Category Archives: New World Disorder

Russia Calls for Elimination of Khazarian Mafia World Order

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, we are told that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “called Saturday for an end to a world order dominated by the West and said Moscow wanted to establish a ‘pragmatic’ relationship with the United States.” Continue reading Russia Calls for Elimination of Khazarian Mafia World Order

The Stakes for Trump and All of Us | Paul Craig Roberts

We need to understand, and so does President Trump, that the hoax “war on terror” was used to transform intelligence agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and criminal investigative agencies, such as the FBI, into Gestapo secret police agencies. Continue reading The Stakes for Trump and All of Us | Paul Craig Roberts

Time to 'Drain the Swamp': Will Soros Find Himself Behind Bars?

American billionaire George Soros has long been known for sponsoring “color revolutions” across the world. However, it looks as if a strikingly similar pattern is now taking shape in the US. Speaking to RT, songwriter Vanessa Feltner, author of an anti-Soros petition, underscored that it’s time to stop Soros and “drain the swamp.” Continue reading Time to 'Drain the Swamp': Will Soros Find Himself Behind Bars?

Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech Radiated Leadership Idealism & Wisdom

On a rare occasion, when security leaders from both sides of the Atlantic gathered to hear each other’s policy position on security,  and Vladimir Putin stunned his audience when he basically said that a unipolar world will eventually destroy itself and lead to chaos, directly in front of John McCain, Angela Merkel, and the Israeli delegation, among others. Continue reading Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech Radiated Leadership Idealism & Wisdom

Senators McCain & Graham are Dragging Trump into NATO's War with Russia

It has begun. The same formula which did work with Obama, is now being used against Donald Trump. Senators McCain and Graham are fueling a Ukrainian war with Russia to ruin the Trump presidency. Continue reading Senators McCain & Graham are Dragging Trump into NATO's War with Russia

When Obama tried to stop people from visiting Crimea, where was the outrage?

The hysteria surrounding Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from the world’s most lawless countries contrasts sharply with the actions taken by Obama to restrict access to one of the world’s most beautiful places – Russia’s Crimea. Continue reading When Obama tried to stop people from visiting Crimea, where was the outrage?

Trump Foiled Soros' Master Plan to Impose New World Order | Mitch Feierstein

Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein claims that Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific free trade deal hidden from the public.  Continue reading Trump Foiled Soros' Master Plan to Impose New World Order | Mitch Feierstein

Divided America: Trump’s New Deal vs. Soros’ Open Swamp

In every big protest rally, there’s always the passionate protestors and the well-funded rabblerousers. Under-funded demonstrations are usually quite small, and boring.
The rest are anomalies from which arise real and meaningful change. The rise of Donald Trump to the presidency is an anomaly for the establishment, just like Vladimir Putin and Rodrigo Duterte before him. Continue reading Divided America: Trump’s New Deal vs. Soros’ Open Swamp

Trump Presidency: Era Of Destabilization In The U.S.?

It is clear that Americans were able to avoid the worst case scenario of a Hillary Clinton presidency. However, the 2016 elections provided the country with the Presidency of Donald Trump. While the surprise was not unwelcome considering the other option, Trump supporters are now being faced with some difficult questions as he nears actually taking office.  Continue reading Trump Presidency: Era Of Destabilization In The U.S.?

DC National Guard Chief Fired On Trump Inauguration Day, Here’s Why…

The Army general who heads the D.C. National Guard and has an integral part in overseeing the inauguration said Friday that he will be removed from command effective at 12:01 p.m. Jan. 20, just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president.
Continue reading DC National Guard Chief Fired On Trump Inauguration Day, Here’s Why…

George Soros’ World is Falling Apart, Blames Everyone but Himself

Call it by any other fancy names, but Corporate Tyranny continue to be exposed for what it truly is, worldwide. Behind it all are big bankers and financial assassins, willing to send taxpayer-funded armed mercenaries into countries unwilling to participate in their self-immolation.
One of the most notable financial assassins is the dying George Soros.
Continue reading George Soros’ World is Falling Apart, Blames Everyone but Himself

Western Elites Ignore Own Citizens' Anger and Blame Russia Instead

The rise of populist leaderships and alternative movements around the world have sent the perennial powers-that-be running scared, yet still unwilling to address their own failings.
Instead, they seek comfort in blaming bogeymen, something that they have gotten used to all this time. The habit has become the addiction that is effectively killing all that they represent.
Continue reading Western Elites Ignore Own Citizens' Anger and Blame Russia Instead

US, UK Paid “White Helmets” Help Al Qaeda Blocking Water To 5 Million Syrians

The blockade of water from Wadi Barada to 5 million people in Damascus is taking an interesting turn. The U.S. and UK financed White Helmet organization seems to be directly involved in it. This increases the suspicion that the illegal blockade of water to civilians in Damascus is part of a organized campaign under U.S. command. The campaign is designed to block utilities to government held areas as revenge for the liberation of east Aleppo.
Continue reading US, UK Paid “White Helmets” Help Al Qaeda Blocking Water To 5 Million Syrians

US Special Ops & Drone Bases Surge in Africa | The Intercept

In addition to the resupply of arms and ammunition, including anti-aircraft manpads, to displaced Daesh terrorists in Syria, Obama also authorized more clandestine Special Operations in Africa, and released $100 million for the establishment of drone bases used in monitoring both civilian activities, and that of the African governments’ forces vis a vis their terror assets in the region. Continue reading US Special Ops & Drone Bases Surge in Africa | The Intercept

Criminally Negligent IMF Head Lagarde Unpunished, Here’s Why

France’s Court of Justice of the Republic on Monday found Christine Lagarde, International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief, guilty of negligence over a state payout in 2008, but chose not to punish her as all criminals must undergo.
Continue reading Criminally Negligent IMF Head Lagarde Unpunished, Here’s Why

Obama Drops from 3rd to 48th in Forbes’ “Most Powerful People" List

This is the elite’s expression of disgust over Obama’s poor performance in Syria, which led to their failed march against the highly prized Revolutionary Iran.
Otherwise, they wouldn’t have a need for twisting facts about the recently concluded US presidential elections whereby the Putin-friendly Donald Trump won by a thread, and both of whom are gracing the top 2 positions of the list.
Continue reading Obama Drops from 3rd to 48th in Forbes’ “Most Powerful People" List

Western Intervention Unleashes the Worst in the Middle East

Western military operations in Iraq were based on the pretext that there was a government-imposed cruelty and weapons of mass destruction during Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq.
The self-righteous wanted to correct it for the betterment of the Iraqis and for making the world a safer place.
Continue reading Western Intervention Unleashes the Worst in the Middle East

After Bombing Syrian Army, US Accuses Russia of Bombing Aleppo Aid Convoy

The White House thinks that we are all idiots, and they are so smart, they can fool the rest of the world by saying it was Russia which bombed the humanitarian aid convoy that the latter helped organize, after having created the necessary environment that would make possible for such delivery of goods critical to the survival of all  civilians still inside the ISIS beleaguered City of Aleppo.
Continue reading After Bombing Syrian Army, US Accuses Russia of Bombing Aleppo Aid Convoy

All WTC Towers Collapsed on 911 Due to Controlled Demolition | EuroPhysics Journal

Over the past 15 years many highly respected academics and experts have come forward to challenge the official narrative on the collapse of the WTC towers forwarded by the U.S. government. The official government position holds that the collapse of all three towers was due to intense heat inside of the buildings.
Continue reading All WTC Towers Collapsed on 911 Due to Controlled Demolition | EuroPhysics Journal

Hanging On To What They’ve Got | Preston James

Exposure is now the 9-11-01 Perps’ biggest problem!
Seizing power covertly in 1913 is one thing, but holding on to it after you are exposed for doing unimaginable evil, such as on 9-11-2001, is another thing and becomes increasingly difficult as the public learns the facts.
Continue reading Hanging On To What They’ve Got | Preston James

We Need to Learn the Full Story of 9/11 & End the Catastrophic Wars on Terror | Jill Stein

In contrast to Donald Trump, who hasn’t issued a categorical statement about his stand on 9/11 investigations and the entire bogus War on Terror, at least as specific as the construction of a “beautiful wall” against migrant workers, Jill Stein does.
Continue reading We Need to Learn the Full Story of 9/11 & End the Catastrophic Wars on Terror | Jill Stein

More Evidence of Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play Scheme Discovered

FBI successfully retrieved earlier deleted Clinton emails, 15,000 of them, were discovered through the FOI request of the Judicial Watch transparency organization.
This is in addition to the previously leaked Clinton emails that should have sent the Rothschild candidate to the penitentiary.
Continue reading More Evidence of Clinton Foundation Pay-to-Play Scheme Discovered

Is Hillary Clinton Fit for the White House, or The Mental Asylum?

Hillary is sick, literally and figuratively, and her handlers are having a hard time keeping her standing at the podium, as much as keeping her campaign platforms and public service records as Secretary of State survive public scrutiny.
Continue reading Is Hillary Clinton Fit for the White House, or The Mental Asylum?

Covert WW3: Russian FSB Foiled CIA-Ukraine Terror Attempt in Crimea, Militaries on Full Combat Status

Military exercises are conducted regularly by armed organizations around the globe, but not as frequent as they are today, and with increasing realism they have admitted, because there is indeed a real and covert hybrid war that is going on for the ultimate control of the planet.
Continue reading Covert WW3: Russian FSB Foiled CIA-Ukraine Terror Attempt in Crimea, Militaries on Full Combat Status

Fissures in the Empire | Paul C. Roberts

If you have been wondering what all the terror events in France and Germany are about, here is the answer:
Washington has raised the cost of being a member of its Empire too high. Vassals such as France and Germany are beginning to exercise independent policies toward Russia. Observing the cracks in its Empire, Washington has decided to bind its vassals to Washington with terror. Most likely what we are witnessing in the French and German attacks is Operation Gladio.
Continue reading Fissures in the Empire | Paul C. Roberts

The Situation is So Intense, it Involves the Entire US Government | FBI Insider

A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions. The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could be the biggest scandal of all times.
This inside info from someone claiming to be a high level FBI analyst whose job was to look at the records, with NOTES added to clarify some of the responses.
Continue reading The Situation is So Intense, it Involves the Entire US Government | FBI Insider

ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Most of those who were behind the creation of false pretexts to attack Iraq and Afghanistan have already admitted to have based their decisions on false intelligence about the existence of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.
Up to now, not one of them is held accountable to that decision which plunged the world into the War of Terror.
Continue reading ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Here’s why FBI didn’t Indict Hillary Clinton

This is another sad day for America which only a day ago celebrated its “Independence Day.”
The Federal Bureau of Investigation just admitted that there’s nothing wrong with Hillary Clinton’s handling of state secrets through a separate email server, even if other countries were able to hack and penetrate it.
Continue reading Here’s why FBI didn’t Indict Hillary Clinton

NATO Exercises Proven WW3 Provocation, Still Canada Sends 1,000 Troops to Russian Border

Justin Pierre James Trudeau is now showing his true Cabalist color by sending a thousand of his troops close to the border of Russia, still justifying with the same worn out and stupid excuse known as the Annexation of Crimea.
Continue reading NATO Exercises Proven WW3 Provocation, Still Canada Sends 1,000 Troops to Russian Border

Bernie Sanders Running as 3rd Party Candidate, But…

Bernie Sanders lost the unDemocratic nomination process even before it officially ended, in favor of the more ambitious cutthroat Hillary Clinton.
Both the mainstream media and the SuperDelegates made it sure that no socialist should ever challenge the Wall Street bankers’ grip on the ever generous US taxpayers.
Continue reading Bernie Sanders Running as 3rd Party Candidate, But…

United Nations Accuses Blacklisted Saudi Arabia of Economic Blackmail

When two evil groups are accusing each other of malfeasance, we simply cannot take sides.
The Secretary General of the UN Ban Ki Moon  is now accusing Saudi Arabia of using “economic warfare” to reverse its earlier stand of blacklisting Saudi-led coalition for its targeting of Yemeni children, which we see as part of a systematic ethnic cleansing in the country.
Continue reading United Nations Accuses Blacklisted Saudi Arabia of Economic Blackmail