All posts by Geopolitics101

Iran & Hezbollah, Terror Threats No More – US Intel Report

No less than the Director of National Intelligence [DNI] under the office of POTUS, James R. Clapper, has submitted a report declassifying Iran and Hezbollah as peaceful entities having help in the efforts to topple ISIS.
This signals a very significant rearrangement of geopolitical forces within the Middle East region.
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West Demand "Proper Standard" from Asia that's Absent in Ukraine

Before jumping into the BRICS’ World Bank bandwagon, Western nations, lead by the United States, are demanding that “proper standards” should first be in place. Examples of proper standards, of course, are available everywhere we look, i.e. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya…  the list is long, and it is even made longer with the present hotspot that is Ukraine.
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Washington Blinks; Seeks Partnership With BRICS' World Bank

Don’t look now, but Washington just blinked.
As we’ve documented exhaustively over the past week, pressure has been building steadily for the US to strike some manner of conciliatory tone towards China with regard to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a China-led institution aimed at rivaling the US/Japan-backed ADB. Britain’s decision to join China in its new endeavor has prompted a number of Western nations to throw their support behind the bank ahead of the March 31 deadline for membership application.
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Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch

Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.
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Cong. Ellison Endorses U.S. Joining AIIB; Get On the AIIB Boat Before It Sails – Xinhua

March 19, 2015 (EIRNS)— The co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) was asked yesterday by Alicia Cerretani of LaRouche PAC whether he would support the United States joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and taking up Chinese President Xi Jinping’s offer for the U.S. to collaborate with China on this initiative. Ellison, who was speaking to a Capitol Hill luncheon sponsored by the Progressive Democrats of America, stated that it is a great idea and, that he agrees “wholeheartedly.”
Continue reading Cong. Ellison Endorses U.S. Joining AIIB; Get On the AIIB Boat Before It Sails – Xinhua

Russia Rebounds Despite Sanctions – Bloomberg

By Matthew A. Winkler for ==>>Bloomberg<<== (yes, Bloomberg not the Kremlin’s press office!)
Sanctions meant to punish Russia for snatching Crimea from Ukraine one year ago were supposed to hurt Russian business. And they did. Russian stocks, bonds and commodities had the worst performance in 2014 of those in any emerging market.
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It's Official: Switzerland, Luxembourg Joining BRICS' Bank

Despite negative noises from the US, Switzerland and Luxembourg have become the latest European nations to apply to join the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Chinese Finance Ministry announced.
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The Planned Obsolescence of America

Submitted By Tom Chatham
Planned obsolescence is the act of designing something to become obsolete or self destruct at a certain point in the future for the purpose of replacing it with something else. We see this with many of the things we use today, especially appliances, home furnishings and technology. We are expected to upgrade at regular intervals to keep up with the times.
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Crimeans Prefer Living in Russia than in Ukraine – Forbes

This Western poll results showing consistency with the referendum results one year ago should put to rest the issue of whether to send lethal aid to Kiev or not. Kiev is just at war with itself, having to deal with dissent right from its own citizens who would rather live in peace than go to war with their own blood.

Continue reading Crimeans Prefer Living in Russia than in Ukraine – Forbes

US Threatened Germany with Terror Attack Over Snowden

With its friends leaving in favor of the BRICS, the United States is resorting to indirect terror blackmail in order to pressure Germany about Snowden’s application for asylum.
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Court orders U.S. Release 2,000 Images from Military Sites

After the CIA’s declassification of the document used to justify the Iraq invasion, it’s the NY court’s turn to order the release of Cabal implicating materials from Abu Ghraib prison.
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An Early Form Of Capital Controls In America

Something stunning took place earlier this week, and it quietly snuck by, unnoticed by anyone as the “all important” FOMC meeting was looming. That something could have been taken straight out of the playbook of either Cyprus, or Greece, or the USSR “evil empire”, or all three.
Continue reading An Early Form Of Capital Controls In America

Putin’s Chief Bodyguard Killed

Sources in Moscow are reporting on the death of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s personal chief bodyguard, General Viktor Zolotov. Ukraine journalist Alex Mochanov has also confirmed the rumours. 
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Australia Joining BRICS' World Bank; Japan Considering

Japan is now entertaining the idea of joining the China-led World Bank 2.0, while Australia, with its well established economic cooperation with China, is already showing positive signs since its mother corporation, i,e, United Kingdom, has already decided to join in.
Continue reading Australia Joining BRICS' World Bank; Japan Considering

CIA Declassifies the Document Justifying Iraq Invasion

In another significant move  to prove that it is reforming and is getting rid of the Bush Cabal influence, the Central Intelligence Agency is releasing to the public, with no redaction, the supposed document that was used to justify the Iraq invasion.
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China's 'One Belt/One Road' Policy Is Open to All Nations


Mr. Hu Yi, First Secretary, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Denmark, gave this speech at the EIR/Schiller Institute diplomatic seminar in Copenhagen on Jan. 30, 2015. The seminar, entitled “Economic Development, and Cooperation among Nations, or, Economic Collapse, War and Terror? The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land Bridge,” was held at the Russian Cultural Center. Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave the keynote speech, and diplomats from two other BRICS countries, Alexey Kolesnikov from Russia and Machiel Renier van Niekerk from South Africa (see EIR, Feb. 6, 2015), also spoke.
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China’s Congress Charts a New Path for the World

March 15—Substantial international attention has been focused on this year’s meeting of China’s National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee (CPPCC), much of it misguided and/or malicious. But there is a real reason for the Congress’s importance. With the full brunt of the international financial crisis hitting Europe and the U.S., China is playing a crucial role in maintaining stability in the world economy. In particular, China’s commitment to the development of the two Silk Roads, the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, represents the only option for the world to chart a path out of the present economic crisis.
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Xi & Putin Warn Against History Distortions

Mainstream accounts of our history are already distorted and we are only beginning to learn the real story. Presently, there are also flagrant attempts to discredit the almost unilateral contribution of the Russians to the downfall of the Nazi expansionist regime late in the 1930s and onward.
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China, Japan and South Korea Hold High Level Meeting

Without interference from the Jesuits and Western warmongers, China can attain peace with its neighbors here in Asia. The presence of the Jesuits and US banksters exerting undue influence upon governments of Japan, Philippines and South Korea created a psychological division among Asians.
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U.S. Losing Grip on IMF / World Bank as 'Policy Instrument"

The United States has been using its clout at the IMF and World Bank to influence internal policies of its “allies”.
Those who are controlling the USA, Inc. have to confront the reality that they are about to say goodbye to the good ol’ happy days as countries around the globe are reasserting their lost sovereignty.
Continue reading U.S. Losing Grip on IMF / World Bank as 'Policy Instrument"

ECB Preparing Massive Loss on Greek Exit from Eurozone

Greece departure from Eurozone is already a foregone conclusion. Even its own primary creditors, i.e. Germany, France, Italy, are themselves leaving home for economic survival from the East.
The multi-dimensional BRICS offensives are simply excruciating. Even going to war is not feasible.
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EU advises Greece not to help the poor; PM Tsipras Visiting Moscow Soon

True to its elitist character, the EuroGroup just told the New Greek government not to provide freebies to its poor citizenry, so it could pay its usurious debts.
However, Tsipras administration is fully committed to fulfill its campaign promises and will be talking to Putin soon.
Continue reading EU advises Greece not to help the poor; PM Tsipras Visiting Moscow Soon

Russia Supersonic Bomber Heading Crimea; China On 5th Month of US T-bonds Dumping

Anti-Cabalist offensives continue to accelerate.
“Start killing Russians” rhetoric by Fox military analyst Robert H. Scales really pissed off Vlad; Russia’s top federal law enforcement agency has opened a criminal probe .
Continue reading Russia Supersonic Bomber Heading Crimea; China On 5th Month of US T-bonds Dumping

EU Joins BRICS in Defiance to U.S.; South Korea, Luxemburg, Switzerland Coming

The new China-led Asian investment bank, a potential rival to institutions such as the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, has enlisted more US allies as members after Britain decided to join last week.
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Big public announcements and news events make it clear Khazarian rule is ending

There can be no doubt now that the global Khazarian crime syndicate is being dismantled by white hats in the US and Europe along with their BRICS allies. This can be seen in the many extraordinary events that have been taking place both in public and in secret.
Continue reading Big public announcements and news events make it clear Khazarian rule is ending

Putin Orders Northern Fleet to Full Alert

Military exercises are an everyday business nowadays. But it doesn’t mean that these people are just playing games. The warmongers are beating the drums and NATO forces are marching towards the gates of Mother Russia.
The “resurrected” Putin is not taking things lightly.
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EU Bluff Against Greece and Russia Raises War Threat

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
[PDF version of this article]
March 6—The desperation move by European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi, to flood the Eurozone with €1.14 billion in so-called “quantitative easing,” while excluding Greece and Cyprus from this dubious bonanza, will doubly accelerate the inevitable collapse of the trans-Atlantic financial system. The simultaneous escalation of provocations against Russia by NATO maneuvers in the Black Sea and the forward basing of NATO troops and heavy equipment in the Baltic States, up to Russia’s borders, are directly related to the impending bankruptcy of the financial system.
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Major Events are Imminent; Get Ready, Avoid Panic

Last Monday’s Fulford update talked about a possible black swan event which is very positive. Others are speculating different scenarios which we all need to be prepared of.
Continue reading Major Events are Imminent; Get Ready, Avoid Panic

Wireless Power Successfully Tested in Japan

The method to transmit power wirelessly is just the same as the method to transmit data through WiFi or radio/TV broadcasts. You just need to raise transmission wattage to that same level they used for HAARP, 4 gigawatts.
Of course, we also need to install antennas in order to receive wireless power. It doesn’t matter how many people would connect their homes though the transmission, it won’t overload the system ever!
Continue reading Wireless Power Successfully Tested in Japan

Latin American Countries Unite Behind Venezuela vs. U.S.

United States continues to suffer from isolation. Every time it launches asymmetric offensive against its perceived enemies, the fallout comes just as hard.
The bully has lost the schoolyard.
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China Blasted U.S. Childish Paranoia Over its "World Bank"

Behavior such as this one is what’s delaying the global reforms that need to be implemented. Like we said earlier, Asia is very determined in establishing a planet of cooperation and peaceful coexistence.
It’s high time for the citizens of the West to remove the shenanigans controlling their governments.
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Global Currency Reset is Inevitable

Another question from our guests that we are going to address here is about the schedule for the Global Currency Reset.

Are you going to have any news on the RV if the Iraqui Dinar the Vietnamese Dong happens and how it affects the lives of the people and their countries when it finally  happens in both places ?
This is something I and others want to know about.
Thanks for an answer and your time !!!

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Greece Threatens to Seize German Property For Unpaid WW2 Reparations

The Greek Revolution continues…
For at least two times in a row, the new Greek government were folding their cards against the EuroGroup powerplay only to stage a very uncomfortable counter-offensive against the Nazis who cannot escape from their horrid past.
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Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.

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Earth's Prettiest Prosecutor Receives Threats from Fascist Kiev

The chief prosecutor of Russia’s Crimean Republic says Ukrainian law enforcers threatened her with prison and death for accepting the post, but failed to make her fear them.
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VT Demands: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace

This just came in from Veterans Today…
Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation
23, Ilyinka Street,
Moscow, 103132, Russia.
Mr. President:
Political divides within the US now clearly threaten world peace.  Pro-Israeli factions within the US are working, not only to sabotage a nuclear settlement with Iran but go much further.  Recent lapses in judgement and decorum by General Breedlove of NATO, covert US aid to ISIS/ISIL and moves by certain US factions in support of terrorist factions in Libya and across Africa have raised the stakes.
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We’ll Fight Back U.S Sanctions – Venezuela

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused the US of trying to “defeat” and “intervene in” his government, after Washington labeled Caracas a national security threat and implemented sanctions against seven of its officials.
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China's Mega International Payment System is Ready

The China International Payment System (CIPS) is due to kick off this year, bringing the yuan a step closer to becoming a global trading currency, as the new system will make payment transfers just as easy as in dollars and euro.
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Historical Black Swan Event Imminent

March 10, 2015

There are now many undeniable signs that a historical black swan event is imminent. The exact nature of this event is uncertain but it involves the end of a system of governance dating back thousands of years and the emergence of a new paradigm for humanity. Since the global occult leadership links their machinations to celestial events, there is a possibility this event will be connected to the March 19th super moon and the March 20th solar eclipse.
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Russian Military Capabilities

This article serves as a supplement to “Hear These Russian Warnings” from the Executive Intelligence Review.
The US military hegemony may be over when an early iteration of the Sukhoi fighter aircraft buzzed around USS Donald Cook navigating  the Black Sea in April 2014, that shocked its crew.
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