All posts by Geopolitics101

U.S. Warships in South China Sea May Lead to War Between US, China

It seems the United States has found another playground for its war games. The National Interest reported that Washington plans to send its military ships and planes to patrol areas in the South China Sea stirring up an already tense situation in the region, where several nations have competing territorial claims.
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Khazarian mafia wants to donate funds to humanity in exchange for amnesty

A representative of the G7 group of nations has been approached with a proposal by the Khazarian mafia banking community to “repurpose their funds for the benefit of humanity,” in exchange for “amnesty for certain Jewish bankers.” Russia and “certain foundations” would be involved in this plan, the source said.
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Let it Bleed: Farewell to the United Kingdom

What has history said of eminence without honor, wealth without wisdom, power and possessions without principle? The answer is reiterated in the overthrow of the mightiest empires of ancient times. Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome! The four successive, universal powers of the past. What and where are they?

Orson F. Whitney

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America’s Top 10 Corporate Tax Avoiders

There are number of ways how we are being screwed by the Elites, some of which are the following:

  • creation of debt and forced slavery;
  • non-profit foundations, tax refunds and avoidance;
  • creation of diseases and the subsequent manufacture of drugs and vaccines
  • creation of terror organizations, arms productions and sales, mass surveillance.

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Losing The American Republic

The process of undermining the American Republic is long arduous continuing convolutions of vested interests and a plethora of personalities all working to glorify the Roman Empire.
They cannot allow a truly independent nation that is built out of a protestant spirit to flourish on the face of the Earth for its spells the very end of the Empire itself. In fact, it must be destroyed using the worst methods in their armory as deterrence against global aspirations for freedom.
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The Evil Within Saudi Arabia's Bombing of Yemen

Saudi Arabia, with its huge cache of petrodollars, is the Central Bank of international terror networks. Intelligence agencies working on terrorism worldwide have almost always seen the hands of the House of Saud in every bombing and false flag operations.
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Brazil Cancels $2 Billion Israeli Security Contract for 2016 Olympics

Under pressure, the Brazilian government cancelled its gargantuan $2 billion contract with an Israeli security provider.
When we consider the Israeli agents reported participation of the WTC controlled demolition in 2001 , we wonder how did the security contract was signed in the first place?
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Prepare for A Globalist Church of Modern Medicine

“There is never a decay of organized religion. When one church falls, another is built. During the 20th century, the new church was Science—in particular, Medical Science. It was constructed to extract the maximum amount of compliance from the population. This is what all orthodox churches do. So in addition to the countless numbers of diagnoses and drugs, there was the element of mind control: ‘Follow our orders. We know the truth and we are giving it to you for your own good; we love you and care about you, unless you rebel; then we consign you to Hell.”
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Palestine Becomes the Newest Corporate State

Finally, the biggest corporation on the planet, i.e. Vatican, Inc., has officially anointed the State of Palestine, another representative corporation bound by the Laws of Admiralty, the Law of the Sea, or the Uniform Commercial Code [UCC], which are all derived from earlier series of Papal Bulls.
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Pivot Away from Containment

When O’bummer announced his pivotal “Pivot to Asia” geopolitical strategy last year, he intended to transfer at least 60% of America’s military into the Asian region, with the Philippines and Japan as patsies.
The Okinawan refusal against American military bases in its turf only pushes America further into our country and plans to install at least eight military bases here and a possible return to its original two mammoth bases in Clark Air Base and Subic Naval Base which were closed down in 1992 through the restriction in our 1987 Philippine Constitution.
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Japan PM Shinzo Abe Charged for Election Rigging @ The High Court

A group of plaintiffs have filed election protests against Japan’s PM Abe for having benefited from rigged elections. The High Court of Japan displayed a very dishonorable conduct, uncharacteristic in Japanese setting, by employing hundreds of police personnel restricting cameras even outside the building.
But the people are fighting back…
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Diplomatic Helicopter Crashes in Pakistan, 7 Dead; Taliban Claims Responsibility

Joint tourism projects are one way of establishing good rapport and  constructive relationships between countries. It is sad that one of three helicopters, carrying 17 people, 11 of whom were foreign diplomats, crashed while on the way to an inauguration of a joint tourism project in Pakistan.
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The Effects of Joining BRICS

