All posts by Geopolitics101

Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS in Syria

Khazarian Jews are not shy in admitting genocide through terror proxies everywhere because they can, under the able support of their long hijacked corporate US government. They are doing this in Syria and in what remains of the Palestinian lands in Gaza and in the West Bank.

Continue reading Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS in Syria

It is Not Just North Korea but Asia that is in US Crosshairs

Imagine that you lead the US deep state, and you are observing the real-time flow of Western technology, industry and next-generation skills to the East with alarm. How will you reverse this trend with one master stroke and temporarily staunch the decline of Pax Americana? Continue reading It is Not Just North Korea but Asia that is in US Crosshairs

Brussels, NATO & The Globalists in Total Disarray

The EU, NATO, and the western alliance have utterly failed the people of eastern Europe. The unrequited love of former Soviet bloc nations is slowly turning to scorn. The Euromaidan and ensuing civil war have laid bare an ideological and cultural divide ages old. With Brussels and NATO reeling from recent events, the fear mongering used to leverage aligned nations is losing its effectiveness. Continue reading Brussels, NATO & The Globalists in Total Disarray

9/11 Destroyed America & The World

The War of Terror did not end with the departure of George W. Bush, nor with its succeeding Obama administration. Likewise, the United States military under the present Trump administration has continued the destruction of Syrian lives in the City of Raqqa, under the same pretext of combating terror. Continue reading 9/11 Destroyed America & The World

Can We Separate the Jews from Apartheid State of Israel?

Criticize Israel and you will be labeled anti-Semite. Talk about the 125 million Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Animist, and Atheists, who died during the Second World War, and you’ll be called a Holocaust denier because you intentionally omitted the special deaths of the Jews – “6 million” of them.

Continue reading Can We Separate the Jews from Apartheid State of Israel?

Gamechanger: India, Pakistan & Iran Joining BRICS Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Pakistan and India are two nuclear countries locked in decades of Western induced political intrigue. That may become history soon as the two traditional enemies begin rubbing their elbows with the rest of the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Continue reading Gamechanger: India, Pakistan & Iran Joining BRICS Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Trump is Coward Enough to Use VP Pence in Threatening Nokor with Nuke War

We were shocked yesterday hearing VP Mike Pence made threatening remarks against North Korea, and a trip to the most militarized border on the planet, knowing that any nuclear war with the latter would certainly spill over its borders with China, Russia, and the rest of East Asia. Continue reading Trump is Coward Enough to Use VP Pence in Threatening Nokor with Nuke War

Saudi Arabia Switching to BRICS in Response to US Congress 911 Blackmail

After realizing that the US Congress’s move to allow the filing of charges against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its supposed role in the “terrorist” attack on New York in 2001 could be Washington DC’s way of putting the House of Saud on notice — that it, too, is not exempt from its two-faced foreign policy, and could be a future target for a regime change once it ceases to be a willing subject to systematic extortion, like what’s being done with Japan for decades right after the Second World War, the House of Saud continues to engage Russia for a possible common ground. Continue reading Saudi Arabia Switching to BRICS in Response to US Congress 911 Blackmail

A World in Turmoil, Thank You Mr. Trump!

The real Donald Trump has been exposed. The man who promised a sensible and non-interventionist Middle Eastern policy and a reset with Moscow has now reneged on both pledges. His nitwit United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley has directly linked Russia and Syria for punishment by the omnipotent Leader of the Free World lest anyone be confused. Continue reading A World in Turmoil, Thank You Mr. Trump!

He’s playing a character… as a performance artist | Alex Jones' Attorney

We consider “Infowarrior” Alex Jones as merely a shill for the Khazarian Zionists and the Jesuits. Incidentally, even his own attorney, Randall Wilhite, defended his demeanor as “playing a character” or that “he is a performance artist.” Continue reading He’s playing a character… as a performance artist | Alex Jones' Attorney

We Have No Choice Other Than Military Buildup, Posturing & Strikes | Moronic Neocon Trump

As if it is a badge of honor really to have a military superiority over countries which did not bother doing likewise, in favor of the well-being of its people, and the establishment of a peaceful relationship with neighboring countries, the newly Neocon-certified warmonger Donald J. Trump proclaimed that his government has “no other choice” but to spend more on militarization and strikes. Continue reading We Have No Choice Other Than Military Buildup, Posturing & Strikes | Moronic Neocon Trump

MIT Prof Emeritus Debunks WH Intel Report Re Assad’s "Chemical Attack on Civilians"

The dropping of 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian airfield was anchored on a US intelligence report that “confirmed Assad’s culpability to the chemical attack on his own people,” in the area controlled and occupied by the CIA-funded and trained terrorists. Continue reading MIT Prof Emeritus Debunks WH Intel Report Re Assad’s "Chemical Attack on Civilians"

No Red Lines After Western Backed Terrorists Massacre of Idlib Civilians

The Khazarian Mafia funded suicide bombing of civilian-evacuees entering the city of Aleppo did not make it to the headlines, or if so, it has been toned down to a level not deserving of a “red line” classification.
Western values do not apply to the serfs of lesser gods. Continue reading No Red Lines After Western Backed Terrorists Massacre of Idlib Civilians

Trump Pleases Neocons & Raytheon, “Threatens” BRICS with GBU-43 Bomb Debut

Dubbed “the Mother of All Bombs,” or shortly MOAB, was dropped in the Nangarhar province, two days ago. Each GBU-43 bomb weighs 21,600 pounds and measures at more than 30 feet long and 40 inches wide. It has a blast radius of 1/3 mile, and is meant to be used for “psychological” attacks as part of a “shock and awe” campaign designed to show overwhelming force in order to intimidate the enemy. Continue reading Trump Pleases Neocons & Raytheon, “Threatens” BRICS with GBU-43 Bomb Debut

More False Flag Operations May Come | Vladimir Putin

With the Deep State’s desperation at all-time high, no less than Vladimir Putin is expecting more false flag attacks to come.
“It appears that the real reason why has Trump capitulated to the Deep State so quickly is the final BRICS leadership’s decision to start the dumping of the fiat dollar in matters of mutual trade and economic cooperation between the BRICS member countries.” Continue reading More False Flag Operations May Come | Vladimir Putin

Start of BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Pushing Deep State Desperation at All-Time High

It appears that the real reason why Trump capitulated to the Deep State so quickly is the final BRICS leadership’s decision to start the dumping of the fiat dollar in matters of mutual trade and economic cooperation between the BRICS member countries. Continue reading Start of BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Pushing Deep State Desperation at All-Time High

CIA Pushed "Oust Assad Family" Doctrine across 6 US Presidents

Wikileaks recently discovered a CIA document summarizing the situation of Syria in 1986, and how the US government might intervene, and facilitate a regime change in the country. Continue reading CIA Pushed "Oust Assad Family" Doctrine across 6 US Presidents

Trump's Missile Strike on Syria Changes Everything

“A cloud no bigger than a man’s hand can be a harbinger of great storms to come.” So goes the biblical injunction and so are the potential ramifications of one “proportionate” and “limited” US airstrike carried out against a Syrian airbase, which in of itself was the military equivalent of a slap rather than a punch. Continue reading Trump's Missile Strike on Syria Changes Everything

Russia & Iran Will Respond With Force If US Attacks Syria Again

The US military has attacked Syria again, this time near the city of Raqqa where its own Daesh terrorists are in control. Fifteen civilians are reported dead as the missiles hit an internet cafe. Mainstream media is not covering it, but RT is. Continue reading Russia & Iran Will Respond With Force If US Attacks Syria Again

Driving a Wedge between Russia & Syria

In response to Russia’s mocking of the recent display of US firepower in Syria, under a false pretext of a chemical attack by the Assad government against civilians, Western media published a CIA-Pentagon response that what they’ve accomplished was a “surgical attack” that is in full accordance with existing self-defense, and international humanitarian norms. Continue reading Driving a Wedge between Russia & Syria

Trump’s First Airstrike on Syria, Tactical or Pure Madness?

Khazarian shills in the mainstream and alternative media are now saying that it was only a tactical move for Trump to approve the massive airstrikes on Syria just to make him and America looked strong in the eyes of the Deep State and China respectively, because there wasn’t really a single victim, or that the “airfield has been abandoned years ago.” Continue reading Trump’s First Airstrike on Syria, Tactical or Pure Madness?

From Dealmaker to Butcher Trump in 77 Days!

Much worse than all his predecessors combined, Donald Trump has decided to be a more efficient butcher than the Bushes, Clintons and Obama by unleashing at least 59Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian Army airfield, based on what we already know as a chemical false flag attack in the rebel-held province of Idlib, merely 77 days into office. Continue reading From Dealmaker to Butcher Trump in 77 Days!

Trump is Now Justifying Deep State’s Plan B: Syria Partitioning

The Trumpian foreign policy is dangerously a mercurial one. After a barrage of anti-China rhetorics, the White House is now toning down as Xi Jinping will be checking on the status of Chinese investments in the country. We thought that something like this did happen in Syria. Continue reading Trump is Now Justifying Deep State’s Plan B: Syria Partitioning

Noble Energy’s Natural Gas Discovery launched US-Israeli Operation ISIS to Oust Assad

Although the fossil-based energy systems are rendered obsolete more than a century ago, the Vatican-led Corporatocracy would like us to sustain this planet’s technological mediocrity as it serves its purpose of gaining subservience from all its subjects. Continue reading Noble Energy’s Natural Gas Discovery launched US-Israeli Operation ISIS to Oust Assad

Poorly Executed Chemical Attack False Flag Hits Syria Again

Western terror media and Al Nusra [Al Qaeda] terrorist actors, posing as humanitarian White Helmets on the ground in Syria, are at it again!
A new production has just been premiered for the global audience, and the agenda is pretty clear, i.e. Assad must go, and Trump should make that clear enough instead of allowing countries to just chart their own course for the future. Continue reading Poorly Executed Chemical Attack False Flag Hits Syria Again

St. Petersburg Blast was Preceded by Preemptive Raids on Terror Cells

Yesterday’s St. Petersburg blast which claimed 11 lives was preceded by preemptive raids on terror cells weeks and months ago. In mid-October last year alone, Russian security forces have raided and eliminated an ISIS affiliated militant cell, effectively thwarting at least three terror attacks in the southern Russia region. Continue reading St. Petersburg Blast was Preceded by Preemptive Raids on Terror Cells

Why the US Genocide in the Middle East is Continuing Under Trump

We tried to avoid, or at least postpone, it until after 6 months when we evaluate with considerable certainty what the Trump administration is all about. But the US forces’ actions in Mosul, Iraq, and in Raqqa, Syria, are persistently reckless, i.e. genocidal, by any measure.
Why is the US genocide, sold as humanitarian interventions, continuing under Trump?
Continue reading Why the US Genocide in the Middle East is Continuing Under Trump

Brave Activists Attempt Citizen's Arrest on UK Warlord Spox for Yemen Genocide

The Nazi Monarchy, having the controlling stakes in BAE Systems, Inc. and British Petroleum, is perpetrating a crime of genocide against the Yemeni population, in collusion with its loyal servant-warlord, fellow Khazarian House of Saud. Continue reading Brave Activists Attempt Citizen's Arrest on UK Warlord Spox for Yemen Genocide

Al Qaeda Rebranding Serves US Agenda

The RAND Corporation’s recent piece titled, “Al Qaeda in Syria Can Change Its Name, but Not Its Stripes,” all but admits what was already suspected about designated terrorist groups operating in Syria – that they are undergoing a transition in an attempt by their state sponsors to bolster their legitimacy and spare them from liquidation amid the shifting tides on the battlefield. Continue reading Al Qaeda Rebranding Serves US Agenda

Are there any significant changes in the United States under Trump?

Earlier, we have made some objective observations on what the Trump administration has been doing for the last 2 months. At most, the new White House crew has put the mainstream media, stooges within the two Deep State parties, and past administrations alike, in the defensive. Continue reading Are there any significant changes in the United States under Trump?

Duterte Tops Time Poll; EU Critics told ‘Stick to Child Porn’

The Duterte government, and 90% of the Philippine population at large, continue to mock Western institutions by playing smartly in the latter’s own game, and making fun of the inconvenient facts that are just beginning to hit the headlines in the West, e.g. PizzaGate and PedoGate scandals. Continue reading Duterte Tops Time Poll; EU Critics told ‘Stick to Child Porn’

How US Flooded the World with Psyops

Newly declassified documents from the Reagan presidential library help explain how the U.S. government developed its sophisticated psychological operations capabilities that – over the past three decades – have created an alternative reality both for people in targeted countries and for American citizens, a structure that expanded U.S. influence abroad and quieted dissent at home. Continue reading How US Flooded the World with Psyops

Israel Wants to Play Russian Roulette in Syria

Khazarian Jews don’t want the Russian-led armed intervention to succeed in Syria. That’s why they are weaponizing every resource in the region to sabotage the whole operation. After Turkey was reportedly playing with the Syrian water supply through the Euphrates River, NATO itself is seen bombing the control mechanism at the Euphrates dam. Continue reading Israel Wants to Play Russian Roulette in Syria

Trump, Prominent Americans Surveilled | Judicial Watch

Data from 47 hard drives, plus more than 600 million pages of information taken away by NSA/CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery, can prove that a “systematic illegal surveillance” on prominent Americans and US businessmen, including Donald Trump” did occur. Continue reading Trump, Prominent Americans Surveilled | Judicial Watch

Windows 10 Keeps Spying Even When All Privacy Options are Turned Off

In addition to the vulnerability of Apple’s expensive gadgetry, iPhones and iMac, to CIA hacking, Bill Gates’ Windows 10 is surveilling its users by default, i.e. no need for the CIA to hack it anymore. What this means is: your PC’s camera, microphone, and keystrokes are being recorded and stored in their cloud-based databases, for future reference. Continue reading Windows 10 Keeps Spying Even When All Privacy Options are Turned Off

CIA Infects iPhone Supply Chain with Persistent Surveillance Malwares | Vault7

Wikileaks has released its second Vault7 installment codenamed “Dark Matter,” which details how the Central Intelligence Agency CIA purposely infects the entire iPhone supply chain with undetectable, persistent malwares for its unfettered, highly unlawful surveillance activities. Continue reading CIA Infects iPhone Supply Chain with Persistent Surveillance Malwares | Vault7

London 3/22 False Flag Attack Bores to Death

It’s not only the choice of Skull and Bones date, but the usual “dead lone attacker” element eliminates all the thrill, of which the fake news media would like to defeat by increasing the number of deaths and arrests, as the days go by. Yes, the overnight vigil will certainly add more drama and credibility to the whole event. Continue reading London 3/22 False Flag Attack Bores to Death

FBI Dir. Comey: Member, HSBC Board – Clinton Foundation and Drug Cartel Money Launderer

Now, it can be made clear as to why the FBI Director James Comey had been flip-flopping with his statements regarding the Clintons’ slew of high crimes, i.e. he has multiple conflicts of interest when it comes to investigating the affairs of the latter and the Deep State, at large. Continue reading FBI Dir. Comey: Member, HSBC Board – Clinton Foundation and Drug Cartel Money Launderer

The West’s Sights Are Now Clearly Set on Iran

The British-US plan to weaken Iran via the proxy war on Syria has spectacularly backfired. Now they are more desperate than ever to bring Iran to its knees.
Western think tanks and ‘strategic institutes’ have been getting themselves in a cold sweat about Iranian influence for some time. Continue reading The West’s Sights Are Now Clearly Set on Iran