Duterte Plays Hard Ball vs Local Oligarchs and US Deep State

There is a component of the Western Deep State in every corner of the world, just like there’s a US military base in most of them. In Philippines’ case, it has them all, i.e. military bases in spite of the non-extension of the 1947 Military Bases Agreement in 1991, oligarchy controlling what were once government owned corporation or public utilities, and of course, the age-old Jesuit mind control infrastructures e.g. universities, and churches.

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Weaponization of Space, Trump’s Holiday Gift for Humanity

Our planet has been under space quarantine since the US detonated the first nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The first budget allocation for the US Space Command is in violation of the Outer Space Treaty signed between Russia, US, UK and 106 other countries including China, as of June 2019. The Treaty entered into force on the 10th of October 1967.

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Israel’s Genocide Advisers and Technicians Return to Latin America in Force

With the ouster of progressive governments throughout Latin America and their replacement with right-wing neo-fascist regimes, Israeli counter-insurgency advisers, better known as “merchants of death,” have returned to Latin America with fervor.

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Never Trust a Falling Empire

The Washington Post, through documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, has published a long investigation into Afghanistan. Journalists have collected over 400 testimonies from American diplomats, NATO generals and other NATO personnel, that show that reports about Afghanistan were falsified to deceive the public about the real situation on the ground.

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Reclusion Perpetua Rendered vs Primary Accused in Massacre of 37 Journalists

A guilty verdict has been handed down against the perpetrators of the biggest single attack on journalists in the Philippines. The primary accused were all sentenced to reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment without parole, since death penalty constitutional provision has been repealed during the unfettered rule of the Oligarchy [post Marcos, pre-Duterte].

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The Israel Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil

The outsized role of U.S. Israel lobby operatives in abetting the theft of Syrian and Iraqi oil reveals how this powerful lobby also facilitates more covert aspects of U.S.-Israeli cooperation and the implementation of policies that favor Israel.

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Ukrainian neo-Nazis fly to HK to Join Protests

Neo-Nazis from Ukraine have flown to Hong Kong to participate in the protests, an independent news website The Grayzone reported Wednesday. They are now busy training HK protestors how to properly launch riots and pin down the police department, as they did during the highly successful “Maidan Revolution.”

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Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China

In early 2014 Washington staged a blatant coup d’etat in Ukraine breaking the historic relationship with Russia and setting the stage for the subsequent NATO demonization of Russia. The one in charge for the Obama Administration of the Ukraine coup was then-Vice President Joe Biden.

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The Short Road: Democracy to Fascism

Fascism is a political ideology fundamentally authoritarian in character, with a strong nationalism and an essentially belligerent militaristic outlook. Fascism carries primarily a corporate perspective as opposed to a socialist view, directed to satisfying the needs, values and objectives of finance and corporations, organising both the economy and the political system according to this agenda.

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The Story of Daher Al-Umar Undermines Israel’s Own Origin Story

Akka, Haifa, Tabaria, are all cities with a rich Arab history which Daher made into thriving towns, and yet little memory of him exists, thanks to enormous efforts put forward by the state of Israel to control the historical narrative.

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London Bridge Stabbing: A False Flag Terror Ops to Distract Attention Away from Prince Andrew Scandal?

In recent days we have seen how the mainstream media failed spectacularly to contain the blowback stemming from the Prince Andrew-Epstein pedophilia scandal that is now threatening the downfall of the British Monarchy.

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Americans Usually Support Ethnic Cleansing When Their Government Does

The purpose of ethnic cleansing is often misrepresented as being just a bigoted majority venting their common hatred against some minority, but it’s actually a crime by the state — that is, by the Government, the rulers — in order to get rid of enough of its opponents there so as to be able to remain in power ‘democratically’ — that is, by means of popular elections.

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Jesuit Coup in Bolivia: How Anez Nullified 13 Years of Morales’ Achievements in 1 Week

Over the first week of her tenure Jeanine Anez, the self-proclaimed interim president of Bolivia, has managed to nullify many of the achievements made by the government of ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales during the 13 years of his presidency.

The Financial Times video below will show how the indigenous Bolivians were rising financially under the incumbency of Evo Morales…

One of the first decisions taken by the so-called Bolivian interim government that took the reins of power after the ouster of former President Evo Morales on 10 November was to recognise Juan Guaido, Venezuela’s self-declared interim president and suggest he appoint a new ambassador to Bolivia.

In her next move, the self-proclaimed president of Bolivia severed diplomatic relations with the legitimate Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro on Friday. Caracas had earlier stated that it categorically condemns the coup d’etat in Bolivia. For his part, Karen Longaric, the de facto foreign minister of Bolivia, accused the Venezuelan diplomatic mission in the country of “interfering in the internal affairs of the state” and ordered the expulsion of officials from the nation.

Still, that was only the beginning as the de facto interim government went further, uprooting the established policies of the previous cabinet.   

Farewell, ALBA and UNASUR

On 15 November, Longaric announced Bolivia’s withdrawal from the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), a bloc founded in 2005 by Venezuela and Cuba, which was joined by the Morales government in 2006.

ALBA was formed as a Bolivarian alternative to the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas), a US-driven agreement that did not gain acceptance among many Latin American countries.

Karen Longaric also stated that Bolivia would leave the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), an intergovernmental regional organisation of Latin American states founded in 2004 that once comprised twelve South American countries. By 2018, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, and Peru had suspended their membership in the organisation.

A supporter of Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales yells at a police officer, telling him to respect the nation’s indigenous people in La Paz, Bolivia, Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019. Former President Evo Morales, who transformed Bolivia as its first indigenous president, flew to exile in Mexico on Tuesday after weeks of violent protests, leaving behind a confused power vacuum in the Andean nation. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

Catholicism Makes a Return to Bolivia

A 2009 constitutional reform stripped the Catholic Church of its special status as the Bolivian state religion proclaiming “the freedom of religion and spiritual beliefs, in accordance to every individual’s cosmovisions” and making the state “independent from religion”.

However, on the day of her self-proclamation as the interim head of the state Anez publicly spoke with the Catholic Bible in her hands claiming that “He [God] allowed the Bible to return to the government palace”.

Earlier, one of the coup’s leaders, the head of the Santa Cruz paramilitary organisation Luis Fernando Camacho, entered the government palace after Morales’ resignation together with a priest and placed a Bible on the Bolivian flag. For his part, the priest proclaimed that “Bolivia belongs to God” and that the Pachamama, a goddess revered by the indigenous people in the country, would never return to it.

Bolivian Senator Jeanine Anez gestures as she poses for a picture after she declared herself as Interim President of Bolivia, at the Presidential Palace, in La Paz, Bolivia November 12, 2019

Military & Police Given Carte Blanche to Persecute MAS Supporters

Although the international community has urged the Bolivian authorities to bring an end to the repression of anti-coup protesters, the so-called interim government has given the military a carte blanche to go after the demonstrators.

A 15 November 2019, decree says that the members of the Armed Forces participating in operations to restore order and social stability are exempted from criminal liability if, in accordance with their constitutional functions, they act in the manner of legal defence.

The decree was condemned by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR/CIDH), which stated that the legislation violates international standards and encourages brutal repression. The organisation outlined on Friday that 23 people had died and 715 people had been injured since the beginning of the institutional and political crisis in Bolivia.

Military members patrol the streets in La Paz, Bolivia November 12, 2019
Military members patrol the streets in La Paz, Bolivia November 12, 2019
Hunt for Morales and MAS

While the declared aim of the self-proclaimed interim president was the announcement of new general elections, Bolivia’s de facto government has focused on the persecution of the leaders of the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) even going so far as to throw into question MAS’ participation in a new vote.

The threats have mainly come from de facto government minister Arturo Murillo, who on 14 November announced the start of a “hunt” for the former head of the Bolivian presidential administration Juan Ramón Quintana and Raúl García Linera, brother of former Vice President Álvaro García Linera, who is in exile in Mexico.

Murillo also said that a unit of the General Prosecutor’s Office will be formed to arrest MAS lawmakers for promoting “subversion and sedition”.

For her part, Anez signalled Friday that MAS’ participation in the next election is not guaranteed as it is up to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal to decide “whether or not MAS will run again”.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The self-declared government previously claimed that Evo Morales could not participate in elections again, adding that MAS still could join the race. Anez also threatened to prosecute the ousted president if he returns to the country.

The Jesuit military organization has been nurturing politicians ready to supplant the will of the people all over the globe. They are the silent enemies of humanity that’s behind the systematic suppression of free energy systems and the preservation of the elitist social structures.

We cannot move on to the next level of our economic, political and spiritual evolution without exterminating these parasites completely!

China, USA and the Geopolitics of Lithium

For several years since the global push to develop mass-scale Electric Vehicles, the element Lithium has come intofocus as a strategic metal. Demand is enormous in China, in the EU and in the USA at present, and securing control over lithium supplies is already developing its own geopolitics not unlike that for the control of oil. 

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The Impending Fall of the Deep State is Now Undeniable

The Deep State’s desperate actions can be seen in all corners of the globe, and rightly so. If a protest is not against the Deep State, surely it is about grabbing resources through regime change protocols that involved the upper class and the military, just to keep the elitist system afloat.

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Media Silent as Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Massacres Indigenous Protesters

Despite having been in power for only one week, the new Bolivian coup government of Jeanine Añez has already turned the powers of repression onto the population, using live rounds on demonstrators protesting the forceful removal of President Evo Morales from power on November 10. Morales has sought asylum in Mexico. 

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Turkey is Not A Hotel for Jihadists, EU Must Provide A Grand Welcome

The attempt to grab Syria using ISIS terrorists for the benefit of Israel has failed and has been officially ended with the Russia-Turkey joint patrols over the Northeast Syrian border, specifically to provide a safer path for the reentry of more than a million Syrian refugees from Turkey. The big question now is: what to do with the thousands of ISIS militants still holed up in Turkish prisons and in the Idlib province?

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4th-termer Bolivian President Evo Morales Resigns Amidst Military Pressure

Bolivian President Evo Morales resigned earlier today after the Bolivian military intervenes on behalf of the US-controlled Organization of American States (OAS), which earlier declared that the October election results were rigged in favor of Morales. How many more peaceful countries should we allow the West to destroy?

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The RCEP Train has Left the Station, Inspite of India

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership is a proposed free trade agreement between the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and its five FTA partners. In November 2019, India, the sixth FTA partner, decided to opt out of the pact due to domestic concerns against potential Chinese flooding of its agriculture sector.

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“We had Clinton, We had everything.” | ABC’s Amy Robach

The Epstein saga continues to haunt the legacy media, and the Deep State at large. In its latest Epstein post-mortem update, the ABC News’ anchor Amy Robach was caught on a “hot mic” off-air conversation expressing her frustration about her network’s deliberate “killing of the story”, which involved “everything about [Bill] Clinton, Prince Andrew…” through “Epstein’s” Lolita Express.

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How the US Regime ‘Justifies’ the Theft of Syria’s Oil

On October 26th, the New York Times headlined “Keep the Oil’: Trump Revives Charged Slogan for New Syria Troop Mission” and opened by saying that “in recent days, Mr. Trump has settled on Syria’s oil reserves as a new rationale for appearing to reverse course and deploy hundreds of additional troops to the war-ravaged country.”

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Saudi Attacks on Yemen’s Farmers are Pushing the Whole Country into Famine

HODEIDA, YEMEN — The country of Yemen, known in the medieval period as “Green Yemen,” is one of the most extensively terraced areas of the world. There, Yemeni farmers transformed rugged mountain slopes into terraces and built dams like the Great Marib, a structure whose history spans long enough that it was mentioned in the Quran. During the medieval period, Yemen had one of the widest ranges of agricultural crops in all of the Middle East. 

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Russia Writes Off More than $20 Billion African Debt

Unlike its Western “partners”, which force their client states to perpetual capitulation via onerous debt, Russia released the African population from their debt obligation of more than $20 billion and further promised to double its economic cooperation with the continent in the foreseeable future.

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Is Latin America Once Again Liberating Itself From The U.S.?

Washington’s influence in Latin America, it’s so-called “backyard”, has reached a new crisis as neoliberal and reactionary governments that have been backed by the U.S. and President Donald Trump, are threatened either by popular mobilization and uprisings or by electoral defeats.

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Big Russian Moves from Middle East to Africa Causing New Level of Deep State Panic

A barrage of groundbreaking moves made by the Russian government continues to undermine the Deep State’s grip on its client states in Africa and the Middle East.

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Ms. Pumpkin Head for President: A Nightmare

A few weeks ago I had a terrifying nightmare, so gruesome was it that I awoke screaming. In this dark horror show, I was carving a pumpkin for Halloween.  The cap came off easily and I disemboweled the slimy interior quickly, but as I did, I felt a strange sensation on my hand, as if a tongue were biting it. 

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One Rocket Provoked the US Withdrawal from Syria

Last Friday a 155 mm artillery shell landed 300 metres from a US command post near the Syrian bordering city of Ayn al-Arab (known by the Syrian Kurds as “Kobane”) during an ongoing operation carried out by Turkey – a NATO and a US ally. This operation aimed to dislodge, at a distance of 30-35 kilometres from the border, the US-backed Kurdish militants known as the YPG, the Syrian branch of the US-EU-NATO designated terrorist group, the “Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

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US Betrays Kurds – Again

It is a maxim of US statecraft that Washington “does not have permanent friends or enemies, only interests.” That maxim, attributed to Henry Kissinger, was starkly demonstrated this week when US President Donald Trump gave Turkey a green light to launch a military offensive on northern Syria, targeting Kurdish militants.

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Why is Israel Armed with an Estimated 400 Nuclear WMDs?

Because the Israeli government refuses to be a party either to the international nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or the internationally agreed Chemical Weapons or Biological Weapons Conventions (CWC) (BWC), means that unlike the vast majority of UN Member States including America, Britain, China, Russia, France and Germany etc., the state of Israel is uniquely able to mount a nuclear/chemical attack upon any country in the Middle East (or Europe), at any time, without warning.

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Trump Cannot Be Anti-Globalist While Working With Global Elites

In the summer of 2016 during the election campaign I examined the Trump phenomenon and how it relates to the globalist narrative. I concluded that Trump would be president based on the fact that having a (supposedly) hardcore nationalist and populist conservative in the White House over the next four years would in fact be highly beneficial to the elites.

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Hong Kong, the Treaty of Nanjing Returns

Clearly, some young people in Hong Kong have adopted British culture – after the handover to China of their special province. They do not know the history of their country and what they owe to the Peoples’ Republic of China. For their great grandparents, London had brought only misery and desolation, causing the collapse of the Middle Kingdom.

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Federal Reserve Intervenes with Massive Repo to Inject Cash into Money Markets

For the first time since 2008 the private central bank Federal Reserve has intervened in the money markets due to “unusually high demand for cash,” that sends borrowing costs soaring high, with massive $53 billion repo on Tuesday, and another $75 billion on Wednesday.

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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors