All posts by Geopolitics101

The Dark Past Of The Bank For International Settlements

Today, the BIS is getting headlines again because of its direction of central banks to go cashless. It is readily apparent that it has not lost its power and influence over the decades. For anyone wanting to understand how the world really works, this is a must-read paper. ⁃ TN Editor

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Israel Leaks Evidence of Its Covert Iran Bombing Campaign that Threatens to Spark a Wider War

A relentless campaign of aggression against Iran is entering a new phase with cyberattacks on military and civilian targets that aim to cripple Rouhani’s government and set the stage for wider conflict in the Middle East.

by Raul Diego

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Russia and China Have Put A Choke Hold on the Deep State Again

As you can observe in the past few weeks, the Deep State has launched all types of offensives against Russia and China in order to remain relevant. Fence sitting actors are also playing their part to project that they are actually for one side over another. But who’s going to win in the final battle between full spectrum dominance and multipolarity?

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Suspect Who Shot Family of Judge on Deutsche Bank-Jeffrey Epstein Case Suicided

The attorney-suspect to the murder of the husband and son of Judge Esther Salas, who is handling the DeutscheBank-Jeffrey Epstein case was found dead of gunshot wounds in Rockland, New York.

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Husband and Son Of Judge Investigating Epstein’s Ties To Deutsche Bank Shot

The husband and son of Federal Judge Esther Salas, who recently was appointed to investigate Jeffrey Epstein’s involvement with Deutsche Bank, were gunned down in their New Jersey home in a targeted attack.  The gunman rang the doorbell, Judge Salas’s husband, Mark Anderl, opened the door and was immediately shot.  Salas’s son ran to protect his father, and he too was shot.

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The Davos’ “Great Reset” Fraud & the Great War that We Must Fight

Like everyone, I would love to live in a pollution-free world. I would love to see human civilization strike a balance with nature and at the risk of sounding like a naïve idealist, I sincerely do believe that this is ultimately our destiny as a species.

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The Real ‘Russian Playbook’ is Written in English

I hadn’t given The Russian Playbook much attention until Susan Rice, Obama’s quondam security advisor, opined a month ago on CNN that “I’m not reading the intelligence today, or these days — but based on my experience, this is right out of the Russian playbook“. She was referring to the latest U.S. riots.

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China and Iran Deepening Bilateral Ties with A 25-Year $400 billion Strategic Partnership

In contrast to endless US war on humanity, China, Russia, Iran, and other nonbelligerent nations on its target list for regime change pursue cooperative relations with other countries — hostility toward none.

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Deluded Britain Rows in Behind U.S. Gunboat Diplomacy on China

America’s trusty British lieutenant has weighed in to stoke tensions in the South China Sea with reports that Britain is to deploy its two new aircraft carriers to the Pacific region. The carrier strike groups which include frigates, destroyers and nuclear-powered submarines, are to join with U.S. and Japanese warships to conduct naval drills.

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Only 43% in NATO Countries Believe they are Democratic | Leaked NATO Survey

NATO and its supporters and member-nations are hiding the fact that the predominant belief in many of these nations is that they’re dictatorships that merely pontificate ‘democracy’ to other nations.

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China’s Growing Influence in Central Asia, Middle East Will Lead to Further U.S. Decline

China’s increasing presence on the international scene is an undeniable threat to the US-led world order. Critical to China’s emergence as a major power this century, has been its widening influence in the Central Asian states. Central Asia, rich in mineral reserves, is among the earth’s most strategically important regions. Control over Central Asia ensures access to raw materials such as oil or gas, while it stands as a “guardpost” against US hegemony over the Persian Gulf further south.

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The Colonial Politics Appropriating Mount Rushmore

As colonial monuments are being destroyed in the U.S. and Europe, Mount Rushmore so far remains untouched and a news item since U.S. President Donald Trump visited the site on July 4 to commemorate Independence Day. Fireworks and fighter jets dominated a territorial space that is laden with the memory of colonial violence against the indigenous American Indians.

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On Israel’s Bizarre Definitions: The West Bank is Already Annexed

The truth is that Israel rarely behaves as an ‘Occupying Power’, but as a sovereign in a country where racial discrimination and apartheid are not only tolerated or acceptable but are, in fact, ‘legal’ as well. 

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Ex-SBU Operative Exposes Deep State StratCom PsyOps re Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, etc.

The Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was shot down on 17 July 2014 while flying over eastern Ukraine. All 283 passengers and 15 crew onboard were killed. Subsequent blame was put on the Russians to justify Western sanctions.

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Ex-SBU Operative Exposes Deep State StratCom PsyOps in Ukraine and its Blowback

A former SBU operative, Lt. Col. Vasily Prozorov, has reached out to us to share his first-hand experience of the actual operations conducted by the US-designed STRATCOM in Ukraine during the EuroMaidan color revolution in 2014, and described how the local Deep State collaborators eventually were using the same tactics against their own Western sponsors.

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COVID19 Passport Aimed at Pursuing Surveillance Even When People are Wearing Facemasks

A lie can only be covered up only with another lie. When the people are exposed to the latest lie about the “deadly” COVID19 plandemic, the authorities demanded the mass wearing of facemasks to “flatten the curve” and end the nightmare. So, most people continue to abide by it, and the criminals wholeheartedly welcome the measure.

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Israel Defense Ministry Launches COVID-19 Voice Test for Americans

A company formed at the behest of the Israeli Ministry of Defense has begun collecting voice data from Americans to detect COVID-19 symptoms through technology with dubious diagnostic value, but highly profitable applications in law enforcement.

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Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Trade, Rising Heroin Addiction in the US

In December 2019, the Washington Post released a reviews of The Afghanistan Papers. A series of interviews and documents “compiled in secret” and then the subject of a “legal challenge” from the US government.

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Mixed Messages and Confusion in U.S. Policy Regarding Europe and Russia

President Trump made a sensible move by proposing re-inclusion of Russia in the G-7 association of nations that, as the BBC observes “is an organisation made up of the world’s seven largest so-called advanced economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

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The Global Reset: Unplugged from the Deep State

Imagine, you are living in a world that you are told is a democracy – and you may even believe it – but in fact your life and fate is in the hands of a few ultra-rich, ultra-powerful and ultra-inhuman oligarchs. They may be called Deep State, or simply the Beast, or anything else obscure or untraceable – it doesn’t matter. They are less than the 0.0001%.

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Israel’s Military Occupation Must Be Discussed in the Colonial Context

In June 1967, Israel displaced over 400,000 Palestinians as a result of the Six-Day War. The Naksa (setback) is the most prominent wave of Palestinians expulsion after the 1948 Nakba, resulting in Israel seizing the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and the West Bank. Decades later, the UN Security Council still feels it accomplished its duty through Resolution 242 which considers Israel’s withdrawal from the occupied territories a “principle”, rather than an obligation.

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$564 Million: The Corporate Technocrats Who Finance Social Justice And Anarchy

People ask, where does all the money come from to promote and hold nationwide protests that promote the destruction of America? Look no further than Technocrats in corporate America. This list does not include the hundreds of millions from foundations and NGOs. ⁃ TN Editor

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What the US Protests Reveal

Anti-racism protests in the United States have rapidly evolved into a promotion of the ideas championed by the Democratic Party. It was no longer a question of fighting for equality in law for all or challenging the prejudices of certain police officers, but of reopening a cultural conflict at the risk of a new Civil War.

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The Blatant Conspiracy behind Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s Assassination

Early in 1968, Clyde Tolson, F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover’s deputy and bosom buddy, a key player in the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., expressed both the hope and intent of those making sure that there would never be another president by the name Kennedy, when he said about RFK that “I hope someone shoots and kills the son of a bitch.”

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Behold: Gangster State Capitalism

Hanne Herland of the European Herland Report has just had her book published in which she argues that the ruling elite has resurrected feudalism by financializing the economy and offshoring middle class jobs.  The title is New Left Tyranny, but it is about gangster state capitalism. 

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COVID-19 Has Replaced Osama bin Laden as the Fall Guy for Lost Liberties

The government and media have dumped at the doorstep of the coronavirus many of the political, economic and social afflictions that are now ravaging much of the global population. In reality, they need to point the finger at themselves.

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The CIA Coup Against ‘The Most Loyal Ally’ is History’s Warning in 2020

The Australian High Court has ruled that correspondence between the Queen and the Governor-General of Australia, her viceroy in the former British colony, is no longer “personal” and the property of Buckingham Palace. Why does this matter?

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19 Facts About American Policing That Will Blow Your Mind

With all the protests and anger and violence across the country, a justified discussion about policing has begun on our corporate media airwaves. (I would say the discussion is overdue, but in fact, we’ve had it roughly every three years for the past 40 years.) However, despite all the coverage, a deeper debate sits ignored – A debate about why our American police system exists at all, how it works (or doesn’t), and where it came from.

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How the British Empire Created and Killed George Orwell

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), happily amplified by the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) in the United States which carries its World News, continues to pump out its regular dreck about the alleged economic chaos in Russia and the imagined miserable state of the Russian people.

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Vive La Résistance! Tyrants Get Busted By Courts, Law Enforcement

Constitutional sheriffs, judges and state legislators are rising up against tyrannical orders issued by state and local leaders and they deserve our support and encouragement. Here are just a few examples of courageous actions in the heat of battle to break the bands of tyranny. 

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Global Political Project Imposed on the Occasion of Covid-19

The inept reactions of European governments to Covid-19 were dictated by former advisers to Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush. Contrary to public rhetoric, they make no medical claims. Far from responding to the reality of the epidemic, they aim to transform European societies in order to integrate them into their political and financial project.

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