All posts by Geopolitics101

Why are U.S. Troops Still in Afghanistan?

Back in 2007, circus clown O’bummer promised to bring US troops in Afghanistan once elected to the White House.

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Decade of Persistent U.S. Meddling On Ukrainian Affairs Revealed

A direct first-hand testimony about the United States’ persistent meddling on Ukrainian affairs has been revealed through an Austrian court testimony putting beyond doubt the culpability of the Nazionist War Hawks for the deteriorating socioeconomic conditions in Kiev, Ukraine.
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Is Merkel a CIA Asset?

Due to this lady’s mixed signal transmissions, even the Germans are now asking if she’s serving a foreign power, most specifically, the Central Intelligence Agency.
The Agency is, of course, just a branch of the Vatican-Nazi Intelligence Network and should not come as a surprise if the above question is confirmed.
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Greek Bank Wipes Out Poorest Customers' Debt

In a rare move for the industry, one of the biggest banks in Greece decided to forgive the debts of its low income customers. On the other hand, Yanis Varoufkis has been replaced as debt negotiator for failing to produce results in the last three months of talks with the Troika.
The Tsipras government realizes that the proud members of the Troika negotiating panel couldn’t stand Varoufakis’s tendency to lecture them about a more slave-friendly debt policies anymore.
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The Victory of ‘Perception Management’

Special Report: In the 1980s, the Reagan administration pioneered “perception management” to get the American people to “kick the Vietnam Syndrome” and accept more U.S. interventionism, but that propaganda structure continues to this day getting the public to buy into endless war, writes Robert Parry.
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Why is China Reclaiming The Kalayaan Group of Islands?

This is an open letter to all Maharlikans, the original name for the inhabitants of the Philippines.
Nowadays, one need Google Earth only to determine exactly where these islands legitimately belong to, with consideration to the 200 nautical mile economic exclusivity clause [EEZ] of the UN maritime law.
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Pentagon plays military card against China as Washington D.C. struggles for cash

The bankruptcy of the West was postponed again last week with fudged accounting keeping both Washington D.C. and Greece (therefore the EU) from defaulting as high stakes negotiations over a new financial system continue.
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Britain's Wealthiest Double Net Worth Since Crisis

Richest 1,000 families control total of £547bn, rising by more than 112% since 2009, and own more than poorest 40% of British households

Britain’s billionaires have seen their net worth more than double since the recession, with the richest 1,000 families now controlling a total of £547bn.
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China/Iran have jailed/hung bankers but NOT USA!

Both China and Iran have jailed and hung a number of bankers for multi-billion fraud already. The United States has yet to prick the nose of one banker involved in at least $16 Trillion covert bailout scandal that has affected the quality of social services in the country.
Thanks, Karen, for the title 😉
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The Foundation Stone Has Been Laid for a New World Economic Order

It’s good to be reminded once again about where we are now and to where we are all going.
This current path that major parts of the world especially Asia are now navigating is one of economic and technological cooperation anchored on mutual respect and shared optimism for humanity’s future.
The blueprint for the massive infrastructure development has been in the works for sometime and its implementation is long overdue. The majority are becoming more impatient, hence the accelerated administrative ceremonies are to be concluded soon.
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Asia-Africa Synergy Crucial for South-South & North-East Ties

Self determination for countries in Asia and Africa is now unstoppable. No longer will decisions be coming from regional representatives of the West as it was always the case decades ago.
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Offer “no strings” Aid to Developing World: Xi to Rich Nations

April 22, 2015, 6:27 am
At the opening of the Africa-Asia Summit, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday urged rich countries to help the developing world with no political strings attached and fulfill their aid commitments.
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Indonesia Lambasted the United Nations' Failure to Uphold Justice

In one of the harshest criticisms ever in decades, Indonesia did not mince words in lambasting the failure of the United Nations to promote peace, justice and harmony across nations on Earth. Its true nature of being just a geopolitical instrument aimed at strengthening the colonialist ideals of the West did not escape the Indonesian president’s mind.
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Iceland’s Economic Revolution

F. William Engdahl  
Icelanders are a proud stubborn people with more than 1200 years of history, rugged Scandinavian stock, living in one of the most beautiful natural areas of our Earth. In 2001 her government made a colossal series of disastrous decisions that resulted in the worst banking crisis in history.
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‘World’s Poorest President’ Explains Why We Should Kick Rich People Out Of Politics

José Mujica, the former President of Uruguay, is probably the only chief executive of a country who truly understood the folly of materialism and the whole concept of the monetary system.
There will never be like him in a very long time.
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Treat or Traitors: Troika Sabotaging EU Economy

The Euro and dollar are neck in neck. Unemployment is rampant and many are facing the crisis of whether or not to leave the EU to find work. Some would say there’s been no recovery at all. Especially those who followed the trail of the Troika-a group meant to help the economy but might have destroyed it.
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Libyan Migrants Drowned While EU Interventionists Watch

It was France and the rest of the EU who implemented a no-fly zone over Libya and supplied the rebels with weapons enough to subdue and eventually murdered Gaddafi and paved the way for the plundering of Libya’s natural resources and the future establishment of a Rothschild bank instead of issuing their own sovereign currency.
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Collateral Accounts: Mainstream Knowledge in Indonesia

Footage of Sukarno and Kennedy after the Green Hilton Agreement signing ceremony, original collateral accounts documents and some of the men watching the treasures of Indonesia are all here in this video.
The story about the historical collateral accounts is now a mainstream knowledge inside Indonesia.
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US Corporate government goes bankrupt on April 17th, refuses to acknowledge

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION based in the Washington D.C. extra-territorial enclave inside the Republic of the United States of America failed to make a payment on March 31st and was given until April 17th to come up with the goods but was unable to, according to Chinese government and CIA sources. For that reason the US corporate government has gone bankrupt, the sources say. However, the folk in Washington do not plan to go quietly and are still fighting to survive.
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GeoPolitical and SocioEconomics Q1 Summary [Updated]

The globally praised Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank website is now online. It will begin operating in earnest on the second half of the year as most of its founding members so desire.
Writing for The Guardian UK, Joseph Stiglitz was surprised that the AIIB did not cause a universal celebration as expected judging from its advertised scope and purpose.
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Sovereign Groups and Militia Uprising Alarm US Cabal

Over the years we have learned how to correctly interpret mainstream news and government language.
So, when a report such as the one below came out from CNN dissecting a purported intelligence assessment made by DHS recently saying extremism is on the rise lumping the “rightest militia groups” with Israel-Saudi-CIA’s own ISIS terrorists in one category, this could mean that the US government is not taking the mushrooming internal dissent from the freedom movement ever so lightly.
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Walmart‘s 5-Store Wide Closures Fuel China Invasion & Jade Helm 15 Martial Law Speculations

We received an email last night asking what is happening over the Jade Helm 15 targeted areas where Walmart branches are being closed down without prior announcements, leaving contractual workers unemployed without severance benefits.
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World Bank-Funded Projects Fueling Land Grabs, Displacement of Global Poor

When the World Bank lends a country a loan it doesn’t mean that that country receives actual funding for a project. Part of the agreement is for the Bank to choose its own pre-selected foreign controlled companies to handle the project, i.e. project management, which are mostly shell corporations of the owner of the Bank itself.
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Did Money Seal Israeli-Saudi Alliance?

We are led to believe that the ongoing Saudi Arabia/Israel attack on Yemen is caused by their mutual hatred on Iran and yet Israel is only in it for the money. The House of Saud is reportedly giving Netanyahu’s government a slush fund for its private use although this has been rectified later on as funding for ongoing resettlement projects.
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India Won't Suppress Tewari's Free Energy Generator

India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.
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Are you scared now?

The Cabal is admitting they are losing the information war, and they are blaming Russia for it. They forgot to mention that even inside the United States a huge number of alternative media websites have sprung up especially after the 9/11 WTC attack.
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Former US Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair works for Japanese gangsters

Sometimes you have to see things to believe them. Today, I got the name card of Dennis Blair, former US Director of National Intelligence (overseeing all US intelligence agencies) and former Commander in Chief of US Pacific Forces. It says he is now Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA. In other words, he works for Yohei Sasagawa, a man multiple Japanese Yakuza gangster sources have told this writer is a fellow gangster. Here is a link to a declassified CIA report about his father Ryoichi Sasagawa:
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What Chemtrails are Doing To Your Brain are Shocking – Neurosurgeon

The article about a chemtrail pilot finally blowing the whistle about the previously unknown operation called “OPERATION: INDIGO SKYFOLD” has created quite a stir online to the point that it has literally shut down our system.
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Maple Caravan + Jade Helm 15: Canada/US Military Exercise

Last week, Ben Fulford said that Jade Helm 15 is an operation against the Cabal. We took a different view.
We consider these exercises to be a dry-run for the declaration of Martial Law and by extension a way of preparing US troops for an attempt to enter the US mainland by those who are tired of the United States bullying in the region.
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