All posts by Geopolitics101

An Invitation to A Revolution – Lt Col Roy Potter

If you are an American and still believe in the wisdom of your nation’s founding fathers, this man thinks that the time to do something is now. Later, may be too late.
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Will the revolution finally come this autumn?

BRICS Finalizing EEU & the Silk Road Economic Belt Integration

As opposed to the regressive banksters’ EU and now TTP economic integrations, the BRICS led economic integration is based on mutual respect and mutual progress. This is the character that attracts progressive governments across Asia and Europe into the Eurasian Economic Union and the Silk Road Economic Belt.
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China and Russia’s Progressive Offensives Securing East Asia

Last year, Russia had to tackle mostly domestic issues as the Western offensives peaked with more economic sanctions and the false flag death of an opposition figure.
With the successful passage of the Minsk 2.0 Ceasefire Agreement, which up to now is still holding even if Poroshenko is regularly shelling Eastern Ukraine in an attempt to provoke another confrontation, Russia has virtually won each battle launched right on its doorsteps.
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Obama is Impeachable, Mentally Unfit; May Provoke War with Russia & China

People may have already lost count of how many presidential actions fall into the realm of impeachable offenses, but there is none clearer than the evidenced based Benghazi debacle wherein the Obama administration is caught lying on record to the people as to the real cause of the attack.
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Greece @ Breaking Point; Grexit Will Trigger ECB Demise

Three days ago, Greece interior ministry admitted it won’t have money to pay its June obligations to the IMF. A sizable $1.8 billion needed to be raised and from the looks of it, nobody in the EU is willing to kick the can one more time.
Continue reading Greece @ Breaking Point; Grexit Will Trigger ECB Demise

The battle for the planet earth continues with regime changes, nuclear threats, imminent financial collapse etc.

Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. Sometimes news seems to repeat itself. If this sounds repetitive it is repetitive. That is because many recent news events can be summarized in a few repeating patterns: Greece threatens to default, the Ukraine threatens to default, the US runs out of money again, there is another fake mass shooting event in the US (this time Waco), China and Japan say slightly different things about each other’s history then military pilots fly to obscure islands and wave the finger at each other, Shias, Sunnis, Jews and Western mercenaries pretending to be Muslim extremists do bad things or are victims of bad things, North Korea shoots off a missile, etc. etc.
Continue reading The battle for the planet earth continues with regime changes, nuclear threats, imminent financial collapse etc.

BRICS Trample U.S. in South America

ArgentinaIt started in April with a rash of deals between Argentina and Russia during President Cristina Kirchner’s visit to Moscow.
And it continues with a $53 billion investment bang as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visits Brazil during the first stop of yet another South American commercial offensive – complete with a sweet metaphor: Li riding on a made in China subway train that will ply a new metro line in Rio de Janeiro ahead of the 2016 Olympics.
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Outline of ‘Future of BRICS institutions’

 In the run-up to the 7th BRICS leaders Summit to be hosted by Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will attend an event in Moscow on Saturday to outline priorities for Russia within the group of five.

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AIIB Members Discuss Shareholding & Other Specifics

The $100 billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s 5th Chief Negotiators’ meeting has ended in Singapore on Friday.
Delegates and representatives from 57 countries which had joined the China-led Bank as founding members have discussed stake-holding, draft of articles and shares in the newly found lender.
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Playing With Fire: US Unleashes Hybrid 'Proto-War' Against China

Washington has unleashed a “proto-war” against China, using military, economic, and informational measures, in accordance with the “Brzezinski doctrine” and the “Wolfowitz doctrine,” Eric Sommer underscored.
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China and Taiwan Officials Meet in Former War Zone

Chinese and Taiwanese officials met on the on Saturday to discuss the development of bilateral ties.

China’s Taiwan affairs chief Zhang Zhijun met with Taiwan’s mainland China affairs chief Andrew Hsia to discuss ties on an island which was formerly a scene of battle between China and Taiwan.
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Japan Admits US Pressure Behind Anti-Russian Sanctions

Upon completing his visit to Tokyo, Duma speaker Sergey Naryshkin told reporters that Japanese politicians acknowledge that their country has joined the anti-Russian campaign under US pressure and understand the importance of future dialogue with Russia.
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Kazakhstan Unveils 'Singapore'-Like Government Reform Plan

Kazakhstan is one of the most proactive proponents of the New Silk Road mega-projects. It is a country that has the most stable political climate in the region, having just reelected for the 4th term its only president since the fall of the Soviet Union, Nursultan Nazarbayev.
He wins by a very wide margin of 97.7% to which he apologized. Unlike Macedonia, his country is not yet hypnotized by the likes of George Soros.
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U.S. has Launched a New Assault Against Russia

For those who have been following the US-Iran nuclear deal know how the White House policies could change in seconds. It seems the highest paid spokesman in the United States could not make up his mind even for a second.

‘Sponsor of terrorism’: Obama slams Iran months after saying it’s off terrorist list

Published time: May 13, 2015 14:36
Edited time: May 14, 2015 11:35
US President Barack Obama (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
US President Barack Obama (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

What this means is:

No one can trust the White House.

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Operation Hydrant: VIP Monsters’ Dragnet

Back in the days, Asia-Pacific natives were branded as uncivilized, unsophiscated and outright cannibals. Colored race were all considered inferior.
Yet, even within these most “advanced societies”, monsters of the worst kind walk the streets freely and some even gracing the halls of power.
Continue reading Operation Hydrant: VIP Monsters’ Dragnet

Settlement by 5 Big Banks Consistent With History of Fraud

The $5.7 billion settlement for rigging the already rigged fiat financial institution is just a slap on the wrist for the banksters. The amount will never serve future deterrence for corruption but could easily be considered as part of the cost of doing business.
The penalty is just a mere drop of the $300 trillion Libor bucket.
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Why Kerry Visited Putin After 70th V-Day?

It’s forgivable for Angela Merkel to skip the Russian 70th Victory Day; after all, his father Adolf was in the wrong side of the Second World War. But for the US and UK which benefited largely from Russia’s sacrifice costing 27  million lives, their absence is highly deplorable.
Continue reading Why Kerry Visited Putin After 70th V-Day?

Clinton Emails Reveal How West Had A Plan B for Gaddafi

Behind the scenes of 2011 Libya’s bombing campaign. Hillary Clinton’s close ally in his private emails to then Secretary of State have been leaked to the press. They reveal how the UK and France were struggling to get a larger piece of the Libyan cake. Britain is using intelligence to dictate the actions of both the Libyan rebels and the Gaddafi regime – one email said.
Continue reading Clinton Emails Reveal How West Had A Plan B for Gaddafi

The CIA and the Myths of the Bin Laden Raid

If you read the sketchy New York Times article on the Delta Force raid into Syria a few days ago — how an ISIS leader was killed when he “tried to engage” American commandos while his fighters used women and children as shields, and an 18-year-old slave was freed with no civilian casualties thanks to “very precise fire” you can be forgiven for thinking, “Haven’t I seen this movie before?”

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Judicial Watch Obtains Docs Showing Proof Of Benghazi Coverup

Judicial Watch has obtained proofs that the White House was monitoring CIA/Al Qaeda arms smuggling from Libya to Syria prior to Benghazi attacks that resulted to the rape and torture of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and other related deaths.
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Deutsche Bank Prepares Game Plan for ‘Brexit’

Previously, it was the European Central Bank [ECB] that’s in the news for allegedly preparing for a possible Greece exit from the Eurozone. Now, it’s Germany Deutsche Bank’s turn to hit the news for having explored the inevitable UK exit from the EU.
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Top Secret: Lawmakers Can Read TPP Draft in Secured Capitol Basement Room Only

Here’s the actual secure room where US representatives are able to read the 1,000+ page draft of the dreaded Trans Pacific Partnership…
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BRICS Global Bank Will Open Coffers by Year-End, Coinciding Jesuits' Debt Jubilee

As we have indicated in our previous article, “World Bank & U.S. Companies Ready to Cooperate with BRICS“, the Jesuits are planning to erase all persons’ debt starting December 8th of this year dubbed as the Holy Year of Mercy, a big PR stunt that is sure to lure the Sheeples once again into the caring arms of the Jesuit controlled Vatican Church, aka Roman Empire.
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