All posts by Geopolitics101

America’s Nuclear Command Meltdown [VT]

by  Gordon Duff,  VT Sr. Editor  …  with  New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow
The seven golden domes of St. Petersburg
[ Editor’s Note:  You just can’t make this stuff up folks.  Right wing email lists are being worked to spin the continued cleanup of the nuclear command, for the most obvious security reasons, as some sort of anti-military Obama’s revenge on the Air Force.
Left out of this charge is even a peep about where do the Joint Chiefs fit into the scenario. After all, they are running the investigation and making recommendations for these actions, with all of it going past General Dempsey’s desk before it gets to Obama’s.
Continue reading America’s Nuclear Command Meltdown [VT]

RT Anissa Naouai Delivers Knock Out Punch to CNN Christiane Amanpour

CNN just committed its biggest blunder: interviewing an RT anchor, and to escape from this one they resorted to censorship!
What a shame to the Canned News Network!
Update , 26nov2014:

CNN’s Amanpour show edits out criticism by visiting RT host

Published time: November 24, 2014 13:20
Edited time: November 24, 2014 13:54

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Banker Stabbed in Chest

Another banker bites the dust….

MassMutual Senior Vice President Found Dead, Stabbed In Chest In Apparent Homicide

Tyler Durden's picture

A week after stunned Tribeca woke up to news of a grizzly death in which a Citigroup managing director living on Greenwich Street was found dead in his bathtub with a slashed throat and the lack of a suicide weapon on the scene suggesting there was foul play involved, another banking executive was killed over the weekend, when 54-year-old Melissa Millian, a senior vice president at MassMutual, was found lying in a road in Simsbury, Connecticut, having been stabbed in the chest.
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Confirmations: Ebola is Curable; Accelerated Wound Healing Possible

We have two confirmations of healthcare wonders today.
One, is the confirmed successful use of ozone therapy for defeating Ebola infection.
The other is a recent disclosure of a technology to seal severe wounds within the first 15 seconds.
Continue reading Confirmations: Ebola is Curable; Accelerated Wound Healing Possible

US Defense Secretary Hagel Resigns

US Defense Sec. Hagel resigns over apparent disagreements with White House

Published time: November 24, 2014 14:23
Edited time: November 24, 2014 20:11
United States Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is stepping down from his post atop the Pentagon, the Obama-appointee said Monday from the White House.
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23 Nov, 2014 by
In my former coaching days, I learned the wisdom of concealing the vulnerabilities of my team. If I was being interviewed by the media about an upcoming game, I would never have revealed my vulnerabilities because to do would be moronic!
But, this is exactly what NSA Director, Admiral Mike Rogers, did three days ago when he was addressing lawmakers in full view of the media. He told Congress, the media, the American people and the Chinese that the Chinese have the ability to take down our power grid with an EMP attack and there is nothing we can do about it!


{THE REAL AMERICAN HISTORY NOT TAUGHT IN SCHOOLS ON THE 227th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIRST 4th Of July 1776} History of “BAR ASSOCIATIONS” The Crown Temple Secret Society of theThird Way Order by Rule of Mystery Babylon. The Templars of the Crown.
The governmental and judicial systems within the United States of America, at both federal and local state levels, is owned by the “Crown,” which is a private foreign power. Before jumping to conclusions about the Queen of England or the Royal Families of Britain owning the U.S.A. , this is a different “Crown” and is fully exposed and explained below. We are specifically referencing the established Templar Church, known for centuries by the world as the “Crown.” From this point on, we will also refer to the Crown as the Crown Temple or Crown Templar, all three being synonymous.

We Are Strong Because We are Right [Putin]

In the TASS special project Top Officials, Vladimir Putin talks about healthy lifestyle, the “fifth column” and oil prices “plot” and argues with Russian philosopher Nikolay Berdyayev
On health, wrong statement and the other side of the coin
– What’s your health status now, Vladimir Vladimirovich?
– All worries are in foes’ dreams!
– The foes are making hints…
– Really? It’s the first time I hear about it. What are they saying? Just fantasying?
Continue reading We Are Strong Because We are Right [Putin]

What CNN Isn’t Saying About Thailand’s “Hunger Games” Protest

Canned News Network [CNN] has made it a mantra to tell the world what it “needed” to hear, and not tell what had actually happened.

What CNN Isn’t Saying About Thailand’s “Hunger Games” Protest

Protesters from same mob that burned downtown theater to ground in 2010 barred from using nearby theater as protest venue. Movie is still playing nationwide.

Continue reading What CNN Isn’t Saying About Thailand’s “Hunger Games” Protest

Netherlands Has Secretly Withdrawn 122 tons Gold from NY Fed

Everybody is moving towards gold based currencies, as “predicted”.
The Swiss are having referendum  for gold based economy [here]. Last2  years or so, it was Germany that announced gold repatriation from the Federal Reserve, although, it would seem they have not changed their minds  yet
Little did we know that the Dutch were secretly moving back their gold bullion from the NY Fed, too.
Continue reading Netherlands Has Secretly Withdrawn 122 tons Gold from NY Fed

1-Year Sentence for Crashing the Iceland Economy

Another slap on a banker’s wrist for contributing to the destruction of the entire economy…

Iceland Sentences Banker Involved In 2008 Crash to Jail

One year sentence is quickly reduced to three months as banker to decide if he will appeal

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Spy Files 4.0

One of those who stand up to the system, even at an early age, is Julian Assange.
Others would connect him to the CIA to malign his reputation, but we can look at where he is today, and conclude that CIA agents are mostly spending their most valuable time with ISIL rather than holed themselves up in a virtual prison cell like the Ecuadorian embassy.
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Tiny Homes for the Homeless, an Occupy Madison Project

Madison Wisconsin: In a city with a homeless population that has risen by 7 percent over the last four years to about 3,370, Occupy Madison organizers decided to tell their local leaders to “put up or shut up” and developed a non profit organization Occupy Madison Inc. In June 2013 OM Build was born and Tiny Homes was decided on as a solution.
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Switzerland May Give Every Citizen $2,600 a Month

November 13, 2013 // 06:45 PM CET
Update: According to ​the folks behind the Basic Income campaign, Switzerland’s government will start discussing the proposal in spring 2015, with the public vote likely to take place by fall 2016.
Switzerland could soon be the world’s first national case study in basic income. Instead of providing a traditional social net—unemployment payments, food stamps, or housing credits—the government would pay every citizen a fixed stipend.
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We Murdered Michael Jackson [Federal Agent]

Michael was a huge part of the global resistance. He, like all other artists before him, was murdered for his active drive to inform the people about the existence of a corrupt organization controlling governments worldwide.

ARVE Error: need id and provider
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Financial Eyes on Switzerland Ahead of Gold Vote

Citigroup banker found dead with throat slit in swanky apartment

Abe’s Humiliation in Beijing

For decades, Sino-Japanese relations were conducted under the principle of “separating politics and economics” (seikei bunri). In fact, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s 2006 book Utsukushii Kuni e [Towards a Beautiful Country], which embodied his grand vision for Japan during his first prime ministership, referred explicitly to Japan’s bifurcated policy of seikei bunri as the guiding principle of the Japan-China relationship.
All that changed in September 2010 when the Japan Coast Guard arrested a Chinese fishing boat captain and detained his ship in the waters off Kubajima in the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands, which inflamed both sides of the territorial dispute between the two nations. It was followed two years later by the Noda government’s purchase of the islands from their private owner and their subsequent nationalization, which further infuriated the Chinese. Cementing hostilities was Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine in December 2013.
Continue reading Abe’s Humiliation in Beijing

Large Deposits at Banks are No Longer Money

Here’s the inconvenient details about the new G20 directive for those who have big deposits in their favorite banks.

