All posts by Geopolitics101

This Industry is Booming on North Korean Nuclear Threat

Bomb shelters are selling like hot cakes in Canada, and not surprisingly, in Japan, too. This started out when two of the biggest egocentrics on the planet are hyping out a nuclear war that would end all the problems they certainly were all a part of. Continue reading This Industry is Booming on North Korean Nuclear Threat

The Balangiga Bells Must Be Returned to Samar, Philippines

Prior to the Vietnam War in the 1960s, where some US war freaks are claiming they just abandoned and had not lost from, there was the war between the US and the Philippines, just as the local revolutionaries were winning their war against the 300-year colonization by the Spaniards, in the 1890s. Continue reading The Balangiga Bells Must Be Returned to Samar, Philippines

How Capitalist Central Banks Have Been Creating the Next Financial Crisis

As central bankers, finance ministers, and government policy makers head off to their annual gathering at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, this August, 24-26, 2017, the key topic is whether the leading central banks in North America and Europe will continue to raise interest rates this year. Continue reading How Capitalist Central Banks Have Been Creating the Next Financial Crisis

The End of the CIA's Illegal Program in Syria is a Major Victory

When the definitive history of the conflict in Syria is written, the role of the United States in funding, training, and arming rebel groups in clear violation of international law will by necessity comprise a major chapter. Continue reading The End of the CIA's Illegal Program in Syria is a Major Victory

Donald Trump is Keeping the Lid on Internal American Violence, Civil War | The Duran

If Donald Trump is removed from office, which many of his opponents are now talking about openly, America will see chaos like never before in the lifetime of any American in 2017. One doesn’t need to be on the Trump train to be on the peace train. Continue reading Donald Trump is Keeping the Lid on Internal American Violence, Civil War | The Duran

Imagine What Would Happen if China Decided to Impose Economic Sanctions on the USA?

In June, Washington threatened Beijing with a sanctions regime, in response to China’s increased bilateral commodity trade with North Korea. Initially, the US sanctions were not intended to be against the Chinese government: selected Chinese banks and trading companies involved in the financing of China-DPRK commodity trade would be potential targets of US reprisals. Continue reading Imagine What Would Happen if China Decided to Impose Economic Sanctions on the USA?

Geopolitical Tensions are Designed To Distract the Public from Economic Decline

Tracking geopolitical and fiscal developments over the past several years is a bit like watching a slow motion train wreck; you know exactly what the consequences of the events will be, you try to warn people as much as possible, but, ultimately, you cannot reverse the disaster. The disaster has for all intents and purposes already happened. What we are witnessing is the aftermath as a forgone conclusion. Continue reading Geopolitical Tensions are Designed To Distract the Public from Economic Decline

Spineless Trump Signs, then Complains about Congressional Sanctions vs. Russia, et al

Trump knows that the latest set of sanctions against Russia, et al, is useless, and may backfire at most, yet he still signed his name into it. That only proves that he is not the type of leader that the US war veterans were expecting him to be, and this singular event will characterize the entire administration for the whole 4-year term. Continue reading Spineless Trump Signs, then Complains about Congressional Sanctions vs. Russia, et al

The US Establishment Fully Outwitted Trump | Medvedev

The US establishment has fully outwitted Donald Trump and used his administration’s weakness to declare a fully-fledged economic war on Russia, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has said, adding, that the move leaves no doubt that bilateral ties will never improve. Continue reading The US Establishment Fully Outwitted Trump | Medvedev

Assumption of US Dominance Has ended; Imperial Decline is Looming

For spending too much on the military industrial complex, and in deliberately sowing conflicts worldwide by directly training and funding terrorist groups, in order to sustain the industry that only feeds on wars, the US economy has suffered immensely and has never recovered, since the 1960s. Continue reading Assumption of US Dominance Has ended; Imperial Decline is Looming

Intel Veterans' Forensic Analysis Proves Russia Hacking a Hoax

It may have taken this long, but our intelligence cowboys have proven what we have long believed that the so-called Russian hacking of the DNC campaign and the entire 2016 US presidential elections, was just a hoax. Continue reading Intel Veterans' Forensic Analysis Proves Russia Hacking a Hoax

The Deep State Coup that Must be Defeated Now

Unless you want a full blown nuclear exchange, the ongoing Deep State coup against the Trump administration must be done with, quickly. As the armies of China and Russia are at their tipping point already, as nothing good has come from the White House yet, inch by inch, the planet is moving closer to its own extinction — all because of the few losers that are still at large. Continue reading The Deep State Coup that Must be Defeated Now

John Kelly, Asserting Authority, Fires Anthony Scaramucci | NY TImes

WASHINGTON — John F. Kelly, President Trump’s new chief of staff, firmly asserted his authority on his first day in the White House on Monday, telling aides he will impose military discipline on a free-for-all West Wing, and he underscored his intent by firing Anthony Scaramucci, the bombastic communications director, 10 days after he was hired. Continue reading John Kelly, Asserting Authority, Fires Anthony Scaramucci | NY TImes

Russia Expelling 1000 US Diplomats in Response to New Deep State Congress Sanctions

For Vladimir Putin, the decapitation of Donald Trump in favor of the US Congress in terms of crafting better US foreign policies, is the last straw. Although, it did not merit the mainstream media’s coverage, Russia will be sending a thousand US diplomats home. Continue reading Russia Expelling 1000 US Diplomats in Response to New Deep State Congress Sanctions

Is the US Congress Engaged in A Controlled Demolition of the US?

When you have  nothing else to offer, offer nothing by playing the sanction card – this seems to be the formula that is persistently used by the Deep State-controlled US Congress. The problem is: the rest of the world can survive without depending on the US economy. If that’s the case, then why are the US legislators behaving in such a way, if not to destroy America itself? Continue reading Is the US Congress Engaged in A Controlled Demolition of the US?

Duterte Slams Oxford University & Intellectual Elitism this time

Realist Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who continues to exercise zero tolerance on international criticism, fires the first volley against the high flying Oxford academicians after they released their desktop research titled “Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organised Social Media Manipulation”, which looked at the strategies used by political parties and candidates in 28 different countries to spread their party messaging, and inflate social media engagement numbers. Continue reading Duterte Slams Oxford University & Intellectual Elitism this time

Baghdad Wants More of Russia in Iraq

It’s not Russia that is forcing itself into the Middle East, but the countries that have grown weary and are tired of serving vested, genocidal interests, at the cost of their losing sovereignty, resources and security. The Iraqi government is sending its Vice President Nouri al-Maliki to purposely make such a request. Continue reading Baghdad Wants More of Russia in Iraq

Another EU-US Financial Crash is Expected by Year End

There’s another round of economic recession in the West by year end, unless tangible and profound reforms are implemented. This is the grave warning that’s being repeated again by the Executive Intelligence Review. Continue reading Another EU-US Financial Crash is Expected by Year End

China backs joint energy development with Philippines in disputed sea | Reuters

In a sign that the US continues to lose control over Philippines’ foreign policy, “China’s foreign minister on Tuesday said he supported the idea of joint energy ventures with the Philippines in the disputed South China Sea. Continue reading China backs joint energy development with Philippines in disputed sea | Reuters

Turkey Sabotages US Raqqa Operation to Partition Syria

Although this is self-serving on the part of the Erdogan government, i.e. he was complaining about the US support on the Kurdish PYD and YPG, which he considers terrorist organizations just like the PKK inside Turkey, the Turkish government-controlled media disclosed a week ago that the United States has a total of 10 military outposts in Syria, and where their exact locations are. Continue reading Turkey Sabotages US Raqqa Operation to Partition Syria

US Special Ops Chief Confirm End of CIA Support of Anti-Assad Forces

Timber Sycamore is a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and supported by various Arab intelligence services, most notably that of Saudi Arabia, in order to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Continue reading US Special Ops Chief Confirm End of CIA Support of Anti-Assad Forces

CIA Terror Attack on Marawi to Undermine Duterte Unifies Christians and Muslims Instead

There has never been a time in Philippine history when the religious divide took the sidelines for the greater good, than when Marawi City was attacked by ISIS-Maute Terror Group, purposely to establish the first ISIS caliphate in SE Asia. The outcome is exactly the opposite of what has been desired by the perpetrators. Continue reading CIA Terror Attack on Marawi to Undermine Duterte Unifies Christians and Muslims Instead

Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat with Payments in Gold across Asia

Reuters reported, a week ago, that Russia’s Sberbank has begun trading in gold at the Shanghai exchange. This is both a retaliatory move against those who continue to wage an economic war through a broad, extended economic sanction against the federation, and as a long term measure against global terrorism, aka Khazarian Mafia. Continue reading Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat with Payments in Gold across Asia

Pedophiles Exposed as Untouchables

We were expecting that the Deep Swamp in DC will be cleansed through the filing of pedophilia cases. However, not one of the already identified pedophiles ended up in jail. It turns out that these high profile criminals will remain, and will stay for the rest of their privileged life, as untouchables due to the statute of limitations. Continue reading Pedophiles Exposed as Untouchables

Philippine Supreme Court Affirms Duterte's Martial Law in #MarawiClash

The Supreme Court of the Philippines did not disappoint the Filipinos today, as it affirms the proclamation of Martial Law in the southern island of Mindanao. Eleven justices voted to dismiss the petitions, and only 1 voted against Proclamation No. 216.
Three other justices voted to limit the area of coverage. The petitioners needed at least 8 votes to nullify the May 23 declaration.
On the other hand, the Duterte government has already allocated PHP 20 billion for the rehabilitation of Marawi. Here’s the latest update on the Philippine war against ISIS.

The US State Department funded 5th columnists are silenced for a while now that their lies are not working anymore.

Iraqi Armed Group Will Be Targeting US Commandos Soon, Here’s why…

The battle for the recovery of Mosul against ISIS is winding down, but Iraq is not happy with the US assistance it is receiving, and some segments of the Iraqi forces are now contemplating on attacking the US forces that are already there in Iraq.
Here’s why… Continue reading Iraqi Armed Group Will Be Targeting US Commandos Soon, Here’s why…

Why the West Will Not and Cannot Let Syria Live in Peace

For all those who have become awake and conscious or otherwise put; have escaped the western media pit of lies and brainwashing, the six year long resistance of the Syrian people in the face of the US Deep State and its terrorist proxy troops ISIS, Al Qaeda et al has been a deeply tragic but historically heroic inspiration to us all. Continue reading Why the West Will Not and Cannot Let Syria Live in Peace

Puppet of History: Panama’s Manuel Noriega

The late General Manuel Antonio Noriega has done more to demonstrate the bipolar nature of US foreign policy in the Americas than any single, historically anointed individual. In its tendency to veer between outraged morality and cynical cold steel Realpolitik, US foreign policy found in Noriega a thermometer of sorts, though the temperature readings were often confused. Continue reading Puppet of History: Panama’s Manuel Noriega