All posts by Geopolitics101

Cabalist Impeachment Efforts Against Rousseff Faltering?

The B in the BRICS Alliance is experiencing geopolitical attack from the usual suspects within the global oil cartel. Brazil’s political turmoil started when a large oil deposit was discovered [here] and the government decided to exclude foreign players from fully exploiting it.
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Bloomberg Fear Mongers to Help Local Oligarchy Prevent A Duterte Presidency

With barely 6 days to go before Philippine population go to the polls, the local Oligarchy and their counterparts in the US establishment are resorting to fearmongering about the economic uncertainty in the country.
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The Calm Before the Coming Global Storm | Pepe Escobar

Major turbulence seems to be the name of the game in 2016. Yet the current turbulence may be interpreted as the calm before the next, devastating geopolitical/financial storm. Let’s review the current state of play via the dilemmas afflicting the House of Saud, the EU and BRICS members Russia, Brazil and China.
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Eastern Countries Strive to Achieve Peace Even as Shadow WW3 Continues

The movement of military pieces continue unabated outside borders of Russia and China.
US Strike Group is still in the vicinity of the West Philippine Sea, while aerial skirmishes were recorded over the Baltic Sea.
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BRICS led Revolution Fortified with Game-Changer MCIS Conference

Aside from the ongoing effort to crash the old financial system, security experts and authorities from ASEAN, Middle East countries, China and Russia are having a conference on global security and threats of terrorism.
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Duterte Lambasted U.S. Interference on Philippine Affairs Again

Duterte told both the US and Australian ambassadors to keep their mouth shut with regards to domestic political exercise that is getting hotter as the scorching summer sun.
The people here could not wait anymore for next month’s electoral exercise of casting their votes for the next 6-year term  president of the country.
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China Calls Rothschild’s WW3 Bluff with Gold-Backed Yuan & 12,000 km Range Missile Test

Today, Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for “a joint battle command system that wins war” in response to constant Khazarian instigation for war, capitalist sourgrapers they all are.
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Fiat Dollar Collapse: Are these signs that BRICS will pull it down soon?

Prior to WTC Building 7’s “mysterious” destruction, Larry Silverstein is said to have uttered, “Pull it, pull it!”,
while the structure was still burning.
We are also told that the exact time when the fiat dollar finally crashes is when the banks tell us exactly the opposite of how the fiat dollar is actually doing.
Continue reading Fiat Dollar Collapse: Are these signs that BRICS will pull it down soon?

Fiat Economic Collapse is Happening Now & So are the Earthquakes

The combined printing of trillions in fiat dollar out of thin air, and owing more money than any nation in history just to finance the insatiable appetite of the military industrial complex instead of
modernizing its basic economic infrastructures and creating new industries, are the prime causes of the ongoing economic collapse in the United States today.
Continue reading Fiat Economic Collapse is Happening Now & So are the Earthquakes

1st Loans Approved by BRICS Bank are on Renewable Energy

To underscore the BRICS’s fundamental goals of establishing three development banks to support its “One Belt, One Road” intercontinental economic initiatives, one of its banks, i.e.
the New Development Bank, approves loans for the first time, and these are for renewable energy projects in South Africa, Brazil, India and China.
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Iranian Canal & S-300 Missile Shield System Strengthen Iran-Russia Cooperation

Iranian cooperation with Russia has been a tremendous factor to the success of neutralizing the richest terrorist organization to date, i.e.  the CIA trained and Turk-Saudi financed Islamic State.
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Industrial GMO Food Threats & The Global Monsanto Take Down

The debate over GMO safety and risks stems from the fact that the definition is too generalized, or too ambiguous. The mainstream conversation about its pseudo-science always favors the corporations behind it.
But mere scientific definition is not enough to circumvent the actual disastrous experience, i.e. those glaring facts about its negative effects outside the GMO laboratories.
Continue reading Industrial GMO Food Threats & The Global Monsanto Take Down

Rodrigo Duterte: The Philippine Revolutionary President

The presidential election in the Philippines come May 9th of this year is no ordinary electoral exercise. This is the first time that all sectors and economic classes of our society are united in making sure that the strongman from the South is inaugurated to the highest office of the land.
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Clinton’s Leaked eMails Confirm Libya Plunder by Killing Qaddafi

It was broad daylight robbery and murder when US , France, and the rest of NATO, hunted down Muammar Qaddafi, and destroyed the most prosperous nation in Africa, i.e. Libya., in 2011.
The above picture is taken during the G8 Summit Italy, in 2009,.
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Britons Call for David Cameron's Resignation re Panama Papers

Protesters are set to gather in front of UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s 10 Downing Street residence in London to call for his resignation, starting on Saturday, April 9 from 12:30 (11:30 GMT).
The demonstration has been called as a consequence of Panama Papers leak, which involves Cameron’s family and earnings.
On Thursday night the prime minister admitted that he and his wife sold shares for more than £30,000 in a fund set up in Panama by his father, who passed away in 2010.
The protest will end only after he resigns, according to organisers.

China’s $50 Trillion Global Clean Energy Project Muted by Panama Papers

We have been following how the BRICS would implement their ambitious free energy transition from fossil fuels, and over the last weekend, March 31 to be exact,
China announced that it is planning to interconnect all existing and soon to be constructed solar farms for continuous power supply throughout the globe.
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Big Pharma Coerced Houston WorldFest to Shut Down VAXXED Documentary

In another confirmation of the integrity of the VAXXED documentary, Houston’s Team Worldfest said “after very threatening calls late yesterday (Monday) from high Houston Government officials (the first and only time they have ever called in 49 years) – we had no choice but to drop the film.”
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Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca Tied to Nazis, CIA & Mexican Drug Lords

The Panama Papers, which relied heavily on the leaked information from Mossack Fonseca law firm, may not just be about State actors and corporate players’ secret offshore shell companies, physical assets and bank accounts, but more about getting back at people who have turned their backs on the New World Order totalitarian regime which took decades of planning, mass murder, regime changes, false flags, and sustained environmental destruction, to construct.
The Panama Papers look more like a Rothchild dynasty’s exercising the Samson Option. But, it’s still good to know that they are now after each other’s throat.
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Massive Disclosures: Panama Papers, CIA Haitian Eugenics, IMF Greek Credit Event

The month of April departed from the usual tradition of hoaxes and parodies, into a more serious exposure of conflicting interests involving State personalities, genocidal attempts, and financial maneuvers that could sink lives even further.
Continue reading Massive Disclosures: Panama Papers, CIA Haitian Eugenics, IMF Greek Credit Event

Open Source Government: True Government of the People, by the People and for the People

Government models have not evolved that much since the days of Plato’s Socratic Republic.
Instead, they have all deteriorated, corrupted, and have failed on many occasions to address and mitigate the most fundamental failing of man, i.e. greed for absolute power.
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Dictator Erdogan demanded this German Video be Taken Down

German ambassador was summoned by Erdogan, lately. Turkey’s dictator wanted the German government to take down a video showing his excellency in reestablishing his Ottoman Empire through friendship with Daesh Islamic State, suppression of free speech and terrorizing Kurdish communities.
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Palmyra is liberated from Daesh

After almost a year under Daesh control, the City of Palmyra which hosted some ancient ruins of a civilization that the west wants to completely erase from map, is finally liberated by the Syrian Arab Army with the help from a Russian fighter jet, one of few jet fighters complementing the Russian S-400 missile shield that is still protecting Syria.
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Finally, Sanders & Trump in One Stage

Mainstream media is astoundingly good in only one thing.

But isn’t the whole political exercise just one big entertainment?