Category Archives: Terrorism

The End of the CIA's Illegal Program in Syria is a Major Victory

When the definitive history of the conflict in Syria is written, the role of the United States in funding, training, and arming rebel groups in clear violation of international law will by necessity comprise a major chapter. Continue reading The End of the CIA's Illegal Program in Syria is a Major Victory

Turkey Sabotages US Raqqa Operation to Partition Syria

Although this is self-serving on the part of the Erdogan government, i.e. he was complaining about the US support on the Kurdish PYD and YPG, which he considers terrorist organizations just like the PKK inside Turkey, the Turkish government-controlled media disclosed a week ago that the United States has a total of 10 military outposts in Syria, and where their exact locations are. Continue reading Turkey Sabotages US Raqqa Operation to Partition Syria

US Special Ops Chief Confirm End of CIA Support of Anti-Assad Forces

Timber Sycamore is a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and supported by various Arab intelligence services, most notably that of Saudi Arabia, in order to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Continue reading US Special Ops Chief Confirm End of CIA Support of Anti-Assad Forces

CIA Terror Attack on Marawi to Undermine Duterte Unifies Christians and Muslims Instead

There has never been a time in Philippine history when the religious divide took the sidelines for the greater good, than when Marawi City was attacked by ISIS-Maute Terror Group, purposely to establish the first ISIS caliphate in SE Asia. The outcome is exactly the opposite of what has been desired by the perpetrators. Continue reading CIA Terror Attack on Marawi to Undermine Duterte Unifies Christians and Muslims Instead

Why the West Will Not and Cannot Let Syria Live in Peace

For all those who have become awake and conscious or otherwise put; have escaped the western media pit of lies and brainwashing, the six year long resistance of the Syrian people in the face of the US Deep State and its terrorist proxy troops ISIS, Al Qaeda et al has been a deeply tragic but historically heroic inspiration to us all. Continue reading Why the West Will Not and Cannot Let Syria Live in Peace

US Preparing for Ground Invasion in Syria

The United States has been upgrading its armed intervention in Syria from using terrorist proxies branded as “moderate rebels” to an actual ground invasion using regular troops. To provide the pretext to enter Syria with larger contingents than the presently cloaked US commandos already assisting the terrorists, it has gone on a propaganda overdrive. Continue reading US Preparing for Ground Invasion in Syria

The Covert Hybrid WW3 Video Series

We are creating videos for the proper interpretation of the geopolitical and geo-economic events in the hope that when more people understand their true significance, they will be able to supplant the motives of those who are taking them for fools! Continue reading The Covert Hybrid WW3 Video Series

UK Funded, Oscar Awarded White Helmets are Beheaders, too! [Graphic Video]

The UK-funded White Helmets, who received an Oscar award early this year, have been caught on camera helping unidentified militants trying to dispose the bodies of beheaded Syrian Army soldiers. The Syrians, in turn, consider the false humanitarian group as “camera posers, thieves, and raiders.”
Continue reading UK Funded, Oscar Awarded White Helmets are Beheaders, too! [Graphic Video]

Australia Suspends Operations after Russian S-400 Warning vs. Uninvited Overflight in Syria

Yesterday, Russia issued a stern warning that it will target any uninvited military overflight in Syrian airspace after the ISIS Air Force shot down one Syrian fighter jet that was conducting legitimate operations in Raqqa, without due respect to the US-Russia deconfliction agreement. Continue reading Australia Suspends Operations after Russian S-400 Warning vs. Uninvited Overflight in Syria

Russia Halts Deconfliction Zone Agreement with US, Will Intercept Uninvited Aircraft

Russia is warning the US forces on the ground of Syria that it will intercept any aircraft interrupting Syrian Army operations against Daesh, using S-400 missiles. The downed Syrian aircraft was conducting airstrikes against Daesh positions south of Tabqa, Raqqa province. Continue reading Russia Halts Deconfliction Zone Agreement with US, Will Intercept Uninvited Aircraft

Marawi Ops Winding Down, No US Boots on the Ground | Duterte

Contrary to pro-US media assertions, there are no US boots on the grounds of Marawi City. Even the reported “technical assistance” was proven to be incompatible with the system employed by the Philippine military, the commanding general has said. Continue reading Marawi Ops Winding Down, No US Boots on the Ground | Duterte

ISIS Air Force Downs Syrian Warplane in Raqqa, Iran Fires Ballistic Missiles vs. Daesh

The still uninvited US forces recently downed a Syrian warplane which was conducting legitimate operations against Daesh in Raqqa, confirming one more time that the US Air Force has been acting as the ISIS Air Force, since the start of the US invasion by proxy against Syria on March 15, 2011. Continue reading ISIS Air Force Downs Syrian Warplane in Raqqa, Iran Fires Ballistic Missiles vs. Daesh

#RussiaDidIt: 30 Mid-level Daesh Commanders & Leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi Killed

This will be one of those rare times when we will be using the #RussiaDidIt hashtag with gusto. The top echelon of the CIA organized Daesh terror enterprise has been decapitated. The US ambition to partition Syria, and the entire Greater Israel plan, are about to be completely decimated. Continue reading #RussiaDidIt: 30 Mid-level Daesh Commanders & Leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi Killed

Philippine Celebrates 119th Independence Day in Marawi as Firefight Rages On

Emotions ran high as the Philippine flag was raised to celebrate the country’s 119th anniversary of Independence Day hours ago, while fierce gunfights and bombings could still be heard as near as 300 meters away from the city hall. Continue reading Philippine Celebrates 119th Independence Day in Marawi as Firefight Rages On

We have evidence of US direct support to ISIL | Iran

Sensing that the simultaneous diplomatic attack on Qatar, and the twin terrorist bombings of the Iranian Parliament and Khomeini Shrine, are all related and purposely directed to the country, Iran has announced that it is in possession of hard evidence and documents implicating the United States government in the terroristic activities of the Daesh Islamic State. Continue reading We have evidence of US direct support to ISIL | Iran

Maute Patriarch Falls, Planning & Funding of Marawi Seige Exposed

In the Philippines, the Duterte government is winning the war against the CIA implanted Maute-ISIS terror group that is laying siege in Marawi City recently. Stacks of newly minted 1 thousand bills totaling PHP 52 million, and several checks worth PHP 27 million, were recovered from a machine gunner’s nest in Marawi City, 2 days ago. Continue reading Maute Patriarch Falls, Planning & Funding of Marawi Seige Exposed

The CIA’s Cloddish ISIS Attack on Duterte | F. William Engdahl

The only word I find for it is cloddish. I refer to the latest CIA-instigated attempt to initiate regime change against outspoken Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The so-called ISIS terror attack in the minerals-rich southern Philippines island of Mindanao, a predominately Muslim part of the mostly Christian nation of 100 million people, took place literally in the midst of President Duterte’s talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Continue reading The CIA’s Cloddish ISIS Attack on Duterte | F. William Engdahl

Daesh Terrorists are Leaving Raqqa, But Why are We Not Celebrating?

Raqqa served as the de facto capital of the Islamic State for more than 5 years, and the news that the terrorists are leaving the city for having to other option should have been very much welcomed. But why we can’t afford to do so? Because this is just to accommodate the Plan B option of the US invaders, and that is to partition Syria for the benefit of Israel. Continue reading Daesh Terrorists are Leaving Raqqa, But Why are We Not Celebrating?

Muslims Risking Lives to Protect Christians from ISIS-Maute Terrorists in Marawi

The Maranaos, Muslim inhabitants of Marawi City, Philippines, have shown how much they cared for their Christian neighbors by doing all they can, i.e. even at the risk of being killed in the process, to protect and insulate the latter from the terrorist onslaught. Continue reading Muslims Risking Lives to Protect Christians from ISIS-Maute Terrorists in Marawi

Philippines 'Dirty' Duterte facing ‘same ISIS dynamic’ as Assad in Syria

The Deep State plan to establish a Greater Israel through the use of proxy terrorists is failing. But it doesn’t mean that the terrorist organization known globally as the Islamic State will just fade away. In fact, the plan to spread terror worldwide has always been on the drawing board of the Cabalists. Continue reading Philippines 'Dirty' Duterte facing ‘same ISIS dynamic’ as Assad in Syria

Duterte Has Declared Martial Law in Mindanao, Philippines to Quell Terror

After the Maute Terror Group had struck and burned several facilities in Marawi City yesterday, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declared a Martial Law for the entire island of Mindanao, Southern Philippines. He will also be cutting short his 5-day state visit to Moscow, and will be going home today. Continue reading Duterte Has Declared Martial Law in Mindanao, Philippines to Quell Terror

Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS in Syria

Khazarian Jews are not shy in admitting genocide through terror proxies everywhere because they can, under the able support of their long hijacked corporate US government. They are doing this in Syria and in what remains of the Palestinian lands in Gaza and in the West Bank.

Continue reading Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israel Backing Of ISIS in Syria

9/11 Destroyed America & The World

The War of Terror did not end with the departure of George W. Bush, nor with its succeeding Obama administration. Likewise, the United States military under the present Trump administration has continued the destruction of Syrian lives in the City of Raqqa, under the same pretext of combating terror. Continue reading 9/11 Destroyed America & The World

No Red Lines After Western Backed Terrorists Massacre of Idlib Civilians

The Khazarian Mafia funded suicide bombing of civilian-evacuees entering the city of Aleppo did not make it to the headlines, or if so, it has been toned down to a level not deserving of a “red line” classification.
Western values do not apply to the serfs of lesser gods. Continue reading No Red Lines After Western Backed Terrorists Massacre of Idlib Civilians

Trump is Now Justifying Deep State’s Plan B: Syria Partitioning

The Trumpian foreign policy is dangerously a mercurial one. After a barrage of anti-China rhetorics, the White House is now toning down as Xi Jinping will be checking on the status of Chinese investments in the country. We thought that something like this did happen in Syria. Continue reading Trump is Now Justifying Deep State’s Plan B: Syria Partitioning

Noble Energy’s Natural Gas Discovery launched US-Israeli Operation ISIS to Oust Assad

Although the fossil-based energy systems are rendered obsolete more than a century ago, the Vatican-led Corporatocracy would like us to sustain this planet’s technological mediocrity as it serves its purpose of gaining subservience from all its subjects. Continue reading Noble Energy’s Natural Gas Discovery launched US-Israeli Operation ISIS to Oust Assad

Poorly Executed Chemical Attack False Flag Hits Syria Again

Western terror media and Al Nusra [Al Qaeda] terrorist actors, posing as humanitarian White Helmets on the ground in Syria, are at it again!
A new production has just been premiered for the global audience, and the agenda is pretty clear, i.e. Assad must go, and Trump should make that clear enough instead of allowing countries to just chart their own course for the future. Continue reading Poorly Executed Chemical Attack False Flag Hits Syria Again

St. Petersburg Blast was Preceded by Preemptive Raids on Terror Cells

Yesterday’s St. Petersburg blast which claimed 11 lives was preceded by preemptive raids on terror cells weeks and months ago. In mid-October last year alone, Russian security forces have raided and eliminated an ISIS affiliated militant cell, effectively thwarting at least three terror attacks in the southern Russia region. Continue reading St. Petersburg Blast was Preceded by Preemptive Raids on Terror Cells

Al Qaeda Rebranding Serves US Agenda

The RAND Corporation’s recent piece titled, “Al Qaeda in Syria Can Change Its Name, but Not Its Stripes,” all but admits what was already suspected about designated terrorist groups operating in Syria – that they are undergoing a transition in an attempt by their state sponsors to bolster their legitimacy and spare them from liquidation amid the shifting tides on the battlefield. Continue reading Al Qaeda Rebranding Serves US Agenda

London 3/22 False Flag Attack Bores to Death

It’s not only the choice of Skull and Bones date, but the usual “dead lone attacker” element eliminates all the thrill, of which the fake news media would like to defeat by increasing the number of deaths and arrests, as the days go by. Yes, the overnight vigil will certainly add more drama and credibility to the whole event. Continue reading London 3/22 False Flag Attack Bores to Death

White Helmets’ Macabre Manipulation of Dead Children, Staged Chemical Attack | SWEDHR

An examination of a White Helmets video, conducted by Swedish medical doctors, specialists in various fields, including paediatrics, have revealed that the life-saving procedures seen in the film are incorrect – in fact life-threatening – or simply fake, including simulated emergency resuscitation techniques being used on already lifeless children. Continue reading White Helmets’ Macabre Manipulation of Dead Children, Staged Chemical Attack | SWEDHR

White Helmets: OK for Propaganda vs. Assad / Putin, But No Oscars Please

Hollywood, like the fake news media, has been very antagonistic about Syrian President Basher Al Assad, but very friendly with terrorist White Helmets disguising as a humanitarian relief organization. This group has been featured in numerous mainstream productions to show the world how monstrous both the Assad and Putin governments really are. Continue reading White Helmets: OK for Propaganda vs. Assad / Putin, But No Oscars Please

Exposed: Foreign Officers Directing Terrorists, UK Intel & Soros Run PsyOps in Syria

There were many lies being told about the last days of terrorists in Aleppo and Syria at large. Those who were responsible for these lies continue to be exposed.
Beyond the propaganda,  the real reason why the US-led coalition was pushing for another ceasefire in Syria was to provide a safe passage for “foreign intelligence agents and military officers who are trying to exit the Eastern part of Aleppo.”
Continue reading Exposed: Foreign Officers Directing Terrorists, UK Intel & Soros Run PsyOps in Syria

Terror Attacks Amidst Defeat in Syria & Trump’s Ascendancy, Signs of Imperial Decline

Yesterday’s terror attack in Berlin and the Russian ambassador’s assassination in Turkey, both of which coincided with the casting of the US Electoral Votes to make official Trump’s presidential poll victory last November, can be seen as some last ditch attempts at distracting the global attention away from what has been just a ceremonial exercise.
Continue reading Terror Attacks Amidst Defeat in Syria & Trump’s Ascendancy, Signs of Imperial Decline

Why CIA Created the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines

The rise of Rodrigo Duterte is probably the biggest blow to the CIA’s grand plan in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia, because, not only is the incumbent president is in an all-out war with US imperialism for patriotism’s sake, i.e. for those Muslim patriots waging the longest Muslim war in history against the Western invaders,
He’s taking this as a personal battle against those who killed hundreds of innocent civilians in multiple bombings in his hometown city of Davao by a CIA operative disguising as a treasure hunter, i.e. Michael Terrence Meiring, who was spirited out from a hospital arrest by FBI operatives without the then Mayor Duterte’s prior consent.
Continue reading Why CIA Created the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines

"America Is On Our Side" | Al-Nusra Commander

In a striking interview with German journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer published today the German press including the prominent newspaper Focus, a militant jihadist commander said that US weapons are being delivered to Jabhat Al-Nusra by governments that Washington supports, adding that American instructors were in Syria to teach how to use the new equipment.
Continue reading "America Is On Our Side" | Al-Nusra Commander

Pathetic US Gov’t Wants “We fly, you don’t…” No Fly Zone in Syria

Remember NATO’s no-fly zone imposition over Libya in the last days of Muammar Gadhafi?
The United States is asking the same favor from the UN Security Council, which would give it the upper hand in its 6th-year war against President Assad.
Continue reading Pathetic US Gov’t Wants “We fly, you don’t…” No Fly Zone in Syria

War of Terror 2.0: Pentagon Can't Account for $6.5 Trillion Expenses

The 911 WTC false flag controlled nuclear demolition and its subsequent War of Terror occurred as a direct result of the unexplainable $2.3 trillion Pentagon budget in 2001, among other US geopolitical objectives in the Middle East.
A bigger amount is involved this time around, which means that a bigger War of Terror is necessary to distract the Americans and the whole world away from what the military industrial complex stooges and the industry itself are planning in the days ahead.
Continue reading War of Terror 2.0: Pentagon Can't Account for $6.5 Trillion Expenses

Saudi Arabia Press Fingers U.S. Gov't for WTC 911 Attack

The shit is now hitting the fan.
After the US Senate approved the bill allowing 911 victims to sue the House of Saud for 911 terror, the latter released to media an article pointing instead to the US government as the one behind the planning and execution of the WTC 911 false flag attack in 2001.
Continue reading Saudi Arabia Press Fingers U.S. Gov't for WTC 911 Attack

Palmyra is liberated from Daesh

After almost a year under Daesh control, the City of Palmyra which hosted some ancient ruins of a civilization that the west wants to completely erase from map, is finally liberated by the Syrian Arab Army with the help from a Russian fighter jet, one of few jet fighters complementing the Russian S-400 missile shield that is still protecting Syria.
Continue reading Palmyra is liberated from Daesh