Category Archives: Geopolitics

Israel Holds Elections on Day Palestinians Commemorate Deir Yassin Massacre

The Deir Yassin massacre was used by the Zionist establishment and the terror squads to terrify Palestinians who may have hesitated to leave their land. “Remember what happened in Deir Yassin” was often used as a threat. Continue reading Israel Holds Elections on Day Palestinians Commemorate Deir Yassin Massacre

Why There’ll Be No US-Russia Reset Post-Mueller

President Donald Trump and his White House team may have been cleared of collusion with the Kremlin in the 2016 presidential election. That startling conclusion by Special Counsel Robert Mueller after nearly two years of investigation, might be viewed by some as giving Trump freedom to now get on with normalizing relations with Moscow. Don’t bet on it. Continue reading Why There’ll Be No US-Russia Reset Post-Mueller

Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution – or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Hell?

Relations between Japan and Russia have long been the subject of discussion within international-relations circles. The meetings between Prime Minister Abe and President Putin have been going on for years, yet the situation regarding the peace treaty between the two countries, never signed since the conclusion of the Second World War, is difficult to resolve. Continue reading Can Japan Join the Multipolar Revolution – or Will US Imperialism Bring It to Hell?

Why Trump Defies the UN by Recognizing Israel’s “Sovereignty” Over the Golan Heights?

It is counterintuitive to say that the latest action from the White House would make America great again, but surely, the full recognition by Donald Trump about the supposed Israeli legitimacy over the Golan Heights is just a symptom of the cancer that has plagued Washington DC since its founding. But it is only much clearer now due to this indispensable decentralized medium called the internet, that the primordial objective is far beyond the opportunity to provide land for more Israeli settlers.

So, what are the real reasons why Donald Trump must do what he just did? Continue reading Why Trump Defies the UN by Recognizing Israel’s “Sovereignty” Over the Golan Heights?

CHECKMATE: Russian Forces Under Gen. Vasily Tonkoshkurov Landed in Venezuela

To enforce the Russian red line against the ongoing US regime change operations in Venezuela, Vladimir Putin sent his First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces, Colonel General Vasily Tonkoshkurov, to assure the Bolivarian Republic that Russia stands ready to assist the country in times of foreign aggression. Continue reading CHECKMATE: Russian Forces Under Gen. Vasily Tonkoshkurov Landed in Venezuela

What the U.S. Deep State Wants in Venezuela?

Governments are not controlled by the people who participate in a periodic electoral exercise to choose their leaders. The ritual is only meant to project a semblance of democracy of the right to choose from an already preselected pool of clowns, whose job as crowd pleasers is only meant to entertain, distract, and divide the people into warring camps, none of which is working for the direct solutions to real world problems that such governments are being paid for. Continue reading What the U.S. Deep State Wants in Venezuela?

The US Empire Has Up to 1,000 Military Bases in 80 Countries

On the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Baltimore University hosted more than 200 activists in the peace, environment, and social justice movements to launch a new initiative known as the Coalition Against US Foreign Military Bases, the Nation reported. Continue reading The US Empire Has Up to 1,000 Military Bases in 80 Countries

What Really Happened During the Trump-Kim Hanoi Summit?

While the western media has written off last weekend’s summit in Hanoi as a failure, the talks did help to burnish Kim Jong-un’s reputation as a sincere statesman committed to peacefully resolving the nuclear issue. This is a significant development for the simple reason that Kim needs to continue to build popular support for his cause if he hopes to prevail in the long-term. Continue reading What Really Happened During the Trump-Kim Hanoi Summit?

The Superiority of Multipolar World Order is Now Undeniable

We’ve been told that there must only be a singular force that will guide and set humanity’s path towards the future, or we all perish. The concept of exceptionalism, in parallel with unregulated monopoly, has run its natural course and look how backward we still are. Continue reading The Superiority of Multipolar World Order is Now Undeniable

PAK-India Conflict Reengaged; Puppet Guaido Assassination Highly Likely

The age-old conflict between India and Pakistan has just been reengaged through a false flag bombing that led to the deaths of 42 Indian police personnel, and subsequent aerial bombing by Indian warplanes inside Pakistan-controlled Kashmir side, and Pakistan’s retaliatory shooting down of two Indian intruders Continue reading PAK-India Conflict Reengaged; Puppet Guaido Assassination Highly Likely

Regime Change is Truly and Urgently Needed… in Washington!

I am surprised that no one else is saying it, writing it, shouting it at each and every corner: It is not Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Iran that are in dire and crucial need of ‘regime change’. It is the United States of America, it is the entire European Union; in fact, the entire West. And the situation is urgent. Continue reading Regime Change is Truly and Urgently Needed… in Washington!

Final Steps of the Multipolar Revolution

We discussed in the previous article how China and Russia are using diplomatic, economic and military means in areas like Asia and the Middle East to contain the belligerence and chaos unleashed by the United States. In this analysis, we will examine the extent to which this strategy is working in Europe. In the next and final article, we will look at the consequences of the “America First” doctrine in relation to South America and the Monroe Doctrine. Continue reading Final Steps of the Multipolar Revolution

Russia and China Are Containing the US to Reshape the World Order

Fortunately the world today is very different from that of 2003, Washington’s decrees are less effective in determining the world order. But in spite of this new, more balanced division of power amongst several powers, Washington appears ever more aggressive towards allies and enemies alike, regardless of which US president is in office. Continue reading Russia and China Are Containing the US to Reshape the World Order

Desperate Attempts at Toppling Maduro Continue to Fail

The latest attempt at initiating widespread indignation against a legitimate government in Venezuela is the false defection of “armed guards,” who rammed the barricades with armored vehicles at the border bridge separating the country from Colombia, without due regard to civilian safety. Continue reading Desperate Attempts at Toppling Maduro Continue to Fail

Pierre Omidyar’s Funding of Pro-Regime-Change Networks with CIA Cutouts Rappler, etc.

To Omidyar it’s … about … integrating things together to give technocrats, business executives and government officials a God’s-eye view of the world — to manage and control society more efficiently.” — Yasha Levine, author of “Surveillance Valley: The Military History of the Internet” Continue reading Pierre Omidyar’s Funding of Pro-Regime-Change Networks with CIA Cutouts Rappler, etc.

The FBI Came Close to Staging a Coup

Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, in an explosive interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes,” said that in early 2017,  in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, he and other FBI officials discussed the possibility of recruiting a cabinet secretary to help push the president out of office by using the Constitution’s 25thAmendment. Continue reading The FBI Came Close to Staging a Coup

CIA Linked Air Freight Company Smuggled Weapons into Venezuela

The parallels between aspects of the Contra scandal and the current situation in Venezuela are striking, particularly given the recent “outrage” voiced by mainstream media and prominent U.S. politicians over Maduro’s refusal to allow U.S. “humanitarian aid” into the country. Continue reading CIA Linked Air Freight Company Smuggled Weapons into Venezuela

"Macron is just a little boy…"

France’s Emmanuel Macron is pursuing a policy against his pre-election promise, “en marche” movement. The French police is getting more brutal against Yellow Vests protestors by the day.
In the larger scheme of things, however, he is just “a little boy playing his own little game” in a fast changing geopolitical landscape under the influence of the real adults based on the other side of the continent.
Continue reading "Macron is just a little boy…"

Goodbye ‘Freedom and Democracy’, Hello ‘Rules-based International Order’

The banner and the clarion call of western countries, and their own asserted legitimization – especially when they are engaging in illegal wars and coups – used to be “freedom and democracy”: the precious gift they were generously and selflessly offering to a backward world – or one allegedly in the ‘chains’ of Socialism/Communism. There was “Radio Free Europe”, for example, pushing out western liberal propaganda, primarily against the countries of the former Soviet Union. Continue reading Goodbye ‘Freedom and Democracy’, Hello ‘Rules-based International Order’

Venezuela Donated Free Heating Oil to 100,000 Needy US Households, 2005-2013

For eight straight years [2005-2013], Venezuela’s state oil company has donated free heating oil to hundreds of thousands of needy Americans. Where are these beneficiaries now that Venezuela is under attack by their own government? Continue reading Venezuela Donated Free Heating Oil to 100,000 Needy US Households, 2005-2013

Venezuelan Supreme Court Fights Back Deep State Regime Change

The Maduro government is imperfect. The Venezuelans are just like the Americans, and the rest of the global population. They can easily be manipulated through economic pressures, and black propaganda. Fortunately for the Venezuelans, their Supreme Court is standing up to the developing Deep State incursions into their domestic affairs. Continue reading Venezuelan Supreme Court Fights Back Deep State Regime Change

Huawei Indictment Deep State Extortion against China

High level extortions are made of this. China is considered far more dangerous than Russia by the Deep State CIA and State Department. It’s no wonder that the Trump administration is giving in to the pressure from sections inside the US government that are far beyond his executive control, to pin down civilian executives with close ties to the Chinese government. Continue reading Huawei Indictment Deep State Extortion against China

A British Intelligence Fraud Creates the Coup Against Donald Trump

Put now in the larger context of British information warfare and regime change operations directed at Russia and independent thinkers in the United States, Britain, and Western Europe—operations which were put on steroids as of 2014 (operations which we covered in Part II of this Report)—what are we to make of the Christopher Steele dossier on Donald Trump and its use to impact the 2016 elections and the Trump Presidency? Continue reading A British Intelligence Fraud Creates the Coup Against Donald Trump

The Integrity Initiative's Foreign Agents of Influence Invade the United States

On November 23, 2018, a group calling itself “Anonymous” posted actual documents from the Integrity Initiative, a rapid-response black-propaganda information-warfare operation targeting Russia, China, Western Europe, and the United States. Continue reading The Integrity Initiative's Foreign Agents of Influence Invade the United States

The British Role in the Coup Against the President Is Now Exposed

Understanding the ferocity of the attacks on Donald Trump and our Constitution may seem to be a head scratcher. Is it really just due to Barack Obama and Hillary partisans at the top levels of the Justice Department, conspiring with a bunch of know-nothing, hot-headed, politically correct millennials and sour Deep State apparatchiks in the news media—the meme favored by Fox News? Continue reading The British Role in the Coup Against the President Is Now Exposed

Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fueled Rise of ISIS

President Donald Trump’s announcement of an imminent withdrawal of US troops from northeastern Syria summoned a predictable paroxysm of outrage from Washington’s foreign policy establishment. Former secretary of state and self-described “hair icon” Hillary Clinton perfectly distilled the bipartisan freakout into a single tweet, accusing Trump of “isolationism” and “playing into Russia and Iran’s hands.” Continue reading Critics of Syria Withdrawal Fueled Rise of ISIS

Mueller Throws Pile of Crap at Michael Flynn; Media Sucks It Up and Amplifies It

The Special Counsel made his submission to Judge Emmett Sullivan at 3:00 p.m. Friday, about Michael Flynn. It is a typical Robert Mueller show, seeking to protect out of control agents and lawyers at the U.S. Department of Justice, who behaved criminally in this case, to justify his own criminal actions, and to feed the fake narrative that the President is, overall, in deep legal kimchee. Continue reading Mueller Throws Pile of Crap at Michael Flynn; Media Sucks It Up and Amplifies It

Macron's Brutal Fascist Regime Exposed!

The perpetual politically correct Deep State stooge Emmanuel Macron has been recently exposed to its brutality. In a scathing video gathered around during the weeks of Yellow Vests protest, the corporate police force has been hitting hard on protestors notwithstanding those aged one who braved the winter cold for economic respite and the future of freedom in the country. Continue reading Macron's Brutal Fascist Regime Exposed!

Deciphering Economic Warfare Code: The Sub-Saharan Africa Front

This week Moody’s warned the whole world of Kenya struggling to repay heavy Chinese debt. News from the South African gained over 400 social media shares too, amplifying the hysterical warning that all of Sub-Saharan Africa is at risk of having “strategic assets” seized when unpaid debts come due. Continue reading Deciphering Economic Warfare Code: The Sub-Saharan Africa Front

Yemen Genocide About Oil Control

The ongoing de facto genocide in the Republic of Yemen in a war whose most intense phase began in 2015, has until very recently been all but ignored in the Western mainstream media. What has also been ignored is the fundamental casus belli for the US-backed Saudi war, ostensibly against the Shi’ite Houthi by the Sunni Wahhabite Saudis. Continue reading Yemen Genocide About Oil Control

