All posts by Geopolitics101

The Empire Strikes Back: Imperialism’s Global War on Multipolarity

This is a series of talks where each talk is short and one can enjoy the long video in shorter pieces.  An absolute must-listen is the convenor’s opening statement which explains so clearly the concept of multi-polarity or pluripolarity.

The second one by Victor Gao brings a new view to how China perceives these changes in our world.

Ben Norton from Multipolarista takes a look at the influence of socialism in the Belt and Road Initiative.

All of these are worth listening to, and it is easy as the presentations are short, and one can come back to it.

Topics include: * NATO, AUKUS and the military infrastructure of the New Cold War * The evolving China-Russia relationship and the West’s response * The Biden administration’s undermining of the One China Principle * Solomon Islands and the West’s plan for hegemony in the Pacific * NATO’s plan for Ukraine and how this impacts China * Prospects for sovereign development in the Global South

Speakers: * Victor Gao (Vice President, Center for China and Globalization) * Ben Norton (Editor, Multipolarista) * Li Jingjing (Reporter, CGTN) * Jenny Clegg (Author, ‘China’s Global Strategy: Toward a Multipolar World’) * Danny Haiphong (Author, ‘American Exceptionalism and American Innocence’) * Chris Matlhako (SACP Second Deputy General Secretary) * Mustafa Hyder Sayed (Executive Director, Pakistan-China Institute)

* Professor Ding Yifan (Senior Fellow, Taihe Institute, China) * Ju-Hyun Park (Writer and organizer, Nodutdol for Korean Community Development) * Rob Kajiwara (President, Peace For Okinawa Coalition) * Sara Flounders (United National Antiwar Coalition, International Action Center) * Yury Tavrovsky (Chairman, Russian-Chinese Committee for Friendship, Peace and Development)

Russia Has the Historical Right to Invade Ukraine

We’re talking about the 1990s: the promises were given, but the West then went ahead and started to expand NATO once, as John Mearsheimer likes to put it there was the first tranche, then the second tranche of expansion… Then NATO starts expanding in Georgia and in the Ukraine. The Soviet Union says it’s a red line.

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The Value of Russia’s Contract Army in Modern Warfare

Modern warfare is very difficult to wage. Especially a long war. On the one hand, the population of any country is easily excited and demands severe punishment for the insidious enemy, smashing his capital to rubble in response to the theft of a chicken from our territory. On the other hand, people like war only as long as the losses associated with it do not personally concern them.

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Fauci’s Royalties and The $350 Million Royalty Payment Stream HIDDEN By NIH

It’s the first time since 2005 that the NIH royalty payments receive oversight. Last year, the National Institutes of Health – Anthony Fauci’s employer – doled out $30 billion in government grants to roughly 56,000 recipients. That largess of taxpayer money buys a lot of favor and clout within the scientific, research, and healthcare industries.

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Towards a Global Food Disaster, Engineered through Acts of Political Sabotage

It’s beginning to look like some bad actors are deliberately taking steps to guarantee a coming global food crisis. Every measure that the Biden Administration strategists have been making to “control energy inflation” is damaging the supply or inflating the price of natural gas, oil and coal to the global economy.

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Putin Warns the US to Back Off in Ukraine

The Western narrative of the two-month old war in Ukraine imbued with the rhetoric of “democracy versus autocracy,” has dramatically changed with the assertion by the US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin at a news conference in Poland Monday following his and Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to Kiev, that Washington  wants to “to see Russia weakened.” 

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Putin Promises ‘Lightning’ Response to Strategic Threats

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned outside forces against interfering in the Ukrainian conflict, promising a “lightning-speed” response to such actions, with the use of Moscow’s most advanced weaponry. President Putin warns that Russia won’t hesitate to use ‘weapons that no other country’ possesses to defend itself.

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$4 Billion and Counting: The D.C. War Machine Feasts on Ukraine

After going a full administration without a new war to fill their coffers, the D.C. defense industry has finally found their next big prize. After dismissing the prospect of diplomacy between Ukraine and Russia, the Biden Administration continues to flood Ukraine with an endless supply of military hardware, while using extraconstitutional means to perpetually lengthen the size and scope of America’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war.

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Localization and Local Futures: Alternative to The Authoritarian “New Normal”

World Localization Day’ will be celebrated on 20 June. Organised by the non-profit Local Futures, this annual coming together of people from across the world began in 2020 and focuses on the need to localise supply-chains and recover our connection with nature and community. The stated aim is to “galvanize the worldwide localization movement into a force for systemic change”.  

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“Synthetic Left” Joins “Corporate Right” in Getting Ukraine War Wrong

Since the Russian military operation to de-Nazify and de-militarize Ukraine began in late February, there is a common misperception that the Western left is “split” over the conflict in its response.

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Janet Yellen Declares World Bankers’ Dictatorship

On April 13th, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave a speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington. In the speech, “On the Way Forward for the Global Economy,” Yellen chillingly sketched the new “globalist order” she fantasizes will emerge from the Biden Administration’s provoked war with Russia in Ukraine—while portraying herself literally as “the world.”

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Who’s Behind the Shanghai Covid Lockdown?

Corporate newspapers and social media have been flooded with horrific images of the Shanghai lockdown for the last week, a massive enterprise that has confined millions of Chinese to their homes for weeks and has resulted in the implementation of severe restrictions on access to basic supplies.

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Kyiv Independent: The Western Media’s Direct Link to Asov Battalion

As the Russian attack on Ukraine has come to dominate global news feeds, so has a previously little-known outlet called The Kyiv Independent. Since its inception in November of last year, the Independent’s profile has risen rapidly and has been promoted and endorsed by both social media giants and the corporate press. Why?

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This is How the Russian Military Treat Captured Ukrainian Soldiers

The Ukrainian Nazis have shown the world how they treated their captured Russian combatants and civilians with barbarism. This is in deep contrast to how the Russian Army treated captured Ukrainian military personnel according to Laws of War.

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The Alliance of MI6, the CIA and the Bandéristes

We have not been able to see the resurgence of Nazi racialism in Ukraine and in the Baltic States for thirty years, nor do we see that many of the Ukrainian civilians we welcome are steeped in Banderites’ ideology. We are waiting for Nazi attacks to begin in Western Europe before we wake up.

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International Elitists Met at the 2022 World Government Summit

While much of the “mainstream” world has spent the last few days obsessing over and debating the celebrity spectacle surrounding American actor Will Smith slapping American comedian Chris Rock, the international elitists were meeting in Dubai for the 2022 World Government Summit.

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The War Propaganda Changes its Shape

If the Russian army has won the war against the Banderites in Ukraine, NATO has won the cognitive war against its own citizens in the West. The Atlantic Alliance has developed a new form of propaganda based on what it denounced a short time ago: Fake News, that is to say not false information, but biased information. How to protect yourself from it?

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Media Sat on Hunter Biden’s 450GB “Laptop from Hell” Data Showing Criminal Activity

Except for the DailyMail, the Washington Post, New York Times and Senator Chuck Grassley – a ranking Republican, sat on for months an estimated 450GB of deleted data from Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell, which shows incriminating photos, archived emails, etc., that could pin down Biden’s fake presidency.

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“Death to America” | Pakistan Parliament Rejected US Regime Change vs PM Khan

US coup failure in Pakistan ‘a sign that Empire’s days as hegemon are over’. An American political analyst and journalist says the US coup failure against the government of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is “a sign that Empire’s days as hegemon are over.” 

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I Was Used to Create Fake News About ‘Russian Air Strike’ on Maternity Hospital

Photos snapped by an Associated Press photographer of a pregnant woman at a demolished Mariupol hospital which Western media claimed had been “bombed by Russian forces” spread like wildfire, with US and European officials and media characterising the incident as evidence of Russian “war crimes”.

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McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government & the Rise of the Corporate State

In France, consultancy firms have been paid billions of euros to advise governments on policies from the coronavirus vaccine, to climate change, and vaccine roll-out, as well as digital transformation, according to a new report released by the French Senate. While the financial sums are staggering, the real scandal is the level of influence on policy that these shadowy corporate actors wield deep inside the halls of government. 

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Who Are the Americans Running Bioweapons Research in Ukraine?

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed new documents on Thursday that had been seized by Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, including correspondences between American financier Hunter Biden – the son of US President Joe Biden – and figures involved in biological research in Ukraine, which an investment firm of his helped to bankroll.

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Russia vs. Ukraine, Who Violated the Law of War?

During his recent four-day European tour, U.S. President Joe Biden made headlines when, during a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda, he described Russian President Vladimir Putin as “a man who I quite frankly think is a war criminal,” adding “I think it will meet the legal definition of that as well.”

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The New World Order Under the Pretext of War in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine was not opened by Russia on February 24, but by Ukraine a week before. The OSCE is a witness to this. This peripheral conflict had been planned by Washington to impose a New World Order from which Russia, then China, were to be excluded. Don’t be fooled!

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Ukrainian Nationalists Who Tortured Russian Soldiers on Video Captured by RSF

Earlier, a video was circulated on social media in which several armed Ukrainians were seen torturing and shooting captured Russian soldiers, prompting calls for Kiev to address the issue.

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