All posts by Geopolitics101

US Atty Gen Eric Holder Resigns

The notorious villain in the Fast and the Furious “gunwalking” scandal is ordered to submit all evidence relating to the said operation that resulted to federal agents losing control of 2,000 arms, 2 of which were found at the scene of the killing of US Border patrol agent Brian Terry in Arizona.
Eric Holder is just one of those falling in the final takedown of the Cabal.
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EU Police Arrested 1000+ Using ITCCS Evidence on Ndrangheta

Ndrangheta is a mafia organization with connections to the Vatican. It specializes in human trafficking including children for feeding the appetite of the moneyed pedophiles.

European police arrest more than 1000 criminals using ITCCS evidence of Ndrangheta and catholic child trafficking

Breaking News: 25 September, 2014
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As many are already aware of the kind of democracy the United States is brandishing here and there, it is still worthwhile to hear from someone who not only have experienced it firsthand, but also has the authority to determine the outcome if only the so-called champion of freedom would have given him the free hand, but wasn’t.


The deliberate distortion of the Scottish Referendum is starting to backfire against The Monarchy of the Bauers in control of the City of London.
Their paid hacks in the media and politics can deny to their teeth that these malfeasance have occurred but the people won’t be fooled, nor will they ever listen to these scoundrels ever again.
Already there is a developing wave of thousands joining the pro-independence movement after the exposure of the fraud on the global alternative media. The online petition for the rejection of the fraudulent canvassing of votes has gained more than 70 thousand signatures on its first day alone.
Membership to the pro-independence movement has swelled to thousands.

Aggressive Reciprocity 2.0

You don’t deploy 100,000 of your troops, some coming 5,000 kilometers away, just for the game’s sake.
The recent missile attack on an ammunition depot in East Ukraine suggests that Russia just can’t take NATO’s aggressive maneuvers in the area lightly.
September is the month for settling dues. Will this be the month when payment should be extracted rather more forcefully?
Continue reading Aggressive Reciprocity 2.0

The New Enemy

At present, there is an emergence of two contrasting geopolitical philosophies. While China is busy strengthening relationships with its neighbors in Asia, and Russia is sending food and medical supplies to the war-torn Ukraine, Western oligarchs are busy sowing terror by proxies everywhere there’s oil, regrouping and enhancing their military command structure as if the East would buy into their warmongering habits.
Continue reading The New Enemy

Vatican Owns Media Firm Selling Porn

The self-proclaimed bastion of morals has proven itself to be more of a House of Filth and all that is evil in this world.
The Vatican has for years shown what evil could really do when it has fully usurped man’s capacity to think through hypnotic rituals conducted inside churches and mass media, in general.
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CIA Required to Train and Defeat ISIL

Funny as it is deadly but this is the game Israel /Corporate US want to play. They create problems and solutions, yet they are the only ones profiting from the whole process, leaving countries they’ve been in total ruins.
But the unstoppable wave of disclosures from direct witnesses is something that has shed some very bright light into the dark world of black geopolitics, and that which we should be grateful about as they have vindicated all “conspiracy theorists” who have selflessly risked their reputation, subjected to ridicule, just for the enlightenment of the global population.
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Scotland Referendum Fraud Exposed

90% of oil revenue is just so hard to throw away for British Royalty and its puppet-politicians. The referendum must be rigged at all cost.
Scotland should never know what freedom is. The dream of William Wallace and countless others who shed blood for their land, must never be fulfilled.
Continue reading Scotland Referendum Fraud Exposed

Big Pharma Fined $489 Million for Bribing Doctors

This is probably the first and only in China where Corporations have no clout in its internal affairs.
Here in the Philippines, drugs are priced 300% higher than its neighbors, 30% of which goes to “marketing”, e.g. doctors annual conventions.
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Here at eClinik Learning we always evaluate and give more weight to actions taken rather than the face value of the words spoken. We give them the luxury and benefit of the doubt.
There are articles to the contrary, but it may be valid to consider that Vladimir Putin is the face of the global resistance at this point. Truly, he did rise from the perimeter of the Oligarchs but his actions seem to betray them.
Below, is a long tribute to Mr. Putin…

China Accelerates Gold Exchange Launching

While the Fed can’t contain its urge to raise interest rates, China will be strengthening its financial status further by launching its gold exchange (as opposed to stock exchange which is nothing but the endless shuffling of paper that has nothing to do with actual production) earlier than scheduled.
With the planned establishment of an alternative to SWIFT, the Cabal’s clout on world finance is diminishing by the day.
Continue reading China Accelerates Gold Exchange Launching

