All posts by Geopolitics101

“Spike Protein” The Killer in the Bloodstream

“From the beginning Covid has been a conspiracy against health and life. Covid is a profit-making agenda and an agenda for increasing arbitrary government power over people. There should be massive law suits and massive arrests of those who block effective Covid cures and impose a deadly vaccine.” – Paul Craig Roberts, Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan

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Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moïse Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy

As the investigation into Moïse’s murder unfolds, the U.S. is laying the groundwork to deploy troops into Haiti for the fourth time in 106 years, at the request of a figure it has spent decades grooming.

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China Mega Investment Deal With Iran Blows U.S. Out of the Picture

China has just announced that it will invest 400 billion dollars in Iran over a period of 25 years in exchange for a great deal on Iran’s oil – in the latest move of absolute defiance against the U.S. and its secondary sanctions. Where’s this all heading?

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Strategically Resisting the New Dark Age: 7-Day Campaign to Resist “The Great Reset”

Measured by the Christian calendar, the period of about 500 years from the fall of the Roman Empire until the end of the first millennium was a time characterized by economic, intellectual and cultural decline in the European Christian world. In retrospect, it is now referred to as ‘the Dark Age’, even as other cultures, including that of Islam but those in other parts of the world too, thrived during this period.

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Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs

How do you make a potentially dangerous and ineffective drug appear like a miracle of modern science? You could, for instance, enroll only certain people in clinical trials and exclude others or bring the study to a close as soon as you see a spike in the data that implies evidence of effectiveness.

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Myanmar’s Crisis Follows Predictable ‘Libya Model’ Pattern

All too predictably, the crisis in Myanmar has rapidly spiraled out of control with what we were told were “peaceful” “pro-democracy” protesters transforming into heavily armed militants fighting Myanmar’s central government, its police force and its armed forces with war weapons.

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US’ Haphazard Withdrawal from Bagram Air Base Shows No Clear Plan in Afghanistan

Following two decades of occupation that produced no tangible results in the interests of global peace and security, the US reportedly slipped out of Bagram Airfield after dark without notifying the base’s new Afghan commander.

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Spain Will Seize All Property, Suspend All Activities, for “Situation of Interest to National Security”

Usually, when the rule needs to updated in the name of “national security” it’s always about protecting, not the people, but the position of those who have been running the show for so long.

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The US-Russia Bering Strait Rail Tunnel Project

In a recent paper entitled ‘Tomorrow’s Arctic: Theatre of War or Cooperation?’ I introduced readers to the US-Russian grand design which shaped not only the sale of Alaska in October 1867 to the USA for $7.5 million, but also Russia’s involvement in the American Civil War as Czar Alexander II arranged the deployment of Russian military fleets to San Francisco and New York.

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The Horrifying Rise Of Total Mass Media Blackouts On Inconvenient News Stories

Two different media watchdog outlets, Media Lens and Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), have published articles on the complete blackout in mainstream news institutions on the revelation by Icelandic newspaper Stundin that a US superseding indictment in the case against Julian Assange was based on false testimony from diagnosed sociopath and convicted child molester Sigurdur Thordarson.

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NATO Practices Sinking Russian Submarines in the Arctic

NATO began its annual Dynamic Mongoose anti-submarine warfare exercise on June 28 off the coast of Norway in what the military bloc deems the High North: the Arctic region, which it has identified as its domain since 2009. (As it has the Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea and Black Sea.)

The code name for the war games may seem puzzling; there’s a noticeable incongruity with the name of an animal primarily associated with South Asia and Africa used for maneuvers on the top of the world. It’s less baffling when one recalls the mongoose is used to kill snakes. Russian submarines are the snakes.

This year’s iteration includes warships, warplanes and submarines from NATO member states Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Norway and the U.S. Five of those states – Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and the U.S. – are Arctic coastal nations. The others are Finland and Sweden, both NATO Enhanced Opportunities Partners, and Russia. Isolated Russia. Targeted Russia.

Two submarines, six military vessels and eight aircraft are involved.

The Russian submarine fleet is that part of its nuclear triad of delivery systems least vulnerable to a first-strike attack. Missile silos and aircraft on the ground could be destroyed within hours of such an attack. Submarines, then, are Russia’s last line of defense, the only retaliatory force left and as such its main deterrent force.

Neutralizing Russia’s submarines, first or soon in a first strike, would render the nation defenseless in a strategic context. NATO knows that. That’s why it conducts Dynamic Mongoose annually.

NATO’s Allied Command Operations web site quotes the commander of Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 describing the exercise:

“By exercising and validating our anti-submarine warfare capabilities, tactics, techniques and procedures during Dynamic Mongoose 21, NATO will be better prepared to counter, and if necessary, defeat a subsurface threat during an emerging crisis or conflict….I am confident that collectively we will be able to operate effectively in a sub-surface threat environment, where joint warfighting proficiency with submarines, maritime helicopters and maritime patrol aircraft is essential to mission success.”

Shorn of the excess verbiage, the commander was talking about anti-submarine warfare. Nothing else.

The deputy commander of NATO’s Allied Maritime Command added to the above the assertion that “the airbases provided by three Allied Nations [Britain, Iceland and Norway] this year will let us showcase how capable NATO is, in terms of conducting large scale anti-submarine warfare operations in the North Atlantic….”

The NATO press release on the drills also speaks of strengthening NATO interoperability and of submarines taking turns “hunting and being hunted, closely coordinating their efforts with the air and surface participants.”

The Arctic Ocean, especially under the polar ice cap, used to be the final redoubt of Russian strategic capabilities. NATO is determined to eliminate that remaining refuge.

Rick Rozoff, renowned author and geopolitical analyst, actively involved in opposing war, militarism and interventionism for over fifty years. He manages the Anti-Bellum and For peace, against war website

100s More Unmarked Graves Discovered in Canada Residential School

Hundreds of unmarked graves have been discovered on the premises of another former ‘Indian residential school’ in Canada, throwing further light on the extent of the genocide of indigenous children.

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Vatican Hails Vaccinations As ‘One of The Greatest Achievements’ of Modern Science

The official bioethics academy of the Catholic Church has come forward alongside a host of global medical associations to demand an end to the “myths and disinformation” interfering with the fight against Covid-19.

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I Saw Rumsfeld Deliberately Caused the Deaths of U.S. Troops for Personal Gain

In my time as a US intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, I was twice privy to the former US defense secretary’s MO: to manufacture and manipulate ‘intelligence’ so as to start wars. The Devil will need to watch his back.

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The Days of The West Bullying China Are Gone for Good | Xi Jinping

China’s growing confidence was highlighted in a thunderous speech by Xi Jinping at an event to mark the Communist Party’s centenary, at which he promised the country would no longer be oppressed by foreign powers.

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NATO-philes Demand Obedience to International Treaties While Running Roughshod Over Natural Law

Modern international law is enshrined in certain legal principles outlined in the UN Charter which itself is premised on the right of all nations to full sovereignty and non-interference.

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How the CIA Turned Afghanistan into a Failed Narco-State

AFGHANISTAN — The COVID-19 pandemic has been a death knell to so many industries in Afghanistan. Charities and aid agencies have even warned that the economic dislocation could spark widespread famine. But one sector is still booming: the illicit opium trade. Last year saw Afghan opium poppy cultivation grow by over a third while counter-narcotics operations dropped off a cliff.

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With Bezos at the Helm, Democracy Dies at the Washington Post Editorial Board

In the Soviet Union, everybody was aware that the media was controlled by the state. But in a corporate state like the U.S., a veneer of independence is still maintained, although trust in the media has been plummeting for years.

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The COVID Lockdowns Showed Us How Dangerous Social Engineers Have Become

Since the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, governments around the world, along with a handful of unelected medical experts, have been behaving as though they are the social engineers of totalitarian regimes (e.g., fascism, Nazism, and communism).

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Uncensored History: Who Were the Khazars?

There is an unknown empire that is barely mentioned in western history books, education institutions, in the media or in Hollywood.  The name is not mentioned anywhere especially in the West, and that is why most people never heard about it.  It was called Khazaria, it was an empire that still remains relatively unknown today.

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UK SPI-B Scientists Admit COVID19 Scare Tactics Unethical & Totalitarian

Governments are using fear to control and manipulate their citizens. That has now been admitted by members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior (SPI-B), a subcommittee that advises the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) in the U.K. And they should know, because they advocated for it, and now say it was a regrettable mistake. As reported by The Telegraph, May 14, 2021:1

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World’s Nuclear Arms on High Operational Alert — & Ready to Strike

The world’s nine nuclear armed states have downsized their military arsenals, but made up for their loss by increasing the number of weapons on high operational alert, according to a new report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

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Have the Great Reset Technocrats Really Thought This Through?

With the UN World Food Program announcing that some 270 million people worldwide now face starvation, the ongoing debate about the real aims of the technocracy is profound. The question is whether their aim tends more towards major population reduction, or more towards a new type of slavery.

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UN Security Council: World Peace and Security Ignored (1950-2021)

From 1950 through May 23, 2021, the mandate of the UN Security Council has been either violated or ignored, contributing to the gross destabilization of the world, and the Security Council has authorized four virtually genocidal wars through resolutions based upon fabricated justifications. 

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Rothschild Dynasty is Seeking to Fulfill Kalergi Depopulation Agenda

The Venetians were once the most powerful maritime force in Europe, with an Empire that traversed the Eurasian continent. By aligning with mercenary armies of Khazars, Mongolians and Turks, they slashed and burned their way through one community after another, killing millions of people and seizing their wealth.

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Florida Appeals Court Rules Mask Mandate is Unconstitutional

In April, I wrote a column outlining the constitutional violations of mask mandates and asking why the courts have failed to abide by the line of Supreme Court cases protecting the right to bodily integrity. Well, on Friday a Florida appeals court did exactly that, perhaps in more emphatic language than a Kentucky judge last week.

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Lobotomized Economists Clash on the Deck of the Titanic

As the geniuses running the western financial bubble sometimes called an “economy” continue to double down on their obsession to pump a dead financial system with ever more trillions in stimulus spending, arguments are raging among brainwashed economists living in denial over the oncoming systemic collapse.

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A Sinister Agenda Behind California Water Crisis?

In recent months a crisis situation in the USA food supply has been growing and is about to assume alarming dimensions that could become catastrophic. Atop the existing corona pandemic lockdowns and unemployment, a looming agriculture crisis as well could tip inflation measures to cause a financial crisis as interest rates rise.

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Government Data Will Pour Into Private AI Research At Scale

Massive storehouses of personal data on American citizens have been opened up like so many cans of sardines to be served up to the AI community for machine learning purposes. The $250 billion initiative is a windfall for Technocrats and a step closer to Scientific Dictatorship for Americans.

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Western Gov’ts & Businesses are About to Feel the Heat of Chinese Countermeasures

The days when the US and its allies could sanction those they dislike with impunity are over. A new “counter-sanctions” bill from Beijing sets the legal framework to hit them back hard where it hurts, financially and commercially.

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Nicaragua: How Billion-Dollar Foundations Fund NGOs to Manipulate U.S. Foreign Policy

The U.S. foreign policy is increasingly promoted by billionaire-funded foundations. The neoliberal era has created individuals with incredible wealth who, through “philanthropy,” flex their influence and feel good at the same time.

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