by Raúl Ilargi Meijer of The Automatic Earth
When it comes to the ongoing Greek question, I see a lot of people eagerly jump to conclusions, after the ‘debt deal’, that I don’t think are justified; certainly not yet. The overall conviction in the press seems to be that Syriza has given in on just about all fronts, and Germany and Dijsselbloem are the big winners.
Continue reading 50 Shades of Greece
Category Archives: BRICS / SCO / EAEU
The New Silk Road and the Power of Ideas
Much analysis is missing perhaps the most important potential role of China’s Silk Road aspirations.
China Fines Qualcomm $975M for Anti-Trust Breach
Today’s China is very serious in eradicating graft and corruption in all its forms, foreign and domestic.
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Will Greece Be First in Europe To Join BRICS?
The newly elected Greek government remains defiant amid the scaremongering of European bankers led by Germany.
They are holding on to their campaign commitment of not accepting austerity-bearing loans, and they are demanding that Germany should pay for the economic damages it had inflicted on Greece during World War 2. These damages included interest-free bank loans and infrastructure damages it made against Greece.
Will Greece Be First in Europe
To Join the BRICS?
by Dean Andromidas
[PDF version of this article]
Feb. 2—The Greek people gave Syriza and the Independent Greeks an overwhelming mandate in the July 25 elections to say “ochi” (“no”) to their foreign oppressors. The performance of the new government, led by these two parties, in its first week in office, demonstrates that it is fulfilling expectations—much to the consternation of the Euro-fanatics bent on saving their dying financial system.
Continue reading Will Greece Be First in Europe To Join BRICS?
RIC Continue Pushing for Global Peace and Prosperity
There was a Foreign Ministers’ Meeting between Russia, India and China held a day ago, discussing broad issues, from regional cooperation to global financial reforms.
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Russia Continues Financial Offensive
While European Cabalists are bleeding, Russia takes another offensive. It just doubled its gold purchases.
Draghi could only print more worthless paper money he wish he had.
Continue reading Russia Continues Financial Offensive
The Economist 2015 Cover With Cryptic Symbols & Dire Predictions
A few days ago, I came into an article that gave me some concerns. This came as an analysis of the magazine cover of Economist January 2015 issue, one of the popular mainstream periodicals in the field of economics.
I was having second thoughts on posting it here, but when I saw an article at RT that tackled China’s concern regarding the developing “closeness” between Modi and Obama, this finally triggered the posting of this article.
Continue reading The Economist 2015 Cover With Cryptic Symbols & Dire Predictions
China Building $242B Hi-Speed Railway; Cuts Moscow-Beijing Trip to 2 Days
China is putting her money where her mouth is, just like she did when America was just starting on strengthening its newly born Republic.
Continue reading China Building $242B Hi-Speed Railway; Cuts Moscow-Beijing Trip to 2 Days
Switzerland Adds to List of Countries Dumping Dollar / Euro
The global movement away from the dollar continues to gain traction when the Swiss central bank signed a pact with China to trade only in yuan or renminbi.
Still, the mainstream media refuse to cover this significant departure…
Continue reading Switzerland Adds to List of Countries Dumping Dollar / Euro
West Wants to Divide and Conquer Russia and China
When you have two enemies, neither of which can be subdued by any means, what would you do?
Pit them both into a fist fight by instigating a conflict through bad rumors aimed at forgetting who the real enemy is. Of course, when it comes to China and Russia, this would mean MAD or mutually assured destruction.
Continue reading West Wants to Divide and Conquer Russia and China
BRICS Finance Ministers to Meet at WEF Summit in Davos
January 18, 2015, 7:43 am
The five Finance Ministers of BRICS will meet on the sidelines of the WEF summit next week in Davos where they will discuss preparations on establishing the newly-launched $100 billion BRICS Bank.
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Swiss Fiasco Started A Run On Gold
BRICS decision to abandon the US dollar in favor of their local currencies, and the establishment of its own gold exchange based in Singapore late last year have started to show effects on the financial integrity of the European economy.
Continue reading Swiss Fiasco Started A Run On Gold
Putin's Black Swan vs. West
Just as 2014 was ending, we were made aware of an imminent Black Swan event. That event is already happening starting from the final decision to stop supplying natural gas to NATO by the withdrawal of South Stream project in favor of Turkish Stream.
Paul Craig Roberts – Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West
December 20, 2014
Continue reading Putin's Black Swan vs. West
Russia’s Presidency: Turn BRICS into Full-fledged Cooperation Tool
One of the major goals of Russia’s presidency will be implementing the BRICS decisions on setting up its own financial institutions, namely the New Development Bank and a currency reserve pool.
Continue reading Russia’s Presidency: Turn BRICS into Full-fledged Cooperation Tool
BRICS Nations Revive Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream
“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked, and dejected with a lost opportunity. The tide in the affairs of men does not remain at flood — it ebbs. We may cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is adamant to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled RESIDUES of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, ’Too late.’ There is an invisible book of life that faithfully records our vigilance or our neglect. Omar Khayyam is right: ’The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on.’ “We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent coannihilation.”
Continue reading BRICS Nations Revive Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream
Nicaragua Canal: 'Great Project of Physical and Human Transformation'
Dr. Telémaco Talavera, president of the Agrarian University of Nicaragua, and spokesman for the Nicaragua Great Inter-Oceanic Canal Commission, gave the following interview to Gerardo Castilleja, of EIR’s Mexico City Bureau, on Dec. 20, 2014. It has been translated from Spanish.
