All posts by Geopolitics101

US Preparing for Ground Invasion in Syria

The United States has been upgrading its armed intervention in Syria from using terrorist proxies branded as “moderate rebels” to an actual ground invasion using regular troops. To provide the pretext to enter Syria with larger contingents than the presently cloaked US commandos already assisting the terrorists, it has gone on a propaganda overdrive. Continue reading US Preparing for Ground Invasion in Syria

The Covert Hybrid WW3 Video Series

We are creating videos for the proper interpretation of the geopolitical and geo-economic events in the hope that when more people understand their true significance, they will be able to supplant the motives of those who are taking them for fools! Continue reading The Covert Hybrid WW3 Video Series

Crude, Blood, Turmoil: Story of US First 'Successful' Overseas Regime Change

Newly declassified CIA documents emphasize the agency’s significant role in the 1953 coup d’etat in Iran. While the CIA-led operation is still regarded by Washington as a “success,” it actually led to dire consequences for both Iran and America, RIA Novosti contributor Vladimir Ardayev wrote. Continue reading Crude, Blood, Turmoil: Story of US First 'Successful' Overseas Regime Change

Pentagon Extravaganza: How the DoD Squandered Billions of US Taxpayer Dollars

The Pentagon continues to squander US taxpayer dollars on extravagant projects and meaningless initiatives, Sputnik contributor Alexander Khrolenko wrote, shedding light on the most glaring examples of the US Department of Defense wasting money. Continue reading Pentagon Extravaganza: How the DoD Squandered Billions of US Taxpayer Dollars

Leading the World by Example by Building Cities of the Future

China is offering the world a better way to move forward. It is not perfect, and has nothing to do with exotic technologies yet, at least not for now. But it is far better than what the West is trying to do, even to its own population. It has achieved so much in a relatively short time, i.e. has caused the upliftment of at least 800 million for the last 3 decades. Continue reading Leading the World by Example by Building Cities of the Future

UK Funded, Oscar Awarded White Helmets are Beheaders, too! [Graphic Video]

The UK-funded White Helmets, who received an Oscar award early this year, have been caught on camera helping unidentified militants trying to dispose the bodies of beheaded Syrian Army soldiers. The Syrians, in turn, consider the false humanitarian group as “camera posers, thieves, and raiders.”
Continue reading UK Funded, Oscar Awarded White Helmets are Beheaders, too! [Graphic Video]

NATO F-16 intimidates Russian Defense Minister’s Plane, Here’s why…

It did not take long for Australia to revoke its earlier decision to suspend its Syrian operation, and for NATO to resume its dangerous provocations against the Russians. There is now an increased encounters of US and Russian warplanes over the Baltic Sea, among which involved one Su-27 with the Russian defense minister on board. Continue reading NATO F-16 intimidates Russian Defense Minister’s Plane, Here’s why…

China Proposes "Blue Economic Passages" For Global Maritime Cooperation

China continues to take the high road, and is making known worldwide what her desires are, i.e. instead of feeding the appetite of others to the unending of conflicts in carefully established hotspots on the planet, China wants to forge a “blue partnership” of mutual benefit among countries along the planned “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, Continue reading China Proposes "Blue Economic Passages" For Global Maritime Cooperation

Australia Suspends Operations after Russian S-400 Warning vs. Uninvited Overflight in Syria

Yesterday, Russia issued a stern warning that it will target any uninvited military overflight in Syrian airspace after the ISIS Air Force shot down one Syrian fighter jet that was conducting legitimate operations in Raqqa, without due respect to the US-Russia deconfliction agreement. Continue reading Australia Suspends Operations after Russian S-400 Warning vs. Uninvited Overflight in Syria

While US is Robbing Syria, China is Building High-Speed Railway in Russia & Africa

The US military doesn’t want any interruption to its Raqqa and Deir Ezzor annexation efforts, that it is more than ready to shoot down Syrian planes flying above Syrian territories to accomplish this. The US uniformed warlords, though, are profoundly wrong that Russia will just sit idly by. Continue reading While US is Robbing Syria, China is Building High-Speed Railway in Russia & Africa

Chaotic Washington is Not a Shining Example of Democracy

For what America has become, it’s now China’s turn to remind the nation of its lost values, or what it’s been preaching for the longest time. Its irresponsible actions and overall behavior have earned it, not respect and adulation, but scorn and condemnation, among nations . Is there a real hope for change in America? Continue reading Chaotic Washington is Not a Shining Example of Democracy

Russia Halts Deconfliction Zone Agreement with US, Will Intercept Uninvited Aircraft

Russia is warning the US forces on the ground of Syria that it will intercept any aircraft interrupting Syrian Army operations against Daesh, using S-400 missiles. The downed Syrian aircraft was conducting airstrikes against Daesh positions south of Tabqa, Raqqa province. Continue reading Russia Halts Deconfliction Zone Agreement with US, Will Intercept Uninvited Aircraft

Marawi Ops Winding Down, No US Boots on the Ground | Duterte

Contrary to pro-US media assertions, there are no US boots on the grounds of Marawi City. Even the reported “technical assistance” was proven to be incompatible with the system employed by the Philippine military, the commanding general has said. Continue reading Marawi Ops Winding Down, No US Boots on the Ground | Duterte

ISIS Air Force Downs Syrian Warplane in Raqqa, Iran Fires Ballistic Missiles vs. Daesh

The still uninvited US forces recently downed a Syrian warplane which was conducting legitimate operations against Daesh in Raqqa, confirming one more time that the US Air Force has been acting as the ISIS Air Force, since the start of the US invasion by proxy against Syria on March 15, 2011. Continue reading ISIS Air Force Downs Syrian Warplane in Raqqa, Iran Fires Ballistic Missiles vs. Daesh

US Destroyer Destroyed by Japanese Container Ship Manned by Filipino Crew

The USS Fitzgerald, a guided missile destroyer of the 7th Fleet, misguided itself into the path of the Philippine-registered Japanese container ship, manned by Filipino seamen. Said mishap occurred at about 02:30 local time on 17 June 2017, due to “fogging” off the east coast of Japan.
The seven US navy sailors missing have been confirmed dead. Continue reading US Destroyer Destroyed by Japanese Container Ship Manned by Filipino Crew

#RussiaDidIt: 30 Mid-level Daesh Commanders & Leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi Killed

This will be one of those rare times when we will be using the #RussiaDidIt hashtag with gusto. The top echelon of the CIA organized Daesh terror enterprise has been decapitated. The US ambition to partition Syria, and the entire Greater Israel plan, are about to be completely decimated. Continue reading #RussiaDidIt: 30 Mid-level Daesh Commanders & Leader Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi Killed

US-led Coalition Admits Use of White Phosphorus in Mosul & Raqqa

They’ve been denying this for weeks, i.e. that they’ve been killing hundreds of civilians using highly illegal munitions, in the City of Mosul, Iraq and Raqqa City, Syria. But a New Zealand general broke his silence and made the first admission to the war crime. Continue reading US-led Coalition Admits Use of White Phosphorus in Mosul & Raqqa

Philippine Celebrates 119th Independence Day in Marawi as Firefight Rages On

Emotions ran high as the Philippine flag was raised to celebrate the country’s 119th anniversary of Independence Day hours ago, while fierce gunfights and bombings could still be heard as near as 300 meters away from the city hall. Continue reading Philippine Celebrates 119th Independence Day in Marawi as Firefight Rages On

We have evidence of US direct support to ISIL | Iran

Sensing that the simultaneous diplomatic attack on Qatar, and the twin terrorist bombings of the Iranian Parliament and Khomeini Shrine, are all related and purposely directed to the country, Iran has announced that it is in possession of hard evidence and documents implicating the United States government in the terroristic activities of the Daesh Islamic State. Continue reading We have evidence of US direct support to ISIL | Iran

Is Qatar a Financier of Terror, or a Victim of Extortion by Proxy?

The Qatari government is being accused of funding terrorist groups by the equally guilty, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC]. It is said to have paid the Al Qaeda to the tune of $1 billion, for the release of some of the members of the Qatari royalty, who were kidnapped in Iraq back in 2015. However, the funds never reached the kidnappers. Continue reading Is Qatar a Financier of Terror, or a Victim of Extortion by Proxy?

The Intercept Profits and Burns its Own Whistleblower

There’s a twin problem with the pseudo-patriots in America today, i.e. pseudo-alternative media. Tracing his roots from The Guardian, Gleen Glenwald gained popularity when the NSA whistleblower Ed Snowden gave him and other mainstream journalists the Scoop of the Century, i.e. NSA massive surveillance. Continue reading The Intercept Profits and Burns its Own Whistleblower

Intra-elite Warfare: Oligarchs Succeed, Only the People Suffer!

On a scale not seen since the ‘great’ world depression of the 1930’s, the US political system is experiencing sharp political attacks, divisions and power grabs. Executive firings, congressional investigations, demands for impeachment, witch hunts, threats of imprisonment for ‘contempt of Congress’ and naked power struggles have shredded the façade of political unity and consensus among competing powerful US oligarchs. Continue reading Intra-elite Warfare: Oligarchs Succeed, Only the People Suffer!

Maute Patriarch Falls, Planning & Funding of Marawi Seige Exposed

In the Philippines, the Duterte government is winning the war against the CIA implanted Maute-ISIS terror group that is laying siege in Marawi City recently. Stacks of newly minted 1 thousand bills totaling PHP 52 million, and several checks worth PHP 27 million, were recovered from a machine gunner’s nest in Marawi City, 2 days ago. Continue reading Maute Patriarch Falls, Planning & Funding of Marawi Seige Exposed

The Horrors of Mainstream Media Continue to Be Exposed

The mainstream media attempted to bribe this boy’s father with money and a facilitated immigration to the West for their pro-ISIS propaganda, but failed. His father has had to cut the boy’s hair just so the media won’t be able to recognize and exploit him again. Continue reading The Horrors of Mainstream Media Continue to Be Exposed

Socialism’s Ignored Success Story

Western Corporatists have for decades waged an aggressive war on socialist states through economic sanctions and military embargo just to prove that capitalism is much superior to the latter. That is not, of course, the true measure of superiority. We would rather see how many of the people have actually benefited from such a system. Continue reading Socialism’s Ignored Success Story

Why Qatar is thrown out from Middle East Terror, Inc.?

Qatar has just been booted out from the “Iran is terrorist” crowd lead by Saudi Arabia. It’s only fault is, it dares to think peace with Iran as the third way for establishing harmony in the region. Four Arab states Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Egypt decided to sever diplomatic ties with Qatar. Continue reading Why Qatar is thrown out from Middle East Terror, Inc.?

SPIEF 2017: More Guests, High Expectations, Search for New Balance, & Putin's Best

More than 200 leading experts from Russia, Europe, Asia, the US, Canada and Latin America have put their heads together to draw up the program of the high-profile economic gathering.
Said forum went out without a hitch. Continue reading SPIEF 2017: More Guests, High Expectations, Search for New Balance, & Putin's Best

Why Seth Rich's Case is Key to #TrumpRussia Investigation

Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich’s murder continues to stir up public opinion in the US. Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel assumed that Rich’s death could have been part of a massive conspiracy aimed at appointing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as successor to Barack Obama. Continue reading Why Seth Rich's Case is Key to #TrumpRussia Investigation

Bilderberg Meeting Attendees and Agenda for 2017

The top echelon of the Deep State will converge once again to evaluate what they have accomplished in the last 12 months, where did things go wrong, and how to sustain the Slavery System on the planet, without any of the slaves knowing that the ball chain upon their neck does exist. Continue reading Bilderberg Meeting Attendees and Agenda for 2017

The CIA’s Cloddish ISIS Attack on Duterte | F. William Engdahl

The only word I find for it is cloddish. I refer to the latest CIA-instigated attempt to initiate regime change against outspoken Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The so-called ISIS terror attack in the minerals-rich southern Philippines island of Mindanao, a predominately Muslim part of the mostly Christian nation of 100 million people, took place literally in the midst of President Duterte’s talks in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Continue reading The CIA’s Cloddish ISIS Attack on Duterte | F. William Engdahl

The Uninvited US Military Drops Leaflets Warning Syrian Military Not to Advance, But Retreat

In one of its most blatant display of arrogance, the US military has been dropping leaflets warning the Syrian Army to refrain from advancing their troops towards al-Tanf road, and demanding that the latter should instead retreat from its current position. Continue reading The Uninvited US Military Drops Leaflets Warning Syrian Military Not to Advance, But Retreat