Non-radioactive Nuclear Plants Emerging

Back in 1989, Paul M. Brown was awarded a patent for his non-radioactive nuclear reactors. These reactors could produce nuclear reaction, and reuse its nuclear waste, for energy production. He died in a car crash, and nobody heard about the technology ever again.
Russia has made progress along these lines and considering their liberal approach to science, it’s no surprise to hear that they will be building these safer and cheaper nuclear power plants soon.
Continue reading Non-radioactive Nuclear Plants Emerging

Aggressive Reciprocity

The ongoing US/NATO vs. Russia Military Exercises are too close for comfort.
We know that the Old Guards are bleeding, and the Reformists are conducting constructive and transparent meetings in quick succession after another in the last few days, we can hardly keep up.
The Ukrainian coup-installed government is in panic mode judging from its volatile stand against humanitarian aid from Russia. They are even bombing the OSCE observers in MH-17 ground zero.
Continue reading Aggressive Reciprocity

Global Financial Reset Coming

For the last few days, some  very significant events have taken place.
Among them was the  major steps taken to strengthen mutual cooperation amongst China’s closest neighbors through the Silk Road Belt Initiative and Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Continue reading Global Financial Reset Coming

The World's Last MegaBubble

The monetary based economic system is showing its weakness. The seemingly endless printing of paper assets just cannot be sustained anymore.
In the end, they’re just pieces of paper decorated with fancy inkworks and nothing more.

Deutsche Bank Just Released A 104-Page Report On What May Be The World’s Last Mega-Bubble

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Dethrone King Dollar

Here’s the former member of Obama’s economic team, munching antagonistic views against the king of world currencies, .i.e fiat US dollar.
” From 2009 to 2011, Bernstein was the Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, executive director of the White House Task Force on the Middle Class, and a member of President Obama’s economic team.”

Dethrone King Dollar

us dollar bundles
WASHINGTON — THERE are few truisms about the world economy, but for decades, one has been the role of the United States dollar as the world’s reserve currency. It’s a core principle of American economic policy. After all, who wouldn’t want their currency to be the one that foreign banks and governments want to hold in reserve?
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More EU Sanctions vs. Russia

False flags are exposed before being unleashed. The Russian card must be played over and over again.
More companies and more personalities are being subjected to appropriate restrictions to tame the leading Reformist-country today.

European Council president confirms new sanctions on Russia

September 11, 17:32 UTC+4
Earlier on Thursday, a source in the EU foreign policy service said the EU ambassadors have made a decision the new package of sanctions against Russia will take effect as of September 12

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Establishing Alternative to SWIFT

SWIFT is the backbone for establishing secure financial transactions between financial institutions globally. Ideally, the system must be neutral and transparent.
Recently, the Cabalists have raised their anti-Russian rhetoric by kicking out the Reformists out of the system to maintain their grip on the system.
BRICS has no other alternative but to establish their own version of the SWIFT system. With 180+ countries backing them up, this should be just another walk in the park.

Russia, China in talks to make alternative to SWIFT — deputy PM

September 10, 18:14 UTC+4
Russian authorities wanted to decrease the financial market’s dependence on SWIFT since the introduction of the first U.S. sanctions

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Building Bridges 3.0

Russia continues to build bridges of goodwill around the world for mutual progress.
Russia will be helping the Indians build nuclear power plants. The Nicaraguan Canal would be a better and bigger alternative to Panama Canal.
These projects are to be done on top of the plan to connect the Far East to SouthEast Asia and Central America via a high speed railway system through Siberia.
On the other hand, China will also be investing in India…

China And Russia Reportedly Plan To Build One Of The Largest Seaports In North Asia

Chinese President Xi Jinping may offer cheaper high-speed trains during his India visit

Dutch Preliminary Report on MH 17 Crash

We have made our own conclusion about the real cause of Flight MH-17 crashing into Ukrainian territory based on several reliable forensic analyses [here, here, here], and it is our opinion that such conclusion has stood the test of any falsehood against it.

Dutch Preliminary Report on MH 17 Crash

… by  Gordon Duff,  VT  Sr. Editor
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Murky Special Ops » Corporate Bonanza

There’s only type of activity the Cabalists would really love doing, i.e. sowing chaos.
These shenanigans only believe in achieving order through chaos, and mass murder of the 95% of humanity.

Murky Special Ops Have Become Corporate Bonanza, Says Report

By Ryan Gallagher
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Russia Won't Be Involved in Arms Race [Putin]

True to his training as a martial artist, Putin is taking a defensive stance for his country.
If this is the position of the Russian Federation then the Corporate US and NATO will be chasing their own tails, fighting their own shadows, as the rest of the world are fast moving forward to global progress through reciprocity, i.e. mutual cooperation and productive exchange of resources.
Continue reading Russia Won't Be Involved in Arms Race [Putin]

Rotherham Council Chief Resigning Over 1400 Abused Children Scandal

Previously, news about abuses to more than a thousand children in Rotherham came to light.
Other similar crimes were also committed by the last bastion of morals, supposedly, the Church.

Rotherham child abuse scandal: council chief executive to step down

Martin Kimber, chief executive of the council at the centre of the child exploitation scandal, will quit at the end of the year…

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Americans Must Rise in Revolt

These are the words of a frustrated managing editor of Veterans Today in reference to his fellow Americans’ inaction in the midst of the blatant genocidal crimes of their government against peaceful countries around the world.

Americans must rise in ‘revolt’ over US government’s ‘craziness’: Journalist

… by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor      … with Press TV,  Tehran
A political commentator in Atlanta says that Americans must rise in “revolt” over the US government’s violent policies and “craziness” against independent countries around the world.

Continue reading Americans Must Rise in Revolt

NATO Should Be Retired

All military installations, industries and personnel should be. This is the desire of the majority.
There’s absolutely no need for armies to preserve or expand boundaries. There’s enough for everyone and more.
And If there’s indeed democracy all over this planet then why is the voice of the majority of its people not being respected?
It is therefore our duty to uphold human dignity by going against the will of any state that is not in the service of its people.

NATO Should Be Retired, Not Repurposed!

Saturday, 06 September 2014 09:34 By Joseph Gerson, Truthout | Op-Ed
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Preemptive Nuclear Strike Doctrine Against NATO – Russian General

Although Putin may prefer a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine/NATO problem, his allies are not.
We are officially back to the Cold War era.
The only difference is: we have full control of what information we would like to believe.

Russian General Demands Preemptive Nuclear Strike Doctrine Against NATO

Tyler Durden's picture

While NATO is contemplating its existential purpose in a world where the Cold War has suddenly come back with a vengeance, and the military alliance has found itself woefully unprepared to deal with a Russia which no longer accepts the supremacy of the west (appropriately enough NATO is doing this on a golf course) Russia is also strategizing, only instead of issuing “sharply-worded catchphrases” and hashtags, a Russian general has called for Russia to revamp its military doctrine, last updated in 2010, to clearly identify the U.S. and its NATO allies as Moscow’s enemy number one.
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U.S. Securing Iraq for Israel & Collecting 9 Billion in Oil Revenues for Terrorists?

It doesn’t require a lot of thinking to arrive at a conclusion that the purpose of the ISIS script is to control the oil fields and raise money for the Cabal.
And so is the “Russian Invasion” story line by raising annual budget for military expenditures.
But it is Israel which is reaping all the bounties while sacrificing American lives and taxpayers money.
Continue reading U.S. Securing Iraq for Israel & Collecting 9 Billion in Oil Revenues for Terrorists?

"Beheaded" Journalist Steven Sotloff, an Israeli Spy?

Here’s another interesting story about the recent ISIS beheading which we chose not to say something about. The acting wasn’t that realistic, i.e. much worse than last time.
It turns out Steven Sotloff is a dual citizen of the US and Israel.
Continue reading "Beheaded" Journalist Steven Sotloff, an Israeli Spy?

Vatican Preparing Statement on Extraterrestrial Life

How can religion be kept relevant in the Age of Universal Enlightenment?
It seems the sinister forces within the Vatican has the answer…

Vatican Preparing Statement on Extraterrestrial Life

Pope Francis is reportedly preparing a major world statement about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. Rosana Ubanell from Voxxi News today reported that due to advances in scientific detection methods for the discovery of extraterrestrial life, Pope Francis wants to be ready with a statement about “First Contact”.
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NASA Ignoring Russia's Discovery of Microbes on Surface of ISS

We have been brainwashed to believe that life could not exist in space, yet our planet itself is floating in space while we are still breathing.
Last August 19th, a stunning discovery was made by Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station — microbes where found alive clinging on its surface.
Continue reading NASA Ignoring Russia's Discovery of Microbes on Surface of ISS

Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors