A few days ago I received an anonymous message advising me that a major global scam was about to take place that would inflict economic damage beyond belief on most of the world.
Continue reading They Are All Watching You, Malaysia | Keenan
Indigenous Central Americans Seek Apology From Pope Francis for Genocide
Sputnik, 02:04 09.02.2016(updated 02:05 09.02.2016)
The Supreme Indigenous Council of Michoacan, Mexico, accused the Catholic Church of being involved in mass genocide, which started with the Spaniards’ arrival to the Central American region in the 16th century.
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End of ISIS is Near, Lifeline with Turkey Cut-Off
The Geneva talks collapsed before it could even begin, and for weeks now, battles are raging inside Syria’s largest city of Aleppo that will soon decide who will win the war in the devastated country.
Under the cover of Russian Aviation, the Syrian Army and volunteers, Hezbollah fighters, Iranian Special Forces, and Iraqi Army, are now encircling Daesh terrorists inside Aleppo.
Continue reading End of ISIS is Near, Lifeline with Turkey Cut-Off
Zika’s Towering Non-Evidence
Every sinister operation that the biggest Organized Crime Syndicate on the planet is unleashing upon the unsuspecting public is laced with multiple objectives, i.e. geopolitical, economics, psychological, medical objectives, etc.
The Zika virus “epidemic” is just another one of them and it is time to see the bigger picture.
Continue reading Zika’s Towering Non-Evidence
Canadian Media Ignoring Titanic Lawsuit vs. Bank of Canada
“Money is not wealth; politics and economics are two sides of the same coin, and it is the full understanding of political economics that is the true final frontier.”
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The Articles of Agreement that Should Boil Everyone’s Blood
Here’s an original copy of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund downloaded directly from the IMF website.
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There Is No Freedom Without Truth
Truth is like a strong beam of light, one needs to initially cover his eyes to give the diaphragm and pupil enough time to adjust and control the intensity of reception, yet no matter how one tries, he still couldn’t gaze at the source of light directly.
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TPP Just Conquered New Zealand
The Khazarian Mafia controlled Corporatocracy is now testing trans-Pacific societies of its capacity and resolve to resist corporate tyranny with the recently signed TPP Agreement.
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The Economic Crash of 2016 Has Begun
The financial crash is already happening and the central banks are visibly panicking, they are now resorting to negative interest rates for the first time!
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Large Number of Bank Accounts Seized Re 1MDB-Goldman Sachs Laundering Scandal
Slowly but surely, Khazarian stooges are being taken down everywhere.
Since three days ago, Goldman Sachs Asia Chairman, Tim Leissner, has taken a “personal leave” obviously to escape from the recent money laundering and bribery scandals involving with no less than Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak, involving Saudi royal money.
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At least 2,500 Journalists Killed Trying to Inform the World
Independent minded journalists not only have to contend with editorial dictatorship but are all taking risks just to bring the real story to the public.
Of the 2,297 journalists killed worldwide in the last 25 years, 146 died trying to expose the under-reported political and economic tyranny here in the Philippines.
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Russia Upgrades Syria Airpower with Su35s After Turkey’s Recent Provocation
For every Turkish unfriendly action, Russia is always ready to respond in kind.
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120 Days in Hell: Islamic State Factions Now Shooting Each Other
Lured with opportunity to enslave women for pleasure and high paying jobs, i.e. flag waving, gun toting and oil smuggling, jobless recruits and career mercenaries are now shooting each other in Northwestern province of Dara’a
Continue reading 120 Days in Hell: Islamic State Factions Now Shooting Each Other
Iranian Drone Flew Over US Aircraft Carrier Undetected
This could be how the Iranians saw the transport of one high ranking ISIS commander that resulted to the apprehension of 10 US frogmen.
Continue reading Iranian Drone Flew Over US Aircraft Carrier Undetected
Who’s behind the Zika Virus Outbreak & Fearmongering?
They’ve been through A with AIDS, C with cancer, D with diabetes, E with Ebola, H1N1, superbugs, etc. Now, they are down to Z with Zika virus.
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Who would actually benefit from a Cashless Society?
There is now a growing body of evidence that the move towards a cashless society is still on track. In fact, with the ongoing fall of the Khazarian Empire, it might be its only option to remain in power in the West.
Continue reading Who would actually benefit from a Cashless Society?
The Ongoing Historic Fall of the Khazarian Empire
The Khazarian Empire’s defeat in the Middle East coupled with migration and financial crises back home have all contributed to the massive failure of its hegemonic ambitions.
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US Military Free Energy & CIA UFO Disclosures are Here
About a week ago, the agency that’s been running after people with deep knowledge about occult science has finally released thousands of their X-files dating back 70 years ago.
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Iran Repels USS Monterey (CG 61) off Hormuz Strait
Iran does it again by sending away a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, USS Monterey, near the Strait of Hormuz. This is the nation’s second uncomfortable encounter with the US Navy in just 2 weeks, or so.
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CIA Handouts That Rocked the World | Insider's View
A former State Department foreign service officer’s new book provides a shocking, timely, and credible circumstantial case that ties the U.S. training of Islamic radicals to our nation’s major foreign policy disasters in the Mideast during the past quarter century.
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EU Abolishing Cash to Facilitate Technocratic Dictatorship; BRICS Using Asset-backed Currencies Only
The highly anticipated elimination of cash in favor for full electronic transactions is about to be implemented in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.
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Indonesia at Bat | Keenan
“Without the stolen assets placed in locations such as Indonesia the West is going to suffer a horrible defeat. China is up on its heels, along with Russia, India and others including usual friends England and Germany and to be frank they are not going to put up with Western bullshit any longer”.
Continue reading Indonesia at Bat | Keenan
To Break Free from Khazarian Tyranny, Western Societies Need to March with Asia
The post-war Marshall Plan was funded with the Collateral Accounts from Asian historical treasures with a precondition that it must be used for peaceful post-war reconstruction.
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The Big Squeeze vs. Khazarian Mafia
The result of the well-coordinated operation to cut-off the Khazarian Mafia from the rest of the global economy is now undeniable. The fiat FED dollar denominated economy is effectively shut down as indicated in the free-falling Baltic Dry Index.
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Captured US Navy Boats Were Carrying Top ISIS Leader, USS Truman Intervened
A leaked Russian Ministry of Defense Report indicated that the two US Navy boats captured by the Iranians some time ago were actually carrying a high-ranking ISIS commander, and the reported missile firing on USS Harry S. Truman by the Iranians was actually related to the event.
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International Shipping Shuts Down; Baltic Dry Index Freefalling
International cargo vessels today are all docked and anchored in most seaports all over the world, and the last trips they may have had were for the December holidays shopping spree.
As of yesterday, the most prominent global indicator for international shipment of physical goods, the London-based Baltic Dry Index, is in free fall.
Continue reading International Shipping Shuts Down; Baltic Dry Index Freefalling
The Unfolding Global Reset that Only Few Understand
The new global development bank is now online and is ready to serve governments of the world. This is the official inauguration of the new financial system that will usher in a new era of massive economic development for humanity. Continue reading The Unfolding Global Reset that Only Few Understand
US Sailors Were Deliberately Baited to Sabotage Today’s Lifting of Sanctions vs. Iran
All smiles today at the press conference announcing the official lifting of the Western nuclear programme related military and economic sanctions against Iran Revolutionary Government. The attempted operation to sabotage the peaceful resolution to the Iran-US conflict has failed.
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Unlike Indonesia, no more terror attacks & HAARPing vs. Philippines. Here’s why…
Recently, Indonesia suffered a major attack from a terror group claiming affiliation to Daesh [Islamic State, or ISIS].
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Europeans Getting Ready for National Basic Income
For the last four years, scores of mainstream financial experts are expounding on the merits of dropping “helicopter money” to augment the people’s purchasing power and reignite the collapsing debt-based economy.
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Confirmed: 2 US Riverine Command Boats Didn’t Suffer Mechanical Failure on Iranian Waters
There were no engine troubles when two of the highly advanced RCBs “drifted” into Iranian waters, three days ago. How can two powerful military boats suffer from engine troubles all at the same time?
Continue reading Confirmed: 2 US Riverine Command Boats Didn’t Suffer Mechanical Failure on Iranian Waters
FBI Caught Posing As Militia @ Harney County Armory
In a direct public testimony, recently resigned Fire Chief and Committee of Safety member, Chris Briels, gives a detailed account whereby he was informed that “militia were buzzing around the armory…” and he decided to investigate.
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Iran Under Multiple Systematic Provocations
About five days ago, the US Navy released a video allegedly showing Iranian missiles being fired near USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. Iran refutes the claim much earlier as “US propaganda.”
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12 Wise Quotes from Indigenous Chiefs Which May Humble Us All
The much sidelined and much older civilization on this planet are sharing their profound understanding about what these things are all about, especially during this time of so much social torment and unfettered environmental devastation.
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A Dictatorship Without Tears
It’s been a week now and still it’s hard to forget Obama’s Tarantino Award winning act of shedding tears in front of international media for the victims of Sandy Hook that never happened.
But the bigger question really is:
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Afghan Ghost Soldiers: Just One of Many “War on Terror” Scams
Do you remember Washington’s $500 million CIA pet project “train five moderate rebels” in Syria exposed in a congressional hearing last year?
It’s not the last one.
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British Monarchy Takes Last Ditch Effort to Salvage Empire from Extinction
After the massive exposure of their puppet Middle Eastern governments’ collusion with the Islamic State terrorist enterprise, the British monarchy is wasting no time to actively return to Asia via Japan and is also reported to have been behind Saudi’s Shiite provocation all along.
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Saudi’s Shiite Provocation Aimed at Preserving Itself & Western Interests
Even when there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that Russia illegal annex Crimea, Western governments imposed all manner of sanctions against the Russians, for reasons that it undermines democratic institutions.
Ironically, Ukraine under US control is neither democratic nor is it progressive, and so is Libya before it.
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Those Were The Days | Keenan
Seems just like yesterday I was playing basketball, baseball and football. I wasn’t worrying about a thing other than who would win the game, always trying to acquire the winning strategies to take us over the hump.
Those Were The Days!
Continue reading Those Were The Days | Keenan
Merkel Receives “Mysterious” Package After Germany Announced Riyadh Arms Deal Review
The Bilderbergers appoint presidents not out of stellar qualifications but on the virtue of the person being heavily compromised and easily steerable.
All of these Western leaders have dark secrets that are being used as leverage by the power behind the throne to advance their own agenda of global dominance.
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Oregon Standoff: Spark for the Second American Revolution?
There’s a brewing storm in Oregon.
Another rancher and his family are being harassed by the very government that is still preaching freedom and democracy all over the globe.
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China Halted Stock Trading to Avert Inherent Economic System Fault Line
The global market can’t afford to buy Chinese goods anymore, and so the post-Christmas season is absolutely bleak for China based industries.
This fact and the inherent speculative character of the whole system provided the tsunami enough to plunge the Chinese stock market just a few hours from the opening bell today.
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Saudi Executed Sheik al-Nimr to Draw Conflict with Iran, Justify US Intervention
One thing we can be sure of is the two-faced foreign policies of Western nations will continue towards those who don’t participate in their delusional ambitions.
Yesterday, they might be sitting with you on the table partaking peaceful exchanges,
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Major Disclosures are Seeds for A Global Revolution
Just for 2015 alone, there at least three major disclosures being made. From the actual killers of Princes Diana, to the 911 WTC controlled demolition, and the definitive Hitler Vatican Ratline Escape to Argentina via History Channel.
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Saudi’s Murder of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr Exposes Western Hypocrisy Once Again
A prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, was executed yesterday in an attempt to weaken the Shiite segment of the Muslim world.
He was murdered along with 46 other people in order to project the murder as just a normal implementation of the Sharia Law and not a deliberate attack against a major geopolitical enemy.
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Here’s how Putin will Defeat the Khazarian Mafia
Near the end of 2015, Russia under Vladimir Putin committed herself to defeating all its aggressors, and by extension defeating the enemies of humanity because we all have a common enemy.
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Israel Quarantine Proven Myth, Air Force Bombing Gaza
A known geopolitical analyst earlier claimed that the entire Israel Air Force is under quarantine by the Russians, but this might not be entirely accurate considering that,
“Israeli warplanes have carried out several airstrikes against the Gaza Strip in another act of aggression against the besieged Palestinian territory.”
Continue reading Israel Quarantine Proven Myth, Air Force Bombing Gaza
Fiat Bankers’ Massive Layoffs Now, Bail-ins Soon; Withdraw Bank Deposits While You Can
The fiat banking industry continues its downward spiral as manifested by its cost cutting measures including computerization and laying off of bank employees, but it doesn’t mean that the monster is already dead.
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Decisive 2015
The year 2015 will come out as the most pivotal year for humanity. This is the year when geopolitical rhetoric were translated into decisive actions and the once covert and hybrid World War 3 has come out in the open for all the world to see.
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Turkey on the Brink of Civil War
How many times do we have to see this same formula being played again and again where an erring government stimulate internal turmoil just to cover its own dirty tracks?
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It’s Official, White House Has Transferred to A Parallel Universe
This is precisely Russia’s fault. The White House can’t take it anymore. Russia’s effective military intervention in Syria has effectively removed any sanity left at the White House.
At the time of this writing, 20 Daesh oil trucks were bombed by the Russians.
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Anonymous #OpISIS Claims to Have Preempted A Terror Attack
“ISIS will implode. We’re digging your graves.”
This is how Anonymous is taking the battle closely to the Islamic State.
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