All posts by Geopolitics101

Bank for International Settlements (BIS) – The Vatican's Central Bank

The monster octopus has so many tentacles. But of all these sucking arms, nothing is more secretive than the Central Bank of all central banks, the BIS that is nestled in a country with a Red Cross flag to represent it.
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The UCC Connection to Our Slavery & How to Access Our Strawman Account

The fundamental truth is that we are slaves because of our own incompetence.
We are incompetent because we are made ignorant of how the system actually works. That failure to educate us on how the system works is the first breach of contract committed by our self-imposed Trustee.
If you so desire to educate and become competent about the mechanics of your own slavery so that you may regain your freedom back, you need to know these….
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Spain, South Korea, Austria Join China-Led Asian Investment Bank

At the moment the number of founding members of the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has reached 41 countries, according to the Chinese Finance Ministry. The United States and Japan have refrained from joining the bank.
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Jade Helm 15 Operational; MILITIA UNITS GOING HOT!

For the last two weeks, militia intelligence reports gathered nationwide indicate Jade Helm  is operational ahead of its published schedule.
In response, organized militia are going hot all over the country and a new US Militia related BlogTalk program is launched to inform the public, organize and counter Jade Helm 15 covert operation nationwide.
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Greeks Go Russian

We are on the eve of another historic talk of progress, this time between Greece and Russia, which should led the Greeks leaving the Eurozone as the latter is trying to sweeten the pie a bit more while the German government is maintaining its inflexible posturing.
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Chinese bid to take over the world fails despite support for Chinese development bank

April 7, 2015

A meeting last week between a representative of the Chinese Communist Government and of the White Dragon Family ended badly after the Chinese stated their goal was to take over control of the planet. They were told the Chinese account for at most a fifth of the world’s population so the best they could hope for was one fifth if world power.
Continue reading Chinese bid to take over the world fails despite support for Chinese development bank

Technocracy: An AI-Based Dictatorship

We have always said that Science is a two-edged blade, i.e. it can be used to cut off ignorance, or sever the head altogether.
When Science is used for the good of the people, progress is assured, but when it falls into the wrong hands, the rest will suffer. Continue reading Technocracy: An AI-Based Dictatorship

Stampede to Join China’s Development Bank Stuns Even Its Founder

As of 2 April 2015, there are 33 Prospective Founding Members (PFM)[22][23] and 22 countries and regions applying for PFM. As one of the countries and regions currently applying for PFM, Hong Kong joins the delegation of China in the negotiations.[24]
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Has Obama Lost Control Of the Philippines?

by Mike Billington
Nov. 2, 2014
The Philippines appears to be waking up to the disaster planned for it by President Obama and his controllers in London.Obama’s war plan against Russia and China has, as a key component, the transformation of the Philippines into a U.S. military base, with U.S. air, land, and sea forces deployed on Philippine military bases across the archipelago.
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New Global Currency Trading Principles: A Band-Aid to A Failed Economic System

Any rectification to the inherently defective financial system is just another “Band-Aid” solution that will never solve the problem.
Continue reading New Global Currency Trading Principles: A Band-Aid to A Failed Economic System

Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats

We should have understood by now that the primary objective of the White Dragon Society behind the BRICS is the formation of a meritocratically staffed world planning agency and a fair, equitable financial system, by rooting out the corruptions plaguing corporate entities like the IMF/WB, United Nations and the Federal Reserve, Inc., and the abandonment of the fiat US dollar in favor of a basket of currencies backed by sovereign hard assets.
Concerns like “we’re just replacing one pack of wolves with another” are very valid and that there’s constantly a need to go beyond what BRICS is trying to accomplish.
Continue reading Beyond BRICS: Exposing the Rats

FEMA Testing its Emergency Alert System

Just in case you missed this one. earlier in the day, FEMA was testing the public’s reaction to an emergency alert broadcast on TV.
It did created confusion as there’s no indication that it was just a test.
Continue reading FEMA Testing its Emergency Alert System

China Investing $5.2bn in Russia’s First High Speed Railway

Other countries would commit their words into action in a matter of decades or not at all, but in China nowadays actions start in just a matter of a few months from the press conference.
All of its commitments around the globe are being complied in realistic timeframes, be it in Africa, South America or in its closest ally, Russia.
Surely, high-speed rides are a lot better than hypersonic warheads, don’t you think?
Continue reading China Investing $5.2bn in Russia’s First High Speed Railway

Questions from the Pentagon to the White Dragon Society

Questions from the pentagon and Ben Fulford’s answers below:
Like the economic planning agency, seek input from wds and post a plan, rationale, timing, and benefits for the mil/intel guys to execute now and not wait for the shit to hit the fan (shtf). They are political which means they can be pressured, but they also tend to move slowly and need a monthly kick in the butt. Pls add some meat to this bone…ash carter takes office tues so he needs marching orders
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Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers

The White Dragon Society has proposed the creation of a world federation (not a fascist New World Order) in order to achieve permanent world peace and start a golden age of unprecedented progress and prosperity. The proposal was made, during ongoing secret negotiations, to the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Commonwealth and other power centers.
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Worldwide Alert: Neil Is Pissed Off And Is Releasing His Weapons

This is the latest from Neil Keenan..
We have suggested that the information of the Black Book be fully disclosed online. We deserve nothing less than a full disclosure.
You can add your voice by commenting here or directly at Keenan’s site.

