All posts by Geopolitics101

We Shot an Israeli Jet Down, Sent Others Fleeing | Syrian Army

The covert WW3 that’s being fought in the Middle East has just gotten nastier. Earlier in the day, the Israeli military underwent a preempted propaganda denial by saying that the Syrian armed forces shot missiles at their jetfighters, but failed to hit any of them. Continue reading We Shot an Israeli Jet Down, Sent Others Fleeing | Syrian Army

A New System of International Relations Emerges Everywhere on the Planet

While the West is still dealing with the Cabal’s continued aggressive moves to hang on to its undeserved privileges and power, the other side of the planet is busy organizing a better system of expanding humanity’s horizon.
A new system of international relations is now emerging everywhere on this planet. We are truly embarking on a New Paradigm for all mankind. Continue reading A New System of International Relations Emerges Everywhere on the Planet

Assad Condemns US, Turkey Invasion; Looking forward to Chinese Reconstruction

Just as the Zionist-Wahhabist funded Daesh terror is ending in Syria, with the able armed assistance of Russia, Iran, Kurdish and Hezbollah, the US military decided to openly send hundreds of troops into the region, as its puppet Turkish military has done so in advance. Continue reading Assad Condemns US, Turkey Invasion; Looking forward to Chinese Reconstruction

Duterte Continues to Defy Western Propaganda

The Philippine government continues to implement massive reforms across the bureaucracy in dizzying pace, while the West is resuming its attacks on the Philippine president. Incidentally, the latter is just taking all of it in stride. Why not?
He has successfully dictated the terms of the battle. Continue reading Duterte Continues to Defy Western Propaganda

US Puppet Park Chung-hee Impeached, NK-friendly Progressive Moon Jae-in Rising

The Washington DC puppet government of South Korea under Park Chung-hee has just been impeached, and local politicians are now forming alliances and blocs to facilitate their assumption to power over the country that has just been under an intensified pressure from the Pentagon to host its THAAD missile system and create an atmosphere of nuclear fear across the region. Continue reading US Puppet Park Chung-hee Impeached, NK-friendly Progressive Moon Jae-in Rising

CIA: Deadliest Intel Organization on Earth, #Vault7 Confirms

Two nights ago, Wikileaks started releasing what the whistleblowing platform dubbed as the #Vault7 Series of damaging information into the inner workings of the CIA.
The first iteration “Year 0” describes the specific tools that the Deep State agency has been using against its friends and foes. Continue reading CIA: Deadliest Intel Organization on Earth, #Vault7 Confirms

Confirmed: Turkey Using Euphrates River as Weapon vs. Syria and Iraq

As reported earlier, the Erdogan government in Turkey is cutting the water supply to Syria and Iraq to put these countries under pressure as talks in Astana was held to end Daesh and restore peace in Syria, while Russia and Iran are recovering more territories away from Daesh control. Continue reading Confirmed: Turkey Using Euphrates River as Weapon vs. Syria and Iraq

CIA Malware Targets iPhone, Android, Smart TVs | #Vault7 Year0

The password to the first iteration of Wikileaks’ Vault7 series has been released. The first Vault7 iteration codenamed “Year 0” is a 500mb file which could be opened through your browser.
The Vault7 series is the largest intelligence publication in history.
Continue reading CIA Malware Targets iPhone, Android, Smart TVs | #Vault7 Year0

White Helmets’ Macabre Manipulation of Dead Children, Staged Chemical Attack | SWEDHR

An examination of a White Helmets video, conducted by Swedish medical doctors, specialists in various fields, including paediatrics, have revealed that the life-saving procedures seen in the film are incorrect – in fact life-threatening – or simply fake, including simulated emergency resuscitation techniques being used on already lifeless children. Continue reading White Helmets’ Macabre Manipulation of Dead Children, Staged Chemical Attack | SWEDHR

Here’s why the Deep State Wants AG Jeff Sessions Head on a Platter

Collusion between government regulators and the regulated industries is hard to prosecute, i.e. the flow of money must be carefully established, which requires the full cooperation of all financial institutions.
Although the revolving door policy is too obvious for everyone to see, still the crime needs to be proven beyond reasonable doubt. Continue reading Here’s why the Deep State Wants AG Jeff Sessions Head on a Platter

What Data Are We Keeping About You? | Rand Corp.

The Khazarian Mafia admits that they are collecting data about you and your activities over cyberspace, and they are having a hard time dealing which ones are more relevant than others. They are very worried that they might be forming inaccurate assessments which would lead to the curtailment of your freedoms. Continue reading What Data Are We Keeping About You? | Rand Corp.

Turkey Starts Playing Dangerous Games in Syria | New Eastern Outlook

A series of incidents occurring inside and outside Syria have clearly shown that Turkey is not on the same page with Russia and Iran with regard to the resolution of conflict in Syria. It has revived its “safe zone” strategy, has already started to oppose Iran in the Russian led Astana process… Continue reading Turkey Starts Playing Dangerous Games in Syria | New Eastern Outlook

Decapitating Trump: Deep State Wants to Eliminate AG Jeff Sessions Next

The deeply embedded permanent residents of the Corporatocracy disguising as a Republic are now moving into the removal of Trump’s attorney general Jeff Sessions with the same formula they’ve successfully used against National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, i.e.
… talking to the evil Russians. Continue reading Decapitating Trump: Deep State Wants to Eliminate AG Jeff Sessions Next

We Want the Problem, Now You Sort It Out | US @SCS

First the Golan Heights, now the South China Sea – The United States used to patrol this regularly to ensure “freedom of navigation” for all the nations who claim part (or all) of the sea and the islands within it. Now it is being reported that it has called its aircraft carriers home and left the competing states to sort it out for themselves: hoping, of course, that they won’t. Continue reading We Want the Problem, Now You Sort It Out | US @SCS

Top-level Assassinations & Large-Scale Military Exercises as Covert WW3 Peaks

Upon the toppling of the Deep State from the White House, the assassinations of high-profile personalities have gone up and military exercises continue to increase in numbers and size. Continue reading Top-level Assassinations & Large-Scale Military Exercises as Covert WW3 Peaks

White Helmets: OK for Propaganda vs. Assad / Putin, But No Oscars Please

Hollywood, like the fake news media, has been very antagonistic about Syrian President Basher Al Assad, but very friendly with terrorist White Helmets disguising as a humanitarian relief organization. This group has been featured in numerous mainstream productions to show the world how monstrous both the Assad and Putin governments really are. Continue reading White Helmets: OK for Propaganda vs. Assad / Putin, But No Oscars Please

Russia Calls for Elimination of Khazarian Mafia World Order

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, we are told that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “called Saturday for an end to a world order dominated by the West and said Moscow wanted to establish a ‘pragmatic’ relationship with the United States.” Continue reading Russia Calls for Elimination of Khazarian Mafia World Order

Israel Attacks SAA Positions after McCain Assured Daesh of Continued Support

US Sen. John McCain is profusely enjoying the limelight these days as he moves about his sphere of chaos. His own spokeswoman confirmed that he went to Syria and Iraq to “asses the dynamic conditions on the ground.” Continue reading Israel Attacks SAA Positions after McCain Assured Daesh of Continued Support

Deep State CEO Obama Running Black Ops to Undermine Trump & Alt-Media

Recognizing that Obama has more credibility than Hillary Clinton and still physically fit for administering a protracted war against many independently funded anti-Deep State groups, George Soros is now pouring his resources to underwrite the massive efforts to undermine the unfriendly Donald Trump administration through the facility of Obama’s OFA. Continue reading Deep State CEO Obama Running Black Ops to Undermine Trump & Alt-Media

Was Vitaly Churkin Assassinated in New York?

We could have accepted the diplomatic line that the late Russian ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, who looked to be “in absolute good health,” died after he collapsed at his consulate desk in New York City, if only nobody from the Cabal side said this prior to his “sudden” death…
“2017 is going to be the year of kicking Russia in the ass.”

‘Year of kicking Russia in the ass’: US Senator Graham urges more Russia sanctions

Published time: 19 Feb, 2017 18:38
‘Year of kicking Russia in the ass’: US Senator Graham urges more Russia sanctions
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has said that 2017 is going to be “the year of kicking Russia in the ass” as he threatened Moscow with a new round of sanctions over Moscow’s alleged US election interference.
… Graham said he believed Moscow would try to influence the upcoming elections in Europe. “To our German friends, you’re next. To our friends in France, they’re coming after you. And to my friend Mr. Lavrov, I hope you finally suffer some consequences for what you and your regime have been doing to democracies, and 2017 is going to be the year of kicking Russia in the ass in Congress,” he told delegates at the Bayerischer Hof Hotel on Sunday.

For the Khazarian Mafia, Russia has committed many sins against their globalist plans of total hegemonic control under the intelligence arm of the CIA,

… military arm of the Pentagon, the financial center of London and the behind the scenes Bank of International Settlements [BIS],

… all aided with the regular distraction from the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations and the Rothschild-owned mainstream media.
Whenever possible, the same highly organized criminal syndicate sought to extract retribution from the Russians through media demonization and assassination of people engaged in counter-propaganda,

… economic sanctions, passenger plane bombing, and diplomatic expulsions and outright high-profile assassinations of government functionaries,

… and just a day ago, the “sudden death” of Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin, who had served as a formidable deterrence to the legitimization of more regime changes around the world through the Russian veto at the UN Security Council, should serve as a strong warning to his peer Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
As to the actual weapon used to kill him, a remote cardiac disruptor could certainly serve the purpose. A device that could send a directed electromagnetic signal to disrupt the heart’s normal oscillation, which is actually electrical in nature, can be used to eliminate anybody with an electromagnetically induced “cardiac arrest,” with plausible deniability.
The ex-KGB agent Vladimir Putin should know this type of a weapon, and its possibility of being used to eliminate his friend, is deeply upsetting him.

Russia’s Putin deeply upset by death of U.N. envoy Churkin: agencies cite Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin was deeply upset to learn of the death of Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, Russian news agencies cited Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Monday.
“The head of state highly valued Churkin’s professionalism and diplomatic talent,” Peskov said.


Churkin served not only the interests of Russia, but also the interests of all peace-loving people around the world.

‘Still looking for Iraqi WMDs?’ & other most memorable quotes from Vitaly Churkin

On many occasions over the decade that he served as Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vitaly Churkin has countered attacks by Western diplomats with a pointed turn of phrase. RT looks at six such moments from Churkin’s distinguished career.

The US envoy to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, received this response from Churkin on August 29, 2008, after he condemned Russia’s “invasion” of Georgia.
The five-day conflict started when US-backed Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili launched an attack on Russian peacekeepers in the breakaway region on South Ossetia. Russian forces responded by dismantling Georgia’s NATO-trained military, retreating from the country, and recognizing Ossetia’s independence.

This was Churkin’s reply to UK envoy Matthew Rycroft on February 3, 2017, after Rycroft called Russia’s position on Ukraine an “inversion of reality” and seconded new US Ambassador Nikki Haley’s demand for Russia to “return Crimea” to Ukraine.
“The people of Crimea quite clearly expressed their will in a referendum,” Churkin told Haley, pointing out that the US Constitution begins with the phrase, “We, the people.”

Churkin had this tongue-in-cheek retort for then US ambassador Samantha Power, after she spoke of meeting with the members of “Pussy Riot” on February 6, 2014. The self-described punk-rock activists gained notoriety in Russia and fame in the West after three of their members were arrested for a “performance” at Moscow’s Christ the Savior Cathedral in 2012.

That is how Churkin commented on Power’s emotional speech about the humanitarian situation in Aleppo, where the US-backed rebels were losing a battle to the Russian-backed Syrian Army, on December 13, 2016.
“Please, remember which country you represent. Please, remember the track record of your country,” Churkin told her.

That is how Churkin reacted to a report about the situation in Aleppo by Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O’Brien, on October 27, 2016.
“Give us one fact, please, or leave this kind of storytelling for the novel you may well write later,” the Russian envoy told O’Brien.

Speaking at the UN General Assembly on May 11, 2016, Churkin called on world leaders to remember the organization’s founding principles.
“One should not seek to expand their sphere of control, as it is happening as result of the unrestrained NATO expansion. One should not strive for military dominance, the way US aims to do by creating the global missile defense system,” he added.
“Instead, we should go back to the origins of sensible political thinking, to the slogan ‘the world is undivided,’ to the understanding that the wish to ensure your own security at the expense of others only undermines security globally.”

The Stakes for Trump and All of Us | Paul Craig Roberts

We need to understand, and so does President Trump, that the hoax “war on terror” was used to transform intelligence agencies, such as the NSA and CIA, and criminal investigative agencies, such as the FBI, into Gestapo secret police agencies. Continue reading The Stakes for Trump and All of Us | Paul Craig Roberts

Time to 'Drain the Swamp': Will Soros Find Himself Behind Bars?

American billionaire George Soros has long been known for sponsoring “color revolutions” across the world. However, it looks as if a strikingly similar pattern is now taking shape in the US. Speaking to RT, songwriter Vanessa Feltner, author of an anti-Soros petition, underscored that it’s time to stop Soros and “drain the swamp.” Continue reading Time to 'Drain the Swamp': Will Soros Find Himself Behind Bars?

#Vault7: Wikileaks Drops New Bombshell vs. Deep State

Never in the entire history of the CIA had it exposed itself in this way. But after exposing Flynn of talking to the Russian ambassador, which is not a crime by itself as proven by an FBI investigation [here], the agency also admitted to having withheld vital information to the president as a way of insulting him, Continue reading #Vault7: Wikileaks Drops New Bombshell vs. Deep State

Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech Radiated Leadership Idealism & Wisdom

On a rare occasion, when security leaders from both sides of the Atlantic gathered to hear each other’s policy position on security,  and Vladimir Putin stunned his audience when he basically said that a unipolar world will eventually destroy itself and lead to chaos, directly in front of John McCain, Angela Merkel, and the Israeli delegation, among others. Continue reading Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech Radiated Leadership Idealism & Wisdom

6.7 Magnitude Quake Hits Philippines for Choosing Social Justice Over Abusive Mining

The Philippines assumed the leadership in nickel production after Indonesia closed down some of its nickel mines in 2014. However, the nickel miners in the country are up in arms as 23 mines were slapped with closure orders, earlier this month. Continue reading 6.7 Magnitude Quake Hits Philippines for Choosing Social Justice Over Abusive Mining