All posts by Geopolitics101

Zaur Dadayev Admits Guilt on Nemtsov's Death

Suspect confesses involvement in Nemtsov’s murder   2015-03-08
MOSCOW, March 8 (Xinhua) — One of the five suspects related to the murder of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov has pleaded guilty, a court in Moscow said Sunday.
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CNN's Amanpour Got Slapped Again, This Time by Nemtsov's Friend

Clearly, CNN’s Christiane Amanpour hasn’t learn her lesson yet.
Previously, this lady interviewed RT ‘s Anissa Naquai regarding Russia Today’s “obvious bias towards Kremlin”, to which the latter eloquently responded with CNN’s obvious bias towards warmongers. CNN subsequently resorted to self-censorship, omitting Anissa’s stellar response. That wasn’t the only CNN’s blunders over the last few years.
She thought that by interviewing someone very close to the murdered Boris Nemtsov, she can advance her husband’s agenda and that of the Corporation.
But all she got is the real sentiment of the Russian opposition that knows exactly what game the US is playing, and some insider information about the lady companion of the victim that night of his assassination.
Continue reading CNN's Amanpour Got Slapped Again, This Time by Nemtsov's Friend

Hear These Russian Warnings

Contrary to mainstream pundits, it is the United States, Inc. that is effectively being isolated by its own “exceptional” provocative pronouncements and covert actions at this point of the game.
Even the German mouthpiece Der Spiegel is accusing the US Hawks of trying to fast track a full blown proxy war with Russia to the detriment of the Europeans.
Continue reading Hear These Russian Warnings

Greek Government To Investigate Bailout

Sick minds are only capable of formulating destructive ideas producing bad results.
The financial trickery of creating wealth out of thin air, and ultimately through the sweat of the Common Man by forcing countries to suffocating cycles of debt has come from the sick notion that the world is really meant to be ruled by the few highly organized bloodlines.
Continue reading Greek Government To Investigate Bailout

4 Nemtsov Murder Suspects Detained; Killers Were Amateurs, Said Pro Hitman

Two suspects to the Nemtsov murder were recently detained and according to an incarcerated professional hitman, the killers were amateurs and their action may not be political in nature.
Continue reading 4 Nemtsov Murder Suspects Detained; Killers Were Amateurs, Said Pro Hitman

The Painful Disclosure on Eugenics

For the ordinary mortals in most of us, the reality of governments involved in deliberately reducing the population by any means at their disposal is simply unacceptable, they must plunge into the most common escape of all, i.e. self-denial.
Continue reading The Painful Disclosure on Eugenics

China Requests Expatriation of its Officials Smuggling Billions into U.S.

China is taking measures of recovering billions stolen by Cabalist Chinese who fled into the United States just before reformist Xi Jinping assumed power.
As part of the ongoing anti-corruption drive, all government officials are now required to tour China prisons as a form of deterrence.
All these unprecedented actions on top of the sacking of 39 lawmakers in just a span of two years.
Continue reading China Requests Expatriation of its Officials Smuggling Billions into U.S.

US Grows Russia Trade While Urging EU to Back Off

The head of the Russian State Duma’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Aleksey Pushkov announced that the United States is “making money” by increasing trade with Russia while telling Europe to stop doing business with the country.
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Germany Files War Crimes Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld et al

If President Obama won’t do it, someone else will. Thankfully, a human rights group in Berlin, The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, has begun the process of indicting members of the Bush Administration by filing criminal complaints against the architects of the Admin’s torture program.
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Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

by benjamin
March 2, 2015
There is a dangerous leadership vacuum at the highest levels of power inside the G7 nations as financial collapse looms. There will be economic collapse, mass starvation, anarchy and civil war unless the system is totally rebooted. On the flip side, if the system is rebooted, living standards in the world’s countries can be doubled within a year. The key is to free the nations of the world from Babylonian debt slavery. For those who do not understand this reality, check out this link:
Continue reading Confusion and chaos at highest levels of G7 governments as revolution begins

What Was the U.S. Role in the Slaughter of 44 Filipino Special Ops Police?