Here’s Why Putin Greeted Saudi’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman with A High Five

The gleeful greetings that Vladimir Putin extended to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has caught, not just the mainstream media, but also Donald Trump and the rest of the global geopolitical observers. It was a pleasure indeed to see Putin smiling as if he has won a jackpot about something. Continue reading Here’s Why Putin Greeted Saudi’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman with A High Five

Secretive Liberal Donor Network Plots 2020 Strategy in DC

Democracy Alliance held fall investment conference blocks away from White House
A secretive dark money network comprised of powerful liberal donors who help set the Democratic agenda descended on Washington, D.C., to begin plotting strategy for the next two years leading up to the 2020 elections. Continue reading Secretive Liberal Donor Network Plots 2020 Strategy in DC

California Wildfire: Another Directed Energy Weapon Attack?

The recent California Wildfire occurred with some very distinct anomalies that would raise a lot of questions to those who are fully aware of existing exotic ultrahigh energy-based technologies that where invented more than a hundred years ago. Continue reading California Wildfire: Another Directed Energy Weapon Attack?

A $2bn Saudi Plan to Assassinate Iran's Leaders

So maybe the Iranians do have much to be paranoid about. An explosive New York Times story citing multiple unnamed sources familiar with the matter details how top Saudi intelligence officials conspired to assassinate Iranian leaders  including Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) Quds force commander Qassim Suleimani — in a plot wherein the Saudis mulled using private contractors, and even approached Erik Prince, the former head of Blackwater and at the time adviser to the Trump transition team. Continue reading A $2bn Saudi Plan to Assassinate Iran's Leaders

Behold the New Asia-Based Cooperation Sphere

The constant Trumpian rhetorics about the US trade imbalance with China and Japan have brought the two closer together. Add to the equation is the independent foreign policies of India, which should make up for the BRICS losing Brazil in recent years.  These are the economic powerhouses that are behind the global effort to shift the control of the global economy away from Western exceptionalists and towards multilateral cooperation and shared prosperity. Continue reading Behold the New Asia-Based Cooperation Sphere

How the US Midterm Election Was Rigged According to SocMed Pioneer

The outcome of the recently concluded US midterm elections only shows how divided the US is today, if only it was the true result of the actual voting November 6, 2018. While the immigrants prefer a diversity-friendly America, it doesn’t mean that they are ignoring the crimes committed by the likes of Hilary Clinton, et al. They are way smarter than that. So, why is it that the US Congress is split with Democrats controlling the lower house and the Senate to the Republicans? Continue reading How the US Midterm Election Was Rigged According to SocMed Pioneer

The Death of America’s Hyper-Power Fantasy

In 1987, Paul Kennedy, a British professor of history at Yale University, unleashed a political and intellectual firestorm with the publication of his great (677-page) book, “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers.” Kennedy produced a magisterial overview of the competition for global power over the past 500 years from 1500 AD to the present. Continue reading The Death of America’s Hyper-Power Fantasy

American Politics Is Now Just Civil War by Other Means

In the wake of the sending of bomb-like devices of uncertain capability to prominent critics of US President Donald Trump and of a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue (both Trump’s fault, of course) – plus a migrant invasion approaching the US through Mexico – there have been widespread calls for toning down harsh and “divisive” political rhetoric. Continue reading American Politics Is Now Just Civil War by Other Means

Artificial Intelligence as A Geopolitical Factor

Technological inequality has always had a major impact on global politics and the world economy. The most technologically advanced states became the most successful, gained undisputed military superiority and begin to impose their will onto less developed countries. Continue reading Artificial Intelligence as A Geopolitical Factor

Panic Among Oligarchs, Trump May Turn the Election

President Donald Trump is fully deployed to assure that the “Impeachment Party” — once known as the Democratic Party — is denied their effort to take over the Congress and launch an impeachment. He has held 12 rallies across the country in support of Republican candidates, repeating everywhere that a vote for Democrats this year is a vote against himself. Continue reading Panic Among Oligarchs, Trump May Turn the Election