Category Archives: Brave New World

Join the Militia & Make Your Country Better

Have you noticed why street protests earned preference in the mainstream media and not the armed militia?
It’s because the entire establishment is afraid of the real equalizer, the real deterrence to a corrupt and tyrannical government that the founding fathers had the wisdom to enshrine into the very fundamental law of the Republic of the united States of America.
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From Exceptionalists to LaughingStocks, It’s Game Over!

IT’S OFFICIAL! US is willing to negotiate with the Syria without the Syrian president’s removal as an apparent precondition [here].
BREAKING!!!  Russian, US Defense Chiefs Agree to Restore Military-to-Military Contacts
Exceptionalism is the perception that a country, society, institution, movement, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary) in some way and thus does not need to conform to normal rules or general principles. – Wikipedia
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Chinese Hackers' Counter Attack on NYSE & United Airlines Confirmed

On July 9, Chinese hackers retaliated to the rumor-mongering induced Shanghai Stock Market crash amounting to $3.6 trillion loses in stock market values. We have covered this event live through this article. This counter-attack has just been acknowledged through the Bloomberg news portal, but with a significant fact twisting.
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America Running Out of Time; Oathkeepers Urge Preparation

While speaking at the New York Oath Keepers Awards Banquet, Founder and Director of Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes urges all Oath Keeper chapters across the country to hold an Emergency Summit by state, in order to prepare for an economic collapse.
‘Assume the worst’ and formulate support teams. Food storage the most crucial.
America running out of time.  Support teams urged.

Why Kerry Visited Putin After 70th V-Day?

It’s forgivable for Angela Merkel to skip the Russian 70th Victory Day; after all, his father Adolf was in the wrong side of the Second World War. But for the US and UK which benefited largely from Russia’s sacrifice costing 27  million lives, their absence is highly deplorable.
Continue reading Why Kerry Visited Putin After 70th V-Day?

Let it Bleed: Farewell to the United Kingdom

What has history said of eminence without honor, wealth without wisdom, power and possessions without principle? The answer is reiterated in the overthrow of the mightiest empires of ancient times. Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome! The four successive, universal powers of the past. What and where are they?

Orson F. Whitney

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The Three Wise Men Who Change the Rules of the Game

Just when the world was at the pinnacle of its own destruction, ruled through multilayer of secret doctrines by men with cloak and daggers, came three distinct individuals whose identities were quickly overshadowed by the sheer significance of their actions.
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The Ultimate Geopolitical Game Changer Is Here

The Eurasian economic and military integrations have never been accelerated this way before. The natural symbiotic abilities to supply one another in terms of resources and technologies have never been exploited and satisfied in the Eurasian sphere in this manner in ages. Yet, the Western push for endless destruction in the Middle East and at home have only made this one inevitable.
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Indonesia Lambasted the United Nations' Failure to Uphold Justice

In one of the harshest criticisms ever in decades, Indonesia did not mince words in lambasting the failure of the United Nations to promote peace, justice and harmony across nations on Earth. Its true nature of being just a geopolitical instrument aimed at strengthening the colonialist ideals of the West did not escape the Indonesian president’s mind.
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‘World’s Poorest President’ Explains Why We Should Kick Rich People Out Of Politics

José Mujica, the former President of Uruguay, is probably the only chief executive of a country who truly understood the folly of materialism and the whole concept of the monetary system.
There will never be like him in a very long time.
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Sovereign Groups and Militia Uprising Alarm US Cabal

Over the years we have learned how to correctly interpret mainstream news and government language.
So, when a report such as the one below came out from CNN dissecting a purported intelligence assessment made by DHS recently saying extremism is on the rise lumping the “rightest militia groups” with Israel-Saudi-CIA’s own ISIS terrorists in one category, this could mean that the US government is not taking the mushrooming internal dissent from the freedom movement ever so lightly.
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Walmart‘s 5-Store Wide Closures Fuel China Invasion & Jade Helm 15 Martial Law Speculations

We received an email last night asking what is happening over the Jade Helm 15 targeted areas where Walmart branches are being closed down without prior announcements, leaving contractual workers unemployed without severance benefits.
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Are you scared now?

The Cabal is admitting they are losing the information war, and they are blaming Russia for it. They forgot to mention that even inside the United States a huge number of alternative media websites have sprung up especially after the 9/11 WTC attack.
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Greeks Go Russian

We are on the eve of another historic talk of progress, this time between Greece and Russia, which should led the Greeks leaving the Eurozone as the latter is trying to sweeten the pie a bit more while the German government is maintaining its inflexible posturing.
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Proposal for world federation has now been passed on to key power centers

The White Dragon Society has proposed the creation of a world federation (not a fascist New World Order) in order to achieve permanent world peace and start a golden age of unprecedented progress and prosperity. The proposal was made, during ongoing secret negotiations, to the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese, the British Commonwealth and other power centers.
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Danish High Court Receives Scientific Evidence re WTC 9/11 Controlled Demolition

It looks like the Khazarian Mafia will be “prosecuted” successfully in all countries except in the United States itself.
First, there was Malaysia and then a UK man successfully won his case against BBC’s cover up on WTC Controlled Demolition false flag.
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Washington Blinks; Seeks Partnership With BRICS' World Bank

