Category Archives: New World Disorder

Playing With Fire: US Unleashes Hybrid 'Proto-War' Against China

Washington has unleashed a “proto-war” against China, using military, economic, and informational measures, in accordance with the “Brzezinski doctrine” and the “Wolfowitz doctrine,” Eric Sommer underscored.
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Japan Admits US Pressure Behind Anti-Russian Sanctions

Upon completing his visit to Tokyo, Duma speaker Sergey Naryshkin told reporters that Japanese politicians acknowledge that their country has joined the anti-Russian campaign under US pressure and understand the importance of future dialogue with Russia.
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U.S. has Launched a New Assault Against Russia

For those who have been following the US-Iran nuclear deal know how the White House policies could change in seconds. It seems the highest paid spokesman in the United States could not make up his mind even for a second.

‘Sponsor of terrorism’: Obama slams Iran months after saying it’s off terrorist list

Published time: May 13, 2015 14:36
Edited time: May 14, 2015 11:35
US President Barack Obama (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
US President Barack Obama (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

What this means is:

No one can trust the White House.

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Operation Hydrant: VIP Monsters’ Dragnet

Back in the days, Asia-Pacific natives were branded as uncivilized, unsophiscated and outright cannibals. Colored race were all considered inferior.
Yet, even within these most “advanced societies”, monsters of the worst kind walk the streets freely and some even gracing the halls of power.
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Clinton Emails Reveal How West Had A Plan B for Gaddafi

Behind the scenes of 2011 Libya’s bombing campaign. Hillary Clinton’s close ally in his private emails to then Secretary of State have been leaked to the press. They reveal how the UK and France were struggling to get a larger piece of the Libyan cake. Britain is using intelligence to dictate the actions of both the Libyan rebels and the Gaddafi regime – one email said.
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The CIA and the Myths of the Bin Laden Raid

If you read the sketchy New York Times article on the Delta Force raid into Syria a few days ago — how an ISIS leader was killed when he “tried to engage” American commandos while his fighters used women and children as shields, and an 18-year-old slave was freed with no civilian casualties thanks to “very precise fire” you can be forgiven for thinking, “Haven’t I seen this movie before?”

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Judicial Watch Obtains Docs Showing Proof Of Benghazi Coverup

Judicial Watch has obtained proofs that the White House was monitoring CIA/Al Qaeda arms smuggling from Libya to Syria prior to Benghazi attacks that resulted to the rape and torture of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and other related deaths.
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Top Secret: Lawmakers Can Read TPP Draft in Secured Capitol Basement Room Only

Here’s the actual secure room where US representatives are able to read the 1,000+ page draft of the dreaded Trans Pacific Partnership…
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U.S. Warships in South China Sea May Lead to War Between US, China

It seems the United States has found another playground for its war games. The National Interest reported that Washington plans to send its military ships and planes to patrol areas in the South China Sea stirring up an already tense situation in the region, where several nations have competing territorial claims.
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America’s Top 10 Corporate Tax Avoiders

There are number of ways how we are being screwed by the Elites, some of which are the following:

  • creation of debt and forced slavery;
  • non-profit foundations, tax refunds and avoidance;
  • creation of diseases and the subsequent manufacture of drugs and vaccines
  • creation of terror organizations, arms productions and sales, mass surveillance.

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Losing The American Republic

The process of undermining the American Republic is long arduous continuing convolutions of vested interests and a plethora of personalities all working to glorify the Roman Empire.
They cannot allow a truly independent nation that is built out of a protestant spirit to flourish on the face of the Earth for its spells the very end of the Empire itself. In fact, it must be destroyed using the worst methods in their armory as deterrence against global aspirations for freedom.
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The Evil Within Saudi Arabia's Bombing of Yemen

Saudi Arabia, with its huge cache of petrodollars, is the Central Bank of international terror networks. Intelligence agencies working on terrorism worldwide have almost always seen the hands of the House of Saud in every bombing and false flag operations.
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Prepare for A Globalist Church of Modern Medicine

“There is never a decay of organized religion. When one church falls, another is built. During the 20th century, the new church was Science—in particular, Medical Science. It was constructed to extract the maximum amount of compliance from the population. This is what all orthodox churches do. So in addition to the countless numbers of diagnoses and drugs, there was the element of mind control: ‘Follow our orders. We know the truth and we are giving it to you for your own good; we love you and care about you, unless you rebel; then we consign you to Hell.”
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Pivot Away from Containment

When O’bummer announced his pivotal “Pivot to Asia” geopolitical strategy last year, he intended to transfer at least 60% of America’s military into the Asian region, with the Philippines and Japan as patsies.
The Okinawan refusal against American military bases in its turf only pushes America further into our country and plans to install at least eight military bases here and a possible return to its original two mammoth bases in Clark Air Base and Subic Naval Base which were closed down in 1992 through the restriction in our 1987 Philippine Constitution.
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Japan PM Shinzo Abe Charged for Election Rigging @ The High Court

A group of plaintiffs have filed election protests against Japan’s PM Abe for having benefited from rigged elections. The High Court of Japan displayed a very dishonorable conduct, uncharacteristic in Japanese setting, by employing hundreds of police personnel restricting cameras even outside the building.
But the people are fighting back…
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Diplomatic Helicopter Crashes in Pakistan, 7 Dead; Taliban Claims Responsibility

Joint tourism projects are one way of establishing good rapport and  constructive relationships between countries. It is sad that one of three helicopters, carrying 17 people, 11 of whom were foreign diplomats, crashed while on the way to an inauguration of a joint tourism project in Pakistan.
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"Like A Video Game", 60 IDF Soldiers Confess Gaza Genocide

“Genocide is the systematic destruction of all or a significant part of a racial, ethnic, religious or national group.”

Israeli NGO ‘Breaking the silence’ spoke to over 60 IDF soldiers about last summer’s Gaza offensive. Their testimonies show many occasions when International warfare law were violated. Nadav Bigelman former IDF soldier and member of ‘Breaking the Silence’ is In the NOW.
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Saudi Palace Intrigue Sparks Speculation

King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud’s unprecedented changes in the Saudi line of succession that benefit his son is raising questions about what might come next in the royal family. A traditional and conservative institution, the House of Saud has seen more personnel changes in the last 100 days than at any previous time. These shifts come as Salman pursues the most assertive foreign policy in recent Saudi history, projecting military power as no king has tried since the 1930s.
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Saudi Using Prohibited U.S. Cluster Munitions in Yemen – HRW

Citing video and photographic evidence, the watchdog slammed Riyadh and Washington for resorting to ‘inhumane’ forms of war.

 The Saudi-led coalition uses internationally prohibited cluster munitions, supplied by the United States, in airstrikes against Houthis in Yemen, Human Rights Watch reported Sunday.

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Treat or Traitors: Troika Sabotaging EU Economy

The Euro and dollar are neck in neck. Unemployment is rampant and many are facing the crisis of whether or not to leave the EU to find work. Some would say there’s been no recovery at all. Especially those who followed the trail of the Troika-a group meant to help the economy but might have destroyed it.
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Libyan Migrants Drowned While EU Interventionists Watch

It was France and the rest of the EU who implemented a no-fly zone over Libya and supplied the rebels with weapons enough to subdue and eventually murdered Gaddafi and paved the way for the plundering of Libya’s natural resources and the future establishment of a Rothschild bank instead of issuing their own sovereign currency.
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Walmart‘s 5-Store Wide Closures Fuel China Invasion & Jade Helm 15 Martial Law Speculations

We received an email last night asking what is happening over the Jade Helm 15 targeted areas where Walmart branches are being closed down without prior announcements, leaving contractual workers unemployed without severance benefits.
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World Bank-Funded Projects Fueling Land Grabs, Displacement of Global Poor

When the World Bank lends a country a loan it doesn’t mean that that country receives actual funding for a project. Part of the agreement is for the Bank to choose its own pre-selected foreign controlled companies to handle the project, i.e. project management, which are mostly shell corporations of the owner of the Bank itself.
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Did Money Seal Israeli-Saudi Alliance?

We are led to believe that the ongoing Saudi Arabia/Israel attack on Yemen is caused by their mutual hatred on Iran and yet Israel is only in it for the money. The House of Saud is reportedly giving Netanyahu’s government a slush fund for its private use although this has been rectified later on as funding for ongoing resettlement projects.
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What Chemtrails are Doing To Your Brain are Shocking – Neurosurgeon

The article about a chemtrail pilot finally blowing the whistle about the previously unknown operation called “OPERATION: INDIGO SKYFOLD” has created quite a stir online to the point that it has literally shut down our system.
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Technocracy: An AI-Based Dictatorship

We have always said that Science is a two-edged blade, i.e. it can be used to cut off ignorance, or sever the head altogether.
When Science is used for the good of the people, progress is assured, but when it falls into the wrong hands, the rest will suffer. Continue reading Technocracy: An AI-Based Dictatorship

UK Man Won Case Against BBC for 9/11 Cover Up

Malaysia has charged and tried some of the real perpetrators of the WTC 9/11 false flag operation to its detriment, i.e. at least two of its passenger airplanes crashed under highly questionable circumstances.
This time, a Briton has single-handedly defeated a mainstream medium for WTC 9/11 false flag cover-up.
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