All posts by Geopolitics101

The Real First World War

Europe’s “Great War” of 1914-1918 does not deserve to be called the “First World War.” That title should go to the first real global conflict, Europe’s genocidal invasion of other regions that began in the final decade of the 15th Century. European historians have sought to downplay the ferocity, extent and significance of that earlier conflict by treating it as a diffuse historical process, but if we who were victims accept that view it disables our understanding of everything that has happened since then. Continue reading The Real First World War

Satanic Ceremony Disrupted; 2 Cultists Arrested [ITCCS]

Here’s the latest update from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] to the scheduled satanic ritual in Montreal, Canada.

Child Sacrificial Cult Disrupted, Arrests made in Montreal

Public Announcement of the Central Command of the Direct Action Units established by the International Common Law Court of Justice
Global Communique No. 2: August 16, 2014 – Brussels
​ ​Striking in the early hours of Friday, August 15, one of our trained Direct Action Units (DAU) in Montreal, Canada successfully disrupted the preparations for a child sacrificial cult ritual at a private residence in the fashionable Outremont district.
Continue reading Satanic Ceremony Disrupted; 2 Cultists Arrested [ITCCS]

Russia Will Use UnionPay Starting Next Week

As promised, Russia will completely abandon Visa and Mastercard in favor of China’s UnionPay in its international payment transactions.

Russian Bank to Start Issuing UnionPay Cards Next Week

The logo of one of the world’s leading Chinese bank card associations UnionPay
The logo of one of the world’s leading Chinese bank card associations UnionPay

The Nightmare is in Gaza, Not with Ebola

The real nightmare is what Israel is doing in such a place it ain’t suppose to be. Not with Ebola.

 Noam Chomsky: The Nightmare in Gaza

“There is no place in the prison of Gaza safe from Israeli sadism.”
 Amid all the horrors unfolding in the latest Israeli offensive in Gaza, Israel’s goal is simple: quiet-for-quiet, a return to the norm.

For the West Bank, the norm is that Israel continues its illegal construction of settlements and infrastructure so that it can integrate into Israel whatever might be of value, meanwhile consigning Palestinians to unviable cantons and subjecting them to repression and violence.

For Gaza, the norm is a miserable existence under a cruel and destructive siege that Israel administers to permit bare survival but nothing more.

Continue reading The Nightmare is in Gaza, Not with Ebola

Creating Fuel from Seawater

The US Navy has disclosed an old suppressed technology that could run sea vessels using seawater.

Scale Model WWII Craft Takes Flight With Fuel From the Sea Concept

Fuel From Sea Concept - Carbon Capture Skid

Navy researchers at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Materials Science and Technology Division, demonstrate proof-of-concept of novel NRL technologies developed for the recovery of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen (H2) from seawater and conversion to a liquid hydrocarbon fuel.
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More JPMorgan IT Deaths

Happy days are almost over for the high and mighty. They are now scrambling for the exit doors without leaving traces of malfeasance during their wake, or so they try.

Three New JPMorgan IT Deaths Include Alleged Murder-Suicide

By Russ Martens and Pam Martens: July 14, 2014
Julian and Alita Knott: From Alita Knott's Public Facebook PageSince December of last year, JPMorgan Chase has been experiencing tragic, sudden deaths of workers on a scale which sets it alarmingly apart from other Wall Street mega banks. Adding to the concern generated by the deaths is the recent revelation that JPMorgan has an estimated $180 billion of life insurance in force on its current and former workers.
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CITIGroup is Cleaning Up its Track

Another sign of the fiat banking’s collapse is the eradication of all evidence of the crime it had commuted over the years. They certainly know that those slap on the wrist will never go unrectified.
Eliminating possible witnesses is not enough. Physical evidence, including shell companies,  must be wiped clean, too.
Continue reading CITIGroup is Cleaning Up its Track

The Obamas Dance the Night Away as Ferguson, Missouri Burns

Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 10.32.19 AM“My administration has been closely monitoring the situation in Egypt, and I know that we will be learning more tomorrow when day breaks.  As the situation continues to unfold, our first concern is preventing injury or loss of life.  So I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors.
The people of Egypt have rights that are universal.  That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny.  These are human rights.  And the United States will stand up for them everywhere.”
– U.S. President Barack Obama, January 28, 2011 (official statement here).
The events in Ferguson, Missouri went from what could have been just another all too common and tragic incident in which an unarmed black man is killed by an overly aggressive and unprofessional police force, to what may be a historically significant event in American history. So how did this transformation occur and what does it mean going forward? Those are the two questions I intend to address in this post.
Continue reading The Obamas Dance the Night Away as Ferguson, Missouri Burns

Armed Direct Action Units to Arrest Satanists [ITCCS]

The upcoming Satanistic ritual in Dublin and Montreal will be disrupted in order to save would be victims.
The notorious Ninth Circle, a Catholic cult whose appetite for child torture and rape can only be quenched by eventually killing the victim in a ritual officiated for the glory of Lucifer.
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Global Checkmate for Nazionists

Israel’s insatiable aggression against Palestine gain no considerable advantage for its people. In fact, it has created a backlash from within.
Back in 2007, there was an article of an Israeli pilot who questioned the wisdom of constantly terrorizing the Palestinians in order to assure security for Israel, when it’s very clear they are making more enemies in the process.
Seemingly realizing that his proxy wars everywhere are not working, Obama is now courting the Africans, and probably hoping shallow diplomacy might still work.
With his latest action, Obama is in for another scolding from his boss, Bibi Netanyahu, as the latter prefers the diplomacy of the guns. It has  now become common knowledge, that all US proxy wars are Israel’s, too.
Continue reading Global Checkmate for Nazionists

When Economic Sanctions Backfire

The only other option is to trigger war, and that’s how a typical bully behaves.

Sanctions bite-back: Bickering, EU infighting over Russia retaliation

Published time: August 11, 2014 07:51
Edited time: August 11, 2014 10:55
There is growing dissent in the EU over policies that led to a de fact trade war with Russia. Meanwhile the countries not toeing the line are reaping the benefits, irritating those who jumped on the sanctions bandwagon.
China to start direct sales of fruit and vegetables to Russia
Poland asks US to buy apples banned by Russia
Greek members of the European Parliament demanded Sunday that the EU cancel sanctions against Russia. MEPs Kostantinos Papadakis and Sotiris Zarianopoulos said in a letter to some senior EU officials that Russia’s ban on food import from the EU, which was Moscow’s response to anti-Russian sanctions, was ruinous to Greek agriculture.
“Thousands of small- and middle-sized Greek farms producing fruit and vegetables and selling them primarily to the Russian market have been hit hard now as their unsold products are now rotting at warehouses,” the letter said.
The MEPs are representing the Communist Party of Greece and blame the EU leaders and their own government for supporting what they called “an imperialist intervention by the US, the EU and NATO” in Ukraine at the expense of good relations with Russia.
Greece is one of the EU members hit hardest by the Russian import ban, partially due to its economy still being in turmoil. Greek farmers stand to lose an estimated 200 million euro in direct damages due to Russia’s move, with more long-term consequences expected even if year-long ban is not renewed on expiry. The producers may find it very hard to win back the market share they had before the ban as non-affected countries would certainly weight in.
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Europe Furious That Putin Dares To Retaliate To Sanctions, Blames Economic Slide On Kremlin

Tyler Durden's picture

Either Europe is run by a bunch of unelected idiots, or… well, that’s about it.
Continue reading When Economic Sanctions Backfire

American Tribes' Map Never Seen Before

Just to have some idea on how America looked like prior to EU conquest.
Aaron Carapella, a self-taught mapmaker in Warner, Okla., has designed a map of Native American tribes showing their locations before first contact with Europeans.
Aaron Carapella, a self-taught mapmaker in Warner, Okla., has designed a showing their locations before first contact with Europeans. Hansi Lo Wang/NPR

Finding an address on a map can be taken for granted in the age of GPS and smartphones. But centuries of forced relocation, disease and genocide have made it difficult to find where many Native American tribes once lived.
Continue reading American Tribes' Map Never Seen Before

LAX Americana: #1 Reason for WH Report #48 Delay

The causes of the delay in the publication of the White Hats Report #48 can be gleaned from this statement from the WhiteHats blog:
“In my mind, the apathy of the general public was the critical con factor that made the decision not to publish 48 a no-brainer. It seems no one thought… or understood… that the $15 Trillion fraud exposed by Lord James in February of 2012 impacted every taxpaying Amerikan.
Continue reading LAX Americana: #1 Reason for WH Report #48 Delay

Stop Dreaming and Get Ready to Fight [Keenan]

There’s no pie in the sky comin’.
The fight for the control of the Global Accounts is raging on. And it is in everyone’s interest that it be returned to its Lawful Owner for its Usurpers are hell bent on using it for destructive purposes.
Continue reading Stop Dreaming and Get Ready to Fight [Keenan]

The Tide is Turning 2.0

Today, we continue to witness a gradual yet profound reversal of Jewish opinion.

Hundreds of Israelis defy police ban to protest Gaza war

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passport burning
A British citizen has renounced her dual nationality by burning her Israeli passport outside Downing Street in a protest against the IDF’s assault on Gaza, and the British government’s ongoing support for Israel.
Continue reading The Tide is Turning 2.0

Cabal's Defeat Looming; Financial Reset Imminent

One can argue, and still  argue even further just for the sake of arguing, but it is undeniable, at this point in time, that the Cabal is hemorrhaging and cannot get its acts together, i.e. doesn’t have enough financial muscle to do so,
Continue reading Cabal's Defeat Looming; Financial Reset Imminent

Flight MH17 Conclusion: 2 Ukrainian Jets Shot it Down

The reason for knocking it down is to show the world, especially the Malaysian government, that being truthful does cost some.

Evidence Is Now Conclusive: Two Ukrainian Government Fighter-Jets Shot Down Malaysian Airlines MH17. It was Not a ‘Buk’ Surface to Air Missile

We’ll go considerably farther than has yet been revealed by the professional intelligence community, to provide the actual evidence that conclusively shows that (and how) the Ukrainian Government shot down the Malaysian airliner, MH-17, on July 17th.
Continue reading Flight MH17 Conclusion: 2 Ukrainian Jets Shot it Down

The Myth of the All Seeing Eye

The primary objective of informing the public about how big the  surveillance apparatus have become is to discourage the individual from seeking privacy related countermeasures.
Projection of power is one of those methods that prevented the uprising of the Americans in spite of the knowledge of their government’s subservience to the whims of Israel.
Continue reading The Myth of the All Seeing Eye

The Tide is Turning

It’s been a long time coming, but the tide is turning in humanity’s favor.
From soldiers not having enough courage to shoot down their own people, or are simply tired of war.
One by one, hearts of men and women could not bear the deaths and sufferings of others anymore.
The global condemnation against Israel is getting bigger by the day.
Leaders are forced to decide the kind of legacy they’ll leave behind before their kind becomes irrelevant as we move on to a non-hierarchical, multi-cultural and cooperative society.
In the area of suppressed science, an ultra-advanced electromagnetic drive has been tested and confirmed by NASA. While a TV network in the Philippines has finally started airing Ancient Aliens dubbed in Filipino.
We shall prevail.
uk minister quits
Continue reading The Tide is Turning

Is Judaism A Satanic Cult

Malaysia has joined the protest against Israel. This is by far the biggest globalized protest against the destructive regime of Satanic Cultist Netanyahu.
Philippine media continue to ignore Israel’s war crimes.

Even Jews Ask: Is Judaism a Satanic Cult?

July 7, 2014

Rabbi-Rabbinovich1-298x300.jpg‘Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer — so I wasn’t lying — and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'”  Harold Rosenthal

Continue reading Is Judaism A Satanic Cult

Saudi's WTC 9/11 Coverup will be DeClassified

The House of Saud is joining the BRICS in ditching the dollar. It has also denounced Israel’s ongoing massacre of the Gazans as a war crime.
In response, the United States will declassify its involvement on the WTC 9/11 Controlled Demolition that plunged the world into the preemptive War on Terror.
Continue reading Saudi's WTC 9/11 Coverup will be DeClassified

Anomalous EM Drive Passes NASA Test

Piece by piece, disclosures of exotic technologies are happening just enough for the public to swallow.
Up to this day, gas is being used as propellant for sending satellites into orbit. With pure electromagnetic drive, thrust can be achieved without fire and smoke from behind any rocket.
Vehicles of the near future will just float on air without consuming fuel.

‘Impossible’ space drive tested by NASA foretells future of deep-space travel

Published time: August 01, 2014 08:35

NASA has conducted long-awaited experiments to prove that the fabled space drive, capable of generating its own thrust and breaking a fundamental law of physics, works. If the find survives fresh scrutiny, space ship construction will be revolutionized.
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RECYCLING FEAR: Ebola Nightmare

For those who have understood and have subscribed to the eClinik mindset, they need not entertain this. But for those who have no idea what this Ebola Nightmare is all about, read on.
Here at eClinik we have dealt this type of fear a long time ago. The “incurable epidemic” scare has been eliminated from our mindset even before we started this blog. We have proven to ourselves that all diseases can be cured decisively for good.
Continue reading RECYCLING FEAR: Ebola Nightmare

When Genocide is Permissible

If there’s one character that we can admire of the Cabal, it’s the tenacity of purpose. The will to accomplish a goal with full resolve has been and still is a defining trait of the Cabalists.
The only problem is: their primary objective for all the things they do is to annihilate all of us. After all, they are the Chosen People.
Continue reading When Genocide is Permissible

Too Late for World War 3

[eClinik] If it has to happen, it should have, more than a year ago. But it didn’t.
The Washington’s official MH17 narrative is falling apart. Worldwide protests against Bibi Netanyahu’s war on Gaza are getting more intense. His “Gazans are terrorists” narrative is backfiring. Barry and Bibi themselves are not in good terms due to leaked phone call transcript showing how weak Barry Soetoro really is.
Continue reading Too Late for World War 3

Last Line of Defense [Keenan]

The Last Line of Defense

An NFK video update
By The Keenan Team
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2014 07 28 19 11 56 from KeenanTeam on Vimeo.
Our hotel here in Jakarta Indonesia is located near a large mosque. Prayer chants can be heard throughout the day and night. Tonight those intonations are accompanied with the sound of fireworks. It is the eve of Idul Fitri, which in Arabic means newly reborn. Tomorrow, the last day of Ramadan, is a time of celebration for all the Muslim world.
Continue reading Last Line of Defense [Keenan]

#OpSaveGaza is On

The Anonymous hacker group urged hackers to renew attacks on Israeli-based internet resources on Friday – after earlier breaches of the Defense Ministry website, Tel Aviv police, and leaks of log-in details allegedly belonging to government officials.
“We’ve been fighting Israel and their terrorist state for over four years, and we have not grown weary or tired. It has only made us stronger. Therefore, we are calling upon the Anonymous collective, and the elite hacker groups to join our crusade, and to wage cyber war against the state of Israel once more. This Friday will be a day Israel will feel fear tingling in their servers, and homes. It will be a day of solidarity and resistance,” the group’s public statement read.
Continue reading #OpSaveGaza is On

US Laying Pretext for War with Russia

We refuse to believe that the US Military is willing to go to war with Russia, at this time. But the United States government [corporation] is, and it is in a process of laying out the final pieces to legitimize its impending incursion to the Russian territory, using proxies at the very least.
We are looking at this as an act of desperation on their part, and will never amount to something but a mere distraction to the ongoing carnage in Gaza.
Unfortunately for them, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk has just resigned due to internal discord.
Continue reading US Laying Pretext for War with Russia

Sheriffs Move to Arrest Pope Bergoglio, et al

The mechanism for the arrest of the real threat to humanity has been provided by the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS]. It is up to us to enforce its verdict.
Sadly, some quarters in the alternative department are still thinking twice whether to pick up the pitchfork or not.
We think we need to do a crusade much like they did when they tried to conquer Palestine, only this time, we will storm the Vatican with arrest warrants in hand.
Continue reading Sheriffs Move to Arrest Pope Bergoglio, et al

Building Bridges 2.0

In the tradition of Zheng He, modern China continues to do business progressively across continents around the world.
The only dark taint in its recent history was that with Chairman Mao, who was a Jesuit puppet just like Hitler and Stalin, responsible for the deaths of between 40 to 70 million of his own people.
While Western taxpayers are apathetically funding the destruction of Middle East countries and elsewhere, China has put all its efforts in expanding its influence via soft power over countries it has dealt with  hundreds of years ago.