When regimes around the world decide to follow the whims of the United States, sooner or later something like this would happen…

Members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) carry a metal casket of one of the 42 of the 44 fallen colleagues, who were killed in ...
Members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) carry a metal casket of one of the 42 of the 44 fallen colleagues, who were killed in …
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Checkmated Kiev: First Cause of Boris Nemtsov's Death

When Kiev Troops where surrounded in Devaltsevo prior to the Minsk Peace Talks 2.0, it was very clear the breakaway republics were gaining the upperhand. Adding to Porky’s woes is the massive refusal to its recruitment campaign in western Ukraine. All the peace talks accomplished is to seal off the Cabalist agenda for knocking Putin down.
Continue reading Checkmated Kiev: First Cause of Boris Nemtsov's Death

Most Americans Are Slaves; Israel Asks U.S. $300mn for Missile Defense

During the time of the Marcos Dictatorship (1966-1986) we were mocked at as the “Sick Man in Asia” or “a country of 60 million cowards and one son of a bitch” by the Americans of those days.
We did revolt eventually in 1986, only to be hijacked by the Jesuit/CIA agents comprising the Council of Trent – Makati Business Club clique, the day after they appointed Corazon Aquino, widow of opposition leader Ninoy Aquino, to the presidency.
“Ninoy” Aquino was assassinated 3 years before, and US politicians  and mainstream media were blaming the Marcoses for his death. Assassination of opposition leaders is not new for the CIA.
The root cause of our problem, therefore, is not domestic but foreign.
So, what would you do when you start to realize you’re just a slave, and the very government that’s killing your countrymen through false flag operations like 9/11 WTC would ask for more military aid on top of the $100 billion your government have provided before?
Would you just stand idly by and do nothing?
Continue reading Most Americans Are Slaves; Israel Asks U.S. $300mn for Missile Defense

Venezuela Bans Bush & Cheney; Visas for U.S. Tourists

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced a new mandatory visa requirement for all Americans visiting the country. The leader also called to review and downsize the number of US embassy staff in Caracas.
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U.S. Quietly Snatches the Ukraine’s Gold Reserves

In an RT news article late last year, it said the Ukrainian Central Bank lost $300,000 in gold but gained very expensive lead. Maybe the Federal Reserve was just trying to help Poroshenko’s forces who were struggling for ammunition at the time.
All countries that were offered “democracy” by the US should have realized by now that everything, i.e. military and diplomatic assistance, extended to them were not for free.
Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, they were all selling their sovereignty for a pittance…
21st Century Wire says…
As the dust settles in Kiev, another money trail has been revealed…
According to reports out of Kiev (see links below), the US has quietly transfers 33 tons of Ukrainian gold out of the country and back to vaults in the US. Presumably, this sovereign wealth transfer would be counted as partial “collateral” for a fresh round of IMF, US FED, and ECB paper debt that is currently being organised for dumping into the Ukraine’s economic black hole.
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Who Killed Boris Nemtsov?

Two years ago, Putin himself expected something like this would happen.

Click on CC button for the subtitles.

Who Killed Boris Nemtsov?

by Moti Nissani on February 28, 2015
Summary: In all likelihood, the February 27 assassination of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov is part of the CIA’s campaign of discrediting Russian President Vladimir Putin and destablizing the nuclearly-armed Russian Federation.
Continue reading Who Killed Boris Nemtsov?

US Tries to Bully India Into Defense Cooperation

Attempts to break up the BRICS through military agreements and other “divide and conquer” methods may not work at this time.
Asia’s position is very clear: no more wars of aggression. New military installations at this time is unacceptable.
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Defense Firms Expect Increased Spending from Republicans

Despite campaign rhetoric promising a smaller government, defense contractors are confident that the new Republican congressional majority will boost spending on their industry.
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ex-Mossad Head Urges Israeli Voters to Oust Netanyahu

Meir Dagan says prime minister’s policies are ‘destructive to the future and security of Israel’
A former head of Israel’s foreign intelligence service Mossad is urging voters to oust Binyamin Netanyahu in the next general election, accusing the prime minister of endangering the country’s security with his stance on the Iranian nuclear programme.
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China Slams United States' Continuing Military Expansion

The military industrial complex continues to elicit the need for war, and  China has had enough of the US sustained antagonistic attitude over anybody threatening its “exceptional” status.
Chinese ambassador to Belgium Qu Xing takes on Zbigniew Brzezinski for US military expansionist attitude towards countries of co-equal status.
China is now officially with Russia as far the Ukrainian crisis is concern.
Continue reading China Slams United States' Continuing Military Expansion

Breaking! Russian Opposition Politician Shot Dead @ Front of Kremlin

It wouldn’t surprise us should this killing be blamed on Putin. Until recently, Putin enjoys at least 80% Russian population popularity. There simply is no motivation to eliminate political enemies at this time.
He should know. He comes from the intelligence community. And so far, all he’s done is being effective at his strategies in Ukraine, Syria and Crimea.
In deep contrast, the other side is so notorious for launching false flag operations when checkmated.
Well, the Minsk Peace Talks 2.0  was another checkmate for the CIA, right?
Continue reading Breaking! Russian Opposition Politician Shot Dead @ Front of Kremlin

