the gold and silver prices eventually led to the manipulation of US interest rates via the Fed, the stock market via the Plunge Protection Team, and to the currency markets. – Bill Murphy,
Continue reading Gold Manipulation: It’s Much Bigger Than You Think

Greeks Defy Imperialist EU Bailout by Returning to Barter System

The Greeks are defying the British Empire dictated, one-sided bailout package as accepted by the Tsipras pseudo-Socialist government, by returning to the old cashless exchange of goods and services, i..e. bartering. This is obviously making the job harder for the local corporate Tsipras government by not being able to collect the necessary taxes to serve its imperial debt obligations.
Continue reading Greeks Defy Imperialist EU Bailout by Returning to Barter System

Chinese Hackers' Counter Attack on NYSE & United Airlines Confirmed

On July 9, Chinese hackers retaliated to the rumor-mongering induced Shanghai Stock Market crash amounting to $3.6 trillion loses in stock market values. We have covered this event live through this article. This counter-attack has just been acknowledged through the Bloomberg news portal, but with a significant fact twisting.
Continue reading Chinese Hackers' Counter Attack on NYSE & United Airlines Confirmed

Party Animal Lord Sewel Resigns

After being caught snorting cocaine on a video, the Lord Deputy Speaker Sewel was forced to resign before the whole House of Lords crumbles, and by extension, the Monarchy itself from devastating pedophilia, bank interest rigging, and the latest Nazism scandals hitting the Oligarchy for the last few years.
Continue reading Party Animal Lord Sewel Resigns

Europe’s Vindictive Privatization Plan for Greece

Eurozone leaders demanded that Greek public assets be transferred to a Treuhand-like fund – a fire-sale vehicle similar to the one used after the fall of the Berlin Wall to privatize quickly, at great financial loss, and with devastating effects on employment all of the vanishing East German state’s public property.
Continue reading Europe’s Vindictive Privatization Plan for Greece

Copyright Lawsuit Filed for Exposing Annotated Georgia State Code

Aside from the ongoing secretive TPP “negotiations”, the filing of a copyright infringement lawsuit against an activist, who released a copy of the annotated version of the corporate code of the State of Georgia to the public, is another proof of the corporate nature of the United States and most governments around the world.
Continue reading Copyright Lawsuit Filed for Exposing Annotated Georgia State Code

Forgotten ‘War on Terror’ in The Philippines

For most of the people in the Philippines, the “war on terror” of the Bush administration was morally and lawfully justified. All media networks were more than enthusiastic about posting Bin Laden’s bearded poster side by side with the local Abu Sayaff bandits responsible for showing ISIL fighters how to effectively do it.
Continue reading Forgotten ‘War on Terror’ in The Philippines

New Silk Road Accelerates 2.0

“This clearly defines “Resource Development”. An amazing feat merely because China wants to invest and develop a 4000 mile infrastructure with trading partners from Asia to England.  Every nation will profit from trade, not war, and a one-world multicultural exchange that will be a huge reward for humanity.
A dream? Why not? Technology will soar.”
Continue reading New Silk Road Accelerates 2.0

Nuland and Co. Making Money on Endless Wars

This is an exclusive investigative report by Robert Parry as annotated by Sputnik News. [Up to now we are still unable to access these Russian News sites without instituting a “workaround.”] “American neocons have turned wars into a profitable business, a US investigative journalist exposes, nailing Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her husband, arch-neocon Robert Kagan, for their dubious foreign strategy.
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CIA is a secret government, involved in domestic assassinations

This is former Congressman Ron Paul telling like it is. The CIA is an organization beyond public and government oversight and it must be dismantled; a Nazi organization that involves itself in drugs, arms smuggling and human trafficking worldwide.
This Nazi organization has no place in a civilized society. Continue reading CIA is a secret government, involved in domestic assassinations

We Are Entering a New State of the World Economy

The Schiller Institute and the LaRouche Movement are being listened to by Asian governments and the economic template that they have formulated decades ago is serving as the fundamental outline of the Eurasian Project and the reestablishment of the Silk Road multi-cultural economic sphere.
But it’s not Asia only, or the BRICS in general, that are entering a new sociopolitical and economic phase .
Continue reading We Are Entering a New State of the World Economy

Video of Queen Liz in Snappy Nazi Salute Exposed on MSM

An 82 year old video released by the Sun confirms what we already knew about the Nazi roots of the bogus Queen of England and her entire bloodline.
Continue reading Video of Queen Liz in Snappy Nazi Salute Exposed on MSM

Israel-Made Missile Hit Malaysian Flight MH-17; Onsite Video Confirms A 2nd Plane

The Dutch crash investigators are very hesitant in releasing their own findings of the premeditated shooting down of Malaysian airliner Flight MH-17 a year ago and are recently attempting to wash their hands by requiring that a tribunal should first be organized before the final report on their investigation be released.
Continue reading Israel-Made Missile Hit Malaysian Flight MH-17; Onsite Video Confirms A 2nd Plane

UK Silent About its Own Indian Holocaust

While it prides itself as one beacon of modernity, medievalist eugenic principles do run deep inside the British Monarchy. There is not a single moment in their past or the present that they don’t think about the total eradication of the colored race plague.
Continue reading UK Silent About its Own Indian Holocaust