Continue reading Nicaragua Canal: 'Great Project of Physical and Human Transformation'
2015 Will Be All About Iran, China and Russia
Upcoming 2015 year will be all about further moves towards the integration of Eurasia as the US is progressively squeezed out of Eurasia, Pepe Escobar believes.
Continue reading 2015 Will Be All About Iran, China and Russia
Diplomat Expects Russian Regions to Be Forefront in Cooperation With India
Russian Ambassador to India said that the Russian regions are in a position to take a leading role in developing trade and economic cooperation between India and Russia.
Continue reading Diplomat Expects Russian Regions to Be Forefront in Cooperation With India
Reading Chinese in the Mideast
ISIS Terror Group is composed of CIAs Muslim Brotherhood / Al Qaeda / Free Syrian Army mercenaries and China’s battle against ISIS / ISIL is war waged against Nazionists in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Ibrahim Jafari, has confirmed that China has been assisting with airstrikes in the country, but did not specify the details except to say that it is not involved with the current coalition. The arrangement has been going on since September when he met his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, at a UN anti-terrorism meeting.
Continue reading Reading Chinese in the Mideast
China's Relentless Anti-Graft Drive at Home
Xi Jinping is touted to be a reformist even before he came in to power. It appears he still is.
Continue reading China's Relentless Anti-Graft Drive at Home
China Extends $3 Billion Aid to Europeans; Monitoring Ruble
While China has been asserting its ownership of the major portion of the Collateral Accounts, it’s not leaving everybody behind.
Last December 16th,
“At a meeting with the leaders of 16 Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) in the Serbian capital of Belgrade on Tuesday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced a new investment fund of $3 billion to facilitate financing in the cash-strapped countries.”
However, this is not news for the mainstream media…
Continue reading China Extends $3 Billion Aid to Europeans; Monitoring Ruble
BRICS Gaining Control of IMF; U.S., Inc. Isolated
The global financial reset is imminent, and the Republic of United States will reemerge as all necessary preparations are completed.
The Israel controlled US Congress is deliberately ignoring ratification of IMF reforms, and decides to play hard ball.
These childish actions will surely amount to nothing as the rest of the world are about to welcome the “new normal”.
Continue reading BRICS Gaining Control of IMF; U.S., Inc. Isolated
The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream
by Alexander Mercouris
The reaction to the cancellation of the Sound Stream project has been a wonder to behold and needs to be explained very carefully.
In order to understand what has happened it is first necessary to go back to the way Russian-European relations were developing in the 1990s.
Continue reading The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream
Russia's Monetary Solution
The successful remonetisation of gold by a major power such as Russia would draw attention to the fault-lines between fiat currencies issued by governments unable or unwilling to do the same and those that can follow in due course. It would be a schism in the world’s dollar-based monetary order.
Continue reading Russia's Monetary Solution
Russia Conducted Military Exercise in English Channel
This is another Fulford confirmation re UK joining the BRICS…
Russian Warship Flotilla Enters English Channel For Military Exercises
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/28/2014 08:00 -0500
The French delivery of two Mistral ships to Russia may be postponed indefinitely (a move which ultimately would cost Hollande over $4 billion in contract breach penalty fees he simply can’t afford to pay), but that doesn’t mean the Russian navy has been hobbled or is hiding in the corner. To the contrary: according to the following tweet from the UK Ministry of Defense, Russia’s navy is getting quite bolder.
Continue reading Russia Conducted Military Exercise in English Channel
We Are Strong Because We are Right [Putin]
On health, wrong statement and the other side of the coin
– What’s your health status now, Vladimir Vladimirovich?
– All worries are in foes’ dreams!
– The foes are making hints…
– Really? It’s the first time I hear about it. What are they saying? Just fantasying?
Continue reading We Are Strong Because We are Right [Putin]
Abe’s Humiliation in Beijing
For decades, Sino-Japanese relations were conducted under the principle of “separating politics and economics” (seikei bunri). In fact, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s 2006 book Utsukushii Kuni e [Towards a Beautiful Country], which embodied his grand vision for Japan during his first prime ministership, referred explicitly to Japan’s bifurcated policy of seikei bunri as the guiding principle of the Japan-China relationship.
All that changed in September 2010 when the Japan Coast Guard arrested a Chinese fishing boat captain and detained his ship in the waters off Kubajima in the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, which inflamed both sides of the territorial dispute between the two nations. It was followed two years later by the Noda government’s purchase of the islands from their private owner and their subsequent nationalization, which further infuriated the Chinese. Cementing hostilities was Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine in December 2013.
Continue reading Abe’s Humiliation in Beijing
China opens up $4.2tn stock market to world via Hong Kong
Published time: November 17, 2014 15:17

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Is There Room for the US in China’s 'Asia-Pacific Dream'?
China’s “Asia-Pacific Dream” involves a region led by Beijing, not Washington.
Continue reading Is There Room for the US in China’s 'Asia-Pacific Dream'?
China's 'Marshall Plan' Is Much More
China’s ‘one belt, one road’ initiative is no Marshall plan — it’s far more ambitious.
Continue reading China's 'Marshall Plan' Is Much More
Putin, Xi Jinping Sign Mega Gas Deal 2.0
President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping have signed a memorandum of understanding on the so-called “western” gas supplies route to China. The agreement paves the way for a contract that would make China the biggest consumer of Russian gas.
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Xi, Putin meet in Beijing, 17 agreements signed
Xi, Putin meet in Beijing, 17 agreements signed
November 9, 2014, 1:41 pm
In a boost to bilateral ties between the two allies, Russia and China have signed 17 agreements on Sunday after Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping met in Beijing.
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