The Military Industrial Complex On Fear Mongering Hyperdrive

Maybe some of you may have noticed it already. There seems to be a concerted effort to create an atmosphere of fear similar to that of the Cold War era, but with a far more sophisticated script yet still following the same dialectic formula that we should already be aware of.
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British Imperial Project in Ukraine

by an EIR Research Team
Nine years ago, the authors of this dossier published another one, under the title “Dick Cheney: Permanent Revolution/Permanent War.” The maniacal face of the then-Vice President of the United States looked out from the cover of EIR,[1] flanked by two early-20th-Century personalities: Leon Trotsky and Alexander Helphand Parvus. The doctrine of “permanent revolution,” we demonstrated, originally adopted by Trotsky from the less famous but very influential British agent Parvus, had been reincarnated by Cheney’s neoconservative clique—not only because of the neocon war party’s own Trotskyist roots, but to serve the purpose of the modern British Empire, the globalized financial oligarchy, of fanning and manipulating an array of geopolitical conflicts to destabilize any existing or potential opposition. We warned that the “permanent revolution/permanent war” arsenal includes detonators for world war, as was the case 100 years before.
Continue reading British Imperial Project in Ukraine

BRICS to Create Own Parliamentary Assembly

The BRICS is planning to establish its own United Nations on top of the other alternative infrastructures it has already established, i.e. new development bank, SWIFT alternative, credit rating agency, for global wide redevelopment.
To start the process, a fair representation from member nation states comprising the multilateral policy making body must be established.
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Iraqi Army Downs 2 UK Planes Carrying Weapons for ISIL

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraq’s army has shot down two British planes as they were carrying weapons for the ISIL terrorists in Al-Anbar province, a senior lawmaker disclosed on Monday.
“The Iraqi Parliament’s National Security and Defense Committee has access to the photos of both planes that are British and have crashed while they were carrying weapons for the ISIL,” Head of the committee Hakem al-Zameli said, according to a Monday report of the Arabic-language information center of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq.
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CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain

by benjamin, February 24, 2015
The lunar year of the sheep went out with a bang last week with an unprecedented Pentagon move to put CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia under lockdown. The raid on the CIA was, “among other things” aimed at locating the three rogue nukes the Zionazis have threatened to explode in the Ukraine, Pentagon sources say. Furthermore, the nuclear weapon headed for Stanlingrad (now Volvograd) has been seized by the Russians, the sources say.
Continue reading CIA put under lockdown by Pentagon to stop nuclear terror but, cabal resistance pockets still remain

50 Shades of Greece

by Raúl Ilargi Meijer of The Automatic Earth
When it comes to the ongoing Greek question, I see a lot of people eagerly jump to conclusions, after the ‘debt deal’, that I don’t think are justified; certainly not yet. The overall conviction in the press seems to be that Syriza has given in on just about all fronts, and Germany and Dijsselbloem are the big winners.
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‘Unprecedented! White House breaking ranks with Israelis, saying they’re liars’

An American political commentator and activist says it is “unprecedented” that a US administration is “breaking ranks” with Israelis, telling them they are liars.  ​  
Mark Glenn, writer and co-founder of the Crescent and Cross Solidarity Movement, an interfaith forum dedicated to uniting Muslims and Christians against Zionists, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Thursday.
Continue reading ‘Unprecedented! White House breaking ranks with Israelis, saying they’re liars’

US Pays Out 'Peanuts' for Eco-Crime Committed in Philippines

The United States was required to pay just a paltry amount for an environmental crime and violation of the Philippines’ sovereignty. That’s what critics are saying of the U.S. payout to the Philippines as compensation for damages a U.S. Navy minesweeper caused to a World Heritage-listed coral reef two years ago. Continue reading US Pays Out 'Peanuts' for Eco-Crime Committed in Philippines

Israel Could Do A JFK on Obama

Since last year, the rift between Israel and the White House has become apparent with the latter calling the former “chickenshit”.
With the Republican dominated Congress, this rift has gotten worst with a congressional invitation to Netanyahu to continue justifying their mindless “war on terror” in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Obama has recently responded by leaking to the media the alleged 1980s report on the nuke violation Israel has committed which would disqualifies the latter from availing US military aid now amounting to at least $100 Billion.
Continue reading Israel Could Do A JFK on Obama

Weather Weapon Disclosure Has Begun

Mainstream discussion about weather weapons is starting with at least three themes.
First, the alleged CIA pan to explore the idea [as if they’re not using it already], and the possibility that Russia could be using it already causing abnormal weather patterns in the US.
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“A third of us made it, at most.” – Volodomyr

Those who were trapped at the cauldron in the town of Devaltsevo decided to pullout in the middle of the night, with headlights off. But just as soon as they departed, hellfire came down into their position. These soldiers were not covered on the peace negotiation as their miserable fate was denied even by Poroshenko himself.
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