Russell Napier Declares November 16, 2014 The Day Money Dies

Tyler Durden's picture

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China opens up $4.2tn stock market to world via Hong Kong

Published time: November 17, 2014 15:17

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. Chairman Chow Chung-kong (L) and Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying smile after hitting a gong during the launch ceremony of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect in Hong Kong November 17, 2014.(Reuters / Bobby Yip)
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. Chairman Chow Chung-kong (L) and Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying smile after hitting a gong during the launch ceremony of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect in Hong Kong November 17, 2014.(Reuters / Bobby Yip)

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Tell the Senate to Honor the Treaties and vote NO to the KXL Pipeline!

Honor our treaties
Twitterstorm will be held Monday night, November 17, 2014, 8 p.m.-10 p.m. – EST.
LAWTON, OKLAHOMA – On Tuesday, November 18th, the Senate will be voting on a bill that will bypass the normal process and fast track approval of the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline. Since its proposal, the TransCanada XL Pipeline has been met with fierce opposition from Indigenous nations along the proposed pipeline route and with good reason. The KXL pipeline is a threat to our natural resources, to the well-being of our people, to our sacred sites, and to the future of this planet. With the renewed fervor to mandate approval of the KXL pipeline by the politicians who stand to profit from their investments and partnerships with the gas/oil industry, it is of the utmost importance that we continue to make our presence known and our voices heard.
Continue reading Tell the Senate to Honor the Treaties and vote NO to the KXL Pipeline!

The Evidence That Forced Pope Benedict to Resign is Now Available

pope jailGlobal Communique from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS): November 15, 2014
Documentation of Genocide and Child Murder in Canada – Issued from the court record of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels (Case Docket No. 02252013, The People v. Joseph Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor et al)
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The Real Reason Why West Wants to Own Iran

It’s not about the persistent desire for nuclear capabilities. It is about its rich resources that Iran must be acquired at all cost.
There a lot of reasons why the Iranian government must be put under their control. First, Iranians have been executing bankers for fraud. Second it is always defying pointed instructions from the  West. Third, Iran is embarking on a knowledge-based economy, and fourth, it’s sustained implementation of its “economy of resistance” against the wolves of the banking industry.
Continue reading The Real Reason Why West Wants to Own Iran

UK police probe child-killing by pedophile ring in govt

Scotland Yard has launched an investigation into claims that a child was killed by a pedophile ring with high-level connections to the British government.

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Pravda Releases Sat Image of Ukrainian Plane Shooting Flight MH-17

An alleged satellite photo of a Ukrainian fighter plane shooting down the Malaysian flight MH-17 has been released through the Russian media.
This image explains why the ill-fated plane’s cockpit were decorated with holes as can be seen at the crash site.
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Canada Cabinet Minister Denis Lebel Identified in Jesuit Child Sacrifice Ritual

ExopoliticsTV publishes Canadian Harper Minister Denis Lebel secret Rome child sacrifice video after anonymous “defamation” complaint leads You Tube to disable viral video in Canada only

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Is China's Rise to Economic Power Sanctioned by Cabalists?

Having the biggest economy in terms of industrial export earnings, currency reserves, treasury bonds, not to mention the Collateral Accounts which it has the lion share, China has officially assumes leadership on global economy today.
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Afghanistan Shocked Wall Street by Jailing 2 Bankers, Freezing Karzai Brother's Assets

Who would expect that a US military controlled territory would jail bankers including an ex-president’s brother?
Previously, Iran executed by hanging a billionaire and three others who were responsible for @2.6Billion bank scam [here], and 2 received life sentences and 25 others received 25 years in prison.
In comparison, the United States has jailed just one banker for PR’s sake.
Continue reading Afghanistan Shocked Wall Street by Jailing 2 Bankers, Freezing Karzai Brother's Assets

The Critical Mass Has Been Achieved

In the ‘70s, my older folks used to discuss about the reality of occult organizations and that includes extraterrestrial entities that have visited this planet for thousands of years. I was too young then but I already understood the “plausibility” of their understanding on these subjects. But I never really have my own confirmations until 1990s, when I began to dig deeper into the subject. From there, the journey towards what I hesitantly would call my enlightenment never stops, and I don’t believe that is exclusive.
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Israel: Prime Suspect for Five Syrian Nuclear Engineers' Murder

Israel Blamed For Five Nuclear Engineers Murdered In Syria

John Vibes
November 12, 2014
(TheAntiMediaThis week, five nuclear engineers were killed just outside of Damascus in Syria. Four of the engineers were Syrian and one of them was Iranian.
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The Hunt for The Duqu Virus

The Digital Hunt for Duqu, a Dangerous and Cunning U.S.-Israeli Spy Virus

By Kim Zetter
Boldizsár Bencsáth took a bite from his sandwich and stared at his computer screen. The software he was trying to install on his machine was taking forever to load, and he still had a dozen things to do before the Fall 2011 semester began at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where he taught computer science. Despite the long to-do list, however, he was feeling happy and relaxed. It was the first day of September and was one of those perfect, late-summer afternoons when the warm air and clear skies made you forget that cold autumn weather was lurking around the corner.
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#Shawlgate & Star Trekking Highlighted the APEC Summit 2014

On top of all signed multi-billion dollar trade agreements, leaders from APEC member countries were caught in their more human side and as expected, both sides of the media were feasting on them.
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Is There Room for the US in China’s 'Asia-Pacific Dream'?

China’s “Asia-Pacific Dream” involves a region led by Beijing, not Washington.

China's 'Marshall Plan' Is Much More

China’s ‘one belt, one road’ initiative is no Marshall plan — it’s far more ambitious.

The $9 Billion Witness: JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare

Meet the woman JPMorgan Chase paid one of the largest fines in American history to keep from talking

She tried to stay quiet, she really did. But after eight years of keeping a heavy secret, the day came when Alayne Fleischmann couldn’t take it anymore.
“It was like watching an old lady get mugged on the street,” she says. “I thought, ‘I can’t sit by any longer.'”
Continue reading The $9 Billion Witness: JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare

More Signs of The Empire Crumbling

Revolutions are everywhere. Be it at the national level or in every individual, there is that fire that wants to set the soul free from the bondage of systematic imperial control.
There is now a globalized movement for freedom aggressively clashing on with the Cabalists’ desire to preserve its imperialistic status.
Continue reading More Signs of The Empire Crumbling

Dying Senior Scientist Shares Truth About Area 51, ETs, UFOs, Anti-Gravity

There is a renewed attempt to force the US Congress for ET disclosure and the materials and witnesses coming forward are more than overwhelming.
Join the Twitter Storm for Disclosure and call your congressman today!

Dying Senior Scientist Shares Insider Truth About Area 51, Extraterrestrials, UFO’s & Anti-Gravity

October 26, 2014 by
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China Welcomes "Friends and Neighbors" from APEC with Fashion, Banquet and Firework

23:39:40 | Editor: yan

Chinese President Xi Jinping (4th R, front), his wife Peng Liyuan (3rd R, front), U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd R, front), Russian President Vladimir Putin (2nd L, front), Indonesian President Joko Widodo (R, front), Brunei’s Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah (L, front) and other participants and their spouses head for a welcome banquet of the 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing, capital of China, Nov. 10, 2014. (Xinhua/Lan Hongguang)
BEIJING, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) — In a dining hall that was once a swimming pool for Olympic champions and now resembles a traditional Chinese garden, leaders and celebrities from the Asia-Pacific were welcomed as “friends and neighbors” of China.
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Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR

Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’

State of the Nation
Why is the Anglo-American Axis so afraid of Putin and determined to bring him down?
No world leader has been so demonized by the West over the past decade as President Vladimir Putin of Russia has.
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The Ebola Breakout Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns

By Yoichi Shimatsu
The Ebola pandemic began in late February in the former French colony of Guinea while UN agencies were conducting nationwide vaccine campaigns for three other diseases in rural districts. The simultaneous eruptions of this filovirus virus in widely separated zones strongly suggests that the virulent Zaire ebola strain (ZEBOV) was deliberately introduced to test an antidote in secret trials on unsuspecting humans.
continue reading »

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Putin, Xi Jinping Sign Mega Gas Deal 2.0

President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping have signed a memorandum of understanding on the so-called “western” gas supplies route to China. The agreement paves the way for a contract that would make China the biggest consumer of Russian gas.
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