Category Archives: Nazism & Zionism

There’s No Reset with Israeli Lobby in the White House

There may be a reset on US  policies when it comes to the TPP withdrawal, UN withdrawal, cooperation with Russia in Syria, and the gradual release of exotic technologies [here] to prop up the US economy and “Make America Great Again,” but as far as the Israeli lobby is concerned there’s no reset whatsoever. Continue reading There’s No Reset with Israeli Lobby in the White House

Syrian War: A Zionist Project to Erase Arab Identity & Culture | Dr. Shaaban

Dr Shaaban, political and media adviser to the Syrian President, Bashar Al Assa, spoke of the Zionist project to erase Arab identity and to destroy Arab culture, society, history, infrastructure and civilization in order to claim history for Israel and eradicate all trace of the Arab peoples.
Continue reading Syrian War: A Zionist Project to Erase Arab Identity & Culture | Dr. Shaaban

Zionists Suffered Major Loses in Syria & Yemen; Gained $38 billion US Taxpayers’ Aid

With the aid of the Russian S-400 missile shield, the Syrian Armed Forces successfully shot down an Israeli aircraft and a UAV intruding into the country. This latest Israeli misadventure resulted in the accelerated approval of “a record $38 billion in new US military aid over the next decade.”
Continue reading Zionists Suffered Major Loses in Syria & Yemen; Gained $38 billion US Taxpayers’ Aid

I want to kill Russians and Iranians in Syria | ex-CIA Director Michael Morell

The Khazarians are not hiding it anymore. In their frustration over the effective ongoing global active resistance against their genocidal plans throughout the Middle East and elsewhere around the globe, they could not contain their evil desires anymore.
Continue reading I want to kill Russians and Iranians in Syria | ex-CIA Director Michael Morell

Dallas Shootings: White Supremacists Succeeded in Provoking Black Extremism

Considered to be one of the worst in US police history, five police officers were shot dead and scores wounded by snipers, presumably as a retaliation to the blatant killings of two black men this week in Louisiana and Minnesota.
Initial reports said that the three snipers were not part of those who joined the Black Lives Matter rally where the shootings occurred.
Continue reading Dallas Shootings: White Supremacists Succeeded in Provoking Black Extremism

ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Most of those who were behind the creation of false pretexts to attack Iraq and Afghanistan have already admitted to have based their decisions on false intelligence about the existence of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.
Up to now, not one of them is held accountable to that decision which plunged the world into the War of Terror.
Continue reading ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Khazarian Mafia’s System of Cartels to Subjugate Entire Planet

All the evils in our society today can be traced back to the biggest crime syndicate that had its roots in the old Khazarian Empire.
The rogue phallic worshiping Khazarian Empire may have been destroyed, but they did not disappear completely.
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Clinton’s Leaked eMails Confirm Libya Plunder by Killing Qaddafi

It was broad daylight robbery and murder when US , France, and the rest of NATO, hunted down Muammar Qaddafi, and destroyed the most prosperous nation in Africa, i.e. Libya., in 2011.
The above picture is taken during the G8 Summit Italy, in 2009,.
Continue reading Clinton’s Leaked eMails Confirm Libya Plunder by Killing Qaddafi

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca Tied to Nazis, CIA & Mexican Drug Lords

The Panama Papers, which relied heavily on the leaked information from Mossack Fonseca law firm, may not just be about State actors and corporate players’ secret offshore shell companies, physical assets and bank accounts, but more about getting back at people who have turned their backs on the New World Order totalitarian regime which took decades of planning, mass murder, regime changes, false flags, and sustained environmental destruction, to construct.
The Panama Papers look more like a Rothchild dynasty’s exercising the Samson Option. But, it’s still good to know that they are now after each other’s throat.
Continue reading Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca Tied to Nazis, CIA & Mexican Drug Lords

Clinton Email Celebrates “Good News” for F15 Fighter Jets Sales to Saudi Arabia

As Nazionists are moving heaven and hell to sway the voters’ nod towards Hillary Clinton, using the full power of the mainstream media, and some undocumented coercions along the way, clued in only by undeniable list of murdered Clinton close aides,
… the White Hats are also doing their best to pin down the perennial warmonger corporate candidate by releasing another devastating email about the “Good News” celebration regarding the sales of more F15s to Saudi Arabia, now targeting Yemeni civilians, as pictured above.
Continue reading Clinton Email Celebrates “Good News” for F15 Fighter Jets Sales to Saudi Arabia

CIA Handouts That Rocked the World | Insider's View

A former State Department foreign service officer’s new book provides a shocking, timely, and credible circumstantial case that ties the U.S. training of Islamic radicals to our nation’s major foreign policy disasters in the Mideast during the past quarter century.
Continue reading CIA Handouts That Rocked the World | Insider's View

British Monarchy Takes Last Ditch Effort to Salvage Empire from Extinction

After the massive exposure of their puppet Middle Eastern governments’ collusion with the Islamic State terrorist enterprise, the British monarchy is wasting no time to actively return to Asia via Japan and is also reported to have been behind Saudi’s Shiite provocation all along.
Continue reading British Monarchy Takes Last Ditch Effort to Salvage Empire from Extinction

Merkel Receives “Mysterious” Package After Germany Announced Riyadh Arms Deal Review

The Bilderbergers appoint presidents not out of stellar qualifications but on the virtue of the person being heavily compromised and easily steerable.
All of these Western leaders have dark secrets that are being used as leverage by the power behind the throne to advance their own agenda of global dominance.
Continue reading Merkel Receives “Mysterious” Package After Germany Announced Riyadh Arms Deal Review

Saudi’s Murder of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr Exposes Western Hypocrisy Once Again

A prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, was executed yesterday in an attempt to weaken the Shiite segment of the Muslim world.
He was murdered along with 46 other people in order to project the murder as just a normal implementation of the Sharia Law and not a deliberate attack against a major geopolitical enemy.
Continue reading Saudi’s Murder of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr Exposes Western Hypocrisy Once Again

Israel Quarantine Proven Myth, Air Force Bombing Gaza

A known geopolitical analyst earlier claimed that the entire Israel Air Force is under quarantine by the Russians, but this might not be entirely accurate considering that,
“Israeli warplanes have carried out several airstrikes against the Gaza Strip in another act of aggression against the besieged Palestinian territory.”
Continue reading Israel Quarantine Proven Myth, Air Force Bombing Gaza

If the United States is Nazified, Eurozone is the New Soviet Union

When World War 2 ended everybody celebrated the fall of the Nazis only to find later on that their very country is occupied and ruled by Nazi agents, e.g. George HW Bush, George W. Bush, Jr., Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski,

This is now the case with the European Union that behaves more like the collapsed Soviet Union.
Continue reading If the United States is Nazified, Eurozone is the New Soviet Union

Aside from Vanguard, Nazionists also have Genie Energy [GNE]

The Nazionists Khazarian Mafia are not on the exit door just yet. In fact, they are embedding themselves into some shell corporations owned by their Rothschild godfather so that when the fiat dollar is finally put out of circulation, they could still feed themselves generously.
Continue reading Aside from Vanguard, Nazionists also have Genie Energy [GNE]

Mocking the Memory of Flight 9268 Victims Highlights Collapsing Western Culture

Those who have fully consented to the actions of ISIS to target non-combatants in its battle with the Russian coalition, not only cheered for the bearded headcutters for what they did on the ill fated flight, but are now mocking the victims directly in more ways than one.
Continue reading Mocking the Memory of Flight 9268 Victims Highlights Collapsing Western Culture

The Harper Corruption of Canada & Opposition Fear to Name It

Canadians are within a few days of stopping or allowing the Harper regime to continue to destroy the democracy and life fabric of Canada. But the dots are taboo to connect. The PR-led opposition has joined the corporate media in a public stage ritual of forgetting. The endless lies, election cheats, and bullying abuses through nine years of PMO civil destruction go scot free.
Continue reading The Harper Corruption of Canada & Opposition Fear to Name It

Leaked: The Drone Papers

The Intercept has once again provided a great detail and analysis on Obama’s drone based policy of eliminating perceived enemies of the corporate United States with its new exposé which highlights leaked drone papers by an intelligence whistleblower.
This process of summary execution by remote control is, to our understanding, is a way of eliminating “loose ends” of the Bush era “war of terror”,  and suppressing dissent, among others.
Continue reading Leaked: The Drone Papers

Virginia TV Reporter Shooting Hoax Busted!

The Virginia Shooting 2.0 featuring Alison Parker as the lead victim live TV reporter and back to back with her own father, Andy Parker, as one of the supporting actors, turns out to be just another one of those poorly produced video purposely to “brainwashed people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”
Watch these series of short videos and be entertained. You deserve it.
Continue reading Virginia TV Reporter Shooting Hoax Busted!

How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged 2 Years Ago

Earlier this week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon submitted the findings of the UN chemical weapons inspection team dispatched to Syria last month to gather evidence on the August 21st chemical weapons attack in Ghouta.
Continue reading How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged 2 Years Ago

Video of Queen Liz in Snappy Nazi Salute Exposed on MSM

An 82 year old video released by the Sun confirms what we already knew about the Nazi roots of the bogus Queen of England and her entire bloodline.
Continue reading Video of Queen Liz in Snappy Nazi Salute Exposed on MSM

Bill & Hillary’s Body Count Increases!

Covert crimes can only be sustained by committing more of it. This has always been the case with the Bush family, i.e. from aiding and abetting the rise of Hitler, to the murder of Nikola Tesla, and the 9/11 WTC controlled demolition leading to the murder of millions more in Iraq and Afghanistan…
… and so with the Clintons.
Continue reading Bill & Hillary’s Body Count Increases!

China Forbids Its Workers from Building Israel Settlements

While the United Nations could not stop Israel’s illegal incursion to Palestinian lands because its only function is to implement globalist policies of the bankers, China and other nations have boycotted Israel in real terms.
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Decade of Persistent U.S. Meddling On Ukrainian Affairs Revealed

A direct first-hand testimony about the United States’ persistent meddling on Ukrainian affairs has been revealed through an Austrian court testimony putting beyond doubt the culpability of the Nazionist War Hawks for the deteriorating socioeconomic conditions in Kiev, Ukraine.
Continue reading Decade of Persistent U.S. Meddling On Ukrainian Affairs Revealed

Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate, tyrannize the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only their Babylonian Talmudism also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.

Continue reading Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al

If President Obama won’t do it, someone else will. Thankfully, a human rights group in Berlin, The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, has begun the process of indicting members of the Bush Administration by filing criminal complaints against the architects of the Admin’s torture program.
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Most Americans Are Slaves; Israel Asks U.S. $300mn for Missile Defense

During the time of the Marcos Dictatorship (1966-1986) we were mocked at as the “Sick Man in Asia” or “a country of 60 million cowards and one son of a bitch” by the Americans of those days.
We did revolt eventually in 1986, only to be hijacked by the Jesuit/CIA agents comprising the Council of Trent – Makati Business Club clique, the day after they appointed Corazon Aquino, widow of opposition leader Ninoy Aquino, to the presidency.
“Ninoy” Aquino was assassinated 3 years before, and US politicians  and mainstream media were blaming the Marcoses for his death. Assassination of opposition leaders is not new for the CIA.
The root cause of our problem, therefore, is not domestic but foreign.
So, what would you do when you start to realize you’re just a slave, and the very government that’s killing your countrymen through false flag operations like 9/11 WTC would ask for more military aid on top of the $100 billion your government have provided before?
Would you just stand idly by and do nothing?
Continue reading Most Americans Are Slaves; Israel Asks U.S. $300mn for Missile Defense

ex-Mossad Head Urges Israeli Voters to Oust Netanyahu

Meir Dagan says prime minister’s policies are ‘destructive to the future and security of Israel’
A former head of Israel’s foreign intelligence service Mossad is urging voters to oust Binyamin Netanyahu in the next general election, accusing the prime minister of endangering the country’s security with his stance on the Iranian nuclear programme.
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