All posts by Geopolitics101

BREAKING! Abandoned Kiev Troops at Devaltsevo Surrender en Masse

In his eagerness to receive IMF $16 Billion loan package, Poroshenko forgot the welfare of his soldiers trapped in Devaltsevo cauldron. Instead, he denied that such situation existed and afforded himself the illusion that he was not negotiating from the position of weakness.
Now, some of those trapped 7,000 Kiev troops are laying down their arms en masse.
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Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues

by benjamin
February 17, 2015
In the run up to the Lunar New Year this Thursday on February 19th, a major push against the cabal is continuing. This push has included a blockade of all trade from US West Coast ports, a lockdown of CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia and major military moves in the Middle East. Meanwhile, extreme turbulence, including nuclear explosions, is being engineered in the US, Europe and the Middle East by the Zionazi cabal as it struggles desperately to keep in power by finalizing a fascist coup d’etat. Continue reading Nukes in the Ukraine, lockdown at CIA, blockade of US West coast and more as takedown of cabal continues

West Must Learn to Live with Putin

The ex-MI6 Chief has advised the West to learn to accept the reality of Putin. This advice may have some wisdom in it.
A sizable majority of Russians don’t view Putin as the cause of its current economic “downturn”. Instead, they are fully aware why the West is resorting to economic sanctions, i.e. to pin their country down and force a regime change.
Continue reading West Must Learn to Live with Putin

Another Mainstream Medium is Caught Lying

German TV Channel in Trouble After Being Caught in Ukraine War Lie

The German federal television channel ZDF got into a bit of trouble recently after a citizens’ media monitoring group called them out over false reporting on the presence of Russian tanks in eastern Ukraine.
Continue reading Another Mainstream Medium is Caught Lying

NSA Spying Firmware is in Our Hard Disks

Firmware is a software, or digital instructions, embedded with any hardware components our computers are equipped with. From the motherboard to the storage media we use, there is a firmware in each of them, to function properly.
With the right equipment or an outright cooperation of the hardware manufacturers, they are all hackable.
Continue reading NSA Spying Firmware is in Our Hard Disks

Private Arms Dealers in Bed With UK Defence Ministry

The onslaught of revelations from the mainstream media has begun.
This time, the military industrial complex in Britain is being outed as being in bed with the Ministry of Defense. This would put into question all previous decisions related to its participation on the “war on terror” and the subsequent “Arab Spring”.
Continue reading Private Arms Dealers in Bed With UK Defence Ministry

Egypt Joins Anti-ISIS Coalition

After Putin’s state visit to Egypt more than a week ago, where he was received with a grandiose welcome, Egypt is now bombing Islamic State [ISIS] positions in Libya including its weapons depot.
Israel is actively air transporting weapons to and from Libya for ISIS use in Syria and Iraq.
Continue reading Egypt Joins Anti-ISIS Coalition

Obama Declassifies '80s Report on Israel's Nuke Violation

Israel has been violating American dignity by conducting false flag operations costing thousands of American lives both in USS Liberty and 9/11 WTC bombings.
For decades, Israel has been violating the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Laws, the compliance of which is required for US assistance to any country.
Continue reading Obama Declassifies '80s Report on Israel's Nuke Violation

CIA Langley On Lockdown

According to accounts from a McLean, Virginia resident, the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia are on lockdown for an unknown reason.

Photos provided to Breitbart News show the entrance from the road barred and police tape around the perimeter. Patrol cars were reportedly on hand as well. The local resident also stated that the rear entrance to the facility was also blocked.
Continue reading CIA Langley On Lockdown

Kiev Soldiers Trapped in Devaltsevo Abandoned by Poroshenko

This had happened before. Last year, Poroshenko abandoned his men at the frontlines and were forced to cross the border into Russia.
Probably, the only reason why Poroshenko signed the Minsk Peace Plan 2.0 was so he could avail of the $17.5 Billion IMF assistance for Ukraine.
Continue reading Kiev Soldiers Trapped in Devaltsevo Abandoned by Poroshenko

China's "Belt and Road" Initiatives Roll On

“Over 280 academics and experts from 30 countries have been invited to discuss proposals to build a “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”. The event is themed “collectively building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and creating a community of common destiny”.
Continue reading China's "Belt and Road" Initiatives Roll On

The Minsk peace deal: Farce or sellout?

Judging by the report on RT I conclude that the Ukraine peace deal worked out in Minsk by Putin, Merkel, Hollande, and Poroshenko has little chance of success.
As Washington is not a partner to the Minsk peace deal, how can there be peace when Washington has made policy decisions to escalate the conflict and to use the conflict as a proxy war between the US and Russia?
Continue reading The Minsk peace deal: Farce or sellout?

Will Minsk be another merry-go-round?

“What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living.” –John F. Kennedy
We have all been here before, on the eve of another ceasefire meeting where all past agreements were totally ignored by Kiev, who used them to buy time to bring in weapons, equipment and mercenaries to use in the next offensive. The West has been totally complicit in every step of this.
Continue reading Will Minsk be another merry-go-round?

Greek Anti-Austerity Protests Spreading Beyond Eurozone

This is just the beginning of the end for globalist bankers, and they know it.
Eurogroup and Greece negotiations will continue on Monday but already a sign is emerging that the whole world won’t be bowing down to the whims of the 1% anymore.
Continue reading Greek Anti-Austerity Protests Spreading Beyond Eurozone

Everybody's Happy After Minsk Talk 2.0 Except Poroshenko

As expected, the promised explosive presentation by Poroshenko didn’t make it to the screen. He came to the negotiation with nothing to bargain with. Worse, the BBC, in an attempt to redeem itself at this late hour, has finally aired the truth about the false flag shooting of policemen and Maidan protesters more than a year ago which was used by the West to justify its removal of Yanukovich from power. Continue reading Everybody's Happy After Minsk Talk 2.0 Except Poroshenko

Minsk Peace Talks 2.0: Will Poroshenko's Latest False Flag Works?
All eyes are set to the ongoing Minsk Peace Talks between countries dubbed as the “Normandy Four”, i.e. France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia. Theatrics?
Yes, they have it.
Bear in mind, these negotiations are done against the backdrop of continuing attacks against civilians in Donetsk and Donbass. The rebels do have the upper-hand as approximately 7,000  Kiev troops are being trapped near the village of Debaltsevo in Donbass.
Among those trapped are English-speaking mercenaries like the one captured in a video few days ago.
Also, while Donbass residents and relatives abroad are passionate about defending their homeland, Western Ukrainians are actively opposing mandatory conscription to Kiev’s armed forces. Poroshenko currently has standing ” shoot to kill” order for all deserters.
Prior to attending the Minsk, Poroshenko promised an explosive presentation.
1018119705The problem with Poroshenko’s plan is that, just like the passports he presented earlier, this missile amounts to nothing as it had been fired from their own launcher — a false flag operation.
Continue reading Minsk Peace Talks 2.0: Will Poroshenko's Latest False Flag Works?

Shock of March: Battle Plan vs. Norway & Saudi Arabia

This will fit nicely to Ben Fulford’s latest update this week…

Russian “Shock Of March” Battle Plan Targets Norway, Saudi Arabia

A truly grim Ministry of Defence (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today gives stark validity to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moving their Doomsday Clock to “3 minutes to midnight” on 30 January as it details what its authors label as a “Shock Of March” battle plan to simultaneously attack both Norway and Saudi Arabia while at the same time holding the European Union-United States at bay under threat of a massive nuclear attack.
Continue reading Shock of March: Battle Plan vs. Norway & Saudi Arabia

Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia

The defeat of the international Zionazi* crime cabal is now inevitable due to rapidly unfolding events around the world, most notably in the Middle East and the Ukraine. The arrest by Germany last week (as reported in this blog) of a US government official carrying billions of dollars in forged US $100 bills destined for the Ukraine has had enormous and ongoing repercussions.
Continue reading Zionazi defeat now inevitable, Pentagon to turn blind eye as Russia, Iran and Turkey take-out Saudi Arabia

Will Greece Be First in Europe To Join BRICS?

The newly elected Greek government remains defiant amid the scaremongering of European bankers led by Germany.
They are holding on to their campaign commitment of not accepting austerity-bearing loans, and they are demanding that Germany should pay for the economic damages it had inflicted on Greece during World War 2. These damages included interest-free bank loans and infrastructure damages it made against Greece.

Will Greece Be First in Europe
To Join the BRICS?

by Dean Andromidas
[PDF version of this article]
Feb. 2—The Greek people gave Syriza and the Independent Greeks an overwhelming mandate in the July 25 elections to say “ochi” (“no”) to their foreign oppressors. The performance of the new government, led by these two parties, in its first week in office, demonstrates that it is fulfilling expectations—much to the consternation of the Euro-fanatics bent on saving their dying financial system.
Continue reading Will Greece Be First in Europe To Join BRICS?

War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group

Germans have arrested Victoria Nuland’s assistant, who in addition, is an employee of Vanguard Corporation, with almost a billion of high quality fake dollars, printed by Vanguard Corporation. This employee (is a member of the State Department), and now, during his interrogations, he “put under bus” Vanguard Corporation with all of its companies and “putting under bus” Nuland, McCain, Kerry, Brennan and others…
Continue reading War in Ukraine was originated by Zionists of the State Department and Vanguard Group

Greek Municipality Removes EU Flag

Patras, Greece authorities have removed the flag of the European Union from the city’s town hall, citing locals’ ‘hatred’ toward the supranational organization.
Municipal authorities in the Greek city of Patras have removed the blue and gold flag of the European Union from the city’s town hall, citing the ‘hatred’ locals feel toward the political-economic union.
Continue reading Greek Municipality Removes EU Flag

BREAKING: Ukrainian Currency in Free Fall

Looks like the Cabalist Caprices could not be sustained anymore.
While ECB is gasping its last breath, Merkel and Hollande are meeting with their Russian counterparts discussing how to end the slaughter of Nazis in Ukraine, a senseless war they themselves started.
To make matters worse for these Nazis, it’s currency hrivnia is taking plunge as the Ukrainian Central Bank is tired of controlling its rate artificially.
Continue reading BREAKING: Ukrainian Currency in Free Fall

ECB Pulls The Trigger: Blocks Funding To Greece

Tyler Durden's picture

Just what the market had hoped would not happen…


What this means simply is that since Greek banks are now unable to pledge Greek bonds as collateral and fund themselves, and liquidity is about to evaporate, the ECB has effectively just given a green light for Greek bank runs, as suddenly it has removed, both mathematically but worse politically, a key support pillar from underneath the already bailed out Greek banking system, (or merely a negotiating move to let Greece see just what kind of chaos this will create ahead of the big D-Day on Feb 25th when ELA could be withdrawn).
Continue reading ECB Pulls The Trigger: Blocks Funding To Greece

Unacknowledged American Atrocities in the Philippines

There’s a part in our history that may cause discomfort to our friends in America, but it has to be discussed openly because we owe that much respect to our fallen countrymen who died defending our motherland.

“An error becomes a mistake only if we refuse to correct it.”

– Pres. John F. Kennedy

You will, as you read the privilege speech below, understand why this subject is brought up today.
Continue reading Unacknowledged American Atrocities in the Philippines

Sanders Exposes 18 CEOs With Trillions in Bailouts, Evaded Taxes, Outsourced Jobs

Sen. Bernie Sanders fired back at 80 CEOs who wrote a letter lecturing America about deficit reduction by released a report detailing how 18 of these CEOs have wrecked the economy by evading taxes and outsourcing jobs.

Continue reading Sanders Exposes 18 CEOs With Trillions in Bailouts, Evaded Taxes, Outsourced Jobs

Bite The Snakes Before They Bite You [Keenan]

February 5, 2015
Keenan Team | GroupK
Inmates No Longer Running The Asylum
Before getting into this preface, we would like to present a perspective that many may not have previously considered about Neil and his drive toward changing this upside down world we live in.
Continue reading Bite The Snakes Before They Bite You [Keenan]

The West in de facto civil war as cabal rule continues to collapse

Benjamin Fulford – February 2nd, 2015
Western civilization is now in a de facto state of civil war as cabal rule continues to collapse. It is a financial, information and military war being raged by factions that transcend national borders. And, it is coming to a climax.
Continue reading The West in de facto civil war as cabal rule continues to collapse

Why a future planning agency

By Benjamin Fulford
February 1, 2015
When I first came to Japan in 1980 I was amazed to see fish swimming in the rivers in downtown Tokyo. Japan of the 1980’s was by many standards the most advanced nation on earth. By 1985, after decades of sizzling economic growth, they had the highest per capita income on earth, the lowest gap between the rich and poor in any developed nation and a very healthy natural environment. They also were the greatest creditor nation on earth, having supplied cars, electronics and other goodies to the rest of the planet often in exchange for IOUs.
Continue reading Why a future planning agency

Declassified Government Documents Since 1996 – BlackVault

The links below are from the site which has been collating UFO matters and top secret government projects for years.
Continue reading Declassified Government Documents Since 1996 – BlackVault

Croatia Writes Off Debt of 60,000 Poorest Citizens

Of all countries hit by the ongoing financial crisis, it’s Croatia that is doing a first, i.e. write off its citizens’ debt, in cooperation with their creditors and its revenue department.
So if this solution is available all along then why would other countries not bailing out their citizens instead of the banks?
Why kill the real markets, i.e. the customers or the people, instead of sacrificing the corporations?
The only explanation is Agenda21, or the deliberate reduction of the global population through massive hunger.
Continue reading Croatia Writes Off Debt of 60,000 Poorest Citizens

Greece Just Killed the "Troika"


Original article:
“Nigel Farage commonly used “troika” to explain how the Greek government was run after the euro crisis in Greece. Farage pronounced “troika” as a derogatory term to refer to a “dictatorship” that is composed of a member of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, and European Commission that “flies into Athens Airport and tells what the Greeks can or can not do.” [Wikipedia] Greece, under the Syriza administration, is keeping its campaign promise of not taking any more bailout funds from the Union nor fully cooperating with it, effectively destroying the Union itself.
No less than Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem admitted this to be a fact.
Spaniards may be navigating g on the same track.
It is interesting to note that while Germany is threatening Greece about further “haircut”, or that the latter could be facing shortage of paper money soon, Russia is offering to bail Greece out should it decide to ask for it.
All of these mind-blowing events are happening within the first week only of Syriza Party”s hold on the Greek government.  Yanis Varoufakis, the new finance minister, is also a blogger.
Watch the BBC interview on Yanis Varoufakis, too.  It’s pretty clear the Cabal journalist is having a hard time.
Continue reading Greece Just Killed the "Troika"

Euro Free Falling; Draghi is Dragged with it

Only recently, Draghi announced its 1.5 Trillion Euro Fed like quantitative easing, bond buying spree, and yet it falls below the bankers’ expectations. In fact, Denmark is now hyper-enticing the bond market by offering a subsidy to those who would buy these toxic derivatives.
Continue reading Euro Free Falling; Draghi is Dragged with it

Greek Debt Restructuring Will Burst $100 Trillion Bond Bubble

Syriza’s rise to power in Greece spells the end of the Euro and the high probability of the $100 Trillion derivatives bubble to burst. This obviously is causing sleepless nights for the Cabal.
This is probably one of the reasons why New York City must be shut down in order to give the wolves in Wall Street plenty of time to regroup.
Continue reading Greek Debt Restructuring Will Burst $100 Trillion Bond Bubble

Susan O Comes From A Family Of Patriots

There’s no denying that everyone everywhere has to struggle on a daily basis in order to survive. How fortunate are those who are able to free their minds amidst the limits of the physical.
Although the Seers have predicted the people’s victory, but we are still at a time when the greatest war humanity has to fight is yet to be won. It is therefore incumbent upon all of us to do our part wherever and whenever possible.
How beautiful it would be if we are all committed to leave this world a lot better than we found it.
Continue reading Susan O Comes From A Family Of Patriots

US Puppet Regime Losing in Ukraine But Long-term Turmoil is Assured

Kiev military forces are suffering from demoralization and poor logistics, and its eventual defeat is just a matter of time. But it doesn’t mean that the West has not achieved its objectives.
Just like all other countries the Nazis have laid their fingers into, Ukraine will be in perpetual turmoil in the years to come.
There is a need to eliminate the Nazis, every single one of them.
Continue reading US Puppet Regime Losing in Ukraine But Long-term Turmoil is Assured