“It has Iran written all over it,” so says the tough-talking US President Donald J. Trump, who’s still fresh from his whirlwind tour across the Khazarian-controlled United Kingdom, and France. Continue reading Trump Supports Deep State False Flag Attack on Japanese Tanker
NeoCon Paul Singer is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel
WASHINGTON — With nearly 6 million Americans unemployed and regular bouts of layoffs in the U.S. tech industry, major American tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Intel Corporation are nonetheless moving key operations, billions in investments, and thousands of jobs to Israel — a trend that has largely escaped media attention or concern from even “America first” politicians. Continue reading NeoCon Paul Singer is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel
We are all liars
Propaganda is a means of spreading ideas, whether they be true or false. But lying to ourselves is nothing other than refusing to admit our faults, attempting to convince ourselves that we are perfect – running away. Continue reading We are all liars
The State of the Economy 2019
The story line is going out that the economic boom is weakening and the Federal Reserve has to get the printing press running again. The Fed uses the money to purchase bonds, which drives up the prices of bonds and lowers the interest rate. Continue reading The State of the Economy 2019
Australia Goes on Assault Spree Against Free Press
SYDNEY — Since the United States charged journalist Julian Assange with 17 counts of Espionage Act violations — charges that could see Assange facing the death penalty — Australia appears to be following America’s lead and cracking down on free press, particularly journalists and publications that publish government secrets. Continue reading Australia Goes on Assault Spree Against Free Press
The Force that is Ending Freedom is Lies
Every empire is a dictatorship. No nation can be a democracy that’s either heading an empire, or a vassal-state of one. Obviously, in order to be a vassal-state within an empire, that nation is dictated-to by the nation of which it is a colony. Continue reading The Force that is Ending Freedom is Lies
Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’: Two Con Men’s Job
Yes, you can ‘judge a book by its cover’, especially if the ‘book’ is the ‘Deal of the Century’ and the ‘cover’ lauds two con men, Trump and Netanyahu. Furthermore, when two con men are involved, ‘Deal of the Century’ is likely more akin to ‘Theft of the Century’. Continue reading Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’: Two Con Men’s Job
Trump Won’t ‘Drain the Swamp’ – He Represents the Swamp
Donald Trump fanatics believe that there’s a highly coordinated attempt to destroy America, but they’d rather look at the Eastern Alliance as the culprit instead of the UK Monarchy and the Vatican that have been usurping the authority of their own government since the likes of Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Continue reading Trump Won’t ‘Drain the Swamp’ – He Represents the Swamp
Global Economic and Geopolitical Reset Continue to Push Ahead
The highly coordinated move towards geopolitical multipolarity and economic prosperity continue to push ahead as planned, in spite of the perpetual warmongering of the Deep State Department and NATO Alliance. Continue reading Global Economic and Geopolitical Reset Continue to Push Ahead
Washington’s Mighty Warriors: Draft Dodgers and Scoundrels
Remember Shakespeare’s line “he jests at scars that never felt a wound?” That epithet could have been written with National Security Advisor John Bolton in mind. Bolton was notoriously a draft dodger during the Vietnam War, like his current boss, not due to any scruples regarding what was occurring, but out of concern for his own sorry ass. Continue reading Washington’s Mighty Warriors: Draft Dodgers and Scoundrels
Fighting for Colonial Footprints: a Very British Thing
Great Britain is determined to never see the sun set on the remnants of the old British empire. However, the United Nations General Assembly recently delivered a stinging rebuke to Britain over its continued occupation of the Chagos Islands, which it cleaved from its colony of Mauritius in 1965 in order for the United States to build a major military base on the island of Diego Garcia. Continue reading Fighting for Colonial Footprints: a Very British Thing
Trump Pardoning War Criminals, Prosecuting Whistleblowers
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has already made clear his soft spot for war criminals, having brought one – Elliot Abrams – into his administration. Then, earlier this month, Trump pardoned Army First Lieutenant Michael Behenna. Now, reports indicate Trump is just getting started. Continue reading Trump Pardoning War Criminals, Prosecuting Whistleblowers
Pompeo, Jared Kushner Among Bilderberg Attendees this Year
The Trump government was said to be an important part of the global effort to neutralize the unwarranted power of the Deep State. That is an absolute bullshit. Continue reading Pompeo, Jared Kushner Among Bilderberg Attendees this Year
Trump’s Presidency is Just A Nut Job for Preserving the Status Quo
We would have liked it to see the US President Donald Trump succeeds in all his initiatives inside and outside of the country. But with more than 2 years in office, one can legitimately ask, what has been accomplished so far, and where is America going to? Continue reading Trump’s Presidency is Just A Nut Job for Preserving the Status Quo
Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections
“The fact that we are handing over the keys of American democracy to the military-industrial complex — it’s like giving the keys to the henhouse to a fox and saying, ‘here come in and take whatever you want.’ It’s obviously dangerous.” — Investigative journalist Yasha Levine Continue reading Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections
Trump’s Attack on Huawei Could Shatter US Monopoly on Operating Systems
Everyone loves the Free Market until it starts working against them. In a globalized world said economic philosophy stands in the way of “Making America Great Again” as a free market pits heavily taxed American firms using expensive labour against the cost-cutting Chinese. However, the results of Protectionist moves especially Trump’s attack on Huawei could backfire. Continue reading Trump’s Attack on Huawei Could Shatter US Monopoly on Operating Systems
Global Reset Rolls On Inspite of Trump’s Lunacy for a 2nd Term
The US bankers have long financialized [i.e. paper shuffling] the entire American economy and have shipped all industrialization [production] abroad. Then Donald Trump came along and started forcing companies to go back home. But US companies are in it for profit and not for patriotism. Continue reading Global Reset Rolls On Inspite of Trump’s Lunacy for a 2nd Term
America’s Insatiable Military
The Pentagon failed to explain a total of $21 trillion expenditures, yet there’s no congressional hearing as wide ranging as the Trump-Putin collusion ever happening. Continue reading America’s Insatiable Military
Who’s Behind the Pro-Guaidó Crowd Besieging Venezuela’s D.C. Embassy?
What the Trump government has permitted to happen at the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington DC is proof enough that he is not working for the light at all. He is just another pretender much like Obama before him. Continue reading Who’s Behind the Pro-Guaidó Crowd Besieging Venezuela’s D.C. Embassy?
UN Warns of US/France Nuclear Wastes Leaking in Pacific; Canada Ignored DU30’s Waste Cleanup Deadline
Western hegemonic abuses began much earlier when they engaged themselves with nuclear activities that resulted in lasting geological destruction of the Pacific, to the detriment of the peaceful inhabitants living there. Continue reading UN Warns of US/France Nuclear Wastes Leaking in Pacific; Canada Ignored DU30’s Waste Cleanup Deadline
China is Internally Calling for “People’s War” Against US Arrogance
In any form of conflict, one cannot expect China to use aggressive language to hammer a point, but as far as the US is concerned, that’s the norm. This doesn’t mean, however, that China is incapable of doing the same. She just doesn’t do it out of arrogance, but to rally the people into a coherent position against an external aggressor. Continue reading China is Internally Calling for “People’s War” Against US Arrogance
History’s Dire Warning: Beware False-Flag Trigger for Long-Sought War with Iran
Israel’s “false flag” attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967 cost 34 American lives. Dick Cheney planned to disguise U.S. troops as Iranians to fire on American ships to start a war. With Bolton and Israel on the warpath, the risk of another similar act is higher than ever. Continue reading History’s Dire Warning: Beware False-Flag Trigger for Long-Sought War with Iran
With the US-Iran War Ball Now Rolling, Could an “Accident” or “False Flag” Serve as Pretext?
Certain forces in the U.S. and Israel have been actively pushing for war with Iran for years and have a track record that demonstrates little inhibition about using an “accident” to start it. Continue reading With the US-Iran War Ball Now Rolling, Could an “Accident” or “False Flag” Serve as Pretext?
Trump’s Trade War is Already Over
I hate to break the news to China bashers, but the trade war with the US is over. I’ve maintained for months that Trump has no leverage in trade talks with China. If he did China would have done a deal by now. Continue reading Trump’s Trade War is Already Over
Zionist UAE False Flag Fails, Trump’s Trade War was A Dud
The United Arab Emirates has been the subject of another Zionist false flag operation, wherein its oil tankers and depot exploded in flames with a strong possibility that it could have been blamed on Iran, because the Deep State has to offset its loses in Venezuela and its trade war with China. Continue reading Zionist UAE False Flag Fails, Trump’s Trade War was A Dud
‘Humanitarian’ Concerns Increase Wars, Benefit Only Arms-Producers
Unlike a regular corporation, the corporations that manufacture and sell weapons to their government are virtually 100% dependent upon their government and its military allies, for their own success; their markets are only those governments, not individuals (such as is the case for normal corporations). Continue reading ‘Humanitarian’ Concerns Increase Wars, Benefit Only Arms-Producers
Deal of the Century Adds “New” to 4000 Year Old Name “Palestine”
The apartheid regime we know as “Israel” was built on the very ruins of Palestine and imposed a brutal regime on those who still live in their country. Millions of Palestinians still languish in refugee camps in and around Palestine, yet Israel and its allies around the world celebrate “Israeli independence.”
by Miko Peled
JERUSALEM, PALESTINE — Nakba Day — the day when Palestinians commemorate the destruction of their country and the mass killing and forced eviction of their people — is coming up, and with each passing day, another disturbing story unfolds.
Perhaps the most disturbing story so far is the plan to present Palestine with a new name, “New Palestine.” This, according to a rumored leak, is what Donald Trump and Jared Kushner are going to present to an anticipating world as part of the so-called “Deal of the Century.”
Also according to the leak, aside from a demand for Palestinians to accept a new name as part of the “Deal of the Century” — forgoing the name “Palestine,” which has been used to describe their land since the Bronze Age — the Palestinian people will have to accept that their heritage and their history will be erased and their land will be taken away for good. In other words, what Palestinians are going to receive, according to the leak, is a new name but no country, and they will be expected to accept this or else they will be denied access to foreign aid, not only from the U.S. but other countries as well.
From elections to Gaza to Independence Day
Things move fast on the Israeli side of occupied Palestine. Israel recently held elections, then — within a few weeks and before a new government was even formed — Israel lashed out with a deadly attack on Gaza. Then, Israel recognized a few solemn days, the first one Holocaust Remembrance Day and the second, a day to commemorate Israeli soldiers who had fallen in battle. Then Israelis were off to celebrate “Israeli Independence.”
On the Palestinian side, no sooner does one tragedy end than a second one follows, no time for the fresh blood on the ground to dry before more is spilled. The lovely face of 16-year-old Fatima Hijazi, shot by an Israeli sniper, is still fresh in people’s hearts when more, even younger casualties are reported. Palestinians go from mourning to mourning with no end in sight.
Over the past several years, a new phenomenon has risen, a joint memorial service where Israelis and Palestinians join together to commemorate their fallen loved ones. While the idea of such an event may seem appealing to some, the moral equivalency it tries to create between the victims of the violence and those who lost their lives while perpetuating the violence is troubling. However, in the political climate that now exists among Israelis, this is considered progressive. While this event was permitted to proceed, right-wing gangs came by to protest the initiative and lashed out with obscenities at the participants: “Sons of whores, may God take all of you stinking lefties! Death to Arabs!” and on and on.
Celebrating independence
A custom that can only be described as insensitive, if not outright cruel, and which has been in place since Palestine was destroyed, is the celebration of Israeli independence. Just as Israeli elections were held on the day that Palestinians commemorate the massacre at Deir Yassin, Israel callously celebrates a day of independence at the same time as Palestinians mourn the loss of their country.
The apartheid regime we know as “Israel” was built on the very ruins of Palestine and imposed a brutal regime on those who still live in their country. Millions of Palestinians still languish in refugee camps in and around Palestine, yet Israel and its allies around the world celebrate.
Israelis are not the indigenous people of Palestine. What we know today as “Israelis” are people who came to colonize mostly during the time of the British Mandate in Palestine, and they did so largely with the assistance of the British government. The British mandate over Palestine, which was, in reality, an occupation of the country, facilitated the creation of the Zionist apartheid regime in Palestine. The Jews who came to colonize and settle in Palestine were never oppressed or occupied; in fact, they were privileged. The Jewish settlements in Palestine had services like running water and electricity long before many of the Palestinian communities did, and they were assisted by the British in every possible way.
The biblical Zionist narrative
The name “New Palestine” becomes even more absurd in light of the fact that the name Palestine was, “first documented in the late Bronze Age, about 3,200 years ago.” Furthermore, according to a new book by historian Nur Masalha, “the name Palestine is the conventional name used between 450 B.C. and 1948 A.D. to describe the geographical region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.” These quotes are from Masalha’s Palestine, A Four Thousand Year History, published by Zed Books in 2018.
Masalha — professor of history at the London University School of Oriental and African Studies, or SOAS — takes on the difficult task of seriously, scientifically, and one may add successfully, challenging the prevailing narrative regarding Palestine. This is clearly no simple feat but it is one in which the historian Masalha succeeds in a manner that is both admirable and convincing.
Unfortunately, odds are neither Jared Kushner or Benjamin Netanyahu — the two men who are most likely to be behind the “New Palestine” and the “Deal of the Century” — will ever read this important history book. Revealing, as it does, aspects of Palestinian history that Zionists would prefer remain in the dark, Masalha’s book is essential reading. Until the history of Palestine is told and the cruel reality in which Palestinians live today is exposed, Palestine will never be free.
Feature photo | An elderly Palestinian woman prays in front of the Dome of the Rock shrine during a holy month of Ramadan prayer in Jerusalem, May 10, 2019. Mahmoud Illean | AP
Miko Peled is an author and human rights activist born in Jerusalem. He is the author of “The General’s Son. Journey of an Israeli in Palestine,” and “Injustice, the Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five.” – Mintpress
‘Turnkey Tyranny’ on the Streets of Washington
We are at the point Edward Snowden described as “turnkey tyranny.”And on Wednesday night the key was turned a bit more dramatically. Ray McGovern explains. Continue reading ‘Turnkey Tyranny’ on the Streets of Washington
Journalists Endure US Govt Blackout and Siege at Venezuelan Embassy in DC
The Trump administration is violating international law and harassing American journalists in plain sight. These actions are sadly taking place in a country that prides itself on upholding the First Amendment to its Constitution, which should be protecting press freedom. Continue reading Journalists Endure US Govt Blackout and Siege at Venezuelan Embassy in DC
The Failure of the ‘Super Elite’
Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland has become a bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neo-liberal order which has driven the world through 50 years of post-industrial decay. Continue reading The Failure of the ‘Super Elite’
Iran Calls Trump’s Bluff, Partially Withdraws from Nuclear Deal
Iran has informed the West that it will resume enriching uranium for its own protection, in response to Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal, a year ago. Continue reading Iran Calls Trump’s Bluff, Partially Withdraws from Nuclear Deal
Nuclear War vs. Belt and Road Initiative: Why China Will Prevail
The global trend in international relations is often difficult to discern. But one can be helped in this task by looking at two events, organized in Washington and Beijing, comparing the different themes, participants, objectives, and broached for discussion. After all, we are talking about the two largest economies in the world, two colossi directing and shaping global culture, behavior and world opinion. Continue reading Nuclear War vs. Belt and Road Initiative: Why China Will Prevail
How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer’s “RoundUp” are Driving US Policy in Venezuela
With Juan Guaidó’s parallel government attempting to take power with the backing of the U.S., it is telling that the top political donors of those in the U.S. most fervently pushing regime change in Venezuela have close ties to Monsanto and major financial stakes in Bayer. Continue reading How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer’s “RoundUp” are Driving US Policy in Venezuela
Mike Pence Plans to Bribe Venezuelan Military Generals to Turn Against Maduro
In a continuing effort to destabilize the Maduro government and the entire country of Venezuela, Deep State operative Mike Pence has been reported to have plans of acquiring the services of the military hierarchy including bribery, in order to topple Maduro from power. Continue reading Mike Pence Plans to Bribe Venezuelan Military Generals to Turn Against Maduro
What I Saw in Gaza Changed Me Forever
“My true liberation as a Jewish person is bound up with the liberation of Palestinian people. ” Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism is a powerful collection of 40 essays by Jews from diverse backgrounds. Each describes a personal journey from a Zionist worldview to activism in solidarity with Palestinians and Israelis striving to build a society founded on justice, equality, and peaceful coexistence. Continue reading What I Saw in Gaza Changed Me Forever
Trade Wars, Peak Oil, Naval Movements and America’s Only Way Out
The Trump government has today upped the ante in its trade negotiations with China by announcing a 25% tariff imposed on $200 billion worth of goods imports from their 10% previous tariff rate. Continue reading Trade Wars, Peak Oil, Naval Movements and America’s Only Way Out
Without Disinformation, NATO Would Crumble
The sense of sacrifice moves us. War can become admirable. Recipe: (1) find a young and likeable hero (2) praise his commitment and his altruistic death (3) claim that he was defending the good guys from the bad guys (4) say nothing about the horrors we have committed. This operation is still working – over and over again.
Operation mind control
by Manlio Dinucci | 3 May 2019
Yesterday in Pisa, approximately 5,000 children and adolescents from 212 classes participated in the « Day of Solidarity » in memory of Major Nicola Ciardelli of the Parachute Regiment (Lightning), who was killed on 27 April 2006 in a « terrible terrorist attack » in Nassirya, Iraq, during the Antica Babilonia « peace mission ». The demonstration is organised every year by the Nicola Ciardelli Association, created by his family with the essential support of the Municipality (first of all directed by the PD, today by the Lega). It has become the laboratory for a huge operation – with the collaboration of a wide range of organisations and associations – for « sensibilising young students to the importance of everyone’s engagement in the construction of a future of Peace and Solidarity ».
The example to follow is « Nicola’s engagement in favour of the populations torn apart by the conflicts – people he had met on the many missions in which he participated », during which he had « touched with his fingers the devastation of war and the agony of those who were forced to suffer them, most importantly the children ».
But no-one said anything to the 5,000 children and adolescents about the true story of the devastating war which was sparked in 2003 by the United States against Iraq, a country already subjected to an embargo which, in the space of ten years, had caused one and a half million deaths, including approximately half a million children.
No-one explained to them that in order to justify the war, « proof » was invented accusing Iraq of possessing weapons of mass destruction, which was later revealed as false.
No-one told them that in order to eradicate the resistance, Iraq was submitted to fire and brimstone, by all means possible – from phosphorous bombs against the population of Fallujah to torture in the prison of Abu Ghraib.
The Italian contingent Antica Babilonia participated in this war – defined today by the Italian Minister of Defence as « Operation Iraqui Freedom, led by the USA to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s régime in the context of the international war against terrorism ». The political advisor of its commanders, between 2005 and 2006, was the current Minister of Defence Elisabetta Trenta (Five Stars). The 185th Paratroopers Division Folgore was part of this force, tasked with the reconnaissance of target acquisition, a department of the special forces which included officer Nicola Ciardelli.
The Regiment – as documented by the Minister for Defence— « operates by infiltrating operational detachments behind enemy lines for direct actions which include the engagement of targets from a distance and all platforms of ground-based, aerial, and naval armament ». In other words, once the human « target » has been identified, it is directly eliminated by chosen shooters, or indirectly, with laser pointers which guides bombs launched by a fighter aircraft.
This was not explained to the 5,000 children and adolescents who, at the crowning moment of the Day, applauded the paratroopers of the Folgore as they descended from heaven on the Ponte di Mezzo (a bridge on the Arno in the historical centre of Pisa, translator’s note) looking to their eyes like cartoon heros who defend the good guys from the bad guys.
The case of Pisa is not an isolated one. US soldiers from the Sigonella base in Sicily – reports Antonio Mazzeo – are increasingly present in Sicilian schools, where they give lessons in English, gymnastics and other subjects. At Sigonella, a parish priest took the children for an « educational visit », and also, in the bases at Puglia, there are « alternating school/work » courses for school-children. Similar cases have been recorded in other regions.
What is going on here is a real operation of military conquest of the minds of the young generations (and not those alone). Are there any teachers, students and parents available to stand against this invasion, by organising in order to advance, against the culture of war, te culture of peace?
Manlio Dinucci Translation: Pete Kimberley; Source: Il Manifesto (Italy)
“Without disinformation, NATO would crumble”, by Manlio Dinucci
Manlio Dinucci,Voltaire Network, 27 April 2019
Q: What is the result of the Symposium in Florence?
Michel Chossudovsky: The event was a great success, with the participation of speakers from the United States, Europe and Russia. We presented the history of NATO. We identified and carefully documented its crimes against humanity. And at the end of the Symposium, we presented the “Declaration of Florence,” a way of exiting the war system.
Q: In your introduction, you affirmed that the Atlantic Alliance is not a true alliance…
Michel Chossudovsky: On the contrary, under the appearance of a multinational military alliance, it is the Pentagon which dominates the decision-making mechanisms of NATO. The USA controls the command structures of NATO, which are incorporated with those of the United States. The Supreme Allied Commander in Europe (SACEUR) is always a US General nominated by Washington. The Secretary General, currently Jens Stoltenberg, is essentially a bureaucrat who handles public relations. He has no decision-making role.
Q: Another theme you raised was that of the US military bases in Italy and other European countries, including in the East, despite the fact that the Warsaw Pact has not existed since 1991, and despite the promise made to Gorbachev that no extension of NATO towards the East would ever occur. What is the purpose of these bases?
Michel Chossudovsky: NATO’s tacit objective – an important theme in our debate in Florence – is to implement, under a different denomination, the de facto “military occupation” of Western Europe. The United States not only continue to “occupy” the ex-members of the Second World War “Axis countries” (Italy, Germany), but have used the badge of NATO to set up US military bases in all of Western Europe, and, thereafter, in Eastern Europe in the wake of the Cold War, and in the Balkans in the wake of the NATO war against Yugoslavia (Serbia-Montenegro).
Q: What has changed in terms of the possible use of nuclear weapons?
Michel Chossudovsky: Immediately after the Cold War, a new nuclear doctrine was formulated, focused on the preventive use of nuclear weapons, in other words, on a nuclear first strike as a means of self-defence. Within the framework of USA-NATO interventions, presented as peace-keeping measures, a new generation of “low power” and “non-usable” nuclear weapons was created, described as “inoffensive for civilians”. US political leaders consider them to be “bombs for pacification.” The Cold War agreements, which established certain safety measures, have now been abandoned. The concept of “Mutually Assured Destruction,” relative to the use of nuclear weapons, has been replaced by the doctrine of preventive nuclear war.
Q: NATO was “obsolete” at the beginning of the Trump presidency, but now it has been rebooted by the White House. What relation is there between the arms race and the economic crisis?
Michel Chossudovsky: War and globalisation go hand in hand. Militarisation relies on the imposition of macro-economic restructuration in the target countries. It imposes military spending in order to support the war economy to the detriment of civil economy. It leads to economic destabilisation and the loss of the power of national institutions. An example – recently President Trump proposed huge budget cuts in the health and teaching sectors, and in social infrastructures, although he has asked for a massive increase in the budget of the Pentagon. At the beginning of his administration, President Trump confirmed the increase of expenditure in the military nuclear programme, launched by Obama, from 1,000 to 1,200 billions of dollars, claiming that this would serve to make the world safer. All over the European Union, the increase in military spending, coupled with austerity measures, is leading to the demise of what used to be called “the Welfare State.” Now, under US pressure, NATO is engaged in increasing military spending, and Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declares that this is the correct decision to “guarantee the safety of our population.” The military interventions are coupled with concomitant acts of economic sabotage and financial manipulation. The final objective is the conquest of both human and material resources and of political institutions. The acts of war support a process of total economic conquest. The hegemonic project of the United States is to transform countries and international sovereign institutions into territories which are open for their penetration. One of their instruments is the imposition of heavy penalties on debt-ridden countries. The imposition of lethal macro-economic reforms serves to impoverish vast sectors of the world population.
Q: What is now, and what will become the role of the media?
Michel Chossudovsky: Without the disinformation broadcast, in general, by almost all the media, the military programme of the USA-NATO would collapse like a house of cards. The imminent dangers of a new war with the most modern weapons and the atomic peril are not the sort of news that makes the headlines. War is presented as an act of pacification. War criminals are depicted as pacifiers. War becomes peace. Reality is reversed. When lies become truth, there is no going back.
Manlio Dinucci Source: Il Manifesto (Italy)
United States and France Jointly Responsible for Famine in Yemen
A French military intelligence note dated September 2018 shows that Saudi Arabia is making extensive use of French armaments in its war against Yemen, specifically “Leclerc tanks, Archer artillery howitzers, Mirage 2000-9 fighter jets, Cobra radars, Aravis armoured vehicles, Cougar and Dauphin helicopters, Caesar cannons …».
Continue reading United States and France Jointly Responsible for Famine in Yemen
China-led New Silk Road is Taking Over the Global Economy with Fully Armed Russia
Are more than 130 governments, nearly 40 heads of state, all major international financial institutions, and 5,000 businesses all at one conference, enough to convince you that a new economic order is coming into being? Continue reading China-led New Silk Road is Taking Over the Global Economy with Fully Armed Russia
Sri Lanka: Candidate for a New NATO Base?
Sri Lanka, Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019: More than half a dozen bomb blasts shook the country killing from 250 to more than 350 people. Depending on who counts, the death toll varies. The devastation took place in in several catholic churches and luxury hotels. Continue reading Sri Lanka: Candidate for a New NATO Base?
Reckless US Foreign Policy; Preemptive Nuclear War against Russia and China
While the crazed and corrupt people who comprise the Democratic Party and US print and TV media continue to insist that Russiagate is real, a very real threat is emerging in Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. The threat arises from the fact that Washington has taught each country to have no trust in America’s veracity. The governments of the four countries have learned that everything Washington says is a lie. Continue reading Reckless US Foreign Policy; Preemptive Nuclear War against Russia and China
Low Budget Coup Fizzles Out Quickly in Venezuela
In what could be the final nail in the coffin of Western Deep State’s attempt to overthrow the legitimate Maduro government, the latest attempted coup sparked by a video of Obama doppelganger Juan Guaido loitering around an airport in Caracas was neutralized within a day, with mentor Leopoldo Lopez seeking refuge at the Chilean embassy. Continue reading Low Budget Coup Fizzles Out Quickly in Venezuela
How the ‘Real’ America is in Harmony with the Belt and Road Initiative
The new rules proposed by Xi Jinping and expressed by the BRI’s political economic practices are exactly what the best American patriots fought for, Matthew Ehret argues. Continue reading How the ‘Real’ America is in Harmony with the Belt and Road Initiative
Central Banking is Central Planning
At a time when the appeal of and demands for a new “democratic” socialism seem to have caught the imagination of many among the young and are reflected in the promises of a good number of political candidates running for high office, there is one already-existing socialist institution in America with few opponents: the Federal Reserve System. Continue reading Central Banking is Central Planning
Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America
“Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”—John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Children, young girls – some as young as 9 years old – are being bought and sold for sex in America. The average age for a young woman being sold for sex is now 13 years old. Continue reading Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America
Recent Events Suggest Something Big is Coming
A combination of geopolitical movements is pointing to a highly coordinated plan of action to end the rule of negative forces that have ruled the planet for millennia. Continue reading Recent Events Suggest Something Big is Coming
The Russian-China Polar Silk Road Challenges British Geopolitics
Whether the Arctic will become a platform for cooperation or warfare has been a question often posed throughout the past 150 years. Continue reading The Russian-China Polar Silk Road Challenges British Geopolitics
Ukraine: Why ‘OU’ Lost by a Landslide
The answer is clear if you read U.S. documents published by WikiLeaks in 2006, writes Kevin Zeese. Continue reading Ukraine: Why ‘OU’ Lost by a Landslide
US Military Use IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons
WASHINGTON – In a leaked military manual on “unconventional warfare” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, the U.S. Army states that major global financial institutions — such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — are used as unconventional, financial “weapons in times of conflict up to and including large-scale general war,” as well as in leveraging “the policies and cooperation of state governments.” Continue reading US Military Use IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons
The new Grand Strategy of the United States
Many people think that the United States is very active, but does not succeed in much. For example, it is said that its wars in the Greater Middle East are a succession of failures. But for Thierry Meyssan, the USA has a coherent military, commercial and diplomatic strategy. According to its own objectives, it advances patiently, and is crowned with success. Continue reading The new Grand Strategy of the United States
Nearly 100,000 Pentagon Whistleblower Complaints Have Been Silenced
You would think, in this topsy-turvy world, if there were one organization we could trust with a trillion dollars a year of our taxpayer money, it would be the Department of Unauthorized Highly Secretive Mass Human Murder. Continue reading Nearly 100,000 Pentagon Whistleblower Complaints Have Been Silenced
Moscow’s Strategy: To Win Everywhere, Every Time
Important events have occurred in the Middle East and North Africa in recent weeks that underline how the overall political reconfiguration of the region is in full swing. The Shia axis continues its diplomatic relations and, following Rouhani’s meeting in Baghdad, it was the turn of Adil Abdul-Mahdi to be received in Tehran by the highest government and religious authorities. Continue reading Moscow’s Strategy: To Win Everywhere, Every Time