Category Archives: Vatican / Luciferianism

US Default: Dress Rehearsal for Gov’t Privatization

We thought that the privatization of the United States had been completed. It seems they want this privatization more “public”, for the intellectual consumption of the Sheeples.

dress rehearsal

The ‘shutdown’ of the US government and the financial climax associated with a deadline date, leading to a possible ‘debt default’ by the federal government, is a money-making undertaking for Wall Street.

Several overlapping political and economic agendas are unfolding. Is the shutdown – implying the furloughing of tens of thousands of public employees – a dress rehearsal for the eventual privatization of important components of the federal state system?

A staged default, bankruptcy and privatization is occurring in Detroit (with the active support of the Obama administration), whereby large corporations become the owners of municipal assets and infrastructure.

The important question: could a process of ‘state bankruptcy’, which is currently afflicting local level governments across the land, realistically occur in the case of the central government of the United States of America?

This is not a hypothetical question. A large number of developing countries under the brunt of  IMF ‘economic medicine’ were ordered by their external creditors to dismantle the state apparatus,  fire millions of public sector workers as well as privatize state assets. The IMF’s Structural Adjustment Program (SAP) has also been applied in several European countries.

Will this gamut of deadly macro-economic reforms engineered by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve be conducive to widespread civil disorder across the United States?

While the declaration of a national emergency or martial law is not envisaged, reports confirm that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently “engaged in acquiring heavily armored tanks, which have been seen roaming the streets. In the words of Ellen Brown, “somebody in government is expecting some serious civil unrest…”

Fiscal Collapse

Flashback to the meltdown of Wall Street in September 2008. In the wake of the economic crisis, a process of fiscal collapse was initiated.

The evolving fiscal crisis had set the stage. It has a direct bearing on the issue of shutdown of the federal government and debt default.

The Bush and Obama bank bailouts led to the appropriation of $1.45 trillion of US tax revenues. This money was channeled to Wall Street under Bush’s Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) and Obama’s bailout program initiated at the outset of his first term. This money was transferred to the banks.

Meanwhile, ‘defense expenditure’ in support of a war economy had spiraled: $740 billion had been allocated (FY 2010) to fund a vast process of militarization including America`s wars in the Middle East and Central Asia.


‘Black budgets’

Of significance, there were several other unreported shadowy multibillion dollar bailouts which do not appear in government accounts, not to mention the Pentagon’s black budgets which are not included in the official expenditure accounts of the Department of Defense.

According to Aviation Week in a 2009 report, “the Pentagon’s ‘black’ operations, including the intelligence budgets nested inside it, are roughly equal in magnitude to the entire defense budgets of the UK, France or Japan, and 10 per cent of the total.”

‘War and Wall Street’: Spiraling public debt

In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, a new structure of public indebtedness had been created. Without accounting for the ‘black budgets’ and ‘shadowy bank bailouts’, reported defense expenditures plus the bank bailouts amounted to a staggering $2.35 trillion. Total revenue in FY 2010 was of the order of $2.38 trillion.

In other words, these two categories of expenditure, namely War and Wall Street “had eaten up” (together with interest payments on the public debt) the totality of federal government revenues.

The $2.35 trillion included the handouts to the banks plus military expenditure and the funding of the multibillion dollar DoD contracts with Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, British Aerospace, et al.

No money left from public purse to fund regular govt programs

What this warped budgetary structure implied (in FY 2009 and 2010) was that there was no money (i.e. residual funds) ‘left over’ from the public purse (tax revenues and other sources of federal government revenue) to fund regular government programs.

All other categories of expenditure including Medicare, Medicaid, social security as well as public investments in infrastructure, etc. had to be financed through debt creation (emission of Treasury bills and government bonds), namely through a dramatic increase in the public debt from $9.9 trillion in FY 2008 to 16.7 trillion (October 2013), a staggering increase of almost 70 percent.

In essence, the federal government has been financing its own indebtedness through generous handouts to Wall Street and the military industrial complex.


Widening budget deficit

These developments are also characterized by a widening budget deficit in the wake of the 2008 financial crash. (See CBO graphs below, which indicate the figures for the budget deficit as well as the forecast for 2012-2022).

The Congress Budget Office (CBO) contends that the ‘estimates’ for 2013-2022 are based on revised historical values of Gross Domestic Product by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). This is a nonsensical statement.

Yet the Congress Budget Office (CBO) also acknowledges that “the federal budget deficits [2013-2022] are now expected to shrink dramatically.” These are not our words, but those of the CBO. And these ‘forecasts’ have nothing to do with revised historical values of GDP. They have to do with austerity measures and macro-economic policy.

1-2 1-3

Budgetary shift: ‘Economic shock therapy’

In a matter of three years, according to the CBO forecast, the budget deficit will be reduced from 7 percent of GDP in 2012 to 2 percent in 2015.

A budgetary shift of this nature can only be implemented by ‘economic shock therapy’ leading to socially devastating cuts in public expenditure, which will inevitably result in a wave of civil unrest.

Built into these forecasts is the presumption that drastic austerity measures leading to major cuts in government spending will be carried out over a ten year period (2013-2022) thereby reducing the size of the budget deficit as well as its percentage ratio to GDP. We are not dealing with statistical concepts, the CBO forecasts through these 2013-20122 figures a process of fiscal disintegration and impoverishment of the American people.

Entitlement programs: Medicare, Medicaid, social security

The so-called CBO ‘estimates’ for 2013-2022 are based on the assumption that austerity measures (which have not yet been formally adopted) will lead to the downsizing, phasing out and/or privatization of a large number of state programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and social security. How else would it be possible to slash the budget deficit from 7 to 2 percent of GDP in three fiscal years?

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security represented in FY 2012, 45 percent of total government expenditure (see CBO Chart on Federal Government Spending for FY 2012, below).

Meanwhile, legislation has been launched in the House of Representatives to curtail the Food Stamp program drastically over a 10-year period (FY 2013-2022). “The US House of Representatives has passed a bill that would slash food stamp funding by nearly $40 billion over 10 years, kicking 4 million people off the program next year. The food stamp bill would cut $39 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over 10 years. It would force adults between 18 and 50 to either work or attend work training to reapply for benefits, and would also institute drug testing for recipients.”

It is highly unlikely that the budget of the Department of Defense (19 percent) will be used to reduce the budget deficit.


Quantitative Easing: ‘Keeping the ship afloat’

In a bitter irony, while the Wall Street financial institutions were the recipients of the bailouts, they are also the creditors of the federal government, which had been precipitated into a structure of deficit financing controlled by Wall Street. This deficit financing – which was facilitated by Quantitative Easing – is distinct from the Keynesian framework. It is controlled by the creditors. It does not create employment, it is not expansionary. It has little bearing on the real economy.

This post-2008 fiscal structure has had a fundamental impact on the process of debt formation. Tax and other federal government revenues had been assigned in 2008-2009 to bailing out the banks while relentlessly funding the war economy, including the financing through black budgets of a growing number of private military and security companies (PMSC).

The public debt has increased by almost 70 percent in five years, from 9.9 trillion in 2008 to 16.7 trillion in 2013 (October 2013 estimate of the debt ceiling, see graphs above).

The various phases of  Quantitative Easing (QE) throughout the Obama presidency were largely intended by Wall Street to keep the ship afloat, with an increasingly larger share of the debt owned by the Federal Reserve (in the form of  Treasury bills). The Fed has largely been involved in propping up its assets.

Under QE, tens of billions of dollars are injected into financial markets. Quantitative easing has not resulted in a positive stimulus of the real economy. “The real goal of the Federal Reserve is to guarantee the continual profitability of Wall Street and the personal incomes of the super-rich.

The Fed is not a publicly-owned central bank; it is a network of 12 private US banks, with the New York Federal Reserve Bank playing a key role. Operating under a semi-secret veil, major Wall Street financial institutions (including the big four) are the ‘stakeholders’ of the Federal Reserve, which ultimately call the shots on Capitol Hill. At the outset of the Obama administration in 2009, the Federal Reserve Banking system (which is an unaccountable private entity) has been granted increased authority in its management of the US economy, overshadowing the prevailing system of public regulation of the financial system, as well as reinforcing the subordinate role of the US Treasury in relation to Wall Street.

Policies pertaining to the shutdown of the government and the statutory debt ceiling are determined by Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, the US government’s largest creditor. The Federal Reserve Banks currently hold $2.1 trillion of US public debt. Japan and China respectively own $1.1 trillion and $1.3 trillion of the US public debt. Based on Jun 2012 figures, the Federal Reserve owns 16 percent of the federal debt held by the public.

The New York Federal Reserve Bank (the largest of the Federal Reserve banks) holds a significant portion of the total holdings of the Federal Reserve system, composed of 12 constituent banks. (source:


Were the Federal Reserve to be a publicly-owned central bank, quantitative easing would have an entirely different dynamic: the government rather than the Fed (acting on behalf of Wall Street) would be calling the shots. Under a publicly-owned central banking arrangement, $2 trillion worth of public debt could be canceled, thereby creating conditions for the funding of social programs.

The result of these macroeconomic reforms has been mass unemployment. The American people – including the middle class – have been impoverished by the Wall Street establishment, which ultimately decides on debt default and the statutory ceiling placed on the public debt.

Under pressure from Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, the choices of the US government are limited to the following options: “State programs can either be downsized, phased out or transferred out of the public purse to the private corporate sector, implying in all cases the layoff of tens of thousands of public employees.”

No major reforms of the structure of indebtedness are contemplated by the US Congress, which could meaningfully change the government’s relationship to the Federal Reserve and its Wall Street handlers. The creditors ultimately decide.

What are contemplated are marginal modifications of the status quo including legislation to push the debt limit to December 31st 2014.

This token arrangement would temporarily increase the federal government’s borrowing ability through the issuing of Treasury bills and government bonds by about $1 trillion. Under this scheme, however, the powers of the Wall Street Banks and the New York Federal Reserve would not only be maintained they would be reinforced.

The ultimate objective is to develop a full-fledged proxy State under the helm of the financial establishment. Both the Executive as well as the US Congress are to remain under the control of Wall Street.

Privatization of the American state?

The inevitable scenario established in the wake of the 2008 crisis is fiscal collapse, leading to “the possible phasing out and/or curtailment of social programs, the privatization of large sectors of public sector activity.”

The fiscal ceiling having now been reached, possibly with a deadline, the government is being pressured by its Wall Street handlers – who control decision-making in the US Congress – to curtail and downsize social programs, as well as initiate the transfer of public assets and institutions into the hands of private corporations. There is also a movement to cut as well as privatize social security and Medicare.

The privatization of public monuments, museums, national parks, the post office etc. has been raised in recent media reports as a possible ‘solution’ to the debt crisis. But let us not be misled: the process of acquisition of federal public property including infrastructure and state institutions is likely to go much further.

The public sector is up for grabs. Wall Street will eventually go on a buying spree picking up state-owned assets at rock bottom prices.

Ironically, the money transferred by the US government to Wall Street under the bailouts in 2008-2009 can now be used by Wall Street to buy out state property and assets. What this means is that the federal government not only finances its own indebtedness, it is also financing the privatization program (at taxpayers’ expense), leading to the demise of federal government programs.


This process of privatization of the state is nothing new, it has been applied in developing countries under the helm of the IMF, whereby state corporations are auctioned off and transferred into the hands of foreign corporations. It has also been applied in Eastern Europe, as well more recently in several countries of the European Union

The proceeds of the privatization program are channeled to the state treasury to meet outstanding debt obligations. In Brazil in the 1990s, important state assets in mining and forestry were purchased by Citi Group, which was Brazil’s largest foreign creditor bank. Ironically, the proceeds of the privatization of the assets purchased by Citi Group were channeled back to Citi Group in the form of debt servicing.

Existing state programs are transferred to private corporations either through outright sale of state assets or through outsourcing of government services to the private sector.

Large numbers of government employees would be laid off as a result of restructuring and privatization. Government services would be sold to the public at a much higher price.

Privatization of American cities

The takeover of State assets in America is well under way largely at the municipal and state level. We recall Orange County, California, which went bankrupt in 1994, Jefferson County, Alabama, which filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy in 2011, and more recently Detroit, Michigan, in 2013. In these and other county/municipal bankruptcies, public assets, lands and infrastructure are sold off to private investors. Across the US, more than 100 municipalities are facing bankruptcy.

The bankruptcies of local level governments immediately backlash on pension funds. The privatization of federal State assets on a significant scale, as well as the takeover and privatization of public services is the next stage of this socially devastating economic restructuring process.

Speculative onslaught

There is another related agenda, which will be the object of a forthcoming article.

The uncertainty underlying the government shutdown and debt default is the object of a wave of speculative activity on major markets.

Wall Street financial institutions not only exert a decisive influence in the formulation of the administration’s fiscal and monetary agenda, they also control the movement of currency markets, commodity and stock markets through large scale operations in derivative trade.

Most of the key actors in the US Congress and the Senate involved in the shutdown debate are controlled by powerful corporate lobby groups including, of course, Wall Street. The latter are those which ultimately decide on the outcome. They are not only in a position to influence the results of the congressional process, they also have foreknowledge of the nature and timing of key decisions and they are in a position to reap multibillion dollar speculative gains in the derivative markets by speculating on policy outcomes of which they have advanced knowledge.

Those who determine the government’s debt policy, namely the Wall Street creditors, also have ‘inside information’ or prior knowledge of the chronology and outcome of the government shutdown impasse. They will make billions of dollars in windfall profits

While Wall Street is instrumental in triggering the debt ceiling impasse, major financial institutions will also be placing their bets in large scale speculative transactions.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Central Banks on Armageddon Alert

central banks alert

If the US debt-ceiling debate goes past the eleventh hour, and the default of the world’s largest economy becomes a reality, leading central banks around the world are gearing up to minimize losses and keep the world economy functioning.

Follow RT’s LIVE UPDATES on the US budget crisis

If US lawmakers don’t reach a budget consensus and raise the debt ceiling by Thursday October 17, the US will become the first Western power to default since Nazi Germany in 1933, and will send markets into uncharted territory.

The rest of the world is bracing itself for what would happen if the bill is rejected, and the US inches closer to defaulting on its debts, which are largely foreign- held in the form of US Treasury Bonds.

Central banks have begun preparing for the worst-case scenario if US does fault, which would result in a serious devaluation of Treasury bonds, delayed payments, and a more large-scale version of the current government shutdown.

“Because in the past it’s always been sorted out is absolutely not a reason to fail to do the contingency planning,” Jon Cunliffe, who will become the Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability in November, told UK lawmakers.

“I would expect the Bank of England to be planning for it [US default]. I’d expect private-sector actors to be doing that, and in other countries as well,” said Cunliffe, who acknowledged a default as “the main risk to the [global] financial system”.

The European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China (PBC) have struck a deal that moves both banks farther from the dollar orbit. The two banks agreed to ‘swap’ $56 billion worth of yuan for $60.8 billion worth of euros.

Many central banks have reserves in the form of Sovereign Wealth Funds, which are also at risk if the US defaults, as many of the assets are held in dollars. These investment vehicles could be crippled by a default. China’s is estimated at more than $1.3 trillion – the world’s largest.

A historic shift

Neil Mackinnon, a former UK Treasury official, told RT the US default tango marks a shift in the global economic paradigm, from West to East.

If the US doesn’t act soon, “the dollar will decline and its importance will move to a multi-polar currency system and other currencies will take on board more importance,” said Mackinnon.

Over the weekend, economic leaders from around the world met in Washington DC at the International Monetary Fund’s annual meeting. The fund’s managing director, Christine LaGarde, issued a harsh warning the global financial system could enter a recession if the US misses its debt deadline.

The US Senate said they will announce a deal to end the shutdown and extend the debt ceiling on Tuesday, which will pass through to the House, where it will face Obama’s hard-nosed Republican opponents who want to cut funding of the Affordable Care Act.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, said Tuesday has the potential to be a “bright day” and bring calm back to the global markets.

source »

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.


Senate Nears Deal… GOP Rep: Boehner Will Be Lucky To Find 20 Republicans To Support It… House Conservatives Revolt… ‘Mushy Piece Of S–t’… ‘If Boehner Backs This, He’s In Trouble’… House To Vote On Their Own Bill – And Still May Not Have The Votes!… THE DEFAULT HAS ALREADY BEGUN…

– Max Keiser

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China Moves for A New Global Currency

Just a few days ago, we read that China is setting the stage for a new world reserve currency. Although we are expecting this to happen, it is still a shocking reality for the West.

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Through its official mouthpiece, China unleashed some very strong words against US foreign policies.

In reading the article below, let us put in context all the other recent articles especially Karen Hudes’ dropping of the “J” word.

xinhua deamericanize fiscal

BEIJING, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) — As U.S. politicians of both political parties are still shuffling back and forth between the White House and the Capitol Hill without striking a viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world.

Emerging from the bloodshed of the Second World War as the world’s most powerful nation, the United States has since then been trying to build a global empire by imposing a postwar world order, fueling recovery in Europe, and encouraging regime-change in nations that it deems hardly Washington-friendly.

With its seemingly unrivaled economic and military might, the United States has declared that it has vital national interests to protect in nearly every corner of the globe, and been habituated to meddling in the business of other countries and regions far away from its shores.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government has gone to all lengths to appear before the world as the one that claims the moral high ground, yet covertly doing things that are as audacious as torturing prisoners of war, slaying civilians in drone attacks, and spying on world leaders.

Under what is known as the Pax-Americana, we fail to see a world where the United States is helping to defuse violence and conflicts, reduce poor and displaced population, and bring about real, lasting peace.

Moreover, instead of honoring its duties as a responsible leading power, a self-serving Washington has abused its superpower status and introduced even more chaos into the world by shifting financial risks overseas, instigating regional tensions amid territorial disputes, and fighting unwarranted wars under the cover of outright lies.

As a result, the world is still crawling its way out of an economic disaster thanks to the voracious Wall Street elites, while bombings and killings have become virtually daily routines in Iraq years after Washington claimed it has liberated its people from tyrannical rule.

Most recently, the cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising debt ceiling has again left many nations’ tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonized.

Such alarming days when the destinies of others are in the hands of a hypocritical nation have to be terminated, and a new world order should be put in place, according to which all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.

To that end, several corner stones should be laid to underpin a de-Americanized world.

For starters, all nations need to hew to the basic principles of the international law, including respect for sovereignty, and keeping hands off domestic affairs of others.

Furthermore, the authority of the United Nations in handling global hotspot issues has to be recognized. That means no one has the right to wage any form of military action against others without a UN mandate.

Apart from that, the world’s financial system also has to embrace some substantial reforms.

The developing and emerging market economies need to have more say in major international financial institutions including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, so that they could better reflect the transformations of the global economic and political landscape.

What may also be included as a key part of an effective reform is the introduction of a new international reserve currency that is to be created to replace the dominant U.S. dollar, so that the international community could permanently stay away from the spillover of the intensifying domestic political turmoil in the United States.

Of course, the purpose of promoting these changes is not to completely toss the United States aside, which is also impossible. Rather, it is to encourage Washington to play a much more constructive role in addressing global affairs.

And among all options, it is suggested that the beltway politicians first begin with ending the pernicious impasse.

source »

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Losing faith: Global financiers look to de-Americanize

A US debt default could hit on Thursday, and world leaders are second guessing the dominant role America plays in finance. Regardless of the final decision in Washington, confidence and credibility in the US has already eroded.

In an editorial published by the Chinese state-owned press agency Xinhua, a columnist says the US economy has ‘failed’ and put many countries who hold state assets in dollars at risk.

“To that end, several corner stones should be laid to underpin a de-Americanized world,” the editorial read.

Last week China, the biggest US creditor, started to make preparations for a technical default on loans. The European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China (PBC) have agreed to start supplying each other with their currencies, avoiding the dollar as an intermediary currency. The currency swap agreement will last for three years and provide a maximum of 350 billion yuan ($56 billion) to the ECB and 45 billion euro ($60.8 billion) to the PBC.

In a further sign of growing distrust, China introduced a so-called “haircut”, or a discount, on the value of US Treasuries held as collateral against futures trades.

Developing and developed nations are equally concerned, and institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have issued several warnings.

Christine LaGarde, managing director of the IMF told the US they must uphold their financial promises to the international community and raise their debt ceiling. Failing to do so would put the world “at risk of tipping yet again into a recession,” LaGarde said in an interview on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’, which aired on October 13.

“You have to honor your signature, … give certainty to the rest of the world,” LaGarde urged the US, a strong supporter of the international lending tool.

The country that has long provided a sturdy backbone to the global economy is now teetering on a mass default. If US lawmakers don’t forge a solution to raising the debt ceiling by October 17, investors with US treasury bonds, one of the lowest-risk assets, could suffer.

“It’s not just China that’s at the mercy of US lawmakers, its everybody in the world that is at the mercy of US lawmakers right now,” David Kuo, Investment Advisor at Motley Fool, told RT .

“China is trying to diversify away from US Treasuries,” said Kuo, adding investors “cannot just assume an asset is 100 percent safe.”

China holds nearly $1.3 trillion in Treasuries, Japan has $1.14 trillion, and other big foreign creditors include Caribbean creditors, Brazil, Taiwan, Russia, and European nations.

Other creditors have decided to keep calm.

Russia, ranked the 11th on the list of the US top creditors with the estimated $132 billion in US Treasuries, plans to keep their Treasuries.

“I don’t see the need for revising our reserve investment strategy in US Treasuries,” Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said at a press conference on October 11 following a meeting of the G20 finance and Central Bank chiefs.

“What’s happening now, I hope, is a fairly short-term situation,” Siluanov told reporters, noting Russia’s investment plan is long-term.

If the US misses the debt ceiling deadline of October 17 and stops paying its creditors, it would be the first major Western government to do so since Nazi Germany under Hitler in 1933, which wasn’t able to pay its debts following World War I.

The US has a bank holiday today in honor of Columbus Day; however, after making little headway on solving the budget gap, both the Senate and the House will hold sessions on Monday.

For Republicans, Obamacare has been a major stumbling block in agreeing to raise the debt ceiling, as they see the legislation as antithetical to their ‘small government’ philosophy.

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7.2 Earthquake Hit Us Again

Aftershocks can still be felt as I’m writing this.

Reports from friends on the area: Several buildings, houses, churches are fully damaged.

bb9e9550-a6b0-4bef-bc82-2b19bf438090_500 BWlCqAHCQAE2usU99a2f005-7433-4c01-89cf-0984724e2aff_500 82aded1b-ffdb-49cd-8573-daeb50ba31e0_500 3ff6428e-6ddd-4888-8732-e8e9f9f581e5_500 2811fd74-f473-42e0-ab0f-a9b47af03cf8_500 7e95ca24-01b9-4787-b42c-4d4278a68d45_500 3f7d4acf-5626-4665-8d42-ae7ac62e0f13_500  bb680f3e-7d3e-49a2-8e81-760ebad9a21a_500  d107ef44-94ef-46db-bcfa-696f43008e04_500 0ff5cedb-9c9d-4af8-bff7-c9b57ea9b575_500 a3a29fcd-67b7-4c34-80ad-ec2632abf01a_500 efb77740-7390-416d-bbf3-1f9fd9409d32_500 8beb5d44-afd4-4e72-85ec-4abc01b492cd_500 1f5128ac-5685-4145-b4d3-a46153b28b4b_500 731d9ad1-3793-4c03-af77-881add72798d_500 7efb53ba-c538-4048-b6fd-3fd94afdac9a_500 71c7f2e3-ad5f-4a78-9b34-d0447757a3f4_500 54b257c4-befc-45b1-8d43-81e1bd9acbe6_500 beb70d10-3e15-4345-ab6f-86209c165da1_500 50f3acd8-2487-4aa6-ab30-1bd1f27bbd3c_500 7399a247-ed32-4982-b2e6-3615203c3ef9_500 afe54b7b-abf1-4920-ba7e-f7db9321b869_500

IF this is pure intimidation on the part of the enemy, who have been doing this everytime a major offensive is being carried out against them, we are not afraid anymore.

The people here don’t even know if there’s a war going on. They just think your mindless crap is an act of their god. Your purpose is being defeated even before the attack is done.

So get over it, and start packing for a long vacation.

7.2 quake area map

1 hour, 14 minutes agoLocation: 13 miles (21 km) NE of Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines; 36 miles (58 km) S of Cebu, Cebu, Philippines; 58 miles (93 km) ENE of Dumaguete, Negros, Philippines; 394 miles (633 km) SSE of MANILA, Philippines Source: U.S. Geological Survey

7.2 quake hits phil

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


Would have been perfect if the authors included the entity behind the Vatican, but here’s a powerful video that could inspire us today.

Thank you Jean.

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Published on Sep 27, 2013
Thanks to W.

RISE UP – Official Video
When YOU are ready to rise, YOU’ll rise up..

A collaborative effort of TragedyandHope and Activist, Author and Garret John Laporto of the viral sensation “The Wayseers Manifesto”

Footage Used:
Thanks to the creators of all of this fantastic footage. I recommend these films to everyone:
“Baraka” –
“NYC – Mindrelic Timelapse”
“Eye Macro”
“New York City – Time Lapse”
“Occupy – Still Free”…
“Peace Day is Saving Lives”
“Planet Earth Seen From Space Full HD”…
“Children of Africa”…
“Strictly Farming – starting in 1959″…

Music used:
Steve Jablonsky – My Name is Lincoln

TragedyandHope does not claim to own any of this footage used in this video and does not wish to make a profit from this work. It is simply for educational purposes. Please contact TragedyandHope if you are the owner of this footage and have any concerns of its use.

Speech written and spoken by:

Garret John Loporto…
Follow the creator on
Friend him on Facebook:

Edited by TragedyandHope:
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Facebook –…
Twiiter –
Google + –…

- 000_was7974166 A man holds a Sudanese flag as he chants slogans during a demonstration after Friday prayers in north Khartoum BRAZIL-EDUCATION-TEACHERS-PROTEST 11 7 disabled vet carry barrycade

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Shutting Down DC

We are not seeing any MSM coverage on Truckers Shutting Down the Corporate capital… coverage is here  and here.

Live audio coverage at this page.

Live video stream here.

Will this start the shutting down of the Corporation itself?

IF you are not doing anything to take your country back, then you are not a true American that the world used to believe.

You can’t make any excuses…

disabled vet carry barrycade

us vet at white house2

us vet at white house1378242_593552217373063_223637417_n


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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


What if all those people whom we believe are fighting against the Cabal are themselves mere actors playing their part of the Grandest Script ever laid upon the Gullible?

What if Vladimir Putin is with the Cabalists just like his predecessor Gorbachev?

What if the whole show is just a monster’s clever adaptation to new realities wherein the Sheeples are beginning to empower themselves with information never available to them before?

We cannot expect the masters of mind manipulation to just sit there doing nothing while we are busy chatting in social media about how fucked up we all are. They must have expected something like this would happen and may have figured out the most suitable countermeasure.

Such countermeasure that would convince everyone that ended we have regain our freedom back, yet in reality the control systems are just being upgraded.

We must not forget that within a very short span of time they’ve been able to convince us that the Slavery System is gone, and yet we all know that it has expanded its scope and clout instead.

It used to be only the colored peoples of the planet, but right now it has made everyone subservient to somebody else. From ordinary laborers to professionals, private and public officials, presidents and paupers alike, we are all serving the same Slavery System, that very efficient mechanism which ultimately fed the caprices of the few at the top of the pyramid.

The slaves of the past were once housed and fed. Now, they have allowed the slaves to house themselves through a financial scheme that would take a lifetime to pay. The built-in limitations accompanying every legal right are cloaked with fats and sweeteners, e.g. right to vote and free speech.

Free speech can be muted just by shooting the messenger. The right to vote can be defeated even before the vote is cast by fielding politicians of their own choosing.

So if we can’t trust everyone, where do we turn to?

I can only suggest one — Yourself.

Empower yourself, and try living off the grid as much as you can. That’s when you begin to know freedom. Nobody, politician or not, can give it to you.

Consider everything else as mere entertainment, – a natural anomaly.

Otherwise, the whole thing will whack your brains out, and they have won.

Setting yourself free from the grid is a revolution unto itself. And if others would follow you then, we have won.

Enough for my short and mild rant.

Now, it’s time for me to share Pete Santilli’s, which would resonate perfectly with yesterday’s post, Bloodless Strive.

Putin Story Scripted – Russia Spent $ 6 Million with American PR Firm

September 15, 2013

Well folks, I’m back from a needed 2 week break and glad to be back in the grind of our lifetime.

I figured I would start the news-year off right by expressing my opinion and what appears to be a unique perspective on Vladimir Putin’s recent rise to global fame.


Over the past couple weeks while on vacation, I couldn’t help but tune in periodically to the so-called “Syria Crisis” in the main stream media; what we awakened recognize as a full scale pre-fabricated crisis initiation perpetrated by the powers-that-be to instigate another middle east war.

Please allow me to provide commentary from an outsider’s perspective, as I was merely peering into the current events coverage from the outside as I was basking in the sun on holiday.  The only reason I tried to stay updated by catching CNN coverage was because I believed the Syria Crisis was a potential catalyst for World War 3 — the implications were far too enormous for me to ignore entirely over my 2 week vacation.  As I was grabbing snippets of information over several days as the crisis unfolded, I felt as though I was being subjected to some of the most horrifying propaganda that the mainstream media has ever manufactured.   Yes; we’ve seen them operate as an obedient extension of the military industrial complex; and yes; as they did in Iraq, they simply read tele prompted scripts to convince the American public to open their wallets voluntarily to wage a trillion dollar war.  With the Iraq War history so freshly embedded in our memory, one would assume that the state-run media personalities would refuse to be duped once again.  You would readily assume that so-called journalists in the main stream media would never again let their government make them look like a propaganda tool.

Watching CNN made me feel like hurling in disgust.  Not just because they were so open and obvious about the agenda they were pursuing on behalf of their fascist masters, but because I couldn’t ignore the fact that we still have 100′s of millions of Americans who still naively trust their government; American business; and the main stream media.  I became horrified thinking about all the innocent, naive minds being skull plugged by the lies and salesmanship.

Ladies and gentlemen, if you ever wondered what the root of all evil is in the world, I think I have it figured out, and I’ll share it with you because I believe I’m right.  Lying to the public is not only legal, but essential in keeping a failed system operating with the energy of false confidence.

The elite cannot physically walk up to each and ever citizen with a pistol; demand that they take out their wallet and hand over all their money.  The only efficient method by which they can steal from us on a massive scale is get us to surrender our cash voluntarily.  Lying to the masses accomplishes a few things for the elite; it gives them a sense of moral character as they essentially steal from us wearing a suit & tie with lies propagated through the media; they can throw their elitist hands in the air and say “…what the heck, I am not doing anything wrong, I am exploiting capitalism as I receive fists full of cash being thrown at me as a result of my entrepreneurship and  corporate success…this opportunity exists for ALL Americans….I am wealthy because people have thrown cash at me….what am I suppose to do? Refuse to accept it?”

Those Americans who are too stupid to understand what is happening to their minds will permanently resign themselves to their role as subservient, gluttonous feeders of the system being shoved down their throat by the elite who know the secret code.  They have crafted a corporate brand of leaders who create jobs and prosperity via their system of perpetual lies.  They have us all convinced that the alternative is poverty and pain.

Today there are a select few of us who are now fully awakened to the realities of this failed; immoral, unethical system of theft, but we cannot stop there. We must recognize that the elite have now learned to lie to the awakened as well.  Within our community of awakened exists a large percentage of people who have just recently realized they were suckered by the main stream media, and I believe they are still malleable and naive — they are the easiest to lie to; all the elite have to do is gain their trust by telling them that they have been lied to “…so here’s the truth…”.  The bottom line:  It’s another set of lies wrapped up in a truth flag.

So, you are probably asking, “…what does this have to do with the Syria Crisis? and so what if the main stream media lies — I don’t watch CNN…”.   As I said, from an outsider’s perspective I will present this to you in the least condescending fashion:

They have us completely surrounded with every possible scenario of lies by purchasing each and every one of our minds.  If you are a conservative — done. We have a narrative that fits perfect with your anti-Russia, cold war mentality.

If you are a liberal peace-nick.  Bam.  Peace at all costs, led by the socialist-in-chief.

Independent?  Boom. Bi-partisan opposition  whipped up in a blender.

Conspiracy theorist?  ”Alternative media” fanatic?  Bam!  Alex Jones is bought and paid for, and every single alternative media underling regurgitates exactly what he is regurgitating — “aggregating” selective news without ever having to claim ultimate responsibility for propagating lies.

Are you a Russia-fearing prepper?  Ka-blam!  Gotcha covered with numerous reports about Russian troops on the ground and thousands of “confidential DHS insider” leaks.

No matter who you are, and what your perspective is as you analyze the Syria crisis, your mind is purchased.  Even Russia has mastered the fine art of skull plugging for profit.  Just think, both the U.S. and Russian military industrial complex cannot afford NOT to psy-op their populous.  Trillions of dollars are at stake for both sides.

Here’s the most disturbing thought:  There is so much money wrapped up in pre-fabricated conflict, that the Russians, Chinese, and Americans have allied in the propaganda war.  The name of the game is “Public Relations” (corporate code name for legal lying & skull plugging).

If you take a step back and wonder why each special interest group is thinking the way they are thinking in their analysis, you can easily determine that each sect is satisfied with a pre-purchased rendition of what is occurring in this Syrian crisis, but the bottom line is that we are always inching towards war.  No matter what your politics are, your mind is perfectly ripened to justify killing billions of humans and sending trillions in profits to both sides of the conflict.  Each of us is literally being painted into a corner, and the elite will soon surprise everyone with a one-world government solution.

This, my friends, is the higalian dialectic on steroids.  Problem – reaction- solution , and it is a fact that the awakened are not immune or exempt from the psy-op.  Every mind has been purchased. Period.

In the USA, we can follow the money trail through what we now know is a fascist system.  Mercenaries whip up a chemical false flag attack in Syria.  The intelligence community (secret Zionist code for lawless militant drug traffickers and war fabricators) covers all the bases: fake YouTube videos, CNN teleprompter scripting, and made up Presidential reports that give the Commander In Chief no other legal obligation than to bomb.   Corporations inject the media — like pumping a Foster’s Farm chicken with growth hormones — with the same styled imagery & heart string jerking sadness of dying babies who have been gassed.

In Russia, same scheme, different dialect of lies, but ultimately bough and paid for by the Russian military industrial complex.

Within moments of returning from vacation, I immediately said “…whoa…why is this Russia/Putin narrative being shoved in my face so hard?”  Before vacation I was talking about how I admired the conduct of the Chinese and Russians on the international diplomatic stage.  I now realize that’s exactly what they paid for.  The global elite are slowly whittling away at American sovereignty and prosperity, and we are witnessing the final nail in our coffin — convincing our citizens that we really are much better off conducting ourselves as obedient global citizens.  That our international diplomacy skills are old and obsolete.  That America is no longer an “exceptional” society under the most powerful & protective rules of Constitutional law in the history of mankind.

In order for both the Russian and US military industrial complex to win trillions, they must destroy the USA from within (we’ve seen this through our collapse), and then finalize the deal with final push from Putin.  The entire story has been scripted, and all facets of this story are covered.  Each of us will one day soon say that we had no other alternative than to act, and each of us will open our wallets and throw trillions to the elite.  We will beg them for global stability, and since the USA is in its final throws of incompetence, the majority of our Zombies will clammer towards a one-world government. A peace negotiated by all angry parties for the sake of humanity.

Is this all a conspiracy theory, or is it a fact that what I tell you — that there is so much money wrapped up in this scheme that they cannot afford to stop lying to you — then please consider that anything you believe about Vladamir Putin has been paid for.  The Russians have spent almost $6 million dollars with a public relations firm which specializes in lying to you for profit.  It has been reported that the Op-Ed piece published by Putin was crafted and placed in the New York Times by American PR firm Ketchum.  Let me repeat that:  Vladamir Putin’s handlers are an American corporation that gave him inside access to one of the US’s top media outlets.  Communist Russia has used capitalism to penetrate the American mind?  But, one could ask, “but Putin is trying to negotiate peace?  Isn’t that the desired outcome?”  Only if you look at the surface, but you have to realize that the stage is being set for the battle of Armageddon between the Russian Bear and the God Blessed Exceptional Amerikans.  It’s a slow trickle of thinking inserted into your brain, but don’t forget, $6 million dollars is being spent by the Russians for “PR”, and you bet your bottom dollar that they expect a trillion dollars back in war profits for their investment.

Don’t forget Obama’s help to the military industrial complex by signing the NDAA.  By doing so, he essentially gave them an open check book to pump lies into the media.  The 2012 NDAA repealed the Smith Mundt act which prohibited the US Military from using the media to propagate fake news stories in their psy-ops.

What’s the punchline?  Armegeddon is a very profitable venture.  The only way to fund it is to pre-fabricate chemical false flags, whip up tear jerking imagery of gassed babies, convince the world population that there is no other alternative than to open their wallets and throw money at the Pentagon, and line up a billion of our youngsters to get slaughtered fighting for “freedom”.

The end result:  Profits flow like a slot machine to the elite.  The people pay the bill.  A billion lives are wiped out (no biggy for the elite—especially if the troops are too stupid to be anything but obedient and patriotic). All sides of the military industrial complexes of Russia, USA, China win a couple trillion.  And worst of all, the elite actually pay billions to make us believe this is a better alternative than a collapse.  The fabricate the problem — exploit the human reaction to the horrifying events they create —- and then pay big bucks getting ready to offer the Zombies a solution.  Why?  Because they will win trillions.

It’s all a lie and it can never be stopped.  The best thing we can do is believe none of it, and resist their higalian dialectic to the death.  We will literally need to kill the elite (for humanitarian reasons) to stop them from lying.  We can do this, but time is running out.  Tell as many people as you can —not about the truth, but especially about the lies.


Be sure to tune in to The Pete Santilli Show on Monday September 16th at 10am PST / 1pm EST for our first broadcast back from the annual break.  Follow Pete on Twitter @SantilliMan, and please also “Like” our Facebook page.  We realize Twitter and Facebook have been compromised, but that won’t stop us from sharing critical information in the face of tyranny.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Bloodless Strive

The ongoing global mass movements of varying forms brought about by the rising tide of awakening are pushing the Old Paradigm down the drain.

However, there seems to be competing groups vying for the front seat of the new economic realities that will soon take over the throne occupied by the Federal Reserve.

The most visible of these competing groups is the BRICS and non-aligned countries, while the others are still classified as underground societies.

Underground societies include that one represented by Ben Fulford, i.e. White Dragon Society, and that of Keenan, the Dragon Family, and those from the Indigenous Kingdoms of the Pacific.

Fulford has claimed in the recent past that WDS is for the establishment of a meritocratic financial infrastructure, eradication of poverty and the halting of environmental destruction. Fulford, together with Alexander Romanov of the Gnostic Illuminati, supports Vladimir Putin and subscribes to the objectives of the BRICS. He is also with Choidoin Daikaku, who can summon 200-million strong martial artists worldwide. Recently, Fulford is instigating an attack on the Cabalists from all fronts.

“There is a manhunt going on now for key cabal leaders known to be involved in nuclear terror, indiscriminate biological warfare and other attempts to kill 90% of humanity and prepare for a 1000 year fascist reich. Those of us who have studied our real history know many of the names like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr. and Jr., Tony Blair, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Rothschild family and others. Less known are the P2 fascist lodge secret bosses like Marco Di Mauro and Giancarlo Bruno.

If you see any of these people in public you are legally entitled to kill them in self-defense because they are actively trying to kill you and your family.” – Fulford

What this means is that, there’s no 200M ninjas and no, the cavalry ain’t coming, too. We are left with ourselves, and their double-talking. We must do it ourselves.

Keenan, on the other hand, indicated that the BRICS’s plan for establishing an alternative global bank in lieu of the World Bank/IMF/BIS triumvirate is not the best solution but just another flavor of the same old idea, only with different personalities. As opposed to Ben Fulford, he is for the full recovery of the Collateral Accounts and the release of all suppressed technologies including free energy systems.

The legitimate owners of the Collateral Accounts know beforehand that once these exotic technologies are released their assets will lose its value as hard currency. But then their prime objective, which is the survival of this planet and its people, would have been achieved by then. This is the time when we are slaves no more.

In contrast, the BRICS are still building their industries based on hydrocarbons, and they just recently telegraphed their overall plan for the coming weeks and months.

Is the BRICS plan is what the 13 bloodlines behind the Cabalists really wanted all along?

The Bricso vs. the US Dollar: What will Happen to the Global Economy if BRICS Announce Launch of New Currency?

Global Research, October 09, 2013
Voice of Russia

For several decades, we’ve been told by the mainstream media that the West has a firm grip on the word’s economy and that America decides the future of the world. Peter Koenig, former World Bank economist and Voice of Russia regular, outlines one of the scenarios in which America’s plans for a New World Order are broken. This is the first part of the series about “How to dismantle the New World Order”.

by Peter Koenig

Imagine – it is December 31, 2013. The Presidents of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) plus Iran and Venezuela call an impromptu press conference – in Paris – to present a ‘Sea of Change in Economics,’ as they call it. The announcement was circulated throughout the international media and diplomatic offices and embassies just a day before – an indication of urgency. Despite it being the last day of the year with most people thinking of their year-end festivities, the event calls the attention of many – especially the world of finance – and of course the media. The press meeting is planned for 18:00 at the Dolce Chantilly, in Chantilly, just 40 minutes from the center of Paris.

Владимир Путин Дилма Русеф Джейкоб Зума Си Цзиньпин Манмохан Сингх лидеры саммит БРИКС Дурбан


The seven presidents, accompanied by their Ministers of Finance, are seated in a half-moon panel in front of about 500 journalists from all over the world. The Chinese President and General Secretary of the Communist Party, Mr. Xi Jinping, opens the conference without fanfare, introducing the subject as an event that may have worldwide repercussions.

He elaborates, “We the BRICS and some other hydrocarbon producing countries, like Iran and Venezuela – others may join in the future – have decided as of tomorrow – January 1, 2014 – to introduce two new economic measures. First, the BRICS and Iran and Venezuela will launch a new currency, called the Bricso. The Bricso will, at least initially, be a virtual currency; similar to what the Euro was in its initial years of existence and currently the Sucre in the South American trading community of ALBA. The backbone of the Bricso is a basket of moneys of the BRICS and those of Iran and Venezuela. The individual country currencies will be weighed according to their respective economic strength – similar to the Special Drawing Rights – SDR – of the IMF. The initial basket of Seven, does not impede that later other countries, trading partners of the BRICS, may join the Bricso.”

Reality Check comment: One has to wonder: why do it in a sudden almost theatrical manner? The reason is simple: such a move is a declaration of war, an economic war, but a war none the less. Maybe, calling this operation a “revolution” or an “insurrection” would be more appropriate, but the essence remains the same. The West has abused its economic power and used its financial institutions to the detriment of the rest of the world. It was time to turn the tables. When global domination is at stake, it is a good idea to fire the first shot.

“Initially, each country will continue to use its own currency. In the course of the coming years we may decide to also issue the Bricso as a paper currency for all member currencies, similarly to the euro. For now, we believe, each member country will have to adapt its economy to certain established parameters of economic viability – criteria that were not followed seriously enough by the Euro member countries.”

Reality Check comment: This plan has an important technical requirement. The new currency requires a central bank. Actually, BRICS countries are already building an alternative financial system. While kick-starting it into action on short notice is quite hard, using the new mechanisms for clearing the trades done with the new currency is not impossible.

Mr. Jinping went on – “The recently created BRICS Development Bank will initially act as the BRICS Central Bank, issuing guidelines and norms of economic and financial viability, for each member country to adopt, so as to create coherence among them and facilitate trading within, as well as outside the Bricso domain. As our economies evolve, we may consider other steps to adjust to the new dynamics, like – as mentioned before – issuing common paper money. The BRICS Central Bank will also act as a bank of last resource for the member countries, lending to their respective national central banks at inter-bank rates.”

“We have also decided on an initial exchange rate between the US dollar and the Bricso – one Bricso equals 10 US dollars. This is roughly the relation of the outstanding debt – or unmet obligations – in proportion of the respective GDPs – of the US and the combined BRICS.”

Reality Check comment: It doesn’t take a prophet to predict that the western media will describe such a move as an attack on the dollar. Probably, stronger terms like “financial terrorism” are likely to be used. However, it is clear that the mainstream media will always demonize the BRICS countries so there is no point in trying to be “the good guy.” Anyone who disagrees with the NWO will be labeled as an evildoer, tyrant and terrorist. History is written by the winners and if BRICS win this financial war, the leaders of the anti-dollar movement will be hailed as heroes. Given the financial atrocities the West has committed against the world, it is safe to assume that any act aimed at dismantling the existing global financial system is actually an act of self-defense.

A murmur went through the room gaining increasing strength. But before the noise got out of control, President Jinping continued with a raised voice – “The second important step we are announcing – also as of January 1, 2014, the BRICS, Iran and Venezuela will sell their hydrocarbon – primarily oil and gas – in Bricsos, in a newly created Shanghai Oil Bourse. In fact, all countries, oil producers and otherwise, wishing to trade in other currencies than the US dollar may do so at the Shanghai Oil Bourse, or in short the SOB. The reason for abandoning the dollar as an oil trading currency is its volatility. In fact, the dollar has lost its value – and its trust – over the past decades; it is beset by enormous debt and has no real economic backing. Many oil producers see their hydrocarbon wealth at risk.”

“That is all for tonight. I wish you a fun-filled transition into 2014 and a happy New Year.”

Reality Check comment: There is nothing unrealistic about this scenario. Everything could be ready quickly. The oil companies will easily “unwind” their dollar-based contracts and even if they do it gradually, the global oil price is set by the “marginal” (aka “free”) production that is not sold in advance. The same structure can easily work with 3-4 delivery points across the globe in order to ensure a fair, transparent and adequate pricing mechanism for all global producers and consumers.

The presidents and ministers collected their papers and were about to step down from the panel – when the aula exploded in yelling and shouting.

One voice barely pierced the noise on the floor – “What will happen to the US dollar?”- Screamed CNN’s José Perez – “When suddenly a third of the world’s hydrocarbon is traded in – eh – I mean in Bricsos?” – BBC correspondent, Jim Dillen, was afraid that the world economy may collapse. France’s Bernard Betancourt, exclaimed – “Finally a relief from the dollar. But where is the gold? You did not mention it as part of the basket.”

A spokesman of the Nigerian Embassy, who attended the Press Conference, asked simply – “What are we going to do with the worthless dollars in our coffers?”

Mr. Vladimir Putin, Russia’s President, tapped the mike with his pen, attempting to soften the anxiety in the room. As quiet was restored, he said –

“These measures will certainly have an impact on the world economy. To predict exactly what will happen is impossible. Time will tell. But, yes, there will be some collateral damage, especially in those countries that have been relying heavily on the US dollar, on trading with the United States. But it will also affect us, the BRICS. A large proportion of our dollar denominated reserves will be wiped out, as the dollar will undoubtedly plummet – but again, it is difficult to speculate at this time to what extent it will lose its value.”

Reality Check comment: In judo, this is called a sacrifice-throw. Such moves require the thrower to move into a potentially disadvantageous position in order for it to be executed, such as falling to the ground. The momentum of the falling body adds power to the throw and requires comparatively little strength, compared to the effect. Sacrificing a part of currency reserves in order to bring down the American empire is definitely a good strategic move.

Mr. Putin directed his next words at the representative of Nigeria –

“And, Sir, yours too – and that of other countries that have large amounts of US Treasury bonds in their central banks. But, ladies and gentlemen, I predict that this is only a short-lived loss, as we will quickly recover the value of the lost dollars through a stronger and more stable Bricso. To be precise, the artificial and highly inflated value of the US dollar – which in fact, has for decades had no real backing, other than the world’s belief in America’s strength. But by now, most of the world realizes that the only strength that Washington can stand for is brute military force. Its economy depends on wars and conflicts around the world. The US economy is indeed based on destruction – not construction. Accounting for all associated industries and services, way more than 50% of the US GDP consists of the American military industrial and security complex. The rest is consumption of goods made abroad, many of them in the BRICS countries, and of values of services blown out of proportion.”

Reality Check comment: The crucial aspect of this operation is the message sent to the people of the world. The message is about the change of core principles of the global economy. Any change in the global financial system is useless without a proper change of the underlying ideology. For the BRICS to prevail, the professionals working on spreading the right message have to perform brilliantly. The world must see that the whole struggle is not about hijacking the current economic system, but it is about creating an equitable economic system.

Mr. Putin paused into a moment of silence, but then continued before the outbreak of the next barrage of questions – “If America has chosen this way of life – living on debt and high above their means, some 5% of the world’s population is consuming almost 30% of the world’s resources, they may consider that to be their privilege. But it is not, since it has become a burden for the rest of the world – and for our planet. This way of life is quickly depleting the Earth’s resources and destroying the environment by a boundless pillage of unrenewable natural resources and wars.”

And after a reflective pause, Mr. Putin added – “And mind you, not even military action by Washington – lest it be nuclear and suicidal – could stop this bloodless strive for financial and economic justice and equality.

After scanning the audience, he continued –

“In addition, Washington imposes the dollar as the world’s main reserve currency, and money of reference to be used in international trade. As you may know, we the BRICS, as well as some other countries, are already using our own currencies for commercial exchanges and for dealing with commodities. It would be unfair to expect the world to rely on a sheer paper currency that has no backing – and eventually is at the mercy of the United States, for example subject to inhuman sanctions, like the people of Iran is currently suffering – and Iraq in the 1990s. They can be sanctioned because their trading transactions are dollar denominated. We are seeking a fairer, freer world, in which sovereign countries can live peacefully together without the threat of subjugation for not following the dictate of a self-styled empire.”

Reality Check comment: Iran, India, Pakistan and Vietnam are already moving in the right direction. Iran is negotiating with India to trade its hydrocarbons in rubles and yuan. Pakistan is moving towards dropping dollar-denominated trading with China. India and Vietnam are progressively moving towards a close cooperation with the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus in which all members are strongly encouraged to drop the dollar in bilateral trade.

Silence. Mr. Putin looked around the room – into wide-eyed and confused faces. –

“And as far as gold is concerned, yes, you are right. Gold is not in our basket. The value of gold is subject to speculation and manipulation, mostly by Western nations. The highly fluctuating value of gold is the result of speculation, but foremost, the result of fear. When world leaders, mostly westerners, are afraid of their unchecked and wildly uncontrolled economies, they resort to gold, as if gold would be a savior. But the rising value of gold is but a thermometer for a sick economy. The intrinsic value of gold is nothing more than its industrial value. Putting gold into the basket would make the basket, the new Bricso, vulnerable to those who will undoubtedly try to speculate with gold, and maybe even revert to the gold standard to save the dollar. Those who are willing to follow the dollar, perhaps under a newly created gold standard are welcome to do so. The BRICS and its affiliated countries are not dependent on that market. Our combined GDP is at least the size of that of the US and much stronger, more solid – it’s based on real, hard production – and what’s more – our countries account for almost 50% of the world population – not a negligible market.”

Reality Check comment:The current huge gold reserves of the West are a direct result of their colonial past and looting of poorer countries. Therefore the repartition of gold reserves has nothing to do with economic strength of the country, only with its proficiency in being a colonial powerhouse in the past. So, gold would be a bad global “currency.”

“And let me add one more caveat – while the Western world sees hydrocarbons as the panacea for energy, their driver for world domination – we know that hydrocarbons, petrol and gas, are just a passing fashion. The future is in renewable sources of energy. For example, the sun is an endless source of energy. Through photo-synthesis it can potentially achieve up to 97% efficiency of solar radiation, for which we will invest in research and development. In the meantime, we also need to refine research into Thorium reactors as an alternative to traditional nuclear power – and investigate sources we are barely aware of that they exist – all around us. But we, the BRICS and those who will associate with us, will put our economic resources into alternative and renewable resources of energy. This will, at once, save the planet, and save humanity from the dependence on those who control the oil.”

Mr. Putin paused – his eyes scanning the room – quiet, full of unasked questions and worried facial expressions. He was compelled to continue, to quench the thirst for more answers, more explanations, since a world that has been living off instant gratification can hardly imagine a long-term solution to saving humanity and the planet.

He continued – “The future is with viable alternative energy sources and we’re working on creating radically cheap energy that will allow us a higher standard of living and a drastically more efficient industry. Our search for better and sustainable energy is a long term proposition. We mustn’t think about the next financial quarter or election cycle, we must think about future generations and start working today for the long term benefits of our children, grandchildren – and their descendants, who have the same right to our planet earth as we do.”

“Tomorrow – or better yet, on January 2, 2014, because tomorrow is a holiday in most of the Western world – we will see the first impact of this economic revolution.”

With these words Mr. Putin stepped away – ignoring the ensuing volley of questions. His colleagues followed.

Reality Check comment: Such an announcement hits the American economy, breaks the morale of the US vassals around the world and it is likely to create a massive panic. The gist of the BRICS’ message is clear: this is the end of the world as we know it.

Valentin Mândrăşescu

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Top 45 Lies in Obama’s Speech at UN

It was once said that being a skilled teleprompter user himself, Obomber is far more dangerous than Bush. It seems he’s living up to that expectations.

Top 45 Lies in Obama’s Speech at UN


1. President Obama’s opening lines at the U.N. on Tuesday looked down on people who would think to settle disputes with war. Obama was disingenuously avoiding the fact that earlier this month he sought to drop missiles into a country to “send a message” but was blocked by the U.S. Congress, the U.N., the nations of the world, and popular opposition — after which Obama arrived at diplomacy as a last resort.

2. “It took the awful carnage of two world wars to shift our thinking.” Actually, it took one. The second resulted in a half-step backwards in “our thinking.” The Kellogg-Briand Pact banned all war. The U.N. Charter re-legalized wars purporting to be either defensive or U.N.-authorized.

3. “[P]eople are being lifted out of poverty,” Obama said, crediting actions by himself and others in response to the economic crash of five years ago. But downward global trends in poverty are steady and long pre-date Obama’s entry into politics. And such a trend does not exist in the U.S.

4. “Together, we have also worked to end a decade of war,” Obama said. In reality, Obama pushed Iraq hard to allow that occupation to continue, and was rejected just as Congress rejected his missiles-for-Syria proposal. Obama expanded the war on Afghanistan. Obama expanded, after essentially creating, drone wars. Obama has increased global U.S. troop presence, global U.S. weapons sales, and the size of the world’s largest military. He’s put “special” forces into many countries, waged a war on Libya, and pushed for an attack on Syria. How does all of this “end a decade of war”? And how did his predecessor get a decade in office anyway?

5. “Next year, an international coalition will end its war in Afghanistan, having achieved its mission of dismantling the core of al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11.” In reality, Bruce Riedel, who coordinated a review of Afghanistan policy for President Obama said, “The pressure we’ve put on [jihadist forces] in the past year has also drawn them together, meaning that the network of alliances is growing stronger not weaker.” (New York Times, May 9, 2010.)

6. “We have limited the use of drones.” Bush drone strikes in Pakistan: 51. Obama drone strikes in Pakistan: 323.

7. “… so they target only those who pose a continuing, imminent threat to the United States where capture is not feasible.” On June 7, 2013, Yemeni tribal leader Saleh Bin Fareed told Democracy Nowthat Anwar al Awlaki could have been turned over and put on trial, but “they never asked us.” In numerous other cases it is evident that drone strike victims could have been arrested if that avenue had ever been attempted. A memorable example was the November 2011 drone killing in Pakistan of 16-year-old Tariq Aziz, days after he’d attended an anti-drone meeting in the capital, where he might easily have been arrested — had he been charged with some crime. This weeks drone victims, like all the others, had never been indicted or their arrest sought.

8. “… and there is a near certainty of no civilian casualties.” There are hundreds of confirmed civilian dead from U.S. drones, something the Obama administration seems inclined to keep as quiet as possible.

9. “And the potential spread of weapons of mass destruction casts a shadow over the pursuit of peace.” In reality, President Obama is not pursuing peace or the control of such weapons or their reduction and elimination in all countries, only particular countries. And the United States remains the top possessor of weapons of mass destruction and the top supplier of weapons to the world.

10. “[In Syria, P]eaceful protests against an authoritarian regime were met with repression and slaughter. … America and others have worked to bolster the moderate opposition.” In fact, the United States has armed a violent opposition intent on waging war and heavily influenced if not dominated by foreign fighters and fanatics.

11. “[T]he regime used chemical weapons in an attack that killed more than 1,000 people, including hundreds of children.” Maybe, but where’s the evidence? Even Colin Powell brought (faked) evidence.

12. “How should we respond to conflicts in the Middle East?” This suggests that the United States isn’tcausing conflicts in the Middle East or aggravating them prior to altering its position and “responding.” In fact, arming and supporting brutal governments in Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Israel, etc., is behavior that could do a great deal of good simply by ceasing.

13. “How do we address the choice of standing callously by while children are subjected to nerve gas, or embroiling ourselves in someone else’s civil war?” That isn’t a complete list of choices, as Obama discovered when Russia called Kerry’s bluff and diplomacy became a choice, just as disarmament and de-escalation and pressure for a ceasefire are choices. Telling Saudi Arabia “Stop arming the war in Syria or no more cluster bombs for you,” is a choice.

14. “What is the role of force in resolving disputes that threaten the stability of the region and undermine all basic standards of civilized conduct?” Force doesn’t have a role in civilized conduct, the most basic standard of which is relations without the use of force.

15. “[T]he international community must enforce the ban on chemical weapons.” Except against Israel or the United States.

16. “… and Iranians poisoned in the many tens of thousands.” This was good of Obama to recognize Iran’s suffering, but it would have been better of him to recall where Iraq acquired some of its weapons of mass destruction.

17. “It is an insult to human reason — and to the legitimacy of this institution — to suggest that anyone other than the regime carried out this attack.” Really? In the absence of evidence, skepticism isn’t reasonable for this Colin-Powelled institution, the same U.N. that was told Libya would be a rescue and watched it become a war aimed at illegally overthrowing a government? Trust us?

18. “Now, there must be a strong Security Council Resolution to verify that the Assad regime is keeping its commitments, and there must be consequences if they fail to do so.” Meaning war? What about the U.N.’s commitment to oppose war? What about the United States’ violation of its commitments to destroy the chemical weapons sitting in Kentucky and Colorado? “Consequences” for the U.S. too?

19. “I do not believe that military action — by those within Syria, or by external powers — can achieve a lasting peace.” Yet, the U.S. government is shipping weapons into that action.

20. “Nor do I believe that America or any nation should determine who will lead Syria … Nevertheless, a leader who slaughtered his citizens and gassed children to death cannot regain the legitimacy to lead a badly fractured country.” The Syrians should decide their own fate as long as they decide it the way I tell them to.

21. “[N]or does America have any interest in Syria beyond the well-being of its people, the stability of its neighbors, the elimination of chemical weapons, and ensuring it does not become a safe-haven for terrorists.” That’s funny. Elsewhere, you’ve said that weakening Syria would weaken Iran.

22. “[W]e will be providing an additional $340 million [for aid].” And vastly more for weapons.

23. “We will ensure the free flow of energy from the region to the world. Although America is steadily reducing our own dependence on imported oil…” That first remarkably honest sentence is only honest if you don’t think about what “free flow” means. The second sentence points to a real, if slow, trend but obscures the fact that only 40% of the oil the U.S. uses comes from the U.S., which doesn’t count much of the oil the U.S. military uses while “ensuring the free flow.” Nor is switching to small domestic supplies a long-term solution as switching to sustainable energy would be.

24. “But when it’s necessary to defend the United States against terrorist attacks, we will take direct action.” In Libya? Syria? Where does this make any sense, as U.S. actions generate rather than eliminate terrorism? Michael Boyle, part of Obama’s counter-terrorism group during his 2008 election campaign, says the use of drones is having “adverse strategic effects that have not been properly weighed against the tactical gains associated with killing terrorists … . The vast increase in the number of deaths of low-ranking operatives has deepened political resistance to the US programme in Pakistan, Yemen and other countries.” (The Guardian, January 7, 2013.) Why is Canada not obliged to bomb the world to “defend against terrorist attacks”?

25. “Just as we consider the use of chemical weapons in Syria to be a threat to our own national security …” We who? How? Congress just rejected this ludicrous claim. Ninety percent of this country laughed at it.

26. “[W]e reject the development of nuclear weapons that could trigger a nuclear arms race in the region, and undermine the global non-proliferation regime.” By Israel which has done this, or by Iran which all evidence suggests has not?

27. “We deeply believe it is in our interest to see a Middle East and North Africa that is peaceful and prosperous,” we just choose to work against that deep belief and to sell or give vast quantities of weapons to brutal dictatorships and monarchies.

28. “Iraq shows us that democracy cannot be imposed by force.” This could have been true had the U.S. attempted to impose democracy.

29. “Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.” Iran’s what?

30. “Arab-Israeli conflict.” That’s a misleading way of naming the conflict between the government of Israel and the people it ethnically cleanses, occupies, and abuses — including with chemical weapons.

31. “[A]n Iranian government that has … threatened our ally Israel with destruction.” It hasn’t. And piling up the lies about Iran will make Iran less eager to talk. Just watch.

32. “We are not seeking regime change.” That’s not what Kerry told Congress, in between telling Congress just the opposite. Also, see above in this same speech: “a leader who slaughtered his citizens and gassed children to death cannot regain the legitimacy….”

33. “We insist that the Iranian government meet its responsibilities under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and UN Security Council resolutions.” Among Iran, the U.S., and Israel, it’s Iran that seems to be complying.

34. “We are encouraged that President Rouhani received from the Iranian people a mandate to pursue a more moderate course.” More moderate than what? Threatening to destroy Israel and creating nukes?

35. “[T]heir own sovereign state.” There’s nowhere left for Palestine to create such a separate state.

36. “Israel’s security as a Jewish and democratic state.” Both, huh?

37. “When peaceful transitions began in Tunisia and Egypt … we chose to support those who called for change” … the minute everyone else was dead, exiled, or imprisoned.

38. “[T]rue democracy as requiring a respect for minority rights, the rule of law, freedom of speech and assembly, and a strong civil society. That remains our interest today.” Just not in our own country and certainly not in places that buy some of the biggest piles of our weapons.

39. “But we will not stop asserting principles that are consistent with our ideals, whether that means opposing the use of violence as a means of suppressing dissent,” and if you don’t believe me, ask the Occupy movement — Happy Second Birthday, you guys!  I SHUT YOU DOWN, bwa ha ha ha ha.

40. “This includes efforts to resolve sectarian tensions that continue to surface in places like Iraq, Syria and Bahrain.” One liberated, one targeted, and one provided with support and weaponry and former U.S. police chiefs to lead the skull cracking.

41. “[A] vacuum of leadership that no other nation is ready to fill.” All criminal outrages should have a vacuum of leadership. “Who would bomb countries if we don’t do it?” is the wrong question.

42. “Some may disagree, but I believe that America is exceptional — in part because we have shown a willingness, through the sacrifice of blood and treasure, to stand up not only for our own narrow self-interest, but for the interests of all.” When was that? The United States certainly comes in at far less than exceptional in terms of per-capita humanitarian aid.  Its humanitarian bombing that Obama has in mind, but it’s never benefitted humanity.

43. “And in Libya, when the Security Council provided a mandate to protect civilians, America joined a coalition that took action. Because of what we did there, countless lives were saved, and a tyrant could not kill his way back to power.” The White House claimed that Gaddafi had threated to massacre the people of Benghazi with “no mercy,” but the New York Times reported that Gaddafi’s threat was directed at rebel fighters, not civilians, and that Gaddafi promised amnesty for those “who throw their weapons away.” Gaddafi also offered to allow rebel fighters to escape to Egypt if they preferred not to fight to the death. Yet President Obama warned of imminent genocide. What Gaddafi really threatened fits with his past behavior. There were other opportunities for massacres had he wished to commit massacres, in Zawiya, Misurata, or Ajdabiya. He did not do so. After extensive fighting in Misurata, a report by Human Rights Watch made clear that Gaddafi had targeted fighters, not civilians. Of 400,000 people in Misurata, 257 died in two months of fighting. Out of 949 wounded, less than 3 percent were women. More likely than genocide was defeat for the rebels, the same rebels who warned Western media of the looming genocide, the same rebels who the New York Times said “feel no loyalty to the truth in shaping their propaganda” and who were “making vastly inflated claims of [Gaddafi’s] barbaric behavior.” The result of NATO joining the war was probably more killing, not less. It certainly extended a war that looked likely to end soon with a victory for Gaddafi.

44. “Libya would now be engulfed in civil war and bloodshed.” No, the war was ending, and Libya ISengulfed in bloodshed. In March 2011, the African Union had a plan for peace in Libya but was prevented by NATO, through the creation of a “no fly” zone and the initiation of bombing, to travel to Libya to discuss it. In April, the African Union was able to discuss its plan with Libyan President Muammar al-Gaddafi, and he expressed his agreement. NATO, which had obtained a U.N. authorization to protect Libyans alleged to be in danger but no authorization to continue bombing the country or to overthrow the government, continued bombing the country and overthrowing the government.

45. [S]overeignty cannot be a shield for tyrants to commit wanton murder.”  Says a man who reads through a list of potential murder victims on Tuesdays and ticks off the ones he wants murdered.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

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BRICS Independent Internet

brics cable

The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff announces publicly the creation of a world internet system INDEPENDENT from US and Britain ( the “US-centric internet”).

Not many understand that, while the immediate trigger for the decision (coupled with the cancellation of a summit with the US president) was the revelations on NSA spying, the reason why Rousseff can take such a historic step is that the alternative infrastructure: The BRICS cable from Vladivostock, Russia to Shantou, China to Chennai, India to Cape Town, South Africa to Fortaleza, Brazil, is being built and it’s, actually, in its final phase of implementation.

No amount of provocation and attempted “Springs” destabilizations and Color Revolution in the Middle East, Russia or Brazil can stop this process. The huge submerged part of the BRICS plan is not yet known by the broader public.

Nonetheless it is very real and extremely effective. So real that international investors are now jumping with both feet on this unprecedented real economy opportunity. The change… has already happened.

Brazil plans to divorce itself from the U.S.-centric Internet over Washington’s widespread online spying, a move that many experts fear will be a potentially dangerous first step toward politically fracturing a global network built with minimal interference by governments.

President Dilma Rousseff has ordered a series of measures aimed at greater Brazilian online independence and security following revelations that the U.S. National Security Agency intercepted her communications, hacked into the state-owned Petrobras oil company’s network and spied on Brazilians who entrusted their personal data to U.S. tech companies such as Facebook and Google. The President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff announces publicly the creation of a world internet system INDEPENDENT from US and Britain ( the “US-centric internet”).

Not many understand that, while the immediate trigger for the decision (coupled with the cancellation of a summit with the US president) was the revelations on NSA spying, the reason why Rousseff can take such a historic step is that the alternative infrastructure: The BRICS cable from Vladivostock, Russia to Shantou, China to Chennai, India to Cape Town, South Africa to Fortaleza, Brazil, is being built and it’s, actually, in its final phase of implementation.

No amount of provocation and attempted “Springs” destabilizations and Color Revolution in the Middle East, Russia or Brazil can stop this process. The huge submerged part of the BRICS plan is not yet known by the broader public.

Nonetheless it is very real and extremely effective. So real that international investors are now jumping with both feet on this unprecedented real economy opportunity. The change… has already happened.

Brazil plans to divorce itself from the U.S.-centric Internet over Washington’s widespread online spying, a move that many experts fear will be a potentially dangerous first step toward politically fracturing a global network built with minimal interference by governments.

President Dilma Rousseff has ordered a series of measures aimed at greater Brazilian online independence and security following revelations that the U.S. National Security Agency intercepted her communications, hacked into the state-owned Petrobras oil company’s network and spied on Brazilians who entrusted their personal data to U.S. tech companies such as Facebook and Google

– Max Keiser Report

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Changing the Flow of Information


Karen Hudes posted this on her FB wall, in reference to the latest Ben Fulford’s article, “P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money.”

“The Vatican/Cabal coalition you are pushing is not in the cards. Instead, what is happening is that the US through a grassroots movement assisted by local sheriffs, US marshals, in collaboration with the white hats in the Pentagon and the rest of the US’ allies are calling for the rule of law. It is this framework that will be calling the shots. There was a 95% likelihood that this would happen ever since the World Bank whistleblowers got through to the UK Parliament. This article explains…”

World Bank a security risk to the world order?

Former senior legal counsel at the World Bank turned whistleblower Karen Hudes talks about the corruption inside the World Bank and her personal saga to find out about it. She says a worldwide currency war is certain and NATO in jeopardy, if the wrongdoing isn’t finally addressed. 

By Lars Schall

Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School (J.D.) and economics at the University of Amsterdam (M.Phil). She worked as a corporate and securities lawyer at a major New York law firm and for several years at the Export Import Bank of the US, before she became a senior counsel in the legal department of the World Bank (1986 – 2007). Her personal web site can be found here:

Lars Schall: Dr. Hudes, let’s talk about the World Bank, which is often described as a “Bretton Woods organization,” since it was officially founded at the famous international conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944. However, the plan to establish this bank (and the International Monetary Fund) originated years before with the highly secretive “War and Peace Studies” that were conducted by the Council on Foreign Relations and the US State Department, while the money for the study came from the Rockefeller Foundation. (1) Given this background of being part of the “Grand Area” design and strategy for the post-war world order, isn’t the World Bank really a tool to exercise American hegemony?

Karen Hudes: I take issue with one part of that question – when you say, “American hegemony.” If you unbundle the political structure inside the United States, it’s not what you see is what you get.  It’s not that the American citizens are the ones that are running the country. There is a very wealthy group that is secretly, through domination of the press, trying to keep the citizens in the United States in the dark. And so when you say a tool of “American hegemony,” the answer is it is a tool of hegemony but I would take the “American” out of the equation. What you saw in the last presidential election was massive amounts of foreign money coming in, in an attempt to influence voters. (2) That’s the group that I’m talking about and I would be very happy, as a sidebar at some point, to discuss who that group is, where they are, and what they’re doing. Because I didn’t know about that group when I started on my saga, but I found out about them later on. Now I try to tell them that they have to start behaving themselves. They are not above the law; they think they are, but they are subject to the law.

L.S.: Okay, then let us go straight down to the nitty-gritty: Can you name the individuals and institutions of that group?

K.H.: I’ll tell you what I can do; I can point you to a very good study that was done by three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, ranked as the best university in continental Europe. What they did was examine the interlocking ownership of the world’s 43,000 transnational corporations using mathematical modeling tools. Are you familiar with that study?

L.S.: Yes, I am. I believe you are referring to a study which showed basically that a small group respectively “super-entity” of 147 financial institutions and multinational corporations is pretty much in control of the world economy. (3)

K.H.: Yes, that’s right. So, it’s whoever is behind that group which is in control of 1 percent of the investments but that 1 percent through corporate interlocking directorships is now in control of 40 percent of the assets and 60 percent of the revenues of this set of 43,060 transnational companies. That’s who that group is. Now, do I know who the individuals behind that group are? They’re very good at secretly hiding, so I’m not going to hazard a guess. But once we get the legal machinery in place, we will find out in great detail who these individuals are, and they will be playing by the rules along with everybody else on this planet.

L.S.: Before we come back to that issue: How do you evaluate the World Bank’s track record in general?

K.H.: It’s a magnificent place that has been hijacked by that group, so you really can’t blame it for some of the terrible things that have happened.  But some of the most talented people in the world end up there.  In particular, the group of World Bank whistleblowers that I have been working with is a dream team. They are fabulous, and by working together we have succeeded in exposing what the “super-entity” of financial institutions was trying to take away from the people around the world behind their backs.  I wouldn’t call it a “Coup d’État” because we have simply taken back what was rightfully ours.

So, the World Bank is a mixture which includes that group of whistleblowers. Their lives have been really, really severely damaged by the power of that group that was trying to prevent them from doing their jobs. When the World Bank renovated its headquarters in 1997, an architect/construction engineer tried to prevent a 70% cost overrun caused by mismanagement. Can you imagine, an organization that’s teaching everybody how to run projects has a cost-overrun of $220 million dollars over the estimates?  Anyway, he warned that this project was going to have the overruns, and he was fired in gratitude. Where is this man now? He’s managing projects for China. Anyway, when we were mentioning him as a whistleblower, he said: “I don’t want this publicity; I’m not a whistleblower. I was simply doing my job as a professional project manager and architect.” But some people, their lives were just completely wrecked.

So that’s what the World Bank is: you’ve got 5 percent who are fighting for justice, you’ve got human resources secretly managed by the “super-entity” of financial institutions, and you’ve got everybody else in the middle taking cover where they can.

L.S.: Why should anybody care about the World Bank and its actions?

K.H.: It’s an institution at the very center of the world financial system owned by 188 countries.  This institution can prevent a currency war and can also serve as a bridge when there is consensus about how to amend the functioning of the world financial system. It takes 50 years for an international institution to function. There is a simple convention that the Board of the World Bank will only vote up or down what is proposed by the President of the World Bank. When the Board tried to end that convention in 2009, the following day I was locked out of the World Bank’s headquarters.

In 1944 there were 44 countries at the Bretton Woods Conference; one of the Dutch delegates was a young lawyer named Aaron Broches, who later became the longest-serving general counsel of the World Bank. I wasn’t at the World Bank when Broches was general counsel, but I got to know him because I was interested in finding out about the history of the World Bank. Broches gave me the operation manual.  He was there when Robert McNamara came to the World Bank as the president in 1968. Broches told me that’s when the World Bank really started to deteriorate. McNamara made the place much more corrupt than it had been before that. The World Bank was established by treaty that was negotiated by the 44 countries which came to the Bretton Woods conference. By now, the Bretton Woods treaties have been signed on to by 144 additional countries.

So, the reason people need to care about the World Bank is it is a fabulous tool. We couldn’t create it today; but we’ve inherited it, we’re standing on the shoulders of our predecessors, and it is the tool by which we are taking back the rule of law, and we’re proceeding actually further than it’s ever gone.  People complain about international law, they say it’s not enforceable, it’s just wishful thinking; no.  International law exists, and it goes from the very bottom of the system way up to the top. Because the groups that want to be free to dominate the place and not be subject to law, their game is over, finished. This is a sea-change.

L.S.: But isn’t the whole thing related to the financial crisis and the fact that those people who’ve committed crimes are not punished for their crimes – isn’t that an clear indication to the contrary?

K.H.: Yes, but just wait until we finish doing what we need to do, because when I talk about taking back the World Bank for the rule of law, we’re talking about the beginning of a different approach. International law was developed by Hugo Grotius, a Dutch lawyer, famous for his escape in a trunk from the castle of Loevestein in 1621 where he was imprisoned by the Calvinists. Grotius believed in freedom of the seas and combined ethics, politics and law.

He said: “It is fitting that those who have the leading place in an alliance should arrogate to themselves no privilege in relation to their own interests, but should make themselves conspicuous above the others through their careful management of the common interests.”(4)

Now here’s where it becomes really interesting. Bond holders are entitled to accurate financial statements from the World Bank under securities laws in every single jurisdiction where the bonds are held. The World Bank has issued $135 billion in bonds denominated in the world’s currencies; anyone who holds a World Bank bond can hold the World Bank accountable. And this means that anyone inside that organization with financial information has got the right to make sure that is correctly represented in the World Bank’s financials.  If there’s an inaccuracy in the financial information, the correction must take place, and any person who reveals that inaccuracy must be protected and not retaliated against. This is now a requirement in the appropriations legislation for the US contribution to the World Bank capital increase. (5)  If you buy a World Bank bond (and I did so), you are empowered to fight for international law as an individual.

So, we now have a mechanism for requiring transparency.  Does every government want transparency?  Of course not, that’s why it has taken me fifteen years so far.  But that’s where we are now, with governments accountable to their people in a way that they weren’t before.

L.S.: You assume that a world-wide currency war is certain if the World Bank fails to adhere to the rule of law. How do you come to this conclusion?

K.H.: It’s a very important question.  You can see definite signs of an impending currency war by the US government’s seven year delay in complying with Germany’s request to repatriate 300 tons of gold; the difficulty in obtaining gold for immediate delivery; Japan’s devaluation; and legislation in a dozen states to recognize gold and silver bullion as legal tender. I elaborated on this in a recent interview with gold and precious metals expert, Tekoa da Silva. (6)

I have been warning for nearly ten years that US’ failure to play by the rules at the World Bank would end in a currency war.   I come to this conclusion because one of the things the World Bank is, is it’s a knowledge bank.  You have very clever companies that have developed services that they would like to incorporate in World Bank projects. For example, I was working on a project in Ghana on a freedom of information law.  The Ghanaians hired the Sentia Group, headed by Jacek Kugler, former Chair of the Department of Politics and Policy at Claremont Graduate University. He was President of International Studies Association (2004-5) and of the Peace Science Society (1995-6). He was also editor of International Interactions.

The model developed by Jacek Kugler is 90 to 95% accurate. (7)  There are actually two models that I am relying upon.  The published version is: “The War Presidency: Options Taken and Lost.” (8)  This analysis holds that what the United States did in the Iraq war may have made some sense in the context of the regional problems, but it was absolutely suicide for the US to fly in the face of its major allies.   If the corruption in the United States continues to jeopardize the US’ relationship with the NATO countries, (which we are now seeing in the refusal of the United States to comply with Germany’s request for repatriation of its gold), China would come way up very, very fast, but via a currency war that will force trade back to a barter system and disrupt the world economy on a scale that will make the great depression of the 1930′s and the recent world depression in 2008 pale by comparison.

I found out in the Ghana project using the Sentia stakeholder analytic tool that the reason that the freedom of information law was not being passed was because the German government, which was financing the project , wanted a perfect freedom of information law.  It turned out that in Ghana the people who were opposed to the law had enough political power that they could prevent the law from being passed. Once the German government understood that there was no ownership in Ghana for a perfect law, the local version of the legislation passed.

I was fired illegally as a legal officer of the World Bank trying to keep the World Bank on track in the securities markets.  I informed the US Congress that the World Bank was out of compliance on the capital markets, and was illegally fired in retaliation.  So I thought I would be reinstated immediately. I didn’t understand that the single biggest impediment was the fact that that group that I was talking about, the one that’s dominating the capital markets, is also dominating the media. I didn’t realize how concentrated the media was in the United States.

In the last 20 years the number of owners of the media in the US has gone from 50 down to 5.  So I couldn’t get my story out. (9)  I can regale you about what happened with the National Press Club, which has been hoodwinking the American people by censoring important information.   When we are finished ending the cover-up of corruption, the media will have admitted that it was certainly newsworthy when the governors, attorneys general and chief justices of the 50 states were involved in resolving this illegality.  How can it be that the American people don’t know this now?  That is why I’m so grateful to you for bringing my story to your readers.

L.S.: When did you come to the conclusion that a world-wide currency war is certain by using this game theory stakeholder analysis?

K.H.:  In 2004 I asked Jacek Kugler whether he would model rule of law at the World Bank. This is the second model, and is consistent with the published model, because the World Bank is a microcosm of the world economy. The input to the model requires an assessment of where the stakeholders are on rule of law at the World Bank, how powerful they are, and also how important rule of law is for them.  So for example, the president of a country may be powerful, but he’s got a lot on his plate, so that issue is not so important for him.  Kugler refers to that as “salience”.  The numbers as to how powerful the countries were is based on their shareholding in the World Bank; for instance the US has 16 percent.  But I had to estimate how important rule of law was to the World Bank’s member countries, where they stood on the issue, and so on.  However, where I guessed wrong was I didn’t understand the media.  I thought the media was part of a solution; I didn’t understand that it was very much part of the problem.

In 2007 I warned the US Treasury Department that the model of rule of law at the World Bank was predicting that the US would lose the 66 year-old Gentlemen’s Agreement to appoint the president of the World Bank. (10)  That is what happened in 2010. (11)  The model started predicting that rule of law would prevail rather than a currency war as soon as the UK and European Parliaments published my testimony. (12)

L.S.:  But is the loss of the Gentlemen’s Agreement actually something bad?  I mean the US is just one country out of more than 188 in the World Bank?

K.H.:  Let’s look closer at Hugo Grotius’ point: ‘If you’re at the top of the food chain in the world and you rule benevolently in everybody’s interest then this is a good thing.  But once you stop doing that, you stop acting as a trustee for the world and you start acting for the interest of a small group whose interests are different from the whole, then it’s a bad thing.  So, if the US had acted under the World Bank’s rules, and complied with the securities laws of the jurisdictions where World Bank’s bonds are held, the US could have kept its Gentlemen’s Agreement.  It’s only when the US acts illegally and against the interests of the whole of the group that the Gentlemen’s Agreement needs to end.

L.S.: Okay, I still don’t get it, and so make it plain, please: a) why do you think a world-wide currency war is certain by using this game theory stakeholder analysis? And b) please explain why NATO is in jeopardy – and maybe more important, give our readers some reasons why it would be a bad thing if NATO would break-up? Is NATO still a defense alliance?

I also spoke to Secretary Chuck Hagel on August 6, 2008 when he represented Nebraska as a Senator in the U.S. Congress, and I told him that this stakeholder analysis was predicting that the Gentlemen’s Agreement would end if the U.S. did not stop its hegemony at the World Bank and that “playing cat and mouse with these serious governance issues at the World Bank is also a security risk to the world order.”  After Chuck Hagel became Secretary of Defense, I called up the Inspector General’s office in the Defense Department and said, “I happen to think that Secretary Hagel will be very interested to know about a problem that’s going to make him lose NATO.”  And the next weekend I got a request from LinkedIn to contact the Defense Department’s project manager for their version of the stakeholder analysis.  I am also in touch with NATO.

NATO is in jeopardy because of tensions with Germany and Europe over the corruption emanating from the “super-entity” that is trying to dominate the world economy.  The stakeholder analysis is predicting that this corruption can be overcome through coalitions that demand the rule of law. Informed citizens demanding an end to the corruption will turn things around.  I believe that the corruption in NATO, like the Bretton Woods institutions, can be overcome.

As a lawyer, I believe that institutions can be retrofitted, improved, and salvaged and that when cover-ups of corruption end it is possible to close the loopholes that permitted the corruption to exist. When I say that NATO will break up, I am referring to NATO as a proxy for the transatlantic alliance.  Whether the accession of new countries to NATO has changed the character of NATO is a larger issue.  As the corruption coming from the “super entity” of financial institutions we discussed earlier is tackled, many existing institutions will change.  Lawyers prefer incremental change, and working within an existing institutional framework.  The alternative is an approach like the French revolution.  Is that preferable?

L.S.:  Was corruption part of the decision to get rid of Paul Wolfowitz and Robert Zoellick as heads of the World Bank?

K.H.:  Yes, of course.  The Board of Executive Directors asked Paul Wolfowitz to leave for promptly giving a 35% pay raise to his significant other who was working for the World Bank when Wolfowitz assumed the presidency.  That was just the tip of the iceberg; the corruption was systemic.(13)

L.S.:  Well, related to Robert Zoellick I think this is not really clear to the public…

K.H.:  No, of course not, that’s because the “super-entity” of financial institutions bought up the media.  It was because of Robert Zoellick’s corruption that the World Bank’s Committee on Governance refused a second term to Robert Zoellick, and Senator Harry Reid, Majority Leader in the US Senate, told Zoellick that he was not going to be renominated for a second term as president of the World Bank by the United States.  After Mitt Romney appointed Zoellick to head national security transition planning during the US presidential campaign, I tried without success to inform voters about the corruption problems. (13)  CBS, which broadcast the presidential debates, knew about the corruption at the World Bank because they used my information to embarrass the UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron during his interview on the David Letterman show on September 27, 2012.  After my testimony in UK Parliament about corruption at the World Bank, the UK’s Minister of Development, Andrew Mitchell, was raked over the coals in the “plebgate affair.” (15)  But CBS refused to ask a question on international corruption during the presidential debate.

L.S.: When did you personally became aware of improper practices at the World Bank?

K.H.:  I learned of the corruption at the World Bank gradually: think of old Polaroid pictures that develop slowly.  My understanding of the problem increased from working with other World Bank whistleblowers and seeing what happened after I disclosed corruption up the corporate ladder within the World Bank.   So, the first thing that clearly jolted me was in 1997 when the Board at the World Bank said under the Strategic Compact, ‘We’ll contribute to the World Bank budget, but we’re putting a condition that we want to see improved management’.   I was the representative of the Staff Association on the Drysdale Committee which was looking at Human Resources Reform under the Strategic Compact.  At the end of the exercise I said, “You know, for reform in an organization, you need to have monitoring to see whether the reform has taken hold.”  When my recommendation wasn’t incorporated, I was perplexed, and wondered, “Why don’t people want to monitor reform of human resources?”

We called in Alberto Bazzan, a human resources manager from IBM.  After about a year, Alberto came to me — this was when Jim Wolfensohn was the President of the World Bank — and said “Karen, it’s not working, I don’t get to see Jim Wolfensohn very often but whenever I do, if I tell him somebody should be promoted, that person gets fired.  If I tell him that somebody should be fired, that person gets promoted.”  Alberto also said, “I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last,” and sure enough; he got fired too.

L.S.: You also became aware of irregularities in connection with a bank in the Philippines. Please elaborate on this.

K.H.:  At the end of the East Asia financial crisis in 1999, the World Bank had a ‘structural adjustment loan’ in the Philippines.  In structural adjustment loans, the World Bank finances government reform policies rather than goods and services. In corrupt regimes these loans are controversial because the reforms are not owned by the country, and the proceeds do not end up in government treasuries. So, what happened in the privatization of Philippines National Bank (PNB) was the man who owned Philippine Airlines, which was in default to PNB, ended up buying the government shares in PNB.  The investment advisor said, ‘You know, depositors aren’t going to like that PNB is being managed by a borrower in default. This is a real problem’.

I went to the World Bank’s country director for the Philippines and told him what the investment advisors said; that the man who owned Philippine Airlines had broken the securities laws in the Philippines by failing to disclose his acquisition of more than 10% of PNB’s shares.  I told the World Bank’s Country Director in the Philippines to warn the government the World Bank could not disburse the rest of the structural adjustment loan.  I wrote the letter.  It said, ‘Dear Philippines Government, you’re not going to get the money, you’re not complying with the conditions’.  I said, ‘could you please sign this letter and send it to the government’.  Instead, I was reassigned. There was another condition in the loan requiring the Philippines’ laws on banking supervision to be improved, and those laws were never passed after I was reassigned.   So I went to the legal department, and I said, ‘You can’t reassign lawyers who are doing their jobs.”

I live on the same street as Larry Summers, and my kid was in the same elementary class as Larry Summers’ kid.  When this nonsense with the human resources reform happened, I complained to Larry Summers at a PTA meeting.  I said, “The World Bank is not being managed right: when we try to correct the mismanagement, the wrong people get fired; what’s going on here?”  There was going to be a new general counsel, and a friend of mine told me that there wasa good candidate.  So, I told this to Larry Summers.  After this man came in as the World Bank’s General Counsel, I asked him, ‘Why are you reassigning me when I’m doing my job’.

So after I was reassigned in the Philippines, I told the Executive Director who represented the Dutch government on the Board what was going on, and the two of us had a meeting with Jim Wolfensohn. At the meeting we said, ‘This idiot who you hired as General Counsel is leading to corruption in the Philippines, you’ve got to do something about this’. Jim Wolfensohn’s response was to put me on probation.

I went to the decision meeting when it came time to disburse the Philippines loan and told the Vice President for the East Asia Region, “The conditions haven’t been met for disbursement.’  And of course, that vice president knew that I was going to go back up to the Board, so he had to cancel the loan for $200 million.  There was a matching loan from Japan which was also cancelled. The depositors in the Philippines got nervous with a defaulted borrower in control of PNB, and there was a run on the bank.  The Philippines Deposit Insurance Corporation had to bail out PNB with a $500 million loan.  The President of the Philippines, Joseph Estrada, was ultimately impeached in 2001, and in 2007 an anti-corruption court in the Philippines convicted Estrada of plunder and confiscated cash and properties worth $29 million.

When the World Bank’s Evaluation Department told the World Bank’s Board of Directors that the World Bank’s supervision performance on the structural adjustment loan for the Philippines’ financial sector had been satisfactory, I said that the Evaluation Department was misinforming the Board.  The World Bank never ended its misinformation to the Board on the Philippines financial sector adjustment loan.  That was the kernel of the cover-up, which kept on mushrooming.

L.S.: Why were you fired ultimately in 2007?

KH:  I was fired illegally in retaliation for informing the US Congress about the cover-up on the Philippines.  In 2006 I was a candidate for the World Bank’s General Counsel position.  During my interview, I told the Executive Search firm about the failed human resources reforms and the internal control lapses.  Executive Search firms for the general counsel position of companies with bonds on the securities markets have to correct internal control problems.  When there is an international organization whose Board consists of member countries, this problem becomes especially serious.  I informed the Treasury Department that the Sentia stakeholder analysis was predicting that the US was going to lose the Gentlemen’s Agreement.  When the Treasury Department did not respond, I informed Senators Biden, Clinton, Obama, and Lugar on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Senator Lugar backed me up with three letters to the World Bank before I was fired, and my Congressman wrote a fourth letter at Nancy Pelosi’s request after I was fired illegally in retaliation.  Senators Leahy and Bayh also joined Senator Lugar in demanding a Government Accountability Office investigation into corruption at the World Bank the year after I was fired.  When the World Bank stonewalled the GAO investigation, Congress put conditions on the US contribution to the World Bank’s capital increase requiring reform to end the effects of retaliation. (16)

There are other World Bank whistleblowers reporting the same problems as I did.  They have stories that are equally outrageous.  You cannot run a bank as if it were your personal slush fund.  You have got to have accountability; you have got to have internal controls.  When I reported to Congress that the World Bank had deficient internal controls, I also pointed out that because of the special position of the World Bank in the world financial system, not only are you wasting tax payers’ money, but you’re going to end up with a currency war. When the World Bank fired me and stonewalled the GAO investigation, the governance crisis at the World Bank assumed constitutional proportions.

L.S.: In order to deal with your problems, you bought a certain kind of bond. Please tell us this story.

K.H.  The World Bank is an international organization and has immunity from lawsuits brought by its staffmembers.  But the World Bank has waived its immunities to bondholders.  In 2009 the Chairman of the World Bank’s Governance Committee, the Chairman of the Board’s Audit Committee, and the Chairman of the Board’s Ethics Committee, together with the Dean of the Board, reinstated me when I was trying to end the convention that the Board may only rubber stamp actions initiated by the World Bank’s President.  When I was locked out of the World Bank’s headquarters building, I bought a World Bank bond and sued in federal court.

L.S.: And what has been the result?

K.H.:  The short answer is that the US is viewed as a scofflaw nation in violation of its treaty obligations and securities laws in all of the jurisdictions in which the World Bank’s bonds are traded, including state blue sky laws.  Last week an Ambassador of one of the World Bank’s members wrote, “I would also like to recognize the work you are doing in trying to bring the Bretton Woods institutions to bear on the need to meet the agreed international states in the course of their operations.”

The long answer is that the Judge in the District Court ignored the fact that I was a bond holder and dismissed my suit.  So I appealed and the stakes were increased a little bit.  The day after I blogged that the Board of the World Bank was taking over the litigation (17),  the Court of Appeals issued an unpublished decision that did not contain the reasoned opinion that was required under applicable precedent.  Then the clerk ignored my notice that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and I were withdrawing the case after it was settled by the World Bank’s Development Committee. I reported the clerical error in the federal courts to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, to the rest of the Judicial Conference, and again more recently to the Judge who heads the Judicial Conference Executive Committee.  I also reported to the National Governors Association, the National Association of Attorneys General, and the Conference of Chief Justices of the state Supreme Courts that the federal courts were ignoring 187 Ministers of Finance.

On April 19, 2013 the Development Committee issued me a pass to attend the Spring meetings of the Bretton Woods institutions.  On April 20, 2013 the U.S. Secret Service barred me from attending the rest of the meetings.  On April 21, 2013, in a letter that was cleared by the World Bank’s shareholders, I informed Julia Pierson, Director of the Secret Service, that the Secret Service had acted illegally.  Later that day the Secret Service issued me an invalid barring notice, which had been signed by a World Bank official who exceeded his authority.

L.S.: It’s almost unnecessary to ask you this, but anyway: Did you get any protection as a whistleblower? And what are your thoughts in general how whistleblowers are treated these days in the US?

K.H.:  That’s a wonderful question.  I started out with a law firm to help me with my case.  At one point that firm gave me some documents which were very helpful, including a report from the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress to the effect that World Bank governance is very bad and its accounting is terrible. (19)  A couple of years ago, I went back to that firm to thank them for having given me that very important document. And the next thing I knew, that firm referred an assignment to me in the Philippines. Well, I have gotten some very powerful people in the Philippines rather angry. I thought it was kind of dangerous to go to the Philippines, so I said, “I’d be very happy to take that assignment, but I think I’m going to sub-contract the work in the Philippines.”  The work dried up when I wasn’t going to the Philippines anymore.

I have filed many complaints with local, state and federal law enforcement officials about illegal acts and not a single complaint has been satisfactorily resolved. It is the job of each and every citizen in a democracy to inform themselves what is happening to their whistleblowers and to protect them. The accountability feedback loop has been largely impaired by the “super-entity” of financial institutions which bought up the media in the U.S.

L.S.: There was actually an investigation to address the corruption at the World Bank, which was headed by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul A. Volcker. What do you think about the results of this investigation?

K.H.:  After studying Development Economics at the University of Amsterdam, I have some excellent contacts.  In 2005 the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked for an investigation of the Audit Committee into my complaints about the lapses on the Philippines financial sector structural adjustment loan.(20)  The Chair of the Audit Committee at the time, Pierre Duquesne, asked instead for an investigation into the Institutional Integrity Department. The Volcker Panel has been thoroughly discredited.  (19)

L.S.: Have there been other responses, for example in the UK?

K.H.:  Yes. I met with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office on September 28, 2010, and informed them that KPMG did not follow Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. The Serious Fraud Office called the SEC on October 10, 2010, but the SEC only stonewalled. Two Committees of the UK Parliament published my testimony to this effect.  (See note 11) After the SEC refused to respond to the Serious Fraud Office, that was when a UK lawyer advised me, ‘It’s time, Karen, to go to the credit rating agencies.’ All of these problems are going to drive down the US credit rating, there’s no question about it.  That is why the Attorney General, Eric Holder, is suing the credit rating agencies. Thirteen other countries have written to me about the illegality I have been reporting to them.

Now, I’ve made these points to the state attorneys general, to the state governors and to the Chief Justices of state Supreme Courts.   When there are these compliance issues, the states are also responsible for protecting the bond holders under blue sky laws.  I finally got a letter from Maryland’s governor, Martin O’Malley, requesting me to have my Senators in US Congress solve this problem. So I went to Senators Mikulski and Cardin, and they didn’t solve the problem.  I went to Senate Legal Counsel and to the House General Counsel, and informed them that there was an impasse between the state regulators and the SEC.

Then I went to Secretary Hagel and said, “First of all we’re landing in a currency war and second of all, we have a serious disconnect between the states and the federal government.  How is this going to be resolved, martial law?  The Judicial Conference is confronting a situation where 188 Ministers of Finance have reinstated me, have granted me a security pass, and the President of the World Bank and Secret Service prevent me from entering the building;  the clerk of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed my case in error; the Judicial Conference refuses to correct the clerical error, and the citizens with a few exceptions remain in the dark.  What you have is a country which is seriously, seriously out of compliance.  So, when you say the World Bank is out of compliance; no, it’s the US government.  It’s all of the different pillars of government.  It’s the federal government, it’s the judiciary.  The Congress isn’t doing such a great job either; they passed an appropriations law with conditionality and failed to require GAO to carry out an audit into corruption that they commissioned.

L.S.: Yes.  You also assume the repatriation of German gold that was announced by the Deutsche Bundesbank in January of this year has something to do with the problems at the World Bank. Why so?

K.H.:  That’s a very good question.  The Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve together with the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission sit on the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, and these are the entities that have accepted KPMG’s unqualified audit of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development when the bondholders can have no confidence in the accuracy of the World Bank’s financial statements because of the corruption that I and other World Bank whistleblowers have reported.

Germany asked to repatriate 300 tons of gold three months after the New York Federal Reserve refused Germany´s request for a physical inspection of vaults in which Germany´s gold was stored.    Instead, the US Treasury offered a paper audit.(21)  The Inspector Generals of both the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have not inspired any confidence in my case, to put it bluntly.  A dozen states are also moving to recognize gold as legal tender,(22) and Texas is permitting its pensions to invest in gold now.(23)

It’s part and parcel of this corrupt illegality; this illegality is creating such turmoil that people have concerns about the soundness of the US dollar as a currency.  Now, I’ve seen the letters that you’ve written and about why Germany needs its gold.  I think probably the best answer is that in a situation that I’ve just outlined where you have illegality from top to bottom, you don’t want your gold anywhere else because you don’t know what’s going to happen to it.  I can’t say for sure when the decision of your audit committee was made that required the audit.

L.S.:  Yes.

K.H.:  The strength of my case is that I have documented the illegality from the very bottom of the financial system to the very top. The only reason this matter is not resolved is because of this control of the media which is jeopardizing democracy in the United States. I’ve documented a serious case of what is called state capture. Is it going to be resolved? I do know that all of these World Bank whistleblowers have their own contacts with their governments.  Although the credit rating agencies have had a front row view, most American citizens haven’t, with the exception of a group called the National Taxpayers Union, which has a blog about me. (25)

L.S.: What do you think about the fact that the BRICS nations are creating their own development bank to rival the World Bank and the IMF?

K.H.:  I congratulate them, and I’m very glad that they did this.

L.S.:  Yes, but do you think that this creation of a new development bank by the BRICS nations is a result of this corruption at the World Bank?

K.H.:  Absolutely.

L.S.: And since we also raised the issue of gold, is it any surprise to you that these BRICS nations are buying gold, for example, Russia and China, whereas the western Central Banks and the IMF have a very different approach to gold?

K.H.:  Professor Antal Fekete has written about the significance of the current very high demand for immediate delivery of gold.(24) It is becoming clear that the corruption in the international financial system is risking a situation in which gold supply will cease as persons who hold gold refuse to relinquish it for paper money, referred to as “permanent backwardation.” We have got to prevent this from happening. It’s the “super entity” of financial institutions that’s unsettling everything; they have got to play by the rules. They can’t have a free pass to corrupt the world. No; that’s ended, that’s over. The fact that most people don’t know about them or what they do or what the BIS is, that has to end.  Everybody has to know, and there has to be an orderly transition to a world financial system that makes some sense. This current situation where they control the press makes no sense whatsoever, and it’s got to end.

L.S.:  Apropos the BIS; is it also involved?  And you’ve said most people don’t know what the BIS is, so what is the BIS?

K.H.:  The answer is yes, the BIS is involved. The BIS, Bank for International Settlements, is the consortium of central bankers.  The central bankers are private, they’re not government entities. Anyway, I wrote the BIS to ask them what on earth is going on?  I never heard back from them, which is kind of curious.

L.S.: Final question.  How would you solve the problems we were talking about if the choice was yours?

K.H.:  I’ve been thinking a lot about the answer to that question.  I think there are two very easy answers.  The first is that whistleblowers have to be made whole, as required by US Congress for the US contribution to the World Bank capital increase. The second is that the democratic deficit in the international financial system where people don’t know what the BIS is has to end. People don’t know it’s their Ministers of Finance that are dealing with these issues and what their Ministers of Finance are up to.  People have to become aware of this because it’s dangerous to have this democratic deficit.  So that’s what I would change, I would change the flow of information.

L.S.: Yes, but how would you change the flow of information?

K.H.:  Well, that’s a serious, serious question.  There has to be awareness that people are getting their information filtered, and I think once they’re aware of it, this is going to change.  I think a lot of the solution is going to come from the internet.  That’s why there are so many efforts now to limit the Internet.  I went to a conference on this, and it was no surprise to me that the person who was running this conference didn’t think it was suitable for me to address the conference.  You know, need I say more.  There is censorship, and the censorship has to stop.

One of the very positive developments is that people expect that soon there will be very wide access to the internet by all of the people on this planet.  So we have to ensure that the Internet remains functional, and that we pay serious attention to what happened with the death of Aaron Swartz; this is no accident.

L.S.: Yes, yes.  But isn’t also the internet a wonderful surveillance instrument for intelligence agencies?

K. H.:  Yes.  Recently I’ve gotten to know a US whistleblower who knows a great deal about domestic surveillance: Mark Novitsky.  People have got to become aware about what all is going on, and that should help us make a begin in solving this extremely serious and dangerous problem.

L.S.:  Thank you very much for taking your time, Dr. Hudes!

K. H.: Thank you very much for having me!


(1) See Laurence H. Shoup / William Minter: “Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations and United States Foreign Policy“, Authors Choice Press, New York, 2004. For a shorter introduction into this topic see Andrew Gavin Marshall: “The Council on Foreign Relations and the ’Grand Area’ of the American Empire”, published December 13, 2011 here:

(2) See Anna Stolley Persky, “Truth or Fiction? Foreign Interests in U.S. Elections”, Washington Lawyer, published November 2012 available here:

(3) See Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston: “The network of global corporate control“, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here:

(4) See Hugo Grotius: “On the Law of War and Peace”, Book XV, available here:

(5) § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). available here:

(6) Tekoa Da Silva, World Bank Whistle-blower: “Precious Metals To Serve As An Underpinning For Paper Currencies”, May 6, 2013, available here:

(7) See Randolph M. Silverson, “The Contributions of International Politics Research to Policy”, Political Science and Politics, published March 2000, available here See page 62

(8) Jacek Kugler, Ron Tammen and Brian Efird: “The War Presidency: Options Taken and Lost”, International Studies Association Meetings, Montreal, Canada, published February 2004, available here:

(9) See NSNBC International, “World Bank Whistle-blower. Confidence in the Dollar as an International Currency Is Waning. The End of Bretton Woods ? published May 2, 2013 available here:

(10) Analysis on the Rule of Law at the World Bank in 2004 by the Sentia Group available here: See pages 16-23

(11) Development Committee Communique, published  April 25, 2010 available here: (see paragraph 6)

(12) House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here:

House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here:

The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here:

(13) Foreign Policy, Zoellick Pick Roils Romney Campaign, August 8, 2012 available here:

(14) K. Hudes and S. Schlemmer-Schulte, “Accountability in Bretton Woods”, 15 ILSA J. of Int’l & Comparative L. 501 (2009) Available here:

(15) Wikipedia entry for “Plebgate”, The Week magazine 24 September 2012  called Mitchell’s public flogging “Gategate” available here:

(16) § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). Available here:

(17)  Foreign Policy Magazine, The Romney National Security Transition Team That Might Have Been, November 7, 2012, Available here:

(18)  Letter from Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress to James Wolfensohn dated April 8, 2005, Available here:

(19)  Email from Netherlands Ministry of Finance dated January 13, 2005 that my allegations should be discussed by the World Bank’s Audit Committee.

(20) Common Dreams Newswire dated April 6, 2010 concerning intimidation of staff in the Institutional Integrity Department during the Volcker Panel investigation. Available here:

(21)  Office of the Treasury Inspector General, Audit of the Department of the Treasury’s Schedule of United States Gold Reserves Held by Federal Reserve Banks as of September 30, 2012, available here:

(22) States seek currencies made of silver and gold, CNN Money, February 3, 2012, available here:

(23)  James Rickards: Texas Law Would Protect Its Gold from Government Seizure, Monday, 25 Mar 2013, available here: 

(24) National Taxpayers Union, Whistleblower Protections: A Living Example of Their Relevance, December 20, 2012, available here:

(25) Antal E. Fekete, American Bases In Germany and the Gold Basis, January 28, 2013, available here:

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A Plea for Caution From Russia

Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.

The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades.

No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorization.

The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism. It could undermine multilateral efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and further destabilize the Middle East and North Africa. It could throw the entire system of international law and order out of balance.

Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multireligious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government. The United States State Department has designated Al Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world.

Mercenaries from Arab countries fighting there, and hundreds of militants from Western countries and even Russia, are an issue of our deep concern. Might they not return to our countries with experience acquired in Syria? After all, after fighting in Libya, extremists moved on to Mali. This threatens us all.

From the outset, Russia has advocated peaceful dialogue enabling Syrians to develop a compromise plan for their own future. We are not protecting the Syrian government, but international law. We need to use the United Nations Security Council and believe that preserving law and order in today’s complex and turbulent world is one of the few ways to keep international relations from sliding into chaos. The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not. Under current international law, force is permitted only in self-defense or by the decision of the Security Council. Anything else is unacceptable under the United Nations Charter and would constitute an act of aggression.

No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.

It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.”

But force has proved ineffective and pointless. Afghanistan is reeling, and no one can say what will happen after international forces withdraw. Libya is divided into tribes and clans. In Iraq the civil war continues, with dozens killed each day. In the United States, many draw an analogy between Iraq and Syria, and ask why their government would want to repeat recent mistakes.

No matter how targeted the strikes or how sophisticated the weapons, civilian casualties are inevitable, including the elderly and children, whom the strikes are meant to protect.

The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. We are left with talk of the need to strengthen nonproliferation, when in reality this is being eroded.

We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.

A new opportunity to avoid military action has emerged in the past few days. The United States, Russia and all members of the international community must take advantage of the Syrian government’s willingness to place its chemical arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction. Judging by the statements of President Obama, the United States sees this as an alternative to military action.

I welcome the president’s interest in continuing the dialogue with Russia on Syria. We must work together to keep this hope alive, as we agreed to at the Group of 8 meeting in Lough Erne in Northern Ireland in June, and steer the discussion back toward negotiations.

If we can avoid force against Syria, this will improve the atmosphere in international affairs and strengthen mutual trust. It will be our shared success and open the door to cooperation on other critical issues.

My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.

Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.

The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades.

No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorization.

The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism. It could undermine multilateral efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and further destabilize the Middle East and North Africa. It could throw the entire system of international law and order out of balance.

Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multireligious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government. The United States State Department has designated Al Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world.

Mercenaries from Arab countries fighting there, and hundreds of militants from Western countries and even Russia, are an issue of our deep concern. Might they not return to our countries with experience acquired in Syria? After all, after fighting in Libya, extremists moved on to Mali. This threatens us all.

From the outset, Russia has advocated peaceful dialogue enabling Syrians to develop a compromise plan for their own future. We are not protecting the Syrian government, but international law. We need to use the United Nations Security Council and believe that preserving law and order in today’s complex and turbulent world is one of the few ways to keep international relations from sliding into chaos. The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not. Under current international law, force is permitted only in self-defense or by the decision of the Security Council. Anything else is unacceptable under the United Nations Charter and would constitute an act of aggression.

No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.

It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.”

But force has proved ineffective and pointless. Afghanistan is reeling, and no one can say what will happen after international forces withdraw. Libya is divided into tribes and clans. In Iraq the civil war continues, with dozens killed each day. In the United States, many draw an analogy between Iraq and Syria, and ask why their government would want to repeat recent mistakes.

No matter how targeted the strikes or how sophisticated the weapons, civilian casualties are inevitable, including the elderly and children, whom the strikes are meant to protect.

The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. We are left with talk of the need to strengthen nonproliferation, when in reality this is being eroded.

We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.

A new opportunity to avoid military action has emerged in the past few days. The United States, Russia and all members of the international community must take advantage of the Syrian government’s willingness to place its chemical arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction. Judging by the statements of President Obama, the United States sees this as an alternative to military action.

I welcome the president’s interest in continuing the dialogue with Russia on Syria. We must work together to keep this hope alive, as we agreed to at the Group of 8 meeting in Lough Erne in Northern Ireland in June, and steer the discussion back toward negotiations.

If we can avoid force against Syria, this will improve the atmosphere in international affairs and strengthen mutual trust. It will be our shared success and open the door to cooperation on other critical issues.

My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Russia and Syria Move for A Checkmate [UPDATED]

This is huge. The final pieces of the chessgame are being drawn.

Both Russia and Syria agreed to put Syria’s Chemical Arsenal into international control removing the Corporatists’ pretext for a nuclear exchange.

A false flag in Israel is already a long shot at this point in time. But who can control the desperate to act desperately?

Whatever the case maybe, this is already a checkmate for the Cabal. A mass arrest of about 30 thousand hardcore Cabalists can be expected soon.

Remember, both Syria and Iran have not attacked nor provoked any country whatsoever.

Syria welcomes Russia’s offer to put its chemical weapons under intl control

Damascus welcomes Russia’s call to hand control over its chemical weapons to the international community, the Syrian Foreign Minister said responding to Sergey Lavrov’s statement after the two met in the Russian capital.

“Syrian Arab Republic welcomes Russia’s initiative, based on the Syrian’s government care about the lives of our people and security of our country,” Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem said in response to the statement by his Russian counterpart.

“We are calling on the Syrian authorities not only agree on putting chemical weapons storages under international control, but also for its further destruction and then joining the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons,” Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier.

The UN chief has called for measures to provide for the safe storage and destruction of the Syrian chemical weapons arsenal.

“I am sure that the international community will take quick measures to make sure that these chemical weapons reserves are stored in a safe place and are to be destroyed,” Ban Ki-moon said.

Britain has responded to the Russia-Syria dialogue, saying that the chemical weapons handover idea for Syria must not be used as a “distraction tactic”.

“If Syria were to put its chemical weapons beyond use under international supervision clearly that would be a big step forward,” Cameron told parliament. “We have to be careful though to make sure this is not a distraction tactic to discuss something else rather than the problem on the table.”

David Cameron also stressed that the Syrian conflict can only be solved with “political methods”.

Cameron said that the only way to put an end to the conflict in Syria is to work out a peaceful political decision, adding that through it Syria will come to stability and democracy.

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International experts and former rebel captives are now one in concluding that the chemical attack was a false flag operation aimed at dragging the US Military to intervene against Syrian government.

In desperation, the CIA-sponsored terrorists are going to launch bioweapons attack into their friendly Israel government.  They’re going to do this after they have failed to convince the world with their kidnapped children for purposes of gassing them, and later, charge this heinous crime against the Assad government.

Kerry, on the other hand, gives a one-week ultimatum to Assad to handover the chemicals, as if he has the moral backbone to do so.

These behaviors are on top of the fact that the “White House: Evidence against Assad not ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ but passes ‘common-sense test’


RT sources: Syrian rebels plan chem attack on Israel from Assad-controlled territories

A chemical attack may be launched on Israel by Syrian rebels from government-controlled territories as a “major provocation”, a number of sources have told RT.

The news comes as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proposed that Syria puts its chemical weapons arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction in order to prevent a possible military strike against the war-torn republic.

Moscow also urged the Syrian authorities to join the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The offer has already been passed over to the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem, who met Lavrov in Moscow for talks on Monday.

We don’t know if Syria will accept the offer, but if imposing international control over chemical weapons stored in the country can help to avoid military strikes, we are immediately going to start working with Damascus,” Lavrov said.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has welcomed Moscow’s initiative, “based on the Syrian’s government care about the lives of our people and security of our country,” Muallem said later on Monday.

A few hours earlier, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that to avoid a military operation Syrian President Bashar Assad has a week to surrender control of “every single bit” of his stock of chemical weapons to the international community. “But he isn’t about to do it and it can’t be done,” he added, speaking at a media conference in London, as he was wrapping up his European tour in a move to win support for the Obama-proposed “limited” strike against Syria.

The US Administration has blamed the Syrian government for the alleged chemical weapons use in the Damascus suburbs on August 21. Washington has maintained it has the intelligence to prove it, but has so far refused to make public a single piece of concrete evidence that would link the Assad regime to the deadly incident.

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Syrian Children Kidnapped By Rebels Identified As Gas Victims By Obama Administration (Video)

By Susan Duclos

The horrifying pictures of dead children being used by the Obama administration to justify an attack on Syria, with the claim that the Assad regime carried out the chemical attacks that killed those children, while emotionally heartbreaking, do not tell the story of those children and do not tell you the main point the Obama administration is trying to coverup.

Those children were kidnapped over a week earlier, before they were slaughtered……. by the Obama backed Syrian rebels.

August 11, 2013 a report discussed the rebels attacking the Latakia village and Sheikh Mohammed Reda Hatem, an Alawite religious leader in Latakia said  ”Until now 150 Alawites from the villages have been kidnapped. There are women and children among them. We have lost all contact with them.”

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Superimposed these events to the recent disclosures:

  1. regarding the events prior to the Oklahoma bombing during the Clinton Administration;
  2. more Asian Asset Holders are joining the move to topple the Cabal;

We will expand this article as events are developing so rapidly, like so:

2 Million Bikers Moving to Washington

2 Million Bikers are heading for Washington DC Right now even though their Permit was denied for 9/11 & this will become very interesting as they reach there in time to be there at the same time as the Million Muslim March. Stand Tall with these Patriots and Share this please as they are riding for our Freedom! PLEASE SHARE THIS!!! Can we Get 2 Million Shares for the 2 Million Bikers by 9/11?
2 Million Bikers are heading for Washington DC Right now even though their Permit was denied for 9/11 & this will become very interesting as they reach there in time to be there at the same time as the Million Muslim March. Stand Tall with these Patriots and Share this please as they are riding for our Freedom!
Can we Get 2 Million Shares for the 2 Million Bikers by 9/11?

Supporting Al-Qaeda during the anniversary week of 9/11

n a twist of irony that has escaped mainstream commentators, during the week of 9/11, the US is considering a course of action that will empower Al-Qaeda, i.e. bombing Syria.
In a twist of irony that has escaped mainstream commentators, during the week of 9/11, the US is considering a course of action that will empower Al-Qaeda, i.e. bombing Syria.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Final Exorcism

Some of us have graduated from organized religion a long time ago. Others continue to embrace this nonsense because they have not found any better alternative, or worse, misconstrued it as a path to greater understanding of one’s Spirituality.

Nevertheless, they are very committed to better the system they are still in.

We are looking forward to the day when all man-made institutions that limit the human potential crumble through its own irrelevance.

A “Peoples’ Apostolic Decree” defies Pope Francis, Prepares for “Final Exorcism” and New “Jubilee” Regime on September 22

Posted on September 05, 2013 by itccs

Dublin – A multinational coalition of clergy and spiritual elders released their own Apostolic Decree yesterday that unseats the spiritual authority of Pope Francis and the Vatican, and establishes a new “Jubilee regime” within the church.

The Decree was read publicly in catholic churches in nine countries.

Based on the Jubilee Laws of divine renewal and social equality, the Decree is “a “Biblical and a peoples’ response to the criminal and unlawful authority of Rome”, according to one of its architects, Ciaran Ui Neill, a clergyman in County Wexford, Ireland.

“Human courts have found the papacy guilty of horrible crimes. But the court of God came to that verdict long before now. We are acting on our faith and reclaiming our church from a clique of deceptive criminals tied financially to organized crime” said Ui Neill in an interview today.

“So it’s unimportant what this new pope says or does. God has pronounced sentence on his false church and has disestablished its authority. And faithful Christians must now re-establish their church according to God’s word, which says, I am against the false shepherds and have destroyed them, for I alone will govern my people now.”

Ciaran is one of the founders of Not in Our Name, a coalition of catholic and protestant clergymen formed in 2010 that helped draft the Decree. It urges humanity to pray and fast for the next twenty one days to prepare for an historic “Spiritual Assembly and Convergence” in Rome and elsewhere on Equinox Sunday, September 22.

“Through a public collective exorcism of the foul spirit of the false church, we will be spiritually launching our new Jubilee congregations on that day, in the company of countless souls all around the world ” explained Ui Neill.

The Decree also invokes the radical program of the Jubilee Laws by calling for an end to all debts and interest, a collectivization of the land and of wealth, and a release of all prisoners.

According to Not in Our Name member Reverend Kevin Annett,

“We recognize that politics and spirituality are really one and the same thing, and that the Divine or Natural Law is simply about restoring justice and the earth to all of God’s people. We’re putting the Jubilee into practice, like every prophet and Jesus himself tried to do. And like them, we’re doing so against the established rulers, the bankers, and the religious authorities of the world.”

A complete transcript of the Jubilee Apostolic Decree follows, and can be downloaded. It is requested that copies be read in churches everywhere; and that people occupy and reclaim catholic churches on Sunday, September 22 and thereafter.

Not in our Name and its Jubilee Reclamation Movement can be reached at th***********@gm***.com .

Issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

2 September, 2013


A Jubilee Pronouncement: God’s Rule is Established as all Things are Made New

An Apostolic Decree Issued Sunday, September 1, 2013


Commencing twenty one days of prayer and fasting prior to the Final Global Rite of Exorcism and Reclamation on the Equinox Sunday, September 22, 2013

The rulers of this world and the false church of Rome have been disestablished under the common law of mankind, because first, they  have been dissolved by God present among us.

Do not remember the former things, of what has been. For behold, says the Lord God, I am doing a new thing, and now it emerges. Can you not see it?    – Isaiah 42:18-19

For thus says God, I am against the false rulers and shepherds, who feed only themselves. I alone will rescue and rule my people … I the Lord God will strengthen the weak and feed them with justice, and the fat and the powerful I will destroy.  -Ezekiel 34:10, 16

Set yourself against the holy places and prophesy against their wicked leaders, o son of man. For I the Lord God am against them and will draw my sword to destroy them and make them desolate. I will cut down both the righteous and the wicked, to make way for my new covenant. For my sword is drawn and it will not be sheathed again … Then remove the turban and take off the crown. Things shall not remain as they are. Exalt that which is low, and bring low that which is exalted.  A desolation and ruin I will make, by the one who brings my judgment.  -Ezekiel 21: 2-5, 26-27

On the Day of Judgment, you shall sound the trumpet throughout all the land, and proclaim liberty to all its inhabitants, for it is a Jubilee and holy to you. You shall neither sow nor reap, for the land shall rest … You shall not wrong each other, but fear God. The land shall not be sold, for it is mine, says the Lord God. Whatever has been taken from a man shall be returned to him … If your neighbor is poor you shall provide for him, that he may live alongside you. Take no interest or profit from him. You shall not lend him money at interest, and his debts shall all be cancelled … You shall not rule one over another but set all the captives and prisoners free.  – Leviticus 25: 9-40


On August 4, 2013, the corporate entity calling itself the Church of Rome was lawfully disestablished and publicly declared to be a global criminal body, without standing or authority.

On Equinox Sunday, September 22, 2013, the same criminal entity will be spiritually disestablished, declared abomination, anathema and anti-Christ, and banished from the world.

The Bishop of Rome, his Cardinals and all other officials of the Vatican have no authority in the eyes of God and among all lovers of Christ and enlightened humanity. At Equinox, these false shepherds will be forever removed from their office, and a new spiritual order shall be established.

This new way will be expressed in the free and independent witness of true lovers of Christ within their own self-governing Jubilee congregations, free of the corporate tyranny of Rome.

Likewise, the fallen social and economic global order instituted historically by the corporation of the Church of Rome is similarly disestablished according to the Jubilee Leviticus Laws of Renewal and Equality.

All debts and interest are cancelled, the land shall rest and be held in common, and all prisoners are set free.

These acts are done freely and justly in the sight of God and according to the Divine Law, to rid creation of the false church and anti-Christ spirit that has violated the innocent and the Holy Spirit, and warred against God and humanity.


May the living presence of Yahweh God, Source of all creation and truth, fill all people and make of them again the one body of love in which they were formed. For only God-in-us can bind up our wounds and break the power of evil.

In these times of trouble, as the earth bleeds and our people cry out for justice and receive none, God-in-us is the sword that cuts down what is wrong and clears the way for life in all its fullness. May that living law in us bring to ruin the corrupt and violent rulers of church and state, to show them and to establish that God alone is the sole legitimate law and authority on earth.

We love the truth of God that is the fire at the core of our being, for in the time of our misery and despair, that light alone answers us with a true word and the judgement of righteousness. May we turn back to that source now, away from the lies and corruption of those who have ruled us and raped us in God’s name. Let us hasten from the Babylonian captivity of false religion and false laws, and gather into the great assembly of light, where truth and justice alone hold sway.

May our hearts and actions be true to the sacred purpose of restoring the world and the Natural Law to all people, and planting that law forever within our very core so that never again will be be misled and destroyed by evil men.

May we prove brave and worthy of this, God’s own purpose, so that as new men and women we may reclaim the earth and its wealth, and hold all things in common for ourselves and our children. Let us become a living and imperishable sign of this new age of freedom and equality, come fully adorned into the fallen world of men, so that all mankind may be leveled into the one and imperishable body of love we were created to be.

As we are all good and equal in the sight of God, may we see and act as God does, so that we may-4


Go now in the fire of Christ to overthrow the world with love, and to break open the hard soil of men’s hearts to receive God’s rule come among us.

Prepare your own hearts to bear witness with your life to the end of all false laws, all false religion, and all false governments.

May the ever living God who breaks the spears of war and returns the world to the just make you worthy vessels of his peace. Hold yourselves in readiness for the end and the beginning, for the last made first, and the first made last.



This Pronouncement is issued and read in nine countries on this First Sunday in September in the year 2013. Please read it in your places of worship and among your families for the next twenty one days, and occupy and reclaim catholic churches everywhere on Sunday, September 22 and thereafter.

Presented by The Leveler’s Fellowship and Not in Our Name – a coalition of clergy, shamans and spiritual elders at th***********@gm***.com

source »

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book wil liberate ourselves from the tyranny of one man lording over another through violence, greed and superstition.
We pledge this in the name of the living and present God and of his son Jesus, who makes the first become last and the last become first, and in whose spirit we live and breathe and have our purpose. Amen.

For in those final days, God will pour out his spirit onto every servant and handmaid, and all people will share equally in that spirit.  -Joel 2:29

Do you see? I am in a new way with my people, says God. Not in the former way is this new relationship. For this shall be the way: I and my people will become one and the same. I will pour my justice into their very heart and being, and it will become their mind and will. They will all know me and the true Law. We will become for each other ultimate authority and purpose.

And so no longer will one person teach another or have authority over others, saying, this is the way; for every man and woman shall know the way and the true Law, from the least of them to the greatest. For the old corruption and division is gone, and I will remember it no more.  -Jeremiah 31

Behold! The realm of God is with humanity, for God dwells with them, and they are his people. God has wiped away every tear, for there is no more death or pain or suffering. The old order of things has passed away.   -Revelation 21:3l be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

evolution of intellectual freedom



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Kerry Wants to Kill His Friend After A Cosy Dinner

This is the beauty of the internet. One can share any information free from government control. Freedom of expression at its finest. A nightmare to the powers-that were 😉

Kerry is just been mentioned by Fulford as a “wife murderer”. Check it out here.

Here’s a good find about that guy from David Icke…

 Monday, 02 September 2013 13:30


‘Secretary of State John Kerry is calling for the overthrow and murder of his friend, Syria’s president Assad, claiming definitively that he used chemical weapons against his own people.

John Kerry was a frequent visitor of Assad’s over the last few years. Perhaps no one in U.S. politics knows him better than Kerry who was complimentary of Assad as short as 2 years ago when he referred to him as a “very generous man”.’

Read more …

Human shield formed to protect Syria from military action


Syrians from all walks of life have joined a human shield campaign to help protect the country from potential foreign military action.

A group of people, including artists and athletes, participated in the campaign dubbed “Over our Dead Bodies” on Monday.

The participants are shielding key facilities in the capital, Damascus, pledging to stand their ground until the military threats are stopped or they are killed.

The organizers of the campaign said that they have received calls from all over the world asking for permission to join the movement.

The campaign comes as amid threats of foreign military intervention in Syria.

Read more »

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

US Military: I did not join for this!

As of this writing the is still inaccessible. Reports have it that it has been defaced with the image below.

marines site hacked

On the other hand, a bulk of the US Military is losing the appetite for war. This report confirms the latest Keenan video update that the world’s military are reorganizing themselves to serve as the security arm for the implementation of a new economic order funded by Asian historical assets now known as the Collateral Accounts.

i did not join for this

RT i did not join for this

We can stop the madness now!

We haven’t stop a war before it began, or at least put them on hold. We even cheered for them as the uniformed personnel were sent abroad, waved our flags like we’re with them, and applauded every loud explosion as bombs hit their targets with perfect precision.

In fact, we love war. We used to play with guns and engage in mock combat routines when we were kids. We prefer to watch action movies.

We love violence in general. We embrace PC games that spilt blood all over, the more intense the game, the merrier.

But we’ve seen the horrors of war, too, and the obscenity of violence in all its forms. We never wanted the same madness to happen to us. We love it until it comes knockin’ on our doors. We are that hypocrite.

Whatever is happening in Libya today is our entire fault. Whatever is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan today is caused by our callousness, insensitivity, and even our obedience. These wars made possible the transformation of once progressive countries into hell.

The images of children buried in the rubbles of shattered concrete buildings. The charred bodies of civilians and warriors alike hit by the most sophisticated chemical warfare used by the Zionists. We’ve seen these images yet chose to ignore the stinking corpses laid flat on our silicon screens.

Our inability to feel the suffering of others is caused by our being used to our own sufferings here at home. The animal has accepted the persistent beating; it can’t feel the pain anymore. Even the once uncomfortable becomes pleasurable.

But not everyone has succumbed to this madness. There is more than a glimmer of hope as the warriors themselves are realizing the futility of it all. They’ve realized that war is just a banker’s racket, and Vatican is a bank.


Now you know why your pay is being squeezed, and who did the squeezing.

We can stop the madness and the mad people that instigate it. We can end all wars that are being fought, and those that are yet to be fought solely for the bankers’ glory.

We can do this now.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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US Intelligence Behind Staged Chemical Attack

This is something we need to know… verbatim from site.

US Intelligence or CIA’s link to a Saudi Prince who actually delivered the chemicals to the Al Qaeda “rebels” in Syria has been discussed in this previous article, Saudi & Syrian Rebels Behind Chemical Attack.

URGENT :Hacked Email Of US Intelligence Colonel Shows Pentagon’s Involvement In Chemical Attack In Syria ~ The video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by U.S. Intelligence (PLEASE SPREAD) ~ ENG/ITA

By Syrianetwork | September 1, 2013 |

The video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by U.S. Intelligence




Hacked Email Of US Intelligence Colonel Shows Pentagon’s Involvement In Chemical Attack In Syria

The situation in Syria is still in the focus of world media. Experts predict another U.S. aggression for “human rights”. Washington regularly declares its readiness to attack Syria. The official version – to punish al-Assad and Syrian army for the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population.

Meanwhile, the media has spread new proofs of the U.S. intelligence involvement to chemical attack near Damascus. Hacker got access to U.S. intelligence correspondence and published U.S. Army Col. ANTHONY J. MACDONALD’s mail.

Macdonald is General Staff Director, Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence the Army Staff.

It’s about chemical attack in Syria.


In the message August 22 Eugene Furst congratulates Col. on successful operation and refers him to Wasington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria.

From the Anthony’s wife dialog with her friend it’s clear the video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by U.S. Intelligence.

Screenshots taken by Hacker of the COl. Mail:

(click on pictures to enlarge)







This is a huge coup for the people.  This proves that the chemical attack was indeed a false flag operation.  Thank you hackers and hacktivists for this.  You are what the media should be, you are an affront to government, you keep them in check.  You are the new journalists.  Journalists of the 21st century.

More to this story as it becomes available.

All emails to the link




Email intercettata dimostra il coinvolgimento dei Servizi di Intelligence degli Stati Uniti d’America, tramite un colonnello del Pentagono, nell’attacco chimico in Siria.

La situazione in Siria è sempre al centro dell’attenzione dei media mondiali. Gli esperti prevedono un’altra aggressione degli Stati Uniti, per i “diritti umani”. Regolarmente Washington dichiara la sua disponibilità ad attaccare la Siria. La versione ufficiale – di punire Bashar al-Assad e l’Esercito Arabo Siriano per l’uso di armi chimiche contro la popolazione civile.

Nel frattempo, i media hanno diffuso nuove prove del coinvolgimento dei Servizi di Intelligence degli Stati Uniti d’America nell’attacco chimico vicino a Damasco.

Un pirata informatico ha ottenuto l’accesso alla corrispondenza del colonnello  dei Servizi di Intelligence degli Stati Uniti d’America, il Col. Anthony J. Macdonald, e l’ha pubblicata.

Macdonald è Capo di Stato Maggiore Generale, Capo delle Operazioni e Piani d’Ufficio del Sottocapo di Stato Maggiore per l’Intelligence dello Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito USA.

In esse si tratta dell’attacco chimico in Siria.

Nel messaggio del 22 Agosto si congratula con il colonnello Eugene Furst sul buon successo dell’operazione e si riferisce a quanto pubblicato da Wasington circa l’attacco chimico in Siria.

Dal dialogo della moglie di Macdonald con la sua amica è chiaro che il video con i bambini uccisi durante l’attacco chimico vicino a Damasco è stato messo in scena dai Servizi di Intelligence degli Stati Uniti d’America

Questo è un enorme colpo di scena per il popolo. Questo dimostra che l’attacco chimico era effettivamente una operazione di false flag.

Grazie agli hacker e attivisti per questo. Voi siete quello che i media dovrebbero essere, vi confrontate col governo, lo tenete sotto controllo. Voi siete i nuovi giornalisti. I giornalisti del 21 ° secolo.

Altre notizie su questa storia appena saranno disponibili.


Traduzione italiana di


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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook, a fully illustrated DIY manual for decisively defeating all incurable diseases at the comfort of your own home, and at the least possible cost!

The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

KEENAN: Closing In On the Cabal [UPDATED]

Update 5 Sep 2013:


Posted on September 4, 2013

Ø  International law expert provides clarification

Ø  The International Chamber of Commerce is not needed to collect new Global Human Rights Court’s judgments

Ø  The new court’s status and legitimacy is the same as the ICC arbitration court

Ø  Common law contract basis provides foundation

by Michael Henry Dunn

September 4th, 2013  –  In the wake of the recent update on the progress of The Keenan Group’s campaign to free the Global Collateral Accounts, the need for a correction has come to light regarding information provided on the new global court of human rights.  This court has already been licensed in a free country of the non-aligned movement, and will include 174 nations as signatories, placing themselves under the court’s jurisdiction.  The court will be a fully transparent court of record, with all cases made public.  This writer’s post on the subject also emphasized the swift enforcement of judgments the new court will possess, mentioning a relationship with the International Chamber of Commerce.   The distinguished lawyer and jurist whom I interviewed at length for that article has offered a further clarification in response to our post, explaining the exact manner in which such judgments would be enforced (for security reasons, this person’s name cannot be provided at this time).

The original article, published on September 1st, stated:

“As the court’s rules will be established on the foundation of contract law, they will function in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce, which by current U.N.-sanctioned treaty signed by nearly every country in the world (including the U.S.) allows for immediate collection through local mechanisms of any and all judgments, by means of wage garnishment, asset seizure, and all other appropriate means.”

The above statement was incorrect, proceeding from this writer’s misinterpretation of the judge’s original wording.  In a clarifying communication, the judge stated, “Nobody needs the International Chamber of Commerce to enforce our court’s judgments….Our court will have the same status and legitimacy as the ICC arbitration court, by common law contract basis….we can enforce our own judgments, just as ICC is able to enforce theirs.”

I regret the error, and am glad of the chance to clarify this important question.  Additional details on the rules and functioning of the new global human rights court will be provided in future postings.

Michael Henry Dunn

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The best news from the best writer re the Keenan Group’s recovery of the Collateral Accounts that will be used to fund the redevelopment of the planet a million times over,… Michael Henry Dunn:

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Ø  Global security force lines up to close down the corrupt elite

Ø  A new International Court takes shape, backed by 90% of United Nations member countries

Ø  Not just a PR show court, but licensed, legitimate, and enforceable

Ø  The final pieces fall into place: control of the assets; 173 nation alliance; a powerful global security force…and the rule of law

by Michael Henry Dunn

September 1st, 2013 – From the outset of Neil Keenan’s trillion-dollar lawsuit against the corrupt Western banking elite and bloodline families, the scoffers asked, “Who could ever enforce a judgment?  And what duly authorized international policing entity could provide the global muscle needed to actually shut down this all-pervasive web of influence, which is woven into every power structure, be it financial, political, military, educational, agricultural, or pharmaceutical? And where will the funds come from to back this massive effort?”

Welcome to the end game.

The latest word from The Keenan Group is that the legal basis, the financial leverage, the enforcement/security apparatus, and the cooperation of the global community needed to bring the fight for freedom to a close are now coming into alignment.

Those spearheading this fight have known for decades that only a slow and careful undermining of the cabal’s foundations would ultimately remove this global cancer, that violent revolutions are a tragic mistake – that such bloody convulsions have been, in fact, the elite’s favorite tool of control for centuries, creating the chaos that has allowed them to seize ever tighter control of humanity in the name of “order.”  As David Wilcock recently pointed out, the fall of the Soviet Union seemed to happen overnight – but it had been carefully planned for decades by Russian patriots, who painstakingly removed the props of power beneath Bolshevik hegemony over years of quiet planning.  Violent revolutions almost always result in chaos and greater tyranny. Storming the Bastille was no doubt a glorious experience for the oppressed people of France, but it led directly to the Reign of Terror and the ultimate rise of Napoleon, while the Rothschilds played both sides against the middle to amass mind-boggling wealth – and the foundation of their long-term plans to control the global banking system.

It would appear that the Keenan Group’s meticulous undermining of the corrupt oligarchy – the penetration of their operations, the hacking of their accounts, the careful crafting of alliances, the establishment of authentic legal mechanisms for their arrest, the assembling of a legitimate security force – and most importantly, the restoration of the stolen wealth of the nations to a globally sanctioned guardianship – are now almost all in place.  It all comes back to the Accounts. The elite’s fraudulent mirroring of the Global Collateral Accounts might be compared to the Ring of Power in Middle Earth.  When it was destroyed, the founding malice of the Dark Tower simply disintegrated, and the seemingly impregnable fortress slid to the earth, a pile of rubble.  When The Keenan Group’s final moves to control the assets are made, we can expect the fraudulent foundation of the fiat currency empire to vanish with startling speed.  The allied ancient clans of Asia have joined forces with Mr. Keenan in the wake of his recent meetings with the influential Count Albert Chiang in Hong Kong, and The Keenan Group’s plans for controlling the assets are well underway.

The exact nature of the global security forces that will hunt down and arrest cabal leaders and operatives may not now be revealed, for obvious reasons.  Mr. Keenan is deliberately vague on this point in the video message taped yesterday.  He will leave it to the cabalists to wonder which faction has turned against them, which intelligence operatives are actually moles, which elements of Interpol, or MI6, or CIA, or the NSA, or the Russian FSB, or NATO, or the Pentagon are actually freedom fighters, which well-bribed judge has had a crisis of conscience, which Mossad tough guy finally had his fill of Zionist slaughter in the name of Bilderberg profit…or which puppet head-of-state may be waiting for the moment to take a chance on the victory of humanity.  To these courageous ones may be added the thousands of timid and terrified cabalist mid-level operatives who will turn state’s evidence with a vengeance…once they see a prominent global elitist hobbling through a “perp walk” in ankle bracelets.  They may already be collecting evidence to offer in exchange for their lives or their freedom, as they see their escape routes disappear.

Meanwhile, the shape of the new International Court of Human Rights is becoming clear.  Neil Keenan arranged for this writer to have an extended interview yesterday with an international lawyer/jurist who is helping to establish the nature and standing of this new court – a global human rights court which is already licensed in a free country belonging to the non-aligned movement.  This distinguished judge has been working closely with Mr. Keenan for the last two years.    The aftermath of the cabal’s fall will entail a crying need for an untainted, globally recognized international court, possessing a solid legal foundation, effective jurisdiction world-wide, and most importantly, swift enforcement mechanisms to see that justice is done.

The so-called international courts of justice now in existence are (as may be expected) globalist frauds. The International Court of Justice, The International Criminal Court, The European Union Human Rights Court, the Inter-American Court of Central and South America, the African Union Court all share the same fundamental legal flaws.  Unlike an authentic court, they are not “courts of record” – in other words, the cases are not published, their database is not searchable, and the cases refused a hearing are not revealed.  These courts were all established by treaties which require the consent of the accused party – in other words, a nation which may have committed human rights violations may simply refuse to participate in the treaty, thereby removing itself (as the U.S. has done) from the court’s jurisdiction.

In addition, these courts require that all legal remedies against the accused government should first have been exhausted before the court will hear the case.  So if you have a million or so dollars to waste on processing a case through half a dozen layers of a corrupt and hostile judicial system, you may then have a chance – perhaps – to have a hearing in the international court.

Like so many cabal-designed institutions, these courts exist to thwart and prevent the very purpose which they were supposedly founded to accomplish.  The World Bank was created to eliminate poverty – it has dedicated itself to expanding impoverishment amid crushing global debt.  The United Nations was supposedly created to protect the sovereignty of all nations through global peacekeeping – little need be said on that score.  And the international courts exist largely to create officially sanctioned sink-holes where human rights abuse cases go to die.

The new court now taking shape is markedly different.  Firstly, it is not established by treaty (as with the fraudulent present courts whose jurisdiction may be escaped by gross offenders simply by withdrawal from the treaty), but by letters of agreement from the ministers of justice (or equivalent office) of the 173 countries (fully 90% of the membership of the U.N.) in the non-aligned movement who have joined forces to defeat the cabal, in which they commit their nations to honor the jurisdiction of the court.  Secondly, it will be a fully established court of record, with all cases published, constituting the searchable database necessary for a living body of law to have legitimacy.  Thirdly, it will proceed with its mission as a global human rights court on the basis of Common Law, and the body of international convention established in constructive contract law.  Not the mysterious, phony NESARA or OPPT super-secret, backroom-deal, non-laws promulgated by internet fraudsters, but the accumulated precedents of centuries, open to the scrutiny of all, and duly published.

And for those global elitists who are smugly scoffing as they read these lines, thinking “yeah, come and get me, do-gooders – see if you can touch my money or my freedom!” – we have some startling news. As the court’s rules will be established on the foundation of contract law, they will function in cooperation with the International Chamber of Commerce, which by current U.N.-sanctioned treaty signed by nearly every country in the world (including the U.S.) allows for immediate collection through local mechanisms of any and all judgments, by means of wage garnishment, asset seizure, and all other appropriate means.

The Indonesian judges and other officials who are alleged to have illegally conspired to keep Martha Wibawa (called Nelu) in prison should take note.  A complaint against them is being prepared, and their names are known.  A window of time may remain for this situation to be resolved, but the complaint is proceeding.

Or again, the global elitist may simply cry, “I refuse to recognize the jurisdiction of your court!”  Well, good luck with that one. The “shrink-wrap” precedent whereby software companies bind you to their terms of agreement when you tear the wrapping also applies here.  What’s good for the cabal goose is good for the alliance gander – the elite put people in jail and seize their assets everyday on the basis of the precedents of consent by failure to appear, or recognition of jurisdiction through the act of response itself.  The new court will apply the same precedent. There is really no way out of this one, boys and girls.

We are the world.  And you are not.

And there is that little matter of the new global police force, soon to make its debut.   As Mr. Keenan states in the accompanying video, this force will operate independently of the corrupt governments, will be funded from the Global Accounts, and guided by new international peace-keeping agreements aimed at establishing a safe arena for healthy competition for markets in a multi-polar world – one in which the absence of a deliberately created scarcity will make war a thing of the past.  Once there is a million times more than is needed to sustain the planet – a rough estimate of the true wealth of planet earth – then the endless warring for resources may finally cease.

We’re not there yet.  And the end game will have rough spots.  There is much that cannot now be told.  Keenan has aces up his sleeve.  And always a song on his lips.  This one’s straight and edgy and tells it like it is.  “Matt G.” with the Best Anti-Illuminati/NWO Song of 2012 – “Broken Monitors.”

Pass it along to wake up a friend.

Michael Henry Dunn

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Best 2012 Anti-Illuminati/NWO Song !

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook, a fully illustrated DIY manual for decisively defeating all incurable diseases at the comfort of your own home, and at the least possible cost!

The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Saudi & Syrian Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

One of those that controlled the corporate United States are the Saudis through its oil-backed financial muscle. In the article below, a Saudi prince is said to be the one who delivered the chemicals used in the attack in Syrian suburbs which the Cabalists are now using as pretext for an invasion much like what they did in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The madness must end now!

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

Rebels and local residents in Ghouta accuse Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan of providing chemical weapons to an al-Qaida linked rebel group.

This article is a collaboration between Dale Gavlak reporting for Mint Press News and Yahya Ababneh. 

Ghouta, Syria — As the machinery for a U.S.-led military intervention in Syria gathers pace following last week’s chemical weapons attack, the U.S. and its allies may be targeting the wrong culprit.

Interviews with people in Damascus and Ghouta, a suburb of the Syrian capital, where the humanitarian agency Doctors Without Borders said at least 355 people had died last week from what it believed to be a neurotoxic agent, appear to indicate as much.

The U.S., Britain, and France as well as the Arab League have accused the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for carrying out the chemical weapons attack, which mainly targeted civilians. U.S. warships are stationed in the Mediterranean Sea to launch military strikes against Syria in punishment for carrying out a massive chemical weapons attack. The U.S. and others are not interested in examining any contrary evidence, with U.S Secretary of State John Kerry saying Monday that Assad’s guilt was “a judgment … already clear to the world.”

However, from numerous interviews with doctors, Ghouta residents, rebel fighters and their families, a different picture emerges. Many believe that certain rebels received chemical weapons via the Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and were responsible for carrying out the dealing gas attack.

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” said Abu Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel fighting to unseat Assad, who lives in Ghouta.

Abdel-Moneim said his son and 12 other rebels were killed inside of a tunnel used to store weapons provided by a Saudi militant, known as Abu Ayesha, who was leading a fighting battalion. The father described the weapons as having a “tube-like structure” while others were like a “huge gas bottle.”

Ghouta townspeople said the rebels were using mosques and private houses to sleep while storing their weapons in tunnels.

Abdel-Moneim said his son and the others died during the chemical weapons attack. That same day, the militant group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is linked to al-Qaida, announced that it would similarly attack civilians in the Assad regime’s heartland of Latakia on Syria’s western coast, in purported retaliation.

“They didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them,” complained a female fighter named ‘K.’ “We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons.”

“When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them,” she warned. She, like other Syrians, do not want to use their full names for fear of retribution.

A well-known rebel leader in Ghouta named ‘J’ agreed. “Jabhat al-Nusra militants do not cooperate with other rebels, except with fighting on the ground. They do not share secret information. They merely used some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material,” he said.

“We were very curious about these arms. And unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions,” ‘J’ said.

Doctors who treated the chemical weapons attack victims cautioned interviewers to be careful about asking questions regarding who, exactly, was responsible for the deadly assault.

The humanitarian group Doctors Without Borders added that health workers aiding 3,600 patients also reported experiencing similar symptoms, including frothing at the mouth, respiratory distress, convulsions and blurry vision. The group has not been able to independently verify the information.

More than a dozen rebels interviewed reported that their salaries came from the Saudi government.

Saudi involvement

In a recent article for Business Insider, reporter Geoffrey Ingersoll highlighted Saudi Prince Bandar’s role in the two-and-a-half year Syrian civil war. Many observers believe Bandar, with his close ties to Washington, has been at the very heart of the push for war by the U.S. against Assad.

Ingersoll referred to an article in the U.K.’s Daily Telegraph about secret Russian-Saudi talks alleging that Bandar offered Russian President Vladimir Putin cheap oil in exchange for dumping Assad.

“Prince Bandar pledged to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria if the Assad regime is toppled, but he also hinted at Chechen terrorist attacks on Russia’s Winter Olympics in Sochi if there is no accord,” Ingersoll wrote.

“I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year. The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us,” Bandar allegedly told the Russians.

“Along with Saudi officials, the U.S. allegedly gave the Saudi intelligence chief the thumbs up to conduct these talks with Russia, which comes as no surprise,” Ingersoll wrote.

“Bandar is American-educated, both military and collegiate, served as a highly influential Saudi Ambassador to the U.S., and the CIA totally loves this guy,” he added.

According to U.K.’s Independent newspaper, it was Prince Bandar’s intelligence agency that first brought allegations of the use of sarin gas by the regime to the attention of Western allies in February.

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that the CIA realized Saudi Arabia was “serious” about toppling Assad when the Saudi king named Prince Bandar to lead the effort.

“They believed that Prince Bandar, a veteran of the diplomatic intrigues of Washington and the Arab world, could deliver what the CIA couldn’t: planeloads of money and arms, and, as one U.S. diplomat put it, wasta, Arabic for under-the-table clout,” it said.

Bandar has been advancing Saudi Arabia’s top foreign policy goal, WSJ reported, of defeating Assad and his Iranian and Hezbollah allies.

To that aim, Bandar worked Washington to back a program to arm and train rebels out of a planned military base in Jordan.

The newspaper reports that he met with the “uneasy Jordanians about such a base”:

His meetings in Amman with Jordan’s King Abdullah sometimes ran to eight hours in a single sitting. “The king would joke: ‘Oh, Bandar’s coming again? Let’s clear two days for the meeting,’ ” said a person familiar with the meetings.

Jordan’s financial dependence on Saudi Arabia may have given the Saudis strong leverage. An operations center in Jordan started going online in the summer of 2012, including an airstrip and warehouses for arms. Saudi-procured AK-47s and ammunition arrived, WSJ reported, citing Arab officials.

Although Saudi Arabia has officially maintained that it supported more moderate rebels, the newspaper reported that “funds and arms were being funneled to radicals on the side, simply to counter the influence of rival Islamists backed by Qatar.”

But rebels interviewed said Prince Bandar is referred to as “al-Habib” or ‘the lover’ by al-Qaida militants fighting in Syria.

Peter Oborne, writing in the Daily Telegraph on Thursday, has issued a word of caution about Washington’s rush to punish the Assad regime with so-called ‘limited’ strikes not meant to overthrow the Syrian leader but diminish his capacity to use chemical weapons:

Consider this: the only beneficiaries from the atrocity were the rebels, previously losing the war, who now have Britain and America ready to intervene on their side. While there seems to be little doubt that chemical weapons were used, there is doubt about who deployed them.

It is important to remember that Assad has been accused of using poison gas against civilians before. But on that occasion, Carla del Ponte, a U.N. commissioner on Syria, concluded that the rebels, not Assad, were probably responsible.

Some information in this article could not be independently verified. Mint Press News will continue to provide further information and updates . 

Dale Gavlak is a Middle East correspondent for Mint Press News and has reported from Amman, Jordan, writing for the Associated Press, NPR and BBC. An expert in Middle Eastern affairs, Gavlak covers the Levant region, writing on topics including politics, social issues and economic trends. Dale holds a M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Chicago. Contact Dale at dg*****@mi***********.com

Yahya Ababneh is a Jordanian freelance journalist and is currently working on a master’s degree in journalism,  He has covered events in Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Libya. His stories have appeared on Amman Net, Saraya News, Gerasa News and elsewhere.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, you could also like our FB page.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.


September could be the month when the final cabal takedown will occur or all hell will broke lose as the Cabalists are now preparing war materials aimed at invading Syria that could trigger the BRICS to respond.

As we’ve already known, the process to recover the Collateral Accounts is nearing completion through the efforts of the Neil Keenan Group. The Cabalists, on the other hand, are working hard to convince the world that Assad in Syria need to go for having avoided the introduction of fiat banking in their country, among other measures to prevent total submission to the Corporation.

United Kingdom, the mother corporation of the United States, is now positioning warplanes and other military hardware in Cyprus in preparation for such invasion, while the cabal-affiliated rebels are avoiding the Geneva peace talks which would halt their corporatist intentions in the country.  No need for international consensus either. War can happen anywhere and anytime as they please. This is the position of Cameron and his ilk.

What these means really is to tell Asia that if she keeps pursuing the current course of recovering the assets known as the Collateral Accounts, i.e. 4,638,791,996 kgs. of Pure Gold, war is inevitable.

Intimidating Asia at this point is useless for the following reasons:

  1. More and more people have come to understand the Whole Story about how the Fiat Banking works; that the numbers on that special paper are meaningless; that the interests charged on borrowing these worthless papers can be manipulated on a whim; that debt is the chain on which slaves are locked into from the cradle to their grave;
  2. The Good Soldiers are tired of fighting wars they don’t really understand; the Mercenaries put in their stead require bigger expense from their bankrupt Federal  Reserve; drug cartels, from which they sourced the bulk of their operating funds, have been taken down, one drug lord at a time;
  3. More and more countries are joining the BRICS to reform the global economic system without using the threat of war, and with a currency truly backed up by tangible assets and goods of real value;
  4. Missiles carrying nuclear warheads and armed drones can be shoot down on flight before reaching intended targets; probably the reason why ground based chemical attacks are being used instead and blame them on Assad; nevertheless, the Assad government is winning, restoring peace throughout the country city by city.
  5. The CIA’s well-established method of introducing death squads into a country where they can enter militarily later on has been exposed and will not work anymore.


More recent events that can’t fit on this single page are happening as we “speak”. Both the Cabal desperation and the Reformists’ confidence are very obvious at this time, but shouldn’t be a cause for premature celebration as there are a lot of things that still begging to be done.

We will expand this developing story in the coming days. In the meantime here’s a good update from Karen Hudes, the World Bank whistleblower, and Neil Keenan answering your questions through Jean…

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Published on Aug 27, 2013… – World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes says this is not a fight about money, but survival of the planet. “We’re dealing with whether we can continue as humanity and have an earth or whether we blow ourselves up. . . . whether we love each other enough to save the world, or we all go to hell in a hand basket,” says Hudes. Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with World Bank Whistle Blower Karen Hudes. source »

Neil Keenan responds to a reader, Wolf . . . plus three videos (with many links for those with interest) . . .

Posted on August 26, 2013 by

Wolf says: 

Sorry Jean, I wish I wasn’t the one to put a damper on this but I have to be perfectly honest and ask what exactly are we celebrating about?

Neil explains allies were detained at airports for days, Supreme Court backdates document in an attempt to illegally keep Martha Wibawa in prison, Federal Reserve wants to reset the system and cancel debts, so apart from all this what information am I missing here that tells me we are to celebrate?

Did something positive and concrete happened that shows we are defeating the cabal? Can someone explain to me why we are meant to be jubilant? I just don’t see it here.

Neil says: 

I wholeheartedly agree with you Wolf. I wanted to get it out that they are not rolling over and playing dead. They are fighting back. They are illegally doing whatever they can to prevent us from moving on. In the meanwhile they are planning to destroy the US as we know it and by moving towards Syria they are tossing us a diversion so they can enslave the US population.

It is time our people stepped up and realized this is real. This is going to hurt everyone very soon if they do not act. In the meanwhile they cannot afford to let this happen here in Indonesia this is why Hagel is here. He is here for no other reason than to steal the Global Accounts thereby alleviating the Federal Reserve Debt. It is a mission to hurt and plunder this nation (Indonesia). How can one trust a snake when a snake is exactly what it claims to be—-A SNAKE… How many times must we believe them when in fact they are the deceptors and lie to us with a smile on their faces. How many pats on the back does one need before realizing the knife is digging deeper in each time we get one?

It is time for people to come together, to understand that now is the time we either shit or get off the pot. It is the time when the Elite Corporation that has stolen from us all for so long has decided this is it; we are to close and getting closer. It is time when we keep our eyes on the elite. We do not let them escape anymore than the Corporation wants us kept in check. We want them in check as well. Keep our eyes open and watch their actions. Do not let them escape to their underground bunkers and make them face the MERS VIRUS they are going to release upon our people. Force them to suffer as we suffer or better still, that being, we take the bunkers for our people and leave them on top to face their own actions.

So much Wolf but no I do not think this post is a victory but what I wanted to do was wake people up. They have decided to fight back and are now doing it. Nothing more. On the other hand we are light years ahead of their thoughts, but now that we know they want to KILL us all, we must understand their simple thoughts play out with violence and it is called the END game. We must prevail for everyone to survive. I have said plenty and can go on for hours, but this is it Wolf! Get ready for the Day that is coming soon, and thanks for your proper response.

Wolf my feeling is that we should stick it up their backsides and that everyone should place a flag on their homes letting the bastards know we are Patriots. and we do not want any make believe Americans running our countries and if not America then wherever we may be. The battleground this time is America and Americans must stand and fight. If we place so many flags that it transforms the country with Millions of flags it should be enough to show our Pentagon that we need them and we need them now. Keep screaming and letting them know we are ready to fight for our land and not ready to give it up to Zionist, Nazis, or Kazars. We must get rid of them and get rid of them fast. We must impeach all the bastards responsible for this. We must imprison those who cannot be impeached, and we must deal with them correctly. So once again keep your eyes open and do not let them walk down the street without eyes on them. They are the Devil incarnate and are worthless to anyone but such a Devil. Get rid of them all then we can live the way it was meant to be lived.

If you’re an American you should see THIS! for real

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Uploaded on Apr 19, 2009

At last one has spoken out!

Fema Camp Documents Leaked

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Published on May 13, 2013


Documents for our future home in a fema camp…

Army hiring for these internment camps:…

Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness…

National Defense Preparedness Order AKA Legal Confiscation of Your Property……


One Hundred Twelfth Congress

of the

United States of America


H. R. 1540


Why Is The U.S. Spending Hundreds Of Millions On Secret Underground Bunkers in Israel?…

Elite Underground Tunnels and City Completely Stocked March 2013…


56 Million People Exterminated from Gun Control in 20th Century !! DONT Be another Statistic ! RISE…

30.000 Drones On The Way Now To AMERICA Corp…

DRONE WARFARE: Terrorism……………………………

30.000 Drones On The Way Now To AMERICA Corp…

Elite Underground Tunnels and City Completely Stocked March 2013…

Obama Signed The NDAA During New-Years 2011…

S.1867 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012…

National Security Policy


Obama lawyers: Citizens targeted if at war with US…

S. 3081 and John Thune: National Security Trumps Essential Liberty…

Follow The Money…

Final Curtain: Obama Signs Indefinite Detention of Citizens Into Law As Final Act of 2011…

S. 3081 (111th): Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010…

credit DAHBOO77…


Leaked Document Military Internment Camps in U.S


Jasenovac – Cruelest Death Camp (WARNING – NOT CENSORED)…

FBI Director No Due Process ∞ NDRP NDAA Martial Law Fed’s Own & Control Everything Napolitano…

Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness…

National Defense Authorization Act………

NASA War Document…

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Published on Aug 17, 2013


In the most recent story, Medicare and Medical were left ambiguously out of the discussion. It’s for Mothers under 21, people who are or have ever served in the military and people who smoke. The initial objective is to take children out of homes and institutionalize them. Take drugs and users from homes and institutionalize them – detainment – prison. The military & vets are to take guns and ammunitions from individuals and detainment. So America can’t fight back.

There are a lot of things HAPPENING. This will not go well. Gov’t is threatening to shut down unless Congress votes to ‘DEFUND’ Obamacare. So that the law will collapse.

The information that was given to me is currently in the process of being vetted, which is one of the reasons the title stipulates, “…POSSIBLE.”

FYI – Sheldon R Songstad – 75 years of age – currently resides in Buffalo Ridge, SD


His name and information are listed in the history of Senators for South Dakota.…


Federal law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyright motion pictures, video tapes, or video disks under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This infringement of copyright is called FAIR USE…

…and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody.

Emergency Fema Region 3 Alert!!!


Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:43 AM

Subject: National update from Sheldon: Senator Sheldon R. Songstad, Ret. of South Dakota State



Documentation Sources:…

Interesting Sources:…


chaddydad1 cha




*FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for entertainment purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, you could also like our FB page.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Doctors Without Borders Aiding Terrorists

First there was this Red Cross, a humanitarian organization which can cross behind enemy lines during conflict of any magnitude. Why it can do so, is where Jordan Maxwell’s research comes into play.

The Red Cross is carrying the symbol of a cross because it was created by the same people that gave us the Vatican. The Red Cross’s function is laudable on the surface but once you consider where the funds it collected had gone for every disaster, manmade or otherwise, a darker picture will soon emerge.

Everybody knows Pope Benedict has resigned early this year, but not everyone knows that real cause of his resignation which is not some “mystical experience” but the exposure of the Vatican Bank’s involvement in mafia’s money laundering operations, among others.

Recent resignations include top Vatican officials, Director Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli, “after the arrest of another Vatican official, a financial broker and  a former secret service police officer over smuggling cash in millions into Italy.”

So if the organization that created the Red Cross is declared a ‘transnational criminal syndicate” then the Red Cross itself is serving nothing else but the interests of the syndicate.

Most corporations have a department for public relations. They sometimes organized it as a foundation to avoid taxes. The Red Cross is not just about pleasing the public, but provides a mechanism through which CIA agents could penetrate the enemy beyond borders. Of course, everybody knows that already, so they formed another PR group known as the “Doctors Without Borders”.

The “evidence” from which all three corporations: United States, United Kingdom, United Nations. would like to justify their decade-planned military intervention regarding Syria is hinging on the claims of the “Doctors Without Borders” that it was the Syrian Army who perpetrated the chemical attack against their own people. The article below will shatter this story…

“Doctors” Behind Syrian Chemical Weapons Claims are Aiding Terrorists

By Tony Cartalucci

Global Research, August 25, 2013

The “evidence” upon which the West is propping up its narrative of the Syrian government using chemical weapons against large numbers of civilians hinges so far entirely on claims made by “Doctors Without Borders.” In the New York Times article, “Signs of Chemical Attack Detailed by Aid Group,” it is reported:

An international aid group said Saturday that medical centers it supported near the site of a suspected chemical weapons attack near Damascus received more than 3,000 patients showing symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic nerve agents on the morning of the reported attack.

Of those, 355 died, said the group, Doctors Without Borders.

The statement is the first issued by an international organization working in Syria about the attack on Wednesday in the suburbs northeast of Damascus, the capital.

While it is often described by the Western media as “independent,” nothing could be further from the truth.

To begin with, Doctors Without Borders is fully funded by the very same corporate financier interests behind Wall Street and London’s collective foreign policy, including regime change in Syria and neighboring Iran. Doctors Without Borders’ own annual report (2010 report can be accessed here), includes as financial donors, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg, Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital, and a myriad of other corporate-financier interests.

Doctors Without Borders also features bankers upon its Board of Advisers including Elizabeth Beshel Robinson of Goldman Sachs.

Complicating further Doctors Without Borders so-called “independ” and “aid” claims is the fact that their medical facilities are set up in terrorist held regions of Syria, especially along Syria’s northern border with NATO-member Turkey.  In an interview with NPR, Doctors Without Borders’ Stephen Cornish revealed the nature of his organization’s involvement in the Syrian conflict, where he explains that aid is being sent to regions outside of the Syrian government’s control, and that his organization is in fact setting up facilities in these areas. Cornish admits [emphasis added]:

Over the past months, we’ve had a surgery that was opened inside a cave. We’ve had another that was opened in a chicken farm, a third one in a house. And these structures, we’ve tried to outfit them as best as we can with enough modern technology and with full medical teams. They originally were dealing mainly with combatant injuries and people who were – civilians who were directly affected by the conflict.

In other words, the Wall Street-funded organization is providing support for militants armed and funded by the West and its regional allies, most of whom are revealed to be foreign fighters, affiliated with or directly belonging to Al Qaeda and its defacto political wing, the Muslim Brotherhood. This so-called “international aid” organization is in actuality yet another cog in the covert military machine being turned against Syria and serves the role as a medical battalion.

The “hospitals” in Damascus being supported by Doctors Without Borders are in areas now under threat of being retaken by government forces, and it’s these facilities that the Western media is drawing on for “evidence” that first, a chemical attack took place, and second, that it was the government who carried it out. What the Western media is not telling their audiences, is that even Doctors Without Borders admits their own team members are not present at these medical facilities and have only been sending supplies to them – in other words, this evidence is hearsay emanating from terrorist held areas, merely dressed up and spun as actual evidence from a so-called “reputable” international organization.

In Doctors Without Borders’ own official statement, it was reported that:

Since 2012, MSF has built a strong and reliable collaboration with medical networks, hospitals and medical points in the Damascus governorate, and has been providing them with drugs, medical equipment and technical support. Due to significant security risks, MSF staff members have not been able to access the facilities.

It was further explained that:

“MSF can neither scientifically confirm the cause of these symptoms nor establish who is responsible for the attack,” said Dr. Janssens.

It is most likely hoped that the vast majority of those reading their news simply take the compromised Western media for their word and never bother to read what Doctors Without Borders actually is doing in Syria or what  they even really said regarding the most recent incident.

A similar routine was used in Libya where Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International spent their legitimacy attempting to create a pretext for Western military intervention there.

Source »

syria- rebels
Syrian rebels getting ready to fire rockets to government position.

The corporations:  United States, United Kingdom, United Nations are all united to “fix the intelligence around their real objectives in Syria.” In contrast, the American public is not enthusiastic in going to war with Syria which would surely escalate to a war with Iran, which would invite Russia and China into the theater.

This is the very reason why we must shutdown the Corporation now. The motivation for profit and the lust for power are two outdated concepts which deter humanity’s advancement to its rightful place in the stars. These worthless notions must be replaced with the more noble pursuit of a greater understanding of the world we live in.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, you could also like our FB page.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

 The Egyptians continue to amaze this writer… Please click on the image below to read the whole article.

eyptians in washington

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Hijacking the Greatest Revolt Ever

The Gods of Political Intrigue, i.e. Jesuits, are hard at work again. Alarmed at the unprecedented number of those who toppled their one-year old Morsi government; they are now playing a subtle game that would ultimately result to another Syria, or so they are hoping.

The motivation to overturn the gains of the Egyptian Revolt is a matter of life and death to the Cabal. Transforming Egypt into another Syria, in a bigger scale, may turn the region into a powder keg for the final nuclear Armageddon as they have been planning with Iran thru the Syrian turmoil which they have also instigated through CIA-Al Qaeda false flags. This is just a desperate move on their part as their underground DUMBs are already shutdown through the use of sonic and suitcase nuclear weapons by on and off-world allies.

On the ground, the CIA/Muslim Brotherhood is also taking the game a notch higher by employing Hollywood methods in an attempt to fool the world…

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This action is in concert with the US/UK’s “fixing of the intelligence around an objective.

The desperation of the Cabalists can be measured from their repeated use of bioweapons in Syria on which the mainstream mouthpieces blamed on Syrian Government and the burning of Christian churches in Egypt to instigate a religious war.

This had been the tried and tested method of sowing deeper discord among rival factions. It is still being used today. More than that, the use of bioweapons allegedly by Syrian Army will serve as a pretext for the Cabalists forces to topple Assad through a full scale military attack. But nobody, except the liars themselves, are incline to believe these false flags anymore.

The Cabalists have no other choice but to step in now that the Syrian government is regaining its country back, step by step and region by region. While the rebels have lost some of their big allies in the region, notably, the Muslim Brotherhood with Morsi.

Hijacking the Egyptian Revolution is like hijacking the fate of the whole world to which we cannot allow to succeed. It is in the best interest of humanity to help unify Egypt through our individual and collective efforts.

We must let them know that the world is watching them as we are watching the people of Gaza and Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, and so many other countries like them, all falling to the venom of political intrigue that the Black Operators successfully managed to inject through the aid and deceptions of local opportunists.

We must understand that the Revolution that the two Egyptian factions fought were genuine in the hearts and minds of its people, but not so within their respective leaderships, especially in the case of the Brotherhood hierarchy.

It is very clear now that the real objective of the Arab Spring was to install absolute CIA dominated governments in the region. They have been successful with Libya and Egypt under Morsi, and are in the process of installing another in Syria, where the alliance of the CIA and Al Qaeda can no longer be denied.

This has always been the case all over and throughout history because those at the highest echelons of our society always think they know better than the rest. That may be an accurate presumption before the age of the internet, when they had exclusive access to relevant information.

But not anymore.


The deception known as democracy conquered the East during the last century. With it, preselected intellectuals were thrown into congressional arenas on a periodic basis to create the illusion that your one vote is all it takes to influence the collective future of the country.

The Rule of the Majority is only acceptable and luring to the unsophisticated mindset. But to those who understood the process, the rule of the majority is only effective when the majority of that majority know the Whole Story, i.e. have fully understood the sociopolitical and economic issues at stake.

If the majority is dumb, the outcome is a dumb vote and the will of the politicians, and ultimately, the whims of the Corporation who own these white-collared puppets will definitely take precedent.

The devil works in mysterious, nay devious ways. With the aid of the conscripted intellectual elites, the Corporation is able to control the whole global affairs literally at their fingertips.

Stealthily, they have managed to install the following:

  1. A United Nations that is supposed to end all wars yet sought to instigate more regional and ethnic conflicts by being there when it is not needed and by not being there when it should; in fact, more wars had been fought, some of which are still continuing, since the day of its inception than in any other era before it;
  2. A World Health Organization that is supposed to combine all scientific efforts to eliminate all forms of diseases, thereby improving the quality of life of every inhabitant on the planet, yet sought to unlock the mystery of genetics with the ultimate goal of knowing how to manufacture biological weapons, and clandestinely distribute them in the guise of forced immunization to eliminate the “inferior” species, i.e. 95% of the global population, while keeping the remaining 5% docile with fluoride good enough to keep the Slavery System well-oiled and running smoothly;
  3. A healthcare system that feeds itself generously while keeping its client perpetually sick with preventable diseases; in step with the real intentions of the WHO-UN designers, it actively suppresses the release of alternative approaches to the cure for cancer and AIDS by buying out the patents thereof with the intention of shelving the same; the chemical industry to which it is founded have successfully demonized and subsequently illegalized, through its Corporate Court System, the natural cure to so many ailments, especially the industrially useful material such as hemp;
  4. An International Labor Organization that is supposed to encourage harmony between labor and enterprise by providing fair labor practices, yet managed to neutralize dissent in the rank and file to allow the unregulated domination of the Corporations to which its mother organization, the United Nations,  is also a part of;
  5. A Broadcast Media that keeps the story in a confined set of canned realities, that only suits and supports nothing else but the Corporate Agenda; , so massive is its clout over the global consciousness, there’s almost no escape… until the internet came;
  6.  A School System that pretends to teach us how we could advance as a society, yet only produces an efficient pool of automatons completely unaware of the fate they don’t really have;
  7. A fully armed police force that blindly enforces the Corporate Maritime Law which conflicts with the organic spirit of the Republic’s Constitution; still using the “just following orders” excuse long junked by the Nuremberg Trials; Manned by Idiots deeply obsessed of their uniforms that provided them the imaginary authority they never completely understood;
  8. An elaborate surveillance system that destroys even the mere concept of privacy of which the civilian population is the wrong target but should be the government itself. The corrupt officials should have been the subject of constant surveillance rather than the ordinary citizens who are just trying to survive the economic crunch that they in the government created in the first place.
  9. Insanity couldn’t be best illustrated in any other form than in the employment of UAVs or drones to kill innocent civilians, even an entire family for that matter. The ability to eliminate an “enemy” by a press of a joystick button without the possibility of full accountability only feeds the appetite more for further abuse against the inferior, and from there, the limit to which these abuses could be done in the future will reach sky high.

The list of the Corporation’s horrendous accomplishments is almost endless. But they can be summarized by its insidious ultimate goal of eliminating everyone they considered as “useless eaters”. They have reached this point through the cooperation of the traitors.

Puppets are usually pulled from a cadre of questionable background, or when if not, one is created for in such a way that it is easy to manipulate them later on.

zeena-baptism obamas-mamma

That’s been the case of so many puppets being groomed for “public service” with the exception of John Kennedy with Marilyn Monroe, who later realized their humane side and decided to turn against the Establishment by planning to implement worldwide development through the use of the Global Collateral Accounts that eventually costs their lives.

cnbc_fed_box11 cnbc_fed_box13

SAM_51881-1024x768 President Kennedy Greets President Sukarno Marilyn Monroe Standing with President Sukarno Robert F. Kennedy Talking With Achmed Sukarno

More on the Collateral Accounts here, here, here, and here.


Once fully understood, the Egyptian Revolution could inspire much bigger uprisings around the world as have been the case for the last two years, or so. The next uprising is probably bigger than the Egyptians’. Our only wish is that: a sizeable portion of the American public will join the rest of the world this time.

But that is only possible if they stop nurturing that highly fabled American Dream and shift to American Purging of the Cabalists, hard core and otherwise, that are still in their turf. That is only possible if they stop idolizing the wrong gods, cease from the practice of fanaticism, and begin acknowledging that they are not really free as their anthem is saying.

The time for dreaming is over. It is high time for some action, definitively. Online protests are as good as street marching and chanting, but are the devils coming down yet?


The true enemies of the state need more persuasive expression of public dissatisfaction. Online protests won’t do. In fact, online actions and street protests are merely “pressure valves” that absorb public anger and frustrations so that the whole system would not explode beyond their control.

That is the function of people like Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, etc. They can take your anger away and instill in its place, a subconscious fear by projecting that their Jesuit masters are big and powerful, they can see everything you do, you simply can’t do anything.

Always remember, the Jesuits are the masters of mind control. They fully understood how the mind works and how to manipulate them. They can play any game in any imaginable situations and in any huge spans of time.

The OathKeepers’ laudable position of not following illegal orders is pathetically not enough. A passive activism is not activism at all. It is more like the biblical Pontius Pilate excuse of “I have nothing to do with it anymore, so I abstain from doing any further action.”

How many whistleblowers do we really need before we start moving our asses together? How many whistleblowers do we really need before we start shutting down the Slavery System? How many whistleblowers do we really need before we start tearing down the Corporation?

The world is anxiously waiting for the purported Sons of Liberty to rise up to the occasion and prove their true worth. The world needs to see that the victims of the Enterprise themselves are with them. The world needs to see that the Big Balls of the Pentagon are with them.

Just think about it: Why can’t the Pentagon do what the Egyptian military have just done? Are they asking for a higher price for their would-be participation much more than the Asians have already committed?


Unwittingly or otherwise, we have built and supported a system that is turning on against us and we must make a strong statement, i.e. action, that its services are no longer needed.

It is time for the entire Establishment to take the exit door now. We can always survive without them. In fact, we can overturn the damage done in a span of 3 to 6 months including the total eradication of poverty once these BloodSuckers are all gone.

democracy flaw

The only sane economic structure is one that allows unhampered access to all knowledge and resources so that a true level playing field is realized: where creativity and the willingness to serve and contribute to humanity’s advancement are the primordial badge of honor.

There is no greater satisfaction that can be had than to see one’s work improving the plight of the greater multitude in the field of science, economics, and spirituality.

All technologies and the required funding needed are already here, they just need to be released and implemented for the glory, not just of the few, but of the entire human species.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, you could also like our FB page.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.


Here’s Marko Logan with a message to the Americans:

Message to the friendly American people

Egypt Facing Terrorism
Egyptian people asked the U.S. government to cancel Financial Aid
We ask that the American people ordering Obama to cancel the money
We do not need a few dollars
Note : Obama is very careful not to cancel financial support to Egypt
Obama can not cancel financial support to Egypt
We have many resources, including the Suez Canal
We are against foreign intervention in Egyptian affairs
We love the Egyptian army and love Sisi

We love the American people, but we are angry with the U.S. administration’s attitude towards the Egyptian revolution ( 30 june) and its support for the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.
Brotherhood terrorists burning down a Church

Brotherhood terrorists stormed the police station and kill all of it
Brotherhood terrorists are doing war crimes against the Egyptian people and the Egyptian security forces
They kill the Egyptian army in the Sinai and Rafah, in agreement with the Hamas terrorist organization
I’m going to explain my words through some videos that I collected
crime :Brotherhood terrorists stormed the police station and kill all of it

crime:muslims brotherhood killing egyptian children by pushing them above buildings
and Obama supports terrorism in Egypt , stop Obama

Brotherhood terrorists Thugs setting 5 churches and a police station on fire

Brotherhood terrorists gathering to burn a church in Sohag

Demonstration of the Muslim Brotherhood fired automatic weapons on buildings above the bridge ” 15 May ” in Cairo, Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood terrorists burning down a Church

Muslim Brotherhood terrorists throwing a security armed vehicle from up a bridge, killing soldiers on it

Brotherhood terrorists arms and shootings in Nahda Square

Brotherhood terrorists torturing a police officer in the street

An Brotherhood terrorist member/supporter shooting security men

Brotherhood terrorists Burning a police vehicle in Gameat Al Dowal Street, Giza


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Establishment’s Collapse Imminent

Recent events are undeniably in favor of the Reformists and Progressives who have long realized that, to avoid mutually assured destruction, a different kind of war must be fought that ensures the least collateral damage but which requires cooperation of the widest spectrum of our society as, much as possible. This proves to be, not only possible but very enlightening to those who are directly and indirectly involved.

We are very fortunate to have followed these events closely for it gave us a different perspective of the mainstream news accounts which rarely expound on the whole story, but would rather debase the same to suit the agenda of the banking elite that ultimately owns them.

Such a scheme is ending. The internet is here to stay and constantly expanding in perfect synchronicity with the conscious Collective Mind.

Among the events that should raise hopes of a much better world, for our generation and the next, are the following:

  • Russia, with Putin at the helm, together with the allied BRICS180 countries, proved to be the most formidable force against the Transnational Criminal Organization behind the Vatican, Inc. which controls the top 147 corporations of the planet; among the latest actions that infuriate the West are the following:
    • Granting of asylum to NSA whistleblower, Snowden;
    • Moscow and Tehran have agreed to build new nuke plant;
    • Perpetual vetoing of UNSC no-fly zone in Syria;
    • The rejection of $Trillion offered by a Saudi King to Putin in exchange for giving up Syria and Iran; In fact, a massive bribery scheme is underway; A Saudi Prince has also defected from his own family due to increasing prosecution against freedom activists in the region;
    • Chinese media are saying, “The West is eating the dirt this time”; no one can afford to say that without standing in a platform of advantage;
    • Large and multiple War Games between the Russians and Chinese are not just games for the fun of it but a statement of the strongest terms that the East is more than ready to go that last mile if need be;
    • Asian Clans have issued a statement that they have access to HAARP-like weapon that can be used to eliminate each of the 500 listed Cabalists. Whether this is just a bluff, or not, still the statement is more credible than the Global Terror Alert that closes US embassies worldwide. They are even bombing cities in Mindanao to simulate terrorism just like they did before with Operation Greenbase;
    • Individuals like Snowden, Manning and Assange, have also made more than a dent on what it seems to be an invincible surveillance empire, an elaborate system of smoke and mirrors that is built with only one purpose, i.e. to create a society of automatons willing to serve the whims of the few;
    • Street protests, the biggest of which is the Great Egyptian Revolt that led to the downfall of the CIA installed Morsi government of Egypt; The Egyptian experience is ours too when they removed the Marcos dictatorship in favor of the wife of a CIA asset Ninoy Aquino. This scheme is so elaborate, even the puppets themselves don’t really have any idea that they are being used. This is still our situation now with the son of Ninoy. The Jesuits are still in control as far as the Philippines is concern. To reverse the situation, the control of the mass media in the country must be put in the hands of the Reformists.
    • The Benghazi Debacle just won’t go away. The CIA is found to be involved in the gun running activities when the Benghazi consulate was attacked;
    • 40 tons of GMO crops were torched in Oregon. This is a collective action aimed at waking up the Sheeples that they need to take action now or become genetically modified themselves forever.
    • “We will not pay” is the battlecry of the 10,000 strong activists who are reconnecting electrical service drops of those living in poverty stricken areas in Greece;
    • Fiat Banking System is collapsing with 20,000 EU bank outlets closed down since the start of Asian instigated financial attack.

These are just some of the proofs that the world is indeed waking up… But these are only just icing on the cake to the massive resignations since 2012.

Current geopolitical events can be summed up by saying that Russia and the Corporate US are into “hot war” by proxies.

In fact, whether you are aware about it or not, we are at war with the system, and within ourselves.


Those in the alternative media have survived the ridicule that all we are talking about are mere conspiracy theories:

That it is impossible for the few to agree on the common agenda of ruling the world for themselves and themselves alone, with the rest 95% of the world’s population are to be eliminated through bioweapons cloaked as vaccines and antibiotics;

That they can’t afford to hire the services of the best minds of any given field of science, economics and the industries to serve the Corporate Interests;

That they can’t convince the media that journalism must be twisted from time to time to avoid disturbing the peace, officially calling the Whole Truth a grave threat to “national security”.

Yet we know by now how much of our own security are being compromised by the comprehensive intrusion to our privacy by those whose vested interests conflict with ours.

Recent example of how they twisted prevailing reality to suit their agenda is the publication of Eurasia Group’s Top Ten Most Powerful list which rank Putin as “second to Nobody”, twisting the fact by saying that the world has no clear leader, while forwarding the names Bernanke, Obama, Merkel, LaGarde, when it is very clear all the latter are absolutely powerless.

The White Dragon Society has already indicated in the past that they favor Vladimir Putin to lead the Reformists for the neutralization of the Cabalists and the subsequent massive redevelopment of the world. So far, Russia’s actions point to this same direction.

But that is only up to the coordination of relevant actions to topple the scoundrels; each individual is beginning to see the value of cooperation to put in place a system founded on respect and the furtherance of Collective Progress to allow each soul an opportunity to find happiness and deeper understanding of Life itself.

To Big Media, the preservation of the status quo is cardinal to their own survival, too. Rightfully so. Already we are witnessing its slow death:

–          Washington Post sold to Amazon for being in the red caused by the mass exodus to the Net;

–          CNN losing at least 50% of its audience in favor of RT and other alternative media;


Just like any other occult subjects, the field of free energy is conveniently attached to perpetual machines, i.e. those crude mechanical contraptions which could not propel themselves due to the limit imposed by friction.

Yet we know how planets rotate and revolve around our sun, by themselves. Or, are they being pushed by an invisible ocean of energy that we are now starting to understand to be the real cause of inertia and gravity… and Life itself.

The number of simple free energy proofs of concept is constantly increasing. We can see some of them by typing “free energy” at search bar.

Here’s one of them…

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Keshe Lectures are a must for those who are really interested to be free…

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ARVE Error: need id and provider



This is probably the most slandered topic of them all.

Aside from the “smoking gun” video captured by NASA and intercepted by a Canadian cable guy, a video released last year was that of a strange huge object near the Sun, which up to this day, no one in the corporate hierarchy would dare to explain.

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ISS footage showing a big hole at one of the poles confirmed the age old “theory” that there is a thriving civilization much more advanced that we are inside this planet.


Although the value given is at $93 Quadrillion to give it some air of realism, the assets’ equivalent amount that we have shown in this site is already in the $ Infinity as signed by Obama, Elizabeth, Zoellick, Benedict, etc.

While the document itself is meant to hijack the accounts, nevertheless, it still confirmed the existence of such assets which is the primary cause of JFK’s forced death.

Of course, no one should be putting a dollar value to the planet or put a debt claim on it as the fiat economy has done. This is the only home we’ve got, and it is priceless.

The hard assets in the Global Accounts can change this war-torn planet for the better, million times over.

The assets will be used, among others, to buy out useless industries, e.g. fossil fuels, pharmaceuticals, etc., in favor or free energy, longevity, space and time travel, etc.

This is the key to which a global resource-based economy becomes a reality.

After all known suppressed technologies are released, more advance know-how will then be discovered such that a negative progression would then be impossible.

Ain’t that worth fighting for?

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


Asian Clans, Keenan, ETs Taking Definitive Action

Here’s the latest from Asia thru Neil Keenan as reported by Michael Henry Dunn.


Posted on July 30, 2013 by

• Powerful Asian clans call Keenan to series of meetings to discuss Global Accounts
• Countering HAARP: A “machine” is now in place to selectively eliminate a list of 500 cabal members responsible for mass-death weather and earthquake technology.
• “Angels”(E.T.’s? – 4th Dimensional Allies?) are now in place assisting the Shift, according to senior clan leaders
• “Empress” not in picture
• Keenan obtains lawyers for Nelu – appeal to be filed
• Keenan gives personal testimony regarding Hong Kong meetings in accompanying videos

by Michael Henry Dunn

Dramatic developments in the evolving story of the Global Collateral Accounts are unfolding this week in the wake of Neil F. Keenan’s three-day series of meetings with senior leaders of the ancient ruling clans of China – the rightful owners of hundreds of trillions in notes and assets which have hitherto been frozen or stolen by the Western banking cabal.  In recognition of Keenan’s long fight to free the Accounts from the grip of the cabal, high-level leaders of the clans invited Keenan to Hong Kong last week to discuss the status of the Accounts, and to plan immediate forward movement in the shift of control over the notes and assets back to the rightful owners.  Keenan was informed by clan leaders that, given China’s ownership of 88% of the United States (thanks to vast U.S. borrowing over the last several decades), the clans are interested in how a shift at the World Bank could give the clans access to and control over their assets for the first time in a hundred years, with the hope of immediate implementation of humanitarian programs utilizing the vast funds in the Global Accounts.

The president of the World Bank has been traditionally chosen by the president of the United States.  Barack Obama’s choice of Dartmouth University chancellor Jim Yong Kim, a global health expert, was seen as a break from the practice of choosing a cabal-insider banking figure.  However, any World Bank president, by definition, operates under the thumb of the corrupt Western financial elite, which has previously hijacked the global financial system twice within the past sixty years. On his return from Hong Kong, Mr. Keenan stated, “The clans themselves have not only not received one dollar, they have not even been able to get into their own accounts. Therefore, a Westerner’s choice would not really carry any weight since the families/clans already been scammed on numerous occasions by the West. The clans prefer to access their own funds, and they also would like to work directly with the people through monitored, transparent foundations throughout the world where the funds would be directly controlled by the people and not by the governments.”

Keenan was informed that a technology exists to counter the HAARP mass-death weather technology used by the cabal: a weapon that can be precision-targeted to essentially “disappear” cabal leaders wherever they may be located – even to the extent of targeting one person seated at a table of ten. Use of this sci-fi level weapon is necessary to stop the ongoing slaughter and destruction of the planet perpetrated by top-level cabalist leaders. A “List of 500” cabal members is said to have been drawn up for targeting.

In one of the most startling developments related to Neil Keenan by clan leaders, hundreds of “angels” (the term used by the clan) have been in place on the planet for several weeks now to assist in the Shift to freedom. (Whether this term refers to extra-terrestrial or so-called “Galactic” allies, or to 4th Dimensional beings, or simply to highly evolved spiritual beings is not clear.) These beings were said to have held back from intervention because there was not sufficient awareness and awakened determination for freedom among the people of Earth. That balance has now shifted in favor of liberation, allowing the angelic forces to step in. In what ways and in which arenas this assistance may play out is not yet known.

While Keenan had previously been given to understand from various contacts that Bennie Hua, (known to some as the Empress elected from within the Qing Dynasty) represented China’s interest in the Accounts, she does not appear to be involved, according to clan/family sources.

Meanwhile, Keenan’s work in Indonesia to obtain the release of his right-hand man, Martha Wibawa (called Nelu), is making significant progress, as a team of lawyers is now in place. An appeal is scheduled to be filed this week in the Supreme Court. A further update to this situation is expected in the coming days.

Neil Keenan gives extensive personal testimony regarding his meetings in Hong Kong in two videos accompanying this article (see below).

Michael Henry Dunn

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ARVE Error: need id and provider

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Eve of Redemption

Russia is not giving up on Snowden, nay on humanity itself as a whole. She just made her point clear when she mobilized the biggest war game since Soviet times weeks ago.

Except for the dwindling Sheeples, millions across the world are standing up against their tyrannical governments whose loyalties are not to them but to the banking cartels managed by the Mafia hiding behind the Vatican Veil.

As the days and weeks progressed, we have been witnesses to the hard fall of the Corporations that rule the world. The 13th year of the 21st Century should be the most appropriate time for the final takedown of the 13 powerful bloodlines behind them.

Except for the false perception that the old mainstream media is trying to project, recent global events are clearly in our favor. All forms of false flag operations, including those from rouge asteroids and ET invasions are exposed long before they are unleashed.

We are now on the Eve of Our Redemption. Enjoy it.

Here’s a good summary submitted by Canauzzie of where we are at this point in our physical time.

The Parties Now Ending for the Cabal

The Forbidden City : China

Marching Samurai Warriors : Japan

Rich Culture and History


Broke Fascism

The Village Criminal Idiots

Ruining a Prideful Nation

  • So Many Cynical and Ruthless Betrayals of our Trusting World Happen on YOUR Watch.
  • Our World of Nations is So Far Apart, Divided in Confusion and Conflict.
  • We need to reconcile your human aspirations with hard reality.
  • Understand some of the real “Big Picture” complexities and our Global Political inter dependencies in the human Zoo. How bad are things? Do we have a potential resolution? Yes! But -What are the realities?

One World of Nations
Exclusive, 26 July 2013
Life and societies are evolving so rapidly, unless we make the conscious efforts necessary to keep abreast of not just national, but Global events, you will all be left behind. We need to be aware of changing roles, both as individuals and as nations. Earth is now a Global village. The concept of a nation is a myth for tyrannical abuse. Every person, YOU, is their own Sovereign Person, so why do we need nations? You are your own nation of being! To be as one integral Soul, with all your Sovereign Rights entailed as accorded. Man needs to educate, transcend beyond ignorance, and evolve as our time comes, to understanding our Global realities, to achieve true awareness, then to address them as a Family of Man collective. We all need and need to respect, each other.
People are all life forms existing and co depending upon the collective Global contributions of all.
We are just a few seconds away by phone or email from affecting events anywhere, or feeling the impact of change by ignorance. Time waits for no man. Nor do opportunities.
The world as we know it, is dividing into Regional Trading Communities, principally tied to Hemispheres and availability of resources both as Mineral and Human. But even more changing Political alliances are lost and gained. Once excluded, it’s hard to recover. Burgeoning populations bring new demands and require both National Building and Infrastructure Planning to cope with 21st Century demands. Energy, Minerals and Water will be competed for.

Most Western Leadership is inept, Low Class Political Snake Oil parties with experiences of nothing. Enriching them, impoverishing you! Political Office is a great privilege, to serve with humility and commitment. Not as rampant Pigs at the trough fulfilling greed.
Religions are becoming increasingly exposed and attendances decline as belief levels change. Education has expanded the consciousness of nations, with rising Peasant populations no longer gullible or naïve. Ignorance is no longer the Opiate of the masses, as it becomes increasingly obvious that most Political Leaders major are inept, exposed as Naked Emperors.

Protesters against sexual abuse, location: Vatican

Indonesians Rally on May Day

Monsanto protests around the globe

The Vatican even worse, as the Shrouds are lifted, their mysticism and lies exposed. Their Inquisition tortured brutally, mass murdered and protected Child Molesters and Deviants, as it does to this day, with no Global redress. This Vatican is a truly Monstrous Institution, guilty of the worst Genocide over many centuries, cloaked in a false religion. Apostles of Hell are no guides for the Souls of your children. True God is in the hearts and Souls of all of us. The Entity has not appointed these Deviants to keep watch on humanity, ensconced in their Rome Homosexual Private clubs. It’s time to look in at this vile regime and its litany of Global crimes so truth speaks its name.
Politicians and Military entities with their Masonic Memberships, and appointees of the Knights of Malta manipulate power, as do the Zionist and Texan mafias. Crime rules and crime for them, pays. But not for you, you only fund it.

Bankers gather for a meeting

These Clowns play with YOUR Markers at the Poker Table of Life, and when they lose so often, who are their Mugs picking up the tabs? Look at their privileged Expense Accounts, Allowances and Pensions. You don’t even come close. Mongrel packs are scavenging nations.
Your entire Life’s Deducted Contributions for Retiree Benefits., paid for by YOU, all wasted. Contributing workers who have paid in should retire on c$3,500 a month State pension alone. With any Private Pensions contributed also as extra funding on top. But, it’s all gone. Used elsewhere by their Fraud! Lost!

THEY blew YOUR future, but never their own.

Like Detroit, it’s all coming home, and down.

These little Nero’s fiddle as Rome (the US) Burns!

To even have a worthwhile future, let alone to ensure one for your children, society needs to wake up, shape up and work together for change. Social Welfare and State Job dependent employees will have no function or place in the NWO ethos tracking down on the entire planet. NWO IS Global and well entrenched. Mass De Populating will become reality. Including many State jobs will go as they will no longer be needed. At some stage, as the Monetary Systems are redefined, the “Useless Eaters” as defined by Bush 41 and the Tri Lateral commission, will be addressed as a reality issue. Thinking needs to change. On both sides. Wealth has to be created by work and production. Unemployment levels are way too high and totally unsustainable. If a country does not produce wealth, it cannot pay out.

Trilateral Grand Masters

Trilateral Players

In many nations haste to accrue wealth, new fast emerging Third World industries are wreaking havoc with ecology and the very life chain of our planet. Increased mercury and anther toxins are discharged as industrial effluent into our seas. They are absorbed by the Tuna shoals we eat worldwide, with the carcinogenic effects that will develop. As we pollute and poison the earth, as we destroy the Rain forests, as we destroy the atmosphere, we set in motion consequential realities.

Man has become mass ignorant, seeking solace only in short term material pleasures, with reduced focus on family values, or spiritual awareness. America has become the Principal Drug Using nation, seeking solace in a Fix, not a solution. Don’t use your mind to seek answers, just blow it on drugs is the Mantra. The mass brain cell destruction as it builds up is the payback. Now they even target the school children, hook them young. Afghanistan Opium production is sky high as the Agency cashes in, and Taliban riches fund their weapons to kill more of our kids. Bankers rub their hands in the Counting Houses.
What happened to the ethics of Leadership, protecting the moral values of a great society? For a community espousing such strong core family values, why is the Jewish Media control of Hollywood spewing out so much gratuitous and depraved filth? It needs to tone it down, and find responsibility. Why poison our children’s minds? What happened to freedom of the press? What happened to truth?

Many of us are dedicated to rebuilding a strong America and also a new world. Not only for the Me, Me, Me attitudes of grasping America with its voracious War Mongering Cabal, but for all nations we share this planet with. We all need each other. We can achieve so much more together. Also to help create an end to tensions and needless hostilities if we can all help reach out for a Global accord.

One million children meditate for peace, Thailand

Look at the site response to date as it grows monthly. How many wish to contribute towards Nation Building, towards ecology, towards health care projects? We raised a banner. Real Patriots flocked to it. What really impressed us, were YOU! Your responses flooded in. The difference YOU can make. Willing, responsible people are there waiting to help. With you, it can work.

Cases of Federal Reserve Bonds

Federal Reserve Bonds

Chinese Elders loaned vast amounts to America to protect the country and help the nation build. Those funds were brought in by good, caring American Patriots. They have been betrayed. China has been betrayed. That money is long overdue for redemption. Defaulting is unacceptable conduct. The release of those funds will help us rebuild America and other nations. It was never for the Cabal nor Political family theft or misuse. America owes China vast Trillions. Now! Those funds released back to where they are owed, will allow funds to build Infrastructure, to build communities, to develop Education, to build Hospitals. Default is a shameful DISGRACE. It’s not YOUR money Cabal. Give back what you owe!
Japan is owed vast amounts in Bonds now well overdue. The same game continues. Lies and disinformation is applied to avoid paying back what is due to trusting Sovereign Nations ruthlessly lied to and betrayed. Deals dishonored.

Operation Golden Lily

Indonesia and Taiwan are owed Trillions. The Philippines are owed the same. Marcos was set up and looted blind. The Black Eagle Trust, various versions of the 5 Star Trust and its many Aliases, have run, laundered and defrauded Trillions. Pureheart is another story of Agency duplicity waiting to be told, as its convicted criminal ex CIA leader with his false ID name change hides in a CIA Safe House and another front man is left marooned out of site in Bangkok. Vast Trillions have been looted and frankly, squandered in an orgy of egos. Shadow Governments and Agencies, elected by and accountable to no one have systematically destroyed the world economies and heritage. They have ruthlessly removed all those in their way.



From Eisenhower and Kennedy upwards, any Leaders of conscience saw and warned of the sheer extent of penetration, control and wanton waste of this vast Shadow Government of an unelected, answerable to no one Military Industrial Cabal, with its Agencies, layers of waste, self-allocating single purpose contracts for Contractors to rip off State Budgets and wage war on the planet with no Congressional approval or oversight. They have sat like Titans, squandered and depleted the capital liquidity of the nations and almost bankrupted the planet in an orgy of waste and egos. From their Tri Lateral Commissions, to their Private Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Zionist controlled mafia bank, corruption has been perpetuated for decades. Now the reality check of this bloated whale is coming home. Can’t pay! Like Madoff, they have tail spun their Ponzi scam as far as they can get it. Now it’s panic stations. They brainstorm how to perpetuate their lies further as they become ever more compound in debt. Truth is ugly, as is the reality. But, America as a nation has not been raised on reality, but a false era and flag to coerce and enslave a nation while their liberties and futures were exploited as IRS Slaves and Farm Stock assets of the United States Corporation. Today, most are still clueless of the loss of their Sovereignty.

Federal Reserve Bank of New york gold vault doors

The Military Industrial Cabal have usurped their positions, squandered the riches of the Empire, and failed to address the most basic commercial realities of Nation Building. For them, the party is over now. Wars cost. America can no longer fund them as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin E Dempsey is now warning. The costs are unsustainable with no determinate futures. Global Policing is simply not feasible for a single nation.

  • Iraq is now appealing to both the UN and IMF to get its Sovereign currency restored. Many American cross investors wait in ever greater desperation for the lifeline that will bring.
  • Where have the vast Trillions looted from Global escapades gone to? Where are all the Filipino / Japanese Gold holdings? Who has benefited?
  • Where are the vast Chinese funds loaned and not redeemed?
  • The world now sits at a cross roads waiting.
  • Does America Redeem – or Renege? Which?
  • The clock ticks…..

Posted by canauzzie at 2:51 am

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation. The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Beemageddon by Pesticides Confirmed

Somehow we’ve known this all along, but we are supposed to consult the experts first to confirm that it is really the case. Forget about Common Sense, it’s not a valid Science.

Manmade chemicals not conforming to the Laws of Nature are always harmful to Nature. Whether they come in the form of pesticides or antibiotics, these are not the stuffs one must use for his own survival. All things are interconnected, and what is detrimental to one component of the biosphere is critical to the whole.

The alarming case of buzzers falling from the sky should not be ignored for it is a sign than something mustn’t be right. The effective preservation of these hardworking bees is ultimately the preservation of Life on Earth itself.

Its complete extinction can only be attributed to no other than the Eugenicists. Their extinction is therefore paramount.


Honey bees are quickly disappearing from the US – a phenomenon that has left scientists baffled. But new research shows that bees exposed to common agricultural chemicals while pollinating US crops are less likely to resist a parasitic infection.

As a result of chemical exposure, honey bees are more likely to succumb to the lethal Nosema ceranae parasite and die from the resulting complications.

Scientists from the University of Maryland and the US Department of Agriculture on Wednesday published a study that linked chemicals, including fungicides, to the mass die-offs. Scientists have long struggled to find the cause behind the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), in which an estimated 10 million beehives at an average value of $200 each have been lost since 2006.

Last winter, the honey bee population declined by 31.1 percent, with some beekeepers reporting losses of 90 to 100 percent of their bee populations. Scientists are concerned that “Beemageddon” could cause the collapse of the $200 billion agriculture industry, since more than 100 US crops rely on honey bees to pollinate them.

The new findings are key in determining one of the causes of the CCD, but they fail to explain why entire beehives sometimes die at once.

UMD and DOA researchers found that pollen samples in fields ranging from Delaware to Maine contained nine different agricultural chemicals, including fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and miticides. One particular sample even contained 21 different agricultural chemicals. To test their theory, they fed pesticide-ridden pollen samples to healthy bees and then infected them with the parasite. They found that the pesticides hindered the bees’ abilities to resist the infection, thus contributing to their deaths. The fungicide chlorothalonil was particularly damaging, tripling the risks of parasitic infection.

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terrence ingram

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Vatican, Inc. A Transnational Criminal Organization

The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] has declared that the Roman Catholic Church is a Transnational Criminal Organization under the terms of another corporate entity known to the world as the United Nations, and is about to issue an international warrant of arrest against Pope Francis.

This action was triggered by the latest dogma that comes out from Petraus Romanus that all sex crimes committed by the clergy be classified Holy and should be enforced by criminalizing leakers .

Vatican, Inc., of course, has the entire establishment under its control. Why not? We did put our full trust in God as enshrined in every country’s constitution.

sons of bitches

Roman Catholic Church is declared a Transnational Criminal Organization

International Arrest Warrant to be issued against Pope Francis /Jorge Bergoglio for Inciting Criminality and Treason

A Global Media Advisory from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Central Office


On July 11, Pope Francis formally and publicly incited criminal behaviour among all Roman Catholics by prohibiting the reporting of child abuse within his church, and threatening excommunication against those who speak about such abuse.

By his action, the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio, faces arrest and indictment as the head of a Criminal Organization, under terms of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Criminal Organizations (2000).

“Pope Francis is telling every Catholic in the world to break the laws of their own country and give aid and comfort to child rapists. That’s not simply a grossly immoral act but a war crime, since he’s attacking the laws and sovereignty of other nations, and threatening the safety of their people” commented George Dufort, the Belgian-based Secretary of the International Common Law Court of Justice, which successfully prosecuted former Pope Benedict and other Vatican officials last February.

In response to Bergoglio’s statement, the ITCCS has today released the following plan of action to its affiliates in twenty one countries, including Italy:

1. The ITCCS Central Office has applied for a Bench Warrant from the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice, for the immediate arrest of Jorge Bergoglio and his associates on a charge of high treason, war crimes and a criminal conspiracy against humanity and the Law of Nations. Jorge Bergoglio and his associates are to be immediately detained and brought to public trial for these crimes, under the auspices and authority of the Law of Nations and The International Common Law Court of Justice.

2. On Sunday, August 4, 2013, a Global Proclamation will be issued, declaring the Roman Catholic Church to be a Transnational Criminal Organization under the law, and ordering its active disestablishment, including by seizing its funds and property, and arresting its officers and clergy: actions authorized against criminal bodies by the aforementioned United Nations Convention.

3. Members and clergy of the Roman Catholic Church are hereby ordered to refrain from funding or participating in the Church of Rome, on pain of arrest as associates of a Criminal Organization. The public is encouraged to assist in the seizure of Roman Catholic church wealth and property in accordance with international law.

This Statement is issued in twelve languages and will be enacted in twenty one countries, including in Italy and at the Vatican as part of the International Convergence and Reclamation planned for September 20-22, 2013 in Genoa and Rome.

Issued by ITCCS Central, Brussels

11 July, 2013

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


Fluoride & the Shrinking IQ

Had it not for the cyclical solar activity popularly known as Global Warming, we would have succumbed to the mentally destructive power of the fluoride.

“Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century.”

– Robert Carlton, Ph.D, former EPA scientist, 1992

Back in WW2, German chemists were using sodium fluoride to make the population “docile and stupid.” Indeed, we have a majority of the population who are not only “ docile and stupid”, but outright dumb to the scheme that they are being eliminated systematically by the very system they revere.

“American ‘education and research’ was funded by the Aluminum Manufacturing, Fertilizer and Weapons Industry looking for an outlet for the increasingly mounting fluoride industrial waste while attaining positive profit increase. The ‘discovery’ that fluoride benefited teeth, was paid for by industry that needed to be able to defend “lawsuits from workers and communities poisoned by industrial fluoride emissions” (Bryson 1995) and turn a liability into an asset. Fluoride, a waste constituent in the manufacturing processes of explosives, fertilizers and other ‘necessities’, was expensive to dispose of properly and until a ‘use’ was found for it in America’s water supplies, the substance was only considered a toxic, hazardous waste. Through sly public re-education, fluoride, once a waste product, became the active ingredient in fluorinated pesticides, fungicides, rodenticides, anesthetics, tranquilizers, fluorinated pharmaceuticals, and a number of industrial and domestic products, fluorinated dental gels, rinses and toothpastes. Fluoride is so much a part of a multibillion-dollar industrial and pharmaceutical income, that any withdrawal of support from pro-fluoridationists is financially impossible, legally unthinkable and potentially devastating for their career and reputation.”

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Here’s the study that confirms the destructive property of fluoride…

Fluoride & Intelligence: The 37 Studies


As of May 2013, a total of 43 studies have investigated the relationship between fluoride and human intelligence, and a total of 19 studies have investigated the relationship fluoride and learning/memory in animals. Of these investigations, 37 of the 43 human studies have found that elevated fluoride exposure is associated with reduced IQ, while 19 of the 20 animal studies have found that fluoride exposure impairs the learning and memory capacity of animals. The human studies, which are based on IQ examinations of over 11,000 children, provide compelling evidence that fluoride exposure during the early years of life can damage a child’s developing brain.

After reviewing 27 of these studies, a team of Harvard scientists concluded that fluoride’s effect on the young brain should now be a “high research priority.” (Choi, et al 2012). Other reviewers have reached similar conclusions, including the prestigious National Research Council (NRC), and scientists in the Neurotoxicology Divisionof the Environmental Protection Agency (Mundy, et al). In the table below, we summarize the results from the 37 studies that have found associations between fluoride and reduced IQ and provide links to full-text copies of the studies. For a discussion of the 6 studies that did not find an association between fluoride and IQ, click here.

Quick Facts About the 37 Studies:

  • Location of Studies: China (28), India (5), Iran (3), and Mexico (1).
  • Sources of Fluoride Exposure: 31 of the 37 IQ studies involved communities where the predominant source of fluoride exposure was water; six studies investigated fluoride exposure from coal burning.
  • Fluoride Levels in Water: IQ reductions have been significantly associated with fluoride levels of just 0.88 mg/L among children with iodine deficiency. (Lin 1991) Other studies have found IQ reductions at 1.8 ppm (Xu 1994); 1.9 ppm (Xiang 2003a,b); 0.3-3.0 ppm (Ding 2011); 2.0 ppm (Yao 1996, 1997); 2.1-3.2 ppm (An 1992); 2.3 ppm (Trivedi 2012); 2.38 ppm (Poureslami 2011); 2.45 ppm (Eswar 2011); 2.5 ppm (Seraj 2006); 2.85 ppm (Hong 2001); 2.97 ppm (Wang 2001, Yang 1994); 3.1 ppm (Seraj 2012); 3.15 ppm (Lu 2000); and 4.12 ppm (Zhao 1996).
  • Fluoride Levels in Urine: 12 of the 37 IQ studies have provided data on the level of fluoride in the children’s urine. 8 of these 12 studies reported that the average urine fluoride level was below 4 mg/l, and 6 reported average fluoride levels below 3 mg/L. To put these levels in perspective, a study from England found that 5.6% of the adult population in fluoridated areas have urinary fluoride levels exceeding 3 mg/L, and 1.1% have levels exceeding 4 mg/L. (Mansfield 1999) Although there is an appalling absence of urinary fluoride data among children in the United States, the excess ingestion of fluoride toothpaste among some young children is almost certain to produce urinary fluoride levels that exceed 2 ppm in a portion of the child population.

Methodological Limitations

As both the NRC and Harvard reviews have correctly pointed out, many of the fluoride/IQ studies have used relatively simple designs and have failed to adequately control for all of the factors that can impact a child’s intelligence (e.g., parental education, socioeconomic status, lead and arsenic exposure). For several reasons, however, it is extremely unlikely that these limitations can explain the association between fluoride and IQ.

First, some of the fluoride/IQ studies have controlled for the key relevant factors, and significant associations between fluoride and reduced IQ were still observed. This fact was confirmed in the Harvard review, which reported that the association between fluoride and IQ remains significant when considering only those studies that controlled for certain key factors (e.g., arsenic, iodine, etc). Indeed, the two studies that controlled for the largest number of factors (Rocha Amador 2007; Xiang 2003a,b) reported some of the largest associations between fluoride and IQ to date.

Second, the association between fluoride and reduced IQ in children is predicted by, and entirely consistent with, a large body of other evidence. Other human studies, for example, have found associations between fluoride and neurobehavior in ways consistent with fluoride being a neurotoxin.  In addition, animal studies have repeatedly found that fluoride impairs the learning and memory capacity of rats under carefully controlled laboratory conditions. An even larger body of animal research has found that fluoride can directly damage the brain, a finding that has been confirmed in studies of aborted human fetuses from high-fluoride areas.

Finally, it is worth considering that before any of the studies finding reduced IQ in humans were known in the western world, a team of U.S. scientists at a Harvard-affiliated research center predicted (based on behavioral effects they observed in fluoride-treated animals) that fluoride might be capable of reducing IQ in humans. (Mullenix 1995)


When considering their consistency with numerous animal studies, it is very unlikely that the 37 human studies finding associations between fluoride and reduced IQ can all be a random fluke. The question today, therefore, is less whether fluoride reduces IQ, but at what dose, at what time, and how this dose and time varies based on an individual’s nutritional status, health status, and exposure to other contaminants (e.g., aluminum, arsenic, lead, etc). Of particular concern is fluoride’s effect on children born to women with suboptimal iodine intake during the time of pregnancy, and/or fluoride’s effects on infants and toddlers with suboptimal iodine intake themselves. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, approximately 12% of the U.S. population has deficient exposure to iodine.

  Studies Finding Association Between Fluoride & Reduced IQ:

IQ Study #37: Trivedi (2012)

Trivedi MH, et al. (2012). Assessment of groundwater quality with special reference to fluoride and its impact on IQ of schoolchildren in six villages of the Mundra Region, Kachchh, Gujurat, India. Fluoride 45(4):377-83.

Location of Study:
Gujurat, India

Size of Study:
84 children (34 from high-fluoride villages, 50 children from control village)

Age of Subjects:
6th and 7th grade students

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High Fluoride = 2.3 + 0.87 mg/L
Control = 0.83 + 0.38 mg/L

Urine Fluoride Levels:
High Fluoride = 2.69 + 0.92 mg/L
Control = 0.42 + 0.23

Controls for Confounding Factors:
Same socioeconomic status (E on an A-E scale); same attendance status at school (regular students attending more than 80% of classes)

Type of IQ Test:
Questionnaire prepared by Prof. JH Shah; standardized on the Gujarati population with 97% reliability rate in relation to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

“The average IQ score of the 34 students drinking the high F water was significantly lower (p?0.05) than among the 50 students drinking the low F water.”

“the present investigation concludes that the three villages of Chhasara, Gundala, and Mundra, are F-contaminated villages. Because of high F concentrations in the [groundwater], children in these villages have greater exposure to F that may lead in to low IQ as compared to the nearby villages of Baroi, Zarpara, and Pragpar, which have low F in their [groundwater].”

IQ Study #36: Wang (2012)

Wang G, et al. (2012). Total intake of fluorine content and children’s IQ. Southeast University Medical Sciences. Available at:

Location of Study:
Sihong County, Jiangsu Province, China.

Age of Subjects:
8 to 13 years old

Source of Fluoride:
Water, Food, Air.

Water Fluoride Levels:
High-Fluoride: 0.57 to 4.5 mg/L
Low-Fluoride: 0.18 to 0.76 mg/L

Total Daily Fluoride Doses:
1 to 4+ mg/day.

(1) Average IQ of High F group (92.02 + 13.00) is significantly lower than average IQ of Low-F group (100.41 +13.21).
(2) There are “marked dose-response relationships” between intelligence and the total daily intake of fluoride from all sources.

“High fluoride intake can have an impact on the development of children’s brains, resulting in decreased childhood IQ.”

IQ Study #35: Seraj (2012)

Seraj B, et al. (2012). Effect of high water fluoride concentration on the intellectual development of children in Makoo/Iran. Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. 9(3): 221-29.

Location of Study:
Makoo, Iran.

Size of Study:
293 children (91 children in control village; 106 children in medium F village; 96 children in high F village)

Age of Subjects:
6 to 11 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
Control = 0.8+0.3 ppm
Medium fluoride = 3.1+0.9 ppm
High fluoride = 5.2+1.1 ppm

Controls for Confounding Factors:
Age, gender, child’s educational level, mother’s educational level, father’s educational level, fluorosis intensity, iodine level in water, lead level in water.

IQ Test:
Raven’s Color Progressive Matrices (RCPM)

“The mean IQ scores decreased from 97.77+18.91 for the normal fluoride group to 89.03+12.99 for the medium fluoride group and to 88.58+16.01 for the high fluoride group (P=0.001).”

”Since all potentially confounding factors were adjusted, the difference in IQ scores may reveal the potential effect of high fluoride exposure on the intellectual development of children.”

IQ Study #34: Saxena (2012)

Saxena S, et al. (2012). Effect of fluoride exposure on the intelligence of school children in Madhya Pradesh, India. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice 3(2):144-49.

Location of Study:
Madhya Pradesh, India.

Size of Study:
173 children (120 children in three high-F areas and 53 children from a control group)

Age of Subjects:
School children in the 5th & 6th grades

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
Group 1 = >4.5 ppm
Group 2 = 3.1-4.5 ppm
Group 3 = 1.5-3.0 ppm
Control = <1.5 ppm

Urine Fluoride Levels:
Group 1 = 7.01+1.02
Group 2 = 4.85+0.50
Group 3 = 3.28+0.48
Control = 2.25+0.28

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) No significant differences in urinary lead, arsenic, or iodine levels between the four groups. (2) No significant differences in gender ratio, socio-economic status, SES, parental education, height/age ratio, and weight/height ratio. (3) Children were excluded if they were not lifelong resident of area, if they had changed their water source since birth, or if they had history of congenital or acquired neurological disease and/or head injury.

IQ Test:
Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

”Reduction in intelligence was observed with an increased water fluoride level (P 0.000). The urinary fluoride level was a significant predictor for intelligence (P 0.000).”

”This study indicates that exposure to fluoride is associated with reduced intelligence in children. We have found a significant inverse relationship between intelligence and the water fluoride level, and intelligence and the urinary fluoride level. After adjusting for confounders, urinary fluoride was the significant predictor for intelligence.”

IQ Study #33: Ding (2011)

Ding Y, et al. (2011). The relationships between low levels of urine fluoride on children’s intelligence, dental fluorosis in endemic fluorosis areas in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 186(2-3):1942-46.

Location of study:
Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, China

Size of study:
331 children from four sites

Age of Subjects:
7-14 years old

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride Levels:
Mianduhe town=0.28+0.03 mg/L
Nan district=0.79+0.33 mg/L
Donghu district=1.78+0.60 mg/L
Zhalainuoer county=1.82+1.00 mg/

Urine Fluoride Levels:
No dental fluorosis = 0.80+0.55 mg/L
Questionable fluorosis = 1.13+0.73 mg/L
Very mild fluorosis = 1.11+0.74 mg/L
Mild fluorosis = 1.31+0.78 mg/L
Moderate fluorosis =1.46+0.79 mg/L.

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Sites selected to match social and natural factors like economic situation, educational standard, and geological environments. (2) Schools had similar teaching quality. (3) Sites are not exposed to known neurotoxins (e.g. arsenic) in drinking water, nor are they endemic areas for iodine deficiency disorders. (4) Five children who had not lived in these areas at least 1 year were excluded.

IQ Test:
CRT-RC3 (Combined Raven’s Test for Rural China)

Children’s IQ was inversely related to urinary fluoride content, (p<0.0001). Each increase in 1 mg/L of urine F was associated with 0.59 point decrease in IQ (p=0.0226).

“In conclusion, our study suggested that low levels of fluoride exposure in drinking water had negative effects on children’s intelligence and dental health and confirmed the dose-response relationships between urine fluoride and IQ scores as well as dental fluorosis.”

IQ Study #32: Poureslami (2011)

Poureslami HR, et al. (2011). Intelligence quotient of 7 to 9 year-old children from an area with high fluoride in drinking water. Journal of Dentistry and Oral Hygiene 3(4):61-64.

Location of study:
Kerman Province, Iran: Koohbanan (high-F) and Baft (low-F)

Size of study:
120 children: 60 children per city

Age of Subjects:
7-9 years old

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride levels:
High-F = 2.38 mg/L
Low-F = 0.41 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Exclusion criteria: genetic, congenital, or acquired diseases related to the nervous system, past or present. (2) Inclusion criteria (high-F village): signs of grade III TSIDF (total surface index of Dental Fluorosis) or more. (3) Inclusion criteria (low-F village): similar physical and mental health criteria adopted, but children lacked any sign of Dental Fluorosis. (4) Both towns at high altitude.

Type of IQ Test
Raven’s Progressive Matrices Intelligence Test (Persian version)

Average IQ of High F group (91.37+16.63) is significantly lower than average IQ of Low-F group (97.80+15.95), p < 0.05.

“Based on the findings, chronic exposure to high levels of fluoride can be one of the factors that influence intellectual development.”

IQ Study #31: Eswar (2011)

Eswar P, et al. (2011). Intelligent quotients of 12-14 year old school children in a high and low fluoride village in India. Fluoride 44:168-72.

Location of study:
Ajjihalli (low F) and Holesirigere (high F) villages, Davangere district, Karnataka, India.

Size of study:
133 children total (low F village=65; high F village=68)

Age of Subjects:
12-14 years old

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride levels:
High F village=2.45 mg/L
Low F village =0.29 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Children included were continuous residents of study villages since birth; drinking water from same public water supply (1 per village); (2) attended same high school (1 per village). (3) Children with history of trauma or injury to head; affected by congenital or acquired neurological disorders, psychological disorders were excluded.

Type of IQ Test
Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices Test

63.2% of children in high F area had IQ less than 90, versus 47.7% of children in low F village. (p=0.06).

“Though there was a trend in our study towards lower IQ in a greater number of children from high F village than in the low F village, probably the small sample size of the present study failed to establish a statistically significant difference.”

IQ Study #30: Shivaprakash (2011)

Shivaprakash PK, et al. (2011). Relation between dental fluorosis and intelligence quotient in school children of Bagalkot district. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 29(2):117-20.

Location of study:
Bagalkot district, Karnataka state, India

Size of study:
160 children

Age of Subjects:
7-11 years old

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride Levels:
high F village = 2.5-3.5 mg/L
low F village = < 0.5 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Children included in study had normal birth history, were permanent residents in the region of study, had no history of trauma to the head, no history of chronic illness, not on medication. (2) Villages have similar culture, standard of living, and lifestyle habits.

Type of IQ Test
Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices Test

(A) Children with dental fluorosis had lower IQ (66.63+18.09) than those without dental fluorosis (76.36+20.84), p < 0.05. (B) Children with mild dental fluorosis had lower IQ (66.73) than those without dental fluorosis (75.89), p < 0.05.

“Previous studies had indicated toward decreased Intelligence in children exposed to high levels of fluoride and our study also confirmed such an effect.”

IQ Study #29: Li (2009)

Li F, et al. (2009). The impact of endemic fluorosis caused by the burning of coal on the development of intelligence in children. Journal of Environmental Health 26(4):838-40.

Location of study:
Xinhua County, Hunan Province, China

Size of study:
80 children total: 20 children from “mild” fluorosis area, 20 from “medium” fluorosis area, 20 from “severe” fluorosis area, and 20 from non-fluorosis area.

Age of Subjects:
8-12 years old

Source of Fluoride:
Coal burning

Fluoride exposure levels:
Urine F (by region):severe = 2.34+1.13 mg/L
medium = 1.67+0.66 mg/L
mild = 1.24+0.43 mg/L
control = 0.96+0.52 mg/LUrine F (by dental fluorosis type):severe = 2.66+1.09 mg/L
medium = 2.01+0.80 mg/L
mild = 1.64+0.68 mg/L
very mild = 1.17+0.48 mg/L
suspected = 1.09+0.36 mg/L
no fluorosis = 0.87+0.23 mg/L.

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) All children were born and raised in the respective areas. (2) Children were excluded if they had been diagnosed with physical deformation, developmental disorders, delayed mental development, emotional/behavioral obstacles or challenges, or other forms of mental disorders.

Type of IQ Test
CRT-RC (Combined Raven’s Test for Rural China)

– IQ decreased with increasing F level in urine (p < 0.01) – IQ was significantly reduced among children with severe fluorosis as compared to children without fluorosis (p < 0.05) – A trend (albeit not statistically significant) for IQ to decrease with increasing severity of dental fluorosis (NS) and with increasing severity of the region’s fluoride poisoning

“High exposure to fluoride most definitely has an adverse effect on the development of intelligence in children, in particular on the capability of abstract inference.”

IQ Study #28: Rocha-Amador (2007)

Rocha-Amador D, et al. (2007). Decreased intelligence in children and exposure to fluoride and arsenic in drinking water. Cadernos de Saude Publica 23(Suppl 4):S579-87.

Location of study:
Durango State, Mexico & San Luis Potosi State, Mexico

Size of study:
132 children

Age of Subjects:
6 to 10 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels
Lowest F village: 0.8+1.4 mg/L
Middle F village: 5.2+0.9 mg/L
Highest F village: 9.4+0.9 mg/L

Urine Fluoride Levels
Lowest F village: 1.8+1.5 mg/L
Middle F village: 6.0+1.6 mg/L
Highest F village: 5.5+3.3 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) A multiple regression analysis was used that controlled for blood lead levels, socioeconomic status, mother’s education, height-for-age (an index of malnutrition), and transferrin saturation. (2) Each child’s water fluoride level, and urine fluoride level, levels were individually determined. (3) The test examiner was blinded as to the children’s fluoride exposure.

IQ Test:
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised Mexican Version (WISC-RM)

(1) Both fluoride in urine, and fluoride in water, were significantly correlated with IQ, and this correlation remained significant after controlling for lead exposure, socioeconomic status, mother’s education, malnutrition, and transferrin. (2) Fluoride’s effect on IQ was larger than the effect from arsenic.

“We found that exposure to F in urine was associated with reduced Performance, Verbal and Full IQ scores before and after adjusting for confounders. The same pattern was observed for models with F in water as the exposure variable. . . . The individual effect of F in urine indicated that for each mg increase of F in urine a decrease of 1.7 points in Full IQ might be expected.”

IQ Study #27: Wang (2007)

Wang SX, et al. (2007). Arsenic and fluoride exposure in drinking water: children’s IQ and growth in Shanyin county, Shanxi province, China. Environmental Health Perspectives 115(4):643-7.

Location of study:
Shanyin County, Shanxi Province, China

Size of study:
720 children: 21-196 per village (3 villages for each of the arsenic groups)

Age of Subjects:
8-12 years old

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High-Arsenic group = 0.9+0.5 mg/L
Medium-Arsenic group = 1.7+1.1 mg/L
High-Fluoride group = 8.3+1.9 mg/L
Control group = 0.5+0.2 mg/L

Urine Fluoride levels:
High-Arsenic group = 1.0+1.7 mg/L
Medium-Arsenic group = 2.8+1.9 mg/L
High-Fluoride group = 5.1+2.0 mg/L
Control group = 1.5+1.6 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Arsenic used as variable. Similar manganese levels in water for all groups. (2) All groups lived in rural areas with similar geographic and cultural conditions and a comparable level of socioeconomic development (years of parental education, average income, years of exposure). (3) All children currently attending school.

Type of IQ Test
CRT-RC (Combined Raven’s Test for Rural China)

– Average IQ in high-arsenic area (95.1+16.6) is significantly lower than IQ in control area (104.8+14.7). p < 0.05 – The average IQ in high-fluoride area (100.5+15.8) is also significantly lower than average IQ in control area (104.8+14.7). p < 0.05 – Significantly more children with IQ lower than 70 (mental retardation) in high-F area (4%), medium-arsenic area (3.3%), and high-arsenic area (8.3%) as compared to control (0%).

“This study indicates that exposure to fluoride in drinking water is associated with neurotoxic effects in children.”

IQ Study #26: Trivedi (2007)

Trivedi MH, et al. (2007). Effect of high fluoride water on intelligence of school children in India. Fluoride 40(3):178-183.

Location of study:
– High F area: Sachana, Sanand district, Gujarat, India – Medium F area: Chandlodia, Ahmedabad, India

Size of study:
190 children (89 in high F area; 101 in medium F area)

Age of Subjects:
12-13 years old

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High F area=5.55+0.41 mg/L
Medium F area=2.01+0.009 mg/L

Urine Fluoride Levels:
High F area = 6.13+0.67 mg/L
Medium F area = 2.30+0.28 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) The study included only those children who were life-long residents of the areas. respective location. (2) The areas have similar nutritional status and both have middle class socioeconomic status (although Sachana is slightly poorer). (3) Iodized salt is used in both areas.

Type of IQ Test
Questionnaire prepared by Prof. JH Shah; standardized on the Gujarati population with 97% reliability rate in relation to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale

(A) Average IQ is lower in High-F area (91.72+1.13) than in Low-F area (104.44+1.23), p<0.001. (B) High F area has 28.09% of children with IQ below normal (over twice the percentage found in lower F area).

“In agreement with other studies elsewhere, these findings indicate that children drinking high F water are at risk for impaired development of intelligence.”

IQ Study #25: Fan (2007)

Fan Z, et al. (2007). The effect of high fluoride exposure on the level of intelligence in children. Journal of Environmental Health 24(10):802-03.

Location of study:
Pucheng County, Shaanxi Province, China.

Size of study:
79 children (42 children in High F area; 37 children in low F area)

Age of Subjects:
7-14 years old

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride Levels:
– High F area=3.15 mg/L
– Low F area=1.03 mg/L (water-improvement schemes implemented 14-18 years before study)

Urine Fluoride Levels:
– High F area group=2.89+1.97 mg/L (range: 1.14-6.09 mg/L);
– Low F area group=1.78+0.46 mg/L (range: 1.33-2.35 mg/L) (non-significant difference, likely because F is consumed from various sources other than water)

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) The two areas have common habits and lifestyles in terms of cuisine, economy, culture, education, agricultural goods, etc.. (2) No chemical factories in area. (3) The area does not have an iodine deficiency problem.

Type of IQ Test
CRT-C2 intelligence module

(A) Average IQ in High-F area (96.11 + 12.00) is lower than Low-F area (98.41 + 14.75), although difference is not statistically significant. (B) No child in High-F area has outstanding or excellent intelligence. The respective rates in the Low-F area are 2.7% and 5.4%, respectively.

“Exposure to high levels of fluoride is likely to cause a certain level of harm to a child’s level of intelligence.”

IQ Study #24: Seraj (2006)

Seraj B, et al. (2006). [Effect of high fluoride concentration in drinking water on children’s intelligence]. [Study in Persian] Journal of Dental Medicine 19(2):80-86.

Location of study:

Size of study:
126 children (85 children from low-F village, 41 children from high-F village)

Age of Subjects:
Not provided in English abstract (full study is in Persian)

Source of Fluoride:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High F village = 2.5 mg/L
Low F village = 0.4 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
The history of illnesses affecting the nervous system, head trauma, birth weight (>2.5kg or < 2.5kg), residental history, age and sex of children were investigated by questionnaires completed by the children’s parents.

Type of IQ Test

“In the high fluoride area the mean IQ of children (87.9±11) was significantly lower than in the low fluoride area (98.9±12.9) (P=0.025).”

Statistical significance
““Based on the findings of this study, exposure of children to high levels of fluoride may carry the risk of impaired development of intelligence.”

IQ Study #23: Wang (2005)

Wang S, et al. (2005). The effects of endemic fluoride poisoning caused by coal burning on the physical development and intelligence of children. Journal of Applied Clinical Pediatrics 20(9):897-898 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:344-348).

Location of study:
Zhijin County, Ghizhou Province, China

Size of study:
226 children (176 children in High F area, including 119 children with skeletal fluorosis and 57 children with only dental fluorosis; 50 children in low-F area without skeletal or dental fluorosis)

Age of Subjects:
7-12 years old

Type of Exposure:
Coal burning

Urine Fluoride Levels:
High F group=1.352+0.457 mg/L (n=144)
Lower F group=1.611+0.467 mg/L (n=35)

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Both areas are free from iodine deficiency. (2) Both areas have similar standard of living, sanitation, culture, and availability of medical treatment.

Type of IQ Test
Raven’s Standard Theoretical Intelligence Test, Chinese version

Children from high F (endemic) areas had lower IQ than those from lower F (control) area (p<0.01). Negative correlation between urine F and IQ (p<0.01).

“High fluoride burden has a definite effect on the intellectual and physical development of children.”

IQ Study #22: Xiang (2003a,b)

– Xiang Q, et al. (2003a). Effect of fluoride in drinking water on children’s intelligence. Fluoride 36: 84-94. – Xiang Q, et al. (2003b). Blood lead of children in Wamiao-Xinhuai intelligence study. Fluoride 36: 198-199.

Location of study:
Sihong County, Jiangsu Province, China

Size of study:
512 children (222 children in high-F village, 290 children in low-F village)

Age of Subjects:
8-13 years old

Type of Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High F village=2.47+0.79 mg/L (range=0.57-4.50 mg/L)
Low F village=0.36+0.15 mg/L (range=0.18-0.76 mg/L)In the high-F village, children were subdivided into the following five fluoride water levels:Group A<1.0 mg/L;
Group B=1.0-1.9 mg/L;
Group C=2.0-2.9 mg/L;
Group D=3.0-3.9 mg/L;
Group E>3.9 mg/L.

Urine Fluoride Levels:
High F village=3.47+1.95 mg/L
Low F village=1.11+0.39 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) The two villages have similar urine iodine levels (p>0.3), and blood lead levels (p>0.48). (2) Neither village has fluoride pollution from burning coal or other industrial sources. (3) None of the residents reported drinking brick tea. (4) Children  who had been absent from either village for 2 years or longer, or who had a history of brain disease or head injury were excluded from study.

Type of IQ Test
CRT-RC (Combined Raven’s Test for Rural China)

(A) Mean IQ of high F village (92.02+13.00) is lower than low F village (100.41+13.21), p<0.01. (B) Higher drinking water F is significantly associated with higher rates of mental retardation (IQ<70) and borderline intelligence (IQ=70-79), p<0.05. (C) Children’s IQs are not related to urinary iodine, family income, or parent’s education level.

“In endemic fluorosis areas, drinking water fluoride levels greater than 1.0 mg/L may adversely affect the development of children’s intelligence.”

IQ Study #21: Li (2003)

Li Y, et al. (2003). Effects of endemic fluoride poisoning on the intellectual development of children in Baotou. Chinese Journal of Public Health Management 19(4):337-338 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:161-64).

Location of study:
Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China

Size of study:
936 children (720 children from high-F endemic area; 236 children from low-F control area)

Age of Subjects:
6-13 years old

Source of F exposure:

Fluoride exposure levels:
“The region classified as endemic was designated using the 1981 standards for designation of endemic regions laid out in 1981’s Standards for Endemic Fluorosis Prevention and Treatment Work”

Controls for Confounding Factors:
None given.

Type of IQ Test
Illustrated version of the Chinese Standardized Raven Test for children in rural areas

(A) Average IQ of children in endemic area (92.07) somewhat lower than that of control area (93.78), NS. (B) Rate of children with low IQ (<69) greater in endemic area (10.38%) than in control area (4.24%) (“high statistical significance”, but no p value given).

“In our study, we found that the average IQ of children in a fluoride endemic area was somewhat lower than the control, but the result was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The percentage of children with fluorosis, however, was higher as compared to the control, and this was very significant statistically.”

IQ Study #20: Shao (2003)

Shao Q, et al. (2003). Study of cognitive function impairment caused by chronic fluorosis. Chinese Journal of Endemiology 22(4):336-38.

Location of study:
Bijie City (high F area) and Tongren area (control area), Guizhou Province, China

Size of study:
88 adults (49 adults in High-F area; 39 adults in Low-F area)

Age of Subjects:
Aged 30-50 (High-F area = 42+6 years; Low-F area = 43+6 years)

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Fluoride exposure levels:
Adults in high-F area diagnosed as suffering from fluoride poisoning (as evident by dental and skeletal changes). Water F levels not provided.

Controls for Confounding Factors:
Non-iodine deficient areas. Exclusions of mental disorders caused by mental retardation, brain organic and somatic diseases. All farmers. Similar distribution of age, sex, education level.

Type of IQ Test
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale test for Rural China (WATS-RC); Associated learning (AL) test; Digit Span (DS) test; Similarity test; Speech fluency test (SFT); Comprehension test.

(A) Significantly lower operation score on IQ test in high F area (48-54) versus low F area (52-59), p < 0.01. (B) Lower total IQ score in high F area (78-100, average) than in low F area (109-118, average-high), although not statistically significant (C)  High F subjects have significantly lower scores on several of the performance tests (speech fluency, recognition, similarity, p < 0.01, and digit span, p < 0.05), and this correlates with elevated levels of oxidative stress.

“The results suggest that some cognitive function limitations exist in those suffering from chronic fluoride poisoning, and its biologic basis may be related to the levels of SOD and NO [indices of oxidative stress].”

IQ Study #19: Wang (2001)

Wang X, et al. (2001). Effects of high iodine and high fluorine on children’s intelligence and thyroid function. Chinese Journal of Endemiology 20(4):288-90.

Location of study:
Binzhou and Dezhou, Qingyun County, Shandong Province, China

Size of study:
513 children (322 children from school in high iodine/high fluoride area; 193 children from school in lower iodine/lower fluoride area).

Age of Subjects:
8-12 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
– High iodine/high fluoride area=2.97 mg/L – Lower iodine/lower fluoride area=0.5 mg/L

Urine Fluoride Levels:
– High iodine/high fluoride = 3.08+1.03 mg/L – Low iodine/low fluoride = 0.82+0.56 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
Iodine exposure.

Type of IQ Test
CRT-RC (Combined Raven’s Test for Rural China)

(A) Average IQ is lower in High-F area than in Low-F area (76.67+7.75 vs. 81.67+11.97), although the difference does not reach statistical significance. (B) The rate of extremely low and borderline IQ is higher in the High F areas than in the Low F areas (16.67% vs. 10% and 36.67% vs. 16.67, respectively), although these differencese do not reach statistical significance.

“High iodine and high fluorine have certain influence on children’s intelligence and thyroid function.”

IQ Study #18: Hong (2001)

Hong F, et al. (2001). Research on the effects of fluoride on child intellectual development under different environments. Chinese Primary Health Care 15(3):56-57 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41(2):156–60).

Location of study:
Wukang, Boxing, and Zouping counties, Shangdong Province, China

Size of study:
205 children (32 controls; 85 High F; 32 High-F/High Iodine; 28 High F/Low Iodine; 28 Low F/Low Iodine)

Age of Subjects:
8-14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
– Control area = 0.75 mg/L – High F only = 2.90 mg/L – High F/High I = 2.85 mg/L – High F/Low I = 2.94 mg/L – Low F/Low I = 0.48 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
– Iodine exposure. – Areas have same geographical features and standard of living.

Type of IQ Test
Chinese Standardized Raven’s Test for Rural areas (CRT-R)

(A) Average IQ of High F/Low I group (68.38+19.12) and Low F/Low I group (75.53+6.92) is lower than control group (82.79+8.98), p<0.01. (B) IQ of High F/Low I group is lower than Low F/Low I group, p<0.01. (C) Significant interaction exists between High Fluoride and Low Iodine, p<0.01. (D) IQ ranking of high F groups show significant deficits compared to control, p<0.01.

“The IQ results of this study show no significant difference between the average IQs of those children from the high fluoride only areas and the high fluoride/high iodine areas, however the result from the high fluoride/low iodine group show statistically significant differences as compared to that of the low fluoride/low iodine group. In short, it appears that the presence or lack of iodine is a more significant factor in both the prevalence of goiter and average IQ.”

IQ Study #17: Lu (2000)

Lu Y, et al (2000). Effect of high-fluoride water on intelligence of children. Fluoride 33:74-78.

Location of study:
Tianjin Xiqing District, China

Size of study:
118 children (60 children in High-F village; 58 children in Low-F village)

Age of Subjects:
10-12 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
– High F village = 3.15+0.61 mg/L – Low F village = 0.37+0.04 mg/L

Urine Fluoride Levels:
– High F village = 4.99+2.57 mg/L – Low F village = 1.43+0.64 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Children included in the study are lifelong residents of study area. (2) Villages have similar population size, social, economic and educational backgrounds. (3) Children with congenital or acquired neurological disorders were excluded.

Type of IQ Test
Chinese Combined Raven’s Test, Copyright 2 (CRT-C2)

(A) Average IQ of children from High F village (92.27+20.45) is lower than children from Low F village (103.05+13.86), p<0.005. (B) More “retarded” (IQ=<70) and “borderline” intelligence (IQ=70-79) children in high F group (21.6%) than in low F group (3.4%), p<0.005. (C) Significant inverse relationship exists between urinary F and IQ.

“The findings of this study thus replicate those of earlier studies and suggest that a real relationship exists between fluoride exposure and intelligence.”

IQ Study #16: Zhang (1998)

Zhang J, et al. (1998). The effect of high levels of arsenic and fluoride on the development of  children’s intelligence. Chinese Journal of Public Health 17(2):119.

Location of Study:
Kuitun region, Urumqi, China

Size of Study:
164 children

Age of Subjects:
4-10 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
For the 4 to 8 year olds, the fluoride level their entire life (including during fetal development) was between 0.49 and 0.81 ppm. The 9 year olds were exposed to high fluoride (level not provided) during fetal development. The 10 year olds were exposed to high fluoride during fetal development and their first year of life.

Controls for Confounding Factors:
Arsenic level in water.

Type of IQ Test:
50-point evaluation tests created by Japanese researcher, Shigeo Kobayashi

No difference in IQ among the 4 to 8 year olds, a slight (non-significant) reduction in IQ among the 9 year olds (who were exposed to fluoride during fetal development), and a significant reduction among the 10 year olds (who were exposed during fetal development and their first year of life).

“Even though there were differences in the results from the 10 year-old subjects from the normal comparative group, in contrast to subjects from the high fluoride high arsenic group and the high fluoride group, these results might not be overtly representative as less number of subjects from the high fluoride group has been tested.”

IQ Study #15: Yao (1997)

Yao Y, et al. (1997). Comparative assessment of the physical and mental development of children in endemic fluorosis area with water improvement and without water improvement. Literature and Information on Preventive Medicine 3(1):42-43.

Location of study:
Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China

Size of study:
823 children (326 children from fluorosis area with water improvement; 183 children from fluorosis area without water improvement; 314 children from non-fluorosis area)

Age of Subjects:
7-14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
– Fluorosis area without water improvements = 2.0 mg/L- Fluorosis with water improvements = 0.33 mg/L (prior to improvement 8 years before study, the F level was 2.0 mg/L)- Non-fluorosis area = 0.4 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
– All children born locally.- Areas in study have adequate iodine exposure and similar levels of economic development, living conditions, school size, and number of teachers.

Type of IQ Test
CRT-RC (Combined Raven’s Test for Rural China)

(A) Children in fluorosis area (without water improvement) have lower average IQ than children in fluorosis area (with water improvement) for all age groups, p<0.01. (B) Children in fluorosis area without water improvement have lower average IQ than children in non-fluorosis area for all age groups, p<0.01. (C) Children born prior to water improvement program in fluorosis area with water improvement have lower average IQ than children in non-fluorosis area, p<0.05. (D) No significant difference in intelligence exists between children born after water improvement and children in non-fluorosis area.

“These results show that water improvement and defluoridation can improve the mental and physical development of children in a fluorosis area.“

IQ Study #14: Yao (1996)

Yao Y, et al. (1996). Analysis on TSH and intelligence level of children with dental Fluorosis in a high fluoride area. Literature and Information on Preventive Medicine 2(1):26-27.

Location of study:
Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, China

Size of study:
536 children (78 children from high-fluorosis area; 188 children from light-fluorosis area; 270 children from non-fluorosis area)

Age of Subjects:
8-12 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High-F area: <11 mg/L Low-F area: 2.0 mg/L Control area: 1.0 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Children in each of the three areas have adequate iodine exposure as determined through urine analysis. (2) The three areas have similar economic development, schools, and teachers.

Type of IQ Test
Raven test—Associative Atlas (Version of Chinese village)

(A) Average IQ of children with dental fluorosis in high-fluorosis area and light-fluorosis areas is lower than children in non-fluorosis area, p<0.01. (B) Average IQ of children with dental fluorosis from high-fluorosis area is lower than those from light-fluorosis area, p<0.05. (C) Rate of high IQ (>120) is lower in high-fluorosis area (3.85%) and light-fluorosis area group (6.91%) than non-fluorosis area (10.74%) (no p value given).

“The results of the intelligence tests show that a high level of fluoride influences children’s IQ, which is consistent with some previous data. It is worth mentioning that the higher the degree of dental fluorosis, the more negative the impact on the children’s intelligence level. This is an issue which merits utmost attention.”

IQ Study #13: Zhao (1996)

Zhao LB, et al (1996). Effect of high-fluoride water supply on children’s intelligence. Fluoride 29: 190-192.

Location of study:
Shanxi Province, China

Size of study:
320 children (160 children from high-F village; 160 children from lower-F village)

Age of Subjects:
7-14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High-F village = 4.12 mg/L Lower-F village = 0.91 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Similar occupations, living standards, and social customs in the two villages. (2)  Only children whose mothers lived in the village during pregnancy were included in study. (3) Parents’ educational level was determined (and found to have a significant influence on IQ, p < 0.01).

Type of IQ Test
“Official intelligence quotient (IQ) tests lasting 40 minutes”

Children in High-F village have significantly lower average IQ (97.69+13.00) than children in lower-F village (105.21+14.99), p<0.01.

“The results of this study indicate that intake of high-fluoride drinking water from before birth has a significant deleterious influence on children’s IQ in one of two similar villages.”

IQ Study #12: Wang (1996)

Wang G, et al. (1996). A study of the IQ levels of four- to seven-year-old children in high fluoride areas. Endemic Diseases Bulletin 11(1):60-6 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:340–43).

Location of study:
Shehezi, Xinjiang Province, China

Size of study:
230 children (147 children from High-F village; 83 children from Low-F village)

Age of Subjects:
4-7 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:
Water & Coal-Burning

Water Fluoride Levels:
– All wells = 0.58-8.60 mg/L – High F area = > 1.0 mg/L – Low F area = < 1.0 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Children were excluded from study if they had a low intellectual ability due to genetic inheritance, past illness, malnutrition, uses of medication, or other reasons. (2) “Significantly greater” percentage of children with below average head circumference in High F area (18.37%) than in Control area (9.64%) (no p value given).

Type of IQ Test
Wechler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)

(A) Average Total IQ in High F group (95.64+14.34) is lower than in control group (101.23+15.84), p<0.05. (B) Average Performance IQ in High F group (94.33+14.76) is lower than in Control group (101.77+18.12), p<0.01. (C) Average Verbal IQ is not significantly different. (D) In High F area, children with below-normal head circumference have lower average IQ (89.07+15.69) than those with normal head circumference (97.13+8.06), p<0.01.

“The results show that a high fluoride intake has a clear influence on the IQ of preschool children, manifesting itself primarily as damage to performance intelligence.”

IQ Study #11: Li (1995)

Li XS. (1995). Effect of fluoride exposure on intelligence in children. Fluoride 28:189-192.

Location of study:
Anshu and Zhijin counties, Guizhou Province, China

Size of study:
907 children (230 children from severe fluorosis area; 224 children from medium fluorosis area; 227 children from slight fluorosis area; 226 children from non-fluorosis area)

Age of Subjects:
8-13 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:
Coal burning

Urine Fluoride Levels
– Severe dental fluorosis = 2.69 mg/L – Medium dental fluorosis = 2.01 mg/L – Slight dental fluorosis = 1.81 mg/L – No dental fluorosis = 1.02 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) All children of Han nationality.(2) Children were excluded from study if they had  congenital or acquired diseases “not related to fluoride.” (3) Groups separated by intervals of 6 months in age.

Type of IQ Test
China Rui Wen’s Scaler for Rural Areas

Average IQ of children in severe (80.3+12.9) and medium (79.7+12.7) fluorosis areas is lower than the slight (89.7+12.7) and non-fluorosis (89.9+10.4) areas, p<0.01.

“A high fluoride intake was associated with a lower intelligence.”

IQ Study #10: Xu (1994)

Xu Y, et al. (1994). The effect of fluorine on the level of intelligence in children. Endemic Diseases Bulletin 9(2):83-84.

Location of study:
Shandong Province, China

Size of study:
330 children (8 groups of 21-97 children categorized based on fluoride and iodine content of water)

Age of Subjects:
8-14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
– High Fluoride/High Iodine = 3.9 mg/L – High Fluoride/Low Iodine = 2.0 mg/L – High Fluoride = 1.8 mg/L – Low Fluoride =  0.38-0.5 mg/L – Control Area = 0.8 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Water iodine level used as variable. (2) Child’s pre-school education history was determined. (3) Parent’s literacy was determined.

Type of IQ Test

(A) Children in areas with high-fluoride and low-iodine have significantly lower IQs than children in areas with high-fluoride and high-iodine, p < 0.01. (B) More children have low IQ (< 69) in areas with High F/High I (10.53%), High F only (7.32%), and High F/Low I (12.82%) than in control group (1.61%)

“The number of children whose level of intelligence is lower is significantly increased in regions of high fluoride/iodine, regions of high fluoride only, regions of high fluoride/low iodine, against their respective comparative groups. . . . This could be demonstrative of the fact that fluoride acts to increase the toxicity and worsen the occurrence of thyroid swelling.”

IQ Study #9: Li (1994)

Li Y, et al. (1994). Effects of high fluoride intake on child mental work capacity: Preliminary investigation into the mechanisms involved. Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences 25(2):188-91 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:331-35).

Location of study:
Sichuan Province, China

Size of study:
158 children from two neighboring townships (107 children with various degrees of dental fluorosis; 51 children with no dental fluorosis)

Age of Subjects:
12-13 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:
Food contaminated by coal smoke

Fluoride Content of Grain:
– Children with no dental fluorosis = 0.5 mg/kg- Children with dental fluorosis (HiF1) = 4.7 mg/kg- Children with dental fluorosis (HiF2) = 5.2 mg/kg- Children with dental fluorosis (HiF3) = 31.6 mg/kg

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) The areas have similar levels of fluoride in water (0.3 mg/L) and air (0.02-0.51 mg/m3) and similar levels of zinc in soil. (2) The areas townships have similar economic and cultural status, lifestyle, dietary habits, basic constituents of food. (3) Age, gender, and grade level of the children are kept “as constant as possible.” (4) Children with acute or chronic diseases not related to fluoride were excluded from study.

Type of IQ Test
Mental Work Capacity determined by number of letters found (NLF), rate of error (RE), index of mental capacity (IMC), short-term memory capacity (SMC), visual reaction time (RT).

(A) Children with dental fluorosis in mid-exposure group (HiF2) have reduced short-term mental capacity (p<0.05), reduced mental capacity index (p < 0.01), and reduced NLF scores (p<0.01) as compared to children with no fluorosis and children with lower exposure.(B) Children with dental fluorosis in high-exposure group (HiF3) have reduced short-term mental capacity (p<0.01), reduced mental capacity index (p < 0.01), and reduced NLF scores (p<0.01) as compared children with no fluorosis and children with low exposure.

“As shown in this study, the mental work capacity (MWC) of the two groups of children with grade 3 dental fluorosis was lower than the two groups with no dental fluorosis. . . . This indicates that early, long-term exposure to excess fluoride causes deficits in memory, attention, and reaction time, but 12–13 year-old children with only recent exposure show no major effects. Studies [on human fetuses] have already shown that the developing brain is one of the ripest targets for disruption by fluoride poisoning. Given that before six years of age the human brain is in its fastest stage of development, and that around seven and eight basic structural development is completed, therefore the brain is most vulnerable to damage from excess fluoride intake before this age.”

IQ Study #8: Yang (1994)

Yang Y, et al. (1994). The effects of high levels of fluoride and iodine on intellectual ability and the metabolism of fluoride and iodine. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 15(4):296-98 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:336-339).

Location of study:
Shandong Province, China

Size of study:
60 children (30 from high-F village, 30 from Low-F village)

Age of Subjects:
8-14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High F/High Iodine area = 2.97 mg/L Control area = 0.5 mg/L

Urine Fluoride Levels:
High F/High Iodine area = 2.08+1.03 mg/L Control area = 0.82+0.56 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Iodine exposure. (2) Areas are in close proximity to each other.

Type of IQ Test
Chinese Comparative Scale of Intelligence Test

(A) Children in high F/high iodine area have lower IQ (76.67+7.75) than those in low F area (81.67+11.97), although the difference is not statistically significant.(B) Greater percentage of children have moderately low IQ (<79) in High F/High Iodine area (76.67%) than in control area (36.67%), p<0.01.

“An excess of fluoride and a lack of iodine in the same environment has been shown to have a marked effect on child intellectual development, causing a more significant intellectual deficit than lack of iodine alone.”

IQ Study #7: An (1992)

An J, et al. (1992). The effects of high fluoride on the level of intelligence of primary and secondary students. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 7(2):93-94.

Location of study:
Xingshunxi Town, Guyang County, Inner Mongolia (4 neighboring villages with high fluoride centered around Wubu Ziyao village and 6 neighboring villages with lower fluoride centered around Hada Heshao Village).

Size of study:
242 children (121 children from high-F villages and 121 children from the low-F villages)

Age of Subjects:
7-16 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High-F villages = 2.1+7.6 mg/L Control villages = 0.6+1.0 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Dental fluorosis rates were determined in both areas (90.9% in High-F area vs. 21.5% in Low-F area). (B) Both areas are in the countryside, are 15 km from each other, and share the same Han ethnicity. (C) The geography, culture, education, living standard, and social economic conditions are “very similar.”

IQ Test:
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

(A) Children in the High-F villages have significantly lower IQs at each age group studied: 7-10 (p < 0.02); 11-13 (p < 0.01); 14-16 (p < 0.03); 7-16 (p < 0.01). (B) Significantly more children in High-F villages have “critical state” IQ, p < 0.01. (C) When children within the High-F villages are stratified into highest-F (5.2-7.6 mg/L), and lowest-F levels (2.1-3.2 mg/L), the children in the higher-F areas had significantly lower IQ than the lower-F areas (p < 0.05).

“The results show that the level of intelligence of primary and secondary students from the high fluoride area and that of primary and secondary students from the non-high fluoride area had very significant differences, proving that high fluoride has adverse effects on the mental development of students. The higher the water fluoride is, the lower the level of IQ.”

IQ Study #6: Lin (1991)

Lin Fa-Fu; et al (1991). The relationship of a low-iodine and high-fluoride environment to subclinical cretinism in Xinjiang. Endemic Disease Bulletin 6(2):62-67 (republished in Iodine Deficiency Disorder Newsletter Vol. 7(3):24-25).

Location of study:
Hetian prefecture, Xinjiang, China

Size of study:
749 children (250 children in High-F/Low Iodine area; 256 children in Low-F/Low-Iodine area; and 243 children in Low F/Low Iodine area)

Age of Subjects:
7-14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High F/Low Iodine = 0.88 mg/L Low F/Low Iodine = 0.34 mg/L Control area = n/a

Urine Fluoride Levels:
High F/Low Iodine = 2.56 mg/L Low F/Low Iodine = 1.34-1.61 mg/L Control area = 1.6 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
(1) Iodine exposure. (2) Lower socioeconomic status in all areas. (3) Areas have similar nationalities, habits, customs, and income.

IQ Test:
CRT-RC (Combined Raven’s Test for Rural China)

Children from the High F/Low Iodine area have significantly lower IQs (IQ=71) than children from the Low F/Low Iodine area (IQ=77-79; p<0.05), and control area (IQ=96); p<0.01).

“The significant differences in IQ among these regions suggests that fluoride can exacerbate central nervous lesions and somatic developmental disturbance caused by iodine deficiency.”

IQ Study #5: Guo (1991)

Guo X, et al. (1991). A preliminary investigation of the IQs of 7-13 year old children from an area with coal burning-related fluoride poisoning. Chinese Journal of Endemiology 10(2):98-100 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41(2):125–28).

Location of study:
Xinshao County, Hunan Province, China

Size of study:
121 children (60 children with mild to severe fluorosis from an endemic area where coal is used as a fuel source; 61 children from a non-endemic area where wood is used as a fuel source)

Age of Subjects:
7 to 13 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:
Coal burning (Fluoride levels in water < 0.5 mg/l in both areas)

Blood Fluoride Levels:
Endemic area=0.1483+0.0473 mg/L Non-endemic area=0.1044+0.0652 mg/L (p<0.01)

Controls for Confounding Factors:
The two areas are neighboring townships with “very similar” economies, cultures, living standards, lifestyles, public health, and education.

IQ Test:
Chinese Binet IQ Test

(A) Children from endemic fluorosis area have lower average IQ (76.7) than children in non-endemic area (81.4), p<0.05. (B) A greater percentage (30%) of children in endemic area have low IQ (<69) than in non-endemic area (11.5%), p<0.05.

”In summary, although diminished intellectual ability can result from a multitude of factors (both innate and acquired) that influence neural development and cell division in the cerebrum, the comparison conducted in this study of two areas where the other environment factors are basically the same shows clear differences in IQ, and it [is] probable that this difference is due to a high fluoride environment.”

IQ Study #4: Chen (1991)

Chen YX, et al. (1991). Research on the intellectual development of children in high fluoride areas. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 6(Suppl):99-100 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:120–24).

Location of study:
Linyi County, Shanxi Province, China

Size of study:
640 children (320 children from High-F village; 320 children from Lower-F village)

Age of Subjects:
7 to 14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High-F village = 4.55 mg/L Lower-F village = 0.89 mg/L

Controls for Confounding Factors:
The occupations, culture, standard of living, lifestyle habits, access to health and transportation facilities are “essentially the same” between the two areas.

IQ Test:
Rural version of Chinese Standardized Raven Test

Average IQ of children in High-F village (100.24+14.52) significantly lower than children in lower-F village (104.03+14.96), p<0.01.

“The results of this study indicate that there is significant difference between the intellectual ability of the 7–14 year old children from the [fluorosis] endemic area and those of the control, and moreover that the average IQ of the children from the endemic area is clearly lower.”

IQ Study #3: Sun (1991)

Sun M, et al. (1991). Measurement of intelligence by drawing test among the children in the endemic area of Al-F combined toxicosis. Journal of Guiyang Medical College 16(3):204-06.

Location of study:
Guizhou Province, China: Liupanshui City (endemic fluorosis area) and Guiyang City (non-endemic area)

Size of study:
420 children (196 children from endemic fluorosis area; 224 children from non-endemic area)

Age of Subjects:
6.5-12 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Fluoride exposure levels:

Controls for confounding factors:
(1) Majority of children of farmers. (2) Children with bone and joint deformities or nervous system symptoms were excluded from study.

IQ Test:
Drawing test for children (Japanese researcher’s Shigeo Kobayashi’s 50-point scoring method).

Children from endemic fluorosis area had lower IQ than those from non-endemic area at all ages except <7 (p < 0.05)

”From these results, it can be concluded that excessive consumption of fluorine and aluminum in the early stage of development directly impacts the development of the human brain, which causes the delayed intellectual development seen in children living in the endemic areas.”

IQ Study #2: Qin (1990)

Qin LS, Cui SY. (1990). Using the Raven’s standard progressive matrices to determine the effects of the level of fluoride in drinking water on the intellectual ability of school-age children. Chinese Journal of the Control of Endemic Diseases 5(4):203-04 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:115–19).

Location of study:
Jing County, Hubei Province, China

Size of study:
447 children (141 children from High-F area; 159 children from “normal” F area; 147 children from low-F area)

Age of Subjects:
9 to 10.5 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Water Fluoride Levels:
High F = 2.1-4.0 mg/L“Normal” F = 0.5-1.0 mg/LLow F = 0.1-0.2 mg/L

Controls for confounding factors:
All children had grown up drinking well water in their home village.

IQ Test:
Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

Children in High F (21.17%) and Low F (23.03%) areas had lower average IQ scores than children in normal F area (28.14%), p<0.01.

“All of these finding serve to indicate that both high and low fluoride can affect the normal development and function of the cerebrum as well as the entire nervous system causing a decrease in intellectual ability.”

IQ Study #1: Ren (1989)

Ren D, et al. (1989). A study of the intellectual ability of 8-14 year-old children in high fluoride, low iodine areas. Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases 4(4):251 (republished in Fluoride 2008; 41:319-20).

Location of study:
Shandong Province, China

Size of study:
329 children (160 children in High F/low Iodine area: 169 children in Low-F/Low Iodine area)

Age of Subjects:
8 to 14 years old

Source of Fluoride Exposure:

Fluoride exposure levels:

Controls for confounding factors:
Both study groups had low iodine intake.

IQ Test:
Wechsler Intelligence Test

– Average IQ of children in the High Fluoride/Low Iodine group (IQ=64.8) significantly lower than the children in the Low Fluoride/Low Iodine group (IQ = 85.0), p<0.01.- The percentage of children with low IQ (<69) significantly greater in High F/Low Iodine group (40.6%) than in Low Fluoride/Low Iodine  group (13.6%), p<0.01.

“From the results it is evident that disrupted child intellectual development is among the effects on the human body from a harmful environment containing both high fluoride and low iodine, and this disruption is clearly much more serious than the effects of iodine deficiency alone.”

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The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

CDC Admits Contaminating 98M Americans with Cancer

The expected Massive Disclosure is not happening through the outdated Mainstream Media [MSM] but through the efforts of ordinary bloggers and social networkers who dedicate themselves to uplifting the human spirit by sharing information vital to human survival.

For a very short period, they have accomplished so much that their efforts could never be ignored no more. We all have reached that point when the possibility of reverting back to what was accepted as reality is undeniably remote.

The field of healthcare is probably the most bastardized field of Science, and comes as no surprise if the end-goal is to depopulate the planet.

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Received Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer Virus


The CDC has quickly removed a page from their website, which is now cached here, admitting that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.

V40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has been found to cause tumors and cancer.

SV40 is believed to suppress the transcriptional properties of the tumor-suppressing genes in humans through the SV40 Large T-antigen and SV40 Small T-antigen. Mutated genes may contribute to uncontrolled cellular proliferation, leading to cancer.

Michele Carbone, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago, has recently isolated fragments of the SV-40 virus in human bone cancers and in a lethal form of lung cancer called mesothelioma. He found SV-40 in 33% of the osteosarcoma bone cancers studied, in 40% of other bone cancers, and in 60% of the mesotheliomas lung cancers, writes Geraldo Fuentes.

Dr. Michele Carbone openly acknowledged HIV/AIDS was spread by the hepatitis B vaccine produced by Merck & Co. during the early 1970s. It was the first time since the initial transmissions took place in 1972-74, that a leading expert in the field of vaccine manufacturing and testing has openly admitted the Merck & Co. liability for AIDS.

The matter-of-fact disclosure came during discussions of polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 virus which caused cancer in nearly every species infected by injection. Many authorities now admit much, possibly most, of the world’s cancers came from the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, and hepatitis B vaccines, produced in monkeys and chimps.

It is said mesothelioma is a result of asbestos exposure, but research reveals that 50% of the current mesotheliomas being treated no longer occurs due to asbestos but rather the SV-40 virus contained in the polio vaccination. In addition, according to researchers from the Institute of Histology and General Embryology of the University of Ferrara, SV-40 has turned up in a variety other tumors. By the end of 1996, dozens of scientists reported finding SV40 in a variety of bone cancers and a wide range of brain cancers, which had risen 30 percent over the previous 20 years.

The SV-40 virus is now being detected in tumors removed from people never inoculated with the contaminated vaccine, leading some to conclude that those infected by the vaccine might be spreading SV40.

Soon after its discovery, SV40 was identified in the oral form of the polio vaccine produced between 1955 and 1961 produced by American Home Products (dba Lederle).

Both the oral, live virus and injectable inactive virus were affected. It was found later that the technique used to inactivate the polio virus in the injectable vaccine, by means of formaldehyde, did not reliably kill SV40.

Just two years ago, the U.S. government finally added formaldehyde to a list of known carcinogens and and admitted that the chemical styrene might cause cancer. Yet, the substance is still found in almost every vaccine.

According to the Australian National Research Council, fewer than 20% but perhaps more than 10% of the general population may be susceptible to formaldehyde and may react acutely at any exposure level. More hazardous than most chemicals in 5 out of 12 ranking systems, on at least 8 federal regulatory lists, it is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to ecosystems and human health (Environmental Defense Fund).

In the body, formaldehyde can cause proteins to irreversibly bind to DNA. Laboratory animals exposed to doses of inhaled formaldehyde over their lifetimes have developed more cancers of the nose and throat than are usual.

Facts Listed on The CDC Website about SV40

-SV40 is a virus found in some species of monkey.

-SV40 was discovered in 1960. Soon afterward, the virus was found in polio vaccine.

-SV40 virus has been found in certain types of cancer in humans.

Additional Facts

-In the 1950s, rhesus monkey kidney cells, which contain SV40 if the animal is infected, were used in preparing polio vaccines.

-Not all doses of IPV were contaminated. It has been estimated that 10-30 million people actually received a vaccine that contained SV40.

-Some evidence suggests that receipt of SV40-contaminated polio vaccine may increase risk of cancer.

A Greater Perspective on Aerial Spraying and SV40

The Defense Sciences Office of the Pathogen Countermeasures Program, in September 23, 1998 funded the University of Michigan’s principal investigator, Dr. James Baker, Jr. Dr. Baker, Director of Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences under several DARPA grants. Dr. Baker developed and focused on preventing pathogens from entering the human body, which is a major goal in the development of counter measures to Biological Warfare. This research project sought to develop a composite material that will serve as a pathogen avoidance barrier and post-exposure therapeutic agent to be applied in a topical manner to the skin and mucous membranes. The composite is modeled after the immune system in that it involves redundant, non-specific and specific forms of pathogen defense and inactivation. This composite material is now utilized in many nasal vaccines and vector control through the use of hydro-gel, nanosilicon gels and actuator materials in vaccines.

Through Dr. Baker’s research at the University of Michigan; he developed dendritic polymers and their application to medical and biological science. He co-developed a new vector system for gene transfer using synthetic polymers. These studies have produced striking results and have the potential to change the basis of gene transfer therapy. Dendrimers are nanometer-sized water soluble polymers that can conjugate to peptides or arbohydrates to act as decoy molecules to inhibit the binding of toxins and viruses to cells. They can act also as complex and stabilize genetic material for prolonged periods of time, as in a “time released or delayed gene transfer”. Through Dr. Baker’s ground breaking research many pharmaceutical and biological pesticide manufacturers can use these principles in DNA vaccines specific applications that incorporate the Simian Monkey Virus SV40.


In 2006 Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public Health entitled, “Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Humans.” The article stated that the incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.

Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA Vaccine Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV may be tested or used to “protect” the people from vector infection exposures. DNA vaccine enhancements specifically use Epstein-Barr viral capside’s with multi human complement class II activators to neutralize antibodies. The recombinant vaccines against WNV use Rabbit Beta-globulin or the poly (A) signal of the SV40 virus. In early studies of DNA vaccines it was found that the negative result studies would go into the category of future developmental research projects in gene therapy. During the studies of poly (A) signaling of the SV40 for WNV vaccines, it was observed that WNV will lie dormant in individuals who were exposed to chicken pox, thus upon exposure to WNV aerial vaccines the potential for the release of chicken pox virus would cause a greater risk to having adult onset Shingles.


In February 2009 to present date, aerial spraying for the WNV occurred in major cities within the State of California. During spraying of Anaheim, CA a Caucasian female (age 50) was exposed to heavy spraying, while doing her daily exercise of walking several miles. Heavy helicopter activity occurred for several days in this area. After spraying, she experienced light headedness, nausea, muscle aches and increased low back pain. She was evaluated for toxicological mechanisms that were associated with pesticide exposure due to aerial spraying utilizing advanced biological monitoring testing. The test results which included protein band testing utilizing Protein Coupled Response (PCR) methods were positive for KD-45. KD-45 is the protein band for SV-40 Simian Green Monkey virus. Additional tests were performed for Epstein-Barr virus capside and Cytomeglia virus which are used in bio-engineering for gene delivery systems through viral protein envelope and adenoviral protein envelope technology. The individual was positive for both; indicating a highly probable exposure to a DNA vaccination delivery system through nasal inhalation.

The question of the century is how many other viruses and toxins are within current day vaccines that we’ll only find out about in a few decades?

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.


Prevent Disease

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation. The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Detroit Files Biggest Bankruptcy Ever

In another proof that the Uniform Commercial Code [UCC] or the Admiralty Law reigns, the City of Detroit, known back as the Motor City, is filing for federal bankruptcy. Every city, state, and in the case of where this writer is from, even a whole country is actually a corporate entity all required to submit themselves to the will of the Vatican, Inc.

The Vatican Corporation itself is now under intense attacks from multiple sides determined to crush it down to oblivion for having caused all that is supposed to be experienced only in Hell. Proof of which is the recent resignations of its top honchos following that of the Pontifical resignation last February.

This latest corporate debacle is of course to the credit of the White Dragon Society and the rest of the groups who have been relentless in their multifaceted efforts, covert or otherwise, to bring down the whole corrupt system that only the Khazarians had managed to put up.


Detroit files for federal bankruptcy, marking largest case in US history

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Published time: July 18, 2013 20:31
Edited time: July 19, 2013 17:11

AFP Photo / Bill Pugliano

The city of Detroit has filed for federal bankruptcy, or Chapter 9 protection, which could mean municipal employees are laid off, assets sold and services like trash collection, which have already been cut to the bone, further scaled back.

Detroit has become the largest city in American history to file for bankruptcy. Kevin Orr, a bankruptcy expert hired by the state of Michigan in March to try and lead the Motor City away from a fiscal cliff, submitted the filing on Thursday, reported the AP.

On the same day, Michigan governor Rick Snyder laid out the case in support of Chapter 9 protection, saying that the “decision comes in the wake of 60 years of decline for the city.”

Snyder said that despite the “best efforts” by Detroit’s Office of the Emergency Manager, the city was unable to reach a restructuring plan with its debtors – leaving more than $18 billion in outstanding debts.

We must face the fact that the city cannot and is not paying its debts as they come due, and is insolvent,” added Snyder. 

The city of Detroit lost a quarter-million residents between 2000 and 2010, reports the AP. Boasting a population of 1.8 million in the 1950s, the municipality is now struggling to stay above 700,000 residents. An estimated 78,000 structures are currently abandoned in the city and unemployment has tripled since 2000 and, at roughly 15 percent of the population, is currently double the national average.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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PandoraVirus: Giant Virus Discovered

We’ve been exposed to the lies surrounding HIV as the main cause of AIDS. We’ve already known the real perpetrators of all microbiological warfare, and the World Health Organization is not beyond reproach. Their collusion with Baxter and Novartis in the failed epidemic of H1N1 was exposed by one brave journalist, Jane Bürgermeister.

Now, we have a new scare initiative that is bound to fail one more time. It’s not that this giant parasite does not exist, but it’s discovery should be considered as a non-event from the viewpoint of healthcare, because the technology to eliminate all types and sizes of these adversaries had been discovered long time ago.

Never-before-seen GIANT virus found that’s so unusual it may have come from Mars

  • The Pandoravirus is one micrometre big – ten times the size of other viruses
  • It is found underwater but is not considered a threat to humans
  • The virus has been spotted off the coast of Chile and in an Australian pond
  • Only six per cent of its genes resemble those seen before on Earth

By Emma Innes

PUBLISHED: 09:53 GMT, 19 July 2013 | UPDATED: 15:41 GMT, 19 July 2013

Scientists have found a new virus thought to be the biggest ever seen on Earth.

The virus, dubbed Pandoravirus, is one micrometre big – up to ten times the size of other viruses – and only six per cent of its genes resemble anything seen on Earth before.

This has led French researchers to believe the virus may have come from an ancient time or even another planet, such as Mars.

Scientists have found a new virus, Pandoravirus (pictured), which is the biggest ever seen on Earth. It is found underwater and is not thought to pose a serious risk to humans


  • Pandoravirus lives underwater and was found off the coast of Chile and in a pond in Australia.
  • It is thought to have emerged from a new ancestral cellular type that no longer exists.
  • It is about one micrometre meaning it is big enough to be seen under a normal microscope.
  • The virus lacks the regular shape normally associated with viruses.
  • Its genetic code is twice the size of the Megavirus, the biggest virus previously found.
  • Only six per cent of its genes resemble genes seen before on Earth.
  • The giant virus is only found underwater and is not thought to pose a serious risk to humans.

However, the researchers, who published their findings in the journal Science, believe that the virus opens up a range of questions about the history of life on Earth.

Dr Jean-Michel Claverie of Aix-Marseille University in France, who found the virus, told NPR: ‘We believe that these new Pandoraviruses have emerged from a new ancestral cellular type that no longer exists.’

Many traditional viruses range in size from around 10 nanometres (nm) to around 500nm.

The Pandoravirus is around one micrometre big and there are 1,000nm in a micrometre.

This means the Pandoravirus is big enough to be seen under the most basic microscopes.

Dr Claverie explained that because the virus is very big and lacks the regular shape normally associated with viruses, he initially thought it was a small bacterium.

His team went on a hunt for giant viruses after a survey identified signs of them in seawater

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation. The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Big Pharma Caught Red-Handed in Red China

While the good doctors in the West are trying to understand Oriental Medicine, GlaxoSmithKline is caught red-handed bribing Chinese doctors, hospitals, and government officials, just so their useless and deadly products could land in the world’s hottest pharmaceutical market.

This scheme is not exclusive to the Chinese. Here in the Philippines, as much as 30% of what a dying patient would pay for these toxic chemicals goes to “marketing”. We have the most expensive drugs in Asia. Back in 2008, Big Pharma posted an annual sales of up to Php 100 Billion.

No TV network would broadcast such explosive facts as this one for fear of losing their biggest clients. The Grand Scheme is still feeding itself. Our work is still not done yet.

Together, let us expose the massive human culling that has been going on for some time now, and for which we are paying for so dearly, ironically, through our own ignorance.



Drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) faces allegations of funneling $489 million (3 billion yuan) through travel agencies to pay kickbacks to doctors, hospitals, and government officials to prescribe GSK drugs to patients.

Sales in China, the world’s hottest pharmaceutical market, increased by 20 percent in 2012 to $1.5 billion, a miracle growth story now under police investigation. Though one of the hottest markets, it is also one of the most competitive, which investigators see as a motive for the bribes dating back to 2007.
Chinese newspapers reported GSK had a network of travel agencies working for them which acted as middlemen to carry out the bribery. 

“Each doctor had a credit card from the company. The kickbacks were transferred to the cards the day after the drugs were prescribed,” one newspaper reported.
Laundering money through over 700 third parties enabled employees to overstep the company’s gift giving limit of $50 per recipient, Xinhua reported. Scores of doctors, hospitals, lawyers, and government officials were showered with perks which included travel, cash bribes, and even sexual favors, the Public Security Ministry said. 

Better than the rest

In 2012, the Britain-based company’s stock outperformed all its competitors, almost 2 to 1. The stock rose 31 percent this year, compared with an industry average of 17 percent, Bloomberg reports.
The alleged bribes could help explain the super success of the company, which has experienced a five year dividend growth of 6.79 percent.
“GSK’s marketing strategy includes many things that allow and even encourage bribery activities,” Gao Feng, head of economic crimes investigations at the Public Security Ministry, told reporters yesterday in Beijing.

“Expenses for bribery are ultimately being covered by the public,”
Feng added, confirming a popular suspicion corruption is linked to over-priced prescription medicine and vaccines.
State news agencies report the transactions totaled nearly $5 billion, while other media outlets report only a fraction of the amount.

Executives detained

Four Chinese executives have been detained and accused of bribe collaboration. Those detained were identified by Xinhua News Agency as Liang Hong, vice-president and operations manager; Zhang Guowei, vice-president and human resources head; Zhao Hongyan, legal affairs director; and Huang Hong, business development manager. The news agency cited police as their source.


We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation. The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Massive Resignations 7.0

As an update to this series, we would like to post these recent additions to the list of casualties on the part of the Cabalists in the ongoing financial wars that we will look back someday as the turning point in humanity’s dark history.

Last week, there were few top level Cabalists’ resignations including those from the Vatican Mafia, and days ago, that of DHS Janet Napolitano. This could only indicate a continuing disarray among the dark operators of the world.

Previous resignations are here.


Vatican’s top banking officials resign

By Alanna Petroff @AlannaPetroff July 2, 2013: 8:34 AM ET

Two top officials at the Vatican bank have resigned as the Holy See comes under growing pressure to clean up its finances.

Director Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli resigned this week as Italian prosecutors continue a three-year investigation into the bank, formally known as the Institute for the Works of Religion.

The investigation led to the arrest last week of a Vatican official, a financial broker and a former secret service police officer over an alleged attempt to smuggle millions in cash into Italy, according to Rome’s prosecutor.

The Vatican made no reference to the arrests or investigation when announcing the resignations but stressed the need to accelerate efforts to repair the bank’s reputation.

“Since 2010 the [Vatican bank] and its management have been working hard to bring structures and processes in line with international standards for anti-money laundering,” said Vatican bank President Ernst von Freyberg in a statement. “It is clear today that we need new leadership to increase the pace of this transformation process.”



US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano resigns

United States Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano resigns from her federal role on Friday in order to head the University of California school system.

Following an initial report from Reuters suggesting Sec. Napolitano was set to resign, the Los Angeles Times reported early Friday that the former two-term governor or Arizona will exit her role with the Obama administration in lieu of job that will give the UC system their first female head in its 145-year history.

Napolitano is presently only the third person to serve as Homeland Security secretary, a position created by George W. Bush following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Napolitano has held that rank since January 2009 when she was appointed at the start of President Barack Obama’s first term as commander-in-chief.


WE must continue on whatever we do that supports the ongoing takedown against the Cabalists. If you think you’re too small to make a dent on the enemy, just watch what a single mosquito can do to ruin your vacation in the tropics.

We can all be Snowden, Manning or Assange in our own little way.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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The Plane Crash

The Snowden Revelations is, at the very least, akin to the biggest scandal hitting the banking sector, i.e. Libor interest rigging, and yet the mainstream consciousness is deaf and blind.

It never cared when a president’s plane was forced to land to on airport that was not its designated destination. Nor it paid any attention about a plane crash that was beyond ordinary.

Those who have followed the chessgame from the very beginning know that the final pieces have been drawn, and it is clear that one has the advantage and the other is deadly desperate.


Why is no one talking about the plane crash?

There are too many anomalies surrounding the San Francisco crash of the 777 from Hong Kong. First of all, that plane would have been the most likely one to have been carrying Snowden if it was supposed to have instead been en route to Mexico City before refueling and continuing it’s flight. Whether or not they were is irrelevant from the perspective of an electronic hijacking, with the precedent of what happened with the Bolivian President’s plane already. Taking hostile action against aircraft that “could” have Snowden aboard is going to be the status quo, and any crashes or disasters that were unwarranted will be written off as collateral damage. Let’s look at the anomalies surrounding this crash.

1. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the airplane, and it appeared to be making a perfectly controlled approach that was way too low, and then suddenly just crashed.

2. The airport did not respond with emergency personnel. Instead, the Army responded to the crash, and as a result it took them over a half hour to arrive at the scene and do anything at all. People who were on the plane were blown away by the complete lack of any emergency response from the airport, which when it finally arrived happened AFTER everyone was off the plane and had walked away from the scene and done other things, such as aid people who had fallen out of the broken section and were laying injured out in the open. When the aircraft was on fire, it was AFTER everyone got their carry ons off the plane, and basically exited at their own pace. Flight attendants were throwing peanuts to the passengers in droves as they exited the plane. None of this made it into the mainstream press. Crazy stuff.

3. The FBI was there but offered no assistance to the injured passengers. Instead, the injured were quarantined at the airport until the FBI fully debriefed every single one of them. Why would the FBI not give a damn about the injured and debrief them immediately rather than in the hospital afterward, and why would the FBI even need to debrief anyone at all? This only happens when there is a huge government action going on, and they need to issue threats or payoffs to keep people’s mouths shut.

4. The flight recorders were promply confiscated and flown to Washington DC, before anyone from Hong Kong, the people who owned the plane, had a chance to check anything. Though the FAA could be expected to take the flight recorders into their posession, I am sure we are, as a result of them being taken by the most lying government in world history, going to get an accurate answer for what they really recorded. Cool.

5. There were no weather anomalies AT ALL that could have caused the crash. The automated warning which is supposed to tell the pilots to pull up when an approach is bad happened three seconds before the plane hit the ground. This is impossible, for the last 40 years or so these warning systems have been in all commercial aircraft and they work great. Pilots typically get at least a 45 second warning if an approach is not going right, why did this aircraft give the warning only 3 seconds before impact? I think I have an answer. If the plane was remote hijacked it is entirely possible that the warning to pull up was instead given to the remote hijacker, and when he figured he could not recover the approach he returned control to the pilots . . . . . too late. Witnesses on the ground said the plane went to full throttle immediately before impact.

The media was quick to blame the pilots as being inexperienced and “in training” but I’d like to pop the big question – how does being in “training” cause an automated system to give an approach warning WAY TOO LATE? The ILS system at the airport which assists pilots during foggy weather while they are making blind approaches was offline for maintenance, but with the weather being perfect it was not needed at all. The approach warning that failed is just part of the airplane, which operates completely independent of any system on the ground and observes it’s environment and calculates where and how the plane is going to touch down based on sensor inputs. Even 1970’s vintage soviet Migs had systems of this type which functioned perfectly, and I find the failure of this system in a state of the art high class American plane to be highly suspicious. It had to have been disabled and that could have easily happened if the plane was remotely hijacked.

My conclusion?

The departure airport location, the failure of the arrival airport emergency response, the presence of the army, the debriefing by the FBI, the failure of the aircraft’s own approach warning system, and the immediate confiscation of the flight recorders add up to what I think is the greatest probability – that aircraft was not supposed to land in San Francisco AT ALL, it was probably supposed to land in Mexico City, got remote hijacked because they thought it might have Snowden en route to Venezuela, was flown by a desk bound idiot who could run Microsoft flight simulator really well, and crashed. The supporting stories about the passengers are all B.S., if they were true why would the FBI have to debrief everyone?

Fat chance we will get the truth in all of this from the scamming ziopress, perhaps I am wrong with this assessment but seriously, as far as what is “official” goes, things really don’t add up.

This article was first published on

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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The Great Revolt

Egypt is not just the home of the Great Pyramid, it is now a bedrock of the greatest revolt in human history.


As of today, the streets of Cairo is flooded with human flesh demanding the removal of another CIA stooge in the region, President Morsi.

Like the rest of Europe, millions are expressing their anger over the worsening economy, and have abandoned their party loyalties to join a unified clamor for Morsi’s resignation.

The world has never seen anything like this, and yet the mainstream media are not broadcasting any of it. But who needs them?

The sages were right. This is the time when a sea of change will wash away the carcass of the old and rotten, ideas and concepts that only benefited the select few who called themselves the Chosen People (not the Jews again), to make way for a new age of Enlightenment and prosperity that will carry humankind into an unending progression beyond today’s imagination.

Together, let us congratulate the Egyptians for showing us how to walk the Streets of the Revolution one more time.

It is high time that the sons of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson to show their courage and fortitude, and make the Fourth of July 2013 more than just a commemoration of the Big Event in 1776.

Mabuhay, Egypt!



We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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God is Thrilled with NSA

Saint Obama of the Digital Inquisition:

God Contacts Rome, Christ Holds Press Conference

by John Stanton

Christ held an Apostle’s Conference (White House Press Corps) at the White House Rose Garden recently in Washington, DC, the Capital of the Holy American Judeo-Christian Empire.

Before taking questions, Christ opened with a brief statement.

He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you have been bad or good. So be good for goodness’ sake. He makes a list and checks it twice. You had better not cry or pout. He knows who has been naughty and nice.”

Christ’s statement went on.

“I am pleased to report that God is thrilled with the National Security Agency, the Pentagon and its Defense Industrial Base, the Telecommunications Industry, and those marvelous 21st Century Towers of Babble–Facebook, Twitter and Google. God notes that it is clearly a miracle (of His own doing, of course) that the decades long state and corporate alliance to firmly plant God’s presence in the minds of his American Judeo-Christian children has finally borne fruit.

I am authorized to report that God has instructed the Pope in Rome that President Barack Obama is to be Canonized as Saint Obama of the Digital Inquisition.”

Christ said that God opined, “’Why it is a return to the Medieval Consciousness! What joy! Every human being under My total, non-dualistic dominion once again. I am alight and burning bright within the minds of all once again.’ God reminds the human species that He is once again omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent in the bathroom, bedroom, war room, boardroom, courtroom, SCIF, bunker, SSBN, and, of course, the International Space Station. The National Security Agency, Lockheed Martin, Booz Allen Hamilton, the Pentagon, ATT, Sprint and so many others are commended for putting the Fear of God; really the Fear of God’s Mystical Surveillance powers back on track. The implementation of technological miracles like PRISM, TRAPWIRE, innovations in packet sniffing, fiber optic taps, and SIGINT (all inspired by God, of course) have ‘resurrected and cemented the God-State-Corporate alliance with Me, God, as unquestioned authority.’”

Christ stated that “God works in mysterious ways. Who else do you think controls the electromagnetic spectrum, gravity, thermodynamics, synapses, neurons. You can call God the NSA, CIA, PRISM, Big Data, Tempora or whatever silly name you want, but that’s just evidence of God’s good work. You all have made the human mind more susceptible to His will than at anytime in humanity’s existence. God thinks; no, He knows that the vast majority of citizens in the Holy American Judeo-Christian Empire will set aside their individuality and this ‘nonsense called free will’ and henceforth, in a blessed moment of uncertainty, ask Is God-NSA listening in? Can God see me when I am sleeping? Can God see my anti-God dreams (punishable, of course)? Oh what joyful compliance will ensue when war and austerity are the norm!”

Christ said that he was authorized to disclose that Dante is rotting in Hell for arguing for the breakup of God or the need for two competing rulers: one Earthly, one Heavenly. God points out that the insidious souls of the Renaissance Era are also living in flames with Dante, as will Snowden, Ellsberg, Assange, Edmonds, and related scurrilous souls.

Christ reminded the Apostles—rather, the assembled White House Press Corps–that in the Gospel of Matthew (it’s on the record, not classified), that he had mentioned that he showed up not to necessarily bring peace but to set Son against Father, Daughter against Mother, and Friend against Friend. He mentioned this in response to a question on Saint Obama of the Digital Inquisition’s anti-whistle blower Insider Threat Program applicable to all of the Holy American Judeo-Christian Empire (Christ said it is designed on “private sector research”). He said that Insider Threat Program was a fine example of what he was talking about in Matthew. “The Insider Threat Program—in combination with NSA/Corporate surveillance activities—are what God calls ‘God, ME, on Earth Programs (GMEP).’ The synergistic effect is that no human being ever again will engage in any communication whatsoever—even with one’s self on the toilet or with a mistress in bed—without wondering if the thoughts are being harvested, filmed and stored by God’s agents.

If you all really believe “In God We Trust”, then you have nothing to worry or even think about. Trust the Servants of God,” said Christ.

John Stanton is a Virginia based write specializing in national security. God vetted this article. Reach him at ci*******@ya***.com

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Insider WhistleBlows WB, Federal Reserve

We already knew that the “dice is loaded”, but it is quite different when we got confirmation from the inside. A World Bank insider has come out to tell a story about why we need to destroy Fractional Banking altogether.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013 10:28

World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve

Written by  Alex Newman

A former insider at the World Bank, ex-Senior Counsel Karen Hudes, says the global financial system is dominated by a small group of corrupt, power-hungry figures centered around the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve. The network has seized control of the media to cover up its crimes, too, she explained. In an interview with The New American, Hudes said that when she tried to blow the whistle on multiple problems at the World Bank, she was fired for her efforts. Now, along with a network of fellow whistleblowers, Hudes is determined to expose and end the corruption. And she is confident of success.

Citing an explosive 2011 Swiss study published in the PLOS ONE journal on the “network of global corporate control,” Hudes pointed out that a small group of entities — mostly financial institutions and especially central banks — exert a massive amount of influence over the international economy from behind the scenes. “What is really going on is that the world’s resources are being dominated by this group,” she explained, adding that the “corrupt power grabbers” have managed to dominate the media as well. “They’re being allowed to do it.”

According to the peer-reviewed paper, which presented the first global investigation of ownership architecture in the international economy, transnational corporations form a “giant bow-tie structure.” A large portion of control, meanwhile, “flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions.” The researchers described the core as an “economic ‘super-entity’” that raises important issues for policymakers and researchers. Of course, the implications are enormous for citizens as well.

Hudes, an attorney who spent some two decades working in the World Bank’s legal department, has observed the machinations of the network up close. “I realized we were now dealing with something known as state capture, which is where the institutions of government are co-opted by the group that’s corrupt,” she told The New American in a phone interview. “The pillars of the U.S. government — some of them — are dysfunctional because of state capture; this is a big story, this is a big cover up.”

At the heart of the network, Hudes said, are 147 financial institutions and central banks — especially the Federal Reserve, which was created by Congress but is owned by essentially a cartel of private banks. “This is a story about how the international financial system was secretly gamed, mostly by central banks — they’re the ones we are talking about,” she explained. “The central bankers have been gaming the system. I would say that this is a power grab.”

The Fed in particular is at the very center of the network and the coverup, Hudes continued, citing a policy and oversight body that includes top government and Fed officials. Central bankers have also been manipulating gold prices, she added, echoing widespread concerns that The New American has documented extensively. Indeed, even the inaccurate World Bank financial statements that Hudes has been trying to expose are linked to the U.S. central bank, she said.

“The group that we’re talking about from the Zurich study — that’s the Federal Reserve; it has some other pieces to it, but that’s the Federal Reserve,” Hudes explained. “So the Federal Reserve secretly dominated the world economy using secret, interlocking corporate directorates, and terrorizing anybody who managed to figure out that they were having any kind of role, and putting people in very important positions so that they could get a free pass.”

The shadowy but immensely powerful Bank for International Settlements serves as “the club of these private central bankers,” Hudes continued. “Now, are people going to want interest on their country’s debts to continue to be paid to that group when they find out the secret tricks that that group has been doing? Don’t forget how they’ve enriched themselves extraordinarily and how they’ve taken taxpayer money for the bailout.”

As far as intervening in the gold price, Hudes said it was an effort by the powerful network and its central banks to “hold onto its paper currency” — a suspicion shared by many analysts and even senior government officials. The World Bank whistleblower also said that contrary to official claims, she did not believe there was any gold being held in Fort Knox. Even congressmen and foreign governments have tried to find out if the precious metals were still there, but they met with little success. Hudes, however, believes the scam will eventually come undone.

“This is like crooks trying to figure out where they can go hide. It’s a mafia,” she said. “These culprits that have grabbed all this economic power have succeeded in infiltrating both sides of the issue, so you will find people who are supposedly trying to fight corruption who are just there to spread disinformation and as a placeholder to trip up anybody who manages to get their act together.… Those thugs think that if they can keep the world ignorant, they can bleed it longer.”

Of course, the major corruption at the highest levels of government and business is not a new phenomenon. Georgetown University historian and Professor Carroll Quigley, who served as President Bill Clinton’s mentor, for example, wrote about the scheme in his 1966 book Tragedy And Hope: A History Of The World In Our Time. The heavyweight academic, who was allowed to review documents belonging to the top echelons of the global establishment, even explained how the corrupt system would work — remarkably similar to what Hudes describes.

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole,” wrote Prof. Quigley, who agreed with the goals but not the secrecy. “This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.”

But it is not going to happen, Hudes said — at least not if she has something do to with it. While the media are dominated by the “power grabber” network, Hudes has been working with foreign governments, reporters, U.S. officials, state governments, and a broad coalition of fellow whistleblowers to blow the entire scam wide open. There has been quite a bit of interest, too, particularly among foreign governments and state officials in the United States.

Citing the wisdom of America’s Founding Fathers in creating a federal system of government with multiple layers of checks and balances, Hudes said she was confident that the network would eventually be exposed and subjected to the rule of law, stopping the secret corruption. If and when that happens — even if it may be disorderly — Hudes says precious metals will once again play a role in imposing discipline on the monetary system. The rule of law would also be restored, she said, and the public will demand a proper press to stay informed.

“We’re going to have a cleaned-up financial system, that’s where it is going, but in the meantime, people who didn’t know how the system was gamed are going to find out,” she said. “We’re going to have a different kind of international financial system…. It’ll be a new kind of world where people know what’s going on — no more backroom deals; that’s not going to keep happening. We’re going to have a different kind of media if people don’t want to be dominated and controlled, which I don’t think they do.”

While Hudes sounded upbeat, she recognizes that the world is facing serious danger right now — there are even plans in place to impose martial law in the United States, she said. The next steps will be critical for humanity. As such, Hudes argues, it is crucial that the people of the world find out about the lawlessness, corruption, and thievery that are going on at the highest levels — and put a stop to it once and for all. The consequences of inaction would be disastrous.


Photo of World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is currently based in Europe. He can be reached at an*****@th************.com.


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here. We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Parviz H, $20
Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Michael Hastings Bombed

Michael Hastings OBVIOUSLY murdered by bomb on gas tank, June 19 2013

This report is now finished and VASTLY improved. Please re-copy and paste, after a LOT of analysis it’s really damning


“For all 3 of those normal reasons, which account for virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would have started in the engine compartment, progressed slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before ever reaching the gas tank. That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings was murdered, and the rest is detail.”

UPDATE: Accident scenes switched. They swapped cars and locations to hide explosive damage, PROOF IS BELOW

UPDATE: It seems to me that Hastings may have been dead, his car parked there, and then blown up with him in it. This is because the flames are way too fresh for the car to have been there long, there is no impact damage where the car “struck the tree” to cause a gas tank explosion, and there are no flames on the road behind the car to indicate it was blown up while it was moving. Keep in mind that the Loudlabs report is fake and not consistent with the original news reports which have been expunged.

This appears to be a classic mafia hit, where you are killed and then burned in a car to hide the evidence. In this case, they obviously used a bomb to blow the gas tank as evidenced by the fact that the rear portion of the car is blown open and shredded with the rest of the car nicely intact, read the initial analysis below. And obviously, there was no high speed crash as reported by the lie factory. I will be working on this throughout the day.

It was perfect to have this happen on a late late Tuesday night, the quietest night of the week, one so quiet that many restaurants will not open. This would have helped ensure a proper setup with few witnesses.

Take a look at the following screen capture of this “crash” and observe a few things:

1. There is no impact damage to this car. The only damage there is in the back, not smashed in the front and it obviously missed the tree as it rolled to a stop. The front bumper is obscured by the tree, all the way to the tire, OOPS! .

2. This was a Mercedes, not a Pinto, which means it did not burst into flames on its own. One (seldom quoted) eyewitness said the car “exploded”. Interesting stuff.

3. Here is where it starts to get REALLY damning – LOOK AT THE FRONT PASSENGER DOOR. The paint is PERFECT yet the entire car is ablaze. This means that whoever photographed this was on scene right away, with a camera ready to film this in the wee hours of the morning, and nail it before the fire scorched the paint. HMMMMMM . . . . . .

4. Unlike what the so called single “eyewitness” report says about a high speed crash, the car did not impact a tree. The car did not impact ANYTHING. Look at where the car stopped. The car went off the road at a few miles an hour and missed the tree as it rolled to a stop. In contrast with the mangled car photos shown by loudlabs, the passenger door is perfectly straight and the tire is perfectly straight, with a perfectly straight fender above it. Why is it all straight in even the first LoudLabs shots, and all bent up when they want to make the image of carnage? THAT was a serious continuity error.

5. There is no damage to the front of the car, it has no frontal impact damage AT ALL, it is damaged in the back and not crunched in from the front. HOW ON EARTH DID THAT DAMAGED BACK END HAPPEN FROM A FRONT IMPACT WHEN THE DOOR IS STILL ALIGNED PERFECTLY IN THE INITIAL SHOTS? The answer is obvious – they took footage of a different burning wreck, and copied it into this “newscast”. It is, after all, Hollywood.


Here we have a car FULLY, and I mean FULLY in flames, from front to back, with NO SCORCHED PAINT because the flame is too new, which means the flame went from the back of the car to the front of the car instantaneously, at the same time it breached the floor and engulfed the passenger compartment before it had a chance to scorch anything, which means ONE THING – A BOMB ON THE GAS TANK, and a PHOTOGRAPHER READY TO SNAP THE PHOTO VERY EARLY ON. Even rapid car fires take time to progress through the car, and totally scorch the paint as they progress. Only a bomb could have blown gas through the floor to the inside of the passenger compartment and under the car all the way to the front of the engine compartment and lit the whole thing up at once. That’s the only explanation for the shiny paint while it sits completely engulfed in flames. That flame did not progress through that car, it was blown through it with force and the photographer was on the scene the moment it happened and bagged a perfect shot. I’d like to know how that happened – early morning walk?

I’d like to also mention something here – Sheriff Larry Dever was most likely killed by an ECM hack, because he was driving something big and needed a serious high speed accident. With me, when they tried, the incident was with a semi because I was driving a Geo Metro. And in the case of Michael Hastings, his car was such a safe one that you could not guarantee a death in an incident with a semi, and also could not guarantee a death in a high speed crash. I’d bet Hastings wore his seat belt all the time, and Dever did not, and the murderers would know these details before doing it. So to have Hastings definitely dead, kill him first, put him in his car, and blow the gas tank. It may have been possible to remote control the car to where it is with the engine computer via an ECU hack with the oh so convenient Federally mandated always on 3g cell connection to the heart of the car’s control computer with Hastings dead the entire time, and just blow the bomb when the car was where they wanted it. Mercedes are extremely advanced, and it is possible Hasting’s car was full drive by wire.

No matter how you slice this particular pie, a Mercedes is not just going to explode into flames without a little assistance. Car fires in new cars happen for three main reasons – running the engine out of oil, or running the engine out of coolant, or after an absolutely huge car mangling accident, having the hot side of the battery short out against the frame before it reaches the fuse panel. And for all 3 of those normal reasons, which account for virtually all car fires in modern cars, the fire would have started in the engine compartment, progressed slowly, and scorched the hell out of the paint before ever reaching the gas tank. That clean paint is the be all tell all, Michael Hastings was murdered, and the rest is detail.


Here is what they want you to believe

But that is not consistent with this: And notice the trees.

All of these photos are from the same news video. One question – Why are the trees not the same as in the original photo above? Where is the damaged section at the rear of the car, which is CLEARLY visible in the original photo above?

The answer is obvious. THEY SWITCHED CARS AND LOCATIONS FOR THE DAY TIME PHOTO OP. Look at both of these pictures, you can clearly see the car is not the same. The location is not the same. On top of that, why is the car still there the NEXT DAY, 10 hours after the crash, when wrecks always get towed away within a couple hours, as soon as the flames are out? Why is the front end not mangled in the original photo, or even the tree for that matter?

For the day time photo op which should not have been possible anyway (it would have been towed long before) they used a different location with different trees, and interspersed the night time fire photos and the daytime shots with those of a different wreck to show pictures of a car that was not destroyed by a bomb. Just look and think, it is OBVIOUS.

This is so far out there that I had to double and triple confirm I did not screw this up, and indeed I did not, ALL of the photos are frame captures from the exact same news video. They TOTALLY blew it with this one.

This is as messed up as Woolwich.

A note to the setup crew: When you produce your garbage, it is going to be analyzed by a LOT of brilliant people, and if you are not careful your efforts won’t cut it. I am ashamed of you, surely the old world Russia or maybe East Berlin would have done this A LOT BETTER.

A note to the world: Take a look at what is here, and remember this the next time you see a bunch of hype about what a great free country America is. They do this to journalists and whistleblowers here.

For those of you who do not know, Michael Hastings was the Rolling Stone reporter who interviewed Assange, brought down General McChrystal, and did several other high level exposures of government corruption.

UPDATE: The original newscast videos have been entirely expunged from the web, and entirely replaced with the LoudLabs video.

The Loudlabs video STILL intersperses two car wrecks, but they try to explain it away by repeatedly showing different angles of the crash, to make you think you did not see it right at first. But look at the FIRST SHOT in the Loudlabs video, you can see the entire intact car that is not crunched AT ALL, with the front of the car obviously missing the tree and obscured behind the tree. The Mexican guy the police talk to said the car was on fire before it arrived at the tree, and in the LoudLabs video they do a close up, and you can see bullet holes shot in the car, two in the drivers door and several just behind the drivers door. Something is really strange here. Remember, this happened in Hollywood. Who knows what is real? Bullet holes in the drivers door followed by a high speed crash are just as damning as no crash and a gas tank bomb. If Loudlabs faked this, what good did it do?

Farganne keeps asking why I think the crunched car is fake. Here is my answer:

In the first shot, even in the loudlabs video, that car is intact, with no parts thrown from the front of the car anywhere in sight. It’s a clean scene, except for debris surrounding the back of the car as would be if a bomb went off back there. It is in normal condition with the door seams matching as if there was no crash, sitting there burning, with the frame straight and the front passenger tire straight.

Then later, loudlabs intersperses another wreck, where you can clearly see the passenger door is badly crumpled, the front passenger side wheel is bent, and the front of the car is totally obliterated with shredded metal high in the air, and the car totally rammed into a tree.

Those two images DO NOT MATCH AT ALL.

Photo 1. No passenger side impact, no mangled front end, perfectly straight door and fender, and no debris from the front end:

Photo 2. SEVERE PASSENGER SIDE IMPACT and extreme carnage, with lots of debris

That means that ONE of them is special effects. Guess which one? And if there are ANY special effects, LoudLabs is BUNK.

And what about this tree? Why is the bottom not burnt at all? Why did they scrape off the char at the bottom? To provide an “impact mark”? Furthermore, if this was a 100 mph crash as fronted, that tree would have a lot more than just surface damage that could be scraped off.


Why Michael Hastings Was Murdered?

Michael Hastings was fearless in his take on the Generals of the War on Terror as manifested in his history changing articles that appeared in popular magazines:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here. We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Parviz H, $20
Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

20 Signs Big Pharma is Running a $280B Scam

20 Signs the Pharmaceutical Companies are Running a 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam

If you could get 70 percent of Americans addicted to your drugs and rake in $280 billion a year in the process, would you do it? If you could come up with a “pill for every problem” and charge Americans twice as much for those pills as people in other countries pay, would you do it?

pillsBy Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse Blog
June 22, 2013

If you could make more money than you ever dreamed possible by turning the American people into the most doped up people in the history of the planet, would you do it? In America today, the number of people hooked on legal drugs absolutely dwarfs the number of people hooked on illegal drugs. And sadly, the number of people killed by legal drugs absolutely dwarfs the number of people killed by illegal drugs. But most Americans assume that if a drug is “legal” that it must be safe.

After all, the big pharmaceutical companies and the federal government would never allow us to take anything that would hurt us, right? Sadly, the truth is that they don’t really care about us. They don’t really care that prescription painkillers are some of the most addictive drugs on the entire planet and that they kill more Americans each year than heroin and cocaine combined.

They don’t care that antidepressants are turning tens of millions of Americans into zombies and can significantly increase the chance of suicide (just look at the warning label). All the big pharmaceutical companies really care about is making as much money as they possibly can. The following are 20 signs that the pharmaceutical companies are running a $280 billion money making scam…

#1 According to a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic, 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug. An astounding 20 percent of all Americans are on at least five prescription drugs.

#2 According to the CDC, approximately 9 out of every 10 Americans that are at least 60 years of age say that they have taken at least one prescription drug within the last month.

#3 The 11 largest pharmaceutical companies combined to rake inapproximately $85,000,000,000 in profits in 2012.

#4 During 2013, Americans will spend more than 280 billion dollars on prescription drugs.

#5 According to Alternet, last year “11 of the 12 new-to-market drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration were priced above $100,000 per-patient per-year”.

#6 The CDC says that spending on prescription drugs more than doubledbetween 1999 and 2008.

#7 Many prescription drugs cost about twice as much in the United States as they do in other countries.

#8 One study found that more than 20 percent of all American adults are taking at least one drug for “psychiatric” or “behavioral” disorders.

#9 The percentage of women taking antidepressants in America is higher than in any other country in the world.

#10 Children in the United States are three times more likely to be prescribed antidepressants than children in Europe are.

#11 A shocking Government Accountability Office report discovered thatapproximately one-third of all foster children in the United States are on at least one psychiatric drug. In fact, the report found that many states seem to be doping up foster children as a matter of course. Just check out these stunning statistics

In Texas, foster children were 53 times more likely to be prescribed five or more psychiatric medications at the same time than non-foster children. In Massachusetts, they were 19 times more likely. In Michigan, the number was 15 times. It was 13 times in Oregon. And in Florida, foster children were nearly four times as likely to be given five or more psychotropic medications at the same time compared to non-foster children.

#12 In 2010, the average teen in the U.S. was taking 1.2 central nervous system drugs. Those are the kinds of drugs which treat conditions such as ADHD and depression.

#13 The total number of Americans taking antidepressants doubled between 1996 and 2005.

#14 All of those antidepressants don’t seem to be working too well. The suicide rate for Americans between the ages of 35 and 64 rose by close to 30 percentbetween 1999 and 2010. The number of Americans that are killed by suicide now exceeds the number of Americans that die as a result of car accidents.

#15 According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 36 millionAmericans have abused prescription drugs at some point in their lives.

#16 A survey conducted for the National Institute on Drug Abuse found that more than 15 percent of all U.S. high school seniors abuse prescription drugs.

#17 According to the CDC, approximately three quarters of a million people a year are rushed to emergency rooms in the United States because of adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs.

#18 According to the Los Angeles Times, drug deaths (mostly caused by prescription drugs) are climbing at an astounding rate….

Drug fatalities more than doubled among teens and young adults between 2000 and 2008, years for which more detailed data are available. Deaths more than tripled among people aged 50 to 69, the Times analysis found. In terms of sheer numbers, the death toll is highest among people in their 40s.

#19 In the United States today, prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined.

#20 Each year, tens of billions of dollars is spent on pharmaceutical marketing in the United States alone.

The American people deserve better than that. Every year, the United Statesspends more on health care than Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain and Australia combined. In fact, if the U.S. health care system was a separate nation it would be the 6th largest economy on the entire planet.

For all the money that we spend, we should be the healthiest people in the world by a wide margin. Instead, life expectancy is higher in dozens of other countries and we have very high rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. For much more on the colossal failure of our health care system, please see my previous article entitled “50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam“.

So what do you think about the pharmaceutical companies that are making billions of dollars by getting the American people addicted to their super-expensive legal drugs?

Please feel free to express your opinion by posting a comment below…

The post 20 Signs the Pharmaceutical Companies are Running a 280 Billion Dollar Money Making Scam appeared first on


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here. We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Parviz H, $20
Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Neil Keenan: Nelu Update – An Interview Conducted by Kimberley Jaeger

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure. You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here. We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Ship Carrying Arms for Syrian Rebels Breaks In Two

Huge arms shipment to topple Syria’s embattled President Assad foiled anew.

On June 17, 2013, an MOL Comfort said to be carrying arms for the Free Syrian Army, a CIA affiliate,  broke in two which rarely happens except when cargoes are that heavy.

Said container ship is said to be navigating from Singapore to Jeedah, Saudi Arabia. Daily vessel’s itineraries can be found here, and last position received is here.

MOL Comfort is a post-Panamax container ship launched in 2008 and is built to last.


Rescued 26 sailors arrived in Sri Lanka as shown below. Most crew members nowadays are Filipinos, with Magsaysay Shipping in Manila acting its crewing manager.


MOL Comfort Aftershock

“MOL Comfort sank due to yet unclear causes, en route from Singapore to Jeddah and then to North Europe, leaving behind hundreds of drifting containers and a tremendous aftershock hitting liner sector and all of the maritime industry. Just the scale of the consequences is hard, even impossible, to estimate, not to mention consequences themselves. For all my knowledge, this is the first case in liner sector, when modern ocean-going liner container ship (built in Japan!) sank in the ocean after breaking in two, like a poorly built and managed bulk carrier or over aged coaster. Nothing like this ever happened, and nobody believed it’s possible, even theoretically. It just couldn’t happen, but still, here it is.

At present stage, even the weirdest theories of the cause of the disaster cannot be ignored, something like explosion or several explosions, or whatever else one may fantasize. I for one, would exclude only one version – MOL Comfort surely wasn’t sunk by Somalia pirates.

Putting aside exotic versions, most probable causes which come into mind are some basic design and building faults; serious disbalance of the loaded containers weight due to false cargo weight declarations and faulty cargo plan; faulty ballasting of the vessel. Most probably, if that’s the case, the sinking was caused not by just one of the abovementioned factors, but by their combination, and triggered by rough weather.

If it will be found, that there were several factors involved, then, the questions arise which require sound and unequivocal answers.

1. Are there some basic faults rooted deep inside ocean-going container ships design, construction and management, or was the disaster the result of a combination of negative factors.

2. If it’s a combination of negative factors, what is the probability of such a combination, is it negligibly small, or the odds of another accident are alarmingly high.

3. What’s the cost of lowering those odds, and how will it affect liner business and freight.

The questions of insurance and cargo loss coverage for shippers, especially minor ones, is very important, too.

Let’s not forget another risk quite a number of experts are already worried over – the risk of major fire on a giant ocean-going container ship.

One thing is clear, though. The liner sector, first of all majors, will do whatever it takes to hide unfavorable factors and especially, basic faults, if there are any. The awesome container transportation mechanism they created may not stand serious modifications, called by safety needs.”

Voytenko Mikhail

June 18 13

US to give military support to Syrian rebels as ‘red line’ crossed

More than a week earlier Obama approved military support for the Al Queda mercenaries fighting against Assad.


After concluding that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the country’s insurgency, thus crossing a ‘red line,’ the Obama administration has decided to start sending arms to anti-Assad rebels for the first time, officials say.

The Obama administration has assessed that chemical weapons, most likely the nerve gas sarin, were used in battle against the Syrian rebels, Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes said in a statement.

The “intelligence community assesses that the Assad regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale against the opposition multiple times in the last year,” he said.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry branded the US statements on the use of chemical weapons a “caravan of lies”.

“The United States, in resorting to a shameful use of pretexts in order allow President Obama’s decision to arm the Syrian opposition, shows that it has flagrant double standards in the way it deals with terrorism,” it said.

Syria had insisted in the past that it did not use its chemical arsenal in the ongoing conflict and would not do so unless invaded by a foreign nation.

President Obama has authorized to release of at least some US arms for Syria’s rebels as part of new military and political aid measures, according to a source who spoke with Reuters.




One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here. We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Keenan: Enough is Enough!

It is time for this sorry tale to end! Neil has tried everything he can to accomodate the court system in Indonesia, and now it’s clear to both of us that Nelu never had a chance, right from the very beginning! He was set up from the git-go!

There was no discovery process for Nelu; yes, there was a summons issued, but the summons never got to Neil, because Prosecutor’s Tanti’s Office handles the summons! Nelu was never allowed to present his defense at a defense hearing—even though Neil Keenan, Nelu’s only witness was present in order to speak. Instead, apparently to avoid any statement at all by Neil, the Court went directly to Nelu’s sentencing, thereby eliminating the most major part of the adversarial process!

The case now stands here: The Higher Court has overruled the prosecutor’s objections and is returning the case to the Lower Court, which still can make changes to the sentence. This is the first time in the history of the Court that this has ever happened! At this point in time, in order for Nelu to defend himself, Neil was told he needs more than just a lawyer, he needs – – and one who speak Bahasa, the language of Indonesia!

What we’re talking about is very simple: Neil cannot access any of Nelu’s documents; only Nelu’s lawyer can do this. In other words, unlike the United States, Canada, and various part of Europe, in Indonesia these documents are not public record. What they are doing is effectively locking Neil out of Nelu’s case. From beginning to end, this entire case has been a farce.



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Nelu has been in jail for almost eleven months, and  it was all a set-up!


Neil speaks:

Well we have gotten this to the point of no return, or so it seems. We can no longer think that we can get this completed by ourselves. I have been told that I would not be given any documents from Nelu’s case file, because I am not an attorney and more importantly not Nelu’s attorney. No matter what, they know how close to the end we all are in this, and they are going to do their damndest to keep him a bit longer despite what we do.

I have opened up this case into something so transparent, but it seems like the bad guys have so much more than truth going for them in such matters. I am sorry it comes to such things in cases involving people’s lives, but take a look at how many people they have destroyed over the years. What is one more?

I cannot tell you how sick I am knowing I cannot yet finish this up when it is all within reach.  What we take for granted in our countries, over here does not exist. Hell, we Americans have the Obama era, and we are in deep doo-doo, but guess what, it is still worse right here, right now. Indonesian people are wonderful, mind you, but their system is antiquated and needs change. We have a chance to change part of it, or maybe a lot of it – right now, but who knows.  I can only say that Martha Wibawa has been a patriot from the beginning of his detention.  He does not consider himself a warrior, but does have  a fervent love for not only his country but also for his people. Many of his emotions for his people have rubbed off on me, and I can understand why he feels so deeply.

I am not walking away and will find other ways to assist Nelu, but right now I cannot move further without help. Nelu needs a lawyer to get out, and Nelu needs the right lawyer—even with everything in his favor. We need your help here.

Me, I have ideas that if Nelu pays, they all do. The International Courts are waiting with open arms for this case, which I have already discussed with them, but I do not want to head in that direction unless I have to. For now, please understand that I’m never going away, I am only thinking the best way out of this for everyone. It is not easy, but believe me, I will find the way.

I have gone this far, and I will not stray from the course now. It will be done!!!!!

Neil Keenan

Now, please read Nelu’s plea, in his own words:

First of all and foremost I want to thank everyone for supporting me through this moment.  Please understand that Mr. Neil Keenan has been such a great help in putting me in such a position whereas I might be freed, but I do not think he will be allowed to finish this for me.  I have heard Mr. Keenan will be prevented from receiving any of my documents from the administration office and if this is in fact true then this will prevent me from being freed and I will be forced, I understand, to do another three to four months in here preventing me from getting to work on the collateral accounts with Mr. Keenan.  I am pretty sure there will be many coming forward to assist him but I am not sure they will not be anything more than what Mr. Keenan has already dealt with [Keith Scott].

I hope you can see the importance of my plea for help.  They made it clear to Mr. Keenan today that he will not be allowed to receive any documentation in my behalf.  It is a plan that Mr. Keenan saw through from the beginning.  They also told him I would need not just an attorney but a great Attorney and I do not know how Mr. Keenan can do this seeing he cannot speak our language.  He is a miracle worker but our language is not that easy to learn and especially overnight.

I am a Humble person who believes in fate and who feels with his heart and I now have to reach out to everyone to reach back and see if they can help me find this special attorney I need to help me.  I am so sorry that I ask for this and I know Mr. Keenan wanted to finish this all himself but it is not written yet that he is to finish this part of the journey.

Can someone please find me the attorney to assist me in the final steps of my trial.  I cannot tell you everything about it seeing Mr. Keenan knows more than me.  He has been amazing gathering all the facts but now we are short in time and he is not going to be allowed to assist me in the final stages.  I thank you all for your help and I could feel your energy coming to me and it did left me behind.  I very thank you.  Now I need just the attorney does someone somewhere know one that can come to me and help me finish this up.  I pray now for one more miracle to happen.  Please forward all replies to Mr. Keenan or whoever he designates.  Thank you for your support.  I have no idea what I did so bad to deserve this when all I wanted was to be a patriot for my lovely country Indonesia.

Your Humble Servant

Martha Wibawa (Nelu)


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure. You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here. We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Polarized Intentions 2.0

Update 18june2013: Iran is challenging the sincerity of the West towards peace by announcing her readiness to stop at least 20% of uranium enrichment program…

iran ready to halt 20% uranium enrichment

The itch to go to war with Syria and Iran continue to worsen.

One wonders why would a government which is experiencing an economic meltdown since 2008 still pretends it can meddle other people’s affair. It doesn’t have the moral foundation, nor a deep pocket to do so.

Put your own house in order first, before you try to look after the welfare of your distant neighbor, who doesn’t even need you in the first place.


The US is debating setting up a no-fly zone across Syria and along Jordan’s border: a matter deemed difficult and costly but still being given serious consideration after disputed claims that nerve gas was used by the Syrian government.

“Washington is considering a no-fly zone to help Assad’s opponents,” one senior diplomat told Reuters. He said it would be limited “time-wise and area-wise,” adding that it could be implemented “possibly near the Jordanian border.”
A White House spokesperson stated on Friday that it would be expensive, and not their preferred choice. “We feel like the best course of action is to try to strengthen a moderate opposition,” Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes told a news briefing.
Even a limited zone could cost the US at much as $50 million per day, according to the WSJ. A full-scale operation would be considerably more expensive. The Pentagon has hopes that US foreign partners will help in footing the bill, if necessary.


That’s the conventional mindset trying to make the most out of the mainstream reality it belongs to.

We already knew that that’s not the whole intention, i.e. the Western powers are not trying to rescue the Syrians from its corrupt government. That the interim intention is to transform Syria into another Libya or Iraq, i.e. to plunder these sovereign economies for its own corporate survival.

And from there it’s the “sky is the limit” with Iran.

Or so, they believe.


The use of chemical weapons by Damascus and Hezbollah involvement in Syria risks derailing a political settlement to the conflict, John Kerry warned. His comments follow reports the CIA is preparing to funnel arms to rebel forces via Jordan and Turkey.

The US State Department issued a statement on Saturday condemning the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad for its lack of commitment to a negotiated settlement after Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with his Iraqi counterpart the previous day.

“The secretary reaffirmed that the United States continues to work aggressively for a political solution with the goal of a second Geneva meeting, but that the use of chemical weapons and increasing involvement of Hezbollah demonstrates the regime’s lack of commitment to negotiations and threatens to put a political settlement out of reach,” the department said.


ARVE Error: need id and provider

The Coalition of the Idiots is still alive

The Muslim Brotherhood is said to be organized by the CIA. Morsi’s latest position re Syria will only confirm this view.

Yes, the Egyptian Revolution had been hijacked early on. This method is so effective, it’s been used countless of times, including here in my country when we revolt against the Marcoses in 1986 for military abuses, e.g. forced disappearance.

That is the very reason why we strongly advocate for self-empowerment over begging for governmental reforms.

It will never come, no matter how many times you and your friends march on the streets, and no matter how many lifetimes you’re going to spend on this planet.

Learn some skills about living off-grid today.


Egypt has decided to cut all ties with Syria, close the embassy in Cairo and withdraw the Egyptian envoy from Damascus, said Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. He also urged the international powers to impose a no-fly zone over Syria.

“We have decided to close down the Syrian embassy in Cairo,” said Morsi during a conference of Sunni Muslim clerics in support of the Syrian uprising at Cairo Indoor Stadium, according to local newspaper Ahram online. “The Egyptian envoy in Damascus will also be withdrawn.”

The decision comes into effect Saturday.


Now we are pretty sure this guy is not on our side.

But this one does.


Russia and UK still have very different approaches to the Syrian crisis,British PM Cameron said after meeting Putin adding that the decision to arm rebels is yet to be made.Russia’s President warned against such a move citing rebels’ atrocities.

The  blood is on the hands of both parties” of the conflict, not only Bashar Assad’s government but also the rebels, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin stressed at the press conference at 10 Downing Street.

“I think you will not deny that one does not really need to support the people who not only kill their enemies, but open up their bodies, eat their intestines, in front of the public and cameras,” Putin said referring to a video footage on the Internet of a rebel fighter eating the heart of a government soldier. Later however it was concluded the fighter was holding a lung.



Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has insisted there is no sense in the Syrian regime using chemical weapons against the rebels, an accusation thrown at the leadership by the international community.

“The government, as the opposition is saying openly, is enjoying military success on the ground,” Lavrov indicated to reporters during a joint press conference with his Italian counterpart Emma Bonino.

“The regime isn’t driven to the wall. What sense is there for the regime to use chemical arms – especially in such small amounts?” Lavrov asked adding that the data provided by the US showed that 100 to 150 people suffered from the alleged chemical attacks.



Iran will deploy 4,000 Revolutionary Guards to Syria to bolster Damascus against a mostly Sunni-led insurgency, media reported. Meanwhile, US F-16s and Patriots will stay in Jordan – speculatively, to help establish a no-fly zone to aid Syrian rebels.

The deployment of the first several-thousand strong military contingent was reported by The Independent on Sunday who quoted Iranian sources tied to the state’s security apparatus. The sources said the move signals Iran’s intention to drastically step up its efforts to preserve the government of President Bashar Assad.
The Islamic Republic’s heightened military commitment could reportedly extend to the opening up of a new “Syrian” front on the Golan Heights against Israel.
Golan Heights have recently become a source of new instability with increasing cross-border fire and Austria withdrawing its peacekeepers from the buffer area after a checking point became the spot of military dispute between and Assad’s and opposition’s forces.


So while the Corporate Cabalists are busy feeding the flames of war, the Reformists are making a better world with just how much they can afford.

The Chavez Legacy

When progressive mindset works, it always defies convention. Such is the case with Venezuela, when at the time of Hugo Chavez implemented a program to “eliminate homelessness at all costs” by 2019.

Since its conception, Mission Housing Venezuela in 2011 was  able to build 480 homes everyday, or roughly three homes per minute.

To date, they have exceeded their yearly target.


In the build-up to George Osborne’s spending review there have been loud demands for more investment to meet Britain’s shortage of affordable homes. Some countries do things differently: Venezuela has a programme to build an astonishing three million homes using public funds by 2019.

Last month marked the second anniversary of Venezuela’s great housing mission, started by the late Hugo Chavez, to tackle the country’s massive housing deficit. The mission was to start by building 350,000 houses in 2011 and 2012 combined – a target exceeded by nearly 25,000 – at a cost of $22bn (£14.3bn) so far. From now on the annual targets are much tougher – over 300,000a year.

Venezuela’s situation is very different from the UK’s. Its population is half that of the UK’s and national income per head is one third. Nearly half of government income is from oil revenues, which have been boosted by recent higher oil prices. The new government headed by Nicolas Maduro, elected by a wafer-thin majority in April, faces high inflation and food shortages.




In contrast, countries under tight Corporate Rule have been subjected to harsh legislated austerity measures. The Corporatists even have the gall to slice 30% off of the Cypriot bank deposits.

But when it’s time for PR, they know how to play their cards well…


Wed Jun 5, 2013 11:20PM GMT

Related Interviews:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has admitted that it made serious mistakes in the handling of the sovereign debt crisis in Greece.

In an internal report published on Wednesday, the IMF said there were “notable failures” in preparing the first Greek rescue that forced a second larger bailout, AFP reported.

The Washington-based organization said it underestimated the damage that fiscal austerity would do to the Greek economy in its earliest rescue of the nation in 2010.

Greece was granted a 110-billion-euro (145-billion-dollar) bailout by the so-called troika of IMF, European Commission (EC) and the European Central Bank (ECB) in May 2010.


But, would this admission make any difference to the day-to-day struggle of the Greeks?

Obviously, it wouldn’t.

The reign of the Corporatists should be curtailed

Their exclusive claim to advances in Science and Technology, and global development in general, which are being used to justify their continued existence is nothing but a shallow usurpation of the efforts of the progressive minds , e.g. Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger.

We don’t need these monstrous parasites then. We don’t need them now.

We will make our Collective Power be felt through all four corners of the globe.

We are The True Masters of our Being.

Behave like One!

“You know, if we understand one question rightly, all questions are answered. But we don’t know how to ask the right question. To ask the right question demands a great deal of intelligence and sensitivity. Here is a question, a fundamental question: is life a torture?

It is, as it is; and man has lived in this torture centuries upon centuries, from ancient history to the present day, in agony, in despair, in sorrow; and he doesn’t find a way out of it. Therefore he invents gods, churches, all the rituals, and all that nonsense, or he escapes in different ways.

What we are trying to do, during all these discussions and talks here, is to see if we cannot radically bring about a transformation of the mind, not accept things as they are, nor revolt against them. Revolt doesn’t answer a thing. You must understand it, go into it, examine it, give your heart and your mind, with everything that you have, to find out a way of living differently.

That depends on you, and not on someone else, because in this there is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Savior. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what is.

I think that will be enough, won’t it?”

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Gold Buying Panic In China

We have been waiting for Keenan’s Final Lawsuit that will bring down the Cabal for good. But are we ready for the initial shock? That event when the big Fiat System Collapse actually happen?

The profound implications of which cannot be understated.

We had been urging everyone to get into disaster readiness for some time, and it is more so at this point in time. Although the cooperating/reformists banks were said to be ready and able to implement the new system, it is always to our advantage to prepare for something we haven’t been into before.

Or, are we already in so dire a situation, and what could be worse?

Thanks Drake.

Gold Buying Panic In China: 10,000 People Wait In Line For Their Chance to Own Precious Metals

Mac Slavo
June 14, 2013

One day in the near future Americans will finally realize that their money is being devalued at a rapid pace. For the time being the price increases are somewhat muted by official announcements of inflation being under control at around 2% and purported economic recovery on the horizon. The Federal Reserve and the US government are doing everything in their power to maintain a perception of stability.

But what happens when all the machinations are proven to be fruitless during the next stock market crash and currency crisis?

That’s when people panic. That’s when they start mass selling assets that hold no true value, and shift their capital to physical goods that store and preserve wealth.

In China, where the central government has manipulated the currency, economic and financial markets for decades, the people have seen it all before. And they aren’t taking any chances.

While the paper price of gold and silver may have dropped nearly 25% this year, it’s clear that demand in the real world is soaring.

If you want to know what it’s going to look like in front of precious metals dealers when confidence in our government’s ability to manage this crisis is finally lost for good, then look no further than the streets of China.

The following pictures, taken in Jinan in the last 48 hours, depict some 10,000 Chinese citizens lining up to buy physical gold, providing all the evidence you need for the argument that gold is, in fact, money.

These are absolutely stunning.



Images from Caixin via Zero Hedge

The pictures are reminiscent of Americans lining up around the block during the gold buying sprees of the 1980′s in an attempt to get their hands on physical gold and silver.

Just as is the case with food, guns, ammunition, Xboxes, and iPhones, when widespread demand strikes it’s nearly impossible to get your hands on the goods you need at a fair price.

Get yours now, before the panicked masses realize what has happened.

This article was posted: Friday, June 14, 2013 at 4:41 pm

Drake | June 15, 2013 at 1:41 pm | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Neil Keenan with Drake & Co.


This is a good and very informative update from Drake & Co. with special guest, Neil Keenan.

Will make comments later when we finished listening. 😉

Have a nice day everyone!


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Monsanto Gives Up Europe


The company that’s been playing God with all of us is giving up its influence in Europe.

Monsanto epitomizes all that is evil in the world of Corporatocracy we are all in.

We should be aware that this company is everywhere.

monsanto companies


It’s almost surreal, but it’s true. Monsanto has officially give up its fight to spread genetically modified seeds and plants throughout Europe.

In a time when the power and political influence of Monsanto Co. seems nearly insurmountable, this is a huge victory for opponents of genetic engineering. For those in the U.S. and other countries where Monsanto’s stranglehold is palpable, it serves as a rally cry to keep up the good fight.

“We’ve come to the conclusion that this has no broad acceptance at the moment,” Monsanto Germany spokeswoman, Ursula Lüttmer-Ouazane, told Taz, a Geman newspaper. According to Reuters, European officials for Monsanto also told Taz “that they were no longer doing any lobby work for cultivation in Europe and not seeking any new approvals for genetically modified plants.”

Just as in the United States, millions of European citizens have spoken out against Monsanto’s unchecked control of agriculture through the use of patented, genetically-modified seeds and plants.

A recent poll in Europe found that 60% of respondents considered “Frankencrops” a threat to public health. In 2007, the United States launched a planned retaliation against European countries for refusing to take GMOs into their food chains. In 2009 Monsanto sued Germany because it banned these products, reported in late 2012.

Read more:

We should not stop the rage until the last seed of Monsanto is crushed.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Massive Resignations 6.0

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Now, it’s time for some serious stuffs.

We’re happy to see a major fallout from the corporate institutions. Are we now looking at the Final Breakdown of the Slavery System?

In this article, we are surprised to see a number of high-ranking politicians experiencing the crunch, too. From UK, India and here in my country, the so –called public servants are feeling they are no longer relevant.

They never were. They never will be.

We are afraid that anytime soon, we won’t be able to compile every resignation as we are expecting these to keep on coming.

To our delight, of course.


The chairman of Housing New Zealand (HNZ) has stood down because of a potential conflict of interest.

Housing Minister Nick Smith today announced he had accepted the resignation of board chairman Alan Jackson.

Jackson’s role as a director at Fletcher Building had become an issue because of the building work HNZ was undertaking.

“Dr Jackson wrote to me earlier this week to let me know he would be stepping down as chair to avoid a potential conflict of interest with his role as a director at Fletcher Building,” Smith said.

“Given the scale and pace of new work by Housing New Zealand, including the massive rebuild programme in Christchurch, of which Fletcher Building may potentially tender for, he considered it was untenable to continue in both roles.”

At the end of last month, Smith previously described HNZ’s contribution to the rebuild as “the biggest Government house building programme in Christchurch’s history”.



JERUSALEM (Reuters) – An Israeli judge resigned from a government appeals board on Wednesday after public uproar over reports he had told a courtroom that some girls “enjoy rape”.

Nissim Yeshaya headed a three-member panel hearing a young Israeli woman’s appeal for recognition as a victim of a nationalist attack for having been raped when she was 13, in a crime blamed at the time on four Palestinians.

He had remarked during a session on the case that “there are some young girls who enjoy rape”, an attorney representing the woman told Israeli radio stations on Wednesday.



(WASHINGTON) — President Barack Obama’s top national security adviser Tom Donilon is resigning and will be replaced by U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, marking a significant shakeup to the White House foreign policy team.

A White House official confirmed the personnel changes Wednesday morning ahead of a planned announcement by the president later in the day.

Donilon has been a key foreign policy adviser to Obama since he first took office. But the 58-year-old had been expected to depart sometime this year, with Rice seen as the likely candidate to replace him.

Rice, a close Obama confidante, came under withering criticism from Republicans as part of the investigations into the deadly attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Rice, relying on talking points from the intelligence community, said in television interviews that the attacks were likely spontaneous, which was later proven incorrect.

Read more:


According to the latest Associated Press feed report, the confirmation comes from Obama just minutes ago today. While this is certainly the beginning of the massive resignations that should (and will likely) come from the massive exposure on the IRS corruption that has been covered by major news outlets for the past few days, it is important to remember that the real action here needs to go beyond a few layoffs and more towards criminal charges. At the same time, it is a victory when it comes to the spread of information and the overall impact that syndicated awareness has on the flow of the nation.

Even so-called ‘left’ wing groups were outraged at the fact that the IRS had openly declared financial warfare on all groups considered to be ‘conservative’ in nature, and the admission by the agency here shows that we are facing corruption seated at the deepest levels of United States government wings. Corruption that can be rooted out if enough outcry is presented through all channels of media and social networking — usually staring with the alternative news media and working its way ‘up the ladder’ in popularity until the mainstream is forced to cover it.





(Reuters) – Martin Abbott has resigned as chief executive of the London Metal Exchange and co-head of global markets of the Hong Kong Exchanges, the exchanges said on Thursday.

Abbott agreed to stay in his current positions until the end of this year to facilitate a smooth and orderly transition, the LME said in a statement. A replacement will be announced in due course.

(Reporting by Silvia Antonioli; editing by William Hardy)



In a shocking development, BCCI secretary Sanjay Jagdale and treasurer Ajay Shirke resigned from their posts on Friday night.

There were also reports that all five BCCI vice-presidents would resign in the next few hours.

Shirke had been saying for the past few days that BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) president N. Srinivasan should step down on moral grounds in the wake of the spot fixing scandal in which his son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan was arrested.





A Liberal Democrat MP who is fighting a high court claim that he sexually assaulted a vulnerable constituent has stood down from the party whip – two years after the Lib Dems were first warned about the allegations.

Mike Hancock, 67, the MP for Portsmouth South, made the decision after holding a meeting with Nick Clegg and senior party figures on Monday afternoon.

The decision follows accusations in court papers, first disclosed in the Guardian, that he formed an inappropriate relationship with the woman over a 10-month period after she approached him for help with noisy neighbours. Hancock is planning to fight the writ.

The Lib Dems were first contacted by the 39-year-old alleged victim by letter, but she did not receive a response.



Patrick Mercer, the former shadow minister, has resigned from the Conservative party after being caught up in a sting by journalists posing as lobbyists, having failed to declare £2,000 of the £4,000 they paid him.

The Conservative MP for Newark said he was resigning the Tory whip immediately “to save my party embarrassment”, and would not stand at the next general election. It is understood that he had been approached by a fake lobbying firm seeking help in parliament for a fake client, believed to be related to Fiji.

The move comes before a BBC Panorama programme in conjunction with Daily Telegraph journalists, due to be broadcast next week, which will allege that he has broken lobbying rules.



Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator Ishaq Dar announced his resignation from the post on Tuesday.

Dar, a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader said his resignation letter has been sent to the Chairman of Senate.

His resignation comes in the wake of reports that he is soon to become the finance minister of Pakistan.

Talking to reporters at the Parliament House,  Dar said PML-N will strive to resolve the challenges faced by the country and would work to uphold the interest of the masses.




The top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Joe Garcia resigned this weekend after being implicated in a voting-fraud scheme.

Chief of Staff Jeffrey Garcia resigned Friday after taking responsibility for the plot and being asked by the congressman for his resignation.

A “well-intentioned attempt to maximize voter turnout”

– Rep. Joe Garcia, D-Fla.

The congressman said Saturday he thinks the plot was a “well-intentioned attempt to maximize voter turnout” and that the system is “prone to fraud.”

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government resigned from the Conservative caucus last night, citing amendments made to his private member’s bill seeking public disclosure of the expenses and salaries of highly paid public service workers.

“I’m doing what I need to do for myself and for my constituents,” Brent Rathgeber told CBC News when reached at the Ottawa airport on Thursday morning. “I don’t think that I can continue to represent them when I am told how to vote, told what to speak.”




The lead attorneys probing a deadly pipeline explosion for California regulators have abruptly quit the investigation, putting the integrity of the probe in jeopardy, a San Bruno city official said Wednesday.

The four California Public Utilities Commission lawyers removed themselves from the matter earlier this week, just as the agency is poised to decide a fine for Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which owns the pipeline that ruptured in San Bruno, City Manager Connie Jackson said.

“Those attorneys worked on the briefs that the CPUC will use as its basis for holding PG&E accountable,” Jackson said. “This absolutely will jeopardize the integrity of the process that has gone on for the last 2 1/2 years, and San Bruno cannot stand still and let that happen.”



'No confidence': 13 of Boston's 14 deputy fire chiefs co-signed a letter blasting their boss Steve Abraira (pictured) saying that he showed no leadership at the Boston Marathon bombing

The embattled Boston Fire Chief Steve E. Abraira resigned on Monday after clashes with senior staff over his management style and his perceived weak handling of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Abraira was the first chief in Boston Fire Department’s history hired from outside of its powerful union and since the April 15th terror attack he came under pressure from his 13 deputy chief, all who have risen up through the city ranks.

He will leave his post on June 7th and Deputy Chief John Hasson will step in to take temporary charge according to Stephen MacDonald, a spokesman for the Boston fire department.

In May, the Boston Globe obtained a leaked letter that 13 of the city’s 14 deputy fire chiefs co-signed on April 26th signalling a vote of no-confidence in Chief Steve Abraira.

‘His justification for failing to take action is indefensible,’ they wrote.

That was just 11 days after the bombings at the finish line of the marathon killed three people and injured more than 250 others.

In his resignation letter, Abraira said that he was leaving his job because of the ‘baseless attacks by the Deputy Chiefs, especially their actions of making this a matter of public debate by leaking their letter of April 26th to the press, has made it impossible for me to continue to do my job.’

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The Telegraph and the BBC’s Panorama have been investigating the former shadow minister over a major lobbying scandal and is poised to publish a series of revelations about Mr Mercer tomorrow.

He was yesterday asked questions over his activities and was expected to be suspended from the Parliamentary Conservative party this evening.

However, the Conservative MP for Newark is thought to have resigned the whip and is poised to make a statement.

The scandal, details of which will be exposed by The Telegraph and Panorama, involved Mr Mercer lobbying on behalf of Fiji.

Parliamentary records show that he asked a question about the regime’s suspension from the Commonwealth and put down an Early Day Motion – a device used by MPs to draw attention to certain causes.



MP Brent Rathgeber has resigned from the Conservative caucus because of “the government’s lack of commitment to transparency.”

Rathgeber, who represents the Alberta riding of Edmonton-St. Albert, announced his resignation on Twitter late Wednesday.

“I just notified the Board of Directors of the Edm-St. Albert CPC Association and the Speaker that I have resigned from the CPC Caucus,” he wrote.


Brent Rathgeber resigns from Conservative caucus

Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber stands during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 21, 2011. (Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

The Prime Minister’s Office has called on Rathgeber to resign as an MP and run in a byelection.

Rathgeber’s announcement comes hours after members of his own party pushed changes to his private member’s bill calling for the disclosure upon request of any public sector salaries with earnings of approximately $188,000 or more.

But a series of amendments at a committee meeting earlier Wednesday resulted in major changes to the maximum salary amount.

“I’m obviously very, very disappointed both with the government position and certainly with the (committee’s Conservative) colleagues, many of whom philosophically support this legislation unequivocally, but seemed powerless to resist the instructions that were given to them by the (Prime Minister’s Office), by the whip or wherever the final instructions came from,” Mr. Rathgeber told the Globe and Mail.

Rathgeber went on to say that transparency is key in light of the ongoing controversy surrounding Senate spending.

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MANILA, Philippines – Saying he had seen the handwriting on the wall, Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile resigned yesterday as Senate president, ending a leadership marked both by brilliance and turbulence.

With just two days left in the calendar for the 15th Congress, Enrile tendered his irrevocable resignation as Senate president “as a matter of personal honor and dignity.”

Senate President Pro-Tempore Jinggoy Estrada took over Enrile’s post for the day.

“Old age may have physically impaired my vision. But let me assure all of you, I can still see and read clearly the handwriting on the wall. I need not be told by anyone when it is time for me to go,” Enrile said.

He opened the second to the last plenary session of the Senate with a privilege speech in which he voiced his grief over the failed Senate bid of his son Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile.



MANILA, Philippines—Senate Majority Leader Vicente “Tito” Sotto III formally announced his resignation from his post on Thursday, the last session day of the 15th Congress.

“As the curtain falls on the regular session of the 15th Congress, and its legal life draws its last breath at end of June this year, please consider my position as Majority Leader co-terminus therewith,” Sotto said before the Senate adjourned sine die past 7 p.m. The next Congress will commence in July.

With this statement, Sotto told reporters after the interview that he is now deemed resigned.

“Yes, resignation as Majority Leader although kung tutuusin   pwede pa nga, if I don’t say that and I do not do that then I will be a carryover up to the 16th Congress, until July 22. E ayoko na nga e,” he said.

“As of today, I consider myself resigned,” he pointed out.

Asked why he did not categorically say the word “resignation” in his manifestation on the floor, Sotto said, “Kawawa naman yung mga empleyado.  Sa akin naman kasi I think it’s no big deal. My resignation is no big deal. Talaga naming sa July 22, malamang palitan din naman kami so I just want it ahead.”

Sotto’s move came just a day after Senator Juan Ponce-Enrile stepped down from his post Wednesday.

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Neal Humphrey, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in north Utah, recently resigned as a member of the executive board of the Trapper Trails Council, charging that the Boy Scouts’ new membership policy excludes evangelical churches and other Christian denominations.

On May 23, after a controversial challenge, 1,400 delegates of the 103-year-old Boy Scouts of America voted overwhelmingly to lift a longstanding ban on homosexual youth in the organization.

“They are asking us to endorse something that the Bible says is sin…And we will not follow the Scouts in endorsing sin,” said pastor Humphrey in one report which noted that he delivered his resignation in a letter to Trapper Trails Executive Allen Endicott.



With Roseland Community Hospital on the brink of closure, President and CEO Dian Powell has resigned a day after officials said she inaccurately blamed the hospital’s financial insolvency on missing payments from the state.

Powell on Monday said the hospital could be forced to close to new patients on Wednesday because the state hadn’t paid $6 million it promised for development and operation of an adolescent behavioral health unit that opened in 2011.

A day later, the hospital said her statement was inaccurate. Instead, it said, the state issued an advance supplemental payment of $958,240 to help keep Roseland afloat amid mounting debt.



FORT WORTH — The Richmond, Va., minister accused of sexually assaulting two girls in the 1990s in Fort Worth has resigned as senior pastor along with three members of his staff, church officials said Wednesday.

The Rev. Geronimo Aguilar, 43, who was senior pastor of Richmond Outreach Center, or ROC, is free on $200,000 bail. He was briefly jailed last week in Tarrant County.

Wednesday evening, the ROC board of directors issued a statement announcing that they had accepted Aguilar’s resignation “upon mutually agreeable terms.”

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The man who led Toyota’s charge into NASCAR is relinquishing his day-to-day to duties and will retire at the end of the year.

Citing “family health care needs,” Lee White, the president of Toyota Racing Development, is stepping aside according to a statement released Tuesday.

White joined Toyota in 1997 and guided the manufacturer’s North American racing programs in NASCAR, IndyCar, CART, Grand-Am, NHRA and USAC.


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Vice Pope Bertone Resigning


This just in. Thanks, Jean.

The second in command in the House of the Demons is resigning. Cardinal Bertone is said to have handed his resignation letter, as the present Secretary of State, to Mr. Bergoglio, i.e. the pope.

Jesuit “Mr. Pro-poor” Bergoglio is yet to decide about the matter.

Both these resignations can be considered as the icing on the cake for the massive high-profile resignations that have been happening since 2008.

bertoni resigningVATICAN CITY — We are living historic times, whereby we will see the final destruction of the Vatican just as the prophesies foretold. Already, we are seeing the Catholic Church being left desolate right before it goes up in flames forever, and unprecedented events are taking place.

The Cardinal holding the second most important position within the Vatican next to the Pope, has just handed in his  resignation letter. That’s right, we are speaking of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of the Vatican State.First ex-Pope Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger left his post…and now this past weekend, as reported by, a resignation letter was presented by the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to Pope Francis as a result of pressure received by the eight Cardinals that form the Commission formed by Bergoglio.

The Pope has not yet made the decision whether to accept the resignation or not.

But the signs of the times are clear. The turmoil within the Vatican is seeping out left and right. The Man Christ Jesus, Jose Luis De Jesus, is unmasking this corrupt organization just like He said he would in His second coming. 2 Thes 2:8.


This Holy Turmoil is now confirmed by the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State, which ago handed over a guilty verdict against the Church and Crown and Big Pharma for Crimes of Genocide, among others.
:::ITCCS Special Report:::
Cardinal Bertone hands in resignation letter to Pope Francis, Vatican insider confirms

VATICAN CITY — A source within the Vatican announced today that Tarcisio Bertone, the most powerful official in the Roman Curia and one of five Cardinals convicted by a Common Law Court of Justice last February, has prepared his letter of resignation.
Cardinal Bertone has been the effective “king maker” at the papacy for many years, and helped force Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, from office on February 11 just days after an arrest warrant was to be issued against Ratzinger.
According to the Vatican insider,

“Bertone knows that if he’s arrested while in office, all of the Vatican archives and his records are subject to seizure, and they can never let that happen. Once he’s resigned, he can do like Ratzinger and claim immunity from prosecution as a ‘private citizen’, something the Lateran Treaty allows. These guys understand the power of the common law court arrest warrant, even if others don’t.”

Bertone’s resignation also coincides with the recent formation of a new Italian movement to expose child torture and trafficking within the Vatican, announced by the ITCCS and Rete L’Abuso in Savona, Italy on May 23.
This campaign will commence on September 20 in Rome with civil disobedience actions and church occupations, and demands to the Italian government to revoke the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican. (see, May 24 posting).

ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett is in Europe investigating this latest development.

Further communiques on the impending Bertone resignation and the September 20 campaign will be forthcoming.

ITCCS Central Office


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

The Revolution Intensifies 2.0

The effects of the cyclical event which could only happen every 25,920 years, when solar energy is at its peak, are manifesting in a very fascinating display of increased awareness over the greatest lie of them all – fiat currency.


Fiat Currency represents not just the bogus economy but the whole Fiat Establishment, i.e. Religion as Fiat Spirituality, Corporate Democratic Government as Fiat Republic, etc., that by virtue of deceit, surgical and mass murders able to usurp lawful indigenous systems to feed and sustain itself.

Day by day, the ordinary man on the street is learning why and who are responsible for the deteriorating quality of life that each of us must endure.

In Europe and elsewhere, they are revolting in a big way.

Taksim Square Istanbul Turkey

The Turkish revolution is on. They’ve refused, among other issues, to go to war with their neighbors, Syria and Iran, as their Cabalist government would have done long ago.

There certainly is a massive awakening in that corner of the world as the current civil unrest is sparked by a mere clamor to preserve Gezi Park from being transformed into a giant shopping mall.

Here’s giving some light on the evolution of the Turkish Revolution that is still happening now.

“Turkey is buckling as its youth calls for the resignation of the prime minister and his corrupt regime.

Yesterday’s anti-government protests in Istanbul have quickly spread to almost all major cities in Turkey, totaling over 90 demonstrations thus far. Most of the protesters are youth who are worried that the prime minister’s government is becoming both more authoritarian and more Islamic, threatening Turkey’s secular state.”

“Friday’s protests began on the relatively-smaller issue of Gezi Park. As one of the last remaining green spaces in Istanbul, many want the park to remain, well, a park. However, Erdogan and his administration have plans to redevelop the area into a giant shopping mall, and they have ignored the public outcry against the park’s demolition. Turkish youth began peacefully protesting the redevelopment plans this morning with singing and book readings in the public space, but as more people congregated, the protest (while still peaceful) began to take on more of an anti-Erdogan theme. And that’s when the police arrived, turning a peaceful protest into what is already being termed Bloody Friday.”

continue reading

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turkey march

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“Demonstrations are taking place all over the world in support of Bradley Manning, the US army private Whistleblower who leaked intelligence to WikiLeaks.

Manning’s trail will start Monday at the Fort Meade military base in Baltimore, some three years after having been accused of the largest leak of classified materials in the history of the United States. Among other things, he has been charged with ‘aiding the enemy’ – which could potentially land him in jail with a life sentence without parole.

Already the stenographers who were meant to create daily transcripts of the trial have been denied press passes and will not now be at the trial.  “



People from all over the world are expressing their anger and frustrations from:

  • their shrinking economic power
  • deliberate manipulation of the food they ate
  • wanton destruction of the environment
  • deteriorating quality of public services
  • obvious scripts behind false flag operations
  • suppression of the Truth

Not too many of them have realized it yet, i.e. that they don’t really need to ask any government for change because it can’t afford to be. Government is there because we can’t govern ourselves. We prefer other people to do the hard work for us instead of us taking more responsibility for our future.

The act of protesting to demand for change from an entity that is design to enslave all of us is lesser than a pipe dream. The key to real freedom is to empower oneself by learning the methods of living off-grid.

If we have to revolt, as we feel to be doing right now, we should go beyond rhetorics. We should tear down the system to pieces. And that requires actions other than marching in droves. Or, are we marching to exert pressure on all Oathtakers to take visible action now?

white house eviction notice

We must remember, most of what we see in the news are mere distractions to arrest our attention to the real enemy. Once again, the enemy is sporting a pro-Mankind marketing strategy.

Being a Jesuit himself, he is an expert in the gullibility of even the most sophisticated Mind. Early on, he tried to project himself as a pro-poor, kind-hearted Caretaker of the Holy and the Most Supreme.

Just recently, he is asking us to pray for Syria as if prayer is the answer to the bloodshed that even the Vatican, Inc. itself sanctioned thru its subsidiary corporate headquarters in Washington DC, France and City of London.

The Puppeteers are content watching behind the scenes as their puppets manning the institutions are busy trying to fend off these escalating massive protests. The use of strong arm policy would surely keep the revolutionary hearts burning.

But to the Puppeteers, both these protests and the corrupt governments the people are protesting against are mere distractions to keep both groups preoccupied, so they, the Minions of the Dark, could go on with their business of philandering the planet as usual.

In the end, the Revolution is won not by consistent high pitch barking on institutional facades such as governments, but by looking inwards and learning the ways and methods of living off-grid.

Learn about sustainable food production like permaculture, free energy generation and free medicine, i.e. as described in our eBook Towards Healthcare Emancipation. These are the primary keys to Real Freedom.

Critical knowledge of living independently is what the enemy really is wary about.

So, once we have made our point clear in all the squares around the world, we must go back to where we came from and do implement real solutions inside our every home.

Never ever beg for institutional solutions again. We are all old enough to understand that they will never do it.

The internet is here to Empower yourself.

Learn and do something.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Massive Resignations 5.0

Previously, we have documented these uncommon high-profile corporate shakeups which were highlighted by the Pontifical Resignation early this year. Massive CEO resignations are still continuing.

Most peculiar is this array of resignations from mining, transport, telecommunications, and even the pharmaceuticals, suggesting that these critical components of the real economy are experiencing the crunch in hard terms.

But we have yet to witness the royal resignation of the bogus Queen of England.

To all The Awakened around the world: Keep pushing. We’re almost there!


bertoni resigningVATICAN CITY — We are living historic times, whereby we will see the final destruction of the Vatican just as the prophesies foretold. Already, we are seeing the Catholic Church being left desolate right before it goes up in flames forever, and unprecedented events are taking place.

The Cardinal holding the second most important position within the Vatican next to the Pope, has just handed in his  resignation letter. That’s right, we are speaking of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of the Vatican State.

First ex-Pope Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger left his post…and now this past weekend, as reported by, a resignation letter was presented by the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to Pope Francis as a result of pressure received by the eight Cardinals that form the Commission formed by Bergoglio.



SYDNEY–Barclays Australia chief executive officer Cynthia Whelan has resigned from the bank, a person familiar with the matter said.

The resignation wasn’t linked to recent job cuts at the U.K.-based investment bank. It was her own decision, the person said.

Jeffrey Deck, the current vice chairman of Barclays Asia, will act as interim CEO until a successor is named.



Alfredo Saenz resigned as CEO of Banco Santander, a move that marked an end of his controversial tenure at the bank. WSJ’s David Enrich assesses Mr. Saenz’s record, which included a conviction for making false criminal accusations in 2009.

MADRID— Alfredo Sáenz, who helped turn Banco Santander SA SAN.MC -0.77%from a provincial lender into a global banking power, quit his job as its chief executive Monday after a legal and political controversy over his criminal conviction for pressure he put on four debtors nearly two decades ago.

Santander, the largest bank in the euro zone by market value, announced his resignation following a wave of criticism of the Spanish government after it relaxed standards of conduct for bankers in a move that allowed Mr. Sáenz to keep his job.

Mr. Sáenz stepped down following discussions with officials at the Bank of Spain, the country’s central bank, according to people familiar with the talks. Two people said the central bank had indicated to Mr. Sáenz it was likely to conclude he didn’t belong in a senior role at the bank.



The Co-operative Bank’s head of banking Barry Tootell resigned after rating agency Moody’s suggested that the British government may have to bail out the lender.

Moody’s downgraded the lender’s debt ratings after flagging up a hole in the bank’s capital.

Rod Bulmer takes over from Tootell and will serve as the acting CEO of the Banking Group and a director of The Co-operative Bank until a permanent replacement is found, the bank said.

The Moody’s downgrade comes just weeks after the bank dropped its bid to acquire over 600 branches from Lloyd’s Banking Group.

Moody’s Investors Service had downgraded the bank’s deposit and senior debt ratings to Ba3, from A3, following its lowering of the bank’s baseline credit assessment (BCA) to b1 from baa1. The equivalent standalone bank financial strength rating (BFSR) is now E+ from C- previously, Moody’s said in a statement



JOHANNESBURG – First Rand Limited on Wednesday announced that Michael Jordaan would step down as FNB CEO at the end of the year after 10 years in the job.

He will be replaced by Jacques Celliers who is currently the CEO of FNB’s business banking and head of its India expansion.

The bank said Jordaan first indicated in 2010 that he would step down at the end of 2013.



The head of Austrian bank Raiffeisen has resigned over a series of personal property deals.

Herbert Stepic denied wrongdoing in using front companies in the Caribbean and Asia to buy flats in Singapore in 2006 and 2008, but said he was stepping down to spare his bank from negative publicity .

The deals – which were exposed by the Offshore Leaks investigative journalism project – are now under investigation by Austria’s central bank, its Financial Market Authority watchdog and Raiffeisen, to see if any law or internal guidelines were violated.

Stepic, who has very much been the public face of the bank, told a news conference that the Singapore property deals were above board because he had made the investment with money taxed in Austria and had also paid tax on revenue from a sale.

He insisted he did not need to notify his bank or regulators about three apartments in Singapore he bought via ‘project companies’ set up with the help of Swiss bank UBS in the British Virgin Islands and Hong Kong.

As he announced his resignation, the 66-year-old said he was proud of what he had accomplished in four decades at Raiffeisen, creating tens of thousands of jobs in the former Communist East and making 800 million euros in profit over the past five years as the financial crisis raged.



Atul_Kumar_IFCI_aug13Atul Kumar Rai, CEO and managing director of state-owned financial institution IFCI ,  has resigned from the company following differences with the government. Rai, whose term was till June 2017, has tendered his resignation, sources said.

He joined IFCI in July 2007 after his predecessor RM Malla was elevated as chairman and managing director of SIDBI.

Before joining IFCI, Rai, an IES officer, worked for over 20 years in various positions in the government of India (GoI). He was re-appointed by the board in June, 2012 for a period of five years.

However, sources said the government was not happy with his performance. Rai could not be reached for his comments on the development.




ubsidiary of auto lender Ally Financial Inc works its way out of bankruptcy.

Marano, who joined ResCap in 2008, will remain as a member of the board.

Marano spent more than 25 years at now-defunct investment bank Bear Stearns & Co, where he was the global head of mortgage and asset-backed securities. Marano was managing director at Cerberus Capital Management before moving to ResCap.

ResCap filed for bankruptcy in May 2012 to protect its parent from mortgage liabilities that threatened to swamp the company. Ally is 74 percent-owned by the U.S. government after a series of bailouts.

Marano resignation comes at a time when creditors are awaiting a report from a court-appointed examiner, Arthur Gonzalez, about ResCap’s relationship with Ally.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc , a ResCap creditor, asked the judge overseeing the ResCap bankruptcy for an investigation of what it called “potentially improper” pre-bankruptcy transactions between ResCap and Ally.



Country Bird Holdings (JSE:CBH) has announced the resignation of Jeff Wright as a director and CEO of the Company, effective June 30 2013.

CBH states that Wright leaves “having met the strategic objectives set when he joined the Group Five (JSE:GRF) years ago, including market penetration, operational efficiencies and growth into Africa.”

Wright is leaving to pursue private business interests.

Marthinus Stander has been appointed as the new CEO, effective July 1 2013. Stander is an Engineer B.Eng (US), MSc (UCT) and has furthered his studies in business management at the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

He has held senior executive positions at Pioneer Foods and Rainbow Chicken (JSE:RBW), operated a KFC franchise for four years and until recently consulted to the Shoprite Group, focusing on their Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) brand.



Posted on » Friday, May 31, 2013

MANAMA: Naseej’s board of directors yesterday announced that Christopher Sims has resigned as the company’s chief executive effective May 28.

Mr Sims has quit to pursue his career elsewhere, the company said in a statement yesterday.

“I have proudly grown Naseej over the last three years, from inception through to a dynamic and successful real estate company,” Mr Sims said.

“I leave the company with a solid foundation and a bright future,” he added.

The company’s project and investment committee chairman and board member Mohammed Khalil Alsayed has taken charge as interim chief executive and managing director with immediate effect.

Mr Alsayed, a seasoned professional with extensive experience in the public and private sectors in project investments and development of large real estate and capital projects, is actively involved in the operations of the company.

“Chris’ departure does not change the primary objective or Naseej’s positive prospects for the future,” Mr Alsayed said.

“Naseej will continue its strategic focus on growing revenues and on the imminent conclusion of the public private partnership transaction with the Housing Ministry, together with the realisation of other developments in Bahrain and elsewhere,” he added.




By Kanga Kong

SEOUL–The head of South Korea’s state-owned Woori Finance Holdings Co. (053000.SE) resigned Sunday, describing as “regretful” the failure to privatize the banking giant three times in as many years, as the government plans to try a fourth time to sell its 57% stake in the bank, which is worth around $4.8 billion.

The Financial Services Commission is now expected to push for a swift privatization after saying earlier this month that it hoped to reveal a new privatization plan by the end of the first half of the year, analysts said.

Lee Pal-seung, the chairman and chief executive of Woori Finance, said in a statement Sunday that he would step down once his replacement was appointed, a process the company said is likely to take around two months. “There were three attempts until last year to privatize Woori Finance, but all failed, which I find regretful,” he said.



Jon Erik Engeset, president and CEO of SafeRoad, has resigned. Saferoad is a Nordic Capital portfolio company. Engeset will leave SafeRoad with effect from July 1st 2013.


SafeRoad has over the last years made several add-on acquisitions abroad, which have led to a subsequent build-up of head office functions in Oslo. Following this, Jon Erik Engeset, the President and CEO of SafeRoad, has had to commute between Ørsta and Oslo on a weekly basis. For private reasons, he has now decided to seek new opportunities closer to his home.



italian defence ceo resigns15 February 2013 

European growth continues to slowImage: Rome © S99

Italy: Media reports from Italy say the chairman and chief executive of Italy’s largest defense firm has resigned following corruption allegations.

The head of Finmeccanica, Giuseppe Orsi, said he was leaving his post in a letter to a magistrate at an Italian court. Earlier this week the businessman was arrested as part of a police investigation into the selling of helicopters from the firm to the Indian government.

It is alleged that the company’s AgustaWestland subsidiary used bribes to win the order for ten helicopters. The contract is thought to be worth $750m (~€483m). Orsi denies any wrongdoing.

New Delhi has now begun cancelling the defence contract and is investigating how the deal occured. The company is being run by another board director.




The chief executive of Millennium Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge resigned suddenly Thursday after its Japanese parent company, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., moved to fold Millennium’s big Cambridge-based cancer research unit into corporate research and development.

Deborah Dunsire, 50, who has been president and chief executive of Millennium since 2005 and helped engineer its $8.8 billion sale to Takeda in 2008, is one of the best known women in the biomedical industry. She will be replaced as Millennium’s president by Anna Protopapas, 48, a longtime colleague who has worked at Millennium for 16 years, most recently as executive vice president and head of global business development, according to Takeda.

The move was disclosed in a statement issued from Takeda headquarters in Osaka, Japan. Separately, the Japanese drug giant reported operating income had been weaker than hoped for and that it was moving forward with an efficiency plan that includes integrating Millennium’s research center, which had overseen worldwide cancer drug development.



Online health information company WebMD Health Corp. significantly narrowed its first-quarter loss said its chief executive, Cavan M. Redmond, has resigned, after only one year at the helm.

New York-based WebMD (Nasdaq: WBMD) said David J. Schlanger, the company’s senior vice president of strategic and corporate development, will become interim CEO while the company searches for a permanent replacement.

In addition, Chief Financial Officer Anthony Vuolo will be replaced by Peter Anevski, currently a senior vice-president of finance. Vuolo will continue with the company as senior vice president focusing on strategic projects.



Joseph Swedish, CEO of Livonia-based Trinity Health since 2004, announced he will leave the 47-hospital Roman Catholic health system next month to become CEO of investor-owned Wellpoint Inc., the nation’s largest health insurer with 35 million policyholders in 14 states.

Larry Warren, a Trinity board member and former CEO of University of Michigan Hospital, has been named interim CEO.

“Trinity Health is a progressive and dynamic ministry, and it has been my honor to help pursue its mission for eight years,” said Swedish in a statement.

During Swedish’s tenure, Trinity Health’s revenue has increased to $8.9 billion in 2012 from $5.7 billion in 2005. Swedish became CEO in December 2004.






Alcatel-Lucent CEO Ben Verwaayen has resigned after the telecoms hardware manufacturer posted substantial losses for the fourth quarter of 2012.

Ben Verwaayen took over at the firm in 2008 when he stood down as CEO of BT, hoping to bring Alcatel-Lucent back into profitability.

Alcatel-Lucent posted quarterly losses of just over €1.37bn, which included restructuring charges of €247m, an impairment charge of €894m and €514m in deferred tax.

Revenues did increase quarter on quarter to reach almost €4.1bn, but this was still down by 1.3% year-on-year.



Video game giant Electronic Arts has announced that CEO John Riccitiello is to resign from the company. In a letter to chairman of the board Larry Probst, Riccitiello conceded that forthcoming quarterly results are likely to fall short of expectations and that he is “100 percent accountable”. The industry veteran will step down on 30 March with Probst appointed as executive chairman until a permanent replacement is found.

After taking over as CEO in February 2007, Riccitiello has overseen a turbulent period in the history of EA. Stock value plunged amid the global financial meltdown of 2008, and has never recovered to the 2005 peak when shares were worth $70 each. Like most publishers in this sector EA has suffered due to a decline in retail software sales but has fought to improve its digital business, investing in social gaming companies such as Playfish and Popcap and extending its reach into Facebook and smartphone titles.




Fusion-io President and CEO David Flynn has resigned and will be replaced by Shane Robison, the former CTO of Hewlett-Packard.

Flynn resigned effective immediately “to pursue entrepreneurial investing activities,” according to a news release on Wednesday from Fusion-io. The company’s co-founder and chief marketing officer, Rick White, has also resigned, Fusion-io said.

Robison has been named chairman, CEO and president, effective immediately. Robison has been on Fusion-io’s board of directors since 2011. From 2002 until 2011, he was executive vice president and chief strategy and technology officer at HP, and before that he held a similar position at Compaq Computer, which HP acquired in 2002. Fusion-io cited his industry relationships, international experience and understanding of the company’s business in naming him to the top posts.



February 01, 2013

The chief executive of Swedish telecommunications company TeliaSonera has resigned following an independent review of business dealings with a partner in Uzbekistan.

In a statement on February 1, TeliaSonera CEO Lars Nyberg said the review found his company had failed to carry out proper background checks and conduct due diligence on its Uzbek partner, Takilant.

That company is believed to have links with Gulnara Karimova, the daughter of Uzbekistan’s president.

The review, carried out by law firm Mannheimer Swartling, rejected persistent allegations that TeliaSonera paid bribes in Uzbekistan.



Saudi Telecom Co’s chief executive Khaled Al-Ghoneim has resigned after less than a year in the job, the latest senior management executive to quit as the former monopoly tries to arrest a sustained profit slump.

Al-Ghoneim was appointed in June 2012 following the resignation of his predecessor Saud Al-Daweesh two months earlier, while the heads of the state-controlled firm’s domestic and international operations have also quit over the past 12 months.

STC has spent billions of dollars on foreign acquisitions in the past decade, according to Reuters calculations, buying into many markets including Turkey, Indonesia, Kuwait and Bahrain. Yet it remains reliant on home, with the kingdom providing 68 percent of revenue in 2012.

The company’s shares have fallen 5.8 percent this year, underperforming the main Saudi index, which is up 3.7 percent.

STC said it had accepted Al-Ghoneim’s resignation, according to a statement on Saudi Arabia’s stock exchange website, but did not name a replacement or say when Ghoneim would leave his position.

The Gulf’s second-largest telecom operator by market value made a net profit of 7.28 billion riyals ($1.94 billion) in 2012, down 43 percent from a 2006 peak as tougher competition from home and write-offs from foreign units weighed on the bottom line.

Al-Ghoneim joined STC from Riyadh-based Al Elm Information Security Company, a firm far lesser in size and scope than the state telco. – Reuters


stc jameel resigns

Jameel Abdullah Al-Molhem, CEO of STC KSA Operations, tendered his resignation to the telecom operator yesterday.

Saudi Telecom Co. (STC) is a Saudi-based telecommunications company that offers landline, mobile and Internet services.

Confirming the resignation, an official from the STC told Arab News that the reasons for his resignation were not known.

Al-Molhem’s resignation follows a string of resignations that occurred last year.

Last April Saud Al-Daweesh, CEO of Saudi Telecom Company (STC) submitted his resignation and STC’s board of directors accepted it effective Oct. 1.

Last August, the company announced a number of changes within its management structure involving executive positions. The STC Group announced that it had accepted the resignation of Ghasan Hasbani from his role as Group CEO-international operations due to the end of the contractual period.

In September, Dr. Ziad Al-Otaibi group CEO for technical operations also resigned. Otaibi’s resignation was preceded by Dr. Saad Bin Dhafer Al-Qahtani Group CEO for strategic affairs .



Sanjay Kapoor, CEO (India and South Asia) of Bharti Airtel, India’s largest telecom service provider both in revenue and subscriber base terms, has resigned from the company in the backdrop of a decline in profits for 12 quarters in a row.

Gopal Vittal, who joined the company last year in April from Hindustan Unilever will take over as the head of Indian operations with effect from March 1. Vittal is currently group director (special projects). He was earlier director (marketing).

Kapoor, who has had a difficult time steering the company in a cut-throat market, will stay on the boards Bharti Global and Indus Towers, a telecom infrastructure company in which Bharti has a substantial stake.



Dick Costolo, 49, will be replaced by Dublin-based accountant Laurence O’Brien, according to a report by Sky News.

Costolo’s resignation follows the dissolution of UK-based Tweetdeck Ltd, the company that ran the programme used as an alternative way of accessing microblogging website and app Twitter.

Tweetdeck Ltd was struck off by Companies House on May 7 for repeatedly failing to file its 2011 accounts, though its assets were absorbed into sister company Twitter UK and the service remains functional on desktop computers.

Tweetdeck Ltd and Twitter UK were both fined last December for failing to file accounts with Companies House, though Twitter UK, a subsidiary of Irish-based Twitter International, later did so, and the company remains active.



‘Tis the season for high-profile resignations. From Pope Benedict XVI to Groupon CEO Andrew Mason, the Internet has been abuzz with news of one resignation–or sacking–after another.

Peter Stern, CEO of the URL shortening company, appears to be the most recent addition to a growing list of commanders-in-chief who have stepped down lately. announced in a cryptic blog post Monday that Stern would be leaving the company to “pursue other interests.” This statement has created speculation as to what interests Stern may be pursuing–and what his motivation for leaving the company might be.



3Dfx announced on Thursday that its CEO and President, L. Gregory Ballard, is resigning effective October 31. Ballard had a three year tenure at 3Dfx.

As reasons for his departure, he cited a new CEO with a fresh perspective and a focus on the technology hurdles that 3Dfx needs to overcome will be better suited to the coming challenges for 3Dfx.

Read more at ZDNet.


The chief executive officer of the National Broadband Network (NBN) construction partner Silcar, Peter Lamell, has resigned, marking two major executive losses for the construction partners of the AU$37.4 billion project since NBN Co announced that it would not meet its June target for premises passed by fibre.

A Silcar spokesperson this morning confirmed a report in The Australian Financial Review that Lamell would leave, but gave no reason for his departure.



The transformation of Dish Network Corp. continued Monday with a surprise announcement that Charlie Ergen will step down as president and CEO.

Ergen, Dish’s founder and spiritual leader, will remain on as chairman. His successor, Joseph Clayton, will start his new role on June 20, 2011.

Clayton, a 38-year telecom and consumer electronics industry vet, most recently served as chairman of Sirius Satellite Radio (now Sirius XM) and before that, was president of Global Crossing‘s North America division, and president and CEO of Frontier Communications Corp.. On the CE front, he once served as EVP of marketing and sales for the Americas and Asia for Thomson (nowTechnicolor SA).

Clayton said in a statement that his “working relationship with Charlie spans nearly 20 years, and I look forward to building on Dish Network’s legacy of innovation and value in TV entertainment.”

Why this matters

The big move up top comes at a critical point in Dish’s history as it reinvents itself into much more than a satellite TV service company. Dish did not offer a reason for the shift, but it should allow Ergen to focus on the long-term strategic direction of the company while leaving the day-to-day tending and feeding to Clayton.

It’s also the first time Ergen has relinquished the CEO role. Carl Vogel, a long-time cable vet who is still a Dish vice chairman, stepped down as Dish president in 2008.



Dr Khaled Bin Abdulaziz Al Ghuniem, group CEO at STC Group, has resigned, according to a statement posted on the Saudi Arabian stock exchange website. The statement indicated that the resignation was due to personal reasons.

Ghuneim was appointed group CEO in June 2012, replacing former group CEO, Saud Al Darwish, who announced his resignation from the post in April 2012. Al Ghuniem was previously CEO at Al-Elm Information Security Company.

The resignation marks the latest in a string on management changes at STC Group in the past eight months.



Chairman of the board of CVM Television, Wayne Chen yesterday announced that Al Edwards has resigned as chief executive officer with immediate effect, following a brief stint.

The board, in accepting Edwards’ resignation, wished him well in his future endeavours.

“Edwards, who joined CVM Television on May 15, is a highly respected media practitioner, who has had an illustrious career in business journalism with both The Gleaner and Jamaica Observer,” CVM said in a release yesterday.

CVM Television is the official broadcaster of the London 2012 Olympic Games and the 2014 FIFA World Cup and is a member of the CVM Television Group that includes HOT 102 FM and CVM Productions.



This morning Intel Corporation announced that CEO Paul Otellini would step down in May 2013, exactly 8 years since assuming that position in 2005.  While Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC)’s manufacturing capability is currently second to none, Samsung is catching up. Increasingly, new designs favor less expensive process technology, not high performance transistors used in PC CPUs.



Chunghwa Telecom’s CEO has resigned with immediate effect for unspecified personal reasons, the company has announced.

In a brief statement, the company confirmed that Dr. Shyue-Ching Lu, who was both Chairman and CEO is being replaced in the role by the company President, Dr. Yen-Sung Lee.

Dr. Yen-Sung Lee previously served as the President of Chunghwa Telecom since his appointment in 2012 and has worked at Chunghwa Telecom for 39 years. Prior to becoming President, he served as the Senior Executive Vice President in charge of the marketing and IT departments.



Mawindi took over from expatriate Aimable Mpore last July. According to an internal mail shown to NewsDay, Mawindi resigned with immediate effect last week.

Telecel Zimbabwe, now the country’s second largest mobile phone company by subscriber base, also announced the appointment of a new general manager in what could signal a major corporate shake-up.

The telecommunications firm is 60% owned by Telecel International, while the Empowerment Corporation — a local consortium of individuals and groups — owns 40%.

“The Telecel Zimbabwe board of directors hereby advises the Telecel employees that Mr Francis Mawindi has decided to pursue other opportunities outside the group and is stepping down from his position as chief executive officer of Telecel Zimbabwe with immediate effect,” said group chairman James Makamba in an internal announcement dated March 27 seen by NewsDay.




The Board of Directors of Kuehne + Nagel International AG accepted the request of Reinhard Lange, CEO of the Kuehne + Nagel Group since 2009, to release him from his duties because of health reasons effective May 7, 2013 (Annual General Meeting). Until the termination of his contract on December 31, 2013, Reinhard Lange will continue to support the Group in a consultancy role.



The ceo and executive director of Samudera Shipping Lines, David Batubara, has resigned from the company.

Batubara is quitting as chief of the Singapore-listed arm of Samudera Group after three years at the helm. Samudera said he was leaving for “personal reasons”.

Asmari Herry Prayitno, executive director and coo of Samudera will take over as interim ceo pending the search for a replacement.



StandardAero president and CEO Rob Mionis has resigned. The independent engine and airframe MRO services provider named Firoz Tarapore as interim president and CEO as it searches for a permanent successor.

Tarapore has served as a director and member of the executive committee of StandardAero since 2007. He will continue to serve on the board.

The board of directors also named current director David Smoot as vice chairman. Smoot is CEO of Dubai International Capital.



The embattled chief executive officer of the Capital Area Transit System since late 2009 resigned Monday afternoon.

Brian Marshall provided little explanation for his decision in a one-page letter of resignation to the CATS board, but his departure comes amid recent harsh, public criticism of the bus agency’s performance.

“It is my opinion, that the current environment is not conducive to building a sustainable system,” Marshall wrote. “Therefore, effective immediately, I resign as the CEO of the Capital Area Transit System.”

Marshall, in a phone interview, said he did not want to comment further.

Marshall spent most of the letter defending his record as the bus system’s leader, stressing that CATS is on schedule to deliver the services residents were promised in an April 2012 tax election, including more routes, buses and shorter wait times by 2014.




The incoming CEO of Lockheed Martin announced his resignation Friday after admitting to an improper relationship with a subordinate.

Kubasik, 51, was the defense contractor’s chief operating officer and was slated to take over current-CEO Bob Steven’s position in January.

However an internal investigation revealed he was having an improper relationship with a female employee – the circumstances of which was not disclosed.

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Only days after signing a deal to expand ABB’s activities in PV, CEO Joe Hogan has resigned from his post. Hogan cited “private reasons” for his departure.

Electrical engineering conglomerate ABB has been making major moves into the renewable energy sector in recent years, driven by CEO Joe Hogan. Its most recent move was the acquisition of inverter manufacturer Power-One. However Hogan is now set to leave the Swiss-based company, although a date for his departure has not been set.

“Joe is a great and successful CEO and has done a remarkable job of leading the company through the deepest economic crisis in living memory. ABB today is in a much better position than it was when he joined five years ago,” said Chairman Hubertus von Grünberg, in a statement announcing the move. “I know this has been a tough and difficult decision for Joe and the Board sincerely regrets that Joe will be leaving the company.”

Read more:


After two years at the helm, R.B. Sloan has tendered his resignation as CEO of Pedernales Electric Cooperative, the cooperative’s board said Monday.

Sloan’s resignation will be effective March 15, and chief financial officer Frank Skube will serve as interim CEO until a new leader is chosen, according to a written statement from Kathy Scanlon, PEC board president.

Sloan was named CEO of Pedernales — the nation’s largest member-owned electric utility with more than 200,000 members — in February of 2011. His appointment came in the wake of a a years-long scandal at Pedernales that involved excessive salaries, questionable spending and undemocratic procedures.



Struggling project developer and PV distributor, Phoenix Solar is to close or divest a number of loss making operations in a bid to return to profitability after several years of heavy losses.




The boss of mining giant Rio Tinto Tom Albanese has resigned over a $14bn write-down, after admitting ‘accountability’ for the loss of assets following bad deals.

Rio Tinto revealed the losses in connection with its two most significant acquisitions in recent years. Immediately the company`s chief executive Tom Albanese left after more than 30 years working for the company.

Rio Tinto bought Canadian aluminum company Alcon in 2007, right before the start of the global economic recession. Some have called the $38 billion deal “disastrous”. In 2011 the company reported a 59% drop in profits followed by a $8.9 billion write-down on the value of the aluminum assets. As the results went public chief executive Albanese said he would not take his annual bonus.



AFTER months of speculation, BHP Billion announced on Wednesday that Marius Kloppers is stepping down as CEO and director of the world’s largest diversified resources miner.

Mr Kloppers had won kudos for leading BHP through the global financial crisis in much better shape than its peers, but disappointed investors with his expensive bid for shale-gas assets in the US, which led to $2.8bn in write-downs and cost him his bonus last year.

He is the third head of a major mining conglomerate to step down in recent months, following the resignations of Rio Tinto’s Tom Albanese and Anglo American’s Cynthia Carroll.

The announcement came as BHP Billiton released its financial results for the half-year to the end of December, saying underlying earnings before interest and tax fell 38.3% to $9.8bn, while attributable profit, excluding exceptional items of $5.7bn, was down 43.4%. It took $3bn in write-downs on its aluminium and nickel assets, in line with market forecasts.



Pan African Resources CEO Jan Nelson has quit his post at the company, according to announcement posted to the JSE on Wednesday, sending the stock’s share price down close to 6% by the end of trade.

On the LSE, where the company has its primary listing, the sell-down in Pan African’s shares was even more pronounced as the stock traded 8.5% lower late afternoon.

In its announcement, Pan African said Nelson’s resignation, both as chief executive and member of the board, will take effect on Friday (1 March).

The statement makes no mention of the reason for Nelson stepping down, but it is thought he is leaving due to personal reasons.

Nelson wasn’t immediately for comment.




ALAMEDA — Amy Trask resigned from the Raiders on Saturday, ending her tenure as the only female CEO in the NFL and as one of the highest-ranking women in American professional sports.

A fierce advocate for late owner Al Davis, Trask found her role reshaped under Mark Davis, who took over for his father upon his death in October 2011.

Since the arrival of general manager Reggie McKenzie in January 2012, Trask’s primary duties were to generate revenue through marketing and ticket sales and help the organization in its quest for a new stadium.

The Raiders are in the final year of their lease at Coliseum. Trask has publicly pushed for a new stadium on the current site, with

File: Oakland Raiders CEO Amy Trask talks during a press conference at the Oakland Coliseum. (Nick Lammers/staff 11/2/05)

no deal on the horizon.

In an email to reporters, Trask said, “Earlier today, I informed Mark Davis of my decision to leave the Raiders. Having honored a commitment that I made to effectuate a smooth transition and transfer of control, I no longer wish to remain with the organization.

“For over a quarter of a century, it was my honor and my privilege to work for the Raiders. I will forever appreciate the opportunity afforded me by Al Davis.”

Trask joined the Raiders in 1987 in the legal department with the club in Los Angeles and was named CEO in 1997.

The Raiders, who have restructured both the football and business side of the organization since the death of Al Davis, acknowledged Trask’s departure with a statement

on the club website:

‘Mark Davis, Carol Davis and the rest of the Raider family would like to thank Amy Trask for her valued contributions to the Raiders over the past 25 years. The Raiders wish her the very best in her future endeavors.”

Neither Trask nor Mark Davis could be reached for comment.



PORT Adelaide Magpies chief executive Brian Leys has resigned.

The Magpies premiership player has left the SANFL club after noting the challenges at Alberton were forcing him to make too many sacrifices at home where he has three young children.

Leys was appointed to the Magpies’ administrative role in March last year.

“I’ve been discussing my position with club chief executive Keith Thomas for the last couple of months and I’ve come to the resolution that I want to spend more time with my young family,” Leys said.



The train wreck that was Ron Johnson’s tenure at J.C. Penney (JCP) is over.

Johnson has stepped down from the top spot nearly 18 months after charging in with big plans to overhaul the retailer and its long-established business model.

His predecessor, Myron Ullman, is returning to lead the company. Investors initially applauded the move, sending shares up more than 12% in after-hours trading Monday. Later in the evening, shares fell back to an 8% loss.

Johnson’s resignation brings to an end one of the more extraordinary business upheavals in recent memory. He made a name for himself leading the retail efforts ofApple (AAPL) and also held a top management position at Target (TGT). He was envisioned as a savior of sorts, and promised to return Penney to profit and make it a fashionable and exciting place to shop.

Johnson tried nixing sale events in favor of everyday low prices, and almost immediately found resistance from shoppers accustomed to Penney’s couponing and discounting culture. He boldly revised the company’s advertising, eschewing value propositions in favor of sparsely elegant and stylish displays that confused customers because they didn’t show prices.

Investors watched in horror as Penney’s stock price plummeted more than 50%.



Tuesday Morning Corp. of Dallas said Monday that CEO Brady Churches has resigned after six months on the job.

The 830-store chain that sells closeout home and gift merchandise named Michael Rouleau, 74, a Tuesday Morning board member and former CEO of Irving-based Michaels Stores Inc., to be interim CEO until a permanent replacement is found.

Churches, 54, will stay on as consultant.

Tuesday Morning’s stock fell $1.20 a share, or 13 percent, to close at $7.78. Still, share value has more than doubled in the past year since Dallas-based activist investors Becker Drapkin Management LP gained control of the board and ousted 12-year CEO Kathleen Mason



Pandora chief executive Joe Kennedy announced he would step down from his position during the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call. Shares rose nearly 20 percent on the news.

Kennedy said he will remain at Pandora’s helm — and as its chairman and president — until his successor is named, ending his 10-year run as the online radio company’s top executive.

“I love this business, which I helped create,” Kennedy said in an earnings call with analysts. “But as I approach the end of my tenth year, my head is telling me its time to find a recharging station.”

Under Kennedy’s leadership, the company has grown to take an 8 percent share of the total U.S. radio market, but has failed to regain the $20 per share price that it saw when it began trading publicly in June 2011.

The company did beat analyst expectations, but reported a net loss of 9 cents per share on $427.1 million in revenue. Mobile revenue growth grew 111 percent over the same period last year, outpacing a 70 percent listener hour growth through mobile devices.



Hulu CEO Jason Kilar announced in a blog on Friday that he’ll be stepping down in the first quarter. While the news was not unexpected, the timing was certainly a surprise.

Rumors started circulating in August that Kilar was on his way out. But the announcement came just days before the Consumer Electronics Show, where Hulu was expected to showcase its Hulu Plus app and its range of original content, and feature the fact that the subscription product is available on nearly every new device at the show.



ATLANTIC CITY — Kevin DeSanctis, the man who guided Atlantic City’s Revel casino-hotel through its tortuous development, only to see it struggle amid the cutthroat East Coast gambling market, is stepping down as head of the $2.4 billion resort.



James Piscopo has resigned from his post as CEO of the Labour Party with immediate effect. He is expected to take a senior position at Transport Malta.

The PL thanked Mr Piscopo for his ‘excellent service’ to the party, describing him as instrumental for the party’s electoral victory and for making the party the effective and efficient organisation which it is today.



VII Photo’s director Stephen Mayes has resigned effective 30 May. Nick Papadopoulos, the agency’s international director, will serve as interim CEO until a successor is named, the agency has announced today.

“It’s very tough to leave this great, talented team, but I feel the need to pursue new creative projects that will combine my experience and passion in many different parts of the photographic world,” says Mayes in a press statement. “It’s been a privilege to work with the world’s greatest photojournalists for the past five years, and what I’ve learned from them has been invaluable and is instilled in me for a lifetime.”

Ron Haviv, one of VII’s founding members, comments: “Under Stephen’s leadership, VII has increased its global footprint and has significantly grown its network of award-winning photographers, whose work appears regularly in the world’s top news media, including Time, National Geographic, The New York Times Magazine, Stern, The Sunday Times Magazine, GEO, The New Yorker and in exhibitions worldwide.”

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We will keep on expanding this article as we go along. In the meantime, keep the fire of the Last Revolution burning.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Homeland Insecurity: On The Move

We predicted that the Worldwide Revolution will peak on May 31, 2013. Well, it turned out as the start of a climactic event which may led us all to freedom. And the Establishment knows this. They are not taking chances.

Recently, alternative medium received a set of photographs of military vehicles moving, not in hundreds, but in thousands “as far as the eyes can go”.



Material movements such as this one suggests that a major event is about to happen. Are these part of the last card that will be played?

ARVE Error: need id and provider
ARVE Error: need id and provider

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


There is an undeniable great divide between the Corporate White House and the Pentagon right now.

The International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State and its allies are also persistently closing in the Vatican, Inc. itself.

We are indeed seeing major offensives against the Cabal from all fronts.

This one just came in.

Thousands blockade European Central Bank in Frankfurt



The entrance of the ECB is blocked by over 3,000 ‘Blockupy’ protesters in a march against austerity. ‘Blockupy’ has announced the coalition has “reached its first goal” of the day.

Anti-capitalist protesters have taken to the streets of the financial heart of Frankfurt a day ahead of Europe-wide gatherings planned for June 1 to protest leaders handling of the three-year euro debt crisis.

“We call up everyone to join our protests.”

continue reading

russian s-300 in syria

The first batch of S-300 air defense complexes has arrived in Syria, President Bashar Assad said in an interview to Lebanon Al-Manar. Assad also said that Syrian army is battling up to 100,000 foreign mercenaries.

Assad revealed that the rest of the S-300 complexes previewed by a Russian-Syrian arms contract will be coming soon, reports RT Arabic (Rusiya Al Yaum), which has confirmed details of the exclusive interview to be broadcast on the Lebanese TV channel at 9pm local time (18:00 GMT) Thursday.

The president promised that the Syrian army will “immediately react” of a new Israeli aggression of Syrian soil, recalling recent bombings of military objects inside Syrian territory by the Israeli Air Force.

He noted that “The Syrian government will not interfere if some kind of Syrian group starts a war to liberate the Golan Heights,” occupied by Israel since the 1967 War.

During the interview, Assad confirmed the presence of Hezbollah fighters in Syria on the Lebanese border, but stressed, that “it is the Syrian army, not Hezbollah, battling the groups of armed rebels and will continue to do so until total elimination of the terrorists.”

continue reading


The US-Russian initiative for a comprehensive peace conference to resolve the Syrian crisis needs honest effort of those involved. But some nations apparently try to undermine the effort to call the meeting, says the Russia’s foreign minister.

On Wednesday, the US, Turkey and Qatar pushed through a UN resolution condemning the Syrian government for the alleged use of foreign fighters against rebel forces in the battle for the strategic town of Qusair.
The document calls for an investigation into the matter as well as more aid access and protections for the civilian population of Syria.
The ‘foreign fighters’ in question are from the Lebanese Shia movement, Hezbollah, which backed Syrian president, Bashar Assad, fearing that if his regime falls, Lebanon will become Al-Qaeda’s next target.

continue reading

Russia Warns Obama: Global War Over “Bee Apocalypse” Coming Very Soon


The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war.

According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations.

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29.05.2013 21:10

Friends of Syria meeting held in Tehran

The latest international ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting took place in the Iranian capital Tehran on Wednesday, gathering representatives from over 40 countries and international organizations under one roof, to discuss Syria’s future over the course of the day. The motto for the meeting was ‘Political Solution, Regional Stability’. Iran, like Russia, is known as a staunch opponent to any foreign meddling in the Syrian crisis, calling for a diplomatic solution to the current crisis between the government of Bashar Assad and rebel elements. It stresses free and democratic elections and national dialogue. Many have also stressed the importance and benefits of the meeting, including the UN-Arab League Special Envoy on Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, who said “We should help Syria establish a national government and end people’s sufferings.” A top Iranian foreign ministry official also told reporters that “Today’s consultations can help to the attainment of a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and we hope that these consultations will affect the discussions due to be made in the Geneva conference.” He was referring to the upcoming Geneva conference on Syria, designed to address the above questions and pave the way to ending the bloodshed, which in over two years has claimed some 80,000 lives, according to UN estimates.



China has dismissed US claims hackers procured blueprints for America’s most advanced weaponry. Beijing stated the allegations underestimate the Chinese people’s intellect and that China is perfectly capable of producing its own weapons.

A US Science Board report leaked this week alleged the Chinese hackers had obtained access to the designs of two dozen major US weapons systems in what amounted to “billions of dollars of combat advantage to China.”

The Washington Post, who saw a copy of the report, intimated that such information could be used by the Chinese government to speed up the development of their military. An unnamed official told the Post that China had saved themselves “25 years of research and development” by stealing the plans.

Beijing reacted with ire, with Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng dismissing the report as ridiculous.

“It both underestimates the Pentagon’s defensive security abilities and the Chinese people’s intelligence,” said Geng in a news briefing.

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(NaturalNews) It has already begun: Japan has just cancelled a large contract to purchase U.S. wheat. “We will refrain from buying western white and feed wheat effective today,” Toru Hisadome, a Japanese farm ministry official in charge of wheat trading, told Reuters.
As many readers well know, I predicted precisely this scenario just yesterday in a Natural News article warning about the consequences of genetic pollution. There, I wrote, “All wheat produced in the United States will now be heavily scrutinized — and possibly even rejected — by other nations that traditionally import U.S. wheat. This obviously has enormous economic implications for U.S. farmers and agriculture.”
Now we’re already seeing the result: the ditching of U.S. wheat by world nations that want nothing to do with GMOs.

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