All posts by Geopolitics101

Russia-China Real Gold Standard Means End of US Dollar Dominance

The BRICS counties are considering starting an internal gold trading platform, according to Russian officials. When this happens, the global economy will be significantly reshaped, and the West will lose its dominance, predicts a precious metals expert. Continue reading Russia-China Real Gold Standard Means End of US Dollar Dominance

Trump Sows M.E. Conflict to Resuscitate US Relevance

The outgoing hegemony has no other recourse but to use its only card and that is to sow conflict in the Middle East once again. Trump and everybody know that recognizing Jerusalem as Israel capital will trigger more than just a protest across the Arab world, and yet he went for it. Continue reading Trump Sows M.E. Conflict to Resuscitate US Relevance

The Forgotten War: Conflict in Congo Worse than ‘Syria, Yemen and Iraq’

As long as we can remember, the African continent has been embroiled in conflicts right after the supposed end of slave trading. The control of resources by proxies is at the core of them all.
We disagree with the inaccurate use of “civil wars in Iraq, Syria and Yemen” below. Otherwise, the details need to be spread far and wide:
‘For the second year in a row, the violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been the epicenter of the worst conflict displacement crisis in the world – a crisis that outpaces the likes of the civil wars in Iraq, Syria and Yemen according to human rights groups. And almost nobody is talking about it.
According to the United Nations, 1.7 million Congo residents have been forced to flee their homes in 2017 — a rate of about 5,500 a day. This brings the number of displaced up to 4.1 million in total, with another 7 million at risk of famine.
“It’s a mega-crisis. The scale of people fleeing violence is off the charts, outpacing Syria, Yemen and Iraq,” said Ulrika Blom, the Congo director for the Norwegian Refugee Council. “For the second year running, DR Congo is the country worst affected by conflict displacement in the world. Communities in DR Congo are being double pounded — by brutal conflict and a worsening political crisis.”
Congo was the site of the Great African War, the bloodiest armed conflict since World War II. The war ended after five years of fighting between 1998 and 2003 that left an estimated 5.4 million dead, but Congo has remained unstable ever since.
Insurgent and rebel groups continue to resist the Kinshasa government. Arguably the most visible insurrection is the Kamwina Nsapu rebellion, which resulted from Kinshasa’s refusal to formally recognize their chief. The Catholic Church has estimated that 3,300 have been killed and over a million people displaced in the battles between the tribal mavericks and the Congolese military since August 2016.
The situation has been further worsened by President Joseph Kabila’s refusal to cede power at the end of his second term as stipulated by the Congolese constitution. Kabila has led the country since 2001, but his government has met with limited success in defeating the numerous militant groups that continue to battle Kinshasa.
In the meantime, the suffering of the citizenry continues. “What we’ve seen firsthand in Tanganyika province is beyond horrifying,” said Blom. “Last week we found a church sheltering over 80 people who’d fled attacks in September — families piled together in absolute squalor. Children sleeping on wet soil, thinly covered by empty sugar sacks. Four people have died since this community arrived, including two children.”
But international aid has come in only a trickle due to the lack of visibility for the conflict. The country is not seen as an intersection of geopolitical interests in the same way that similarly beleaguered Middle Eastern nations are, and while the nation has immense natural resources it also has low infrastructure development and a population that lives almost entirely in poverty.
“Donor fatigue, geopolitical disinterest and competing crises have pushed DR Congo far down the list of priorities for the international community. This deadly trend is at the expense of millions of Congolese. If we fail to step up now, mass hunger will spread and people will die. We are in a race against time,” said Blom.
Government ministers have disputed the NRC’s claim. Minister of Information Lambert Mende says that the number of displaced people is lower, “less than 1 million.” Furthermore, the displaced people were not fleeing conflict but rather attempting to return home from neighboring countries.
It isn’t just the Congo, although the country is the site of the worst displacement. In the first half of 2017, 2.7 million Africans were displaced, the NRC says, about 1 million of whom come from Congo. The rest mostly came from the Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Sudan and South Sudan. There are 12.6 million displaced people in the whole of Africa.’


Iran & China Seek to Eliminate US dollar from Bilateral Trade

Dollar dumping used to be mere rumor 5 years ago, but Tehran, Russia and Beijing are determined to find ways to avoid using the US dollar as a settlement currency in trade, according to a report by Iranian economic daily Financial Tribune. Continue reading Iran & China Seek to Eliminate US dollar from Bilateral Trade

World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation

“Average Joe”, who’s an American veteran down on his luck, he could have begun his own landscaping or mechanic business when hard times came. Only Uncle Sam was too broken to gift good old Joe $30,000 or so to get things rolling. It’s too bad, because Joe got a bronze star and lost a leg over there in Iraq. If Joe’s family only knew how Zionist, pig bankers had cost millions of Americans an alternative future, then maybe we’d all stand a better chance of life and liberty. But, they don’t know yet. Continue reading World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation

In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans?

While the City of London and Wall Street are busy with one last-gasp effort to salvage their (unsalvageable) financial system, with an ECB bail-in plan designed to seize all financial assets for themselves—their earlier “Cyprus Template” writ large—Russia, China and allied nations are instead orchestrating a Grand Design for Middle East and world stabilization and peace, as suggested by what might be called a “Syria Template.” Continue reading In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans?

Russia China Build Up A New Economic Geography

On November 8 Russia’s large mining group Norilsk Nickel announced it had begun operations at a new state-of-the-art Bystrinsky mining and processing plant outside of Chita in Russia’s Zabaykalsky Krai. Notable about the project is the participation of China, as well as the fact that four years ago the huge copper, gold and magnetite reserves of Bystrinsky were inaccessible to any market and completely undeveloped. Continue reading Russia China Build Up A New Economic Geography

We are told to Prepare for Earthshaking Events Next Year

Unconfirmed rumors surfaced over the weekend that the CIA headquarters in Langley was raided by some elements of the US Marine Expeditionary Unit, but until today there’s no single video clip that would suggest it indeed happened. Nonetheless, we are being told to prepare for some earthshaking events for next year. Continue reading We are told to Prepare for Earthshaking Events Next Year

Chinese Ambassador Sets the Record Straight on Importance of Xi-Trump Meeting

Nov. 16, 2017 (EIRNS)—Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, obviously somewhat upset about the fake news coverage of the Xi-Trump summit in Beijing by the U.S. media, yesterday underlined the tremendous significance of the summit and the long-term implications for U.S.-China relations, speaking in Washington. Continue reading Chinese Ambassador Sets the Record Straight on Importance of Xi-Trump Meeting

No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore

Except for Kiev’s madman, no one wants to play with the United States anymore. Japan and South Korea, of course, have no other recourse but to accommodate the outgoing superpower for their own sake as well, or that of the corporate gangsters which have been put in charge of the industry by Western puppetmasters. Continue reading No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore

As Two US Clients Squabble in Iraq, Tehran Emerges as the Winner

Notwithstanding the overwhelming vote the Kurdish referendum for independence received, there is no gainsaying that regional circumstances were far from suitable for such an undertaking, let alone its materialization. Iraq has just recovered from the clutches of rule of the self-styled Islamic State, and the last thing it wanted was loss of economic wealth in Kirkuk to Kurds. Continue reading As Two US Clients Squabble in Iraq, Tehran Emerges as the Winner

Trump’s Release of JFK Files Necessitates Another False Flag Event

The Trump government is allowing the release later this month of the JFK assassination files being marooned by the Bushes during their time in the White House. It would be a wakeup call for the mainstream non-conspiracy analysts.
US President Donald Trump says he will allow the release of classified documents relating to the assassination of President John F Kennedy, shot dead while visiting Dallas, Texas in 1963.

The documents were due to be disclosed by the National Archives later this month, however there were some media reports that Trump would not approve the publication of all of the files.
In a tweet sent early Saturday, Trump indicated he will allow the release, “subject to the receipt of further information”. It’s not clear what “further information” the president is referring to.
In 1992, then-US President George H. W. Bush signed into law the John F Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, compelling the US National Archives to publish documents surrounding Kennedy’s death within 25 years.
However, there was a get-out clause in the act which stated public disclosure could be delayed if it threatened “military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations.”
A report by Politico Magazine, which cited Trump administration insiders, suggested the president could block some documents from seeing the light of day. A US government spokesperson reportedly told the magazine that the White House is working “to ensure the maximum amount of data can be released to the public”.

But the Deep State operatives are already hard at work in trying to prevent the problems which may arise from knowing the full story of the crime of the 20th century.
On top of the fundraising event that no less than the five living ex-presidents are in attendance, a more destructive event is already being scheduled.

Oklahoma City: Location of next False Flag?

By Ian Greenhalgh | October 20, 2017
It is well known that false flag events are usually carried out through the mechanism of organising a drill which is then suddenly turned ‘live’.
Such drills require crisis actors to play various roles, especially the ‘victims’ of the event.
Therefore, when we saw this advert calling for crisis actors for a ‘training event’ in Oklahoma City at the end of this month, our suspicions were raised:

Role-Player Registration: Oklahoma
Human Domain Solutions, LLC
Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC is now hiring ​Casualty Role Players (CRP)​ to participate in an Oklahoma Vigilant Guard training event October 30, 2017 thru November 2, 2017 at Warr Acres Fire Training Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ​This exercises will be an Oklahoma emergency response to a simulated incident involving contamination elements. CRPs will be moulaged (injury makeup and fake blood) to portray various physical and emotional injuries and conditions, and will go through medical triage, decontamination, and medical treatment several times during each day of the exercises. Arrival times will be early morning, and the exercises will run between 6-8 hours each day. CRPs will wear cut-away prop clothing and will be washed in decontamination lines to simulate the cleaning off of contamination substances.
This is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for these brave men and women of the National Guard. Those who have participated in past National Guard disaster preparedness exercises have found it very rewarding: you get to support this important state and community service–and get paid while doing so.
ELIGIBILITY:​ There is no security clearance requirement, so it is open to all, but criminal background checks and U.S. employment eligibility checks will be accomplished. All personnel must have appropriate ID and be without criminal background. IDs are scanned by security personnel and persons with felony convictions will not be allowed on site. Priority will be given to those with previous experience with role playing, acting, military, and/or first responder/disaster response experience. We also look for diversity amongst our CRPs, including gender, ethnicity, age, body type, disability, and foreign language ability – American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL) speakers are also highly desired. Due to a potentially strenuous decontamination process, and varying outside temperature, CRPs may not have a life-threatening or serious medical conditions.
Here is some information on the company behind this advert:
Human Domain Solutions, LLC
A Virginia based Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and Certified HUBZone Company

HDS is a Virginia-based small business specializing in professional services, consulting, staffing, national security Role Playing, and training in the core areas of the Human Domain: Foreign Area Officer and Specialist (FAO) programs; Human-Derived Intelligence (HDI) (CI/HUMINT); Language, Region, and Culture (LRC); Security Assistance and Building Partnership Capacity (BPC); Disaster Preparedness and Response; and support to Special Operations Forces (SOF). HDS is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), and a Historically Underutilized Business (HUBZone). The HDS founder and Managing Director is Kurt M. Marisa, Colonel, USAF (ret.), a career intelligence and international affairs officer and recognized operational and academic expert in the areas of CI/HUMINT, FAO activities, LRC, Foreign Military Sales (FMS), and Foreign Materiel Acquisition (FMA). He is a Federal Language Consultant with the National Language Service Corps (NLSC). Since 2009, he has served as President of the Foreign Area Officer Association (FAOA)–the non-profit professional association for FAOs, Defense Attachés, and other DoD international affairs specialists–and publisher of The FAOA Journal of International Affairs.
Here is a powerpoint presentation explaining what Vigilant Guard is:

We have no further information on this event in Oklahoma City, it is our hope by publishing what we have, in order to raise awareness, that we are making a false flag event far less likely as people will be aware beforehand that something of that nature was going to take place and that makes it far harder to get away with lying to the public that it was a real event.


‘We gave you uranium, you repaid us by bombing Belgrade’ | Putin

When we talk about the Hillary Clinton and Russian company Uranium One transaction, we mostly meant to expose the hypocrisy behind the Deep State Democrat faction’s RussiaGate “election meddling.” It turns out, there’s something more. Continue reading ‘We gave you uranium, you repaid us by bombing Belgrade’ | Putin

Evidence of US Alleged Support to Terrorists in Syria, Iraq Continues to Emerge

Evidence continues to emerge that the US military forces in Syria and Iraq are cooperating with the Daesh terrorist group, according to Iranian political analyst Seyyed Hadi Afghahi. According to Iranian, Syrian and Russian military officials, the US support to terrorists undermine the efforts to end the war in Syria and Iraq. Continue reading Evidence of US Alleged Support to Terrorists in Syria, Iraq Continues to Emerge

What's Behind China's Breakthrough in Atomic Energy Production

China sees the atomic energy boom with the number of nuclear power stations in the mainland soaring. However, the Celestial Empire harbors a more ambitious goal seeking to boost the construction of China-made atomic stations abroad, commentators told Sputnik, shedding light on Beijing’s competitive advantages. Continue reading What's Behind China's Breakthrough in Atomic Energy Production

CIA Urges Trump to Delay Release of 3,000 Files on JFK Assassination

More than 3,000 never-before-seen documents from the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department on the assassination of John F. Kennedy are scheduled be released, with many experts fearing that such a large release of secret JFK assassination documents will spur “a new generation of conspiracy theories.”
According to Roger Stone, the CIA is urging President Donald Trump to delay disclosing some of the files for another 25 years.
Roger Stone said in a post on his website…

“They must reflect badly on the CIA even though virtually everyone involved is long dead.”

Newsmax reports:

More than 3,000 never-before-seen documents from the FBI, CIA, and Justice Department are set to be released, along with 30,000 that have only been partially released in the past. The document dump “will simply fuel a new generation of conspiracy theories,” write Philip Shenon and Larry J. Sabato.
Sabato is the director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics and author of “The Kennedy Half-Century” and Shenon is a former reporter for the New York Times and author of, “A Cruel and Shocking Act: The Secret History of the Kennedy Assassination.”
The CIA is urging President Donald Trump to delay disclosing some of the files for another 25 years according to friend and political adviser Roger Stone but the National Archives would not say whether any agencies have appealed the release of the documents.

According to The Gateway Pundit Roger Stone and Gerald Posner, two New York Times bestselling authors who are polar opposites about who killed JFK, have joined together to urge Donald Trump to release all the remaining classified files on Kennedy’s assassination.

About 3,100 files are still sealed in the National Archives. Under the 1992 JFK Records Act, the Archives have until October 26 to decide which of those files to publicly disclose.
Some of the classified documents include a CIA personality study of Oswald, top-secret testimony of former CIA officers to congressional committees, transcripts of interrogations with Soviet defector and Oswald handler Yuri Nosenko, letters about the case from J. Edgar Hoover and Jackie Kennedy, the CIA file on Jack Wasserman, the attorney for New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello, and the operational file of E. Howard Hunt, career spy and Watergate burglar.
Roger Stone, in his bestselling 2013 The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, set forth the case that LBJ was the mastermind of plot that included the CIA, the Mob and Big Texas Oil to kill Kennedy.
Gerald Posner, in his 1993 bestselling finalist for the Pulitzer for History, Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK, concluded that the Warren Commission conclusions are correct and Oswald acting alone had killed Kennedy.
While they might not agree on who killed Kennedy, Stone and Posner are longstanding advocates for the release of all the government files on the assassination.
“These files should have been released long ago,” says Posner. “The government does this all the time, over classified documents and then holds on to them for decades under the guise of ‘national security.’ All the secrecy just feeds people’s suspicions that the government has something to hide and adds fuel to conspiracy theories.” Posner is convinced the case will still be closed when the last document is made public.
”I know CIA Director Pompeo is urging the President to delay release of these records for another 25 years,” said Stone. “They must reflect badly on the CIA even though virtually everyone involved is long dead.” Stone believes the evidence supporting the case in his book is still hidden somewhere in government files.
Both authors called on President Trump – who is empowered to make the final decision should the National Archives or CIA balk on releasing all the files – to opt for transparency.

ISIS Operations in the Philippines Failed; Maute Brothers Wiped Out

With the full cooperation of its ASEAN counterparts and the timely assistance from Chinese authorities, the Duterte government has finally recovered the entire Marawi City when the Philippine military confirmed the deaths of Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon and Maute group leader Omar Maute. Continue reading ISIS Operations in the Philippines Failed; Maute Brothers Wiped Out

7 Charts That Show How The Rich Hide Their Cash

Who avoids the most tax and what does that mean for inequality?
These were the questions asked by two National Bureau of Economic Research working papers submitted this month (Tax Evasion and Inequality and Who Owns the Wealth in Tax Havens?).  Both papers are available publicly here.
The research was based on a variety of data, including ICIJ’s Swiss Leaks and Panama Papers investigations, and prove for interesting reading. Here are seven highlights from the reports.

  1. The ultra-rich avoid the most tax 

The ultra-rich, people whose net worth is more than $45 million, are ten times more likely to evade taxes than the average citizen, according to the research.
That means the ultra-rich have worked out how to avoid paying about 30 percent of their personal income and wealth taxes.
And it probably doesn’t stop there, with the authors suggesting that “evasion among the wealthy may be even higher” because their research was based on Scandinavian countries where social trust is high, corruption low and respect for the rule of law strong.

The research also found that offshore wealth increases the “top 0.1 percent wealth share from 8 percent to 10 percent” when looking at Norway specifically. And for top 0.01 percent “taking tax evasion into account increases their wealth by a third.”

  1. The ultra-rich are more likely to use offshore accounts 

The likelihood of Scandinavians in the bottom 99 per cent of wealth share hiding their assets in HSBC accounts was “negligible,” according to research based on ICIJ’s Swiss Leaks.
But the probability rises to 1 percent among the richest 0.01 percent.
This chart shows the probability of owning an unreported HSBC account by wealth groups. (The first group [P90-P95] represents households worth less than $900,000 and the last the top 0.01 percent who are worth $44.5 million.)
“The gradient is notable too: top 0.01 percent households are 13 times more likely to hide assets at HSBC than households in the bottom half of the top 1 percent,” they wrote.

  1. Hardly anyone except the ultra-rich use offshore accounts

The use of offshore accounts “steeply rises with wealth,” according to research based on ICIJ’s Panama Papers.
This charts shows the probability of owning a Mossack Fonseca offshore shell company significantly increased for the top 0.01 percent of Norway and Sweden’s population.
“The use of tax havens appears more concentrated in the Panama Papers than in the HSBC leak,” the authors wrote.

The researchers also suggested one reason very few households outside the 0.01 percent in the Panama Papers used shell companies to conceal wealth is because it is a “more sophisticated” strategy than owning offshore bank accounts.
“Both techniques are often combined, but the wealthiest tax evaders might be more likely to combine offshore accounts with shell companies, when less wealthy tax evaders may be relatively more likely to own offshore accounts directly in their own names.”

  1. Tax havens hold 10 percent of global GDP

In the second study, the authors analyzed the global amount of wealth in tax havens.
“We find that while about 10 percent of world GDP is held in tax havens globally, this average masks a great deal of heterogeneity.”
For example, Russia (60 percent), Europe (15 percent) and other nations hold a significant chunk of their GDP offshore, whereas Scandinavian countries own just a few percent of GDP.

  1. Offshore wealth is shifting from Switzerland to Asia

The research found the size of this wealth was “not easily explained by tax or institutional factors” but instead correlated more closely with a country’s proximity to Switzerland, the presence of natural resources and political/economic instability.
However, the times might be changing, with the research also discovering wealth was growing in tax havens based in Asia – and mainly in Hong Kong – with offshore accounts held in Switzerland declining since the 2008 financial crisis.
The authors predicted offshore assets in Hong Kong have grown six-fold between 2007 and 2015 with the country now ranked second behind Switzerland for tax havens.

  1. Countries with more offshore wealth also use more tax havens

The next chart shows the number of unique owners of shell companies created by Mossack Fonseca in each country before 2006 and active in 2007, using Panama Papers data.
“There are strong similarities between the amount of offshore wealth we estimate and the use of tax havens as revealed by the Panama Papers,” the authors said.
Russia is one such country with a total of 2071 unique shells. The authors also highlighted that China is over-represented in the data given estimates of how much Chinese wealth is offshore. They suggest this could be because estimates of China’s offshore wealth are low, or that Chinese use shell companies for purposes other than concealing wealth.

  1. Offshore wealth can substantially increase inequality

So what does that all mean for equality?
Including offshore assets generally increased the 0.01 percent’s wealth share substantially (even in the law abiding Scandinavian countries).
The effect in some countries is much worse than others. In the United Kingdom, Spain and France offshores assets accounted for between 30 to 40 percent of the 0.01 percent’s wealth. In Scandinavia, however, their share of wealth only increases by about 1 percent.

Read more about the impact from ICIJ’s investigations, and find out how you can support ICIJ’s work

The Role of Neoliberalism in Spain's Constitutional Crisis

With Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont stepping back from the brink in the midst of rising tensions in Spain over the region’s bid for independence, signing a declaration of independence but deciding to suspend its implementation, millions will have breathed a collective sigh of relief given the prospect of a severe response from Madrid. Continue reading The Role of Neoliberalism in Spain's Constitutional Crisis

You leave my country in 24 hours | Duterte told EU Ambassadors

After the Human Rights Watch Advocacy director John Fisher warned over the weekend that the Philippines might be removed from the UN Human Rights Council because Manila is “seeking to evade its international responsibilities” by rejecting recommendations to improve the human rights situation in the Philippines, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte unleashed an ultimatum for all EU ambassadors to leave the country. Continue reading You leave my country in 24 hours | Duterte told EU Ambassadors

The House of Saud bows to the House of Putin

Saudi Arabia pivots to Russia, the new sheriff in town. What a difference a year – an eternity in geopolitics – makes. No one could see this coming; the ideological matrix of all strands of Salafi-jihadi terror – which Russia fights no holds barred, from ISIS/Daesh to the Caucasus Emirate – beating a path to the Kremlin and about to embrace Russia as a strategic ally. Continue reading The House of Saud bows to the House of Putin

Defense Against 'Deviance': What Is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps?

Tehran has reportedly indicated its response to the US designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) as a terrorist group will be “crushing” – but while it’s questionable whether the IRGC fits the definition of a terrorist group, the US’ history of terror designation suggests its requirements are vastly arbitrary. Continue reading Defense Against 'Deviance': What Is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps?

The Results of Saudi King's 1st Ever Visit to Russia Amid Turmoil in MidEast

The Saudi King’s first ever visit to Russia is already bearing fruit as Moscow and Riyadh have reached a number of agreements, including in the military-technical and energy fields. Sputnik spoke to experts about the significance of the political event. Continue reading The Results of Saudi King's 1st Ever Visit to Russia Amid Turmoil in MidEast

Saudi King Salman's Moscow visit could create new Middle East dynamic

King Salman of Saudi Arabia’s official visit to Moscow marks the end of a long animus between Russia and Riyadh. While many will welcome this new reality, some traditional allies of both parties could be concerned at the potential ramifications of detente. Continue reading Saudi King Salman's Moscow visit could create new Middle East dynamic

91% of Syria Liberated; ISIS Attacks from US Controlled Al-Tanf Base Perimeter

The US led coalition has established a base camp near the border town of Al-Tanf purportedly to facilitate its operations against ISIS. What is happening now is exactly the opposite, i.e. just outside the base perimeter is where ISIS militants are launching their attacks on the Syrian Army. Continue reading 91% of Syria Liberated; ISIS Attacks from US Controlled Al-Tanf Base Perimeter

Al-Nusra leader gravely injured by airstrike, 12 commanders killed – Russian MoD

The leader of Al-Nusra has been critically injured in an airstrike carried out by the Russian Air Force, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, adding that at least 12 Al-Nusra field commanders had been killed in the same attack. Continue reading Al-Nusra leader gravely injured by airstrike, 12 commanders killed – Russian MoD

Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling

The worst single shooter incident of all time in the US is fast turning out to be the worst false flag operation ever. The forensic analysis and official narrative simply don’t add up. But what can we expect from the same people who claim that inexperienced Arab pilots were able to dive into the World Trade Center towers with pinpoint accuracy to pull them down? Continue reading Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling

Saudi Arabia Divesting from Petrodollar to Nuclear Energy Based Economy

Nuclear power is making a debut in Saudi Arabia as it is entertaining bids for building 16 nuclear reactors over the next decade, at a projected cost of $60 billion. As everyone knows already, the fiat dollar derives its perceived value from the fact that OPEC cartel members, including Saudi Arabia, committed themselves to accepting only the dollar and nothing else. Continue reading Saudi Arabia Divesting from Petrodollar to Nuclear Energy Based Economy

More False Flag Ops as Deep State is Losing on Every Battlefront

The script has been overused for some time, but as madmen they are, they must continue to unleash their MK-ULTRA assets whenever there’s a need to sway public’s attention away from the multi-pronged offensive against their well-built institutions of dominance. Continue reading More False Flag Ops as Deep State is Losing on Every Battlefront

Putin, Erdogan Emerge All Smiles from Ankara Meeting

Days before the meeting this week between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, the press in both countries was busy discussing the potential issues on the agenda: Syria, the Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum, Turkey’s purchase of Russia’s S-400 defense system and — last, but very important to Turkey — Russia’s embargo on Turkish tomatoes. Continue reading Putin, Erdogan Emerge All Smiles from Ankara Meeting

A Grand Strategy for Peace

The ongoing development in the Eurasian land mass known as the One Belt One Road is patterned after Lyndon LaRouche and his wife’s concept of a Eurasian Land Bridge that will spur development for all countries being traversed by modern railway networks. This to them is the formula by which peace could be fostered through unity in commerce and peaceful exchanges of culture. Continue reading A Grand Strategy for Peace

US Warmongering Works, South Korea Building Nuclear Subs & Spy Satellites

The constant exchange of war rhetoric between the US and North Korea is working for the US military industrial complex. South Korea has decided to build its own nuclear submarine fleet and a network of spy satellites. Continue reading US Warmongering Works, South Korea Building Nuclear Subs & Spy Satellites

First they HAARPed You, then Sell You the “Catastrophe Bonds’

The Khazarian holdovers on this planet are getting more creative as the situation is getting worse for them. The slew of “natural disasters” hitting Latin America and coastal portions of the US mainland, through the use of HAARP derivatives, indicates how desperate the situation really is for the Cabal. Continue reading First they HAARPed You, then Sell You the “Catastrophe Bonds’

REVEALED: US-Backed Kurdish Factions Colluding with ISIS on Syrian Battlefield

The US support for its proxy operators in Syria is multi-pronged as the number of organizations involve in the regime change operation. For the moderate rebels, the US assistance includes civilian equipments. For the outright terrorists, the occasional mis-dropping of arms and ammunitions and a market for smuggled oil and human trafficking of women and children.
Continue reading REVEALED: US-Backed Kurdish Factions Colluding with ISIS on Syrian Battlefield