All posts by Geopolitics101

“#Je suis brainwashed”

Million morons march for big lies & genocide

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
Call them sheeple. Lemmings. Zombies. New World Order mind control slaves.
Whatever you call them, the drooling dimwits chanting “we are Charlie” are the all-time greatest argument for Rockefeller-style eugenic euthanasia. (Which, incidentally, should start with the Rockefellers.)
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The fake Paris incident is aimed at taking down the house of Saud

The obviously faked
terror incident in Paris last week was clearly aimed at preparing public opinion in the West for an operation to take down the Saudi Arabian monarchy. The operation consisted of having a French magazine publish cartoons of a sort that would lead to a death penalty in Saudi Arabia and then faking the execution of the magazine’s staff. This serves to make the Western public aware and angry about the sort of thing the Saudi government does.
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Hypocrites Shine on Paris Catwalk

Pepe Escobar
The Paris unity march attended by over 40 world leaders has revealed the Western “double standard” approach concerning the freedom of speech and the battle against terrorism.
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Busted! – The Taming Of The Cabal’s Lowlifes

Busted! – The Taming Of The Cabal’s Lowlifes
Neil is mad as hell!  He’s had enough of the pointless criminal endeavors that these cabal cronies are foisting upon those who give their best toward making the change happen.
Well they can forget it. Change is going to come.
Continue reading Busted! – The Taming Of The Cabal’s Lowlifes

Paris False Flag Eclipsed Disclosure on Saudi Arabia's Financing of 9/11 False Flag

Another strong  motivation for the Paris false flag shooting on Charlie Hebdo is to avoid attracting too much attention to US Sen. Graham’s speech regarding Saudi Arabia’s possible financial support being extended to the perpetrators of WTC 9/11 attack which plunged the world into the “war on terror”.
Both Saudi Arabia and Israel are in sync when it comes to sowing terror worldwide, from Al Qaeda to ISIS.
Continue reading Paris False Flag Eclipsed Disclosure on Saudi Arabia's Financing of 9/11 False Flag

FearMonger Alert: MI5 Head Warns of 'Mass Casualty' Terrorist Attacks

This is becoming more of a full-blown action-packed entertainment for me.
After the botched false flag “shooting of a cop”, and those at the Charlie HedgeHog office, they are now chasing the “terrorists” all over France…
In order to psychologically terrorize the public even more, no less than the MI5 Chief has sounded the alarm of  an impending mass casualty event and they, the government, could not help us. How irresponsible could this people be?
Well, shit on them.
Continue reading FearMonger Alert: MI5 Head Warns of 'Mass Casualty' Terrorist Attacks

Blair May Face War Crimes Charges « Liberal Democrat Peer

[Have you noticed the corporate logos at his back? More below…] Tony Blair may face war crimes charges arising from the findings of a public inquiry into the role Britain played in the 2003 Iraq war, the House of Lords has been informed.
Continue reading Blair May Face War Crimes Charges « Liberal Democrat Peer

Wipe Out Wall Street, the Detonator for World War

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Jan. 5—The maelstrom in the trans-Atlantic financial markets is gathering strength, sucking in more and more financial institutions, and threatening a systemic collapse, starting with the crash of the euro. The Greek elections, which are a harbinger of that nation leaving the euro, are still three weeks away, and the oil price appears to have no bottom. 2015 has begun with a bang.
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BRICS Nations Revive Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Dream

“We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked, and dejected with a lost opportunity. The tide in the affairs of men does not remain at flood — it ebbs. We may cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is adamant to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled RESIDUES of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words, ’Too late.’ There is an invisible book of life that faithfully records our vigilance or our neglect. Omar Khayyam is right: ’The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on.’ “We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent coannihilation.”

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Nicaragua Canal: 'Great Project of Physical and Human Transformation'

Dr. Telémaco Talavera, president of the Agrarian University of Nicaragua, and spokesman for the Nicaragua Great Inter-Oceanic Canal Commission, gave the following interview to Gerardo Castilleja, of EIR’s Mexico City Bureau, on Dec. 20, 2014. It has been translated from Spanish.
Continue reading Nicaragua Canal: 'Great Project of Physical and Human Transformation'

Magic Growth Numbers From U.S. Government

14:08 27.12.2014(updated 14:20 27.12.2014)
by Paul Craig Roberts

The financial media and Wall Street economists, by refusing to ask obvious questions, have left the American people unprepared for another drop in their living standards and ability to cope.
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The ECB Has Lost Control; Spiegel Asks for "Helicopter Money"

The capitalist system, no matter how they justify it being the cause of the present innovations, has reached its obsolescence. In fact, planned obsolescence is deeply embedded in it, i.e. the product must fail over time so that the cycle of demand and profit must never end.
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Mexico’s ‘first lady of death’ arrested for killing Mexican students in Iguala

This is one way of preserving the corporate structure in the event of a major political storm, i.e. sacrifice a lower ranking stooge.

Mexico’s ‘first lady of death’ arrested for killing Mexican students in Iguala

The wife of the Iguala mayor, who is accused of orchestrating the abduction and murder of 43 Mexican students last year, has been transferred to a federal jail.
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The US dollar is now backed by gold but the war criminals remain free

It is now clear that the internationally traded US dollar is backed by gold. The evidence for this is the fact that recently the dollar has changed in value against a basket currencies in a way that closely tracks how gold performed against these currencies.
Continue reading The US dollar is now backed by gold but the war criminals remain free


“I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry that do nothing but annihilate the population of this world.”

Dr. John Rengen Virapen, former Eli Lilly & Co executive who after 35 years of service decided to quit and speak out about Big Pharma’s method for profit and the benefit of symptomatic diseases that people live with for the duration of their lives.

Drake Interviewed Keenan re Collateral Accounts

As most of us may already know, Keenan was the first Westerner to ever entered the Indonesian bunkers successfully, and consequently, he was given boxes of golden bars supposedly for his efforts on the recovery of the Collateral Accounts.
Continue reading Drake Interviewed Keenan re Collateral Accounts

The Painful Facts

by Gordon Duff on January 1, 2015
The Hillary haters; who are they? Who do they work for and why are they so silent about their love of scumbucket Jeb Bush?
The worst possible thing that could happen to this planet is for Jeb Bush to end up in the White House.  We have more than significant evidence that the upcoming election is already over.  Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Michigan and New Mexico have voting systems in place with “hacks” at the ready, all to put Bush in the White House.
Continue reading The Painful Facts

Ebola: Made by Big Pharma & DOD, Injected by UN – Dr. Broderick

The scientist who pointed to evidence that Ebola was created by pharmaceutical corporations at the highest echelons of power was backed up by another expert- who says the outbreak coincides exactly with UN vaccine campaigns in the region.

Continue reading Ebola: Made by Big Pharma & DOD, Injected by UN – Dr. Broderick

Organized Crime Cabal: Root Cause of Global Terrorism

While others try to complicate the true face and nature of the enemy by injecting ET participation making them invulnerable, VT has simplified the villain into just a bunch of criminals organized into one global fraternity whose sole objective is terror and dominance.

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Learn the Tricks of the Trade and Set Yourself Free

When our parents filed for our Birth Certificate, each of us became a Corporation subject to Admiralty or Maritime Laws, now known as the Uniform Commercial Code [UCC], and had ceased to exist as humans.
The Birth Certificate has effectively rendered us all dead in the eyes of the Law.
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Mainstream Medicine Doesn’t Cure, said Doctors

We’ve been saying these things all  the time… Conventional Medicine doesn’t work, is dangerous and deadly, needlessly costly and outright useless!
mainstream medicine
Mainstream medicine is based on poison chemicals, profit oriented and outside the realm of Good Science. Clinical trials are either doctored, or deliberately ignored to suit a particular agenda. The government itself is not serving the people’s agenda but only those of the corporations.
Now, some doctors are beginning to say the same thing.
continue reading »

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Sony Hacked by A Disgruntled Employee, FBI Sticks with North Korea

Although the hacking of Sony turns out to be perpetrated by a disgruntled employee, there’s still a validity for the theory about a different scenario, i.e. Grassy Knoll 2.0 — the assassination of Barry Soetoro.
That’s because, up to this point, the FBI is still sticking into its own version, i.e. that the evidence it had gathered only points to North Korea as culprit.
Continue reading Sony Hacked by A Disgruntled Employee, FBI Sticks with North Korea

Indian Ocean Tsunami. Why did the Information Not Get Out?

by Michel Chossudovsky
December 26, 2004
One of the most destructive and powerful earthquakes in recorded history, more than a quarter of a million recorded deaths, local economies destroyed, the lives of entire communities shattered, and no serious investigation into the flaws of the global seismic warning system is contemplated.
Continue reading Indian Ocean Tsunami. Why did the Information Not Get Out?

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The Louvre Museum has 8.5 million visitors per year. This blog was viewed about 650,000 times in 2014. If it were an exhibit at the Louvre Museum, it would take about 28 days for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.
Thank you very much, Guys, for making 2014 a blast.

AirAsia Plot Warning Revealed 13 days Earlier

These are the initial information we got at this point…

ARVE Error: need id and provider

AirAsia QZ8501 predicted by FORUM POST 13 days in advance! Is this the end for us?

If this is is genuine, THANK GOD we have good people on the inside trying to save the world.

Continue reading AirAsia Plot Warning Revealed 13 days Earlier

Alfred Webre Leads Demolition Ops vs. Kevin Annett / ITCCS, Jean Haines vs. The Keenan Group

As we entered the last quarter of this year, big demolition jobs were launched against our sources of information regarding the ongoing move to dismantle the pyramid by striking the eye itself.
Continue reading Alfred Webre Leads Demolition Ops vs. Kevin Annett / ITCCS, Jean Haines vs. The Keenan Group

Operation Enduring Freedom Ended After 13 Years

After 13 years, NATO has finally delivered the package, i.e. it has declared mission accomplished in Afghanistan.
Enduring Freedom, as the whole operation is called, will be leaving a country that is now  “more stable and more prosperous than ever.”

“Together… we have lifted the Afghan people out of the darkness of despair and given them hope for the future,”

“Together… we have lifted the Afghan people out of the darkness of despair and given them hope for the future,” General John Campbell told NATO soldiers at the ceremony, as quoted by AFP. “You’ve made Afghanistan stronger and our countries safer,” he stated.
Continue reading Operation Enduring Freedom Ended After 13 Years

The Beginning of the End

This article appears in the December 19, 2014 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.


The Beginning of the End
of the Post-9/11 Era

[PDF version of this article]
The Dec. 12, 2014 LaRouche PAC weekly webcast marked the beginning of the end of the post-9/11 era. The publication, by Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), of the previously classified material on the Bush/Cheney Torture Program, opens the door to finally ridding the United States of the Bush family dynasty.
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THE INTERVIEW: A Prelude To Grassy Knoll 2.0

We’ve watched The Interview yesterday just to understand what the fuss is all about.
And just like “America – Imagine the World Without Her”, it lacks the depth and accuracy of the prevailing  geopolitical weather on the ground. Both films share the character of a typical propaganda that only mainstream brainwashed talking heads would subscribe on with.
With the economic embargo being imposed on North Korea, we don’t agree to the FBI’s assertion that it has the bandwidth capability to launch a cyber-attack on a technologically superior US-Japanese company. There certainly is no precedent for North Korea to have done an attack like this one in the past.
It looks like The Interview and the subsequent false flag hacking of Sony may be more than just to annoy North Korea.
Continue reading THE INTERVIEW: A Prelude To Grassy Knoll 2.0

Meet The Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysian Boeing MH-17

Normally, those pawns are to be eliminated later on after a questionable  covert mission is completed. It happened with the Seal Team who killed Osama Bin Laden again, more than 10 years later after the first death.
We, and Russia, are fortunate to have them alive and able to tell us the Truth about the events leading to the shooting down of Flight MH-17 on July 17, 2014.
Continue reading Meet The Pilot Who Shot Down Malaysian Boeing MH-17

10th Anniversary of Deadly Tsunami; U.S. Unacknowledged Culpability Lingers On

This planet is more than just 4 billion years old, and it’s already stable and not subject to “rough rides” in any way.
The whole system is self-regulating, so that natural disasters don’t just happen. They are all artificially induced.
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Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash [Updated]

Previously, Russian Pravda released a satellite photo indicating a jet is following and firing on a Boeing 777..
satellite image of mh-17 shooting
Previous to that image we also have a high resolution photo of the cockpit peppered with holes that could only come from a high powered machine gun fired in mid-air…
Continue reading Ukrainian Combat Jet Returned Without Missiles After MH17 Crash [Updated]

‘Reopen investigation into Westminster pedophile whistleblower deaths’ – MP

Published time: December 23, 2014 16:36
A Labour MP has demanded the government reopen an investigation into the suspicious deaths of two whistleblowers he believes were in possession of significant evidence relating to historic child sex abuse, which infiltrated the heart of Westminster.
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Global Intel Cowboys Unite to Bring Down Organized Crime Cabal

There is no single individual who knows the Whole Truth in great detail, but this article is articulate and detailed enough to give us an idea of how the Cabal have been doing it, i.e. keeping the entire world under its thumb for centuries.
In keeping with the Veterans Today character of not mentioning the Jesuits ever, this one is no exception. So, to have a complete picture it is highly recommended that the reader should download Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps.
We are also aware of the dialectic methods being used to localize the conflict, and effectively insulating the company and producers from the multitude of actors rendering the whole charade, so that in every article we should always remind ourselves to go beyond what is written, i.e. its intended purpose and who will benefit from it.
To some of us, we must understand that as one has rightfully put it, “There’s a method to the madness.”
And some of those methods are detailed here…
Continue reading Global Intel Cowboys Unite to Bring Down Organized Crime Cabal

Ukraine CB Lost $300,000 in gold, Gained Expensive Lead

Siding with the Nazis these days really has its share of “bad luck”. Ukraine Central Bank just found out it has no gold reserves anymore.
Adding to there woes is an airbase crew report that on July 17 three Ukrainian combat jets took off, and that one of them, an Su-25, was carrying air-to-air missiles.
“After a while only one jet [of the three] returned, which had had those missiles… It returned without the missiles. The pilot was very frightened,” the man said. The employee stressed that only the returned Su-25 had been equipped with air-to-air missiles, and said he was sure it was not air-to-ground missiles.
Continue reading Ukraine CB Lost $300,000 in gold, Gained Expensive Lead

Who Is Behind the Drive To Dismember Russia?

by an EIR Intelligence Team
[PDF version of this article]
Dec. 11—Contrary to the line in the orchestrated international media, the current increasing tensions between the NATO nations and Russia, have nothing to do with the “Ukraine conflict,” and the fact that Crimea has rejoined Russia. The conflict stems from the fact, openly identified by numerous Russian government spokesmen, as well as by certain British and U.S. war-party strategists, that the United States and NATO have adopted a policy of strategic confrontation against Russia, including “regime change,” which is intended to force the world’s second greatest nuclear power into subservience to the West. If this policy is not rejected in the West, it will be rejected by Russia, and therefore can only lead to a Third World War, a war of annihilation.
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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors