Category Archives: BRICS / SCO / EAEU

Chaotic Washington is Not a Shining Example of Democracy

For what America has become, it’s now China’s turn to remind the nation of its lost values, or what it’s been preaching for the longest time. Its irresponsible actions and overall behavior have earned it, not respect and adulation, but scorn and condemnation, among nations . Is there a real hope for change in America? Continue reading Chaotic Washington is Not a Shining Example of Democracy

Belt-and-Road Blueprint is Now a Roadmap, Cancel the British System! – LarouchePAC

The world summit, “The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,” hosted by China, is now less than a week off. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi yesterday gave a preview to the international media, on the attendance, agenda and key concepts of the May 14-15 event in Beijing. Continue reading Belt-and-Road Blueprint is Now a Roadmap, Cancel the British System! – LarouchePAC

Six of G7 Countries Snub China's Belt & Road Summit Due to "Dubious" Leaders

Decades ago, the West criticized China for being an isolationist country. Now that it is opening its doors for healthy and peaceful collaboration with them, the West is resorting to criticism and even tries to move into a protectionist stance. Suddenly, globalism became a dirty word, and capitalist “China is just promoting its One Belt, One Road Initiative to find an open market for its industrial over capacity. ” Continue reading Six of G7 Countries Snub China's Belt & Road Summit Due to "Dubious" Leaders

Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity

We’ve already seen how desperate the Western oligarchs are today, from their actions and rhetorics. This is fundamentally due to the failure of their attempts at starting a war somewhere far from their golf courses, and the breakneck successes of the Eastern Alliance in laying down the hardware, i.e. economic infrastructures, for a multipolar world of peace and harmony among countries willing to join them. Continue reading Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity

Gamechanger: India, Pakistan & Iran Joining BRICS Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Pakistan and India are two nuclear countries locked in decades of Western induced political intrigue. That may become history soon as the two traditional enemies begin rubbing their elbows with the rest of the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Continue reading Gamechanger: India, Pakistan & Iran Joining BRICS Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Start of BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Pushing Deep State Desperation at All-Time High

It appears that the real reason why Trump capitulated to the Deep State so quickly is the final BRICS leadership’s decision to start the dumping of the fiat dollar in matters of mutual trade and economic cooperation between the BRICS member countries. Continue reading Start of BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Pushing Deep State Desperation at All-Time High

A New System of International Relations Emerges Everywhere on the Planet

While the West is still dealing with the Cabal’s continued aggressive moves to hang on to its undeserved privileges and power, the other side of the planet is busy organizing a better system of expanding humanity’s horizon.
A new system of international relations is now emerging everywhere on this planet. We are truly embarking on a New Paradigm for all mankind. Continue reading A New System of International Relations Emerges Everywhere on the Planet

Assad Condemns US, Turkey Invasion; Looking forward to Chinese Reconstruction

Just as the Zionist-Wahhabist funded Daesh terror is ending in Syria, with the able armed assistance of Russia, Iran, Kurdish and Hezbollah, the US military decided to openly send hundreds of troops into the region, as its puppet Turkish military has done so in advance. Continue reading Assad Condemns US, Turkey Invasion; Looking forward to Chinese Reconstruction

Donald Trump and The New International Paradigm | EIR

What we see right now is a completely new paradigm emerging, a system which is based on the development of all, a “win-win” potential to cooperate among nations, and obviously the idea for what was the axiomatic basis of the globalization system since 1991 to insist on a unipolar world, is failing, or has failed already.  Continue reading Donald Trump and The New International Paradigm | EIR

Nobody’s Stealing Your Jobs, You Spend Too Much on Wars | Alibaba’s Jack Ma

Chinese billionaire and Alibaba founder Jack Ma believes that improper distribution of funds and hyper inflated US military spending, not globalization or other countries “stealing” US jobs, is behind the economic decline in America. Continue reading Nobody’s Stealing Your Jobs, You Spend Too Much on Wars | Alibaba’s Jack Ma

Plane Transporting Brazil Supreme Court Magistrate Crashes Near Rio de Janeiro

A small plane has crashed near Rio de Janeiro, carrying a Supreme Federal Court judge who was investigating the ongoing high-profile Operation Carwash corruption scandal in Brazil, sparking worries that nefarious intent may have contributed to the aircraft’s wreckage.  Continue reading Plane Transporting Brazil Supreme Court Magistrate Crashes Near Rio de Janeiro

China Offers Infrastructure Funding & Technology to Rebuild America Under Trump

While incoming president Donald Trump accused China of currency manipulation, among others, during the campaign, China is offering the necessary funding and engineering know-how to build bridges of friendship in America as part of its global New Silk Road and Maritime Silk Road economic outreach programs.
Continue reading China Offers Infrastructure Funding & Technology to Rebuild America Under Trump

Back to the Future: From the USSR to the Eurasian Century

Way beyond the historical archives of Marxism-Leninism suddenly being besieged by graphic, glitzy signs of conspicuous consumption, what developed on a personal level was a “real drama” (again, Putin’s words) of millions of Russians suddenly thrown out of the federation, dispersed among 12 new republics scattered across Eurasia.
Continue reading Back to the Future: From the USSR to the Eurasian Century

Putin Prepares for War, Medvedev Dedicates Himself to Science

To the deep consternation of the West, the Russian economy continues to grow amidst Western sanctions. Its scientific community and military sector continue to advance even after the massive plunders against the former Soviet Union.
Its agricultural sector, on the other hand, is poised to become the global superpower in terms of non-GMO food production.
Continue reading Putin Prepares for War, Medvedev Dedicates Himself to Science

Putin & Co. Continue to Defy Khazarian Threats

Only a few weeks ago, Vladimir Putin admitted that he’s too young to retire yet, and has recently expressed his unwavering opposition to any “attempts at disrupting the strategic balance around the world,” in what could be his and the Russian people’s continuing defiance to Khazarian threats worldwide.
Continue reading Putin & Co. Continue to Defy Khazarian Threats

Duterte Withdrawing from Useless ICC, Joining Russia-China “New Order”

Being a recent recipient of the Western threat of ICC “crimes against humanity” investigation and trial for his war on narcopolitics, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is planning to withdraw from the International Criminal Court, of which recently Putin has signed Russia’s withdrawal from.
Continue reading Duterte Withdrawing from Useless ICC, Joining Russia-China “New Order”

Malaysia Pivots to BRICS; Soros Plans Color Revolutions in Southeast Asia

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak visits China, barely a week of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s week-long visit to China will start October 31. Will it mark a turning point for Malaysian foreign policy, similar to the one recently made by President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte?
Continue reading Malaysia Pivots to BRICS; Soros Plans Color Revolutions in Southeast Asia

China & Philippines Sign $24 Billion Deals; Russia Asks for DU30 Wish List

It is very obvious by now that the US State Department could not contain their being shocked at the tectonic shift of the Philippine government’s foreign policy, veering away from the United States for the first time in 70 years, and into its regional neighbor, China.
Continue reading China & Philippines Sign $24 Billion Deals; Russia Asks for DU30 Wish List

The Unstoppable Breakneck-speed Expansion of the Great Eurasian Corridor

The BRICS Alliance is forcing the world away from the geopolitics of endless wars and regime change into a world of scientific progress and development.
This has been the renewed invitation of the Russian President Vladimir Putin in his welcome address to the 20th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
Continue reading The Unstoppable Breakneck-speed Expansion of the Great Eurasian Corridor

China's $1 Trillion New Silk Road Investment Gets Frontal Canadian Media Insults

Canada used to sport very high moral standards until it allowed the supply of deadly weapons into Saudi Arabia just so the latter could kill thousands of hapless Yemeni civilians.

Now, it is intruding into another conflict it knows nothing about.

Continue reading China's $1 Trillion New Silk Road Investment Gets Frontal Canadian Media Insults

Brazil: The Provisional Banana Scoundrel Republic

The latest cliffhanger was the leak of a conversation between one of the key operators involved in the oil giant Petrobras corruption scandal and a senator and short-lived Minister of Planning in the usurper interim government currently replacing President Dilma Rousseff while she is undergoing an impeachment trial by the Senate.
Continue reading Brazil: The Provisional Banana Scoundrel Republic

Cabalist Impeachment Efforts Against Rousseff Faltering?

The B in the BRICS Alliance is experiencing geopolitical attack from the usual suspects within the global oil cartel. Brazil’s political turmoil started when a large oil deposit was discovered [here] and the government decided to exclude foreign players from fully exploiting it.
Continue reading Cabalist Impeachment Efforts Against Rousseff Faltering?

Eastern Countries Strive to Achieve Peace Even as Shadow WW3 Continues

The movement of military pieces continue unabated outside borders of Russia and China.
US Strike Group is still in the vicinity of the West Philippine Sea, while aerial skirmishes were recorded over the Baltic Sea.
Continue reading Eastern Countries Strive to Achieve Peace Even as Shadow WW3 Continues

BRICS led Revolution Fortified with Game-Changer MCIS Conference

Aside from the ongoing effort to crash the old financial system, security experts and authorities from ASEAN, Middle East countries, China and Russia are having a conference on global security and threats of terrorism.
Continue reading BRICS led Revolution Fortified with Game-Changer MCIS Conference

China Calls Rothschild’s WW3 Bluff with Gold-Backed Yuan & 12,000 km Range Missile Test

Today, Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for “a joint battle command system that wins war” in response to constant Khazarian instigation for war, capitalist sourgrapers they all are.
Continue reading China Calls Rothschild’s WW3 Bluff with Gold-Backed Yuan & 12,000 km Range Missile Test

1st Loans Approved by BRICS Bank are on Renewable Energy

To underscore the BRICS’s fundamental goals of establishing three development banks to support its “One Belt, One Road” intercontinental economic initiatives, one of its banks, i.e.
the New Development Bank, approves loans for the first time, and these are for renewable energy projects in South Africa, Brazil, India and China.
Continue reading 1st Loans Approved by BRICS Bank are on Renewable Energy

Iranian Canal & S-300 Missile Shield System Strengthen Iran-Russia Cooperation

Iranian cooperation with Russia has been a tremendous factor to the success of neutralizing the richest terrorist organization to date, i.e.  the CIA trained and Turk-Saudi financed Islamic State.
Continue reading Iranian Canal & S-300 Missile Shield System Strengthen Iran-Russia Cooperation

China’s $50 Trillion Global Clean Energy Project Muted by Panama Papers

We have been following how the BRICS would implement their ambitious free energy transition from fossil fuels, and over the last weekend, March 31 to be exact,
China announced that it is planning to interconnect all existing and soon to be constructed solar farms for continuous power supply throughout the globe.
Continue reading China’s $50 Trillion Global Clean Energy Project Muted by Panama Papers

Khazarian Mafia Attempts to Bring Down Brazil to Weaken BRICS

While the US Navy is trying to antagonize China in the Spratlys under the banner of protecting Asians from themselves, another group of embedded hitmen are hard at work at destabilizing the political infrastructure within Brazil by prosecuting its former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva using flimsy accusations bloated by Western leaning mainstream media.
Continue reading Khazarian Mafia Attempts to Bring Down Brazil to Weaken BRICS

The Big Squeeze vs. Khazarian Mafia

The result of the well-coordinated operation to cut-off the Khazarian Mafia from the rest of the global economy is now undeniable. The fiat FED dollar denominated economy is effectively shut down as indicated in the free-falling Baltic Dry Index.
Continue reading The Big Squeeze vs. Khazarian Mafia

Russia & China Sustain Operations Against Terror with Military & Financial Offensives

Raqqa is the symbolic Islamic State’s capital in Syria, right next to the Turkish border where weapons, drugs and oil are being swapped with full Turkey government’s knowledge. The Russians are providing air cover right now for the Syrian Army and patriotic opposition forces, reports said.
Continue reading Russia & China Sustain Operations Against Terror with Military & Financial Offensives

Immortalizing Putin

For the first time in our recent history, somebody is standing up against the exceptionalist norms and, unlike JFK, is getting away with it.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is truly making his country proud and as expected the nationalist fervor enabled the country to survive all economic and geopolitical sanctions unleashed upon by its enemies, which ironically Putin endearingly calls their “partners”.
Continue reading Immortalizing Putin

China’s Projected $1.2 Trillion 10-year Off-Shore Investments Nearly Reached in 2015

Back in late 2014, China projected that its off-shore direct investments will reach $1.2 trillion, Financial Times reported. Today, China’s outbound direct investments has been projected to reach $1 trillion by the end of the 2015.
This is real positive action at work instead of microphone diplomacy and doublespeak.
Continue reading China’s Projected $1.2 Trillion 10-year Off-Shore Investments Nearly Reached in 2015