The mainstream media would like to portray China’s engagement in Africa as imperialistic, but judging from the Ethiopian 11% economic growth which is similar only to China, and comparing it to the persistent push for a treaty that would allow the Corporations to have an absolute grip on governments, we think the mainstream media of the West is either grossly irresponsible or just plain stupid.
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TTIP Talks Continue with Zero Transparency

When the creation of the Federal Reserve was being planned and implemented it was all done in total secrecy, and we can forgive ourselves for not knowing all of the facts then because there was no mechanism such as big and pervasive as the internet.
But now that we do, we don’t really have any valid excuse why we are not doing anything to stop the TTIP.
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IMF Lagarde Urges Renewed Crackdown on Bankers' Bonuses

One more indication that the IMF as an institution is now allied with, if not under the full control of the BRICS World Bank, is the renewed call for clampdown on bank CEO bonuses which is like adding insult to injury to an already battered global economy.
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NSA Turns Conversations into Searchable Text [Snowden]

The National Security Agency has developed and employed voice recognition technology to create transcripts of phone calls so they can be more easily searched and stored. Privacy advocates are demanding more information as to who might be the technology’s intended targets.
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Western Financial Insanity Grips the World

Depending on where you are today, cash is under persistent attack or is already dead. Your pension fund, or your parents’,  is under state-sanctioned robbery, too. The people are starting to realize something very wrong is going on and do want to react, but how?
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"Like A Video Game", 60 IDF Soldiers Confess Gaza Genocide

“Genocide is the systematic destruction of all or a significant part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group.”

Israeli NGO ‘Breaking the silence’ spoke to over 60 IDF soldiers about last summer’s Gaza offensive. Their testimonies show many occasions when International warfare law were violated. Nadav Bigelman former IDF soldier and member of ‘Breaking the Silence’ is In the NOW.
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Saudi Palace Intrigue Sparks Speculation

King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud’s unprecedented changes in the Saudi line of succession that benefit his son is raising questions about what might come next in the royal family. A traditional and conservative institution, the House of Saud has seen more personnel changes in the last 100 days than at any previous time. These shifts come as Salman pursues the most assertive foreign policy in recent Saudi history, projecting military power as no king has tried since the 1930s.
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The Three Wise Men Who Change the Rules of the Game

Just when the world was at the pinnacle of its own destruction, ruled through multilayer of secret doctrines by men with cloak and daggers, came three distinct individuals whose identities were quickly overshadowed by the sheer significance of their actions.
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Industrial Espionage: The Prime Incentive for Mass Surveillance

Industrial business interests within a capitalist system thrive on skillful strategies founded on exclusive access to vital information about the market and its players. The ability to dominate a given market is thrown heavily in favor of those who have the right tools to eavesdrop on the competition, and there’s no more capable surveillance mechanism than those under the control of the state.
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U.S. Financial Collapse Looms; "Agents of Chaos" Encircle Eurasia

While Eurasia is integrating all its resources, the enemy is desperately using its band of rouge mercenaries to sow chaos along the borders of the Reformist BRICS.
Meanwhile, the battle for world financial control is being wrapped up with the US, Inc.  expected to collapse for refusing to join the BRICS AIIB.
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Saudi Using Prohibited U.S. Cluster Munitions in Yemen – HRW

Citing video and photographic evidence, the watchdog slammed Riyadh and Washington for resorting to ‘inhumane’ forms of war.

 The Saudi-led coalition uses internationally prohibited cluster munitions, supplied by the United States, in airstrikes against Houthis in Yemen, Human Rights Watch reported Sunday.

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The Ultimate Geopolitical Game Changer Is Here

The Eurasian economic and military integrations have never been accelerated this way before. The natural symbiotic abilities to supply one another in terms of resources and technologies have never been exploited and satisfied in the Eurasian sphere in this manner in ages. Yet, the Western push for endless destruction in the Middle East and at home have only made this one inevitable.
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15 Member MCIS: The US/NATO's Nightmare

There’s a military coalition that is standing up against the perennial bully in the schoolyard, i.e. US/NATO military forces. It’s referenced via its annual defense ministers’ meeting, i.e. the Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) and its close cooperation is led by the mighty triumvirate of Russia, China and Iran.
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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors