Category Archives: Deep State

Forget the Punditry! The IG’s Report is a Bombshell – Boyd

June 15—Today, Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his 565-page report on the FBI and Justice Department’s Hillary Clinton email investigation. President Trump and various supporters have expressed outrage that Horowitz did not go further in frying former FBI Director James Comey or declaring the obvious political bias he otherwise documents in the Clinton investigation. Continue reading Forget the Punditry! The IG’s Report is a Bombshell – Boyd

Deep State Sabotaging Korean Reunification & Kim-Trump "Summit of the Century"

It did not take long for the Deep State to respond to the just concluded Kim-Trump “summit of the century” in Singapore. Deep State CNN has just reported that the DHS [Deep State Homeland Security] identified a new North Korean Typeframe malware which could infect corporate and government servers, according to Continue reading Deep State Sabotaging Korean Reunification & Kim-Trump "Summit of the Century"

Deep State Desperation at All-time High. Here's why…

Ever wondered why the Deep State is behaving “strangely” lately? No matter where you look, the Deep State is struggling to preserve its privileged position across the entire societal spectrum. Whether in the realm of economics, geopolitics, military, or even in the realm of exopolitics, they are losing control, big time. Continue reading Deep State Desperation at All-time High. Here's why…

Western Deep State Expels Russian Diplomats from its Dominion

The Deep State is tired of assassinating Russian diplomats. Now, they are satisfied with merely expelling them from their US and EU dominions. This is to divert attention away from scandals involving high society pedophilia, financial corruption and bankruptcy, and “to make the Russians hate Putin.” Continue reading Western Deep State Expels Russian Diplomats from its Dominion

Duterte Formally Withdraws from the Deep State ICC

With the power vested on the Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte, a formal statement of withdrawal of the country’s membership in the International Criminal Court was issued a day ago. This culminates the persistent politicization of the Deep State supposed “Court of Last Resort” investigations into the Philippine drug war and decisive anti-Deep State actions. Continue reading Duterte Formally Withdraws from the Deep State ICC

CIA Pentagon Helicopters Caught Transporting Daesh Terrorists Again

The US-led coalition is often accused of supporting terrorist groups in Syria, including organizing safe passage and extraction from encirclements and hot zones. Videos have appeared on YouTube and Facebook allegedly showing the process of transportation of the terrorists. Continue reading CIA Pentagon Helicopters Caught Transporting Daesh Terrorists Again

Trump’s Release of JFK Files Necessitates Another False Flag Event

The Trump government is allowing the release later this month of the JFK assassination files being marooned by the Bushes during their time in the White House. It would be a wakeup call for the mainstream non-conspiracy analysts.
US President Donald Trump says he will allow the release of classified documents relating to the assassination of President John F Kennedy, shot dead while visiting Dallas, Texas in 1963.

The documents were due to be disclosed by the National Archives later this month, however there were some media reports that Trump would not approve the publication of all of the files.
In a tweet sent early Saturday, Trump indicated he will allow the release, “subject to the receipt of further information”. It’s not clear what “further information” the president is referring to.
In 1992, then-US President George H. W. Bush signed into law the John F Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, compelling the US National Archives to publish documents surrounding Kennedy’s death within 25 years.
However, there was a get-out clause in the act which stated public disclosure could be delayed if it threatened “military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations.”
A report by Politico Magazine, which cited Trump administration insiders, suggested the president could block some documents from seeing the light of day. A US government spokesperson reportedly told the magazine that the White House is working “to ensure the maximum amount of data can be released to the public”.

But the Deep State operatives are already hard at work in trying to prevent the problems which may arise from knowing the full story of the crime of the 20th century.
On top of the fundraising event that no less than the five living ex-presidents are in attendance, a more destructive event is already being scheduled.

Oklahoma City: Location of next False Flag?

By Ian Greenhalgh | October 20, 2017
It is well known that false flag events are usually carried out through the mechanism of organising a drill which is then suddenly turned ‘live’.
Such drills require crisis actors to play various roles, especially the ‘victims’ of the event.
Therefore, when we saw this advert calling for crisis actors for a ‘training event’ in Oklahoma City at the end of this month, our suspicions were raised:

Role-Player Registration: Oklahoma
Human Domain Solutions, LLC
Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC is now hiring ​Casualty Role Players (CRP)​ to participate in an Oklahoma Vigilant Guard training event October 30, 2017 thru November 2, 2017 at Warr Acres Fire Training Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ​This exercises will be an Oklahoma emergency response to a simulated incident involving contamination elements. CRPs will be moulaged (injury makeup and fake blood) to portray various physical and emotional injuries and conditions, and will go through medical triage, decontamination, and medical treatment several times during each day of the exercises. Arrival times will be early morning, and the exercises will run between 6-8 hours each day. CRPs will wear cut-away prop clothing and will be washed in decontamination lines to simulate the cleaning off of contamination substances.
This is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for these brave men and women of the National Guard. Those who have participated in past National Guard disaster preparedness exercises have found it very rewarding: you get to support this important state and community service–and get paid while doing so.
ELIGIBILITY:​ There is no security clearance requirement, so it is open to all, but criminal background checks and U.S. employment eligibility checks will be accomplished. All personnel must have appropriate ID and be without criminal background. IDs are scanned by security personnel and persons with felony convictions will not be allowed on site. Priority will be given to those with previous experience with role playing, acting, military, and/or first responder/disaster response experience. We also look for diversity amongst our CRPs, including gender, ethnicity, age, body type, disability, and foreign language ability – American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL) speakers are also highly desired. Due to a potentially strenuous decontamination process, and varying outside temperature, CRPs may not have a life-threatening or serious medical conditions.
Here is some information on the company behind this advert:
Human Domain Solutions, LLC
A Virginia based Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and Certified HUBZone Company

