All posts by Geopolitics101

General Armageddon’s March to the Sea

Although total war has its modern roots in Sherman’s march to the sea, it is an American play-book that has now run its course. It ultimately failed the Wehrmacht, it ultimately failed the U.S. terror machine in Vietnam and, thanks to the fortitude of the Russian Armed Forces, it is spectacularly failing again as General Surovikin bulldozes his way to Odessa.

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Volodymyr Zelensky and Ethnopolitics

President Zelensky has just been named by Time magazine “politician of the year 2022”. It is not to have realized his coup de force of July, in favor of the war. He had all the political parties that opposed him banned; assassinated the personalities who resisted him; controlled all the media, written, audiovisual and internet; banned the Russian language;

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The Doomsday Project and Deep Events

“I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the abyss from which there is no return.”   — Senator Frank Church (1975)

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Fired AP Reporter Who ‘Risked Triggering WWIII’ Actually Did Nothing Wrong

On Tuesday we reported that the Associated Press had fired reporter James LaPorta, two days before his birthday, over an erroneous report which cited a ‘senior US intelligence official,’ who claimed that a Russian missile fired into Poland had killed two civilians.

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Zelensky trapped by Moscow and Washington

The evolution of the balance of power on the Ukrainian battlefield and the tragic episode of the G20 in Bali mark a reversal of the situation. If the West still believes that it will soon defeat Moscow, the United States has already begun secret negotiations with Russia. They are preparing to let go of Ukraine and to put the blame solely on Volodymyr Zelensky. As in Afghanistan, the awakening will be brutal.

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A World Ever More Dystopian. Klaus Schwab’s – WEF – Full Speech at G20 / B20 in Bali, Indonesia

Listening to Klaus Schwab, eternal CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF), speak at the G20 / B20 conference in Bali, Indonesia (15-16 November 2022), you can’t avoid the impression listening to an Avatar – a self-designed deity.

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Does the Collective West Military Want the Ukraine War to End… for the Moment?

Signs are a plenty that the US military top brass wants the Ukrainian war to end, as soon as possible. The Joint Chief of Staff Gen. Miley himself leaked the sentiment to the media. Even US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin admitted that Russia has “impressive weapons”.

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Why is AP Still Protecting the Source Behind its False Russia-Bombed-Poland Story?

AP’s source claimed Russian missiles hit Poland. This seemed calculated to set off a frenzy and trigger NATO articles to create a wider war. Why won’t the AP tell us who the falsifying source is?

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CBDC: How COVID Became the Path to Global Financial Surveillance

It seemed evident for a while that the current fiat monetary system is, at best, unstable. At worst, it’s a Ponzi scheme whose time has expired. If that’s the case, I suspect the central bankers and 0.1% know this and might be prepared to usher in the new system before the old one collapses on itself – even as they loot it on the way down with the most significant wealth transfer in human history.

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Russia, India, China, Iran: the Quad that really matters

Southeast Asia is right at the center of international relations for a whole week viz a viz three consecutive summits: Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Phnom Penh, the Group of Twenty (G20) summit in Bali, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok.  

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UNGA Approves A Resolution to “Legalize International Robbery”

By a majority of votes, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution that would oblige Russia to compensate losses inflicted on Ukraine during the conflict and has recognized the need to create a special “international mechanism” that would allow it to do so.

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