All posts by Geopolitics101

Here’s Why Putin Greeted Saudi’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman with A High Five

The gleeful greetings that Vladimir Putin extended to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has caught, not just the mainstream media, but also Donald Trump and the rest of the global geopolitical observers. It was a pleasure indeed to see Putin smiling as if he has won a jackpot about something. Continue reading Here’s Why Putin Greeted Saudi’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman with A High Five

Confirmed: Kiev SBU Intelligence Agents Onboard Ukrainian Boats in Kerch Incident

Following Sunday’s international incident in the Kerch Strait, the UN Security Council held two meetings for member states to address this issue. Russia’s foreign ministry has accused Ukraine of coordinating a ‘pre-planned provocation’. The preponderance of evidence surrounding this event would strongly suggest that this is indeed the case. Continue reading Confirmed: Kiev SBU Intelligence Agents Onboard Ukrainian Boats in Kerch Incident

Global Reset: Eurasian Union Dollar Dumping Ops Exceed 70% of Trade Settlements

Member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) increased the share settlements in local currencies to 70 percent in the first half of 2018, First Deputy Chief of the Russian Government Staff Sergey Prikhodko said on Tuesday. Continue reading Global Reset: Eurasian Union Dollar Dumping Ops Exceed 70% of Trade Settlements

House Hearing on Criminal Clinton Foundation Sought

The Republicans in the Lower House of the US Congress are reported to be seeking  a congressional hearing on the current status of the US Attorney John Huber investigation into the controversial charity foundation that sucked all humanitarian assistance to Haiti. Continue reading House Hearing on Criminal Clinton Foundation Sought

CIA's Vietnam Illegal Drug Trafficking, JFK's Assassination

Perhaps the biggest secret of the Vietnam War is that our Central Intelligence Agency seized control of the infamous Golden Triangle during that time period, then, along with assistance from various elements of Organized Crime, shipped huge amounts of heroin out of that area into our country. Continue reading CIA's Vietnam Illegal Drug Trafficking, JFK's Assassination

How the US Creates ‘Sh*thole’ Countries

In two years, the world has become accustomed to being shocked by the words and actions of United States President Donald Trump. In January of this year, he again showed his lack of diplomacy, tack and common decency, when he referred to many poorer countries as “sh*ithole countries”, asking, “Why do we want all these people from sh*thole countries coming here?” Continue reading How the US Creates ‘Sh*thole’ Countries

The Global Reset is Now in Full Speed Mode

When we started posting about the post 911 implementation of the Global Reset, we were wondering then how exactly will it proceed. Will there be a long closure of banks, a one-time shutdown of banks, to put the new financial system online, or should it be preceded by a long global war like the preceding wars WW1 and WW2? Continue reading The Global Reset is Now in Full Speed Mode

Secretive Liberal Donor Network Plots 2020 Strategy in DC

Democracy Alliance held fall investment conference blocks away from White House
A secretive dark money network comprised of powerful liberal donors who help set the Democratic agenda descended on Washington, D.C., to begin plotting strategy for the next two years leading up to the 2020 elections. Continue reading Secretive Liberal Donor Network Plots 2020 Strategy in DC

UK in Turmoil, Rest of the World Doing Just Fine

Theresa May is on the way out as her cabinet members resigned en masse. So, the Brexiteers need to wait a little longer, which is really the objective of the whole exercise. Yet, in most parts of the world, peaceful cooperation has held strong, especially between the ASEAN member-countries and China. Continue reading UK in Turmoil, Rest of the World Doing Just Fine

California Wildfire: Another Directed Energy Weapon Attack?

The recent California Wildfire occurred with some very distinct anomalies that would raise a lot of questions to those who are fully aware of existing exotic ultrahigh energy-based technologies that where invented more than a hundred years ago. Continue reading California Wildfire: Another Directed Energy Weapon Attack?

US Has Gone Rogue with SWIFT’s Iran Cutoff

SWIFT cut a raft of Iranian banks – including the country’s central bank – off from its system on Monday, having come under pressure from the US to do so. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the move is “the right decision to protect the integrity of the international financial system.” Continue reading US Has Gone Rogue with SWIFT’s Iran Cutoff

A $2bn Saudi Plan to Assassinate Iran's Leaders

So maybe the Iranians do have much to be paranoid about. An explosive New York Times story citing multiple unnamed sources familiar with the matter details how top Saudi intelligence officials conspired to assassinate Iranian leaders  including Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) Quds force commander Qassim Suleimani — in a plot wherein the Saudis mulled using private contractors, and even approached Erik Prince, the former head of Blackwater and at the time adviser to the Trump transition team. Continue reading A $2bn Saudi Plan to Assassinate Iran's Leaders

Behold the New Asia-Based Cooperation Sphere

The constant Trumpian rhetorics about the US trade imbalance with China and Japan have brought the two closer together. Add to the equation is the independent foreign policies of India, which should make up for the BRICS losing Brazil in recent years.  These are the economic powerhouses that are behind the global effort to shift the control of the global economy away from Western exceptionalists and towards multilateral cooperation and shared prosperity. Continue reading Behold the New Asia-Based Cooperation Sphere

How the US Midterm Election Was Rigged According to SocMed Pioneer

The outcome of the recently concluded US midterm elections only shows how divided the US is today, if only it was the true result of the actual voting November 6, 2018. While the immigrants prefer a diversity-friendly America, it doesn’t mean that they are ignoring the crimes committed by the likes of Hilary Clinton, et al. They are way smarter than that. So, why is it that the US Congress is split with Democrats controlling the lower house and the Senate to the Republicans? Continue reading How the US Midterm Election Was Rigged According to SocMed Pioneer

The Death of America’s Hyper-Power Fantasy

In 1987, Paul Kennedy, a British professor of history at Yale University, unleashed a political and intellectual firestorm with the publication of his great (677-page) book, “The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers.” Kennedy produced a magisterial overview of the competition for global power over the past 500 years from 1500 AD to the present. Continue reading The Death of America’s Hyper-Power Fantasy

American Politics Is Now Just Civil War by Other Means

In the wake of the sending of bomb-like devices of uncertain capability to prominent critics of US President Donald Trump and of a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue (both Trump’s fault, of course) – plus a migrant invasion approaching the US through Mexico – there have been widespread calls for toning down harsh and “divisive” political rhetoric. Continue reading American Politics Is Now Just Civil War by Other Means

Will Fed Engineer Next Crash to Topple Trump?

For those who follow major financial markets closely, the warning signs of the next major US financial market Tsunami are gaining more frequency daily. Some weeks ago attention was on so-called Emerging Markets, especially Turkey, Argentina, Indonesia, India or Mexico. Continue reading Will Fed Engineer Next Crash to Topple Trump?

Railway Partnership Agreement between Russia and India is Under Way

As is well known, Russian technologies are in high demand throughout the world, thanks to their high quality and relatively low cost. This applies both to technologies used in the space, defense and energy sectors, and to those used in everyday life, for example in the railway transport sector. Continue reading Railway Partnership Agreement between Russia and India is Under Way

Artificial Intelligence as A Geopolitical Factor

Technological inequality has always had a major impact on global politics and the world economy. The most technologically advanced states became the most successful, gained undisputed military superiority and begin to impose their will onto less developed countries. Continue reading Artificial Intelligence as A Geopolitical Factor

The Deep State Swamp Can Be Defeated Right Now, Here's How

We’ve recently received some files from our friend, John, about what American patriots are doing to stave off the power of the Deep State — as represented by a group calling themselves as the Senior Executive Services [SES], which regularly dictates what both houses of the US Congress should pass into law for the Sheeples to abide by. Continue reading The Deep State Swamp Can Be Defeated Right Now, Here's How

Boeing 737 Crashes in Indonesia, Sheer Bad Luck or Sabotaged?

Indonesia has just been hit by a series of earthquakes and tsunami recently, and now its Boeing 737 that just started operating in August 2018 dropped into the sea with no survivor. But is there something more to the events? Continue reading Boeing 737 Crashes in Indonesia, Sheer Bad Luck or Sabotaged?

Russian and Allied War Games Intensify vs. US-NATO Military Buildup on its Borders

Barely reported by the Western media, Russia has launched a series of war games in Europe and the Far East together with several of its allies.  These war games are largely in response to NATO’s military buildup on Russia’s Western frontier, in Eastern Europe, The Baltic States and Scandinavia. Continue reading Russian and Allied War Games Intensify vs. US-NATO Military Buildup on its Borders

Panic Among Oligarchs, Trump May Turn the Election

President Donald Trump is fully deployed to assure that the “Impeachment Party” — once known as the Democratic Party — is denied their effort to take over the Congress and launch an impeachment. He has held 12 rallies across the country in support of Republican candidates, repeating everywhere that a vote for Democrats this year is a vote against himself. Continue reading Panic Among Oligarchs, Trump May Turn the Election

Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media 'Just the Beginning' | Top Neocon Insider

At a Berlin security conference, hardline neocon Jamie Fly appeared to claim some credit for the recent coordinated purge of alternative media, report Max Blumenthal and Jeb Sprague. Continue reading Facebook Censorship of Alternative Media 'Just the Beginning' | Top Neocon Insider

Khashoggi Murder Made to Force Saudis to “Buy American”, Not Russian S-400

The response of the Trump administration and many U.S. politicians to Khashoggi’s disappearance is largely being guided by the military-industrial complex — in this case Lockheed Martin — but masquerading as a response motivated by “human rights.” Continue reading Khashoggi Murder Made to Force Saudis to “Buy American”, Not Russian S-400

The World Heads to a Breaking Point, 2 Weeks Before U.S. Midterm Elections

We are now two weeks before the U.S. mid-term elections, which, whatever the outcome, will be a break-point in world affairs. At the same time, the financial system centered on Wall Street and the City of London is about to blow out, while the British geopolitical crowd is madly pushing international confrontation to the point of all-out war, and equally madly demanding that industrial society be eradicated from the planet, in the name of its CO2 green insanity. Continue reading The World Heads to a Breaking Point, 2 Weeks Before U.S. Midterm Elections

Top Secret: Deep State War Crimes Cover-Up in Rwanda

The United States and its allies are experts at covering their crimes and finding scapegoats to take the blame for them. They are doing it now with their disinformation campaigns against Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Syria. The show trials at the UN’s Yugoslav tribunal, the ICTY, were all about covering-up NATO’s war crimes and spinning lies to blame everything on the Serbs who resisted NATO’s aggression. Continue reading Top Secret: Deep State War Crimes Cover-Up in Rwanda

Global Alliance Moving for A Checkmate vs the Deep State

Recent events have become too obvious to ignore in the context of the ongoing covert war between the Alliance and the Deep State. Right after what we believe as an electromagnetic attack on Ukrainian arms and ammunition depot, Crimea plunged into a day of terror when “face masked terrorists” stormed a public school in Crimea, which even Putin later on acknowledged as an individual unable to adjust to “globalization” – a generic term which may apply to economic, geopolitics and terror. Continue reading Global Alliance Moving for A Checkmate vs the Deep State

It’s Saudi Arabia’s Turn to Feel the Heat, Here's why

Until a few weeks ago, all eyes were set on Israel’s post-mortem diplomacy with Russia in the aftermath of its sneak attack on Syria, which resulted in the untimely deaths of 15 Russian personnel onboard a surveillance aircraft. Now, it is Saudi Arabia’s turn to formulate a good public relations plan to mitigate the effects of the Khashoggi murder fiasco. Continue reading It’s Saudi Arabia’s Turn to Feel the Heat, Here's why

Pakistan initiates Mass Crackdown on Soros funded NGOs

Pakistan appreciates the work non-governmental organizations (NGO) do in the country but has to regulate them to ensure they have no links to dubious activities that could endanger national security, Pakistani upper house lawmaker Sehar Kamran commenting on recent shutdown orders for NGOs. Continue reading Pakistan initiates Mass Crackdown on Soros funded NGOs

The Alliance May Have Gone Visually Ballistic Recently

Recent anti-Deep State measures are too hard to ignore. In a follow-up to the installation of S-300 SAM system to tame Israel in Syria, a massive explosion rocked Ukraine two nights ago. This is a message to the West that the ongoing US-NATO-Ukraine joint military exercise is highly provocative to the Russians. Continue reading The Alliance May Have Gone Visually Ballistic Recently

Russian Scientists Discover Bacteria that Neutralize Nuclear Waste

Russia does it again! In another groundbreaking feat, Russian scientists found a way to neutralize nuclear radioactivity through bacterial intervention. This is exactly in line with their previous announcement about an industrial method pertaining to the transmutation of elements via biochemical approach. Continue reading Russian Scientists Discover Bacteria that Neutralize Nuclear Waste

Trump is Handicapped in Draining the Swamp

There’s a great segment of the population who strongly believe that the Pentagon is the epitome of patriotism and integrity, and all it takes for a better America is a good and decisive president, strong enough to stand up against the Deep State CIA. Candidate Donald Trump successfully sold the idea of bringing troops home, yet more than a year into his 4-year term,  the reverse is actually what’s happening. Continue reading Trump is Handicapped in Draining the Swamp

Rival Gangs Engaged in Assassinations for Full Control of US Government

While Americans are glued to their seats as Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is being subjected to sordid sex smear attacks, a slew of covert operations to assassinate key members of rival gangs vying for the full control of the US government have occurred. Continue reading Rival Gangs Engaged in Assassinations for Full Control of US Government

Deep State’s Red October Plot vs. Duterte Foiled, Arrest Order vs. Sen. Trillanes Issued

A Philippine Regional Trial Court has issued a warrant of arrest to Sen. Antonio Trillanes, one of the alleged ringleaders of the “Red October” plot to remove Duterte for having taken successive measures to limit the political and economic power of the local Oligarchy, and for his relentless anti-drug war against the CIA. Continue reading Deep State’s Red October Plot vs. Duterte Foiled, Arrest Order vs. Sen. Trillanes Issued

Alliance Tightening Noose on the Deep State

Russia was shocked at the boldness of Israel’s latest aerial acrobatics that resulted in the downing of one Russian reconnaissance plane by its own manufactured S-200 missile over Latakia, Syria, which ran counter to the statement made by the Russian Ministry of Defense. Continue reading Alliance Tightening Noose on the Deep State

Korea’s Historic Peace Move Puts Onus on Washington to End Conflict

Korea is ready for peace, and both sides are putting the world on notice that that is exactly what they’ve wanted all along. They are fully aware that without the West they could have achieved it a long time ago.
Now that the Western bloodlines have achieved their desired economic prosperity, are they ready to leave Asia alone? Continue reading Korea’s Historic Peace Move Puts Onus on Washington to End Conflict