The Black Book Is Available!

During the past three months I have felt the sting of my money being stolen, my bank accounts being wiped out on New Year’s Eve, my friend being killed while attempting to help us, and another friend who survived a car accident  — all of it orchestrated by the Cabal.
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GermanWings Flight 4U9525: False Flag Attack on BRICS "New Members" [UPDATED]

While the BRICS are trying their best to lay down the necessary infrastructure, however imperfect, by which we as humanity could move forward, the Khazarian Mafia are busy murdering people around the globe.
We have seen how multiple bankers are suicided, unexplainable passenger airliner disappearance and air crashes. In all these tragedies, the mainstream media accounts seemed to be inadequate.
Continue reading GermanWings Flight 4U9525: False Flag Attack on BRICS "New Members" [UPDATED]

Do Away With Elections? The Rituals of “Democracy”

By Arthur D. Robbins
Global Research, March 26, 2015
Do away with elections? To even think such a thought is treasonous. An election, or should I say a presidential election, is one of the few occasions, or should I say the only occasion, on which we take a genuine interest in government.  We are spectators at a sporting event, a mix of a bullfight, prizefight and a barroom brawl. We get into heated arguments about which team is “better” about who deserves to win, about which gladiator will be the best for the country. There is an uppercut, a right cross, a roundhouse and he or she (not too often) is down for the count. No, he is not out. He is on his knees, struggling to his feet.  The crowd roars.
Continue reading Do Away With Elections? The Rituals of “Democracy”

Ukraine’s Oligarchs Turn on Each Other; Meet Flight MH17 Perpetrators

By Robert Parry, Global Research, March 25, 2015, Consortium News
Igor-KolomoiskyIn the never-never land of how the mainstream U.S. press covers the Ukraine crisis, the appointment last year of thuggish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky to govern one of the country’s eastern provinces was pitched as a democratic “reform” because he was supposedly too rich to bribe, without noting that his wealth had come from plundering the country’s economy.
Continue reading Ukraine’s Oligarchs Turn on Each Other; Meet Flight MH17 Perpetrators

1966 NASA Document Reveals Goal of Engineered Climate Modification

The technology behind weather modification is easy to understand and implement. Almost every nation on the planet could do it.
Weather is affected by atmospheric pressure which is in turn affected by its temperature. If we can control atmospheric temperature, we can create weather disturbances at will and in any place we want.
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Danish High Court Receives Scientific Evidence re WTC 9/11 Controlled Demolition

It looks like the Khazarian Mafia will be “prosecuted” successfully in all countries except in the United States itself.
First, there was Malaysia and then a UK man successfully won his case against BBC’s cover up on WTC Controlled Demolition false flag.
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UK Man Won Case Against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up

Malaysia has charged and tried some of the real perpetrators of the WTC 9/11 false flag operation to its detriment, i.e. at least two of its passenger airplanes crashed under highly questionable circumstances.
This time, a Briton has single-handedly defeated a mainstream medium for WTC 9/11 false flag cover-up.
Continue reading UK Man Won Case Against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up

U.S. / World Bank About to Make "Gigantic Concessions" with BRICS

Mainstream pundits really have to use keywords standard to mainstream audience. We, who are following these events, know that the West really has no other choice but to go along with the East this time around because the threat of war no longer works.
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Okinawan Gov't Wants U.S. Military Base Out

A foreign military base doesn’t secure a host country. It is the first casualty in any war the foreign entity would engage later on.
Based on our decades of experience hosting the largest US military base outside its own country, it didn’t improve the capability of our military. All it received over the decades until 1991 were highly dilapidated equipments and the spread of venerial diseases, including AIDS.
The US/Jesuits’ occupation of the Philippines have plunged it to the lowest rung of the Asian economy.
A military base is a sponge for all types of crimes and social disintegration rather than the enhancement of the quality of life for all those close to its gates.
It corrupted government officials even more. But not in Okinawa…
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Khazarian Satanists shake their fists in fury as control of the financial system slips out of their hands

March 23, 2015

There has been an undeniable pole shift in the international financial system that has left the old Khazarian Satanist cabal out of the loop. This change was formalized, as predicted, on March 20th, to coincide with the solar eclipse, super-moon new moon and Spring Equinox that took place then. After the UK split with the US to join China’s proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Australia and others followed. Then, according to Pentagon sources, the corporate US corporate government in Washington D.C. failed to make a gold delivery and effectively went bankrupt. As a result, the US Republic announced they would work with the AIIB. In effect this means that the BIS, the World Bank and the IMF have all undergone a fundamental change of management.
Continue reading Khazarian Satanists shake their fists in fury as control of the financial system slips out of their hands