All posts by Geopolitics101

Ignoring NATO Summit 2014

Different strokes for different folks.
Those who find time to  voice their concerns on global issues have submitted their warm bodies in Wales as 60 puppets are having a meet-up on how to deal with “Russian Invasion”.
Others are just ignoring their presence. This is their way of protesting against an increasingly irrelevant entity that has sown more wars in their names.
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War is A Racket

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War is a Racket by Smedley Butler is a famous speech denouncing the military industrial complex. This speech by two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated that true patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree. To Hell with war.

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Warning Merkel on Russian ‘Invasion’ Intel

Alarmed at the anti-Russian hysteria sweeping Official Washington – and the specter of a new Cold War – U.S. intelligence veterans took the unusual step of sending this Aug. 30 memo to German Chancellor Merkel challenging the reliability of Ukrainian and U.S. media claims about a Russian “invasion.”
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Monsanto Suffers Legal Blackeye in Mexico

Previously, the most populous nation of the world, China has rejected the renewal of GMO use in its farms. Now, it’s Mexico’s turn to kick the food manipulators out.
The only caveat is: legal measures are simply not enough. People in the fields need to replace the seeds and completely avoid buying them from underground channels.
Grassroot information drive against GMO should be amplified.

Kevin Annett's Arrest Foiled

Here’s the latest from The Tribunal…

Update interview: British Crown stopped in their effort to arrest Kevin Annett; new ITCCS offensive against corporate backers of child trafficking

VIDEO-Kevin Annett: British Crown & Ireland attempt arrest to stop ITCCS action on 800 sacrificed babies, and more…
Continue reading Kevin Annett's Arrest Foiled

Time is Ripe for the Ultimate False Flag

Reading the headlines in the last few days has created a picture that something is about to happen within the month of September.
The exchange of harsh rhetoric between the two sides and the undiplomatic measures taken by Cabal stooges suggest the invisible fire of once covert confrontation is now hard to contain.
Continue reading Time is Ripe for the Ultimate False Flag

Putin Addresses East Ukraine as New Russia

We are indeed witnessing the endgame playing.
Spinning actual events by Nazionists media only reveals they’re running out of time.
So, sit tight and buckle up.

‘Anything US touches turns into Libya or Iraq’: Top Putin quotes at youth forum

Published time: August 29, 2014 20:23
Edited time: August 29, 2014 23:10
August 29, 2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin talks to the participants in the Seliger 2014 National Youth Forum in the Tver Region. (RIA Novosti / Michael Klimentyev)
August 29, 2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin talks to the participants in the Seliger 2014 National Youth Forum in the Tver Region. (RIA Novosti / Michael Klimentyev)

‘United Continent’: European volunteers fighting Kiev troops in Eastern Ukraine


European volunteers are streaming into Ukraine to join the fighting on both sides. While Kiev’s forces are beefed up with mercenaries from private military companies, Europeans have also come to defend the rebel Donbass region of their own free will.
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Russia-led military bloc ready to send peacekeepers to Ukraine

Published time: August 29, 2014 11:49

Ukrainian Forces Surrounded by Militia in the Country’s South-East


Putin Directly Addressed Rebels In Ukraine For The First Time, And He Used A Frightening Word To Describe Them

Business Insider

RIA-Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Presidential Press Service/AP

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday publicly addressed pro-Russian rebels fighting in southeastern Ukraine for the first time , praising their “major success” inside Ukraine.

The Kremlin released a late-night statement from Putin on its website in which he appealed to the militia of “Novorossyia,” or “New Russia.”

Continue reading Putin Addresses East Ukraine as New Russia


True or not, this is the cause of Poroshenko’s restiveness.
Nevertheless, if Russia’s military has indeed step into Ukrainian territory, then this could be part of the end game that must be played.
But we still don’t believe that this is real because there’s absolutely no need for the Russian to take this step.
The Cabalists can be stopped by either  or both, arresting them directly, or by choking on their finances.  The latter has been very effective so far.

August 28, 2014


from US NATO Tumbler account


The Unhappy Poroshenko

The coup installed Ukrainian president is having a hard time following the anti-Russia script.
Recently, he claims to have received intelligence reports of Russian troops movement heading his country, and yet what is actually happening is that his own troops are leaving the country for a better life in Mother Russia.
In fact, Ukrainians are leaving in droves towards Siberia where they are most welcome.
Continue reading The Unhappy Poroshenko

MMR Vaccine Causes Autism [CDC Data/Whistleblower]

The active participation of everyone in spreading inconvenient facts has put some courage to insiders to come out in the open and share their direct experience inside the most elaborate control mechanism that has plague the whole human consciousness with lies causing in it immeasurable injury.
Continue reading MMR Vaccine Causes Autism [CDC Data/Whistleblower]

Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me [Keenan]

Here’s the latest update from The Keenan Group.

Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me

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Shoo Fly Don’t Bother Me

By The Keenan Team
WELL, Neil has given everyone a few days to enjoy themselves bashing our names around.  Neil says: “In fact it was their Pied Piper who was leading them over the cliff.  My father used to say give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.”
We are now clearing the air, setting the record straight with facts, and just the facts.
Continue reading Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me [Keenan]

More Disruptions for Upcoming Satanic Rituals [ITCCS]

Here’s a very comprehensive update from The Tribunal…

Report from the Joint Consultation of the Directorate of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Common Law Court of Justice Held in Brussels and New York City August 20-24, 2014

Issued to all Common Law Court groups and their affiliates, including the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata and the Covenanted Congregationalists

Overview and Synopsis

The Tribunal and Court Directorate, its staff officers and Field Secretaries met in Brussels and New York this past week to review its work and plan the coming year’s actions.
With the successful prosecution of its second litigation against top church and state officials for crimes against humanity ( 19 July, 2014), the Court has established a Permanent Commission of Inquiry into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice that will convene on September 1, 2014. All affiliates are urged to work actively with the Commission to continue the prosecution of culpable individuals and institutions.
Continue reading More Disruptions for Upcoming Satanic Rituals [ITCCS]

Long-Term Truce in Gaza Declared; 7-Year Blockade Lifted

Finally, Israel bows down to mounting international pressure.
This another point for the Global Resistance score card.
Through the help of Egypt, Israel was able to obtain a “face-saving” cessation of its hostile conduct against the militarily inferior Gazans.
Of course, this doesn’t mean we just forgive and forget the mayhem that just happened. No.
More than 2,137 Palestinians, including around 570 children, have been killed so far in the Israeli onslaught on Gaza. Some 11,000 others have been wounded,  over the last 50 days.
We should not let the monsters go unpunished.
Continue reading Long-Term Truce in Gaza Declared; 7-Year Blockade Lifted

Shadow War: China vs. United States, Inc.

Just as soon as Obama ordered the departure of another aircraft carrier towards China, the latter released a retaliatory pronouncements by saying it is now playing with a “supersonic submarine able to penetrate US shores within 2 hours”.
This is very interesting because not to long ago, Neil Keenan announced that the Family has access to a beam weapon that could target any individual on Earth.

Futuristic Chinese ‘supersonic’ sub could reach US shores in under two hours

Published time: August 26, 2014 02:03
Edited time: August 26, 2014 02:35
Traveling from Shanghai to San Francisco in under two hours may sound like a fantasy, but China believes it’s figured out how to design an underwater vehicle that can make the idea a reality.
More worryingly, though, is the possibility that the technology will be used to develop even more dangerous weaponry.
According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the super-fast technology was developed by scientists at the Harbin Institute of Technology, and would allow underwater submarines or torpedoes to exceed the equivalent speed of sound under water – about 3,600 miles per hour.
The idea is based on the old Soviet concept of supercavitation, which involves creating a large air bubble around an object so that it could avoid facing too much friction and travel through water quickly.
Professor Li Fengchen said that when the vessel hits the water, one of its mechanisms continuously sprays a “special liquid membrane” all over the object’s surface. This membrane eventually wears off, but by the time the vessel reaches 46 miles per hour, it’s going fast enough to enter supercavitation state and generate an air bubble capable of helping it cover previously unknown distances.
“Our method is different from any other approach, such as vector propulsion,” Li told SCMP. “By combining liquid-membrane technology with supercavitation, we can significantly reduce the launch challenges and make cruising control easier.”
In theory, this means a trip across the Pacific Ocean would take only 100 minutes, while a transatlantic voyage could be undertaken in less than an hour.
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Chinese spy ship surveys US-led drills off Hawaii

Published time: July 21, 2014

China has sent an electronic surveillance vessel to international waters off Hawaii to keep an eye on a US-led Rim of the Pacific Exercise (RIMPAC) involving 22 countries, despite Beijing being one of the countries invited to participate in the drills.
The Chinese Dongdiao-class auxiliary general intelligence (AGI) surveillance ship is stationed outside US territorial seas but within the 200-nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone, according to Captain Darryn James, chief spokesman for the US Pacific Fleet.
“US naval forces continually monitor all maritime activity in the Pacific, and we expect this ship will remain outside of US territorial seas and not operate in a manner that disrupts the ongoing Rim of the Pacific maritime exercise,” James told Bloomberg, adding that the ship is not part of the RIMPAC that is now under way.
“We’ve taken all necessary precautions to protect our critical information,” James said, adding that “this is the first time a nation has ever sent a surveillance ship near Hawaii while also having invited ships participating in the RIMPAC exercise.”

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Stop Arming Israel

TAKE ACTION NOW – add your name to the call for a military embargo using the form on the right

Israel has once again unleashed the full force of its military against the captive Palestinian population, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip, in an inhumane and illegal act of military aggression.
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US Sends 2nd Aircraft Carrier After Chinese Barrel Roll Over its Top Gun

That’s the problem with a known bully, i.e. when the bluff is called it gets angry.
It’s global knowledge that the Corporate US is trying to encircle all its perceived enemies with military bases, and then use those bases as a reason for subsequent reconnaissance flights over adjacent airspace.
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Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here [Keenan]

Here’s another update from The Keenan Group for this week…

Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here

By The Keenan Team
At this very moment we are sitting here contemplating what to do with the actions that have been reported to us.
The Clinton Gang has ridden in on their private jets, the Japanese Emperor’s sister has also flown in on her jet, and money transfers have taken place through Bill Clinton’s Arkansas Foundation.  Said funds are illegal, confiscated Colombian drug funds which somehow found their way from Clinton’s Foundation to Indonesia , with the main objective being to steal what does not belong to either the Indonesians, Clintons or the Japanese Emperor’s sister.
Continue reading Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here [Keenan]

Sticks and Stones [Keenan]

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Sticks & Stones

By The Keenan Team
We are winning this global war to defeat those who are bent on exterminating the vast majority of humankind and enslaving the remainder.
Our adversary is mortally wounded and its days are numbered. In this brief NFK update however,  Neil begins by reminding us of the clear and present danger we all still face, especially those of us on the front lines.  And he implores Jean Haines and her associates to cease grinding the rumor mill which is essentially an act of aiding and abetting the enemy. “STOP IT!”
Continue reading Sticks and Stones [Keenan]

Waking Up

Just a few days ago we’ve seen people taking actions against Israel’s unwarranted aggression.
But we need persistent and smarter moves than these. We don’t demand changes from the likes of Bibi Netanyahu. We don’t ask them to step down.
We must take them down by ourselves.
Continue reading Waking Up

BOA Fined $17B Over Mortgage Fraud; Others Under Investigation Over FX Rigging

America’s second largest lender has reached a $17 billion settlement with US federal authorities over selling bad mortgages, according to sources close to the negotiations.
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Pope Francis Resigning [ITCCS]

Here’s the latest update from The Tribunal [ITCCS].
Pope Francis hinted again at resigning by saying he might be “dead in 2-3 years.”

Child Sacrifice Ritual stopped, and Pope Francis set to resign:

An Update from Kevin Annett in Montreal
August 19, 2014, 930 pm EST
On August 15, our Direct Action Unit Alpha Team stopped a planned child sacrificial ritual in the Outremont district of Montreal, and arrested and interrogated two members of the Ninth Circle cult. (see, August 17)
Continue reading Pope Francis Resigning [ITCCS]

US/Kiev Stalling Russian Aid for Eastern Ukraine

In an effort to prevent Eastern Ukraine, with its rich natural resources,  from separating towards the Russian side, Kiev continues to deny passage to trucks carrying much needed humanitarian aid.
Eastern Ukrainians have no other alternative but to flee amidst increasing firefights between pro-US and pro-Russian forces in the region.
Continue reading US/Kiev Stalling Russian Aid for Eastern Ukraine

Dismantling Israel

There are a million reasons why Israel needs to be erased from the map of the Middle East. Its behavior is outside the norms of all other nations on Earth, except probably the United States.
One solution, therefore, is to remove the state of Israel from Palestine, and to establish a permanent Jewish state inside America. After all, United States so love this Middle East squatter it has to keep pleasing it with more than a $100 Billion in aid since its inception in 1962.
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The Next American Revolution Has Begun

This is something we can all fight with and win.

 The Next American Revolution Has Begun And This Is What It Looks Like

By Dan West /

 This is what real revolution looks like. This is the future. Ron Finley in South Central LA was tired of living in a food desert and he decided to do something about it. He took back control over his food supply and health, while also setting his community on a path towards resilience and independence.

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Institutionalized Tyranny and Serfdom

Joe Withrow
Author of “The Individual is Rising
(Cognitive Dissonance – While I edited “The Individual is Rising” for Joe I am not participating in any revenue from the sale of that book. However I did purchase several copies for personal use as well as to give to family and friends.)

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Modern society does not care much for the individual. National interest, public policy, and the common good are held up as the ideal. We still hear lip service paid to the individual rights of man on occasion, but only within the context of individual servitude towards one or another State-driven collective goal. Of course these goals are presented as moral and upright, but there is a little catch – no one can truly opt-out of supporting the chosen goals. The State, in all its benevolence, is going to take your money to support the collective goals of society whether you like it or not.
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World Should Unite vs. United States & Israel

There’s a need for the world to unite against the corporate regimes of the United States and Israel for their “endless lies and slaughters.”
These are the words coming from independent analysts like Pepe Escobar, Noam Chomsky, and Paul Craig Roberts, to name a few.
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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors