All posts by Geopolitics101

New York City Close Down: A Dress Rehearsal For Total Control

“Anything new that is good news for us to read about? I admire Putin for trying to be strong and taking the stand he has with duress, I am sure.
Just, we need to hear some good news. We hear about the cabal being taken down, but we still see they are very active and seemingly enjoying doing more of the same. The Bushes seem to be doing well, Obama is still in office. Anything new that is good we can really see happening now or anytime soon? It would be greatly appreciated.”

– Susan O

We wish we could put out some positive news out there, Susan, but as far as the Corporate government of the United States is concern its fascistic mentality is still the norm.
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When the Word Comes "It's time"

By Aleksandr Zakharchenko
Translated from Russian by J.Hawk for FortRuss
If one is to speak without geopolitical complexities and nuances, the situation is extremely simple. This is a battle for the continent, for the international system, for one’s own taiga. They are desperately attacking us and are trying to take us down quickly.
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Ukraine Refuses to Pay $6.6 Billion Owed to China; Losing the War

Posted on by Eric Zuesse.
China paid Ukraine $3B two years ago for grain still not delivered, now demands refund. Another $3.6B that’s owed to China, will probably also default.
Eric Zuesse
Russia’s RIA Novosti News Agency reported, on January 17th, that China is demanding refund of $1.5 billion in cash and of an additional $1.5 billion in Chinese goods that were paid in advance by China (in 2013), for a 2012 Chinese order of grain from Ukraine, which goods still have not been supplied to China.
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Captured Nazis and Amateur Mercenaries Paraded in Donbass

Last week, Kiev decided to launch what could have been its final attack on the separatist Eastern Ukraine. It turns out; the foot soldiers were only told to conduct a recovery operation of their fallen comrades only to realize that they were doing an actual offensive of which they were not psychologically prepared. In fact, most of them are fighting the war for Kiev just for a pittance of what hardcore Nazis are receiving.
Continue reading Captured Nazis and Amateur Mercenaries Paraded in Donbass

The Economist 2015 Cover With Cryptic Symbols & Dire Predictions

A few days ago, I came into an article that gave me some concerns. This came as an analysis of the magazine cover of Economist January 2015 issue, one of the popular mainstream periodicals in the field of economics.
I was having second thoughts on posting it here, but when I saw an article at RT that tackled China’s concern regarding the developing “closeness” between Modi and Obama, this finally triggered the posting of this article.
Continue reading The Economist 2015 Cover With Cryptic Symbols & Dire Predictions

Greece Shows What Can Happen When The Young Revolt Against Corrupt Elites

By Paul Mason
January 25, 2015 “ICH” – “The Guardian” –  At Syriza’s HQ, the cigarette smoke in the cafe swirls into shapes. If those could reflect the images in the minds of the men hunched over their black coffees, they would probably be the faces of Che Guevara, or Aris Velouchiotis, the second world war Greek resistance fighter. These are veteran leftists who expected to end their days as professors of such esoteric subjects as development economics, human rights law and who killed who in the civil war. Instead, they are on the brink of power.
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The Greeks end debt slavery, a bad king dies, the Russians attack, central banks panic and the Davos elite fiddle while the world burns

The world revolution against cabal rule and Babylonian style debt slavery continues to unfold, leaving Europe and the Middle East in turmoil. The Greeks made the boldest move last week when they kicked out the cabal slave government and elected a government promising to end debt slavery.
Continue reading The Greeks end debt slavery, a bad king dies, the Russians attack, central banks panic and the Davos elite fiddle while the world burns

Greeks Won, Bankers Lost in Syriza's Sweep

The people of Greece have spoken. They are officially tired of the bankers and its pro-banker government’s austerity programs which robbed them of their dignity to live as humans.
This is another blow to the euro currency and the EU bloc itself.
Continue reading Greeks Won, Bankers Lost in Syriza's Sweep

Seven Central Banks Take Anti-Deflationary Actions in Past Week

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 22, 2015

The big story this week has not been news coming out of the widely covered World Economic Forum in Davos or the much anticipated bond-buying program in Europe known as QE. The big story is the sheer number of central banks moving into panic mode in the span of a week.
Continue reading Seven Central Banks Take Anti-Deflationary Actions in Past Week

A Bunch Of Criminals

A while ago, ECB President Mario Draghi announced that the Eurozone will print more paper money to bail itself out. This would mean that the banks will continue to circulate worthless currency to keep itself afloat while the population doing the actual hard work is deceptively compensated by it.
No wonder bank CEOs are fattened with huge bonuses even at these trying times.
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Je Suis Abdullah: Mourned by Fellow Cabalists

Hard core Cabalists all over are singing praises for their dear departed fellow who passed away just days ago leaving behind one of the most repressive kingdoms of the modern world.
These fellow brethren in the Satanic faith are so immodest in their choice of words to the point of sounding ridiculous.
Continue reading Je Suis Abdullah: Mourned by Fellow Cabalists

Stairway to Tyranny

by Veterans Today on January 22, 2015

For most any government, maintaining power is the ultimate bottom line. Without a power foundation solid as a 47-story steel-frame skyscraper, a government cannot climb the stairway to tyranny—hold the aphrodisia.

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Israeli Espionage Fronts have Hijacked America!

The Facts of who did the 9-11-01 Attack on America are being revealed in great detail and show that Israeli did it with help from their hijacked American Political System, Congress, the Administration and elements of the US Military.

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Switzerland Adds to List of Countries Dumping Dollar / Euro

The global movement away from the dollar continues to gain traction when the Swiss central bank signed a pact with China to trade only in yuan or renminbi.
Still, the mainstream media refuse to cover this significant departure…
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€1.1 Trillion QE for Eurozone Announced; Euro Falling

The European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has decided to flood the Eurozone with Federal Reserve type quantitative easing in the staggering amount of €1.1 Trillion!
As expected the Euro fell, and the Swiss National Bank was right when it decided to decouple the Francs away from the Euro.
Continue reading €1.1 Trillion QE for Eurozone Announced; Euro Falling

Gold is the New Cash

Gold prices have soared on the recent wave of global volatility with stock market crash in China and the Swiss national currency turmoil, exceeding $1,300-1,320/oz.
© REUTERS/ Leonhard Foeger
Russia Might Implement Gold Standard to Boost Economy: Expert
MOSCOW, January 19 (Sputnik), Kristian Rouz – One of the top-valued metal commodities and a universal monetary equivalent, gold, is heading to exceed the psychological threshold of $1,300/oz., as investors in Asia-Pacific and Europe are gravely concerned with the sudden fluctuations in the Swiss national currency’s FX rate and today’s crash in mainland China’s stock markets.
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Swiss National Bank De-pegging of Franc Could End Euro

Last week, the Swiss National Bank decided to abandon the cap of its own currency, and allowed it to appreciate against the Euro. This move prompted investors to move away from the Euro in favor of gold and silver.
Interestingly, this Swiss move comes just a few days from the BRICS financiers’ meeting at the sidelines of the Davos Summit 2015.
Continue reading Swiss National Bank De-pegging of Franc Could End Euro

Kiev Launching Final Assault Against NovoRussia

In a sign of desperation, Nazionists in Ukraine decided to launch its biggest attack on Eastern Ukraine through the heavily fortified Donetsk Airport.
It must be noted that all offensives, whether in the form of false flags or otherwise, made by the Cabal were all successfully repelled. This should not be an exception.
Continue reading Kiev Launching Final Assault Against NovoRussia

West Wants to Divide and Conquer Russia and China

When you have two enemies, neither of which can be subdued by any means, what would you do?
Pit them both into a fist fight by instigating a conflict through bad rumors aimed at forgetting who the real enemy is. Of course, when it comes to China and Russia, this would mean MAD or mutually assured destruction.
Continue reading West Wants to Divide and Conquer Russia and China

Paris March: A Pseudo-Solidarity

When top actors from 40 countries participated in a glorious photo-op, “1.5 million” Parisians were much obliged. The problem is: these top 40 actors were not even near the vicinity where the March of Solidarity was held.
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BRICS Finance Ministers to Meet at WEF Summit in Davos

January 18, 2015, 7:43 am

The five Finance Ministers of BRICS will meet on the sidelines of the WEF summit next week in Davos where they will discuss preparations on establishing the newly-launched $100 billion BRICS Bank.
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China to Bail Out Finland Pork Industry

China’s soft power continues to gain ground…
Although China can surely produce and supply its own need for pork, she opted to buy them from far-off Finland, a country which complied with the Cabal’s economic sanction against Russia, and subsequently suffered from the latter’s retaliatory ban against European products.
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Swiss Fiasco Started A Run On Gold

BRICS decision to abandon the US dollar in favor of their local currencies, and the establishment of its own gold exchange based in Singapore late last year have started to show effects on the financial integrity of the European economy.
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Putin's Black Swan vs. West

Just as 2014 was ending, we were made aware of an imminent Black Swan event. That event is already happening starting from the final decision to stop supplying natural gas to NATO by the withdrawal of South Stream project in favor of Turkish Stream.

Paul Craig Roberts – Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West

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Mass extinction for Earth’s oceans probable, comprehensive study says

Published time: January 17, 2015 10:19
Reuters / Jorge Silva
The first comprehensive study of its kind has determined that ocean life is facing mass extinction from human activity. But the record damage is still reversible – unlike our impact on land. American scientists say the effects can be mitigated.
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Counter Color Revolution Launched

The so-called “color revolutions” that saw action in Hong Kong, Ukraine, and the Arab Spring before them, are now facing a worthwhile antagonist.
These color revolutions are feeding the Cabalists’ Agenda of Global control by removing non-conformist governments like that of Assad in Syria, Qaddafi’s Libya and Saddam’s Iraq..
Continue reading Counter Color Revolution Launched

What Game is The House of Saud Playing?

The House of Saud now finds itself in times of extreme trouble. Their risky oil price war may eventually backfire. The succession of King Abdullah may turn into a bloodbath. And the American protector may be musing a change of heart.
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Bankers Panic: Greek Election Could Herald Change in Europe

by Dean Andromidas
[[PDF version of this article]
Jan. 2—The possibility of an anti-bailout and anti-austerity government coming to power in Greece, led by coalition led by the left-wing Syriza party and the nationalist Independent Greeks, has sent terror through the European oligarchy, that their Eurozone, the Europe for the bankers, will collapse. It was in Greece, in 2010, that the imposition of brutal austerity began, in an attempt to save the hopelessly bankrupt European banking system. After Greece, came Ireland, Portugal, the fleecing of the savings of Cypriots, and bankers’ governments in Spain and Italy. The Greek elections on Jan. 25 could be the beginning of the end of this nightmare.
Continue reading Bankers Panic: Greek Election Could Herald Change in Europe

Paris Charlie Hebdo False Flag: The Wider Plot

Israel’s willingness to murder its own people to further Zionism is not without precedent. The Paris false flag shooting was obviously connected to Netanyahu’s warning about France’s “Palestinian recognition will be a grave mistake”, and not an attempt to shutdown the House of Saud, as Fulford claims.
Continue reading Paris Charlie Hebdo False Flag: The Wider Plot

Gazprom Announces Final Nail in the South Stream Coffin

Russia’s refusal to bow down to the caprices of her neighbors is one of the reasons why the Paris “Je Suis Charlie” has to be launched, out of desperation.
The EU is shooting itself on the foot by issuing multiple sanctions against Russia, at the time when it was so easy for Putin to retaliate having made substantial preparation beforehand. The ongoing slump in  oil prices only feeds the tabloid narrative of the West, but is not in any way affecting the internal balance sheets of Russia.
This arrogance has rendered Bulgaria as collateral damage, wittingly.
The final announcement to withdraw South Stream comes in parallel with Norways StatOil’s decision to stop all oil explorations in Greenland.
Continue reading Gazprom Announces Final Nail in the South Stream Coffin

Parents of missing students invade army base in Mexico

The parents of 43 missing students kidnapped in September 2014, and their sympathizers clashed with members of the Mexican military and riot police as they took to the streets of Iguala on Monday. The protesters demanded that the Mexican military return the students’ bodies.
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George Bush Pedophile Sex Ring and Blackmail of Congress

The Franklin Cover Up is only the tip of the Iceberg
George HW Bush is a known evil pedophile, who ran a Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring during the 1980s known as “Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar”, and later to become known as “The Finders or The Franklin Coverup”. U.S. Vice President George HW Bush would sneak children over to Senator Barney Frank’s condo, known as a “Brownstone” to their famous cocktail parties, where U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senators — some willing and some unwilling participants — got a taste of the “Voodoo Drug” in their drink.
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