All posts by Geopolitics101

CIA Chief ‘behind Soleimani’s assassination’ Killed in Downed Plane in Afghanistan | Taliban

Russian intelligence sources have claimed that Michael D’Andrea, head of CIA operations in Iran and who orchestrated the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, was killed in a US spy plane downed yesterday in Ghazni, Afghanistan.

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Did MOSSAD Reciprocate Trump’s Soelimani Ambush with Kobe Bryant Copter Crash?

Kobe Bryant was one of several celebrities directly criticizing Trump’s “divisive, aggressive rhetorics.” Is it possible that the Israeli MOSSAD is actively eliminating Trump’s political enemies as a token of appreciation for the latter’s significant contribution to the Greater Israel Project in the Middle East?

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Does the US Military “Own the Weather”?

First published in September 2017, this article is of relevance to the ongoing protest movement and debate on Climate Change (COP25)

“Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.” (Study Commissioned by the US Air Force: Weather as a Force Multiplier, Owning the Weather in 2025, August 1996) 

Continue reading Does the US Military “Own the Weather”?

In the Name of “Security” U.S. Gives Israel Billions More in Military Funding

Billions of US tax-payers’ money will continue to be funneled into Israel in the next fiscal year, and for many years in the foreseeable future. Republican and Democratic Senators have recently achieved just that, passing a bill aimed at providing Israel with $3.3 billion in annual aid. 

Continue reading In the Name of “Security” U.S. Gives Israel Billions More in Military Funding

Severe Torture in Israeli Prisons Targets Palestinian Steadfastness

In the last months of 2019 and early 2020, a growing number of cases of severe physical torture against Palestinian detainees carried out by Israeli Shin Bet interrogators have been documented. While torture and abuse of various kinds have been a mainstay of the Israeli interrogation process, after a 1999 Israeli Supreme Court ruling and amid widespread international attention, torture under interrogation for some years focused on physical and psychological techniques that were less likely to leave physical scars. However, these tactics, including sleep deprivation, extreme heat and cold, solitary confinement and the use of prolonged shackling in painful positions, are often effective in extracting coerced confessions.

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Hard Evidence on Israeli Torture Against Palestinian Detainees

Since its creation, the occupying state developed and enforced laws and practices that led to both the systematic use of torture and to absolute impunity for the perpetrator of this crime. There has never been any individual or agency held accountable for the well-documented crimes of torture and ill treatment at Israeli prisons and interrogation centers.

Continue reading Hard Evidence on Israeli Torture Against Palestinian Detainees

US Election 2020: A Circus Then, a Circus Now | Chris Hedges

Here, in this reposted column from Jan. 7, 2019, are his thoughts about the then-nascent presidential election campaign.

It is January 2019. This signals the start of the 2020 election circus. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is the first big-name Democrat on stage. But we will soon be deluged with candidates, bizarre antics and endless commentary by fatuous TV and radio pundits.

The hyperventilating, the constant polling, the updates on who has the largest campaign war chest, the hypothetical matches between this hopeful and that hopeful, the mocking tweets by Donald Trump, will, as we saw in the 2016 election campaign, have as much relevance to our lives and political future as the speculation on cable sports channels about next year’s football season. This farce takes the place of genuine political life.

It costs a lot of money to mount this spectacle. Our corporate masters, like the oligarchic rulers of ancient Rome who poured money into the arena as they stripped the empire and its citizens of their assets, are happy to oblige.

The campaign sustains the fiction of a democracy and gives legitimacy to the corporate state. Maybe Hillary Clinton, who raised $1 billion in her 2016 run for president, will return for another season, although the Bill and Hillary tour is now a debacle with empty seats and slashed ticket prices.

Maybe Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will make comebacks. And what about the new faces in the scramble for the presidency—Beto O’Rourke, former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., former Housing Secretary Julian Castro, Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg?

It is a political version of the reality television show “Survivor.” Who will be the first knocked out? Who will make it into the semifinals and the finals? Who is the most devious and cunning? Who will come out on top?

We get to vote for the contestants that appeal to us most, or at least vote against those we hate the most. The cable news shows, in a prelude to the nonstop idiocy to come, have spent the last few days speculating about whom Mitt Romney will endorse in the 2020 race. Now there’s a burning question of national importance.

To take power in 2021 in lieu of any real policy changes, the Democratic Party is banking on the deep animus toward President Trump. It has no intention of instituting genuine populist programs, rebuilding unions, funding universal health care, providing free college tuition or curbing the criminal activities of the corporations and the big banks.

The war machine will continue to wage endless war and consume half of all discretionary spending. The vaunted new populist members of Congress will be no more than window dressing, trotted out, like Sanders, to trick voters into thinking the Democratic Party is capable of reform. Most voters, for this reason, are “voting out of loathing, against enemies and against the system in general, not really for anybody,” as journalist Matt Taibbi points out.

Working men and women especially despise the slick-talking politicians—including the Clintons and Barack Obama—and the “experts” and well-groomed pundits on their screens who sold them the con that deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, bailing out the banks, nearly two decades of constant war, the exporting of jobs overseas, tax cuts for the rich and the impoverishment of the working class were forms of progress.

Trump hangs on to the support of white working Americans because he expresses through his adolescent insults and dynamiting of political norms the legitimate hatred they feel toward the well-heeled, college-educated ruling elites who sold them out. The Democrats, at the same time, understand that it takes someone as revolting as Trump to fire up their lethargic base, a group in which millions do not vote. They cling to a tactic of “anybody but Trump” even though it did not work in 2016.

The corporate media ignores issues and policies, since there is little genuine disagreement among the candidates, and presents the race as a beauty contest. The fundamental question the press asks is not what do the candidates stand for but whom do the voters like. As for now, Warren—the only nationally known Democrat except Julian Castro to form an exploratory committee for a presidential bid—is not winning this popularity contest.

A CNN/Des Moines Register Iowa poll—yes, polling in Iowa already has begun—puts her fourth, with only 8 percent of support among the Democrats surveyed, behind Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Beto O’Rourke.

Our corporate rulers do not need to denounce democracy. Democratic laws, such as who can fund campaigns, have been subverted from within, their original purposes redefined by the courts and legislative bodies to serve corporate power. This managed democracy has transformed elections from the simple, straightforward process of voting for a party platform or party positions to vast, choreographed theatrical productions.

Politicians run on “moral” issues and use public relations experts to create manufactured personalities. Trump, his image constructed by a reality television show, proved more adept than his rivals at playing this game the last time around.

Politicians must stick to the script. They have well-defined roles. They express a suffocating, reality-defying positivism about the future of America. They are steadfast in their obsequious praise of the nation’s “heroes” in the military and law enforcement. They are silent about the crimes of empire.

They ignore the plight of the poor; indeed the word “poor” is banished from their vocabulary. They pretend we do not live in a corporate oligarchy, although they acknowledge amorphous attacks on the middle class and promise to stem the assault.

They exude a cloying feel-your-pain compassion that revolves around personal stories of the hardships they overcame in their own lives to become “successes”—the most ludicrous being Trump’s claim that he turned a “very small” loan from his father into a multibillion-dollar real estate empire.

They telegraph to us that they are one of us. We can be like them. They trot out their wives, husbands and children, even when a spouse like Melania Trump looks as if she has been taken hostage, to portray themselves as family men and women.

They claim they are outsiders, ignoring their long political careers and their status as members of the wealthy ruling elite. They are no different from the array of self-help gurus who ignore systemic injustice and social decay to peddle schemes for personal success. The formula is universal. It is the triumph of artifice, what Benjamin DeMott called “junk politics.”

Those who do not play this game, like Ralph Nader, or who like Sanders play it begrudgingly—Sanders refused corporate money, has called for reforming “the bloated and wasteful $716 billion annual Pentagon budget” and addresses issues of class—are ridiculed and marginalized by a monochromatic corporate media that banishes qualification, ambiguity, nuance and genuine dialogue.

Trump’s success as a candidate came, in large part, because of the constant media attention he received. Those like Sanders who attempt to defy the rules of the game are punished. The goal is entertainment. Politicians who are good entertainers do well. The poor entertainers do badly.

The networks seek to attract viewers and increase profits, not disseminate information about political issues. Voters have little or no say in who decides to run, who gets funded, how campaigns are managed, what television ads say, which candidates get covered by the press or who gets invited to presidential debates. They are spectators, pawns used to legitimize political farce.

“At issue is more than crude bribery,” the political philosopher Sheldon Wolin writes in “Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Spector of Inverted Totalitarianism.” “Campaign contributions are a vital tool of political management. They create a pecking order that calibrates, in strictly quantitative and objective terms, whose interests have priority.

The amount of corruption that regularly takes place before elections means that corruption is not an anomaly but an essential element in the functioning of managed democracy. The entrenched system of bribery and corruption involves no physical violence, no brown-shirted storm troopers, no coercion of the political opposition.

While the tactics are not those of the Nazis, the end result is the inverted equivalent. Opposition has not been liquidated but rendered feckless.”

This process, Wolin writes, has turned the electorate into “a hybrid creation, part cinematic and part consumer. Like a movie or TV audience, it would be credulous, nurtured on the unreality of images on the screen, the impossible feats and situations depicted, or the promise of personal transformation by a new product. In this the elites were abetted by the long-standing American tradition of dramatic evangelism and its fostering of collective fervor and popular fantasies of the miraculous.

It was no leap of faith from the camp meetings of the nineteenth century and the Billy Sundays of the twentieth century to the politically savvy televangelist of the twenty-first century.”

The corporations that own the media and the two major political parties have a vested interest in making sure there is never serious public discussion about issues ranging from our disastrous for-profit health care system and endless wars to the virtual tax boycott that large corporations have legalized. The corporate system is presented as sacrosanct and the ruling ideology of neoliberalism as natural law. The corporations are funding the show. They get what they pay for.

Sanders, it appears, will run again as a Democrat, despite the theft of the 2016 nomination by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party hierarchy. His next campaign, to quote Samuel Johnson, will be the triumph of hope over experience. The Democratic establishment and the media sharks will, if Sanders uses the old playbook, devour him. They have already severely diminished his stature by turning him into Clinton and Chuck Schumer’s barking seal.

The differences between the right-wing media and the liberal media are minuscule. As Taibbi writes in “Insane Clown President: Dispatches From the 2016 Circus,” they are “really just two different strategies of the same kind of nihilistic lizard-brain sensationalism.

The ideal CNN story is a baby down a well, while the ideal Fox story is probably a baby thrown down a well by a Muslim terrorist or an ACORN activist. Both companies offer the same service, it’s just that the Fox version is a little kinkier.”

“Elections are about a lot of things, but at the highest level, they’re about money,” Taibbi writes. “The people who sponsor election campaigns, who pay hundreds of millions of dollars to fund the candidates’ charter jets and TV ads and 25-piece marching banks, those people have concrete needs. They want tax breaks, federal contracts, regulatory relief, cheap financing, free security for shipping lanes, anti-trust waivers and dozens of other things.”

“They mostly don’t care about abortion or gay marriage or school vouchers or any of the social issues the rest of us spend our time arguing about. It’s about the money for them, and as far as that goes, the CEO class has had a brilliantly winning electoral strategy for a generation. They donate heavily to both parties, essentially hiring two different sets of politicians to market their needs to the population.

The Republicans give them everything that they want, while the Democrats only give them mostly everything. They get everything from the Republicans because you don’t have to make a single concession to a Republican voter. All you have to do to secure a Republican vote is show lots of pictures of gay people kissing or black kids with their pants down or Mexican babies at an emergency room.”

The Republican strategy of playing to the lowest common denominator ensured that eventually the useful idiots would take over and elect one of their own, in Donald Trump. Trump is the epitome of the human mutation produced by an illiterate, dumbed-down age of electronic images. He, like tens of millions of other Americans, believes anything he sees on television. He does not read. He is consumed by vanity and the cult of the self. He is a conspiracy theorist.

He blames America’s complex social and economic ills on scapegoats such as Mexican immigrants and Muslims, and of course the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party, in turn, blames Trump’s election on Russia and former FBI Director James Comey. It is the theater of the absurd.

The childish gibberish Trump speaks is the new language of political discourse. His taunting tweets against his enemies are countered by his enemies with taunting tweets against him. These grade-school-level insults dominate the daily news cycle. The political process, captured by commercial interests, devolved to Trump’s imbecilic level. The presidential election of 2020 has begun. The circus, with its freaks, con artists and clowns, is open for business.

Chris Hedges is a Truthdig columnist, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, a New York Times best-selling author, a professor in the college degree program offered to New Jersey state prisoners by Rutgers…

Mr. Fish, also known as Dwayne Booth, is a cartoonist who primarily creates for and Mr. Fish’s work has also appeared nationally in The Los Angeles Times, The Village Voice, Vanity…

U.N. Suppressing Own Evidence Absolving Syria from ISIS Staged Chemical Attack

The Rothschild-controlled United Nations’ own Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) fact-finding investigation has found no evidence that the Syrian government has any culpability to the ISIS-staged “chemical attack” on Douma residents, years ago. Yet, its final report, as compiled by an undisclosed party who were not on site during the investigation, concluded that there were some reasonable grounds to put the blame on Assad’s government.

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A Very Stable Genius: Trump ‘Dumbfounded’ re Sarcastic Title of A Book About His Presidency

US President Donald Trump placed an advance order to purchase 10,000 copies of a book about his presidency titled “A Very Stable Genius,” days before aides realized that the title is sarcastic.

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Soleimani Fallout Continues to Produce Diplomatic Dividends for Russia

Ahead of this year’s Munich Security Conference, due to begin on February 14th, its chairman Wolfgang Ischinger praised what he called President Putin’s “method” concerning security-issues in the Middle East.

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This Man Deserves to Replace Assange at Belmarsh Prison, But Scotland Yard Covers Up

As the whole world knows by now, Julian Assange is being drugged and subjected in a solitary confinement for doing what every journalist worth his salt should do. This is being done to serve as a strong warning against all truth tellers out there, while the more deserving criminal is still at large, thanks to the active suppression of evidence by the Scotland Yard.

Continue reading This Man Deserves to Replace Assange at Belmarsh Prison, But Scotland Yard Covers Up

Three Reasons Trump Ordered Soleimani’s Killing

President Donald Trump’s administration has trotted out an embarrassingly inconsistent series of justifications for the recent drone strike in Iraq that killed top Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. The ever-changing story of why Soleimani was killed underscores the Trump administration’s thin rationale for an action so provocative that it could have triggered an all-out war.

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U.S. Says 11 US Troops Wounded in Iranian Missile Attack Despite Earlier Denials

The United States military has said that 11 of its troops were wounded in an Iranian retaliatory missile attack last week despite Washington’s initial claim denying casualties.

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Israel Tech Firm Has Access to the U.S. Government’s Most Classified Networks

Through its main investors, SoftBank and Lockheed Martin, Cybereason not only has ties to the Trump administration but has its software running on some of the U.S. government’s most classified and secretive networks.

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Stop Buying Iranian Oil or Face Sanctions | Trump told China

In more than one occasions, the US President Donald Trump has tweeted about how much he loves the Iranian people, and even prodded Iran government to not kill them while doing the protests against everything bad about the country. Covertly, he also pressured China not to buy oil from Iran, as part of the US-China trade deal.

Continue reading Stop Buying Iranian Oil or Face Sanctions | Trump told China

The Real Reason the U.S. is Interested in Iran

The American obsession with Iran is about oil and natural gas. If these two resources had been absent, it is hard to imagine such an intense American focus on the country from the time of a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency-backed coup of Iran’s elected government in 1953 to today. The Foreign Policy magazine piece linked above is based on declassified CIA documents and summarizes the coup this way: “Known as Operation Ajax, the CIA plot was ultimately about oil.”

By Kurt Kobb |

This should come as no surprise. Iran was an oil power back in 1953 and it remains one today. Iran is presumed to have the third largest oil reserves in the world and the second largest natural gas reserves. Even if the numbers cited are somewhat inflated, Iran’s reserves are not small, and the country is likely to play a large role in world energy markets for many years to come.

The recent escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran because of the U.S. assassination of a prominent, popular and by all accounts highly effective Iranian general will allow the advocates of war to trot out all manner of excuses for such a war: terrorism, regime change, the credibility of the United States, Iran’s nonexistent nuclear weapons, and the United States’ geostrategic posture vis-à-vis big power rivals such as Russia and China. (Does anyone really know what the last one means?)

What won’t be discussed are the deep historical antagonisms which have developed starting with the 1953 CIA-backed coup. For example, few people remember that the United States supplied economic aid, dual-use (both civilian and military use) technology, training and arms through other countries to Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq War. Saddam invaded Iran thinking he could take advantage of the chaos in that country right after the 1979 revolution. In this war Iraq attacked major Iranian cities including Tehran with ballistic missiles and used poison gas on the battlefield. Iran is said to have suffered over 1 million deaths during the eight years of conflict which also created a large class of disabled people.

It turns out that the Iranian focus on America and its worldwide military, intelligence (covert and otherwise) and diplomatic operations is but a mirror image of the American focus on Iran and its worldwide network of intelligence and allied surrogates that Iran uses to strike at the United States and its allies.

Behind it all are the vast stores of hydrocarbons that make Iran’s power possible and its importance substantial in the world. What is strange about this American obsession is that successive American administrations, both Republican and Democratic, have told us that soaring domestic production of oil and natural gas from shale deposits in the United States would free us from foreign sources and lighten our military and security burden abroad. “Energy dominance” became the watchword in the U.S. oil and gas industry.

U.S. net imports of crude oil have dropped from 10 million barrels per day (mbpd) 15 years ago to around 3 mbpd today. And, because of its vast refining capacity, the United States exports about 3 mbpd of refined petroleum products. While the United States remains connected to world markets, the country is far less dependent on foreign sources of oil than in the past.

For natural gas U.S. marketed production now exceeds U.S. consumption. The United States has become an exporter of natural gas.

So, why is the U.S. government and national security establishment still obsessing over Iran? Here are three possible energy-related explanations:

1. There isn’t as much U.S. shale oil and natural gas as we are being told.

This is a real possibility. This independent report—actually an update of previous reports—concludes that forecasts of abundance by the U.S. Energy Information Administration are “extremely optimistic” and “highly unlikely to be realized.” The report is based on actual well histories and not industry hype about future resources.

Others who have started to look closely at the data agree that the industry has overblown the potential from shale. And, investors have finally wised up to the fact that the shale industry as a whole has done nothing but destroy their capital over the last decade, losing 80 percent of its market value as of the middle of 2019.

Free cash flow has been consistently negative for almost all the major players which has forced them time and time again to raise money through the bond and equity markets. Unfortunately for investors, these infusions didn’t stabilized shale players. Investors were just throwing good money after bad. Now those investors are finally pulling back.

In short, the shale boom is not sustainable financially or technologically. The “miracle” technology that is bringing oil and natural gas not previously available out of the ground has never been able to make the industry as a whole profitable. Eventually, that will be reflected in production numbers as investors only finance those few players and few prospects that can actually make money.

2. Iran is a competitor of the U.S. oil industry.

Despite Iran’s vast oil and natural gas reserves, its exports have fallen dramatically due to sanctions placed on it by the United States and forced on other countries whose companies do business in America.

The cuts in Iranian oil exports have kept low prices in the oil markets from getting even lower and affecting U.S.-based oil operations negatively. By keeping sanctions in place and continually working toward zero exports from Iran, the U.S. administration is also helping to keep oil prices higher than they otherwise would be and this helps the domestic U.S. oil industry whether the administration intends this result or not.

3. Iranian energy exports are a way for Iran to extend its influence.

Pakistan backed out of a pipeline project last year because of sanctions imposed by the United States on Iran. The pipeline would have brought Iranian natural gas into the country. The pipeline was originally planned to bring natural gas to India as well before that country pulled out of the project. The U.S. government clearly wants to prevent Iran from using its energy exports to give it leverage with other countries.

No one can say for certain whether current tensions between the United States and Iran will spiral into war. But remember: When they tell you it’s not about oil (and natural gas), you can be certain that these resources are at the center of American motives. Absent these resources it would be difficult to understand the United States’ decades-long obsession with Iran.

Kurt Cobb is a freelance writer and communications consultant who writes frequently about energy and environment. His work has also appeared in The Christian Science…

U.S. Defense Secretary Admits He ‘didn’t see’ Trump’s Evidence About Soleimani Planning Attacks

President Donald Trump warned that Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani was planning “imminent” attacks against Americans, but his own defense secretary seems to be unable to back this claim.

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CONFIRMED: Israel Supplied the Key Intelligence for U.S. Assassination of Iran’s Soleimani

This latest revelation should not surprise anyone who has been actively following the exploits of the current Trump Administration and its partner organization, Israel’s Netanyahu government.

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Official ISIS Newspaper ‘Thanks God’ for Trump Killing Iran’s General Soleimani

It was only a matter of time before US President Donald Trump got the recognition he deserved for America’s military exploits these past two weeks. Yesterday, Trump received glowing praise from the official international ISIS newspaper, Al Naba, highlighting Washington’s assassination of Iranian IRGC’s General Qasem Soleimani on January 3rd.

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What Part of “Go home” Don’t You Understand? – Iraq to US

Even amongst Iraq’s more pro-US factions, the calls for “Yankee go home” have grown increasingly louder. Yet, there are some sectors who still argued that when the resolution was passed to evict the US forces from Iraq, there were only Shia legislators and no Sunnis attending the session.

Continue reading What Part of “Go home” Don’t You Understand? – Iraq to US

Butcher of the Worst Kind: The Deeper Story Behind Trump’s Assassination of Soleimani

Mainstream media pundits are now talking about “de-escalation” between Iran and the US, after “both sides have fooled everyone that they have achieved victory.” Is that how cheap the life of a man who dedicated his better days fighting against the Deep State controlled ISIS and Al Qaeda terror groups?

Continue reading Butcher of the Worst Kind: The Deeper Story Behind Trump’s Assassination of Soleimani

Satellite Photos Confirm Iranian “Warning Slap” Missile Precision

Four decades of dealing with Western imperialist ambitions in the Middle East have taught the Iranians to rely on their own capability to repel future aggression by way of advancing its military capabilities. The short-range ballistic missile strikes into a US military airbase were not only successful, but also show precision, i.e. targeting only the equipment over personnel.

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Putin’s Visit Coincided with Syrian Arab Army Preparation to Clear Idlib of ISIS

Russian President Vladimir Putin has not issued any direct pronouncements yet on Trump’s decision to assassinate Gen. Qassem Soleimani, but his recent visits to Turkey and Syria, all suggest he’s not sitting idly by while the Middle East is exploding again.

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80 Killed, 200 Wounded US Army Personnel in the First Wave of Iranian Reprisal

As part of the send-off ceremony of the most accomplished general against global counter-terrorism, Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps started heavy ballistic missile attacks on US Ein Al-Assad airbase in Southwestern Iraq near the border with Syria, early Wednesday morning.

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Military Contractors Raytheon, Lockheed Martin See Stock Prices Soar Amid Iran Crisis

Lockheed Martin, famous for its fighter planes, helicopters and missiles, saw its stock price spike to over $416, a jump of seven percent almost overnight. Raytheon and General Dynamics saw similar increases.

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Gen. Qassem Soleimani: The World’s Most Accomplished Military Figure in Counter-terrorism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst and author described Iran’s IRGC Quds Force Commander Major General Qassem Soleimani as the “world’s most accomplished military figure” in the field of counter-terrorism.

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Trump Threatens to Destroy Iranian Cultural Sites Just like ISIS Did in Syria

Donald Trump is showing the world what terror he is capable of inflicting on any country having the courage to stand up against American abuses in their territory. Right after his successful killing of Qassem Soleimani, he warned the Iranians not to retaliate, or the mighty US bombs will rain down on Iran, just like it did to Iraq, some decades ago.

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Trump’s Biggest Gamble Yet May Set the Entire Middle East Alight

The assassination of Iran’s top general is not only going to wreak havoc on America’s allies in the region. It is also going to divide the Arab world just at the very time when diplomacy was working. Was that the real aim of the hit?

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Khazarian Jews Celebrate Trump’s Killing of Soleimani, but it Could Be Shortlived

Khazarian Jews all over are celebrating the successful assassination of the most revered Iranian commander, Qassem Soleimani, on orders of US Butcher Donald Trump.

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Legendary Iranian Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Soleimani Assassinated on Trump’s Order

Donald Trump just crossed the red line when he ordered the assassination of the most respected commander of the Iranian Quds Force, Major General Qassem Soleimani. This action will put all US forces at risk of retaliation from Iranian sympathizers across the Middle East and beyond.

PressTV reports,

Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), have been killed in US airstrikes in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

The IRGC announced in a statement on Friday morning that Major General Soleimani and al-Muhandis were martyred in the attack carried out by US helicopters.

The Iraqi pro-government group also confirmed the incident. 

“The deputy head of the Hashed, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and head of the Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani, were killed in a US strike that targeted their car on the Baghdad International Airport road,” it said in a statement on Friday.

“The American and Israeli enemy is responsible for killing the mujahideen Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and Qassem Soleimani,” said Ahmed al-Assadi, a PMU spokesman. 

The group had earlier said that its public relations director Mohammed Reza al-Jaberi and four other members of the group were also killed after three Katyusha rockets struck a military base next to Baghdad International Airport in the Iraqi capital.

The media bureau of the voluntary forces – better known by the Arabic word Hashd al-Shabai – described the early Friday morning attack as a  “cowardly US bombing”.

The rockets landed near the air cargo terminal, burning two vehicles and injuring several people, the Iraqi Interior Ministry’s Security Media Cell said in an earlier statement.

Shortly after the attack, US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that the strikes were carried out against two targets linked to Iran in Baghdad. The officials declined to give any further details.

Meanwhile, security sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that eight people were killed in the attack.

The development came as the United States military said on Sunday it had carried out strikes in western Iraq against Kataib Hezbollah group, which is part of the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units – better known by the Arabic word Hashd al-Sha’abi.

Iraqi security sources said at least 25 fighters were killed and at least 55 wounded following the air attacks.

 Senior Iraqi officials also condemned the US attack against the Kataib Hezbollah’s positions as a “violation of Iraqi sovereignty”.

Caretaker Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi called the move a “dangerous escalation that threatens the security of Iraq and the region” in a statement on Sunday,

Abdul Mahdi said US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper had called him about half an hour before the US raids to tell him of the US intentions to hit Kataib Hezbollah’s bases. He said he asked Esper to call off US plans.

Iraqi caretaker President Barham Salih also condemned the attack.

The US raids drew a wave of condemnation from officials and movements across the region, and triggered furious public protests outside the US embassy in Baghdad.

The United States’ Embassy in Baghdad has been evacuated after thousands of angry Iraqi demonstrators gathered outside the gates of the compound to condemn Washington’s fatal military aggression that targeted Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU).

The Pentagon said the bombings were in response to attacks targeting American forces near the oil-rich northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk last week, which reportedly killed a US civilian contractor and injured four US service members, as well as two members of the Iraqi security forces. The US accused Kataib Hezbollah group of the attack.

Therefore, it is wrong for the White House to justify the assassination of Soleimani as a retaliation of the angry protestors outside of the US Embassy in Baghdad.

The Americans started the whole thing somewhere else.

Israel is an expert in starting a war by killing somebody that would provide a pretext for a US intervention. Trump only needs a slight push in favor of Israel, especially when it comes to Iran.

Soleimani was on a diplomatic mission for peace on White House’s invitation

Even more devastating for the Trump administration is the leaked information that it was a diplomatic ambush from the very beginning.

No magic intercepts were needed, we now learn from Iraq, to arrange for the assassination of Soleimani.  We now learn that the ambush was staged through diplomatic channels, drawing Soleimani to Iraq in order to receive an offer of reduced sanctions from President Trump.

General Qassem Soleimani landed in Iraq to meet with PM Adel Mahdi, who was to be given a message for Iran by President Trump.  He was murdered instead, the diplomatic note from Secretary of State Michael Pompeo to the Iranian envoy, Soleimani, was, in fact, an invitation to an ambush.

Soleimani flew from Damascus and was killed as he left the diplomatic check-in at the Baghdad International Airport.

Iraq had been acting as intermediary between Tehran and Washington with General Soleimani acting as diplomatic representative of Iran.

Soleimani had been asked by the Iraqi government to organize and train the forces that defeated ISIS, a process that was continuing as it had been continuing in Syria in partnership with Russia and Turkey, as part of the Astana Coalition.

The actual assassination was successfully conducted with the real-time coordinates supplied by the Israelis.


Starting another war in the Middle East – is this Trump’s way out of the ongoing impeachment lodged against him?

We all know that Bibi Netanyahu was using the same tactic in order to survive an election, and the corruption charges filed against him and his wife. Is Trump following Netanyahu’s footstep, without thinking about the thousands of consequences for such an unprovoked action?

Or is this really the plan from the very beginning?… to create the need for the military industrial complex to come in, and shore up the price of “defense” related stocks in the market, where Trump himself has huge investments in?

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Qassem Soleimani (L) stands at the frontline during offensive operations against Islamic State militants in the town of Tal Ksaiba in Salahuddin province March 8, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer

The gamechanging entry of the Iranian Quds Brigade under the command of Major General Qassem Soleimani into the Syrian theater of war against ISIS invasion of Syria is one of his most stellar accomplishments against Israel and the CIA.

“You are witnessing what they [the Americans] are doing in Iraq and Syria. They are taking revenge on Hashd al-Sha’abi because it paralyzed and [eventually] eliminated Daesh, which they [the Americans] had created and nurtured,” the Leader said at a meeting on Wednesday…

‘Foreign spy services had hand in riots’

Ayatollah Khamenei also commented on the violent riots that hit several Iranian cities in mid-November on the back of a series of popular protests over a government decision to increase fuel prices.

The Leader said the people had some demands, but that the enemy quickly intervened to take advantage of those demands and commit acts of vandalism.

The people’s vigilance came to light when they broke ranks with the rioters, who were trying to hide behind ordinary protesters.

“The main culprits of the mid-November riots and the attacks on infrastructure such as gasoline storage sites, wheat warehouses and public property were linked to foreign intelligence agencies,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

On the first day of the riots, the Leader added, the Americans jumped for joy, but they became disappointed shortly afterwards as the riots came to end and they failed to achieve what they wanted.

The Iraqis and their government have since been working with the Iranians after realizing that they were just pawns in the “war of terror”, which only benefits Israel and petrodollar countries in the Middle East.

This Iran-Iraq security cooperation is part of a larger coordinated action against the Western Criminal Cabal that has been fomenting endless wars wherever energy and other rare natural resources are present.

Just a few days ago, a combined naval exercise was held between Iran, China and Russia near Iranian waters, in order to send a message that both Russia and China will not stand idly by while the US is demonizing and sanctioning Iran without cause.

Despite of this warning, the Soleimani assassination is nothing short of a US declaration of war against Iran, and it has Trump’s signature in it.

Is the US prepared for another round of Eastern Alliance multipronged offensives?

Others have understood this Trump tweet to be a conciliatory one, but we consider it in reference to the Nuclear Treaty struck during Obama’s tenure where about $70 billion Iranian money, sequestered during a decade of sanctions, was returned to the Iranians as part of the deal to stop its nuclear program.

Whatever the immediate gameplay is, it has been known that the Jesuit/Rothschild faction of the Criminal Cabal will never surrender Apartheid Israel to anyone. These people are obsessed with fulfilling the scenario described in their own scriptures that created the idea for a Greater Israel.

For such a grand plan to become a reality, the US Armed Forces will be at the frontlines, and just like in Nazi Germany, the Germans “knew nothing about what’s going on, while their armed goons were just following Fuhrer Hitler’s orders.”

Either way, they are all guilty by way of commission, i.e. killing the wrong enemies, and omission, i.e. by not doing anything to eliminate the Deep State scourge within their own government.

Twenty Years Later – How Did Putin Do?

Twenty years ago a not very well-known Vladimir Putin published an essay “Russia at the turn of the millennium”. It was printed in Nezavisimaya Gazeta and at the Russian government website. The only copy that I can find on the Net in English now is here but I will be referring to the official English translation and Russian text that I downloaded at the time.

Continue reading Twenty Years Later – How Did Putin Do?

Assange is Dying in UK Category A Prison, While UK Pedophiles Roam Free

Julian Assange did the whole world a big favor by publishing confirmatory evidence of an interlocking system aimed at concentrating power into the hands of the Deep State. Yet, only a few of those who believe in free speech have the time to do something to pressure the UK to release him immediately for the simple fact that he hasn’t offended any laws of any jurisdictions.

Without his efforts, and of those who were working with him, all of our own analyses of how the world truly works, are still “conspiracy theories” from the eyes of the public.

In the meantime, UK’s Pedophile Prince Andrew is still roaming free,

… and so are the lesser known pedophiles in England, who have victimized an estimated 19,000 children in a year, and in that island alone.

Sexual Exploitation “Epidemic” in England As Nearly 19,000 Children Identified as Victims

There’s a new official epidemic in England and it can’t be tackled with increased hand washing or a new vaccine. In the past year, nearly 19,000 children have been sexually groomed, according to official numbers. But some say the real figure is much higher.

Five years ago, 3,300 suspected victims of child sexual exploitation were identified by authorities. That number rose to a shocking 18,700 in 2018-2019.

Grooming was not officially recorded as an assessment factor during referral to social care until 2013.

Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham, told the Independent that the grooming of children “remains one of the largest forms of child abuse in the country.”

“Too many times, government has said it will ‘learn lessons’, yet 19,000 children are still at risk of sexual exploitation.

The government has singularly failed to tackle this issue head on. Its approach has been piecemeal and underfunded.”

According to the Independent, the Home Office has begun an analysis of data regarding the cases and will use the results to inform new policy and prevention strategies, but the Queen’s Speech did not mention anything about a public review.

The Independent also reports that investigations into grooming gangs are ongoing throughout the country. In fact, abusers in Huddersfield have already been jailed.

Sammy Woodhouse, a victim from Rotherham, told the Independent:

“You hear this bullshit line, ‘lessons have been learned’, but they haven’t learned anything.”

Woodhouse, who isn’t surprised by the newly released numbers, helped expose a sandal in 2012 that involved the abuse of an estimated 1,500 victims.

“I still hear a lot about the authorities aren’t doing things as they should. It’s not very often I hear something good and for all different reasons—if the police won’t act on reports, people feel they’re not being listened to or supported properly, or information not being shared,” Woodhouse explained.

“I’ve said for years that this country’s in epidemic when it comes to abuse and exploitation. Authorities claim it’s under control but it’s not.”


How could they control that when even at the heart of the British Monarchy, pedophilia exists?

Where is justice for all of these? Should we just wait until these pedophiles die without being thrown to the Belmarsh Category A prison, just like what the UK Monarchy is doing to Julian?

Assange is Tortured, Drugged and Dying in Belmarsh

Belmarsh is a Category A prison – the highest level in the UK penal system – intended for “highly dangerous” convicts and those likely to attempt escape, typically befitting murderers and terrorists. While Assange meets none of those criteria and was initially locked up for a minor offense of skipping bail, he was nonetheless thrown in Belmarsh and punished as if he were a violent, hardened criminal. He now awaits proceedings for extradition to the US.

The explanation may be as simple as taking revenge against somebody who dared to speak truth to power, Smith believes, and to make an example for anyone who might follow Assange’s lead in fighting state and corporate secrecy.

“What is clear that what is happening to Julian is much more about vengeance and setting an example to dissuade other people from holding American power to account in this way,” he said.

[Assange] delivered a discussion, a debate about what transparency should look like in the digital age… The debate got quashed it never really happened, instead he’s being victimized… That’s’ why he’s in Belmarsh.

Going forward, Smith said it will be important to continue pressuring the British government to answer a litany of questions about Assange, his treatment in prison and his health, as well as to push for an “independent assessment” of the situation. Confined in one form or another since taking refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2012 and now denied the ability to defend himself in court, Assange should finally receive a fair hearing.

“This whole thing, really we need to be asking more questions. This needs to be held much more in the open… Julian has had his freedom compromised for nearly a decade now,” Smith said. “It’s completely disgraceful. This is bullying. He deserves better.”

It’s not only Julian Assange that’s slowing being taken away from us, but Chelsea Manning, too, who continues to defy Trump government’s wish to drop Assange for possible extradition to the US.

Chelsea Manning is being subjected to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment, constituting torture by the US government over her refusal to testify against whistleblower website WikiLeaks, a top United Nations official has said.

UN special rapporteur on torture Nils Melzer accused the government of torturing Manning in a November letter, which was just released on Tuesday. In the letter, Melzer wrote that Manning is suffering “an open-ended, progressively severe measure of coercion” which fulfills “all the constitutive elements of torture.”

Manning, a former Army intelligence analyst, was arrested on May 16 after she refused to testify against WikiLeaks before a grand jury. She is still being detained at the Alexandria Detention Center in Virginia and is facing fines of $1,000 a day.

Unlike in most Hollywood movies, the enemy cannot be defeated by just the effort of one man. That’s fantasy.

In fact, that type of storyline is deliberate to make us wait for that “lone savior who will come and redeem us,” when all we need is to realize that we are powerful enough to defeat the Deep State if we can get our acts together, stop patronizing the system they’ve put in place, and be ready to raise the pitchforks when the need arises.

Let this 2020 be a year for persistent worldwide exposure and condemnation of the high crimes committed by the Satanic Empires of the West. This is the very least that we can do for these idealist whistleblowers, who have sacrificed so much for humanity, while most of the world are taking selfies – the very object on which NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is on exile, after warning us how our personal data are being collected for future use.

Whither the World in the 2020s?

The final days of 2019 have seen dramatic steps towards reversing the era of British imperial division of the world into warring blocs. Yesterday, Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin spoke by phone. The official purpose of the call, initiated by President Putin, was to thank the U.S. President for information shared by the intelligence services which has once again prevented a planned terrorist attack, this time in St. Petersburg during New Year celebrations.

Continue reading Whither the World in the 2020s?

The Real Reason Democrats Are Pushing Trump Impeachment?

In the time-honored tradition of Machiavellian statecraft, all of the charges being leveled against Donald Trump to remove him from office – namely, ‘abuse of power’ and ‘obstruction of congress’ –are essentially the same things the Democratic Party has been guilty of for nearly half a decade: abusing their powers in a non-stop attack on the executive branch. Is the reason because they desperately need a ‘get out of jail free’ card?

Continue reading The Real Reason Democrats Are Pushing Trump Impeachment?

Duterte Plays Hard Ball vs Local Oligarchs and US Deep State

There is a component of the Western Deep State in every corner of the world, just like there’s a US military base in most of them. In Philippines’ case, it has them all, i.e. military bases in spite of the non-extension of the 1947 Military Bases Agreement in 1991, oligarchy controlling what were once government owned corporation or public utilities, and of course, the age-old Jesuit mind control infrastructures e.g. universities, and churches.

Continue reading Duterte Plays Hard Ball vs Local Oligarchs and US Deep State

Weaponization of Space, Trump’s Holiday Gift for Humanity

Our planet has been under space quarantine since the US detonated the first nuclear bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The first budget allocation for the US Space Command is in violation of the Outer Space Treaty signed between Russia, US, UK and 106 other countries including China, as of June 2019. The Treaty entered into force on the 10th of October 1967.

Continue reading Weaponization of Space, Trump’s Holiday Gift for Humanity

Israel’s Genocide Advisers and Technicians Return to Latin America in Force

With the ouster of progressive governments throughout Latin America and their replacement with right-wing neo-fascist regimes, Israeli counter-insurgency advisers, better known as “merchants of death,” have returned to Latin America with fervor.

Continue reading Israel’s Genocide Advisers and Technicians Return to Latin America in Force

Never Trust a Falling Empire

The Washington Post, through documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, has published a long investigation into Afghanistan. Journalists have collected over 400 testimonies from American diplomats, NATO generals and other NATO personnel, that show that reports about Afghanistan were falsified to deceive the public about the real situation on the ground.

Continue reading Never Trust a Falling Empire

Reclusion Perpetua Rendered vs Primary Accused in Massacre of 37 Journalists

A guilty verdict has been handed down against the perpetrators of the biggest single attack on journalists in the Philippines. The primary accused were all sentenced to reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment without parole, since death penalty constitutional provision has been repealed during the unfettered rule of the Oligarchy [post Marcos, pre-Duterte].

Continue reading Reclusion Perpetua Rendered vs Primary Accused in Massacre of 37 Journalists

The Israel Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil

The outsized role of U.S. Israel lobby operatives in abetting the theft of Syrian and Iraqi oil reveals how this powerful lobby also facilitates more covert aspects of U.S.-Israeli cooperation and the implementation of policies that favor Israel.

Continue reading The Israel Lobby’s Hidden Hand in the Theft of Iraqi and Syrian Oil

Ukrainian neo-Nazis fly to HK to Join Protests

Neo-Nazis from Ukraine have flown to Hong Kong to participate in the protests, an independent news website The Grayzone reported Wednesday. They are now busy training HK protestors how to properly launch riots and pin down the police department, as they did during the highly successful “Maidan Revolution.”

Continue reading Ukrainian neo-Nazis fly to HK to Join Protests

Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China

In early 2014 Washington staged a blatant coup d’etat in Ukraine breaking the historic relationship with Russia and setting the stage for the subsequent NATO demonization of Russia. The one in charge for the Obama Administration of the Ukraine coup was then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Continue reading Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China