All posts by Geopolitics101

Building Bridges

The massive global redevelopment has began.
After recovering full control of the global economy, Eastern nations are unveiling their plans to develop the eastern seaboard that will include a link between Beijing, North Siberia, Alaska, Canada and on to the US mainland.
This project is to be implemented alongside Russia’s rehabilitation and expansion of the Siberian Railways which could be used to transport minerals such as copper, silver, etc.
Although the official line is to use these projects to transport goods and spur tourism related activities in these areas, these colossal endeavors may also pave the way for the production of exotic appliances.
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Origins of Man

Michael Cremo’s archaeological adventure has led him to conclude that our civilization is far older than what’s in the books.
He asserted that, instead of having a planet that is 4 billion years old, there is a cyclical 4 billion period in which civilizations came and went.
Perhaps, if we will try to do it right this time, we might be the first to last longer than that.
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While we can celebrate the ongoing funeral of the worthless paper currency, we can’t help but wonder if promises of better economic conditions will come after China, Russia and Germany formally agree to work together on turning the planet greener.
Back in 2009, an Examiner article exposed a glimpse of what China and Germany are collaborating on:
Continue reading Crossroad

Polarized Intentions 3.0

Eastern nations want unity and unhampered march to progress, but there are those who seek to impose a divided world.
A victim of Nazionist’s Cold War, the Korean Peninsula was divided for Empire’s sake. Yet lies won’t endure as the human’s resolve for seeking the light.
No matter how they project their might in theaters of war and in the privacy of our own homes, the tradition of fear is ending, and the fearsome army of darkness is cowering from the corner of inevitable irrelevance.
We are moving into a new brave new world of our own choosing.  We will get there because we willed it and always believe it to be our only destiny.

Pyongyang calls for Koreas’ federalization & reunification without outside interference

Published time: July 07, 2014 03:31
Edited time: July 07, 2014 04:25
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attends an unveiling ceremony of statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il during the completion ceremony of Songdowon International Children's camp in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang May 3, 2014. (Reuters/ KCNA)
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un attends an unveiling ceremony of statues of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il during the completion ceremony of Songdowon International Children’s camp in this undated photo released by North Korea’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang May 3, 2014. (Reuters/ KCNA)

Continue reading Polarized Intentions 3.0

US CORPORATIONS Are Dumping US$ in Favor of RMB

The Financial Reset is already unfolding right before our very noses. But it is done in a subtle manner to lessen mass disruptions.
Exactly who will benefit largely from this shift is still everyone’s guess, yet still we hope it’s the majority — the 99%.
The US Dollar had lost every reason to be the world’s reserve currency.
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Saudi Joining BRICS to Ditch USD

Everybody with sovereign wealth substantial enough to dictate the global economic direction are making their voices heard, and their action felt.
China and Russia spearheading the establishment of a World Bank of Hard Currencies, e.g. gold, is now being joined by Saudi Arabia which might replicate what Iran has been currently doing in the energy market.
All these moves will have one sure casualty — USDollar.
But what’s in it for us?
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ISIL: A Diversion from Israel's Apartheid Policy

There is no doubt that the Israel government has adopted a policy of displacement against the Palestinians who have all the rights to be in what is now known as Israel, a Rothschild’s WW2 brainchild.
In its most strongest words so far, a senior Iranian cleric accuses Israel of being behind the Takfiri mayhem in Northern Iraq in order to divert the world’s attention from its apartheid policies against the Palestinians.

ISIL covering up Israel crimes, says Iran cleric

This file photo shows ISIL militants in Iraq.

This file photo shows ISIL militants in Iraq.

Continue reading ISIL: A Diversion from Israel's Apartheid Policy

H3O2: The Better Water

There’s another state of water and it has been disclosed out from the black budget project.
As we may already know, at least 80% of the human body is water. It’s even more than that actually. Replenishing all of it would mean 80% new you.
In one case, a lady was prescribed to consume 3 liters a day, and the result was astonishing.
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Goebbels, The Master of Lies

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“Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs” – Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels turned words into a weapon of mass destruction. Dangerous lies spread by the Nazi regime lead to brutal murders and cruelty that continue to shake minds. Join RT to examine some myths of the Goebbels propaganda that shaped the contours of the human catastrophe of WWII.

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China Slaps World Bank

For doing a sloppy job, China just slap the World Bank with its own development bank separate from the BRICS itself.
It’s initial project is to  revive the centuries old Silk Road… However my country’s corporate government, being a complete whore and fully submissive to Washington, keeps on asserting its imagined sovereignty over territories it does not own, for it owns nothing and never has the right to exist in the first place.
Continue reading China Slaps World Bank

Bankers Want GM Putin's Head

The international bankers want Putin’s head and they have $20,000,000,000 painful reasons. A recent revelation by a French source details Putin’s incredible double coup that made Russia gain $20 billion in a few days and recover most of the shares owned by West European and American investors in Russia’s largest energy companies.
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ITCCS Takedown Units Prepare for Pope's Resignation

The unstoppable barrage of Truth coming from the alternative media and cascading into the mainstream consciousness has left the Vatican Hierarchy with no viable options other than to surrender peacefully, or keep pushing the button of Armageddon without knowing it’s been disconnected from its powerbase systematically.
In a chaotic frenzy for cover, some Cabalists are now choosing the exit door to appease the awakened population.  One of these individuals is Bergoglio.
We are anticipating for  his removal or voluntary resignation anytime soon…
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Celebrating the Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

While Western corporate governments are busy fomenting wars everywhere, three Asian countries are celebrating their 60th anniversary of peaceful coexistence, throwing, along the way, a few nuggets of Oriental wisdom, among which:

Chinese president: flexing military muscles does not reflect strength

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Inside the FDA Mafia

by Jon Rappoport
June 22, 2014
I post this piece now and then to show how personal things can get inside a terminally corrupt government agency.
It’s not all about remote decisions made from a great height.
These decisions can come about through the rank intimidation the Mafia exercises with a member who wants to leave the mob and go straight.
As in: “We know where your wife and kids are.”
Continue reading Inside the FDA Mafia

"Ambassador" from the Dragon Family [UPDATED]

Last night, after listening to Dr. Aidun, Keenan, King of Hawaii, through Drake’s weekly update, I found out that the so-called “Ambassador of the Dragon Family” is bogus — another last ditch attempt to sabotage the Collateral Accounts.
The red flag for me was that: he didn’t even get Ben’s surname right 😉 as he commended Swissindo, and other similar questionable groups.
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We are very grateful to all those who responded positively to our urgent appeal for assistance: People like Steven, Jane, and of course, Pamela.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Worldwide Financial Criminal Network 1.0

Here’s a detailed description of who and how the Banksters stole your family’s future…

Worldwide Financial Criminal Network Revealed Part1

(MDC-NYSE) Denver Headquarters of Organized Crime. Illegal Mortgage Backed Securities $100 Trillion, Bank Bailouts, Derivatives $5,000 Trillion and the theft of 12 million American’s Homes through illegal foreclosures.

Continue reading Worldwide Financial Criminal Network 1.0

Inner Earth Disclosure Imminent

We are on the verge of one massive disclosure about the existence an advanced civilization within this planet. We have carried this story two years ago.
Just like the gradual release of Earth-like planets “just discovered” press releases a few months ago, another piecemeal disclosure, this time about the existence of another world several miles just below our feet.
Continue reading Inner Earth Disclosure Imminent

Trial of Pope Francis [ITCCS]

With reference to our previous post and this one from our sister site, Irish babies may have been ritually sacrificed by the most notorious cult in the entire history of mankind, the Vatican.

Breaking News from the Trial of Pope Francis issued by the Citizen Prosecutors’ Office, Brussels – Wednesday, June 11, 2014 – Public Information Bulletin No. 5

In this Report:
• Irish babies may have been ritually murdered : New eyewitnesses in Ireland and Holland describe more Ninth Circle killings, name George Soros, Prince Friso and Dutch Prime Minister
• Direct Action Units prepare to shut down Ninth Circle rituals at Montreal and Dublin churches
• Canadian common law courts convene under the authority of a new Republic
• Child rape not a crime in Catholicism: Archbishop’s admission to American court is a wake up call to why it all must end
Continue reading Trial of Pope Francis [ITCCS]

The Last Card

For months now, we are seeing events showing how desperate the Nazionists really are. Things might go to their worst before we can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.
Days ago, we’ve read that US was deploying 3 B52 Stratofortress strategic bombers to UK. Now, it’s deploying its Stealth B-2 Bombers in Europe. NATO war games and other saber rattling were also conducted, or are still in progress.
They’re down to their last card.
Continue reading The Last Card

Trans-Eurasian Rail Project to Korea

Some of the powerful bloodlines behind the Cabal are in Asia, and the economic power is slowly moving towards the East. Are these bloodlines responsible for it?
Or, is the Dragon Family totally independent from them and is the one responsible for the persistent Asian Economic Miracle?

Russia to extend Trans-Eurasian rail project to Korea

Published time: June 06, 2014 11:57 
Edited time: June 06, 2014 14:35

Continue reading Trans-Eurasian Rail Project to Korea

Reset the World, Not just the Net

Today, a mass movement will start “resetting the net” in order to counter mass surveillance as described by Edward Snowden, the NSA whistle-blower .
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Same group is suggesting the use of Privacy Pack, a collection of apps, tools, and preconfigured browsers to cloak your identity and location.
It’s a good thing that some quarters are doing something to keep our privacy, but this is just another band-aid solution to a systemic disease caused by an aging institution trying to keep its relevance.
It is time for a new operating system for the whole society, not just another reboot.
Continue reading Reset the World, Not just the Net


Pope Francis, Vatican, Jesuits create public acts and media statements covertly responding to the Common Law Court trial – Breaking Interview with Kevin Annett
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VANCOUVER, BC: May 30, 2014 – In a wide-ranging interview with Joshua JD Lemmens of and Alfred Lambremont Webre of ExopoliticsTV, Kevin Annett, Field Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, discusses how Pope Francis, the Vatican, and the Jesuit hierarchy are creating public acts and media statements covertly responding to the Common Law Court trial in which they are defendants.
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Pope references Satanic Mass [ITCCS]

Pope’s reference to “satanic mass” in relation to catholic child rape constitutes “his tacit knowledge” of such a crime: Common Law Court … Outraged Survivors demand Pope’s immediate resignation for “sadistic insensitivity”
An ITCCS Special Breaking Communique – Tuesday, May 27, 2014

News Item: The BBC World News reported today that Jorge Bergoglio (“aka “Pope Francis”) compared the rape of children by catholic priests to the performing of a “satanic mass”

Continue reading Pope references Satanic Mass [ITCCS]

The Trinity Of Global Empire

There are three cities (city-states) across this planet that share striking similarities and play a crucial role in the global governmental system we have long been living under. The three city-states (along with the role they serve) is as follows:

City of London (finance)

Washington DC (military)

Vatican City (religion)

Continue reading The Trinity Of Global Empire

Black Pope Resigning

Due to persistence of action, ITCCS is succeeding in its drive for the removal of the Cabalists, one by one, from the Pulpit of Deception.

ITCCS Breaking News – May 25, 2014 : Accused Child Killer resigns from top Vatican office: Jesuit head Adolfo Pachon makes startling announcement as he stands trial in absentia for Crimes against Humanity

Posted on May 25, 2014
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