All posts by Geopolitics101

WEF Warns Of Cyber Attack Leading To Systemic Collapse Of The Global Financial System

If the pandemic represented stage one of Technocracy’s coup d’etat, then there remains a grand finale yet to come. Now the World Economic Forum is preparing for a massive cyber attack leading to the collapse of the global financial system. This could complete the “Great Reset” where everything flips. ⁃ TN Editor

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Dr. Charles Lieber’s Connections to The Plague, The Plot, and Psychotronic Warfare

New discoveries filed in the U.S. District Court of Middle Florida against COVID-19 vaccine makers, advertisers, and distributors by a Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reveal an enterprise secreting critical information about the actual activities of Harvard’s indicted nano-chemistry professor, Charles Lieber, his connections to the alleged “plandemic,” and the “conspiracy theory” embraced by a consensus of best-informed most-honorable scientists.

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Revealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine Passports

Propaganda is a one-sided and skewed presentation of the facts in order to manipulate people into doing things that they would never otherwise do if they had all the facts. Today, there is a massive propaganda campaign to establish vaccine passports and it’s coming from the very top of the Technocrat oligarchy.

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US, Lobbyists and Arm Dealers Scramble to Reposition Amid Impending Saudi Defeat in Yemen

WASHINGTON — In his last months in office, former President Donald Trump gave American defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Reaper drone manufacturer General Atomics Aeronautical Systems billions in projected earnings through a controversial $23 billion arms deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a deal now “under review” by the Biden administration.

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WHO Pushes International Pandemic Treaty: Another Stepping Stone to World Government?

They really are maximizing the opportunity to exploit the pandemic captive world population to implement their globalist ambitions of a totalitarian technology-based dictatorship. They still think that most people today are stupid, as they are being watched how most of them demand lockdowns from their own governments to keep themselves safe from “COVID19 infected neighbors.”

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U.S. Gov’t Giving Away $500k for “Innovative & Effective” Facemasks

As the Biden administration insists on double-masking indefinitely and funding a design for new, better face coverings, Americans yearning to breathe free once the coronavirus pandemic is over may need to think again.

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What is the End Game for COVID19 Black Ops?

What is the “Big Picture” of Covid-19 (the disease), alias SARS-CoV-2 (the virus)? – Is it what we could also call the end-game, or what Aldous Huxley called the “Brave New World” (1932), science-fiction – gradually turning into reality in the form of the UN Agenda 2030 – with the implementing tool of the Bill Gates created Agenda ID2020?

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International Relations according to Antony Blinken

Washington has little choice: its interests have not changed, but those of its ruling class have. Antony Blinken therefore intends to pursue the line adopted since President Reagan hired Trotskyists to create the NED: to make human rights an imperial weapon, without ever respecting them himself. For the rest, one will avoid getting angry with the Chinese and will try to exclude Russia from the wider Middle East so that the war can continue without end.

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Al-Qaeda in Syria: Western Media’s “Reliable” Source

The Western press commemorated the ten years of war against Syria by echoing over and over its version of events, according to which we have been witnesses to a revolt against the Alawite dictatorship of “Bashar” (read President al-Assad). A despot who purportedly practices widespread torture and is thus responsible for the death of half a million of his fellow citizens.

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The Overthrow of Evo Morales and the First Lithium War was UK Engineered

The world was used to oil wars since the end of the 19th century. Now the wars over lithium, a mineral that is essential for mobile phones, but above all for electric cars, are beginning. Foreign Office documents obtained by a British historian and journalist show that the UK engineered the overthrow of Bolivian president Evo Morales to steal the country’s lithium reserves.

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CIA Pressured Yemen to Release al-Qaeda Leader From Prison

WASHINGTON (Substack // Alex Rubinstein) — Explosive new recordings released by the Houthi government of Yemen pile more earth atop mountains of existing evidence of the U.S. government’s support for the very same terrorists it has claimed to be waging war against for nearly two decades.

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Russia, China Need to Move Away from Dollar to Reduce Risks of U.S. Sanctions

Russia and China need to work to further reduce their dependence on the dollar and switch to national currencies for trade in order to alleviate the risks of US sanctions, says Russia’s top diplomat.

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Senior U.S. Official Acknowledges Washington Has Spent $143 Billion to Destroy Its Own Gov’t in Afghanistan

The U.S.-created and supported government of Afghanistan is on the brink of collapse. It has lost all credibility with its people because of its incompetence and unbelievable corruption. If U.S. military aid and the enormous inputs of international aid were to be withdrawn, the Taliban would be at the gates of Kabul and poised to take over the entire country in a matter of days.

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2013 Rockefeller Paper Predicted Isolation, the Death of Physical Interaction & Global Health Police

At the 2013 Global Health Summit in Beijing, China, 112 key individuals from governments, the private sector, international organizations, and other groups, met to discuss how the next 100 years of global health may look. The summit released a white paper, titled: Dreaming the Future of Health for the Next 100 Years, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

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Boris Johnson Confirms British Citizens are Military & Intelligence 24/7 Cyber Ops Targets

Boris Johnson has unveiled some eyebrow-raising upgrades to Britain’s defence and foreign policies, which include propaganda campaigns aimed at its own people to ‘deliver cognitive impacts’ – i.e. making them think ‘correctly’.

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A Budget to Defend the American People, Not the Weapons Makers

Policymakers insist that they cannot afford to provide relief to millions of Americans struggling during a pandemic, cannot afford to provide universal health care, and cannot find funds for education. Despite this, the massive National Defense Authorization Act passes each year in an allegedly bipartisan fashion.

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UK Breaks Law on Nukes: Boris Johnson Announced a 40% Increase in Britain’s Nuclear Arsenal

Today the arsenal stands at around 200 nuclear warheads. Each is about 8 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb which killed over 200,000 people. That’s a killing capacity of hundreds of millions. How can Johnson conceivably justify that arsenal, never mind increasing it?

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“Vaccines” Are the Keys to World Control

“It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees”, ascribed to Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, is quoted by many, but few seem willing to live it. In any case, the pharmaceutical industry and its operatives throughout government, media and the medical establishment have terrorized an already infantilized society and brought it to its collective knees.

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Divide and Conquer Black Ops: Asian Edition

There’s now an ongoing operation to further tear America apart, i.e., shootings of Asians for “spreading the COVID19 pandemic.” These shooters, paid or not, need their skull examined immediately for not realizing that everyone is a victim in the ongoing World Economic Forum sponsored coup against humanity itself.

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Soros’ Open Society Staff Arrested & Bank Accounts Seized in Myanmar

The military regime of Myanmar has seized bank accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation [OSF] in the country, as it accuses OSF Myanmar of violating multiple financial restrictions on the activities of organizations interfering on domestic affairs.

As Reuters recently reports,

(Reuters) – The Open Society Foundations, a philanthropic organisation founded by billionaire George Soros, called on Tuesday for the immediate release of a staff member held in Myanmar and said allegations of financial misconduct were false.

State media in Myanmar reported that authorities had detained an official from the Open Society Myanmar and were looking for 11 other employees on suspicion the group passed funds to opponents of a Feb. 1 coup.

“The Open Society Foundations are deeply concerned by reports that an OSM (Open Society Myanmar) staff member has been detained in Myanmar,” Open Society Foundations said in an emailed statement.

“We call for her immediate release. We are alarmed by reports that authorities are seeking to interrogate other staff members.”

Opponents of military rule launched a civil disobedience movement (CDM) of strikes to press the generals to reverse their coup, to free detained government leader Aung San Suu Kyi and to recognise her party’s Nov. 8 election victory.

The military has responded with a crackdown on pro-democracy protests, killing more than 180 people, a human rights group said, while taking legal action against Suu Kyi and others.

The Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper, which has been for years a mouthpiece of the military, said OSM transferred funds without seeking permission from the Foreign Exchange Management Department.

Myanmar: Military regime seizes bank accounts of George Soros’s OSF, issues arrest warrant against staff members

OSF Myanmar is also accused of illegally withdrawing $1.4 million from its account at SMED a week after the military junta takeover in Myanmar at the beginning of February. The Military has also seized OSF banks accounts in the private banks of Myanmar, collectively amounting to the tune of $3.81 million.

According to reports from Myanmar, the Myanmar military regime has seized the bank accounts of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) in the country. The military regime in Myanmar accuses OSF Myanmar of violating multiple financial restrictions on the activities of organizations like OSF.

The Military regime on Monday announced the arrest warrants for 11 staff members of OSF Myanmar through Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV). These arrest warrants include the top management of the foundation, with reports revealing the Finance Manager of OSF Myanmar already in detention and going through interrogation since at least Friday.

The Myanmar military junta accuses OSF Myanmar of multiple financial improprieties. The most prominent accusation is a failure to obtain approval from the Central Bank of Myanmar (CBM)’s Foreign Exchange Management Department for depositing US$5 million (7.04 billion kyats) with the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Bank (SMED) in Myanmar in 2018. OSF Myanmar is also accused of illegally withdrawing $1.4 million from its account at SMED a week after the military junta takeover in Myanmar at the beginning of February. The Military has also seized OSF banks accounts in the private banks of Myanmar, collectively amounting to the tune of $3.81 million.

OSF is accused of providing financial support to civil disobedience movements against the military rule.

Military regime accuses Aung San Suu Kyi of meeting George Soros

On March 12th, the Central Bank of Myanmar notified all international and domestic NGOs that all financial transactions since April 1st 2016 involving international organizations or individuals from abroad are to be reported to the CBM. This is seen as a move to investigate the finances of organizations like the OSF since the civilian government of the National League for Democracy (NLD), the political party of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, rose to power in early 2016. The Military junta also accuses Aung San Suu Kyi of meeting with George Soros four times between 2014 to 2017 and OSF deputy chair Alexander Soros six times from 2017 to 2020 in her capacity as State Counsellor of Myanmar (equivalent to Prime Minister).

The Union Solidarity and Development Party, a Myanmar political party known for its close ties with the military, have accused the Open Society Foundations of attempting to manipulate Myanmar’s politics through its activities in the country. In 2017, a Myanmar lawmaker objected to a ministerial appointment by the NLD government, citing the appointee’s failure to disclose his previous work for George Soros.

OSF responds, calls for the immediate release of staffers

The Open Society Foundations responded to the Myanmar military junta on Tuesday, calling for the immediate release of the OSF staff member currently detained by the junta. “The Open Society Foundations are deeply concerned about reports that an OSM (Open Society Myanmar) staff member has been detained in Myanmar. We call for her immediate release. We are alarmed by reports that authorities are seeking to interrogate other staff members,” Open Society Foundations said in an emailed statement to Reuters.

The OSF has also rubbished the Military junta’s allegations of financial impropriety on the part of OSF Myanmar. “Claims of financial misconduct, including that OSM acted illegally by withdrawing their own funds in local currency from the SMID bank, are false. Claims that OSM used these funds for illegal purposes are false. These funds were used for purposes fully within the objectives of OSM.” the Open Society Foundations told Reuters.

The Myanmar Army is in control of Myanmar after staging a coup in the early morning hours of 1st February 2021. According to reports, the Myanmar military’s intervention came after weeks of continued friction between the country’s military, which ruled the country for over five decades, and the civilian government over allegations of irregularities in the 2020 Myanmar General Elections. –

Soros’ Interest in Myanmar ‘Goes Back to 1987’

Hungarian-American investor and business magnate George Soros has a long record of meddling in Myanmar’s affairs and the Southeast Asian region in general.

Forbes reported in 2007 that Soros was spending $2 million a year, “trying to pave the way for democracy in Burma [Myanmar],” through the Burma Project, kicked off in 1994 and operated by the investor’s Open Society Foundations.

According to the media outlet, “Soros’ interest in Burma [Myanmar] goes back to the fall of 1987,” when protests against the government’s currency reform began. In 1988 Nationwide Popular Pro-Democracy Protests — a series of nationwide demonstrations and civil unrest — engulfed the country. It was then that Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and Myanmar’s incumbent State Counselor, emerged nothing short of a “national icon.”

Speaking to Fortune’s Neel Chowdhury, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad stated on September 29, 1997 that Kuala Lumpur had “definite information” and “every evidence” that Soros was involved in the financial crisis, adding that the US investor was “not the only one” who fanned its flames.

“In fact, he [Soros] more or less confessed later on that he was involved,” Mahathir highlighted. “He had this idea that by applying pressure on Thailand and Malaysia he could prevent Myanmar from joining ASEAN [the Association of Southeast Asian Nations].”

As the media outlet noted, “Soros was irked that in late July, Mahathir and the other leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations formally ushered Myanmar into ASEAN.”

Why Did Soros Seek to Prevent Myanmar From Joining ASEAN?

“In 1997 when Myanmar joined ASEAN, the US — Soros included — had already been deeply involved in coercing, pressuring, and manipulating Southeast Asian states for decades as a continuation of Western colonialism,” Cartalucci responded.

The geopolitical researcher explained that “Myanmar’s acceptance into ASEAN gave it options, legitimacy, and leverage that the US was attempting to strip away from it just as it does today with nations like Syria, North Korea, or Iran through political isolation, economic sanctions, media campaigns, and covert subversion.”

“Efforts to hinder Myanmar’s membership in ASEAN were intended to deny it a much needed lifeline,” he remarked.

In 2003 a US influential think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, published a document entitled “Burma: Time For Change” by Burma Task Force, which comprised George Soros, then US Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs Director Kenneth Wollack and other political and media figures.

“Recognizing that democracy and the National League for Democracy [NLD] (led by Aung San Suu Kyi) cannot survive in Burma without the help of the United States and the international community, this report sounds a clarion call for change,” a preamble to the document said.

According to Soros-sponsored Media Matters watchdog, for many years the billionaire-linked groups gave grants to media organizations “attempting to disseminate information in defiance” of the country’s government and, for instance, funded Burma News International (BNI), “a network of 11 ethnic media groups,” to conduct own coverage of Myanmar’s 2010 general elections.

Soros’ ‘Mission Accomplished’

In 2015 the US magnate had every reason to declare that his mission was accomplished: during the November elections the US-backed NLD won an absolute majority of seats in both chambers of the national parliament.

Almost half a year before NLD’s triumph, Soros openly told journalists that his effort in Myanmar was “a longer-term investment that paid off.”

“George Soros is just one of many US-based vectors for cash, political, and operational support attempting to create and install a client regime in Myanmar,” Cartalucci said commenting on Soros’ Burmese saga, “Soros — like the interests he works in concert with — seeks to maximize his power, wealth, and influence. He can do all three by commandeering a nation’s government, its institutions, its natural resources, industry, and influence over its population.”

The geopolitical analyst revealed that “Soros’ Open Society Foundation works in Myanmar almost without exception alongside the US State Department’s NED and the vast network of subsidiaries and grantees that it presides over.”

What’s at the Root of US Burmese Policy?

According to Cartalucci, what’s at the root is the US longstanding plan to contain China’s emergence as an influential global player.

53 Dead in Gibraltar 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections

Gibraltar is a British Colony at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula attached to the country of Spain. It’s population is just over 30,000 people, and it is best known for its huge “rock,” the “Rock of Gibraltar.” Initial reports after Pfizer mRNA injections are dire and need to be known worldwide.

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Forget COVID, Global Oligarchs Are Now Rehearsing For A ‘Cyber Pandemic’

A pandemic of black-hat cyber attacks against critical infrastructure would necessitate mandated and authenticated digital IDs for every person on earth prior to being allowed Internet privileges. Secondly, emergency shutdowns would cause economic chaos.

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Noted Physician Makes Definitive Moral Case Against Mask Mandates

The primary goal of the Deep State in enforcing facemasking and social distancing is to limit social interaction to prevent different people from establishing a strong bond amongst themselves. Distracting the people with superficial issues designed to divide them was never enough.

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Vatican is Going Bankrupt from Decades of Financial Corruption

Over the past decade at least, financial scandals involving theft and money laundering hounded the Holy See’s Secretariat of State and its Financial Information Authority. Ongoing financial reforms made under the current CEO Bergoglio are not enough to improve its cash flow.

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1 Year Into ‘15 Days to Flatten the Curve’, Why Are We Still Tolerating Authoritarian Gov’t Clampdowns

In the 12 months since states first started ordering citizens to stay at home under the pretext of Covid, we’ve come a long way. Particularly in our understanding of how illiberal our politicians can be and how supine we are.

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The Back Door To Universal Basic Income

The road to hell, an old adage holds, is paved with good intentions. And it may be that the route to successfully implementing objectionable policies is forged by simply not naming them. It should come as no surprise that crises accelerate the adoption, or at least the consideration, of what were once borderline proposals.

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Israeli Violence in Arab Cities Reaches Intolerable Levels

Much is said in the international media about the Palestinian issue, but the internal ethnic crisis in Israel is ignored. Levels of violence against Arabs in Israeli territory have increased exponentially and this has led to the revolt of several social leaders in these Arab communities.

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The Dimming: A Planetary Black Ops to Fully Control Nature’s Life Support Systems

What has happened to our once brilliant blue skies? How many have noticed the change? Why are skies now so often filled with the lingering, expanding, and sky covering remnants of jet aircraft dispersions?

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The Growing Virus of Inequality Under Covid Will Fuel Popular Rebellions Across The World

As the gap between rich and poor rapidly worsens during the pandemic, you can detect a surge in support for revolutions and remedies. But instead of truly tackling the underlying problems, governments will react with repression.

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Bayer’s Plan for Settling Future Roundup Cancer Claims Faces Broad Opposition

Dozens of U.S. law firms have formed a coalition to fight a new $2 billion settlement proposal by Monsanto owner Bayer AG that aims to contain the company’s ongoing liability related to claims that Roundup herbicides cause a type of cancer known as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).

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