Foreign Investment in Africa Seen at Record $80 Billion in 2014, Report Shows

African Economy to Grow by 4.3% in 2014, 5.7% in 2015

Continue reading Building Bridges 2.0

UK's Foultry

It’s UK’s poultry industry, not China’s or the Third World’s.
Now they understand how to live in a worsening economy, where companies strive to preserve the bottomline without due regards to public safety.

Revealed: the dirty secret of the UK’s poultry industry

Two-thirds of fresh retail chicken in UK contaminated with campylobacter
Guardian findings prompt investigations at three major supermarkets
Government shelves plans to name and shame suppliers
Continue reading UK's Foultry

Inconsistent Reactions: Flight MH17 & Gaza

Let us assume for a moment that we don’t know who’s killing civilians in Gaza and who shot down Flight MH-17 off Ukrainian skies. Shouldn’t we condemn both as equally unacceptable acts of terror?
Yet we are still seeing politicians reacting harshly to “inciting to violence” rather than condemning acts of violence itself. While mainstream journalists mouthing old accusing lines ahead of proper investigation regarding MH-17 culpability while ignoring the Rouge State behind the massacre in Gaza that still continues to this day.
Continue reading Inconsistent Reactions: Flight MH17 & Gaza

Explosions and Cries in Gaza

We’ve not done enough.
The genocide has gone unabated in Gaza. The Nazionists are showing what they are really capable of, but the world has not.
Protests, press conferences — they’re nothing compared to the massive dense inert metal explosives [DIME] and cancer causing phosphorous bombs unleashed to the logistically inferior Palestinians in Gaza.
Continue reading Explosions and Cries in Gaza

240 Kiloton Gold Heist Disguised as Joint Naval Drill in SoKor

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(A video update by Neil Keenan)
Since arriving here in Jakarta nearly two weeks ago – both the pace and developments have been relentless. The past two weeks seem more like two months, as the scope and magnitude of what we do here appears to expand, not by the day – but by the minute!
Continue reading 240 Kiloton Gold Heist Disguised as Joint Naval Drill in SoKor

"Palestinian Mothers Should Be Killed"

So says another woman, an Israeli politician named Ayelet Shaked.
The Israeli genocide is in full throttle while the rest of the world are fully entertained by Ukrainian Nazis and ISIS [Muslim Brotherhood].


Daily Sabah
Updated : 15.07.2014 17:02:13 Published : 14.07.2014 01:11:49

Continue reading "Palestinian Mothers Should Be Killed"

Flight MH-370 Victims Reused for MH-17 False Flag

Just a few hours ago, we’ve been discussing with John G about the possibility of the victims of Flight MH-370 being used as the passengers of Flight MH-17 due to the initial reports of people seeing “rotten carcases falling from the skies” to stage another false flag operation over Southeast Ukraine.

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What Did US Spy Satellites See in Ukraine?

Exclusive: The U.S. media’s Ukraine bias has been obvious, siding with the Kiev regime and bashing ethnic Russian rebels and Russia’s President Putin. But now – with the scramble to blame Putin for the Malaysia Airlines shoot-down – the shoddy journalism has grown truly dangerous, says Robert Parry.
By Robert Parry
In the heat of the U.S. media’s latest war hysteria – rushing to pin blame for the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet on Russia’s President Vladimir Putin – there is the same absence of professional skepticism that has marked similar stampedes on Iraq, Syria and elsewhere – with key questions not being asked or answered.
The dog-not-barking question on the catastrophe over Ukraine is: what did the U.S. surveillance satellite imagery show? It’s hard to believe that – with the attention that U.S. intelligence has concentrated on eastern Ukraine for the past half year that the alleged trucking of several large Buk anti-aircraft missile systems from Russia to Ukraine and then back to Russia didn’t show up somewhere.
Russian-made Buk anti-missile battery.
Yes, there are limitations to what U.S. spy satellites can see. But the Buk missiles are about 16 feet long and they are usually mounted on trucks or tanks. Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 also went down during the afternoon, not at night, meaning the missile battery was not concealed by darkness.
So why hasn’t this question of U.S. spy-in-the-sky photos – and what they reveal – been pressed by the major U.S. news media? How can the Washington Post run front-page stories, such as the one on Sunday with the definitive title “U.S. official: Russia gave systems,” without demanding from these U.S. officials details about what the U.S. satellite images disclose?
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Wrong Aircraft Identified As Malaysia Flt MH-17 Fuels Doubts

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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors