All posts by Geopolitics101

Rothschild’s Greater Israel Plan is Effectively Defeated

On the eve of the complete recovery of Aleppo City, Rothschild puppet Obama issued a rather strange last minute attempt at saving the anti-Assad operation by granting a waiver for military restrictions on the nature of war materiel aid to US proxies, i.e. “moderate rebels” and Al-Nusra terror operatives.
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50,000 Civilians Evacuated from War-torn Aleppo; 200 US Special Ops Sent to Claim Victory

Over the past 48 hours, up to 50,000 people have been evacuated from East Aleppo, Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Major General Igor Konashenkov has reported.
“More than 20,000 residents left eastern Aleppo in the first part of Saturday, and 1,217 militants laid down their weapons,” Konashenkov said.
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There Will Be Swamp | Michael Krieger

Steve Mnuchin Confirms Treasury Secretary Nod
While I’m not a Dodd-Frank fan, it’s not because it was too harsh, but because it didn’t really do much of anything. It was the typical neoliberal bait and switch, designed to look tough for public consumption, while merely making tweaks around the edges of a financial system that requires systemic, paradigm level change.
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Trump Pledges End of Regime Change Wars with 300+ New Warships

The US president-elect Donald Trump promises to end all wars aimed at “regime change” on countries that the US “know nothing about.”
That’s one of those sure-selling campaign promises he had made, and it looks like he has no choice but to comply with it for now, with the Russian-led coalition’s victory in Aleppo City, Syria.
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Victory in Aleppo: 1000s of CIA Daesh Terrorists Surrender

With yesterday’s failure of Western Daesh benefactors to obtain another ceasefire in Syria that could have extended the “regime change” operations of the CIA and US State Department [here], the ISIS commanders on the ground have no other choice but to raise the white flag and avail themselves of the long standing Syrian government offer of amnesty and safe passage away from Aleppo City and neighboring areas.
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Western Daesh Benefactors Failed to Secure a U.N. Ceasefire in Aleppo

In response to the clamor for help by the various Daesh commanders on the ground in Eastern Aleppo, the allies of the UK, US and Germany filed a UN Security resolution aimed at establishing another ceasefire that would only pave the way for the regrouping of Daesh terrorists already suffering heavy casualties amidst in-fighting within their ranks.
Permanent members, Russia and China, vetoed the resolution.
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YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Microsoft Removing “extremist content” in 2017

At just about the same time that the mainstream media started crying foul about “fake news” websites responsible for the multiple defeats of their favorite politicians, and the US Congress passage of the House Bill 6393, otherwise known as anti-Russian propaganda,
… multiple web giants “YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft” are stepping up “efforts to remove extremist content from their websites by creating a common database.
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US House Bill 6393 Passed to Counter Russian “Fake News” & its “Repeaters”

They are really taking their defeats in Syria and in recent elections to heart, as the Russian media network, and others like it, are taking much of their audience around the globe.
Add to this are the independent bloggers who are widening the discussion about pertinent issues of the day, and in some cases even discovering new ones purposely left out by the mainstream media.
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CIA Daesh Terrorists in Aleppo Surrendering in 2 days

Lack of support and constant infighting among CIA-trained terrorists are plaguing the coalition tasked to depose Syrian President Assad.
No less than the terrorist commanders are threatening their sponsors that they would surrender in 2 days if no outside support is forthcoming.
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Western Intervention Unleashes the Worst in the Middle East

Western military operations in Iraq were based on the pretext that there was a government-imposed cruelty and weapons of mass destruction during Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq.
The self-righteous wanted to correct it for the betterment of the Iraqis and for making the world a safer place.
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I could sense a good rapport with Trump | Duterte

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte disclosed some of the things he talked about with US president-elect Donald Trump, last night.
Said conversation was said to be arranged by “Trump’s Philippine business partners and a core group of advisers, including his children.”
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90,000 East Aleppo Residents Saved from CIA Terrorists

About 600 CIA terrorists were pardoned and allowed to leave East Aleppo without arms. This is the only way the Russian-led coalition could save as many lives as possible, at leat 90,000 during this final battle to save Aleppo, and completely free the city from all mercenaries by the year end.
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Kerry Exerting Great Effort to Facilitate Escape of U.S. Terrorists from Syria

The Russian-led coalition operating in Syria is determined to defeat the CIA-US State Department terrorists, i.e. regime change proxies collectively branded as the Islamic State.
With the defeat of the US State Department candidate, Hillary Clinton, the same coalition decided to resume with their operations after a 28-day unilateral ceasefire was ignored, i.e. the US failed to separate their “moderate rebels” from their terror mercenaries.
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Putin Prepares for War, Medvedev Dedicates Himself to Science

To the deep consternation of the West, the Russian economy continues to grow amidst Western sanctions. Its scientific community and military sector continue to advance even after the massive plunders against the former Soviet Union.
Its agricultural sector, on the other hand, is poised to become the global superpower in terms of non-GMO food production.
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1.5 Million South Koreans Demand US Puppet Park Geun-hye to Step Down

This is probably the highest number of protestors ever demanding a leader to step down, in recent memory. An estimated 1.5 million hit the streets in the capital of South Korea to demand the resignation of the US puppet President Park Geun-hye.
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Madame President Le Pen: Europe’s Next Political Earthquake

When Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, most observers can admit that the US electorate have chosen the “lesser evil,” having the foresight that had it been the latter clinching the presidency, the world can rest assured there will be more conflict zones on this planet.
A similar event occurred in France when Nicolas Sarkozy was defeated by Francois Fillon, so they are saying. But a far better scenario could be forthcoming.
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Putin & Co. Continue to Defy Khazarian Threats

Only a few weeks ago, Vladimir Putin admitted that he’s too young to retire yet, and has recently expressed his unwavering opposition to any “attempts at disrupting the strategic balance around the world,” in what could be his and the Russian people’s continuing defiance to Khazarian threats worldwide.
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Duterte Withdrawing from Useless ICC, Joining Russia-China “New Order”

Being a recent recipient of the Western threat of ICC “crimes against humanity” investigation and trial for his war on narcopolitics, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is planning to withdraw from the International Criminal Court, of which recently Putin has signed Russia’s withdrawal from.
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Russia, 3rd Country to Pull Out From Int'l Criminal Court in 2 Months | Global Reset

The International Criminal Court has been used by real criminals to remove uncooperative leaders around the globe. Russia is leaving the fold. More African countries are leaving, too.
The Old World Order continues to crumble…
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Russia Launches Final Battle Against CIA Trained Terrorists in Aleppo

The Russian-led coalition battling ISIS in Syria just restarted their operations against the terrorists who opted not leave the area during the unilateral 28-day Russian ceasefire aimed at forcing the United States to separate the “moderate rebels” from Daesh extremists.
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Occult Forces Behind Trump Still Aiming to Continue their Rule

There are alliances of convenience between occult organizations that rule the planet from behind the scenes, and from time to time these alliances are shattered when those vested interests collide, or when fundamental common ground and contracts are breached for some reason, or another.
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EU Sourgraping, ASEAN Members are Singing Amidst Trump Emergence

Times are changing.
While some of the Western leaderships from both sides of the Atlantic are still shocked and still have to come to terms with the fact that an “unfriendly” Trump is coming to the White House, the leaderships in the ASEAN countries are singing about it, literally.
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Trump Wins, Clinton Concedes, Full Blown WW3 Averted?

Democrats are shocked, Trump supporters elated. They all believed they were fighting valiantly for the sake of freedom and democracy.
The new US President elect Donald Trump is not expected to be a wartime president. Trump supporters suggested that he will spearhead the economic revival of the United States by rechanneling its financial resources, what’s left of it anyway, for the reconstruction of the local industries and away from wars of aggression in the Middle East.
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US in Chaos Worse than Libya, Somalia | Iranian Military

The Zionists control the electoral system of the United States, on top of their complete assimilation of the big media networks.
With today’s recapitulation of the FBI under Comey, there’s no stopping to the Clinton Campaign from capturing the White House, sans punitive actions from the true patriots of the land.
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The Podesta Connection to Washington Deplorables

With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained a low profile, John Podesta is actually considered one of Washington’s biggest players, and one of the most powerful corporate lobbyists in the world.
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The US Presidential Election 2016 is Just Another Brick in The Wall

The US Presidential Election 2016 is revealing vested interests at every level.
During its early years, the American Republic served as the beacon of hope for all peoples who were tired of feudalism and monarchy. The concept of equality and freedom resonated loudly and passionately to the inner longings of industrious immigrants hoping to make it big in the Land of Milk and Honey.
That was a long time ago.
Continue reading The US Presidential Election 2016 is Just Another Brick in The Wall

Russian Ultimatum for U.S. to Separate "Moderate Rebels" from Terrorists Gains Combined Assault

It’s more than two weeks now since the Russian-led coalition declared a unilateral ceasefire in Aleppo to shut down the Western media and the United Nations from claiming that the Russian relentless bombings in Aleppo are causing human catastrophe.
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Obama Lost His Pivot in Asia and Keeps Losing Ground in Syria

The US establishment’s global trade projects are falling apart at the seams with Europeans and Asian nations seeking to establish closer ties with the BRICS bloc and to take part in the China-led New Silk Road and Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union’s initiatives, French journalist Karel Vereycken told Sputnik.
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Rigging the Rigged U.S. Elections… & A Counter- Coup?

We all know that all US presidential elections are rigged in favor of either Democrats, or the Republicans. But since the Council on Foreign Relations cannot decide exactly who among Clinton and Trump should be installed in the White House, the influence peddlers on the ground are having a good time playing for their favorites.
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Real-Life Horror in the Middle East as West Celebrates Halloween

For the last 16 days, the Russian Aerospace Forces have halted their operations over Aleppo to prove to the United Nations, and the world, that they are not keen on killing civilians in their efforts to recover the city from terrorists, as claimed by Western leaning institutions.
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Malaysia Pivots to BRICS; Soros Plans Color Revolutions in Southeast Asia

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak visits China, barely a week of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s week-long visit to China will start October 31. Will it mark a turning point for Malaysian foreign policy, similar to the one recently made by President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte?
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Why CIA Created the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines

The rise of Rodrigo Duterte is probably the biggest blow to the CIA’s grand plan in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia, because, not only is the incumbent president is in an all-out war with US imperialism for patriotism’s sake, i.e. for those Muslim patriots waging the longest Muslim war in history against the Western invaders,
He’s taking this as a personal battle against those who killed hundreds of innocent civilians in multiple bombings in his hometown city of Davao by a CIA operative disguising as a treasure hunter, i.e. Michael Terrence Meiring, who was spirited out from a hospital arrest by FBI operatives without the then Mayor Duterte’s prior consent.
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When CIA & NSA Workers Blow the Whistle, Congress Plays Deaf

Do the committees that oversee the vast U.S. spying apparatus take intelligence community whistleblowers seriously? Do they earnestly investigate reports of waste, fraud, abuse, professional negligence, or crimes against the Constitution reported by employees or contractors working for agencies like the CIA or NSA? For the last 20 years, the answer has been a resounding “no.”
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Pentagon Commandos Fighting vs. CIA Daesh Terrorists in Syria

It’s not a Hollywood movie. It’s still happening right now.
In what could be the most defining moment of the US government foreign policy, or more accurately, sheer stupidity, the Pentagon armed commandos operating with their allies in Syria are now shooting CIA trained and funded terrorists, and for what purpose?
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The Ongoing Philippine Revolution is Catching Fire

Asians learned a lot from its experience with Western intrusions over the last 300 years. They’ve been duped and swindled of their historical assets, not just once, but multiple of times during this period, and all recent clandestine attempts at subverting the ongoing BRICS Alliance-led global reformation for purposes of usurping again their growing geostrategic influence, have all been averted.
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China & Philippines Sign $24 Billion Deals; Russia Asks for DU30 Wish List

It is very obvious by now that the US State Department could not contain their being shocked at the tectonic shift of the Philippine government’s foreign policy, veering away from the United States for the first time in 70 years, and into its regional neighbor, China.
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Time to say goodbye, my friend | Duterte

“I announce my separation from the United States, both militarily and economically,” said Duterte, in front of the Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, and hundreds of Chinese and Filipino businessmen who were gathered during the Philippines-China Trade and Investment Forum in Beijing.
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Covert Hybrid WW3 Summary Oct2016

The Russian-led coalition assisting the Assad government in Syria has provided an 8-hour unilateral ceasefire to provide the trapped “moderate rebels” an opportunity to get out from a section of Aleppo. This is their way of separating those “moderate rebels” from Daesh hardliners, who are expected to stay and battle it out to the finish.
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