HDS is a Virginia-based small business specializing in professional services, consulting, staffing, national security Role Playing, and training in the core areas of the Human Domain: Foreign Area Officer and Specialist (FAO) programs; Human-Derived Intelligence (HDI) (CI/HUMINT); Language, Region, and Culture (LRC); Security Assistance and Building Partnership Capacity (BPC); Disaster Preparedness and Response; and support to Special Operations Forces (SOF). HDS is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), and a Historically Underutilized Business (HUBZone). The HDS founder and Managing Director is Kurt M. Marisa, Colonel, USAF (ret.), a career intelligence and international affairs officer and recognized operational and academic expert in the areas of CI/HUMINT, FAO activities, LRC, Foreign Military Sales (FMS), and Foreign Materiel Acquisition (FMA). He is a Federal Language Consultant with the National Language Service Corps (NLSC). Since 2009, he has served as President of the Foreign Area Officer Association (FAOA)–the non-profit professional association for FAOs, Defense Attachés, and other DoD international affairs specialists–and publisher of The FAOA Journal of International Affairs.
Here is a powerpoint presentation explaining what Vigilant Guard is:

We have no further information on this event in Oklahoma City, it is our hope by publishing what we have, in order to raise awareness, that we are making a false flag event far less likely as people will be aware beforehand that something of that nature was going to take place and that makes it far harder to get away with lying to the public that it was a real event.


More False Flag Ops as Deep State is Losing on Every Battlefront

The script has been overused for some time, but as madmen they are, they must continue to unleash their MK-ULTRA assets whenever there’s a need to sway public’s attention away from the multi-pronged offensive against their well-built institutions of dominance. Continue reading More False Flag Ops as Deep State is Losing on Every Battlefront

The Day of the Generals: Winning Armageddon

In a room, somewhere deep inside the Pentagon generals and admirals met recently in order to prepare an assessment for the United States Senate Armed Services Committee. Present at the metering were General Mark Milley, the U.S. Army’s Chief of Staff, the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson, the Commandant of the Marine Corps General Robert Neller, and U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General David L. Goldfein. Continue reading The Day of the Generals: Winning Armageddon

Deep State CIA Can Control Missile Launches; AI Superiority is Paramount Says Putin

Indirectly confirming our information that the Russia-China-Iran triumvirate will resort to swarm technology should the battle for planetary control requires it, Vladimir Putin acknowledged a few days ago that… Continue reading Deep State CIA Can Control Missile Launches; AI Superiority is Paramount Says Putin

FBI Violated Diplomatic Norms by Raiding Russian SF Embassy

Over the weekend, FBI authorities raided the Russian Consulate in San Francisco, the “oldest and most established” Russian Consulate in the US, as a response to the 755 US diplomats that were kicked out from Russian soil due to the US imposition of sanctions against the Russians. Continue reading FBI Violated Diplomatic Norms by Raiding Russian SF Embassy

Forgotten History: US bankers financing US enemies, and why it is important now

In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller. Over the years, several million copies have been sold.
Allen’s thesis was stark: super-rich American capitalists were financing socialism. This bizarre paradox was resolved when socialism was properly understood — not as “power to the people”—but as elite power over the people. In other words, as a hoax. Continue reading Forgotten History: US bankers financing US enemies, and why it is important now

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated

When Trump was elected I wrote that it was unlikely that he would be successful in accomplishing the three objectives for which he was elected—peace with Russia, the return home of offshored US jobs, and effective limits on non-white immigration—because these objectives conflicted with the interests of those more powerful than the president. Continue reading Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated

Donald Trump is Keeping the Lid on Internal American Violence, Civil War | The Duran

If Donald Trump is removed from office, which many of his opponents are now talking about openly, America will see chaos like never before in the lifetime of any American in 2017. One doesn’t need to be on the Trump train to be on the peace train. Continue reading Donald Trump is Keeping the Lid on Internal American Violence, Civil War | The Duran

The US Establishment Fully Outwitted Trump | Medvedev

The US establishment has fully outwitted Donald Trump and used his administration’s weakness to declare a fully-fledged economic war on Russia, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said, adding, that the move leaves no doubt that bilateral ties will never improve. Continue reading The US Establishment Fully Outwitted Trump | Medvedev

Intel Veterans' Forensic Analysis Proves Russia Hacking a Hoax

It may have taken this long, but our intelligence cowboys have proven what we have long believed that the so-called Russian hacking of the DNC campaign and the entire 2016 US presidential elections, was just a hoax. Continue reading Intel Veterans' Forensic Analysis Proves Russia Hacking a Hoax

Is the US Congress Engaged in A Controlled Demolition of the US?

When you have  nothing else to offer, offer nothing by playing the sanction card – this seems to be the formula that is persistently used by the Deep State-controlled US Congress. The problem is: the rest of the world can survive without depending on the US economy. If that’s the case, then why are the US legislators behaving in such a way, if not to destroy America itself? Continue reading Is the US Congress Engaged in A Controlled Demolition of the US?

While US is Robbing Syria, China is Building High-Speed Railway in Russia & Africa

The US military doesn’t want any interruption to its Raqqa and Deir Ezzor annexation efforts, that it is more than ready to shoot down Syrian planes flying above Syrian territories to accomplish this. The US uniformed warlords, though, are profoundly wrong that Russia will just sit idly by. Continue reading While US is Robbing Syria, China is Building High-Speed Railway in Russia & Africa

Marawi Ops Winding Down, No US Boots on the Ground | Duterte

Contrary to pro-US media assertions, there are no US boots on the grounds of Marawi City. Even the reported “technical assistance” was proven to be incompatible with the system employed by the Philippine military, the commanding general has said. Continue reading Marawi Ops Winding Down, No US Boots on the Ground | Duterte

Is Qatar a Financier of Terror, or a Victim of Extortion by Proxy?

The Qatari government is being accused of funding terrorist groups by the equally guilty, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC]. It is said to have paid the Al Qaeda to the tune of $1 billion, for the release of some of the members of the Qatari royalty, who were kidnapped in Iraq back in 2015. However, the funds never reached the kidnappers. Continue reading Is Qatar a Financier of Terror, or a Victim of Extortion by Proxy?

Maute Patriarch Falls, Planning & Funding of Marawi Seige Exposed

In the Philippines, the Duterte government is winning the war against the CIA implanted Maute-ISIS terror group that is laying siege in Marawi City recently. Stacks of newly minted 1 thousand bills totaling PHP 52 million, and several checks worth PHP 27 million, were recovered from a machine gunner’s nest in Marawi City, 2 days ago. Continue reading Maute Patriarch Falls, Planning & Funding of Marawi Seige Exposed

The CIA’s Cloddish ISIS Attack on Duterte | F. William Engdahl

The only word I find for it is cloddish. I refer to the latest CIA-instigated attempt to initiate regime change against outspoken Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The so-called ISIS terror attack in the minerals-rich southern Philippines island of Mindanao, a predominately Muslim part of the mostly Christian nation of 100 million people, took place literally in the midst of President Duterte’s talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Continue reading The CIA’s Cloddish ISIS Attack on Duterte | F. William Engdahl

Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity

We’ve already seen how desperate the Western oligarchs are today, from their actions and rhetorics. This is fundamentally due to the failure of their attempts at starting a war somewhere far from their golf courses, and the breakneck successes of the Eastern Alliance in laying down the hardware, i.e. economic infrastructures, for a multipolar world of peace and harmony among countries willing to join them. Continue reading Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity

It is Not Just North Korea but Asia that is in US Crosshairs

Imagine that you lead the US deep state, and you are observing the real-time flow of Western technology, industry and next-generation skills to the East with alarm. How will you reverse this trend with one master stroke and temporarily staunch the decline of Pax Americana? Continue reading It is Not Just North Korea but Asia that is in US Crosshairs

Are there any significant changes in the United States under Trump?

Earlier, we have made some objective observations on what the Trump administration has been doing for the last 2 months. At most, the new White House crew has put the mainstream media, stooges within the two Deep State parties, and past administrations alike, in the defensive. Continue reading Are there any significant changes in the United States under Trump?

FBI Dir. Comey: Member, HSBC Board – Clinton Foundation and Drug Cartel Money Launderer

Now, it can be made clear as to why the FBI Director James Comey had been flip-flopping with his statements regarding the Clintons’ slew of high crimes, i.e. he has multiple conflicts of interest when it comes to investigating the affairs of the latter and the Deep State, at large. Continue reading FBI Dir. Comey: Member, HSBC Board – Clinton Foundation and Drug Cartel Money Launderer

CIA: Deadliest Intel Organization on Earth, #Vault7 Confirms

Two nights ago, Wikileaks started releasing what the whistleblowing platform dubbed as the #Vault7 Series of damaging information into the inner workings of the CIA.
The first iteration “Year 0” describes the specific tools that the Deep State agency has been using against its friends and foes. Continue reading CIA: Deadliest Intel Organization on Earth, #Vault7 Confirms

#Vault7: Wikileaks Drops New Bombshell vs. Deep State

Never in the entire history of the CIA had it exposed itself in this way. But after exposing Flynn of talking to the Russian ambassador, which is not a crime by itself as proven by an FBI investigation [here], the agency also admitted to having withheld vital information to the president as a way of insulting him, Continue reading #Vault7: Wikileaks Drops New Bombshell vs. Deep State