Don’t look now, but Washington just blinked.
As we’ve documented exhaustively over the past week, pressure has been building steadily for the US to strike some manner of conciliatory tone towards China with regard to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a China-led institution aimed at rivaling the US/Japan-backed ADB. Britain’s decision to join China in its new endeavor has prompted a number of Western nations to throw their support behind the bank ahead of the March 31 deadline for membership application.
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Russia Supersonic Bomber Heading Crimea; China On 5th Month of US T-bonds Dumping

Anti-Cabalist offensives continue to accelerate.
“Start killing Russians” rhetoric by Fox military analyst Robert H. Scales really pissed off Vlad; Russia’s top federal law enforcement agency has opened a criminal probe .
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Putin Orders Northern Fleet to Full Alert

Military exercises are an everyday business nowadays. But it doesn’t mean that these people are just playing games. The warmongers are beating the drums and NATO forces are marching towards the gates of Mother Russia.
The “resurrected” Putin is not taking things lightly.
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EU Bluff Against Greece and Russia Raises War Threat

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
[PDF version of this article]
March 6—The desperation move by European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi, to flood the Eurozone with €1.14 billion in so-called “quantitative easing,” while excluding Greece and Cyprus from this dubious bonanza, will doubly accelerate the inevitable collapse of the trans-Atlantic financial system. The simultaneous escalation of provocations against Russia by NATO maneuvers in the Black Sea and the forward basing of NATO troops and heavy equipment in the Baltic States, up to Russia’s borders, are directly related to the impending bankruptcy of the financial system.
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Major Events are Imminent; Get Ready, Avoid Panic

Last Monday’s Fulford update talked about a possible black swan event which is very positive. Others are speculating different scenarios which we all need to be prepared of.
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Wireless Power Successfully Tested in Japan

The method to transmit power wirelessly is just the same as the method to transmit data through WiFi or radio/TV broadcasts. You just need to raise transmission wattage to that same level they used for HAARP, 4 gigawatts.
Of course, we also need to install antennas in order to receive wireless power. It doesn’t matter how many people would connect their homes though the transmission, it won’t overload the system ever!
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Latin American Countries Unite Behind Venezuela vs. U.S.

United States continues to suffer from isolation. Every time it launches asymmetric offensive against its perceived enemies, the fallout comes just as hard.
The bully has lost the schoolyard.
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China Blasted U.S. Childish Paranoia Over its "World Bank"

Behavior such as this one is what’s delaying the global reforms that need to be implemented. Like we said earlier, Asia is very determined in establishing a planet of cooperation and peaceful coexistence.
It’s high time for the citizens of the West to remove the shenanigans controlling their governments.
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Global Currency Reset is Inevitable

Another question from our guests that we are going to address here is about the schedule for the Global Currency Reset.

Are you going to have any news on the RV if the Iraqui Dinar the Vietnamese Dong happens and how it affects the lives of the people and their countries when it finally  happens in both places ?
This is something I and others want to know about.
Thanks for an answer and your time !!!

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Greece Threatens to Seize German Property For Unpaid WW2 Reparations

The Greek Revolution continues…
For at least two times in a row, the new Greek government were folding their cards against the EuroGroup powerplay only to stage a very uncomfortable counter-offensive against the Nazis who cannot escape from their horrid past.
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We’ll Fight Back U.S Sanctions – Venezuela

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused the US of trying to “defeat” and “intervene in” his government, after Washington labeled Caracas a national security threat and implemented sanctions against seven of its officials.
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China's Mega International Payment System is Ready

The China International Payment System (CIPS) is due to kick off this year, bringing the yuan a step closer to becoming a global trading currency, as the new system will make payment transfers just as easy as in dollars and euro.
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Greek Government To Investigate Bailout

Sick minds are only capable of formulating destructive ideas producing bad results.
The financial trickery of creating wealth out of thin air, and ultimately through the sweat of the Common Man by forcing countries to suffocating cycles of debt has come from the sick notion that the world is really meant to be ruled by the few highly organized bloodlines.
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Venezuela Bans Bush & Cheney; Visas for U.S. Tourists

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced a new mandatory visa requirement for all Americans visiting the country. The leader also called to review and downsize the number of US embassy staff in Caracas.
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The Military Industrial Complex On Fear Mongering Hyperdrive

Maybe some of you may have noticed it already. There seems to be a concerted effort to create an atmosphere of fear similar to that of the Cold War era, but with a far more sophisticated script yet still following the same dialectic formula that we should already be aware of.
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West Must Learn to Live with Putin

The ex-MI6 Chief has advised the West to learn to accept the reality of Putin. This advice may have some wisdom in it.
A sizable majority of Russians don’t view Putin as the cause of its current economic “downturn”. Instead, they are fully aware why the West is resorting to economic sanctions, i.e. to pin their country down and force a regime change.
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Shock of March: Battle Plan vs. Norway & Saudi Arabia

This will fit nicely to Ben Fulford’s latest update this week…

Russian “Shock Of March” Battle Plan Targets Norway, Saudi Arabia

A truly grim Ministry of Defence (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today gives stark validity to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moving their Doomsday Clock to “3 minutes to midnight” on 30 January as it details what its authors label as a “Shock Of March” battle plan to simultaneously attack both Norway and Saudi Arabia while at the same time holding the European Union-United States at bay under threat of a massive nuclear attack.
Continue reading Shock of March: Battle Plan vs. Norway & Saudi Arabia