Category Archives: Geopolitics

Deep State ICC Back Pedals on Duterte, ICC Withdrawal Pushes Through

Sensing the gravity of the Philippine withdrawal from the International Criminal Court ICC, the body is sending a representative to “talk to Duterte.” What these stooges don’t understand is once Duterte made a decision, it is not just mere rhetoric. Continue reading Deep State ICC Back Pedals on Duterte, ICC Withdrawal Pushes Through

Putin’s Landslide Mandate Defeats Skripal False Flag

Russian President Vladimir Putin got an overwhelming vote in this year’s election. This is in spite of the desperate poisoning false flag using double agent Sergie Skripal by UK henchman Christopher Steele, the author of the “Russian Dossier” on Trump. Continue reading Putin’s Landslide Mandate Defeats Skripal False Flag

Unprecedented Trump and Kim Meeting on NK DeNuclearization Soon!

There is now talk about a North Korea-US dialogue on a possible peaceful resolution of the Korean conflict with the US. The NK leader is said to be committed to putting a stop on the series of nuclear testing, after a series of talks conducted between the two Koreas. Continue reading Unprecedented Trump and Kim Meeting on NK DeNuclearization Soon!

West Still in Shock after Putin’s Declaration of A Checkmate

Russia started the move for a checkmate when its military entered the Syrian theatre on September 30, 2015. It’s been 3 days now since Grandmaster Putin executed his Avant-garde speech to tell the West about its useless pursuit of military dominance all over the globe, but the latter is undoubtedly still in shock. Continue reading West Still in Shock after Putin’s Declaration of A Checkmate

CIA ISIS Terror Attempt Failed Again in the Philippines

As we have said many moons ago, there is now a very close coordination between the Eurasia, BRICS, and ASEAN intelligence communities against global terrorism. The phrase “global terrorism”, of course, refers to the rouge CIA, which consists of the Nazi remnants in collusion with the 13 ruthless bloodlines, one of which is running the Jesuit military and intelligence organization. Continue reading CIA ISIS Terror Attempt Failed Again in the Philippines

US Wants ISIS Sponsors to Rebuild Iraq

Like a local mafia that breaks car windows by night and repairs them by day, the United States has enlisted its Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) partners – namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates – to “rebuild” in Iraq in the wake of the defeated, self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) these same states sponsored.  Continue reading US Wants ISIS Sponsors to Rebuild Iraq

US Just Lost Asia to the BRICS

It was highly anticipated that the assumption of Moon Jae-in in South Korea last year, would usher in a different trajectory for Korean politics and in its relationship with Japan. True enough, the recent high-level diplomatic interaction between the two Koreas left the Deep State in further isolation. Continue reading US Just Lost Asia to the BRICS

The US and Israel’s New “Secret” Anti-Iran Plans

While Russia strives to move Syria on from a stage of war and bloody anarchy to one of peace, stability and reconstruction — by inviting all parties to next month’s Sochi conference to agree a roadmap including a new constitution and presidential and parliamentary elections – the US and Israel are drawing up plans to detonate the region and plunge it into new wars on the pretext of confronting the Iranian threat. Continue reading The US and Israel’s New “Secret” Anti-Iran Plans

British Empire Regime Change Ops in Iran Failed

The year-ender regime change operation in Iran has fizzled out. During the initial stages of the operation, the Western media portrayed it as a spontaneous, widespread protests with legitimate economic grievances. Later on, the same media cutthroats openly admitted to the US involvement by praising Trump for standing up to the Iranian regime. Continue reading British Empire Regime Change Ops in Iran Failed

Could Trump Presidency Prove to be a Godsend for the Palestinians?

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” –President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address. Continue reading Could Trump Presidency Prove to be a Godsend for the Palestinians?

Why Does Russia Want to Sell Arms to the Central African Republic?

Russia’s “military diplomacy” in the war-torn Central African Republic is designed to stabilize part of Africa’s “Failed State Belt” and set the stage for Moscow to eventually move its peacemaking efforts to the continent’s next cauldron of chaos in the neighboring Congo, all with the intent of reasserting its historic Great Power role in Africa and providing more strategic value to its relationship with China.   Continue reading Why Does Russia Want to Sell Arms to the Central African Republic?

In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans?

While the City of London and Wall Street are busy with one last-gasp effort to salvage their (unsalvageable) financial system, with an ECB bail-in plan designed to seize all financial assets for themselves—their earlier “Cyprus Template” writ large—Russia, China and allied nations are instead orchestrating a Grand Design for Middle East and world stabilization and peace, as suggested by what might be called a “Syria Template.” Continue reading In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans?

We are told to Prepare for Earthshaking Events Next Year

Unconfirmed rumors surfaced over the weekend that the CIA headquarters in Langley was raided by some elements of the US Marine Expeditionary Unit, but until today there’s no single video clip that would suggest it indeed happened. Nonetheless, we are being told to prepare for some earthshaking events for next year. Continue reading We are told to Prepare for Earthshaking Events Next Year

Chinese Ambassador Sets the Record Straight on Importance of Xi-Trump Meeting

Nov. 16, 2017 (EIRNS)—Chinese Ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai, obviously somewhat upset about the fake news coverage of the Xi-Trump summit in Beijing by the U.S. media, yesterday underlined the tremendous significance of the summit and the long-term implications for U.S.-China relations, speaking in Washington. Continue reading Chinese Ambassador Sets the Record Straight on Importance of Xi-Trump Meeting

No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore

Except for Kiev’s madman, no one wants to play with the United States anymore. Japan and South Korea, of course, have no other recourse but to accommodate the outgoing superpower for their own sake as well, or that of the corporate gangsters which have been put in charge of the industry by Western puppetmasters. Continue reading No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore

Trump’s Release of JFK Files Necessitates Another False Flag Event

The Trump government is allowing the release later this month of the JFK assassination files being marooned by the Bushes during their time in the White House. It would be a wakeup call for the mainstream non-conspiracy analysts.
US President Donald Trump says he will allow the release of classified documents relating to the assassination of President John F Kennedy, shot dead while visiting Dallas, Texas in 1963.

The documents were due to be disclosed by the National Archives later this month, however there were some media reports that Trump would not approve the publication of all of the files.
In a tweet sent early Saturday, Trump indicated he will allow the release, “subject to the receipt of further information”. It’s not clear what “further information” the president is referring to.
In 1992, then-US President George H. W. Bush signed into law the John F Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act, compelling the US National Archives to publish documents surrounding Kennedy’s death within 25 years.
However, there was a get-out clause in the act which stated public disclosure could be delayed if it threatened “military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations.”
A report by Politico Magazine, which cited Trump administration insiders, suggested the president could block some documents from seeing the light of day. A US government spokesperson reportedly told the magazine that the White House is working “to ensure the maximum amount of data can be released to the public”.

But the Deep State operatives are already hard at work in trying to prevent the problems which may arise from knowing the full story of the crime of the 20th century.
On top of the fundraising event that no less than the five living ex-presidents are in attendance, a more destructive event is already being scheduled.

Oklahoma City: Location of next False Flag?

By Ian Greenhalgh | October 20, 2017
It is well known that false flag events are usually carried out through the mechanism of organising a drill which is then suddenly turned ‘live’.
Such drills require crisis actors to play various roles, especially the ‘victims’ of the event.
Therefore, when we saw this advert calling for crisis actors for a ‘training event’ in Oklahoma City at the end of this month, our suspicions were raised:

Role-Player Registration: Oklahoma
Human Domain Solutions, LLC
Human Domain Solutions (HDS), LLC is now hiring ​Casualty Role Players (CRP)​ to participate in an Oklahoma Vigilant Guard training event October 30, 2017 thru November 2, 2017 at Warr Acres Fire Training Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ​This exercises will be an Oklahoma emergency response to a simulated incident involving contamination elements. CRPs will be moulaged (injury makeup and fake blood) to portray various physical and emotional injuries and conditions, and will go through medical triage, decontamination, and medical treatment several times during each day of the exercises. Arrival times will be early morning, and the exercises will run between 6-8 hours each day. CRPs will wear cut-away prop clothing and will be washed in decontamination lines to simulate the cleaning off of contamination substances.
This is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for these brave men and women of the National Guard. Those who have participated in past National Guard disaster preparedness exercises have found it very rewarding: you get to support this important state and community service–and get paid while doing so.
ELIGIBILITY:​ There is no security clearance requirement, so it is open to all, but criminal background checks and U.S. employment eligibility checks will be accomplished. All personnel must have appropriate ID and be without criminal background. IDs are scanned by security personnel and persons with felony convictions will not be allowed on site. Priority will be given to those with previous experience with role playing, acting, military, and/or first responder/disaster response experience. We also look for diversity amongst our CRPs, including gender, ethnicity, age, body type, disability, and foreign language ability – American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL) speakers are also highly desired. Due to a potentially strenuous decontamination process, and varying outside temperature, CRPs may not have a life-threatening or serious medical conditions.
Here is some information on the company behind this advert:
Human Domain Solutions, LLC
A Virginia based Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) and Certified HUBZone Company

HDS is a Virginia-based small business specializing in professional services, consulting, staffing, national security Role Playing, and training in the core areas of the Human Domain: Foreign Area Officer and Specialist (FAO) programs; Human-Derived Intelligence (HDI) (CI/HUMINT); Language, Region, and Culture (LRC); Security Assistance and Building Partnership Capacity (BPC); Disaster Preparedness and Response; and support to Special Operations Forces (SOF). HDS is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), and a Historically Underutilized Business (HUBZone). The HDS founder and Managing Director is Kurt M. Marisa, Colonel, USAF (ret.), a career intelligence and international affairs officer and recognized operational and academic expert in the areas of CI/HUMINT, FAO activities, LRC, Foreign Military Sales (FMS), and Foreign Materiel Acquisition (FMA). He is a Federal Language Consultant with the National Language Service Corps (NLSC). Since 2009, he has served as President of the Foreign Area Officer Association (FAOA)–the non-profit professional association for FAOs, Defense Attachés, and other DoD international affairs specialists–and publisher of The FAOA Journal of International Affairs.
Here is a powerpoint presentation explaining what Vigilant Guard is:

We have no further information on this event in Oklahoma City, it is our hope by publishing what we have, in order to raise awareness, that we are making a false flag event far less likely as people will be aware beforehand that something of that nature was going to take place and that makes it far harder to get away with lying to the public that it was a real event.


‘We gave you uranium, you repaid us by bombing Belgrade’ | Putin

When we talk about the Hillary Clinton and Russian company Uranium One transaction, we mostly meant to expose the hypocrisy behind the Deep State Democrat faction’s RussiaGate “election meddling.” It turns out, there’s something more. Continue reading ‘We gave you uranium, you repaid us by bombing Belgrade’ | Putin

The Role of Neoliberalism in Spain's Constitutional Crisis

With Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont stepping back from the brink in the midst of rising tensions in Spain over the region’s bid for independence, signing a declaration of independence but deciding to suspend its implementation, millions will have breathed a collective sigh of relief given the prospect of a severe response from Madrid. Continue reading The Role of Neoliberalism in Spain's Constitutional Crisis

You leave my country in 24 hours | Duterte told EU Ambassadors

After the Human Rights Watch Advocacy director John Fisher warned over the weekend that the Philippines might be removed from the UN Human Rights Council because Manila is “seeking to evade its international responsibilities” by rejecting recommendations to improve the human rights situation in the Philippines, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte unleashed an ultimatum for all EU ambassadors to leave the country. Continue reading You leave my country in 24 hours | Duterte told EU Ambassadors

Defense Against 'Deviance': What Is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps?

Tehran has reportedly indicated its response to the US designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) as a terrorist group will be “crushing” – but while it’s questionable whether the IRGC fits the definition of a terrorist group, the US’ history of terror designation suggests its requirements are vastly arbitrary. Continue reading Defense Against 'Deviance': What Is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps?

The Results of Saudi King's 1st Ever Visit to Russia Amid Turmoil in MidEast

The Saudi King’s first ever visit to Russia is already bearing fruit as Moscow and Riyadh have reached a number of agreements, including in the military-technical and energy fields. Sputnik spoke to experts about the significance of the political event. Continue reading The Results of Saudi King's 1st Ever Visit to Russia Amid Turmoil in MidEast

Saudi King Salman's Moscow visit could create new Middle East dynamic

King Salman of Saudi Arabia’s official visit to Moscow marks the end of a long animus between Russia and Riyadh. While many will welcome this new reality, some traditional allies of both parties could be concerned at the potential ramifications of detente. Continue reading Saudi King Salman's Moscow visit could create new Middle East dynamic

Saudi Arabia Divesting from Petrodollar to Nuclear Energy Based Economy

Nuclear power is making a debut in Saudi Arabia as it is entertaining bids for building 16 nuclear reactors over the next decade, at a projected cost of $60 billion. As everyone knows already, the fiat dollar derives its perceived value from the fact that OPEC cartel members, including Saudi Arabia, committed themselves to accepting only the dollar and nothing else. Continue reading Saudi Arabia Divesting from Petrodollar to Nuclear Energy Based Economy

SK President Moon Threatens to Destroy North Korea beyond Recovery

The South Korean President Moon Jae-in revealed his true color by threatening the North Koreans with “destruction beyond recovery,” in conjunction with allowing joint military drills with the United States. This latest statement will surely not bode well with the North Koreans especially with the latest UN sanctions against them. Continue reading SK President Moon Threatens to Destroy North Korea beyond Recovery

16th 9/11 Anniversary Celebrates the Neocons' Comeback to the White House

Yes, that’s essentially true. The neocons which brought the Americans into the endless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are back in the White House! This revelation comes from the former Trump strategist Steve Bannon himself.

“The Breitbart News executive chairman clashed in the White House with national security adviser H.R. McMaster, who represented the foreign policy views of the Bush foreign policy establishment. Bannon’s absence in the White House was almost immediately felt when Trump’s first speech without Bannon as his chief strategist, which was about increasing America’s involvement in Afghanistan, was heralded as a “classic neocon speech,” with some fanboys even saying that neocon Paul Wolfowitz is now president.”

In short, America is not only caught up in the age old Left and Right paradigm still, but the war criminals themselves, who were responsible for the deaths of at least 2,996 Americans when the World Trade Center towers were purposely brought down, have not been brought to justice yet.
More deaths due to cancer from toxic chemical exposure remain unacknowledged to this day.
A lot of those who voted for Trump are still expecting that he can do the job he set himself up during the campaign. But all of those rhetorics may just be for winning the 2016 election.
Another related Breitbart article says,

Bannon said his belief in how much economic nationalism can unite Americans of all races and backgrounds was why he told President Donald Trump that he thought he was going to win the election after the Access Hollywood tape was released. Some of Trump’s advisers thought he had no chance and even urged Trump to drop out of the race. The Breitbart News executive chairman, though, said he told Trump he had a “100%” chance to win the election if he just doubled down on the economic nationalist message.
“That’s why I told him, ‘Double down,’ every time [on the economic nationalism message],’ Bannon recalled. “And on that day that’s the first time and only time he ever got upset with me. He goes, ‘Come on, it’s not 100%.” I go, ‘It’s absolutely 100%.’ And I told him why. They don’t care [about locker-room talk].”
In the end, Bannon was right, as Trump shocked the world and the political elites on election night, as his economic nationalism message galvanized Americans who had not voted in presidential elections because they just got sick and tired of voting for candidates who only appealed to the 3.8%.

So, far all legal efforts to seek redress for 911 attacks have been shunted by the US authorities themselves.

“The Attorney General of New York, who had the ability and legal right to go and investigate — did nothing (to investigate the role of the US government in the attack.)” – Mike Berger, 9/11 Truth spokesman

Until the crowd realize that they are far more powerful than the rabble-rousers, they will never be free.

FBI Violated Diplomatic Norms by Raiding Russian SF Embassy

Over the weekend, FBI authorities raided the Russian Consulate in San Francisco, the “oldest and most established” Russian Consulate in the US, as a response to the 755 US diplomats that were kicked out from Russian soil due to the US imposition of sanctions against the Russians. Continue reading FBI Violated Diplomatic Norms by Raiding Russian SF Embassy

Bannon Falls, War Hawks Win the White House

It’s undeniable that Steve Bannon inspires nationalism to some degree, which led to White supremacists and neo-Nazis exploiting the Trump shaky administration for their own nefarious agenda. Complicating the situation is the hyperactive interference of the Deep State holdovers, and some new ones. Continue reading Bannon Falls, War Hawks Win the White House

Turkey is Showing Goodwill towards Syria, UK towards Al Nusra

In a sign that the moderate rebels being used to topple the Assad government are slowly running out of benefactors, Turkey has announced to cut off its support for Syrian opposition and is focusing more on its problem with the Kurds. Continue reading Turkey is Showing Goodwill towards Syria, UK towards Al Nusra

Geopolitical Tensions are Designed To Distract the Public from Economic Decline

Tracking geopolitical and fiscal developments over the past several years is a bit like watching a slow motion train wreck; you know exactly what the consequences of the events will be, you try to warn people as much as possible, but, ultimately, you cannot reverse the disaster. The disaster has for all intents and purposes already happened. What we are witnessing is the aftermath as a forgone conclusion. Continue reading Geopolitical Tensions are Designed To Distract the Public from Economic Decline

Intel Veterans' Forensic Analysis Proves Russia Hacking a Hoax

It may have taken this long, but our intelligence cowboys have proven what we have long believed that the so-called Russian hacking of the DNC campaign and the entire 2016 US presidential elections, was just a hoax. Continue reading Intel Veterans' Forensic Analysis Proves Russia Hacking a Hoax

Russia Expelling 1000 US Diplomats in Response to New Deep State Congress Sanctions

For Vladimir Putin, the decapitation of Donald Trump in favor of the US Congress in terms of crafting better US foreign policies, is the last straw. Although, it did not merit the mainstream media’s coverage, Russia will be sending a thousand US diplomats home. Continue reading Russia Expelling 1000 US Diplomats in Response to New Deep State Congress Sanctions

US Special Ops Chief Confirm End of CIA Support of Anti-Assad Forces

Timber Sycamore is a classified weapons supply and training program run by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and supported by various Arab intelligence services, most notably that of Saudi Arabia, in order to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Continue reading US Special Ops Chief Confirm End of CIA Support of Anti-Assad Forces

The Covert Hybrid WW3 Video Series

We are creating videos for the proper interpretation of the geopolitical and geo-economic events in the hope that when more people understand their true significance, they will be able to supplant the motives of those who are taking them for fools! Continue reading The Covert Hybrid WW3 Video Series

Crude, Blood, Turmoil: Story of US First 'Successful' Overseas Regime Change

Newly declassified CIA documents emphasize the agency’s significant role in the 1953 coup d’etat in Iran. While the CIA-led operation is still regarded by Washington as a “success,” it actually led to dire consequences for both Iran and America, RIA Novosti contributor Vladimir Ardayev wrote. Continue reading Crude, Blood, Turmoil: Story of US First 'Successful' Overseas Regime Change