General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was in Norfolk, Virginia on July 15 to mark the second NATO command in America achieving full operational capability. NATO’s Joint Force Command – Norfolk (JFC-Norfolk ) joined NATO’s Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in the same city as the only NATO commands outside Europe.
Continue reading Citing Nazi Germany as Model, U.S. Military Chief Hails New NATO CommandCategory Archives: New World Disorder
Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy
As the investigation into Moïse’s murder unfolds, the U.S. is laying the groundwork to deploy troops into Haiti for the fourth time in 106 years, at the request of a figure it has spent decades grooming.
Continue reading Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup OligarchyThe Assassination of Jovenel Moïse
Jovenel Moïse was a violent and corrupt tyrant. While his passing may not elicit much sympathy, the Haitian president’s assassination should not be celebrated.
Continue reading The Assassination of Jovenel MoïseMyanmar’s Crisis Follows Predictable ‘Libya Model’ Pattern
All too predictably, the crisis in Myanmar has rapidly spiraled out of control with what we were told were “peaceful” “pro-democracy” protesters transforming into heavily armed militants fighting Myanmar’s central government, its police force and its armed forces with war weapons.
Continue reading Myanmar’s Crisis Follows Predictable ‘Libya Model’ PatternUS’ Haphazard Withdrawal from Bagram Air Base Shows No Clear Plan in Afghanistan
Following two decades of occupation that produced no tangible results in the interests of global peace and security, the US reportedly slipped out of Bagram Airfield after dark without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander.
Continue reading US’ Haphazard Withdrawal from Bagram Air Base Shows No Clear Plan in AfghanistanI Saw Rumsfeld Deliberately Caused the Deaths of U.S. Troops for Personal Gain
In my time as a US intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, I was twice privy to the former US defense secretary’s MO: to manufacture and manipulate ‘intelligence’ so as to start wars. The Devil will need to watch his back.
Continue reading I Saw Rumsfeld Deliberately Caused the Deaths of U.S. Troops for Personal GainThe Multipolar Alliance as the Last Line of Defense of the UN Charter
The question should be asked: was FDR’s intention to dismantle the British Empire only a ruse to create the Anglo-American special relationship in a new US-led reconquest of the world, or was his plan genuine?
Continue reading The Multipolar Alliance as the Last Line of Defense of the UN CharterWorld’s Nuclear Arms on High Operational Alert — & Ready to Strike
The world’s nine nuclear armed states have downsized their military arsenals, but made up for their loss by increasing the number of weapons on high operational alert, according to a new report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
UN Security Council: World Peace and Security Ignored (1950-2021)
From 1950 through May 23, 2021, the mandate of the UN Security Council has been either violated or ignored, contributing to the gross destabilization of the world, and the Security Council has authorized four virtually genocidal wars through resolutions based upon fabricated justifications.
Continue reading UN Security Council: World Peace and Security Ignored (1950-2021)Group of Seven Illustrates Existential Global Problem Not Solution
The G7 represents much about the world order that is totally unsustainable: elite wealth promoting false conflicts among nations instead of implementing genuine cooperation and peace.
Continue reading Group of Seven Illustrates Existential Global Problem Not SolutionChina Tech Ban Mirrors 1980s Attempts To Destroy Japanese Competition
In the 1980s, the US imposed a 100% tariff on virtually all Japanese electronics and forced Tokyo to sign a one-sided trade deal that reserved much of its domestic semiconductor sector for American companies.
Continue reading China Tech Ban Mirrors 1980s Attempts To Destroy Japanese CompetitionRussia & U.S. are Building Up Their Forces in Syria Ahead of Biden Inauguration
The large Russian landing ship, the Saratov, entered the waters of the eastern Mediterranean this week, en route to a Syrian port, the Interfax News Agency reported, citing local Turkish media.
Continue reading Russia & U.S. are Building Up Their Forces in Syria Ahead of Biden InaugurationThe Most Lethal Virus Is Not COVID. It Is War
In the midst of the greatest health emergency in modern times, with more than 4 million surgical procedures delayed by the National Health Service, Britain has announced a record increase of £16.5 billion in so-called defense spending.
Continue reading The Most Lethal Virus Is Not COVID. It Is WarThe Cheering Section for World War III
America repeatedly elects and re-elects champions of “regime change” in nations abroad (George W. Bush in 2000, Barack Obama in 2008, Donald Trump in 2016, and Joe Biden in 2020), such as in Iraq in 2003, and in Afghanistan in 2001, and in Libya in 2011, and in Syria in 2011-2020, and in Yemen in 2015-2020, and in Ukraine in 2010-2014; and, in all instances, has destroyed those nations while claiming to be supporting ‘human rights’ and ‘democracy’ and to be ‘opposing corruption’ in all of those nations that it was actually destroying.
Continue reading The Cheering Section for World War IIINetanyahu wanted the U.S. to attack Iran last Sunday
If you don’t think Netanyahu is a diabolical character whose primary purpose is to create chaos in the Middle East and much of the world, then think again. He actually was pushing the United States to attack Iran last Sunday. “
Continue reading Netanyahu wanted the U.S. to attack Iran last SundayPossible US Strike on Iran?
Since Iran ended a generation of US/UK-installed fascist tyranny in 1979, both wings of US duopoly rule waged dirty war on the country and its people by other means.
Continue reading Possible US Strike on Iran?Towards a US-China War for the Creation of a Global Totalitarian System?
If we step back from the details of daily headlines around the world and try to make sense of larger patterns, the dominant dynamic defining world geopolitics in the past three years or more is the appearance of a genuine irregular conflict between the two most formidable powers on the planet—The Peoples’ Republic of China and the United States of America.
Continue reading Towards a US-China War for the Creation of a Global Totalitarian System?The Historic Clash of Two Opposing Geopolitical Paradigms
Compared the great initiatives taken on behalf of freedom and anti colonialism throughout the past 260 years, today’s America appears to be a strange and foolish creature running roughshod over the dignity of people and nations in a race for mass nuclear extermination.
Continue reading The Historic Clash of Two Opposing Geopolitical Paradigms9/11 Two Decades On… A Legacy of Horrors and Imperial Defeat
This week marks 19 years since the 9/11 terror attacks hit the northeastern United States resulting in nearly 3,000 deaths. It was an era-defining event which has shaped the first quarter of the 21st century, and perhaps even beyond that. Within weeks of the horror, the United States launched a global “war on terror” which continues until today with even greater horrific consequences.
Continue reading 9/11 Two Decades On… A Legacy of Horrors and Imperial DefeatFrance Sends Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier to East Mediterranean
The delicate power balance in the East Mediterranean is changing dramatically and quickly as states begin to cooperate to contain and contract Turkish ambitions in the region.
Continue reading France Sends Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier to East MediterraneanTrump & Pompeo Craft No-Win Solutions for the World
You have to hand it to the sociopaths running U.S. foreign policy, they are very adept at creating no-win scenarios for their opponents. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was just handed a major defeat at the United Nations Security Council, who voted down a resolution to extend the arms embargo against Iran.
Continue reading Trump & Pompeo Craft No-Win Solutions for the WorldUS-China War: A Smokescreen Towards One World Government
If we step back from the details of daily headlines around the world and try to make sense of larger patterns, the dominant dynamic defining world geopolitics in the past three years or more is the appearance of a genuine irregular conflict between the two most formidable powers on the planet—The Peoples’ Republic of China and the United States of America.
Continue reading US-China War: A Smokescreen Towards One World GovernmentAmerica Contemplated to Nuke both China and North Korea in 1950
In 1950, Chinese volunteer forces dispatched by the People’s Republic of China were firmly behind North Korea against US aggression.
Continue reading America Contemplated to Nuke both China and North Korea in 1950A “Brazen Giveaway” GOP HEALS Act is a $30 Billion Bonanza for the Pentagon
The new $1 trillion GOP HEALS act includes billions for F-35 fighters, Apache Helicopters, and other welfare programs for the Pentagon.
Continue reading A “Brazen Giveaway” GOP HEALS Act is a $30 Billion Bonanza for the PentagonDeluded Britain Rows in Behind U.S. Gunboat Diplomacy on China
America’s trusty British lieutenant has weighed in to stoke tensions in the South China Sea with reports that Britain is to deploy its two new aircraft carriers to the Pacific region. The carrier strike groups which include frigates, destroyers and nuclear-powered submarines, are to join with U.S. and Japanese warships to conduct naval drills.
Continue reading Deluded Britain Rows in Behind U.S. Gunboat Diplomacy on ChinaOnly 43% in NATO Countries Believe they are Democratic | Leaked NATO Survey
NATO and its supporters and member-nations are hiding the fact that the predominant belief in many of these nations is that they’re dictatorships that merely pontificate ‘democracy’ to other nations.
Continue reading Only 43% in NATO Countries Believe they are Democratic | Leaked NATO SurveyWho REALLY funded the Taliban to kill Americans?
While accusing Russia, without proof, of paying the Taliban to kill American soldiers, US politicians are conveniently ignoring facts about who really armed and financed terrorist groups in Afghanistan.
Continue reading Who REALLY funded the Taliban to kill Americans?America’s Own Color Revolution
Color Revolution is the term used to describe a series of remarkably effective CIA-led regime change operations using techniques developed by the RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs and other groups since the 1980’s.
Continue reading America’s Own Color RevolutionAfghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Trade, Rising Heroin Addiction in the US
In December 2019, the Washington Post released a reviews of The Afghanistan Papers. A series of interviews and documents “compiled in secret” and then the subject of a “legal challenge” from the US government.
Continue reading Afghanistan’s Multibillion Dollar Opium Trade, Rising Heroin Addiction in the USWhat the US Protests Reveal
Anti-racism protests in the United States have rapidly evolved into a promotion of the ideas championed by the Democratic Party. It was no longer a question of fighting for equality in law for all or challenging the prejudices of certain police officers, but of reopening a cultural conflict at the risk of a new Civil War.
Continue reading What the US Protests RevealThe CIA Coup Against ‘The Most Loyal Ally’ is History’s Warning in 2020
The Australian High Court has ruled that correspondence between the Queen and the Governor-General of Australia, her viceroy in the former British colony, is no longer “personal” and the property of Buckingham Palace. Why does this matter?
Continue reading The CIA Coup Against ‘The Most Loyal Ally’ is History’s Warning in 2020U.S. Military Planners Advise Expanded Online Psychological Warfare against China
Just three years ago, Americans had a neutral view of China (and nine years ago it was strongly favorable). Today, the same polls show that 66 percent of Americans dislike the country.
Continue reading U.S. Military Planners Advise Expanded Online Psychological Warfare against ChinaUnmasked: NATO’s Dog-Eat-Dog Pandemic Reaction
Despite its charter proclaiming mutual defense and security, the NATO military alliance is showing a rather unbecoming dog-eat-dog individualistic reaction in coping with the coronavirus pandemic.
Continue reading Unmasked: NATO’s Dog-Eat-Dog Pandemic ReactionPutchists in the Shadow of the Coronavirus
While the public’s eyes are riveted on the progression of coronavirus numbers, a profound reorganization of the executive is taking place, giving primacy to senior health officials over policy. In the shadows, bankers and soldiers are agitating in the hope of confiscating power for their own benefit.
Continue reading Putchists in the Shadow of the CoronavirusWhy is the U.S. Bombing Iraq During a Pandemic?
Even as coronavirus spreads rapidly across the globe, causing a health crisis of historic proportions, the U.S. military is engaging in new military attacks in the Middle East. The U.S. must cease all military interventions and redirect its military budget to combat the pandemic.
Continue reading Why is the U.S. Bombing Iraq During a Pandemic?Flexible First Strike: NATO WW3 Doctrine vs. Russia
When the Commander of NATO says he is a fan of flexible first strike at the same time that NATO is flexing its military muscle on Russia’s border, the risk of inadvertent nuclear war is real.
Continue reading Flexible First Strike: NATO WW3 Doctrine vs. RussiaThe Death of 33 Turkish Soldiers Embedded in ISIS Stronghold May Spark WW3
There are multiple terror factions operating in Syria, as there are multiple parties that have contributed to the efforts to bring down the Assad government since 2011, e.g. MOSSAD, CIA, Saudi, Turkey, US and UK. Turkey has provided the exit route for the smuggling of Syrian oil in 2011 onwards, and the subsequent escape of ISIS terrorists back to the UK, Canada and Europe, over the last 2 years.
Continue reading The Death of 33 Turkish Soldiers Embedded in ISIS Stronghold May Spark WW3“NATO Go Home!” | Thierry Meyssan
For two decades, US troops have been imposing their law on the broader Middle East. Entire countries are now without a state to defend them. Populations have been subjected to the dictatorship of the Islamists. Mass murders have been committed. There have been famines as well.
Continue reading “NATO Go Home!” | Thierry Meyssan80 Killed, 200 Wounded US Army Personnel in the First Wave of Iranian Reprisal
As part of the send-off ceremony of the most accomplished general against global counter-terrorism, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps started heavy ballistic missile attacks on US Ein Al-Assad airbase in Southwestern Iraq near the border with Syria, early Wednesday morning.
Continue reading 80 Killed, 200 Wounded US Army Personnel in the First Wave of Iranian ReprisalThe Soleimani Assassination Fallout Has Begun
Soleimani’s body has yet to arrive at its final destination, but already the fallout to Trump’s assassination of the most respected general in all of Middle East has begun.
Continue reading The Soleimani Assassination Fallout Has BegunNever Trust a Falling Empire
The Washington Post, through documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, has published a long investigation into Afghanistan. Journalists have collected over 400 testimonies from American diplomats, NATO generals and other NATO personnel, that show that reports about Afghanistan were falsified to deceive the public about the real situation on the ground.
Continue reading Never Trust a Falling EmpireUkrainian neo-Nazis fly to HK to Join Protests
Neo-Nazis from Ukraine have flown to Hong Kong to participate in the protests, an independent news website The Grayzone reported Wednesday. They are now busy training HK protestors how to properly launch riots and pin down the police department, as they did during the highly successful “Maidan Revolution.”
Continue reading Ukrainian neo-Nazis fly to HK to Join ProtestsTrump Officially Supports Man-burning Hong Kong Protestors
It was only 2 weeks ago when a group of Hong Kong anti-China protestors sprayed a bottle of flammable liquid into a Chinese bystander who’s not joining their action.
Continue reading Trump Officially Supports Man-burning Hong Kong ProtestorsJesuit Coup in Bolivia: How Anez Nullified 13 Years of Morales’ Achievements in 1 Week
Over the first week of her tenure Jeanine Anez, the self-proclaimed interim president of Bolivia, has managed to nullify many of the achievements made by the government of ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales during the 13 years of his presidency.
The Financial Times video below will show how the indigenous Bolivians were rising financially under the incumbency of Evo Morales…
One of the first decisions taken by the so-called Bolivian interim government that took the reins of power after the ouster of former President Evo Morales on 10 November was to recognise Juan Guaido, Venezuela’s self-declared interim president and suggest he appoint a new ambassador to Bolivia.
In her next move, the self-proclaimed president of Bolivia severed diplomatic relations with the legitimate Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro on Friday. Caracas had earlier stated that it categorically condemns the coup d’etat in Bolivia. For his part, Karen Longaric, the de facto foreign minister of Bolivia, accused the Venezuelan diplomatic mission in the country of “interfering in the internal affairs of the state” and ordered the expulsion of officials from the nation.
Still, that was only the beginning as the de facto interim government went further, uprooting the established policies of the previous cabinet.
Farewell, ALBA and UNASUR
On 15 November, Longaric announced Bolivia’s withdrawal from the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), a bloc founded in 2005 by Venezuela and Cuba, which was joined by the Morales government in 2006.
ALBA was formed as a Bolivarian alternative to the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas), a US-driven agreement that did not gain acceptance among many Latin American countries.
Karen Longaric also stated that Bolivia would leave the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), an intergovernmental regional organisation of Latin American states founded in 2004 that once comprised twelve South American countries. By 2018, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru had suspended their membership in the organisation.

Catholicism Makes a Return to Bolivia
A 2009 constitutional reform stripped the Catholic Church of its special status as the Bolivian state religion proclaiming “the freedom of religion and spiritual beliefs, in accordance to every individual’s cosmovisions” and making the state “independent from religion”.
However, on the day of her self-proclamation as the interim head of the state Anez publicly spoke with the Catholic Bible in her hands claiming that “He [God] allowed the Bible to return to the government palace”.
Earlier, one of the coup’s leaders, the head of the Santa Cruz paramilitary organisation Luis Fernando Camacho, entered the government palace after Morales’ resignation together with a priest and placed a Bible on the Bolivian flag. For his part, the priest proclaimed that “Bolivia belongs to God” and that the Pachamama, a goddess revered by the indigenous people in the country, would never return to it.

Military & Police Given Carte Blanche to Persecute MAS Supporters
Although the international community has urged the Bolivian authorities to bring an end to the repression of anti-coup protesters, the so-called interim government has given the military a carte blanche to go after the demonstrators.
A 15 November 2019, decree says that the members of the Armed Forces participating in operations to restore order and social stability are exempted from criminal liability if, in accordance with their constitutional functions, they act in the manner of legal defence.
The decree was condemned by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR/CIDH), which stated that the legislation violates international standards and encourages brutal repression. The organisation outlined on Friday that 23 people had died and 715 people had been injured since the beginning of the institutional and political crisis in Bolivia.

Hunt for Morales and MAS
While the declared aim of the self-proclaimed interim president was the announcement of new general elections, Bolivia’s de facto government has focused on the persecution of the leaders of the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) even going so far as to throw into question MAS’ participation in a new vote.
The threats have mainly come from de facto government minister Arturo Murillo, who on 14 November announced the start of a “hunt” for the former head of the Bolivian presidential administration Juan Ramón Quintana and Raúl García Linera, brother of former Vice President Álvaro García Linera, who is in exile in Mexico.
Murillo also said that a unit of the General Prosecutor’s Office will be formed to arrest MAS lawmakers for promoting “subversion and sedition”.
For her part, Anez signalled Friday that MAS’ participation in the next election is not guaranteed as it is up to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal to decide “whether or not MAS will run again”. The self-declared government previously claimed that Evo Morales could not participate in elections again, adding that MAS still could join the race. Anez also threatened to prosecute the ousted president if he returns to the country.
The Jesuit military organization has been nurturing politicians ready to supplant the will of the people all over the globe. They are the silent enemies of humanity that’s behind the systematic suppression of free energy systems and the preservation of the elitist social structures.
We cannot move on to the next level of our economic, political and spiritual evolution without exterminating these parasites completely!
Media Silent as Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Massacres Indigenous Protesters
Despite having been in power for only one week, the new Bolivian coup government of Jeanine Añez has already turned the powers of repression onto the population, using live rounds on demonstrators protesting the forceful removal of President Evo Morales from power on November 10. Morales has sought asylum in Mexico.
Continue reading Media Silent as Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Massacres Indigenous ProtestersSaudi Attacks on Yemen’s Farmers are Pushing the Whole Country into Famine
HODEIDA, YEMEN — The country of Yemen, known in the medieval period as “Green Yemen,” is one of the most extensively terraced areas of the world. There, Yemeni farmers transformed rugged mountain slopes into terraces and built dams like the Great Marib, a structure whose history spans long enough that it was mentioned in the Quran. During the medieval period, Yemen had one of the widest ranges of agricultural crops in all of the Middle East.
Continue reading Saudi Attacks on Yemen’s Farmers are Pushing the Whole Country into FamineUS Betrays Kurds – Again
It is a maxim of US statecraft that Washington “does not have permanent friends or enemies, only interests.” That maxim, attributed to Henry Kissinger, was starkly demonstrated this week when US President Donald Trump gave Turkey a green light to launch a military offensive on northern Syria, targeting Kurdish militants.
Continue reading US Betrays Kurds – AgainIran Foiled Israeli-Arab Plot To Blow Up Legendary Gen. Soleimani
A team of Israeli operatives has been assigned to assassinate a thorn in their Greater Israel plan in the Middle East, General Qassem Soleimani of the elite Quds Brigade, and failed.
Continue reading Iran Foiled Israeli-Arab Plot To Blow Up Legendary Gen. SoleimaniHong Kong, the Treaty of Nanjing Returns
Clearly, some young people in Hong Kong have adopted British culture – after the handover to China of their special province. They do not know the history of their country and what they owe to the Peoples’ Republic of China. For their great grandparents, London had brought only misery and desolation, causing the collapse of the Middle Kingdom.
Continue reading Hong Kong, the Treaty of Nanjing ReturnsPutin Warned Bush About Impending Attack 2 DAYS Before 9/11
Russian President Vladimir Putin had called his US counterpart George W. Bush two days before the 9/11 attacks in 2001, warning about an imminent terrorist plot coming from Afghanistan, a former CIA analyst has revealed.
Continue reading Putin Warned Bush About Impending Attack 2 DAYS Before 9/11US Now Admits it is Funding “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong
This article first published almost five years ago on October 1, 2014 is of particular relevance to an understanding of recent developments in Hong Kong.
Continue reading US Now Admits it is Funding “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong
Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support as US Raises Tension in the Middle East
MOSCOW — Yemen’s Houthi movement has reacted with concern to an announcement by Washington that the U.S. is pursuing an increased military presence in the Persian Gulf. U.S. Central Command announced Operation Sentinel on July 19, claiming that a multinational maritime effort is needed to promote “maritime stability, ensure safe passage, and de-escalate tensions in international waters throughout the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Arabian [Persian] Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman.” Continue reading Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support as US Raises Tension in the Middle East